Til a:klin coukieu. riiAXKLiN couiunn. 'HP1- 9 7 I C m rank: lin hatx:3 or ADvrnTmua. Ai!rcrtimcntA will l incrtd at 1'UIJLIRIIED EVERY FllIDAY IN r Louiburg, N. C. - Geo, l Baker, Editor & Proprietor. Hates of Subscription In Advance. For one year, Fur hx months, For tl.rco : " u . (( $2,00 1.00 50 Church Directory. MRTrtODiST CnunCir. Rev. P. L. Keid, l'iiftor. fr-or vice every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7 . I. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7 I'. M. Communion service the Second .Sunday in each month at 11 A. M. Steward's meeting Monday night :ifler the', second babbath in each month. Sabbath School every Sabbath at 3 oVo-k P. M. Sr. Pauls Ei-iscorAL Church. IU-v. K. Dolloway, Kctor. - Services on the lirr-t ami third Sun- il:iv in t-.u-.h month, inorninir and hIItiioo-!. Holy Communion monthly on first Sunday.- Mimhy school every Sunday morn ini; at. 'J o'clock. . ouriei GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Prdprietor. TERMS: $2.00 per Annum. VOL. V. LOUiSBUKG, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST J8, 1876. NO. 10. tlit Fallowing rate per frnsre One Sjuare ono tunc 44 tiro u 4 a tlroe " . ' Funr " 14 three month Fourth olatnn one vcar Gov. IIciMii'iVrlcf-i Lottos orA(!M'i)tanee. Professiona Gards DAVIS & COOKE. ATTTSani COUNSELLORS alLAfl I;riS.UIiO I RANKLIN CO. KC, Will attend the Courts of Na?b, Frank -lip, (iianvillr, Wartcu,'ind YVaku'Coun t: s, uo t! Supremo Court cl North V.arol-.im und-the U. t$. Circuit and d'is nt C.'intp. N'.i. 7 tf w. h. spencer:.' ..ATTORNEY .A. T 3- A. W, OFFICE," s, Oil Xitsii Street, over Hawkins' JJtick Store. LOUiSBURS N. C. tralized (almost personal) imperial ism which has been practised must be done away, or the first princi ples of the republic will be lost.- Our financial system of' expe dients must be reformed. Gold and silver are the real standard of values, and our national currency will not be a perfect medium of ex change until it.shall be convertible at the pleasure of the holders. As I have heretofore said, bo one de sires a ret urn to specie payments more earnestly than I do; but I do noi believe that it will or can be readied in harmony with the inter ests of the people by artificial measures for the. contraction of the currency, any more than I believe that wealth or permanent prosperi ty can be drcatcd by an inflation of the currency. The laws of finance A 1 1 "I t . a cannot ue uisrcscarucu with im punity.. The financial policy of the Government, if, indeed, it deserves the name of policy at all, has bcCn in disregard of those laws, and therefore has disturbed commercial and business confidence, as well as hindered a return to specie pay ments. One-feature 'of that policy was the resumption clause of the Act of 1875, which.has embarrass ed the country by the anticipation of a corrpulsory resumption for which no preparation has been made; ana' without any assurance tiiat it would be practicable. The i:. V. I1UU.OCK JR. T. T. MITCHELL. Bullock & Mitchell, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, P It A N K L I N1 ON, N. C. Indiana poli s, J uly 24,1870. Gkstlkmen: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt TH' your communication, in. which you have foiinally notified me of my nomina tion "I )V the National Democratic Convention af. St. Louis, as their candidate fur the office "of Vice- President ot the United States. It is a nomination which I had neither expected nor desired: and yet I recognize and appreciate the high honor done. me by the Convention. The choice of such a body, pro nounced with such unusual unanimi ty, and accompanied with so gener ous an expression of esteem and con fidence ought to outweigh all mere ly personal desires and preferences of my own. It is with feeling, and 1 trust also from a deep sense of public duty, that I now accept the rionjifii'tion, ard 'Shall abide the jnilpruMit of my countrymen. It would have been impossible for; mo to accept the nomination if I could not heartily eudorsc the platform pf the Convention. I am gratified, therefore, to be able un equivocally to declare that I agree in the principles, approve the poli cies, and sympathize with the pur poses enunciated in the platform ; The. institutions ol our country have.been sorely tried by .the exi gencies of civil war, and, since the repeal of that clause is necessary peace, by a-' selfish and corrupt that the natural operation of finan management of public afiaiis, which cial laws may be restored, that the has shamed us before civilized, man-, -business of the country may. he rc kin;l. By unwise and partial legis- licved from its disturbing and de lation every industry' and interest pressing influence, and that arc of the 'people have been made to turn to specie payments', may be i - m in so far as they leave citizens of for- rur!tJ anJ prosperity in all depart- cign birth in any particular less secure menU of our government. I am, Ren in any country on earth than they tlamen your olKJUtent servant. would be if they had beer, bom on our own soil; and the iniquitous eoolio system which,' through the agency of wealthy companies, imports Chinese bondsmen, and establishes a species of slavery, and interferes with the just rewards of labor on our Pacific coast, should be utterly abolished. In the reform of cur civil service, I most heartily endorse the section of the platform which declares that the civil service ought not to be ".subject to change at every election," and that it ought nut to be made "the brief re ward of party zca'," hut ought to bo awarded for proved competency and held for fidelity in the public employ." I hope never again to sec the cruel and remorseless proscription for political opinions which lias disgraced the ad ministration of the last eight years.' Bad as the civil service now is, as all know, it has seme men of tried integ rity aud proved ability. Such men, and such men only, should be retained in office; but no man should be " re tained on any considcrataion who hos prostituted Ins office to the purposes of partisan utinvdation or compulsion-, or who has furnished money to corrupt the elections. This is done and has been done in hlmcf-t ccry comity of the land. It is a blight upon the mor als' of the country, and ought to be re formed. OUR SCHOOLS. Of sectional contention?, and in re spect to our common rcI ooI-,- I have TItOMAS A. IIEXDUICKS. To the Hon. Jonn A. McClcrnand, Chairman, and others of the Com mittee of the National Denocralic Convention. TI1E MEX WHO GO FOR HAYES. From the East Saginaw Courier. Bce8 Grant goes lor IIjcf. Babcock the bribe taker goes . for Hayes. Boss Shepherd goes for Haycp. Belkuap, the bribe taker, now under going trial, goes for Hajep. Lantlulet Williams goes tor Haycf. , Credit Mobilier Colfax goes for IIycs McKce, Avery, MrQ aire, Joyce and all the other whiskey thieve ,in state prisons and penitentiaries, -are for Hayes. ' Robert C. Schcnck, the , professor of draw poker and !i?p raced Minister to England, coe9 lor Hayes, Columbus Dctaso goes for II a jcf. All the corruptiof.ist in Fedtralof fir it.8 and all tbe dtTmudera of the Fed eral revenue go. for IIycs. o . hliiuiie, Hliimii;. BILLY SiliTH'S BLOOD HOUNDS. Everybody htr heard of Billy SnailD' blood hoandr, those with which be wag to hunt deserter; tut few know of their history. We bare at last found tie mar irom wtom tLey were purchated His name is Berke ley Cone A gentleman lrctn whom we rather this information aaw him at FcrreU's on Wcrtneaday and had a loni; talk with hinv. He tays that Billy Smith, during the war wanted to buy bit blood-hound. He refueed to sell. Smith then told him tnat if he did not let him hare tbe doga he would hare him conscripted intn the Ccn.cderate armv. Berkclev Cone Half OnQ i u ( ( 00 1 50 200 S 10 S04 25 00 WOO 100 C O Franklin County: D. II. Gill AdnVr. ; of K Sarncoas .UT. Fuller, AGA1XT Isato FallerpA T Pcrdoe vi Aceia K. his wife, 'Jo. It. FalJen Ktlttbiel Fuller. S JT elltrk J. C eidaDd Ilegina his wife, S, I), lerdot and Martha aia wlfr, Herby rullcr. Bak, Fuller, Alice Fuller, Jesse Fuller, La roy 11. Fuller, Eccttj J. Fuller aad U widow an J child ot W. P. Feller, de ct-asca names not known. thereupon came (o Baleen toiee Oor. ATr np vnTtTfT n 1T Vnce who atter bearing the complaint I A1Ux rATI w OKTU CAT assured mm tnat uis i-Xempiion accvf d lag to law should bo. respected. Billy ' Smith then .unt tor llcn'to come to Johnston county to amilitfa muster. He- went. -Smith : made. a fpiech to the crowd, and told them that with Cone'i dogs ; Le would only Deed half the present number of met; and :nat wone would let then have the dog?, and his horn it they would pot up f 2.000 to pay for uca ' of the dogs as might be killed and he sworn that jl any damned dccxtcxM Jkillcd one ol thoee dogs, be would bang him if he caught him. ' The money was made up at once Cone 8nja Billy Smith, kepUbe-doc a month; then he (C) pot tbcfti back, and paid fcmitb tbe 82.000 which had been raised at the muster, ground. The i . . . - , . LlXA . I . . . - ; j . . . To tbe Sheriff of Franklin Cntj GUEETINO; r . i .Yen tre. bertby CommanCi, 7 1 iommcn Iaac FulUr, Sclathiel 1 h 1 Ft.!Ier, Sclatbil Fuller, 8 I br, , Jesc Fuller, Leroy JJ 2 Xviiily'J FulleV, aad the widow, thild of T Fuller defeated, aaaea . known,-Ther Irtt cdtnt abor naav if they hi foernl within jovri Oouf to sppt ar at the ofHce ot the CtaxI tbo bapcrior Court for tbe Cotxatr . Fianklto in B-iuiburM C on tbe 23 u. r t August 187C, -and aniwer.tha coca i'Ml "bW wjjl pi i csitt a m iiie i.iiicc ol tue Ulerk ol tbe uinor CvUttrtld County, wiul- ln liV Iri lll thfl !1b nt this anr miiitia tays this moniy KTcrtc- Lon, and la i them lake xr? tbf. funded to them, -Raleigh Xews. Uct t.d to answer tU ssid t CldldTiniHt- - The apoitlo made courageous nn swer totheSanhcdrin, but it was cour age b ra of a fatth that truf td God In The Goldsboro Me?singkr, of July 57, tells this pliable hhameiul story which for humanity's sake, we wish we could disbtlievi: 44An incident happened here Wednesday just after Gov. Drogden had received the comi- I stotmas well as ia sunshine. The nation for congress. The governor met frightened child of a sea captain once I C!,llc f?PJ"f Co?9' "f.V3 C WcstBrogdep, a poor, idiotic brother rushed out of the cabin in the. chr' t. of hi?, clad in rages and barefooted, and cried out,' Where is father! where I (jJ-J VEN ' Al. Mr. Jesse Grant called the governors is iatucti" i uen luey tcia Jier, "Fa tfcfd Viiatiff o the Court for the ich; In the complaint. ! 1 , Iltrtof faal cot and oft'..... tmakc return- Given under my hand asdics! -said Court, tbli 10tn day tf July Y ! W.K.DAYr, T" 1Y. only this to say. That ;i. my judrement I attention to the dilapidated dress ot I ther is on deck guidin tbe vessel and 'incuts of the government .difdio.ies-y, wiser and more prudent legislation, rapacity and venality have de which shall mainly rely on a judi cious system of public economics and oflicial retrenchments, and a- Will praetire in the courts of the 6th judicial district. Prompt atteution given to the collec lion of claims. ,. . No 50 tf MEADE, ORE & CO. Importers and Sealers in AND the ' man er party that would involve our schools in political or sectarian stiller; and in the executive depart- facilitated by the substitution of controversy is an enen.y to the schools. ; The common chools are safer under the piotecting care of all the people than under the control of any party or sect. Tlic Uiust be neither secta rian nor jartism, and there must be neither division nor misappropriation cf the funds for their support. Like wise I regard the man who would a rousc or foster sectional animosities and antagonisms among his country men as a dangeous enemy to his coun try. All the people must be made to feel and know that once nioro there is established a purpose and policy tin Jer which all citizens of every condi tion, race and color, will besecuroin the enjoyment of whatever rights the his poor brother, and suggested that as he (Srogden) bad been distributing bis money literally 'among his negro manipulator, he might giTe his bare- f oed brother a pair of shoes. The goveror acted upon the rnggestion watching the sform. Tho little child immediately returned to her berth, and aaid"Its all ilglt, for fa'her'i on deck.' Let all the Lord's' people who are in dinger or trial, or forrov or dirctt need, koow tbatG;-d is with Ld- l-ovc all on the promotion of pros perity in all the industries ot the people. I do not understand the repeal of baiiched tho public service. "Men known to be unworthv have been promoted, while ot hers have been degraded for fidelity to official duty. Public oUlcc has boch made the means of ."'private profit, and the country has been offended to see a the resumption clause of the Act of class of men who boast the friend- 1875 to be a backward step in aur ship of the sworn protectors of the return to specie payments, but the State amassing fortunes by dc- recover' of a false step; and al- frauding the public treasury ond oy though the repeal may, for a time, nnevimUn'o- t,hr servants of the non- be nrevented vet. the determinn- 1 LV 1 1 1) W All E C U TLE 11 Y pic. In such a crisis of the history tion of the Democratic party on of the country I rejcice that 'the this subject has now been distinctly convention at St. Louis has so nobly declared.. There should be no bin- gave his brother the pitiful sum of I tae brave and confident even, in great fifty cents.. At this seveial bystanders I extremity. He carcth lcr His own, carbiae materials, 15 Sycamore St. ;rctcrsburj, Va It. T.MEADE W. C. OKU .lUSKl'H AI.C0KR. Wlntelaw & Crowder, Marble & Stone - - WOEKS, if Corner FaycttCYillc and Dain Streets. OPPOSITE THE YARBOROUGH HOUSE; raised the standard of reform. Ndtliing can be "well with us or with our affairs until the public con science, shocked by the enormous evils and abuses which prevail, shall have demanded and compelled an unsparing reformation of our National Administration, "in its head and in its members." In such a reformation the removal of a single officer, even the President, is couTpafativcly a trifling matter, if tho system which he represents; and which has fostered him as he derances iut in the way of a re turn to specie payments. . "As such a hindcrance,?' " says the platform of the St. Louis Convention, '"we denounce the resumption clause of the Act of 1875, and demand its re peal." I thoroughly believe that by pub lie economy, by official retrench ments, and by wise finance enabling U3 to accumulate the precious met als, resumption at an early period is possible, ' without producing an -"artificial scarcity of currency" or Constitution and law declare or recog nize; and that in controversies that ma' arise the government is not a par- Raleigh. N. C ? Orders Solicited. CO UEIEE MOMGE. ; Wc have added to our stock a aplen did JOB PRESS, with an elegant selection of type of .the latest styles, and we are now prepared to do ? - - - -'"-.t' i jit , jojd wamis in the neatest and best manner. S'i you need not" send yonr JOB WOHlC North, for wc will elor it just . a well aud cheap as you can get it else where. " " - has fostered it, is suffered to remain, elistnrbing public i or ' commercial The President alone must not be credit; and that these reforms to rnado the scapegoat for the enormi- getlier with the restoration of pure ties eof the system - which -infests government, will restore general the fpublic seiwicey and threatens confidence, encourage the useful the destruction of our institutions investment of capital, furnish. cm In omc'J respects I hold tiiat the ploymcnt to labor,- and relive ' the present executive has. been the country from the "paralysis of hard victim rather than the author ol that ; vicious system. Congression al and party loaders have ? been stronger than the President. No one man could have created it, and the ' removal of no one man can amend it! -It is thoroughly corrupt, times. OUR INDUSTRIES. - TFIth the industries of the people there have been frequent interferences. Our platform truly says that many in dustries have been impoverished to subsidize a few. Our commerce ha3 sisan, but. within its constitutional authority tbe just and powerful guar dian of the rights and afoty of all. The strife between the sections and between races wUl cease as soon as the power for evil, U taken away from a party that makes political gain out of scenes of violence and" bloodshed, and the constitutional authority is plhced in the hands of men whose po litical welfare require? that peace and good order shall be piescrvcu every where. ., GOV. TILDEN. It will be seen, gentlemen, that I am iu entire accord with the platform of the Convention by which I have been nominated as a candidate for the office of Vice President of the United States. Permit rue, in conclusion, to express my satisfaction at being asso ciated with a candidate for tbe Prcn dency who is first among hi equal as a representative of tie snirit and of the achievements of rtfrtrm. In hi official eareer as Kxccutivo of the jrrcat State of New York; he has, in a com paratively short period,' reformed the were indignant and thereupon Richard A Newsome anel Jesse Grant furnished West with the shoe?. Wc&t w ill hard. ly vote for ti e governor." Gbdl - ve S. Orth, who was nominated by the Republicans for governor of Iu ellana, and came home Irom Vienna to make tbe canvasr, has resigned his plce o i tl e licke:. Tbe evidence b of rascality in regard to the Venezuela claims were overwhelming, aud it waa plain that he had no chance tgairst tbe Democratic nominee. He has therefore, been compelled ta step down and out and to farewell to amther ot Grant's foreign ' Ministers another grent Republican statesman. And now in honor ot this auspiciou? event let us playfully remark as upon a pre. viouE occasion: Three cheers for Uncle Jimmy Williams! Tbe State of Hen dncks ought now to be and will be sure fcr the Democracy next Fall! and ia able and . willing to do for them just what tbey need exceeding abun dantly, more tban tbey ask . or think. ISlectioia Ixiavm. The attention of County Commission in Is directed to toe following tjnoptli cf the election laws.: Chapter 237 Public Laws IS74 T5, changes the election from tbe fim Thursday inAngostto Tnctdiy titer the, fir-t Monday In Horecnber. Secretary ot B'.&te to furaikh regit tiation books, when wasted, on first Monday ot September. Registrar s to be selected by the Grit Monday of Ocaober. Tbey will revite the existing registration books between the first Tuesday- in October and tbe day precceding, (inelndins it,) tbe 7th of November. -.: Judges of ln pec tors of election to be In order to introduce r pn: literary- ar d familj, , tjccVEHiii, ci2 oi ev 4iU jget), containg htorla, TbnUiog Ad ventures, Wit, Humor, Poetry, ic, wc.wi'd tenet tt on trial, tlx months for only CO eta, an J to errry nbecrtlcr, we will aend by taail poaU age prepaid, one of our Mammoth Eta TIokckt PaCKAgu. CfmUialog 12 sheets noc paper,-IS good tnTeJopea, 1 good lead pencil, 1 good pet bolder. 2 good steel tx.o, 1 celebrated golden fountain Pen writes half an bocr at one fil'dog 1 bl.ok book, 1 card pho tograph of a Uautdu! woman arxl a splendid piece oi GoU-Fx.atid Jiw fcLRT. J ait thick t f it all the abova articles in an elegant packet, and aa excellent literary paper six moo lb for only CO cents. Try it. Yon are sere to get more goods than joa tTer bought before for the price. Th pa per alone ia more than worth the eaoo ey. Bend us a C!nt if Fire Bobarri Uis asd we will send yon an extra copy for six juoutha od an extra pacaage. Jx-r.il mcey by P. O. Order cr Kegis:er.d Letter at our lUk. Baa I le copies ot paper aect oa receipt of 10 cents. Agent wanted, Addrea, . ' w. n. Lunuoiv P. O. Uox 53. .Unstol Teoo. THE LOST CAUSE. A MAGNIFICENT Picture 14x13 inches in size, pilnted on beaTf plate appointed on or bder the first Moo- ptpr, lrautIfol in dcalgn aod artiatie day In October. I in exccnUoi.t It reprorots tocatcd. A sombre vkigcd boy stood on the Ketorelng ofSccri of Senatorial Du . . j,, ,0M,f corner of East Uroad and Jersey Streets I tricts coopososed ot more tban one I jetolate. In front of tbe rained cot yesterday. We htole softly behind him I county to meet on Tucrsday, one week I tage, telbcg a sad tale cf the tataerlet aLd ovcrhcaru the Jcllowing soliloquy: "I must manage to scoopjn tnree fcun-day-school picnics. There the Kir&t Ilaptut, lirst Presbyterian, and several Methodist Sunday -schools that have their turn-outs purty foon. Then there's five or tlx. ethers all in a heap. sometimes, ia August. roa-, souc- afu r lhe election, at places designated in Battle's HeviiaL Returns waited for H'.lnext -day. Sheriff n furnish crrtiCcate of election to members of the House oCRepresen t&tires and Senators where the district is not co cposed of mora than nee r 030 thinrrs rot to le done if thhf duffir is 1 t, prcvioisfo Wednesday U fore tbe I Sot by.raa l mounted on a rolkx aaJ o c: w - - . a mm m - , UUUiUlL iA lle lliO Ull'IVi IU alia aiuuirj. l -iiu j in 4vir;uiUVi. OUIIUI I . f I W s mm - r lvejest got to fly round and join J shall also at least ten days !fote the ot ar. arc two criftf with rnde at tf, ca one of which aorae friendly baad has lung a gtrlaod. To the rlgkt tbe calm river 4nl tbe tiitM(' taooa Ladi cate iec'acd real. '.Ttjs star, k tbrough the trtes, rtp-?eat,tbeBotlu crn Crrt., 1: la a pictsre that will toorh every iWctbrn btxrl aad aivoakl GaJ an'.ice in ejerj boatbem kxa. w about three Sunday schools awcek for the next mx wetk, if I expeet to be in any kindcf conditie n wheu Wintejscts in.?' . 1 - ' fTfcr trvt-Mcrlrio1 T I uuuuiube- uc .j been degraded to an inferior position away by the selection of a govern- c . facturcr3 haTh ment composed- cf elements entire- dimlEi;hca ?cu!ttirc i,as in f ublic service and ruced tha public .IT T All . 1 . . 1 . I V 4-V v t . ' , m. ' K - uuu TOu iU,avu,UJ c- I cmbaTrasscJj anJ- thc of the burdens, o. as ito ;bava earned at once with. 1UIU1. I .1. I 1 t Vi . -.1 I 4 tin (tt;(iiilnr.f iijCfita nl ll. mA. "I won't be long afler her, xas the UK-urnful rciuaik of a grief fctriclcn gentleman who buried bu wife , six uiontht zzfu .And, rure enough, he was "after her" in lesi than three laontlj but thc 4,hor" was full of life and joyournes.", and Wore the LU't Mylo po!onac and five-buttun Vid "!nr( llrifC tliouldu't 1 -c tnth-.! KEFORMS NEEDED. The first woik of reform must bKTTEU HEADS, OPE3, CARDS, things shall be reformed. i The burdens of the evidently be, tho restoration of the I be lightend by a great normal operation of the Const itu- j system of public expenses. Thc profli- tion of the United States, with all gate expenditures which increased tax its amendments. ' Th( necessities of ation from five , dollais per eapta in war cannot !c pleaded in a lime of 1SG0 to eighteen dollars iu 1S70 tells peace; the right of local sclf-govy its own story of our need of fiscal re-ernmcnt-as guaranteed by thc Con- form. . . stitution of the Union must ' be Our treaties with foreign powers everywhere restored, and the cen should also be revbed and amended, miratun ofthecoTiTitrj. The people Uc'notiee that tbe enra-ed father- people must also know him to be thoroughly in earnest; j hapcn ole jurt about far 'enough be chance trr our he lias shown himself to : be poesessid I hind to give the parties ample time to have thc knot tied, and they -rtincfc antly" say "Rless ynu, mv children!' A little oppYMtion i tho life of trade. A merchant went Iioruc tlic other nt'j-ht pel said .cheerfully to hi wife: 'Well my dear, I've failed at 'art ()h, exclaimed the wife with to cf powers and qualities ahich fitjliiro, in an eminent degree, for the great work of reform which this country noar needs; and if ho shall 1 chosen by thc people to thc )igh office of Prrsi dent cf the United State, I believe th;.t the cay ol ins inangeration will a rtwliant face. "Now a can be the becining of a new era of peace the Centennial, sure.'' that s g'x-d! first day of decern 'r notify al perrons ?4-ctel In the county to meet at tbe Court House -on the - first Monday in December, . ; ' BberifT or other retornitg c.Trcri ci county to transmit to FpeaLcr IIocsj of Representative rote for ,6utof ficea an or before tbe'lbtrd I.rday m"NoTembcr. Secretary ot Statr, on n Xx'nrt first Monday in Octotxr, to- fun'ih lcny Cnmmis:ntiera cep cf so mccb ct Chtpter 52 RatUe'a Revi', aa rulatrs to election. a arnndrd by Chapter 227, Uwa of IS74- r 73; also wf iL lat ter. . , . Chapter I3V laws of 1S73 7i;i amecded by - striking ct tbe Cnt Tiiurlay in A cast aa the day of elec tioo ot tbo afUet rraed therein, as we'd as of ttle i-fCccrs. and irettir Tnrlay n xt a!ur the Cr.t Monday in ToTtml er. O nicer wbos terms wtu'd expire dil ttie -f jction nen;r in August will bold orer until tbcro suoceari to t elected ire NTtUr, qualify. Ilcturca rd te on the arncndrarCts to be zaa 3e t three I tw ccc?s , -.i .'AddresJ t -Juti Murm&Co.t rcV'ibcrif Uriwt, Tea a, Agfa's watted everywhere ta aIl .r cbap an t ppc!ar pictarea, 1 tl'J jnr daT'ta4y mLUinZ xsoorf re t3irrd cntil piaarea are sold, bead s step for cat W-gne aad tersa. . At a nctti.-gc f IU Txard of Cowatj Cc.mTiU'.or.ci cl Frnkha Ceary the 3rd eisy t Aprtl lSla. TV W oisf re-tuilo:a ex Wle4 lsr. That the bbcrSj akal) ftol re ciire la the i,.:rrxv M'taxea, hiU tbe t5ty TrWjrtr jj U Concty Ortr --rd ' Utcrn" ti.1 1 day oi .'trni 43- ' - - 2 id. Alt p rv-! ttjy DtI tvre that Ut snpat jiW-t, uaeiometn ei ?!, i narrow cx le ore me ii. my oi that a ncer 1 ' tbcttol p t jaai; n 1 ar:ie boUUaj ancb nrtWrs, ythb rfaetrt to p!rent ".hem are Ltnbj nniiled that tt rutau- c4 tiraitatiop vn't ba p'paic : la Ijr ot tLeiricceT the Chit I Jratiee rt, try. Itcigb lith'.Q thirty et,? fftf tbe election. T. D. HAWKINS. OaJrraaa. J. IX TUCIC EH, Clerk,

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