.& rankliii .1 tie :fii.i:Troi at i iii liii i it GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS : $2;0Q per .Anatuni VOL. V. LOUlSBUltG, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1876. NO. 40. ra m m m AT Ed'r. iblishcd. week. 'a Work. American 1YAPD,'1 Church. Directory. ODR ABKAMS LETTER. Mtcttiodist Cnuncn. Rev. F. L. Peid, Pastor. Services every Sabbath nt 11 A. M. and 7 . P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday hOTL THE COURIER : M. Searcy, White County, Ark. Sept. 12th, 1876. nt 7 P. Communion service the Second Sunday in each month at 11 A. M. Steward's meeting Monday night after the second Sabbath in each month. . Sabbath School every Sabbath at 3 o'cock P. M. St. Pauls Episcopal Church. Rev, E. Dolloway, Rector. Services on the first and third Sun day in each month, morning and afternoon. Holy Communion monthly on first Sunday. Sunday school every Sunday morn ng at 9 o'clock. Professiona Cards DAVIS & COOKE. ATT'YS aul COUNSELLORS at LAW LOUISBURO. FRANKLIN CO. N.C. Will attend the Coarts of Nash, Frank, lio, Granville, Warreo,ind Wake Coun tics, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina and the XL S. Circuit and Dis nct Courts. No. 7 tf W. H. SPENCER. ATTORNEY On OFFICE, Nash Street, over Brick Store. Hawkins' L0U1SBURG N. C. ' Thinking that the readers of the Courier would like to see a correct acoount of the hor rible tragedy committed in this County on the 29th of last month, I have concluded to furnishit with such a report, which you, Mr. Edi tor, can publish ' in lull, or in part, as you may deem proper. There exists in portions of this, and adjoining counties, a religious sect, so called, known as the Cob- bites, a name after the founder of the sect, one John Cobb, who claims to possess, not only all the attributes of Christ, but that he is the Christ: and if his followers aie to neiicveu, he can even snow in his withered hands the prints of the nails made at the Crucifixion. Of the history of this miserable wretch, little is known. He came as a missionary from Michigan that section of the Union, where all great moral i-leas have their origin, you know, to elevate the standard of Christian virtue in the South. His, first field of operation was in Southern Missouri. There, in a scarcely settled community, he gath ered around him a few ignorant followers and organized a church, a part of whose worship was to offer up their infant children as a sacrifice with the greatest demon strations of joy. Learning that their barbarous, and criminal con duct had been discovered, and that place, at the house of one of their brethren, Leminel B. Dover. Citi- zens coming to town and passing by Dover's house, saw much in their. worship that was new to them.1 Eacli citizen on netting to town. give his version of the exer cises witnessed at the Cobbitc meot- Thcsc various reports had in jr. and lodged in jail on the same evening they committed the mur der. Although the wives, children, re latives and friends of Dover and Gainey, had just seen them shot down lefore their eyes, no sigh was hcaved,no word, look or expression of sorrow was ncaru or seen, no WITE 1IEH OF- HORTH CAROLI NA REAR THIS! t white tun; and the upon vX. , ; '11 you are & Hood of & freeman' runs through your "veins, then yotc this party oat of poor er. Who put London Hyman thcrf x to overseer Ibw -poor white people cf the county ? ;Jtadicak Who could remove him but Jo sot? -The Radi cals. Whoa docs thb scoamlrtl lord excited thc curiosity of some of the evidence of grief was discovered; 1 . . lit over? It U the toot oi the county. citizens to that extent that M. Car- I but on the contrary they rejoiced I TttR WHITE WOMEN FUILCED I Then fellow citixens como up like mea A. 3?onltentlnry Courlot t-lioXnKtor' of tli Poor. People ol Bertie, Wlio nro o TJnfor tunato (18 to lio InmntOH of tlioPoortlouMc! ter D. Humphries and Mr. Blake that they had offered uo their lives, resolved to ride out, and ascertain, for, they said, "it i3 God's will for if possible, the object and aims of them to die." these strange proceedings, On ar- The Inquest. riving at the house, which is a few Three hours after the killing of feet distant from the public road, Humphries, I, in company with Dover, the proprietor, called out to eleven others cofcpDsing the jury of Humphries in a sepulchral tone, I Inquest, ' proceeded to make an ex- "Youncr man. don't vou wan't to I animation of the three men and to TO WAIT UPON HIS BLACK WIFE I ; 51 r.it Great Gl sec God?" on being answered in the affirmative, he told them to alicrht and come in. that God was in that house." Humphries accep ted the invitation; but he had no sooner entered the yard than he was assaulted by 4 men with knives and clubs. Blake from without, seeing the murderous intent' of the assailants, and hearing his friend cry out in vain "For God's sake enquire into the causes of their death. We learned that Humph ries' throat had been cut with a knife somewhat after the manner of butchering a hog. His head was severed after death, with an old meat ax, one blow of which had cut away the lower portion ol hi6 face. This horrid instrument of death was present and was a gory witness as to the terrible work in Can toe Wnnx Men Longer Tote : ron a Party that Does Txiese . TnrNGs! Pass It Around, Brothers of tho State Tress. And rote them out cf tvnrer. Wti oar White brethren of the1 longer sastaTa -this party? forbid! : Tell it to.thcci. ve . men " who I are speaiing.up there. Tell then- tht poor whites hero bej ,them for help. Can they refuse ? We trust not r ItTJIIST KTJI!S! : ? I i i t. The following table taken from oG. cial sources shows" tho debt of tho Etatcs named at tho dose of tho war; also on the January- 1672, sAcr seven years, of, i Radical . carpet-bagger don't kill me!'' beat a precipitate which it had been engaged. The retreat narrowly escaping capture head of Humphries bore evidences n. V. IiULbOCKjjR. T. T.. MITCHELL. Bullock & Mitchell, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, FllAKKLINION, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the Gth judinul district. Prompt attention given to the col lee tion of claims. No 50 tf an indignant and outraged com- MEADE, ORR&CO. Importers and Dealers in llAUDWAltE, CUTLERY AND CARRIAGE MATERIALS, 15 Sycamore St. I Petersburg", Va munity were taking steps to oring them to justice, they lied to escape the punishment due them for their inhuman proceedings. After leaving Missouri, which was a year or more ago, Cobb came to Arkansas, where he has been prac ticing physic, and proselyting in the interest of his new plan of salvation-Soon after his arrival in Ark., he united himself to the Primi tive Baptist Church in this county but for his advocacy of the doc trine of polygamy, as well as for practicing it, ho was expelled. by a parjy sent to intercept him. Within a few minutes another citizen called at the gao to learn the cause of the excitement, but he was told by Dover that "he must not enter that sacred place, for God was in that house;" and point ing to the body of Humphries, which the citizen had not yet seen. Dover said: "We have just killed tire old champion devil, don't you see him lying there? and if you come in here we will kill you." This man. too, fled to town close upon the heels of Blake to corroborate the incredible story just told. The next witness was a traveler and his family from Texas. He saw two of the Cobbites at the body of the dead man apparently cutting off his head. Then comes a little boy, 14 years old, who standing on the fence in full vie w of the men, heard Dover call for an ax, saw an old grey headed woman bring the ax, saw the East can do nothing of ourselves; what say our brethren of the West will they help us in thU our day of necessity ? Are they willing that white men and white women, no mat ter how aged or how infirm, or how R. T. MFADE W. o. out; JUSKi'II Ar.CD.ER. Jakyx xJi Since his expulsion, ho has been Dover strike three iicks, ana tnen officiating in his ministerial capaci- saw another man a devil, rather, t.v" nmnmr n fw icrnn-nnt. and dis- take ud the head of the muidered and mutilated body and perch it on the pailing on the public highway. The next who passes that way is a farmer who is required by these blood-thirsty villians to get out of "Whitelaw & Crowder, Marble & Stone "W O JEl KS, Comer Faycttcvillo and Dain Streets. OPPOSITE THE YARBQROUGH HOUSE; Raleigh. N. C. XsT Ordiri Solicited. reputable families, who compose his entire membership. These mis- guided adherents, having abandon ed their crops, and living without any visible means of support, are and have been-devoting their time for the most part to the dissemina tion of this new abomination among people of their kind. Among other cxrravagant ab surdities thev claim that, while ministers of other churches receive their commission from men. they get their authority direct from God. Somewhat after the manner of the Mormons, they own many things in common, and it is general ly believed that these self styled Christians arc off 6hoots of the "Latter Day Saints.' The manner in which they be- Dover, who come sanctified is different from the front of his his wcgon and kneel three times to theghastly head of a fellow-man. W7hile these sickening, revolting that it had been used alternately as a scare crow for those passing and as a foot ball by the Cobbites, . The ladles of Dover and Gainey were examined by the jury whoso verdict was that they had come to their death by gun shot wounds re ceived at the hands of tho posse whom they had resisted. The other parties implicated in this inhuman butchery were put up on trial before an impartial jury and had able counsel to defena them. Six of the prisoners were committed for a final hearing, and five others were discharged. That these people were not taken from jail and hanged, speak3 well for the citizens of our community. Arkansas cannot be held resppsible for this terrible outrage; for the perpetrators of it were fresh from other States; and our people claim no other part in this bloody drama, than that of maintaining peace and order by a speedy enforcement of the civil law. No4 State of the Union can boast of a more . loyal ii . a i a i i t - - i auLiiuiiLV iuau .axKuusas, uuu x pre dict that so long as she is ruled by a government of the people, just so long will peace, order and prosperity reign supreme in her borders. Very respectfully, B. P. BAKER. It is time for the people of North ! Carolina to pauso and thinlc. -After four years of bloody war the African was formerly emancipated, but : was slavery abolished? No, Indeed. We blush that to-day, eleven years after African slavery was abolished in North I rule. Carolina, whito slavery, white slavery ! Think of HI ovtr-taxed people of in a more degrading, humilaticg form Eastern North Carolina, , that , daring than was ever assumed by the African this seven years of Republican sway a slaveryi still exists. In Jones county debt of twenty millions of doilari has it exists, in our own county of Nsw been placcd cn us. Is it jpj wonder Hanover it exists, and in Bertie county that the people are ' Impoverished, and it exists. What shall we dor -Wcof jaoonng unacr icmuic ucprcssaon, when hey sec their substance eaten cp taxes levied on them by carpet-baggers and other corrupt officials? can any on 1 wonder that North Carolina ills-la the nshes of her poverty to-day, without money, without friends, and almost destitute and poverty-stricken, shall be without hope ! Business is dead, star- thc slaves of negroes? Yet these things 7ation faces many. . Women cud chil- cxist to day under Radical rule, and drcn have exhausted tho last oil out of will continue to exist so long as Itadi- the cruse, and the last meal out 1 of tho cal rule continues in North Carolina. barrel, and still after all these troubles We appeal in the most earnest man- which have been brought upon us by, ner, to our brethren of tho West to this party, Settle and Smith'. Are now help us, and that they may comprehend oiling upon the men of this staU to the necessity there is for relief, let them vote them in ttf office an5 to continuo- read the following account of the way this reign of hbrron ' God forbid 1 hu-S affairs are conducted. in the county of inanity and every . consideration eft Bertie, where Radicals and negroes I morality: and ; benevolence forbid: it 14 hold full sway. The account is taken from the Albemarle Times, a paper published in Bertie county, and lt knows, whereof it speaks. . Wo trust man, a negro, CO L-1UE It IIP JOB OFFICE We have adled to'our stock a splen did JOB PRESS, with an elegant selection of type of the latest styles, and we are now prepared to do JOB WES in the neatest and best manner. So won uppiI nnf. cenrl vonr TOTt V'ORK North, for we will do it iuat as scenes were being enacted, a storm was rising in Searcy , destined to sweep like a besom of destruction over that doomed house. An offi cer and ten men as a posse were on fleet horses, armed with double barrelled guns, and in full speed for the scene of the murder, before the full particulars were reported. The house was surrounded to pre vent escape. The party guarding the front demanded a surrender. was promenading in piazza, advanced to- manner loiiowcu oy racmoers oi waru me pu&su w uuu vuv; uwu other churches. ' 'Shall I tell it ? of Humphries was lying on the Cobb has made them believe that, ground, seized it by the hair, held in order to be consecrated, every it out and fiendishly shook it at the female. married, widow and vir- posse, and again set it on the pail- ing. This done, he ordered hts three unarmed brethren to ad vance on the guard, take their euns from them and kill them, as- IIoav Soiitlieris Negroes tiro Ttuccil. In proportion to their wealth and Earnings, the Southern. Negroes are more impovished by Taxation than any class of people in tho World. The poor impoverished negroes of the scoundrel xnakss them wait upon tis South are taxed more heavily, in fexy wife as if she were a queen, proportion to their wealth and earning I An old colored woman who had beca than any other class of citizens in the there staying a few days nursing - her United States. Almost every, one of them pays a tax to the government of nearly twenty dollars per annum, for tho privilege of using tobacco. This stato,must be redeemed;, the, rtr , morselcss spoilers must be overthrown. North, Carplipapebts andr liabili ties, at the close of tho wsrprineiptr that every. Dpmocratic sheet, ia the 1 $9,COO,500; infefest, $3,-20 11 State will lay tlie facts before its read- I wholo amount;, 810,351,810. Debts era. The Times says: J and liabilities January-1, 1872, The talothatwe proposo to -tell is BS7,4C7.85Jm i.piin-H nJ- South Carolini DcbU' and liabiii- who was convicted b hies at the dost of thawurx'5 ,aiO,00(V this county for stealing fodder, and Debts and IbbUhics January 1, 187?f served out part of bis time in tho pen- $33,159,914.47. .f.'. r. itentiary, is in charge of the poor houe GcorguebLTarid liainitsat the m xeme Wuu.j. c U4. - clow of thc Boaiiaal. Debts and fore in these columns that it was an in- . -nm - ernrnf rr .' x Florida Debts and liabilities at the close of the wa, $221,000. ' DjtliW liabilities Jan.:lrl872, $15,7C3,447 54. ... ... . ... ! ArkansaPcUiJ jad .Ihinties at the close of i, the. 34,030)52.87. Debts and liabilities Jan,' 1, 187?, 819,. 76i,2C5.c2. ;;: ; Tenncsjcc- Debts at thi close of tho war, 520,l0i,00U.CG. DcbU and lis. bHides Jan. 1. 1872. i45,CS3C3.. . .i. .1 suit to the white people of the county too grievous be borne. Wt should not have had anyting Co say about it at this time, but recently we have heard such terrible accounts of this black monster's cruelty to the inmates. - Every one of the inmates arc afHict cd in some way. Still this miserable 46. Louisiana Debts and liabilities at sick daughter told the tale., one says that the poor inmates are made to do anything this trollop may please. "She I tho close of the war, $10,009,074.34. sits down and make them build her I Pcbts and liabilities Jan. 1, 1S72, 50r gin; must sleep with him; and when the sisters are all thus sanctified, they are required after thc same manner to sanctify their brethren, This novel process of consecra tion, coupled with the fiendish prac tice of immolating human beings upon the altar of their worship, sufTer thc guns of their enemies to shoot." Trusting in thc assurances would seem more like the story of a of their infatuated leader, they pro- hontiin thnn n. Christian land: a I eeeded to execute his orders. their earnings, nnd is one great cause of their poverty. Ii amounts in the aggregate to about $15,090,000 paid annually by the colored laborers of thc South, the larger portion of which goes to support revenue collectors, as sessors and the numerous army of tax gather?, employed by the Republican sarin his brethren that "God was aminisirauon . maucuery co c , , . ! lv by thc culpable and wasteful cx- This is a heavy tax compared with I 5 bring' watr and anythingeUo I 510fJuC9t. fll and chean as vou can cet it else- I storxr fin tr nrlnm a na ere in the I Contrarv to their expectation, no m -) w j vvv4 w w ucre. LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, history of the dark ages, than to embellish a page in the history of our Centennial year. TnE Murder. On thc 29th of August last, CARD?, I about a dozen of the Cobbites were holding one of their carnivals on &c the public road,thrcc miles from this doubt, thc guns did go off, and Dover and his son-in-law; Rev. James A. Gainey, thc preacher on that interesting love feast occasion, fell dead near thc body of thc man whom they had murdered and be headed. The other members of the Cobbitc meeting were arrested party- it is well known that at leat one half the tax ii consumed in the collec tion of it. If the full intention of our Demo cratic congress with regard to reforms in appropriations had not been, met wit pposition by the Republican Scn ate.the tax on tobacco tnd snuff would now be unnecessary, and every roan might be able to smoke and. chew in peace without being taxed for the pnvilcgo An early abolition oi Ink odious tax imposed by thc republican ry is onj of the reforms absolutely demanded. she chooses. The report comes to us that sinod the good old colored woman told the talc, this old black devil has m t allowed her to go ia to see her sick daughter. The inmates 'arc pi evented from telling how they aro treated by thU ne gro, by threats from him. of keeping them locked up inside of thc walU. There is a poor. unfortunate old lady in there who has entirely k&t her mind; we have heard on good authrrity : Texas Debts and liabilities at tb elosc of the war, nominal. Ddls and liabilities Jan. 1, 1872, . $,20,401,010.- ci. i .; Alabama Del end . luiniti., Ihe clone of the .war, - C5fn3a,C537. Dtbts and liabiliticj Jan. 1, 1872, $33, 532,927.34. , .: For the two hundre! and eighty -fjur . mlin'ons cf indebtedns" which have been thus piled upon the above named nine States, they have absolattly T.ttla that this convict whips her when he or nothing to show. No grot works rf ; pleases. If these things are not be ttered by the County Commiaioners let them grit the proper witnesses, as sure them that they shall not be harm ed for telling the truth, and 'every word we have written will be veri fied. Wc appeal to white men everywhere to help us by Toting the party out of power that has brought such shame- pablio improvement have been carried : out; the money has disappeared as ccia-' plctely as if K I ad ben : sunk io ; tle 1 1 middle tf the Atlantic Orcon. This u Grantim ia the South; for If it Lad not been fjr the assistance which ths Grant k admini4ratien gave thews bold robbers- . and their racorssor, they never- could hare carried out their plundering pre rets, . s

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