i. i -i FltANKLlN COURIEK. li Ull.ll III GEORGE g, BAKEJfc- - Editqii AND POrRIETOR. ; All letters addressed to Geo. S. Bakeb, FBnAV:.;..r.;...SEPT.: 29, 1876. National Ticket ill " and the vacancy jet remains, and I wi n cominue nnui aitur uie eict Ltipn in November next, whenJudgc place, ji Again; Jddge iRusseli y iks nominated an Elector-for thfrState at large. Knowing that he could not be elected, he has been nomina ted ibr the House of Representa tives from Brunswick county. O. II. Dockcry the other Elector for the State at large "13 the nonrea for Congress in the Char!oltcT:s- demands reform, but also the na tion, and as one of the citizens of this republic, I hereby tender my weak and feeble ability to the standard bearers of reform, Samuel "JrTlUlcn,- Thoma3 " A. Hehdricks and Zebukm B. Vance. ; I am vcrp respectfully, Your obedient servant- n. n. joiiNSON. For Prcsit en tr Sam'1. J. TlLDEN, ' OF NEW. YORK. For Vice-President: T. - X. 1 Hendricks, Uni v. ...i OK INDIANA. , s ' ' ,T . 11 ;13eio;rnie Nominee', tnct. R. M. torment the can-'U- ilakeijbr,lElectoin the Gth District,' is also a candidate 'for the House of Repiesentatives from Robeson THE OUTLOOK IN FRANKLIN- CQuntyjtit ,i' 1 if 1 i ; . ' r v uM Foil GOVEBXOR, ; i JZebu l(W B. Tance, OF M ECKLENBURG For Lieutenant Governor : THOMAS J. JAR VIS, of Pitt. For Pablic Treasurer : J. M. WORTn, of Randolph. For Secretary of State : ! JOSEPH A. ENGLEIIARD, of New Hanover. For Auditor : SAMUEL L. LOVE, of Haywood, For Attorncy-Gencial : ' THOMAS S. KENAN, of Wilson. Franklin, last year-elected a democrat to the -House of Com mons, a democrat for Probate 'T .1 n ,1n.nAHn4tA rTrr i rrf nlil jtwo democratic, Commissioners. This year there is every prospect of electing the entire democratic tick et. . The outlook is indeed , very cheering, and from every township in the county, goods reports reach U For .eight loner vears the greedy, corrupt and ignorant have had charge of our count, and we have often been made to blush vfith phame. when asked by our friends in neighboring countiss about the frauds that have been practiced in Franklin and why arc not the thieves and viltians brought to jus tice? As well had you ask us to gtojv radicate from stealing and lic jng. Bat friends we see better times ahead, the dark cloud of radicalism which has hung over us like a pall so long, will in Novem ber next be dispelled, and the bright sunlight of democracy will shine cut in all its efalgencc, mak ing the waste places under radical Tide, '-rejoice and blof j-oms as the rose." Let us all earnestly work for this much desired end. EXTRACTS FROM A CENTEN NIAL LETTER. to pay back into the treasury of the County, that which they have stolen, and receive the punishment due them for their crimes ? If you I As parties from our section arc desire to sec this thing, go to work now leaving every week for the and? help to elect B. T. Ballard, Centennial, wc give an extract Norman Long, D. II. Gill. Dr. U. from a letter written by a proud T. Webb and Capt. A. b. Perry, for ner.t citizen of yakc county to his Corairissicncrs, and you will sec j nephew- in.' this ' prace. "It wUVto that they will bring about this doubt be read with interest bv AGENTS HAKE Oar 1 'Q ! J. E.' O'Hara the Radical nomi ncfoT Elector., for tire 'sccbTid Con gressional .Djstnct 13 pfco a.cancti date for County , Couinitfsioner in Halifax.; These caiihi'.eiS ! are all 'except Judge Settle running for two' offices, and boViS i having one J held ! open 1 f on ilifai : I jThey. ca nnbt hold but one at .the time under our amended constitution, and they jwill if elected to the two be com pelled to resign or. decline one be fore they can exerciser the duties of the other. They take all the chances. So hungry are; they that it is anything or anybody lord. Let the Democrats take new hope. . We have them : cornered. An aggressive continuance of ; the fight, will put "Vnce and our State ticket a longwa'8 ahead in Novem ber. Every 1 moment ;j from now until sunset on the 7th . of J'Novem-, ber, should be to utilize everything jwssiblc to:. achieve success should be done The times are auspicious. The outlook is bright. The future 1 is hopeful. - Hard wprk for . the "VVc believe the Board of County nextBix weeks will give North Caro- Commissioners at their meeting lina four; years of her 'real self. last week, adopted that part of the much desired end. Looic on this Picrcnz. In answer to a call from tho United States senate, the treasury department pont to that body a list of the public defaulters, and the ac:ou:it stolen. It appep.ris that One Hundred Millions cf Dollars of the people's mncy has been stolen by the republican party ofcci holders ! ! Tiio repnblioan majority in the senate refused to publish the list. Elect B. T. Ballard. I). IT. Gill, those who remain at home, as well a3 those cenlenniallv inclined. Dhau .IL Again beneath - the pnauow ot mv own v;ac and lig tree, after having jut returned rrom the City of Brothcriv love and l2 rraiid centennial, I will cn- dcavor to reply to yours of recent dntr. I shall (as every one who at tempts ) give a faint, ihadetpiatc idea of tho Exhibition, or ofmv own feelings on viewing that stapca- life-lilco Steel Earratin t.f I v t . , 10 A II A 1 1 didatc.; k!1 raf Uly. Send for Circular, N. Y. Eii-TaTin Co., 3 Vall Street, Box H2Uo"n. Y. Hard, times inatb Easy. 4 - - 4 , Dr. R. T . Webb, Norman Long and dous collection which so forcibly Every, man to his place. ASK THEM 1 - For Supt of Public Instruction : J. C. SCAKBOROUGII, '' of Johnston. Electors at Large : DANIEL G.FOWLE, of Wake. -. JAMES MADISON LEACH, of Davidson. District Electors : 2pd District-JOIIN F. WOOTEN, 3rd District-J. D. STANFORD, 4th District-FAB. H. BUSBEE, 5th District-F. C. BOBBINS, -6tti Districtll. r. WARING. 1 Tor Oong:reag-4th District' ' Joseph. J. Davis, OF FRANKLIN. Souatorial TicUot . ; t ; For tho Senato Ai lN. AV. BODDIE, of Nash. II. G. WILLIAMS, ; . of Wilson. ' County Ticlcot; House of Representatives: JNOJ E. THOMAS. Shcri(T: W. P. BRIDGERS. Register of Deeds: W. K. MARTIN Jr. Treasurer: ! B. P, CLIFTON. Coroner; J. A. STONE. Surveyor: M. N. YOUNG. Commissioners: NORMAN LONG, PR. R. T. WEBB, A.S.PERRY, D. II. GILL, BEN J. T. BALLARD. - THEY U1VE IT UP. " Notwithstanding the" fact that you are out of work, out ot money, out of food, perhaps out at the el bows besides, the Republicans still ask 3'ou to vote their ticket to deposit'ycur ballots for Hayes and Settle. Just ask them how it comes that this is so. Just ask them how !it happens that after they have been in power sixteen years --that after 1 they have had everthiiig in their own hands tor such a long and weary time, the condition of the poor laboring man 1s now worse than ever before in the historv " of "this ! cbuntrv.' Just ask them whv it is that there is neither money nor work,' nor (in thfeVitios, in thousands of cases,5) food nor clothing. Just ask thom why it is that thd' poor are every day becoming poorer ' and the rich richer. Why it is that the country is billed all over with sheriff's sales? AVliy it is that the poor man's hdrsc and wa son and f n ni th re are "seized and sold for rent? Why itJ ist hat there is poverty, distress, ruin 'and misery bV the land .greater 'and more heart-rend nig than ever" '.bo ford since this government was first established. : f: ;s ' ' ' ' Poor men, when ' you ire risked to vote the Reritibcati ticket,; to cast yonriallot lruliaycs:';anid&!,-iJ tie or for Rcplibiicanv candidates for" Congress or Legislature, ask them" the above questions. If they' arc answered' to yom satisfaction why, tlich vote for Uidir" ticket ' But if they are not answered tci ybttr' sat isfaction, (and they wont be) tlich vote (or Tildcn and 'Hendricks,. Vance and Jarvis and all the homK noes of the Democratic' party. . Yarborough and Spencer report, in in which' was charged, that they had paid J. B. Tucker, the Regis ter of Deeds extra pay of $2-U, for making out the special taxes which were levied last year, the allowance being matte without any warrant of law, We'! 24 i more saved to the county by persistent hammer ing and working. Would that all iA. o. icrry, ann you will sec a very different state of things in the Countv. You will sec count v bonds advance in the market. You will '. . - kco rcircncnmeni, and rfiorm ::i every department which the management of. Wlh Tink Martin for Register of Deeds and Clerk to the Board, every: king wdl go on smoothly and satisfactorily to the whole people. The commissioners after careful ly examining the Treasurers books. on Thursday as o the dishumncnt portrayed the loftiest aspirations and heaven-born genius of that no blest" of all - creature eminatin from D. itv. I wirli yon cnald c:vnc up and stay a day or two, then perhaps I might give you a iiitlc insight, but within the bounds cf a letter, anything lika satisfaction will be quite impossible. I think you will leave Philadel phia having your mind 'indelibly impressed with this sentiment, that it is an honor to have had a birth of the school fund, certified thnt u,mu ....;. .--'v i.i.u ,.v hU W..- woro nntiroU- ,nrr,nf ,r,l wn UlGn ftRd Old COIlMlin- that ho showed vouches for even ccntAlisbursed. It 15 not necessary for usio tell the public that the County Treasurer, Mr. .15. P. Clif ton is a Democrat, for the above fact is jnifllcient evidence. Mr. Clifton is tlio Democratic nominee lor rc-clcction, they c uld not make a better selection. The radicals in this county aie thev our poor old county has been rob bed of, could be gotten back and We tell the people of Franklin, if their heads. they will work and elect the Demo pratic nominees for Commissioners, thousands of dollars will be saved to the county. Ilurah then and lets have, B. T. Ballard. D. II. Gill, A. S. Perry,- Dr. R. T. Webb and Norman Long for our Commission ers, "h ex t yea r. They are the men to straighten up and put thi jgs to rights in the county. The well know colored man Fred erick Douglas, Jr., has a letter in the Washington City Clironicle in which he says: : l'I am not at A surprised at the State of affairs in the Southern States getting desperat keep their temper, when the iv.s. cality and stealing of their party is brought right before thorn by the Democrats, and not on-v are ihcv tuldofit, but it is proved beyond the shadow of question. "Oh! thev do Low thev do wntno and wrinkle their .brows over it, and scratch Hurts don't it ? Our Radical Do ':r.l of commission ers now threaten to sac the 1.vm1 of the inil contractor?, for a breach .f contract in tho. building of the 'ail. Whh were tho connrUrct- arp;t.td to receive that t;uiKlii?i? Tho de fect we understand is a vsrvVtanifest one, why was it bUcuvcrod? Yi;o believes anything can be callcct el by au action on the bond? . Tax payers of Franklin prepare yourselves for ancthcr levy for the jail. Amount of pchool money oppor tioncd, for this county after de ducting Treasurer's commissions. ' among the culored people,, when Itako and Examiners and Clerks fees into consideration the ciara of white Republicans"' who' have misled them ever since they became citizen?!, and for their own selfish ends. The col ored people "of the South have been made. to believe frcm the start by their pretended Republican friends hat there was money '.: in politics, so much so that it has been-im possible in vety many instances to fret good, hon- . ...... D fst colored men in office, because the could not-bd'Ued to wink at whatever white Republican might do that was Corrupt;" White inen hae been elected t office $51GI.05. This amount is divided out to the different townships which gives them OG cents to each child between the ages ofsix and twenty one. Who arc now tho Radical Candi dates for coinmisMonors in tins county? We think it would take a search i ar rant to find enough whito Radicals who are not otherwise provided for to make a Board. ; In four states, Vermont, Maine, Ar kansas, and Alabama, all of which vo ted for Grant, the Republican lose 120,000 votes or nearly one-quarter of wealth. Tho grandeur of the en terprise and tho ir.agr.it ado cT Ihe Imposition makes it vntlv Ameri c:in, which 13 a synonym for length, breadth and brenthing-rocm gener al. Of course you will mnke your way to the main building and ahnufrthc centre you will f.ud t!ic most expensive article-, among the r.:sFnbntion?. Tiie diamond nock laco ear rings, r.nI head ornaments frcm Tiirany, Xcw Vork, 112.000. The (Jeram Co., nilver vase c'2 C.)0. ar.otb.er Vase from rilington & Co. V-iO.OUO. Tl.-e snv.dl watch from Cencvn c Co. I could men tion hundreds :f t!irng of not much hss importance, but you can readily hunt them up. It is the grandest collection rn Karth. You may give free scopo to your imngirir.tion and read the Arabian talcs of fiction, still when you visit the Exhibition, yru will hay 'thc h:df Ins never !ee:: toll me." If you .wish ti be lk:nenit.:d you must take good time. The idea of looking through in a lew days is perfectly absurd. After the Main building, ' Ma chinery Hall is next in importance, indeed some say first. There yon will -cc what shall I say, well everything is 'he only word in my vocabulary that will convey tho idea; The Art Gallery jon will find vcrv interesting. I could not come You Relief for lha Hungry It is with pleasure we tn nour.ee that trc have gotten the ernoi'c out cf oar ryes rr.d theu!:c. from cur clothe sr.d have tub n hold of Luiincs in caincit piin. Qnr Mr. Ilarrow Kan just rctarnel frcm the Xorth, and tre sronatT receiving 'a large stock cf Dry G.v!?, Groceriiv, Provision, hhoesAC.i.c, arid are uucrii:g thcn at ll:? very lowest r-o'.hlc pricci. Onr pxr.U having been purchaed iduce the ilccliat-., we ear. scl! former pri ce-. l:i this connection, rc iU tatc lhat c are prepared tn furrmh fi i:.crs on LlMiVricr Al'PKOYKD V. VFAl, $10,l00 worth of r.rovuious and take CASH or Ccttoa, fay able Not ra ter 1st, 1G7C. We would earnestly rojucit our friend, rot to tuy Guano before rcclccj ua. o wt have a ProjHjad tou to MaVe, which will be greatly to ihvir interest. Wc btill want to buy cotton Many thank? fr pnt" favors. HAIUIOW & ! LHASA NTS. "Mrrch ll)th. IbTG. j. jv;thomas, No. 3.Msrt:n ftrce4, Rikih N, G-SNERAi COMMISSION MERCHANT. will rcrtiri-. Krll or s'xrc sod advance on COri'ON. I.tw rt nf inti rvl r.nd .!o"Af'c tl:sri;es. Hfcr to Citi Z'iu' Niticsal il.r.k, Raleigli N. C ill Store and to Arrive l.urdTss'tt ite cclcbratetl Ar row fV:?m Ti.f . 23.000 yards. Fr?Tyc-4tor It-?jnir, in "jii t ;d ITO jxd iclts. 2.00-3 n.i'.'in Twin?. 'Il.c.c yd arr- I'iri-ct frr.rr. msnn f.iciarvT", . ar..1 tirt hand. . Low sod t j cc'nt rart t ii i'cra anil icacr io iu;wt !n-. V"r:;u for piicts. Tf rrr!s ri n ts::cil grade, IVi tacks cotlec. -" H. 1 rt!i yt-Ilcr txft (f) and Graeu h.tr.1 F'lar-, h..Uihl frr ca.4i t the t'.ix-ir.c :i'it wi'.i li h4hf low. 50,000 r.r with ohl John Rro'n, must hunt it tip.. I think the tcndaiits have lx?en instructed not to point it out: Ashamed of It per haps they onht to le. NEWGOOBS. 1 LOW PRICES For Cash ! LB?. CLEAR RID BULIC cl urs. 3.000 In Biccn 8ul( 2..0 Rrfiu jrmvhUr?, bought t siM liw. f r ca.!i nt the dcclin. kcl. vritl 1 Fkaivklin Coujtty: 12 til Llio CUiUll UUiill, AO A INST D. IL Cilf Adm'r.: of ! 4 A. T. Fuller, 7 Summon S of Relief fjegro votes who scarcely had a second shirt-to their backs bafore bemg in I the entire vote of both parties stalled in oEce; a few months later they are sporting lino horses, gold A NEGRO'S OriNION OF THE watches and chains, smohe 6nc ci- REPUBLICAN PA RTY. gs, and purchasing ce dweiiin, &c." .i 1 It is a trito saying that ''actions pcak louder than word's and it is no lcs3 true than trite, and taking tho action .of the Radicals in this State wo can but infer that thev " Licharu M. Johnson, a promi- We Are net lor defeating any ncnt colored republican and ci- particular candidate of the opposi- mcmber of the : legislature, from tion, but v.-e take them all in, an! Edgecombe, recently joined the say lets beat all, every last oue of democrats. Here is his letter re- them and have a general pnrefying nouncicg republicanism : ' and straightening up cf thing?, TArxoito, N: C., Aug.' IS; 1876. Idch they liave got in such a fear- To the-President and otn:crs or tj' mi croo.-c., Ihey are the best folks Tildcn and Vance Campaign Clnb: I hereby tender my resignation to have given up all hopes of carry- thof republican party and ask that Ing'thc State. Judge Thomas Set- my name bo curollcii ia that ot the tla was nomiuatcd early in July for democracy. . Having been a ; faith- OoYcrnor, and thereupon resigns ful member of the republican party Ids scat upon , the Supremo Court all my ixlitieal hie, it. vrill ; be re- Bcncli, to take elfect immediately, membered.in the campaign of 1 874 , Tho Court was then in session with I was one of the few republicans several , wtfeks of work before it, in the county that askeii for reform yet Gov. Brogdcn permitted the in uty party, which was not ad- Court to cIosg its session without I hereil to. N"ov.' I am lul!y o! the, been fattening on their stealings supplying a Judge in Settles place, 1 opinion, not only that the county I from the County, caught and made ! f windlcrs of Oram's alau&istration. for getting things, in a muddle wc ever hen. il of, but never hear of them putting things in order. There must be a house cleaning ol these fellows, and new and better ones put in their place. Doa't you all think a general cleaning up is absolutely necessary for the health of our county affairs ? Men of Franklin, do you want the thieves and rogues, who have lixc FjThr, AT ivrdu.- an.l Annie E. hi wife, Jo?; R. Fuller, S.-lath;ci Fallcr, S;T. Fulle-, J, C. Rtii and R??ina hU ?. I). Rentue and Martha hi wire, llrrby Futltr. Fnj. FutUr, Aiicv Fulkr, J-.e Fuller, L -roy H. Fuller, Erctly J. Fuller an t tho -idow xii.X c.'dhl 01 7. P. Fuller, de- Ct.atCl L:iU2C3 DOt llC'JWD. THE STATE OF NORTH CARO- I LlNA, 1 To th? FhcriSTof Franklin Conntj GREETING : ' Y.u ftra lurtljy Cnn;inar der1 To utiim -n Ivmkc FuiW r, SrlathUl FulUr b L 'Fuller, Scl.lhicl Fuller, L Fot. hr, JtrM.t Fulitr, Ltrn.y 11 Fulhr, Emily J Feller, nod the widow and child of T Fcl!cr :tcc-fc, camca cot known, Tho De:inUtnt slrjTe nauinl. ifthtybi four.d nkhin jour Coooij, t) n,h &r 'lit thr iillicc ot lho ClcrV ot the ijjntnrr Court fr the Ccudit ot Franklin in Liuhbari' N r. on thc2ti vl August 187C, and actwer the cm- pla'.r.r, a cpy of wh:c! be rr posited in luc cfui-e of ths Clerk oi tu ( f ccrior Court :or County, wiuia ten daja ttom the date ot this turn roons, and Itt them take notice that it they till to answer the said coraplsiat at that tlinr, the plaintiff will apply to ths Court lor the relief dninded in th complaint. Hereof fail not and 01 this summons make due return. Given under ay hand aad teal 01 said L'oait. ttU 10th da? tf July 130. - - - TV. K. DAVIS, Clerk Superior Court Frankiia County S. A. Stevens & Oo. DILLEIU IX Furniture, Carpelings h Pianos, X011F0L1I, Ya, Tfce Urqcst Slccfe cf the abori goods ia Virginia, ; Alt pcods goaractcctl to be sold as low as ia any Northern City, as our TI13 Fail Session will tcia Jaly 10;U business lacitifits ere cnrfaiaed. I8T0. I Oar cood are ell manataciored to TERM3 pzn SE.33I0S ok 21 weei. 1 order and we ask a Visit or aa order Roard will tisc principal; (washir?. I iroiu those dcairir jroods in oar lice lights nd towels not tnc.'cdJ,) fGO.OO I to convince thea of tt:e adrsctage 00- Tuuioa in primary department 15.00 j taictd in deahcg nearer hotzr. " KesuUrLugiiiUCoart', 20.00 llaTinj been estab;tJf . C1; Latin and Grcch,cscu, txtra, 5.G0 years and hiring frl-t larjely in the Board must be piii in advance. All Tidnitt ot Frank it a Caaty, all caa accounts fur Tui ioa are due at the I reft r tj the,pu.!;cK'ccr4!lT clofe Of tbo S.-5tl)n. K tltrinrtinri in I ' .V- .i A.-cati act ca hand a ticket at the Stto elections ia a vote Tuition except ia cases cf protracted lari aisoxuueat f l.ans and Paxloi lor Haves and all tho !,n B:c"CM- ... ! Orara a JXiauuciun. fiuw, The Hayes Campaign Clubs in Nctc Jersey arc called the Robeson Legions. A vote for Hayes U a vote for the puh lic robher IUbcson. WHAT VOTES FOR HAYES MEAN. A vote for Hayes is a vote for Rvbc son. A vote for Hayes is a vote for Bel knap. - A vote fur Hayes is a vote for Delano. A vote for najes 13 a vote against Retrenchment. A vote r Hayes is a vote for the lad iaa Bureau. A vote for Ilaycs is a vote for the Freed man's Bank. A vote for Hayes is . vote fdr Bab cock, McDonaM ar.J Joyce. Every vote cast for the Republican We arc row receiving New and sea- sonable Goods, which we are slllnc at ycrj iow pr.css ior casrr, roasistintj ia part ci Men and Women Boots anil Shoe?, Bleached and Unhlcarhwl Cloth. New Style Fall Calico, Brown and u lute Suar. Kio and Laguajrr txtuec. Clear Rjb Bulk Sides. Choice Refined Lard. NEW FLOUR in BARRELS and SACKS. White & Shaw. LOULSBUKO MALE ACADEMY. M. S. DA VI?. Frlrciua' jucc 1G-Ia . rcu ' v.. ScT. i i-r

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