( JarSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaagr-.MIMwa ' " ' ' ' ' ' J"- - iJae - . r - "p Th T7 -L obiLi -rr- -n tik M 1 . L X . " - - ' t - . " . ,i I- , - . G-EO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS : , 02,00 per.Annti VOL. V. L0U1SBURG, N. C, FBIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1876. N6. 47. if Clmrcli Directory, Methodist Cnuncn. Rev. P. L Reid, Pastor. Fewices every Sabbath at It A. M. and 7 . P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7 P.M. Communion service the Second Sunday in each month at 11 A.M. Reward's meeting Monday night after tiie second tabbath in each mouth. Sabbath School every Sabbath at 3 oc ock'K. M. r. Paul Episcopal Chcbch. Rev. E. Dollowky, lUctor. S.n lees on the first and third Sun May in each month, morning and afternoon. - : ; . Holy Communion monthly on first Sunday. Sunday pc1hoI every Sunday niorn ng at 9 o'clock. Professiona DAVIS & COOKE ; ATT'YS and COUNSELLORS at LAW LOUISBUBO. FRANKLIN CO. H C. Will attend the Courts of Nash,Frar.k Hn. Granville, Warren.and Wake Coun ti 'R. also the Supreme Court of North Carolina and the U. S. Circuit and ii not Couits. No. 7 tf W. H. SPENCER. ATTORNEY OFFICE, Street, over Brick Store. On Nash Hawkins' LOUISBURG N. C. B. F. I1UlLOCKJR. T. T. MITCHELL. Bullock & Mitchell, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - Franklinion, N. C. Will pmc.tire in the courts of the 6th judicial district. Prompt attention given to the collec tion f claims.' - No 50 tf MEADE, ORK & CO. Importers and Dealers in II A Ul) WARE, CUTLERY AND CARRIAGE MATERIALS, 15 Sycamore St. Petersburg, Va R. T. MEADE W. ''.OKU JU.SEPU AI.CBEU. Whitelaw & Crowder. Marble & Stone Comer Fayette vilje: and Daln Streets. OPPOSITE THE YARBOROUGII HOUSE; Raleigh.; N C. 1 m Orders Solicited. C O ff E I E -E Wc have aWed to onr stock a splen - dii JOB PRESS, with an elegant election of type of the litest styles, -'i we are now prepared to uo; , ..." 's ;':y in the neatest and best manner; ' " ! 8o Ton nert not. aend vonr 1 JOB WORK North, for we will do itiust ai tll &Dd cheap as yon can get it else- wuere. '- LETTER HEADS; . i u: j ENVELOPES, CA.BDS, ' &c JOB OIIC Single Blessedness. My wife had cone away for the summer, and left me in full charge of the house. I like it: haven't had such a run of liberty since wc were married. I hope she's hay ing a good time, for I can now ex ercise my rights as the head ot the family Can't do it. when she's at home; she'll not stand it. ? She lias: rules, and makes everbody. about her toe the mark. But I've crot her now, and am having things my own way. This morning I came home quite early. It was 2 a. m.; I'd been to the club and got caught in the rain. For half an hour I couldn't find the keyhole, which must have got mis laid. f I felt for it everywhere, and even got down in the yard and ex amined every .brick, but couldn't find it. I was in the act of calling nuc of my neighbors, and asking him who had carried off my front door, when I happened to find it and got into the house. In the dark I kicked over a spit toon, but luckily didn't get any of the tobacco iuice on my boots. I hung my overcoat and umbrella on a prong of the chandelier, let them drip on the parlor carpet, went up stairs, and turned in with my boots on. I thought it wasn't woi th while to pull them off, as I would have to get up in eight or ten hours anyhow. If my wife had been at home, she'd have had me looking an hour for the bootjack, and I would have lost that amount of rest, which my system so mnch needed. Besides, she'd have made me give a full account of myself, which I don't like to do. I never did believe in praising myself. It is better to let others speak of one's virtues. lean now wear a shirt a week, and it's nobody's bu3ines. I don't sec how I ever did get along with that woman. The idea of hav ing to put on a clean shirt, black my boots, and brush np my clothes every morning, is simply ridiculous. It is a miracle to me how I ever did it and attend to my other affairs. I now read the morning paper with out being forced to see an impa tient woman standing, all dressed un. looking: very miserable, and finally telling me she is going down town and wants that paper. Any one, to look at tue nouse now wouia know ; there's no woman about, everything is so quiet and comfor table and handy. If I want to do a little, figuring. I don't have to hunt for: a pencil, , or pen , and ink, but I just sit down to one of the tables and do if with my finger, and there's nobouy to oe eternally wielding (a dusting orusn arouna my neau ana telling me to get out 01 tne way un-. . ... . ' til tlie house is cleaned np. . .'X'bese are consiuerauons inai every marned ma:i should, popuer, ovcrvi But when wo do ponder ; and, resolve, :wnat goou uoes it ao r l110" uvemwuj . UH,K f " . 1 agitating the American , pepple.r. t !oafc guuu uws wji.j 2?yju TXT 1 A. .1 J--.-. I .Ut Uf. Jt hthese 'roraen can't; nave every thing, jjes their own, way, ihey. ,swooq off into hystencs. , As a con sequence, iwe .have: to pay a,fifty dollar doctor's bill, aud stay, in the house all dar. fanning them aud promismg in tne ; jCnu tnacj wcj may be happy yet," before they show any disposition to compromise., Our wives are petted too much. 4-nd this, reminds ,me that mine won't yield to any, other treatment I undertook to . prescribe , a more stringent remedy for her one day, but it threw her into a fit more like jim-jams than anything I knew of. She broke every plate in the house over my head, and then I had to kiss her before she would promise not to do it again. That's what ' makes me say she is set in her ways, There, too, are the piano and guitar, trnicn sac kept going from morning until midnight, filling the whole neighborhood with discor dant music. Both arc as mute as the bird-cage which was vacated last week by a strategic movement of the cat. The two hundred pots of flowers she lcit mo to cultivate I don't think will produce much of a crop. They're nearly all ripe now, and there's no sign of a flower yet. .1 have watered them twice since she left, but it did no good. I reckon they miss her, and ore pining away because she ain't here In this respect they do not resemble me to any alarming extent. The stove and pipe have assumed a beautiful retl tint, and the pts are bringing forth a fine crop of white-looking vegetable mold, which I haven't learned the named of, but she'll know it when she comes. The dishes don't look quite as bright' and 5 clean as they might, ' but the : - flics are bad this year, and if I were to wash, thera every two weeks they" wouldn't present a respectable appearance n otice to the EDITOR. ricase suppress that article T sent you about my spell of Single Blessed ness. The old woman has got back. JBol Xiig-er&toll'K Dream Ono night, after ppcaking in his usual fashion to an audience of many hundred persons, l?ob ;.Irgorsoli went to his chamber, and laid him on his bed to rest. He had a dream. The nma? dreamed that; ho fjood I face to face with a great clock; that slowly beat out the seconds of a mis erable existence. "The face of the clock w a. as gastly as the face of death. The.hands crawled over tup face like the worms of corrnption, and cjawled slowly on toward the" midnight hour. Every tick of the clock was tli 3 plash of a great drop of blood in a pool of gore. Every plash of blood sprinkled in his bosom with'hideous ' red.1 He tried vainly to wipe awy the stain; and he found that his hands, too, were red like his bosom and like the pool of blood at the foot of , the .clock. f But the hands of the, clock crept on to" mid night. " ; ' There shut around him the hot, suf focating fog of night. : Then the hopes and lovea and hates and aspirations within him groaned and gasped and died. ;The hot, suffocating , shroud of vapor wrapped him more; closely, and; he, too, groaned and gasped ;but death came not to him as it had como, to his hopes and affections. He. stood there, alone in the dying universe, alone with. tho reat clock that splashed blood at. the he ,fAf -iMr iM:ttrivu the hand. crawled, on U mid- while night. ... : , .'. s. , ;.. : To this man every- breath wa5 ago ny, every heart throb a ; centuiy of pain. He-felt his .bones crumbling; irt 4. .nd bis flesh rottinz while it 1 - - .. . . v. clunK. to him. . HU tongue was. swol- len in bis month. His throat was fdry and horribly, -bitter Ho , cared no longcr for til0 ,tains of , rcj, bIooa but b-thed bisbrow audv.bia, eyes in the pol andu.oUteued bis lips with 1, clot tea: tore. ? lu tne f same breath, he Uasphemcd and praved for the lidit I. H'l l-of morninir.; 'AM m. u.nA r,e t,n ,:a nigbt 0d stopped. . .There , Wer.x io. g4Wingh.ar,Uererfur, D d.wn.Ba morniDg light,, "do.soii. , Er.o ttie Wood stopped piling. the pool dried .fso t.t he eould looger moistco bis litw or quench the indes- cribable thirst that consumed him. -, In anguish that was terror, and in terror, that was agony, he broke tbo awful silence, and, cried; . , , "Is there no Vjsunlight? A Voice, louder, harsher, hoarser and a3 sneering as his own j answered out of uxe silence: H i :,?.- -a 'A) i tThere is no sunlight for the stirrer op of strife.'- " ! After an eternity, again he cried: UI there no dawnr k And the Voice replied with a bitter er sneer: . ' - I . , . ' .;' 4Tlcre is no dawn for the denier and the liar and the blasphemer." When an eternity of eternities bad passed he cried out once more: "My God ! Is ther no Esorning?" ! ; And the Voice came back t ; ."There is no morning and yoa have no God I" ITc Scorn eel a. X3x-lte. BY MAX A DELES. Colonel Gray was a mcmocr of the Legislature two or thrco years ago, when a Tery earnest effort was being made to pass, a law relieving railroads from certain taxes, Tho railroad companies had their agents in tho lobby, and they were spend ing monejr pretty freely buying tho votes of the members. Ono day ,a lobbyist met Colonel Gray in tho reading-room of his hotel, and tho following conversation ensued: : Agent.' 'Colonel, I don't know how you, feel about this railroad tax law, but I am very anxious to have it go through, and if job Trill ; bneL-ut InotgoiDsto - - a' fjji,iJ the people of tha Statel" ; , j l. Agent, was .going to say that f you. will vote for it, youll confer a personal favor on me." JColoneL WclL I'm'not ell, I'm not going to do it." . . Agent. "And if I can do any thing for you if a little matter ot $500 would be ot any use to youj I'd be glad to offer it as a persona loan.; in fact as a gift." . Colonel ((indignant). "What; Sir ! , You attempt to bribe xne ! Yon insult mo by offering me money) What, do you mean, sir? What do you iean I Betray my constitu- cnts, Dring dishonor upon my. fami ly, sell the reputation, that I hold dearer than life for' money ? I've a notion' to kick you down stairs, you insolent scullion 1" Agcnt.'Jcally, colonel,. I had no idea" Colonel (grandly). -"It .makes no difference, sir, what you had, or what you hadn't ! You come to rmc, the representative of a large and influential community; to mof fsent. here to look after public in terests, to protect popular rights, to purify the springs of- legislation, " and you have, the unblushing au dacity to ask n e . to sell myself for a paltry $500 ! . It i3 mon strous! bitterly monstrjoua l" Agent. ti didn't thiuk it woulil strike you as being-. Colonel (sarcastically). 11 You didn't, hey? Didn't. " suppose ;I would object to. sacrificing cycr- thing tliat an honorable , man con sider good .and holy at the bid- ding of a rascally .railroad com- 1 pany .hat wants to rob , the State!. Tou don't; knor mc, sir! Yoa are not acauaintca with me or you would havelbcen; aware that I re- pari! 55nch an .'offer 'with loathing and horrorl that I spurn ' It with senrn nrA rnntjomnt that T iixtnUo the , reptile, who crawls to mV feet to make It." V . , ' . ' ' ' Arront "Oh "rerv waIi! Yriu Agent VOh,. " very well.1 You needn't accept if you don't wan't to. "J. There's no necessity for howling Colonel-' p jso necessity rcr j ik a-herei I don't want to - l fl01f.? W ,nw- wrwmwt hurt your feelings; you ecca to mean wen enougu. iu reaiiy yon PR?? that a tnafl Hke ;iao VoaM, rote, square .gainst W. con- science, barter away hta honor; aad Tio?ate oath for a beasUy UtUe fee .of 00; dirt youT Did yon, reauyl . Agent. C4I denno. All the others came down for that flgura" Colonel "They did. hey? WJl . I want you to distinctly understand that I'm not one of tnat kind. Not I by a l)ig eight Dnt I tell yoa what Til do now. as between man and man. I scorn your bribe, and and I'll die beforo m touch accnt of it, but I've got a note for $650 coming due ' to-day In bank, andil youll just quietly take It np and pay my month's board bill at this hotel, Til vote for the railroad tax law straight ahead, every' time she come3 up this winter. Then the agent smiled and the coionet went to tne nou3e reeimg virtuous as a Puritan. oir Since the world began, no party hit ever thought, spfcen or acted so villain! and infatoy ai Ute Radical ty. Don't &n to read a tingla ooa 6f I t . m '. I II iqc ioii7visg uueranecs u joa wiq to to know the true inwarvlnesj of Iladii calisrn and of Radicals: " ' : ; 18C3. j uBut whereVer the yoa worV don forget to work atuong the women, Go after the women then, And donH hesitate to' tbroW your7, 'arms iuuf. iia i their necks now and then when I .ul:.i..v...i j . J them .good-i:. -They ! -Ek.J rebs is, that with TI ' their ) alas ' th have a vast amount of bnesa tat nly want to bave appraW U be the most lovrag crcafttrca don't fail, theforcy as yott eahraai tb State to look after the women. Ita! elghrStandard. ' ",, , uDid it ever occur to you, ye gen tlemen t)f eHieal!on; property and chart arte r, to you,yo men ' and especially wot men,wbo never rccelTcd 'anything from these colored people but services; kind ncss and protectioti,-l4id it' "never !o4 cur t. jou th tte am. people h arefio vcry bad, will not be wuhng U alecp in the cold when' your house are denied thsm, merely 'necawe they will not vote as yoa do?i That ' they oav not be willing to tafvc,, wbile tbey art wiHing to work ; for bread ! !Di it never occur to you that revenge, which is so sweet to you; may be-ai sweet to them ? Tlear ns, if nothing thh you will hear, did it ever occur to ycra that if you kill their children 'with hunger they wUi kill your chndren fear? Did it never occur Kxurxoyou, mat ii-you Tho Governor has power to'-an- ped nil civil Uw as it waaamrpepdtd in 18b5' W. W; Holden. ' rr Li i The Spy Bill wa passed- la th year. ' 'a '' f ''!- ! ".la: The Shofoer Bill was introduced u to the Legislature. In advocation th bill Radical Sens tor Cook. from' -Johl ston county, said It'ougbt to pass" cause if it became alaW-'incn ncensqd cou!d be tried by ' drum-head . ecu ft martial an shot'' . I J i. i- ? - The painting or disguise act w,, pissed this year. ' v-.m . ' wu.' - 'ir rng wodd ..utho, bo I suaFTO5lun u 'ucui, wl 'vo wrifc fHabca5 Corpus in ccrtaioi caJitic,'and ifenmrnab 'could fbb n rest tried befbrs 1 mnitazy -uib I nals and shot WC WOUld SOOlk bive PCa and ordcr throughout aU tbu eouhtry W;W; Holden. ' : John pooVpropoaod to put1 into' Hie service a desperado named MeUniwy, who would raise a company tbat (wou)d give O ovcraor Holdca -co 1 trccbl e, for I lua 11 nJ 01 V13 nca acsa nynim 1 BoekWy'rikaci-'Eb Hrdold kill I taca or they would be lost aU 'i-Tpr I ot - tOorcrnarCnoMa.) liould'r.n "P- "Oot-'CUjrtJ. r -Aimm.' - hdi ici o- 7 P f l&cua . county d tr nd utd Urg nBsAcr. oea oj , unwary -woi "iy1 v. I Dadgcra swore tcstluiony; ' .:ii . I lth (Governor Ilcidco U cvrr. personally menaced hU fruntU will re-- I BtQl il pnaialrtha can. cica who I J o - W ear Tn I mounded, it is already detruiaid that leading Democrat aad Cccsrvoure?, insuatly to P111 death. The OpTtrnar,J xaiad np.r-IWeigh Sucdinl; r ' ' ' : ' 1372.- I "Rally this last tisa and carry tba I election, and there will ba no 4 parkr and no kUchea.- Kdl! JJcKay J ' I87i; ? I TU pratenajoa that any person er I cJia may b prevented form rtsortisg as to a nahlia clace whoe !oor tra rw t all but them, and dcolcu to theta Read Every Word Tli I j. s. goou people mauaous.y aCcrmine itiat pttL11eMg wbo 03 Saturday tt last they shall have no AelMr.'tbcy'nair tcd aMlbst ' tbi J Cltn,fR!SlU bill determine that you shall have no; she.. tWhlXzZ ter. Tod. R. CaldwelL 'v i . ..V' : - t ,4 .n , only, ca aecjjuiU, of cslor rae. r-'U triot U toTcrated byaiTy csnlrtlonrnTy and aiDccrtlt(ds:fc3'. cf Onplwjldia much. I . .i v - .. i . . o And thtrtrbrn.iJjir it wcrt poiiUe, n in. laxga . dlica U pea -UrtoUtaUUIi m Xtxxj fcLc clU far black children aa4 f or wbitt chtllrtn it is in tho Htit dsme.ia expcllf nt Jo Uber-ptailbK or tolerat t,U Thl -tictry cTIttaiatiq'dOit, can- . . , . . . ... " , .- , . . . . , ccoant tho di5trt ficadjlicav of tie - f O JTT V w lUB UU He school, wb ere clifdrtn ofali cla. cs and COTditiocTara bronbt together this dotinnt H budaa,I equality can betansltlani'Uti Ulocllef means of seraia tio pcrpctly cf rcpablican tnsthntions. And- inasmuch as wo bavo la! tHacoiutrj ti cnilon eol- ortd: g!i,X traqr tl ;t;irttpnb- lie duty thU Ihcjr fctb white peo ple of the csnntrywith whoa they are to be associated in, political and pnb lie affairs. sUllTbi f aAxioiUtei and and made ono in ths fundamental tdtaj of human equilTry.1 1 Therefore where it would be rot&iblo to establUh dii nBrfii0l,tVri,tlitt . tn.l- t e r of pcUU ' policy. -aailr Bout well ao.i:V . Bf the trtacbety of Republican mteabcrt cf Congrcis'alccri: la Tla'ro par; Jby colored tTctfryti) rjTO vo ters, the negro is continued an out law. FortunaUly-.the neo has the ballot. ;IIo orts; it-.fq l4qielftoujd that UJJpn VHVf AkW of the men whose treason to professed EwVliUii it t, - f - ; ,t, r.. re not th eariri trt Via llt ,i.:;'ii:,i. J-KliA. leJ intiibe' su'pfcitr ' pUJed xricnjs uy sopnutryxor tj ianiida lion Defeat ercxy pretended rtpabU cwb6fvotcIari!riifItfia'?.I-bU Vd):-rrid Doglasfrxr Iai of Freedoen'j 5?viag flink, We wint the Um nbubmpau ed and cnfcncLand in the rams of our dead soldiers we demand i Ls pis sage We demsnd that oar wires and daughters siialrndi ia' what vchiiles lh.y plleti -UfrmU pesse, so long -a "Uhej paj ere tbey sy for the privilere-Weysril .flat lere'-Weycsisnl Uat our cbil- dercn shall be tdm tiled to tba cca- mon oojirjcplrynd I tract it shown to toitJ white men th.t the colored osn'a loc4 i? coinfeikir Y e demanq ta t&ensno ci onr dtad colore tbers be giren to us complete j anq , constant equality every irbera.., eaVi,.win cxsrcUe our Judgement wbers wo wiuro, wbea we wm ro, ni Law far wo soall ro. If we are alls to xiibe exrctse When we psy.ffef lUnb in Pnlloaa sleeping tit w cj'zzi tint b be sho-- ved IstAa Jla Crar. VTbca we pay faraTceLtt tla AMintca Uctel wa want to & C:2: Lit cur Institu tion btK. j!r?7;:J;! cj bo mas tcrsof JiVrrty.ca f lisrcrUpcnt. Jol 31. lSuto;ycst ct Iloward University. j ; .Tf .! .TTre.fa pare tT;l- crrcr thia bid tenia to sctde aayvLIr-' s fl' v Th Utrtbw g-cr, . tkjCLzrtczJL bet it - tUl cl.-L reappear until the cr-c: v."-(be- country Is fatJXIIirrrr's 7ez'zWm i Yc3 Ccnds. cf hr-udl! I 1 yea lateral Cr: djr c t: TW". ; Z t the people of Jdslcra ttA LUoJjr shirt zz:jz r.fJ moo-. ey tai lDCuaa Is ti:-LZ'JL litter. " ' " ' 1 -s' 1 ' i- ' fes'Jvtd, H it 'r 7 " 4 r. . , . - J " hlo woeld veto Vi.z:zck::i .'tlc. V-lzll b hunlcd upa. rii V nf?;!dica cf luoieal c;t:': ' . i A I ... - Frora' a bors erioyuiUca col;zs:. I cut ray uncle VilllnV I na r-tk 1 off with death. itly .

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