; '. ! - ' -. I Hi? A3 Che tortfc Carolinian Published Every Wednesday ' DEFINED. - ; j LlTERARY NOTICES iiauuuai piutcuLiuii,- u nun - ertising rates see For terms and advi i first page. Communications relative to and of interest 14 the Albemarle District solicited from all quarters wmm EDiciNt arid Ague, Kneumatisrm ana many oinej aimed to ills whirb shatter the sconstitution anc wreck ftealih. iDon't forget the wore! I class loci VOLUME TWENTY-EIGHT. With this week's issue The North CaeolhwIjt enters upon its twenty plrrritri 'rir A a Tina rwuin attttaA it la .-:' - s SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. DonM . J f-- . , , .. fArrrt to take it Nofis the time voUthe oldest hanerm the State without ;h ifced it most to walce up your Liver.' At-JJ.i U'U- T i .sluggish Liver, brings ai Malaria, Fevei w culWf fl iiiujmcuu. xi naa fill the requirement of a first REGULATOR. . It is SIMMONS -'LIVER I, , L -' - fc . REGULATOR vou want! The word REG I nrst issue inas oeen laentmea witn tne LIVER REGULATOR is a Regulator of the heth City and the Albemarle section Liver; keeps- it. properly at work, that your- . 'system may be--kept in good condition.' -ever keenine steadily in view and ad ! FO THE BLOOD tak SIMMON? . I . 7 Liver REGULATOR. -It is the best blood vocatine What it has believed best punrier ana correaor.g iry it ana note -,-,i0. the difference Look! for the 'RED calculate on; every package. X u wont Una it on prosperity 6f the people. Lrver jremedy - liKe SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR the Kinof Liver Remedies. to promote the welfare and Be surfi you get it, I 3- U. Zellin & Co.. J liiladelDnlaPa, Scad ; The jM)licy of the past " will be "con tinued in the future Sincerely thank ful foi thb liberal . patronage' of the public, aid hoping that it will contin ue and iijcrcase, we enter uponanoth er volume of the Carollsian with a determination to try and make it a v ' c l" 1-1 - :a J m iA ' -i bAi u".uuiiauoii w wy -ana maKe it i . .bchcdule m effectf April 20 1896, I - I " ,y ' ' r -' - ' - J still better one than anyofthe twen ty-seven I. T preceeuing n. 'AH INSULT. Time and the inexorable -loeic o ive brought the anti-McKin - Norfjrlit 4 '8ouHmi n K.fR; Mall and ExpTea . triiiuB,, Southbound, dajly (except Sundays, '- M Dt'. 5uclBUlf' ifc , m., ana a o:Bi r. M, Nonhbouud, dally, except Suudaya c leave tllzabeth City alf 2.-4o 1': M., aud 8.05 V ' w Lryerain8,rrlverat and depart from - JNortolk Wedtern depot, Norfolk; conneet at Norfolk with ail Kail ant sieamer lines, and at fcdeutbn wJd Steamer tor Hoanoke. Cashie. - - uiowan' aod Scupoeruug j-ivsra; trauafer l eveilts : .iSJSSSS.' i&rftlo"1; Iey C0PTracy t0 a Pint where it can r...Vi'1"'..10'8' fwasumgton and ail succeed, only through deceit, debauch Htvtuicuiaie inuujiiiuH. v i . ' ! ery and betrayal on; the part of the people s instructed - representatives. The insdlent assumption of the "Allied Bosses that the ; delegates pledged to 'Newberri ' coiinet.!rnr withth-a a'm V u I filaior jNIcKihlov ran lie fprnntod tn . forUotdsboro.Kiuatoi aud Morehead Citv, I i. " ' jL v7. . - "ii.u mo Tf.ixt.oin, It, it. IOJ JaCKSOll-l "4". a Ul ViUlllJii 1111 llle Wilmington,. C. etc KetuN.ih Lu'l i . .. . jeare Newbm AhjuJav ..wihIhibv u..-i ivi.i..?, I i"c macnine oriranization. it is an popping at uoanok, laUua going and return- insuU every 1 . t,; the Con and it will be rebuked in a never to be forgotten. ; Tu cAOxtLiin , DISPATCH AND p.: V OLD DOiUNAOJf UNE. : lie steamer Npus .(eaves Elizabeth Citv yt J,uursaay,and Saturday at 6 P. M.. for - TicketaWBalo'at Elf abcth City station to vpnf Inn I Uoanoka laiandNawMrnerKinSton, Oolda- ntion, : boro, Moruhead Cltr aiU Wilralugton, t. C, "Any ail rail :BervI(fe between Ei1ztu. wwk- 1'madelphla, Baltimore manner 1. ',r?hKh " lw rate and qnicker . .tlmelUa by auy othetf route. I , - DJrett ill -goods; :to W shrppa vl Eastern Carolina Oiapatcl as follows: From. Norf ilk ly Norfolk 4 Souitheras Kailroad; Ba.timore, lhiladeli)hio, l'ennaylvania It. It., lock Street Pieria? North i'olurth Aireiii-J -Elizabeth i ltv. nr t,n,. A FACT. ' One Of" e early' Secretaries of the Treasury, an able-statesman. ; and ; fi nancier! once said:; "The want of mo- Ueueral Otllce of Si - ' j Company, ,Nbrfoi: jt. I ' '. M. K. KINO, Kf,SorS!,iK ney.tfant! of exchangeable r . Information apply to m, it. valuable property or commodities the Norfolk: & Southern Ii. K. rfolk, Va ,c..nuix;ixs, ; Gen'I Ft. 4 Pasa'r Agt. MIL, '-. ', ' At the Old Stand on Road Street, ELIZ. CITY, n6eTH CAROLINA v or and the warit of credit. The man who says that he wants money could at all times obtain it if he had either credit or valuable .commodities." ' It might be adcUd that a person without cred 6r .valuable commodities to exchange for money could not obtain' it, no mat ter hovi much its volume might be in creased or its value diminished 4 Senator Gorman, resentfully declares T 'l 1 1 9 X .'If" . l ana always nas Deen advocated py tne Republican party, means legislative encouragement to' the employ'menr o Americaa capitaL ahi labor at home in the development of all our natural sources of wealth and prosperity, ih stead of sending our capital abroad to aid - in the production of foreign wealth and to pay for foreign labor It means legislative security against the dependency, of , the Nation upon foreign countries for its means of de fense, and of our people for their '.ne cessaries and comforts of life; It means legislative barriers against the exhaus tion of the wealth of the country sending it abroad , in exchange at home in 'exchange.'; for the like ar ticles produced by American, labor from' the earth or in the factory. In the former, case both money and. the article it buys .are lost to our country in the latte, the money stays at home and goes on buying. j tor it The Democratic party is the party of the poor. N. Y. Herald, Nov. 10, 1992;, :: !;:.:-. --V So ."poor" in iact that.tlie 'rHeraJd" iee had to collect and distribute clothes in the foil jwing year., Rev. Thomas II. Pritchard, D. ID., the:noted Baptist minister of this State, died at Kew York. ion Saturday,- whither he had gone for treatment for Bright's disease. . j ; , ; Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria J' , Ex-President Harrison's articles have proved such an enormous suc cess w ith "The Ladies' Home Jour nal," adding over 100,000; to the cir culation of the magazine, that the sc ries will be extended beyond the orig inal limit. The ex-President has now reached the treatment of f'The'Presi dent's official family" in his series, de scribing the relations which each Cab inet member holds to the 1 President. Then he will show MHow the Senate Works" and ,'How, Congress Legis lates," each in a separate article That New. York City censumes nine hundred and sixty million eggs in one year; nearly thi-ee hundred thousand pounds of butter every day: and as 1 many gallons of milk; that it eats three hundred and five million pounds of beet in a year seems astounding. And yet these figures are, in reality, very moderate calculations which Mr John Gilmer Speecl has reached upon ex haustive (investigation, and embodied in an. article on "Feeding a City Xike Naw York," w hich he has written for "The Ladies' Home Journal," i ' Dr.'Parkhurst's articles, to young men in "The Ladies' Home Journal" have turned out to be, next to Gen eral Harrison's articles, the most prof itable venture that maeazine has un dertaken. His coming papers will deal witn a. young man's social lite; his pus iness suceess; as a citizen; his religious me, uuu ins marriage. -j THE, RETIhtD BURGLAP. Wood for Sale. that he for the has done all the dirty Avork. Glevelaiid crowd that he 'pro poses 'td do. And, he might .have ad ded, all he has to show for his thank less task are a pair of soiled hands', a diminished self-respect and the cor I haye opened a VOOD YARD at (the roindexter. Creek .Bridge and ;keep a Li:,, WI 1 ; -T 7" .T tne government without .adding Kuou.Buppiyoi goodwood on hand.- Will "TtVf U1 uugiawuiu. punucians cent to the public debt and wilhnnt jsellby the load or cord; and will aw and who prbfited by his labors. h: .! '- I W. IT. STARK Sp93ch cf Congressman Stinner on Clark " Salaries. Mr. Speaker, from the beginhincr of tne present session, while opposing you in .poktical sentiment. I have been in constant sympathy with your jwiicy, wnen conirontea with a threat ening Treasury deficit, to so. far as practical exercise economy, and have watched with approving interest how :! l ,i .-ii L. . -ii -i WASUIxGTOX LETTER. V-seiJf u,ur? you mve wieitiea From our Regular Correspondent:) "ie Pining Knne over the Kiver and -. - .. - . f .1 ; ' - Hsr horn ITnmrnitroo " ' ilno T..Ki:a enator Uuay s conference With flio TCa) A tr; Gov. McKmley bears out the state- Appropriations Committee, and nient repeatedly made . iby your cor- nthem Tiv th KoVi Chof,i r' resondent that .the rivalry for the my .the country knpws you have lost Republican nomination, so far ai the in nnmi.lnrirv it Ka principals were concerned, was entire- extent of losing for ' the present the ly friendly, Needless to say that; Re- highest office in the'gift of the Ameri- puuucans generally are as much COn people. The sober second thought pieaseu 10 Know mat mis conference nf t hp is to take nlacfe as th.Imi ' " ,. . rn. ' -r-""-"? suuuuiiuiDg conuiuons, will sav. aisaprwmtecL Ihere is every reason "WaII d k 1 - , ' : f enY "ay wm Bryant," and the sacrifice of present ATI- O 1 n l r I i . ' . amuiuuu UUUll LI1 UlUir OI 1 xvuiauu. auu oiJeaKer xveeu. in this -nvnsont i 1 , wuuevutu it ma v vv wen lO recall a I nn nnfo,l rmi-nwl IT ,.,1 1 . T remark msiA 'W nrs, - 7. , LuuW-j mpt K nnTr p" if wY"f 7 ! "i0" jr- opeaKer, l am also in full naa. bettor look it up and study Jtte met by one of Gov. McJvmley s Inost sympathy with my own clerk aiid the ers to the questions the clergyman enthusiastic supporters He said "I Ulerk of every other member, of this -was to afk him- Ho became quite iii- ii uuv. iticjvimey is nom- House, and w sh T Avn hhl k mated :he will ask Senator QuAy to them 100 per month, but not 'out of naumauup vi me i ationai ran empty pubUc Treasury; : .1 fullv Committee and manasre ' his ham- ,i,-TO ; ' i..-- y i , V IIiq same gentleman ! said members are besieged to promoto the that he. thnnrrrtt dtr TVT I i .pn i , , passage oi.uns resolution-and thereby give this relief to their clerki - At the same time we ought to be at least a3 brave as the Speaker and follow hia A Brief Acooaniof Lively ad Internt- iaZ Xcl4iat In Caret r. . , j "A bouse' thmt I went into one highi in a Howa1 jicf very far out" of ,Kew York," 6a id. the retired burglar, "dida'S begin to pan but as well as I expected it wqnld, atf3 I couldn't help feeling "a little bit disappointed. I'd been all over- tne House, and Jaada't-cot ranch toora'ii Lenotigh to pay my car faro. -Bat -when 1 came down stairs again I 'saw standing in a-oorner of the hall Ly the front door Eomething that I hadn't noticed wh'on I went up -thrft1 pleased me very mich, and that was a tricyele, a girl's tricy cle,, with two high wheels and a sinall wheel in front; with galvanized wire spokes, and a long handle to stet-r by, and a seat upholstered with red velvet," and all that sort of thing, you know. You've seen lets of 'em. no doubt. ,' ""WelLjiow; my little girl had been asking me for ;somei time for a tricycle, but business had "been so everlasting bad mac l really hadn't felt as though I could afford to buy her . one, but hero was one waiting for me to carry off, and it niadeime smilo to look at ii; a bright new one it was too." It was pret ty near Christmas, and I thought I'd keep-it and give it to "tier, for a Christ mas present I -: "There wasn't any rubber tires "on it, so I didn't dare Toll it across the hall, but I picked j it up-and carried it to a door that opened into an entry 'that opened on to the cellar stairs, the way I'd come in. ! I got it to tho first door all right, and into that entry way or hall without hitting "any thing, but get ting, it through tho doer leading to the cellar stairs, going first myself and back ing down with.it, the long handle flopped over in somehow and caught in the door when Jjw'as just a step - .down. I tried to free it, and it freed" easiei: than I expected, and, I lost my balance and lost my- hold on the tricyclo and fell down stairs. I ' J Noise? Well, now, I tell you, I was in a steamboat explosion once, and once in an explosiion in a sawmill, but I nev er began toj hear so much noise in ray life as I did hen me and. that tricvcle 'rolled down the cellar stairs. The "trir cycle; fell over mo and I fell over the tricyclo.and somewhero on the'way down I believe I i must have fallen through the tricycle, for when wo got ..down to the bottom,;! was all scratched and cut and my clothes were tore and the tricy cle was a wfreck. I stood thero for a minute , looking at it, till I heard two men comingj 'down the stairs to tho hall, above, and then I went away and left it lying there at the foot of the cellar stairs. ; . I - w , "So, you jsee, 'my littlas 'girl didn't get ucr u-icycie mat unristmaa after alh" Nev York Sun. i X lor To AH LSarsaparillas; Con in Georgia, over fifty years ago, a marvelous medicine was discovered. It was what is now known as P. p. p., Liftman's Great Remedy), and its fame and reputation has been growing with the years. i fr v and joints, d. ights banished by For Rheumatism. Blood Pnientitncr P, ! vi! .v.- t...i u i. Dyspepsia, Malaria, Scrofula, and all Blood and Skin Diseases, it has never been equalle. : . Pam is subjugated, Health Renewed, Appetite restored and sleepless meats banisl 'As wonderful influence. I i, - , r. a. i !' t; k --a wnaeniu ww and strengthener. Weak women should always take P- It buuds them ur. It hu th nnird t ... y.. . the counry, because we publish the formula on everv bottle, and' one trial rviil mnvin .iti.i.t:kj ! ... ' . i ..... vi. lAiat uisii genuine neaim restorer. P. P, P the co most ske hi: Read The Truth And Be l I was a martyr to muscular rheumatism for thirtv .w ' . " auu uuewn wiin no per manent relief. I was advised to take P. P. p and before I had finished two bottles my pain subsided so I was able, to work. I feel better than I have for i cars, ant am connaeni oi a complete recovery. ; f J. S DUPRISS, Newnanville, Fla. . : : Testimony from tho Mayor. ; I suffered with R all the soalled specifics, but to no pr7 liy grandson got m?8 bottle of p. P. p., and Ifeel like a new manj . i ...... ; ; ; W. H. WILDER, Mayor of Albany.1 . - i From Two Well-known Physicians.' We are haying a big1 sale for your P. P. p., and we prescribe it in a greatmany cases, and find it an ex- Convinced. - ' We handla about one dozen bottles a cetlrtit thing, week. M. & M. T. RICHARDSON. Piedmont. S. jDrs. J. : 'I Hot Springs Surpassed. A bottle of P. P. P., has, done me more 'good than three months treatment at the Hot Sfirincs. Ark. Pimples, Sores and Eruptions Cured. itlfv-lnr tn qualities ot tne popular medicine for skin diseases Hiaice great pleasure in testifying to the efficient Known as p. r. r. I sutlered for several vp,it. n-,th an unsightly and disagreeable eruptionon my face. After taking three bottU s in accordance with direc uuas, x am enureiy cured. Capt. J. D. JOHNSTON, : of Johnston fe Co. ? Savannah, Ga. OM- - . . . ' . p are tasen irom many; received by us. p. p. p., (Liftman's Great Remeay,)r& a medicine whose virtues are known from the Atlantic to the Pacific. "t beSns lts work b7 purifying the blood, which is the source of all life : ana nnt?.5 tint v!ica tii c j . . . vciiC- anu entire cure is enected. 'A . A Confused Bridegroom. j A young man about to bomarried by an Episcopal clergyman and 'being quite innocent of; any knowledge of tho form of eolemnization for matrimony 'in the book of common prayer concluded that "'MSySfV3 f the daiI ks, sleepless nights, loss of appetite, SSrSl w2 tfSltln' I" n a derangement of the system consequent from fimpurf blood, which can and will be cured by p. p p . 1 P P. P. (Lippman's Great Reimdvs. ' to be the GreatestlBlood Purifier oIASe"r: tor sale by all druggists or direct from us; price $i a bottle, six bottles for $5 LIPPMil BROS., Lippman Block. SAVANKAH. nA. cures; this week that he thought .Gov. , Mc- Jv.mley .had requested Senator Quay 10 come 10 uanton in order tha might ask him to manage his paign. - ; V . benator Sherman ' met Sehator (jormans amendment to the For ti- terestedin aud somewhat nemlnTir.(i i-V, the several orders, therein formulated for as many religious services, so much eo that wfeen he', stood up before the clergyman iwith his bride to be married in meconinsion m which he found hi self he could recall bufc tho im- . mersst DON'T STOP TOBACCO.i HOW .TO CURE YOL KFELF JTlio- toiyacco WUILE'-USIXG IT he cam- example, and sacrifice this more or tby "wedded wife, to live together after less rfr'nriil lorric-latiz-vTi U1ia !.. I God's ordirinrsfe?':' ofr.' i,.v : -1 1 :. -: .. , , j unpin iiis , comlurt aud'.liai.i,i-rics. To iuit.!nMl.l'i.l5 snatches of answers he had seeii in ,i,A Inv"'' a?'Hk toM' pteni,a tohacuoto aii prayer book. When tho clergyman asked. I ye0 "Will! lir. K ii.:.. " : . Ufeccure K niiu uiuu uao tiJiH woman to be fronted with a wnen; - con-J deficient ' Treasury. ncation appropriation biU, providing when he, by the exercise of such nnh for the issue of $100,000,000 in & pe? lie FREDlDAVS 1 DEALER IN ob best All Orders r 1 "Coal of all sizes and .stantly on hana uiieu ... quality fcon- piomptly are cent, certificates of: indebted IP n ho fihQrQntori7Al in nnnwAH. 1 1 -m r . i . w u Z- 413 uiicainpicu iur. speaker; when we come to in- m the history of the government with vestigate closely the purpose and ob a strong plea for the passage o, the jects, and I may add,! inwardness of $llgT7 tanfi; bl11' it1?1 thi solution in'a. businesslike and wrould furnish the monev need(d hv ni-nrt,Voi -i, , ; the government without . addtno- n I Tri'j. .. i , "i "v.v mat me .lesuiuiion snouta De t. I ontitlorl "T 11 -I J I hnrden .i. o;" r ""4V .v A" .iCVcvc .gressmen Vi ulu C1C. . oeuttior irom tne discharge of any duties Gorman was merely -making a gallery during vacation, in order they mav ' boom. continues, dr'nZ effectively canvass their dis wuii 01 tricts lor fe-election, or in Order thev Congress have been extravagant He , L.v 4i.: uer ttxey i.ii.'n.- i . ,. i "-i men summer at some Knew mat nis amennrnent. won y eather bloomers, armed wkh be adopted orhe never ottered it. ;JNo; appropriation fc too There mav 1 ZiZi, extravagant to receive- his surWt A ' 17 iit ttlc betwel the yellow metal aud eiive? C Wf'Tf ' .t iegis- ller-: , bat he always feTIZS " , 4: . . " . T . v.i.nvwJV, w I Mini .1 m,l u mr M flTITloQ O T eisewnere. , nertaimnp. tn h s nffll -,-f,,4. i5 Secrkary Hoke Smith's Atlanta at Mr' i "4 our cal assistance; if he 0 Aimaiei. w xuricev. was nor. sum. i ot onDf 1 aaa . : - i . . , . . - - i I iwwn j. ,uu men m ' nia nictnot oo AlaJk; among the recent departures of .mi ners are said to be a number of wom en in muskets. ; If the new woman turns her attention to cold nrodnetinn tha JTOTA1I coal Is screened ' befdre leaving the yard;; . Lowea't'prices guaranteed. ageously replied, renounce them all. and, by God's help' pausing as if he expected the minister to help him finish the answer, But,,discoucerted by the groom 's response, thb clergyman unfor tunately increased the embarrassment of the occasion by inuttericg to himself a little too distinctly : : ., -i -'. "I believe that this bridegroom ii npn compos mentis," to which snap judgment ( of his mentality the bride-i groom blandly responded : All this I most steadfastly believe. ' The ceremony was suspended. Ex r.uuo nuio uuicuv maue Detwepn them. The bridegroom was told what he -was to say. The service was rhV. i I sumed, and the couple were married in aiciy luia. viun L CURE FOR IIEAD if'Hil.. As a remedy for a! I forms of Ilea vua jicstriu rsuiers na3 proved toi- dq tne very best. It eii'ecU a per manent cure and the most dreaded uavuuat pjcK ueaaacnes yield to lis innuencej We urge all who are afflic CUSCU3S the 1 canahle and ins n.-r.tt1xT - .t'j I ted to nmenrp a Knfilj o ,1 : il.-J 1 a. .L I - . i. -.(- U11U WUU1U I ' . V y auvi.KIVO llilS wut .w answer se- l ohlio-nto tn rim o- v. I remedv fai tni t . TT .1 o " r vi ""V luuuuuy . Dill- I , , . j.,, .aosra VI I, it u- i Hi ZIEGLER, Successor: Jo John. H. ZiegUr, Pealeir in all 'Kinds of Undertake rs newsnauer sneaks- nrtntTW,,! , r u . a. j. i vvvxxiPwuuu1jii' x rriAnon i-n . nK, x benator Joe Blackburn as i free sil- affairs of Turkey but -.to Ll il l . . I i . y.ci ; wauierejuie. : mus lUustratinff l cnarges-aeramst himself. He. s hrvf i,.m " ' v , Itnai i,tf T?tr .n:ii." t , . . . ?lohr-crUh Kiiw.lj 7 , : r g'au wiiiioui clerical ---.---"....Y, tuwwHerscures lilc prana ot harmony which rr.f ' i ul i.- s . 1 m ms assistance. As authority for this res- D? g1VJn2 the needed tone to the biw- our Southern Democrats are tfreely W11 using pro- olutlon the other end of the Capitol is els and tew cases long resist the use :L i - , . fane and vulrap kn?uaw h , rr., XT ? ., 1"W1 13 f - .n.. ,u,v r . -O-. '" Mtraicu iu. huh nnnSfi fltthA tirmvr " "ua luciiiuue. irv it onw. ,(fr It anmhnWH iLut f u ... 4 7 " I . ? w mat mis was -not the " fluS OlOfe, uw.uut vue me o mi.wiw nut enousrn ne is rhron I ax. . -i ... President Garfield would have been with being utterly ! incompetent. amaT c saved if the Roentgen rays had' been of famiharit with legislative cowardice! in tlHoW Suppl From the Cheapest f pi the Best. gruis promptly attenuedto. ies, Ali;tele-' - . - Lilt . ii.mai 'X ill nn i rn e-rti i. i a . i i . . w k nown in lol. . .o difficulty now is Ameri wf3T inr utmg tojhis ; robbery of the peo- lound in locating a bullet distinctly charges are made-by the AmerieTn 1 A 0 ti, Ji ; , 1 in theeetes recesses of th missionaries it-Li:!!"0 ! 4s. the spokesman of the. Populists a. uw vv f Vm Aii.il v I ii i M I ii I i.i w ill) ir rv thi.-, r "j- aii uenuminauons now i fr. thio .ci..: t m -i uiis.ey. j.erreii nas ; been asked to am not supposed tn hn tUn l: '.. '.i -.. 1 1 The mnrnl Tvr, explain. . and unless he "iZ Z iZ" u'llumu Pf ,. Oirector ot - . Vi xtxviiiiey s , . , , , 7 T , 7" " i""'JV " "ic majority party Ot the lhe tmeet Hearse in 'the nomination Is p,,,!, t-fiii u n pu inai, ne nas Deen UliUlC VUU I AtHninl "Ml 11 Li.n fiiv;f T.: i:. , uuiviai, iicau. win ian vu viuu ui Xionuon wiin gloom and House. . If direct it to tste siiici Luis, resolution . It l were its slandered his I were I would wBeh desired. section. covered andi Metalic Caskets b specialty sh interests must cease. uc Wiu Biauu on .nringhau8 (Street. ISUAU kinds of Cabinet Work done. -. . , w A w l.ui I I 111 1 TA T despai, It that African .eg- Wa,S andTvs 1 . , ; vi Chairman Dingley, of the House ays and Wavs Committer has ma,i0 n (ho -i " I i . . ; -v. jmuue MjUJiiiMiiBUH H rv If a tr-i . I lSiatlon lor the advancement I PUOiie a Statement cknttTi l!.. . . . nvvu, uaicui. . viotn . -. " . r.f v-""5- -xx - . " -uai resolution, which means a imitnrhr - Wiuiiunw; U1CU lO LDCrPSlSfi t h TOra. I Ut eO"l C AAA 1 ' . " of the Wmme.t i Taaaa aaa : rr'i? aug the vacation j. A.-Z . . r-xv,vvy,vyv uy ox vongress to our clerks v-m-m . . 1 M. IHIItTIMrBTTT ron k.ll , 1 1 I i . . -' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. x uuiiuum) coiistimpnau, m us ear ly stages; may be checked by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. , It ;top3 luc uisnessing cougn, and mducps much-needed repose. Hundreds have tesiineu 10 ine remarkah e vii-t,,oa ,nf ion. . . 1 ' ' ' ; ' ' '"" ' " 1 flllll in" these panics, and low prices. Russell overcome more obstacles than any other man jn North Caroli na ever Jiad to contend RuSrU by the Democratic press is ev- ubSioXin tLT !Lhe? to for sale is seen Jet he "gpt there.- Look out for him dence that they .both hate and far Statement cfo" iTU, Z? flag pf the movemoer, and take our for u..:-t. ' ' T -1 Tlx n "7 --j'y- auctioneer him. : It will prove a boomerang, as it will consolidate the Republican' and anti- Bourbon vote for him. "WJaat fools these Bourbons be." The Coramittee on Way j and; Means ner ' and is upon almost every cor- has mvertigated the . rftK barn! Zf?. , , i T ' r- memuers attention tr the fi..f t, lcciurucicv. ann on at- nrt r: i .- . . .mt. . v-N.fv.iiiiii . i uuaui- i il is vo Lino- it that , he will "get there" on electnn day. Ex. : . - -. '. j-. j China has aiirhnriT tha 1 ww mouslv. as far na tho t?0,Ki;,iL Aaaa'', P86?11 . . - .vuuuvaiia mc IJUCtSi. OU.UUU DUShelS Ot icmiu iu: recipri has Boori as ( the p. Republican fienate co-operate with the I .J P . ! uon ot a railroad 700 miles long. The" i?ra return to (reciprocity 61,600 bushels of corn 51 Vti 'h?2 old Empire has apparently concluded ff5fflKg ! M W of , WonSnX wt Ik. . -i-i uuun 'UCUl a lie 1 nin Pcnota : nnr I ... . i ' lue -musi' comiortaDie way to live President tn enrUoT TiT t7 w", ausoiuie necessities of human -a- -ti x - . . i resiueni to co-operate with the R. UnJ-n m.i v : rtKi , gold t wheat, SPECIFIC 1 FOR BCRQFUL Hitt f 11.." Id ... re 1'ur the tobiifi-o hnliit. i"i. n ..',v " eac i. ly wmi nounded after the fornmla of an emi nt Bc-rltu physician who has ussed it far his pri' vate practice snce 1,72, without a fsulurc It is rifely vegfctal.lj and Lmarautjcd perfectly harmless 1 ?u can use all the tobacco you want, while; taking "flaco-Oiro." It will' notify you whentostip. W5 ?.1,IMl -K1!!eng'!:n'an,co to ture iwiuauentiy any .case with three boxes or refund the money with .hEW1 ,?,e'"-St- 'Baco-',"-o" is not ; a itbsti-a-'lenfccure, that cure without the aid ot iU power and with no inconvenience. ! It leaves the system, as pure aud .free from nicotine! as the ..u. Lwjtt. mix nrst cnew or smoke. ; -. ; CUhED-'BY BACO-CUEO ASD GAINED ' - TIIIKTY POUNUS ..: J !'l,u f tesUiaonia!, the originals of waicb.are on uleand-opeu to inspection, the lol lowing is precuted: - , Clayton,. NevadaCo l.urcka Cucituc (ei-Tlemeu: For i -r iwenty-nve vears of that lime I wav a sreat ..-suflerer from general debility and 1: -art. diase. h or lifteea years I tried to quit, but -. "." jcuieuies, anions othws o-T,vl?ac," . '-The Indian Tobacco Aniirt o' .IM hi . ld' , e,c' but nii of them U.1 cthe least bit ot geoJ. Finally, liuwever, I pr.;Ua.-.cd a box of your 'Baco-Curo" aud it baa -.ui..,. emeu me-oi inu nauit mail Its forms and i navt.. increased thirty pounds, in weight and am . ;1a- ' t i 1Jl!I.ut'ro.us aches aud pains of ' , '-vm" .i."M a quire sol aier .....(...u ...ug ttliU'CWIlUlUOn I : oursrespectfQllr. P. II. Mimimvi . - ; ParjC-.f Wiurch,, Clayton', Ark. t'V ail druj-'lstsiat '1 t.o 1.aw - S. L. STOKER & CO., 'Wholes-ale Commission Dealers and Shippers ot all kinds, of; Fresh a I a b Mey Co, Fish, Vholcsale Coiuiiifssion Dealeix Shippers of- timl FRESH FISH, Lobster, Turtle &o. N"o. 19 , Fulton Fish farket, 33" ew f" o t? it: BIf jour SterJcil is not in good W FUllQE FISH ' JWtKET, oruer let us kpowL W e employ no 1 aguuis uuu pay no no commissions. 3NT0w Y6ri. GWrite for StenciLs and Statin nary- 1 wHOliFVALE GKOCEKS, COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS AND v..... o ncoiujc-e. r-.-To auu iron-clad iruar-a-U ecu cure, or sent direct npou- receipt 'of prfce JVrtte .or booklet and proofs,- Eureka Chemical & Co. La Crosss Wis., and Boston, Mass i iSjKAMJRS IN JFlSIl , Richmond Va, " I ' : J ' 7 C msiffnments Of North Cirr.1 i nn TTe'r rintr- solicited and1 proceeds remitted fn cash On accodnt ; of . intimate ac- quai ntanoe antl frequent transactionH I o to 6 S 1 co a ci s;?i ; w si 3 N fnoM rlTT P-T ?,nd ?Put we aej able to handle North UT. Ijrclil CI VCSlj O - lna Fish to vey best poasible t . . 7iT.r'v advantage, and we are known everv- BROKERS 1 A . . 1' . t A . . . vmcic us iu tariresL uisirimiTors in Il 2 5- J d u Lit . i tj J S 110 E33 I this market J - Agents' for Woldrige's High, (ilass 9 75- . e also keep COTTON SEED MEAL ;nd HULLS, the finest, feori in tho. world for producing milk and fatten ing poor cattle. W e ask a trial ' i ltKFEREsCES: iGuirkiri & Co.! bnnt- ersr iiugties & Pritchard, J. Bj Flora v. t. , Koomson & uo. , Elizabeth Cty , A. W; HflFF, Successor to P. WHITE. '--r:' I. ' . i . - BOOT - & SHOE.MAKER- 2 nd door North of Poindex ter fetreet Bridge. ESyPatching and mending oer iJoots a specialty. fe Rub Memphis, Texn. OctV 3, Jsi. ticme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ihd. : DeAbSihs": Y)lirn r.f Hu. 1st itml f'o hand; also the AellK' l!ill fur' in V daughter, and to say that she is l- ...ill !i , ' . ... .... ,Knieu iin u would bepiutiiig it wr-mild.-; I had the wheel sent out to--Seminary, and at, the close of school, it created mere excitement aiimno; the girls than the proverbial "Mary's Little Lamb." Ao-Ain ilmnkin.' Vou for the nice wheel, I am, yours t ruly, w . AV.. Harris, Vice-Pres. and ien. Jigr. jjeita Cotton Co. . Columbus, Q-.; Sept. i2,..ls tfeme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. 1JEAU SlES:-The Ar-nui Tii'.rlii Fio.nl Tn Pnrtl T14l. t - ?UT cain! to hand O. K. on .the Jtli II HPfiCn hlCh I nhatOTlO ht., andlinustfninklvsav it ii.C. III 1 I II II II I'lllll , II 11.1 I fl I . I.'.... C..1I .i. . . . . - " . . ! ' very i - ii KO. 12 FULTON FISH .MARKET LanpHear & HafF, Wholesale Commission Dealer ecf Your Wife H W. YORK, North Carolina Shad- a Specialty. AKenis. .. . - ;) . auu cniiuren trom poverty m case of yourdtiath by Insuring your Life in the STATE -MUTIIAT t iU "Since, childhood, I have been afflicted with scrofulous rioils and alter all is to get into the swim keep up with the times. and It is nearly- , time for the Bosses, one" and all, to explain definitely. whether they propose to fish or cut bait, . . A , " UVi Jtti- puDncan House, i This all that is practicable! until the Re publicans secure the President! as well as tne fcSeuate. TASTELESS IruDLL AIcH-lnley. - ;;j In a recent discourse T?ev w a They must do one or the other Wilmshurst, of Utica. N. Y A ' or else get but of the boat - Like Diogenes of old. I kV 'Un searching tor a man who will compare -rnAnnvi.. ill.-ii 1 . 1 - Says the Winston Rennhi;,on. a un me great mefl ot oth- ' m i --vHMj.ivwu. i tif i n ti orion mvtwn i Tk T 1.1- . . . " vm.0uaU liUiu?.-4UimK amc xveuuuiican Oiate Uonvpntmn I whn wUn it. j j i nuvuucicatUW Lllfc; IS JUSTAS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcte. , Pari Medlclna Co., sriiuMoT' yY' Prienea of ll nm Jrf.iriT.r " V-11? on has spoken .'as to 'who shall be ( the next Governor of North Carolina, and hii name is Daniel L. Russeli" . The delegates to the National" j?on- and ma vention haye all beeri elected McKinley has an overwhelming jority. , " ;-- . We continue to be an inventive There were 21.996 patents rl ljsee one a?e bf Cllad. stone and Bismark, iwill. perhans. be as much respected and loved by the people as they. I refer, to William McKmley.- He is great, not only as the author of the Tariff bill, ibut as a Christian man. f . f ! a man value of It is a fortunate- day for when he first discovers the. Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a blbo'd OF -WltFl th,a nyrkAinirm ! I. J. li 1 j . , a vxtia uacijUVIjUC, i UK H.UOWS Ue (has found a Temedy, J and that his life- at last cabb a Co ' issued in the United State, W conquere3.ias - , - ;tt" j uuicu otuera, wiu cure you, ana animal lite, than 1 0 OOfY hnt- larmerscan raise by working and . .fe w Uaj B iu a, year, it is your funeral, not j mine, i It is my v iv, nam. agamsi sucn extrava- fe"""-- x -too not mistake the Raf tering rocks floating jupon the politi- - wuise ia m- one ai rection to the accumulation of thick- emnor olmirla tV.n -mMI i r i o uai wiii culminate in that. tfrrifl 4-t.n..lr - . ..ut luuuucf BLorm inat seems so necessary to clarify the 1. political auu economic atmosphere of this country and restore happiness ana lueperuy to tne peopte. v The Democratics newspapere for tuc ucii new weeics wi I hoi fi UaA 1 -m ' 5 - U IJ I wnn wnat "prominent ReTinhi;a0" say against Russell. and whih ;a rr,' ly made up by the fertile brain ofthesee caiiieAyeuiocraucrjenc.il ehnvora t? democratic hopes are based upon the fact 1 that Russell will dot get the support of the entire Republican par tv. then thev mio-Fit! aa ,n .T . , ' give up -v iivn, xweiga urazette, sores, wmcn caused me-j suffering. .Physicians were terrible unable to help me, and I only, grew worse under their care. At length, j I began to take j. ''. AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and very soon grew better.-. After using half a dozen bottles I was compfetely cured, so that 1 have not had a boil or pimple on any part of my bddy for the last twelve years, j I can cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa parilla as the very best blood-purifier in existence." G. T. Kki.niiaxit, Myersville, Texas. -.;'! SUKA.NCK COIIPAXY, of Wrcette? i 'ts oi tne Oldest, Strongest and -io.sc lseiia we iN.ontoi-feitable Dividend trying . Insurance; Companies in the .!; T -T. WIHTCOMB. WILLIS Hi ROGERS, vU ' i : - Local Agent. tAIs. agent .for the N. E.i Mutual -veeioein Assurance Co., Boston, Mass. I 7HK.II, 14--. lkT . m , ' Wholesale Commissicn lunest, expectations m I :uu y-touch phased with it I coiisii.ler it a s; rictly high grade : uii-to-dute wheel in everv detail of Vlesiim nmte- rial, construction and finish, r:inl in fully eotial. if not Slllwrinr 1 t,i!.t.v (if the best S100.00 market here. I believe the Acme frame is the Stroileest Biid the rtut Ti.ri.l and the most .graceful and lightest-ft an it built. . It is a, beautv anions Fc.uitk-s and cannot fail to entisfy. Yours truly, CharlesT. Keetch, F.'eeScct. Ohio As sociation Union Ex-Prisoners of the. War f TEE OIJIY WOBIB'S FATB Sarsaparilla Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cures Cosghs and Colds ,to be in it? j The bicyclo business Is ctwIt,V i enormously why not trv u v n e wheel, pr as many aa j oa like, eU yQuj. frlendg 0I0YGLES COST. An order sent now entitles yoa to a bl-discount Apply quick tor tho agency for ybor place. Our -wheel, are the highest grade, most reliable bicycles made to-day. . Particulars: and bandaomely illus trated printed matter by malL - AY, l '-w-O .... ,. . . 106 FULTON MARKET, T . 1 ! xOJin Uarolina Kti.,1 . Hi.si ui uuueu ii l a eanut Planters! Only Succexslul Ones 3Iadc IVenrly 2000 In l ae. PRICE'S REDUCED To Suit Clie.Timfcs. Refiremi,'-x 03W un. m c. ut wn?a deur irkin l'- and other Financia L. MT. Wright. L. W.Wright mpmenf, ; Police, Where inconvenient to order throuali- jQmm xankpa I Lnro ,1 a ; t , : - and Manufactured, J.R.AYERS, Petersburg, Va John Dais &Co., Write for Circulars Ac. in iioiesaie vomtnission Dealers .1 -: Kinds Of- : ' - "BT' 1 ' j oosters Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Etc., 1' uiwu laeket, A. Y. . Southern Shad a Siecialty. Consigrnaatts Solicited, f ; : :J : j Prompt Returns. Caveats, and Trade-Mart rtfttainMl anrl all Par." uuucMcouaucteuior ModchatC Fees. 5orr "FF,ce ' woiT U. S. Patent Office ru ncmustClKS paiCIlt 1Q JeSS lUUC tflPI tUUt J remote from Washinjrton. Sead raodeL dravintr n. ni.AA m.i. j.u-rtn. fbon. We advise, if i -v r t r .. . " """ i v wiaigc. var tec nor ane till patent Is secured. f A Pamphift. " How to Obtain Paf.nt." with jcost ot same in the U. S. and foreign countries ssent free. AddressJ . . C.A.SNOW&CO. a ; i sopp. patent Orrice. Washintn. d. C ? ' - I. II

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