.-' . . . - . . . - - . ' - . - --r - . - , -.. . . - . - ' . .. t ELIZABETH CITY; fNORTH CABOLINjL TIIE EAST C-AJIOLTNA PUBUSHIKG COMPANY. VA1jTBR: Pres. f 7 Friday xmscEiPTropiiic: S1.5djlSixInonths, 75C, FouiV: O brith 11 5Qc lSGRIPTIONPC The bill recently mi rrnllllU WH'-- - - ' .city Infilled United 7Statos introduced m viw York - V"innot boast, of IrtTwea i TTati j JnoTT: Small of I 'L,i itf-JiU- xtv ,i;ot.;f virUt. for an . ,r..., v ' ' it is sure, to bring you excellent result's. v Scte Der ' li no.-1 'this-'oiJict'roHdiiiifflorj inland waterway, is a most im; Hint iTnipri. and will be ' of vast benefit to all Eastern North Carol ina, and particularly to Elizabeth the New York in . contradertinction from Old : YorlcJf . Winston and- Saiem were former ly two serarate towns, located at no err eat distance i 're:6sivcT WANTED Active and reliable men wbo ;will work. Money making contract . to; rignt parties. W rite. - " - - " P. O. BOX 296, Ella, City, K. . ' .... T . -Store;- :C.;- ; Note: i-ZoeDer's ig ' cut -i- for City, the principal city of this Beer I up ; thus to gether, like sweet- non. ,v j.iie yiii F1uxco , . neartSj tney;came acH , J ThanksciTinff day. suxyey f Jaii uv ;Yg the other, tu their: esteemjrripene.u the feasibility of opening ah inland iato-love, the sequel of which, like, waterway from New York : City to h v n j a wi thev'! 'two .have the" surveyors may ;be encouraged anff ciu IJf to make almost faTorable report, g ggjg SalemSeahs peaceIits that report7 hlngs so great citiZens are said . to abstain ; from since on importance- mean- Such 'til, waterway r would much-1, to - the ""commerce ; of the I drinks : stronger than coffee' and etrsinger is instrjicted ? that he feiepaone 184. : OTTiT Btiit will look like new- after II .flare cleaned and pressed it Cleaning and pressing or all kinds onanort nouoe. i sena iot mem. Bkn 1 kimo. - Arlington Hotel, 'Phone 28. .. i WAKTOTUTii But AO ft. Piles or standing iimber to make 80 ft piles, Tnust be aeceasible o water for tug boat : write O.D. WlTOAT, Elizabeth City.N.;.-:-: ; THEMOOTIXiOModfllLaxmdrT his an ency at Davis & Grice'ar Green Grocery. nnrilM nailed for and delivered to any par ol he city. SATISFACTION QVJ I I c Astonishing what a difference . a 'Pair: ar jfgbt; irousers makes to noidsuiuo U heresy Economy and satisfaction, in Piecing out the season; We; have some trousers, just whatvcu want, some-. thing that will go, well with any coat; and vest, some pairs onlv cost vou half a dollar, to " own, There art ; AI,ertismg;ratefuxm; rs be avoided, and : there - would be COrner as its ' talisman! This paper Ogives coiTesiiondents.as ;wide range .as it thmks pubkc 8aYed.annuaUy:Iiundred8r of tbou- the-'seat of " the Moravian i Female nolicy permits,-but it is.iu no sense responsible, forttteir views. ;.The sanas f dollars' worth of shipping CbUeffe of North Carolina," which C6lumns ;of W paper nnd"cirgoes,;to say nothing of the thla WftV :raund ollt the first' cen- Sale Old ; Papers! for vr he is in : the. street GpPIU FFICE: Salem interest '. The Offices in Brown Building, (Jor. Main ana v ater streera. ! Make 1902 a suQcessJ :t S$ Pluckjahd energy-wiiu; many .human lives which are const- - of its history.':Amonr' those,! -, ; anuy sacrincea on: who eloquently and cordially wel- bus souls. '- Apart om ite com- comej jepu to the "hyp: mercial value; tnere is tne strategic - Cit3',H was .tn'e president of importance , o V such , ; an. inland ths institution, who confirmed,the im waterway in time of war. ; i It could heartiness of his welcome by enter- be,: utilized as. a ,more.: euecuvej tainine the body, one afternoon in nrotftction to bur seaboard than all tt,-;- i fortifications. . charming 1 musical and Uterary authority ;:tnevTOurcew 46v!rs boy'sL DQLl : BftBIES" iHMlDKtRCHlEFS. fenee -pants : 15c Fromllpxtsgfo 3eMtiesJf6r5c achof im pairs SnPff PHi TOOL GHESTS eckiearfc ?m0&M Erom.2j rets .to 2?c artiste . de- .44yeirs..;;i:;:Ui: SScts5M- signs. ' J. HlVtlTE, D.yX S(iS;i'20yeara practice, : : DBHT1STRY in all . its .brancHes. : Offices Main and Poihdexter ata.'. r igitWCrave'sfa wants and ask you to reap the benefit ot :our :et- frtseGoods uur,in5pa;uun..:-.;7 cor. New source, or au ftMMf iSf if9!; rort sisis upon This is resolution time.. We. write 1901 no more. : with happiness and prosperity :: for i - you and yours is theincere " isl1 ! j cf the Tab' Heel. f- V" ' 1 V which the horses are. fed- It has been observed4 that ' horses led ubo'ii Ibreifftiay liaye S4-bRlClRiRIDDjCKM 4 Office well equipped. Latest methods known j infhn nrnftwann. for nainlesa extraction. Work 1 imarateed. Prices reasonable.- Parlor above j Aydlect'8 Drag Store. v : a ' aJ-Vjayvyirirafiaii"i,i M aa ' ttbrnoy; at-, law young womenW; 'is j ity for such-is-, strong, Elizabeth jje the man in the family Wins- ' ' ' City will take An.immedeate. and Uon tne reCoghized head of " the ea upouguauM prbmineht stand among the .prin-J na p Pair The pubHo build- from this disease,- -while eLinAVt;p:Rfof ; commercial imwr-hi That the New Year wiU abotmdi"i3' T,I W - . - f 3 " tance;r it behooves ;us as a h6uses and the First Baptist church Practice in - all court&-Office iin ! 7; 7 J '& r "t r eity to bestir ourselves , ? to. lay dignify its rightful claim. ; - Bradford buildingUz. City, JS. U. agea tms season, auu vnis xuc. . , , ftn1 . an , the fouhdations , nv JrV ii. t. " sustains wie taoove lueutv. - :-r' u xei'iji ;-u:t : , - - . fc . ; . . r- f a nrin ivriiJ ; - v ' "l011 wi"u.wiuu vra uuu.pu spiendia new structure, ot decidedf & t. r. UHll I lit, u. u. u beeneyeral -instances rej Mfv a; ia pvitablv would be. iuS -;.V - t : --. 'ur r . : . - -. - :- ' : - , I i.ii iw domi I v , ; - - 7 , t ucouy, its tajxiveuxeub wmaue-1 offers hia professaonai aervice m au orancaes-ox Miss Helen 0611118 enough tently in this city, were men Have 1, gmall. due all honor m . ..j- '-i adanted L . TCTFTRY.-:; : . " , . a .country, paper pu oll tnend or ner iatner to : ... ., . , , , - ' to promote the interests ol Hiast- ; 'Winston Salemws located in - beth City,N. 0.; ; - ist on paying $5 a year :forit; ern North Carolina. A grateful fertile Peidmont section of the TCT iviTiftH tnfiTiftv ATinot but liold l him cha "KrfU u I 1 lfLM"y in the highest esteem. ; 7; of its people makes : entertainment easy, and the ; cordiality - of their 10c121c, Children's 5 i:; For Vls, at 7c, gf;fctsi fftllilii a -t 2.00, ei JSILVEfi VARE! A:few:pi'ecesleft, worth; 2.0, r to .00 at $1 and 'nut dishes.. 1. JlpiEanILpRE of a .country, paper - published by an insist although the; subscription price is ntlv 1 : . SinTr jsnnreeiation v: IS rare and deserves special comment of the above : theory to - do eenerauy acceuteu. .. j.nis edidemic has iong since become a :Th another column of this paper serious matter 4ind - we invite a We'Jiave a nice line of Ladies': Jackets f or ; 75c, $1.00, $i.$Qt: etcihildihWack75c The Tar Heel' would recommend the use of home raked hay in view FARMING! AND THRIFT.? hospitality c6uld Under .the "above - caption the surpassed. .;"""' appears a statement oi , we j uiscussion - ot . lis causes, ui inese i menmona iimesvnas uii to nay: i . - r,s- dition of . the Hertford bank, of columns; . : V - ; - "One . fault with Southern far- " awreiwtB ux - Attoknet-at-Lawv - Practice int State and. Federal Courts. . Office over National Bank. ! which Mr. L. W. Norman is cashier. The showing1 is a- most creditable one, and if a' bank is a. safe , barb- r OUR SEMI-WEEKLY. ; not . have . been Attobhet-at-Law. : .; c - i mers is their lack of thrift ; We twentieth century, and as the pre- .aro iMizaoeui ; o weriiaye acquired wasteful habits, state are ever abreast , with their meter of the business interests of TarT Heel: will visit you - twice a thrift because they ' had to. But ume8inis cqnvenuon may te said t a; townand sureiy it is, then'there week, instead of once a weekly here it was a valuable lesson and . has to have made reKgious education is "room ' for congratulation 1 not toforeThis chance is ma in been worth much to the people of its keynote' The highwater mark that section. Pity that ' we of the was readied on Friday nicrht when aoutn nave not learnea inai lesson - Practice in all courts. Offices in Academy of Music Building. ' :: - "onlv to Mr.- Norman, but to the I eomTliance -witlu. a Douular ? iece . t ;i: r-' 1 "T" . ' " 5 ' .'II I. : :JJH -n - ' ' - "- 1 11 ' ' . Ann Dnmnn ornuuil m tlx i.t..l 4;c 01 its. acuve ana . wen grouuueujwceiuy paper .ior a town tne size fortune. That is the secret of ---6 biisinesa interests. The Tar Hebi and . .-'commercial of success . in every branch of in- of tUe highest education of woman, extends hearty congrattdations. J Elizabeth; Gityf This is a step in the dustry. l The great factories of the which address was followed by one Judicial District of N. 1 K-Hl--"1 r '''Z''rm.. directibit of progress, but the Tar countiyhave learned;how to make of the most remarkable coUections tions a specialty. " ' ;'v :' Attornet-at-Iiaw. ; ; ' : PracticesMini Courts of First C. Collec- something but-ol jevery one .of man in town ; complaining of a lack ; of proper has proven that it is nothing if not : it is easy f or the - "ventilation in the capitol building; progressive.'.: it remains to see if to advise-the man ; Our North Uarohna legislators the public will appreciate this pro-Lv -i ti; ; have had sinular ground for cpm- gress and we have every; assurance farmers would-oniy i conduct their : plaint for a number of years., i. We :aiatit'-wiltr;iW x.v'-rx-''-r:--;, in the history of southern Baptists. The report' oh the Baptist Female -know of more -'than one death of I ;Th enWrlntinn nnV f fATxT .v. - . . . . - . ., : : "Vt i 1 -- -. . . . i ; . I mercnanttie estabiisnmens are.con- memuera oi ine general asseiuuiy jeeltWiU hereafter be one dollar which have ble to a lack of the State hoped that the next general assem- nd a paper which would merit the . bly wiU take some rstops lpoldng patronage of the people can not be an linprojemem w mia reapeuu, pubhshed :f OrleSS than' the ;above price... tThe Tar Heel. feels assured , xne Agricultural and Mecnam- that an appreciatite public will not Attorney At Xiaw.- ' - 1 University revealed the fact that l,S:1:'fei:Stv wno mis inesj . i : v. -; .--i; -nlz iiiii.r v.?rw.-tWiw L111S youjlgi- inSUtUUOn ! Was " Ably J riacuve , ua. .. tux - w. y " meeting a deep-felt need, but Hbatl building, Elizabeth City,; C. its prodigous growth had ? entailed upon it a crushing' debt. . At the conclnsion of Gov. :Aycocks ad- ;:ATTORirET--AT-IAW bnflTT -dirfilv 'lrftCftft- j - tluii?; ' uucveu uuejr wuuxu Buc dress. t.b d,ty,i. nf -R;W1 EllZaDein UV,' ux wvuer .. euiuuwi mds in itimnnrhnn: Frmtinw tnn. . . v i , . xwwxuer, Hbeuueu to tne tliatlorm - - , House, and' It IS to be tprial lifts '&ra'vnciail :rn"TiriPr...i..;i .. ' ; . ..."i ;-:-V ' -1 'KTand'Cned-f'ljet US reheve this Ins-1 Practice in the State and cal College i has set ythe; pace for object .to tlus small difference, for a i; other educational- institutions in paper which shal " this State by rigidly , requiring ite to t advance the ;.; s Indents to learn to nspell correctly iiarle North Cm --- f ottTr.lon tV Tiiorhr iTt : 'tha':; TmvA ,''t a poor man moved to this county ri:.-ri-. ' v.; .:: -- , - - ; tt v n tiod .. and young woman-hood.' aboutAten yeara ago. , He had a nix. A -'i 11 "' i' v-v i" .-'.:.' - .-. , , r ihe scene that followed was melt house full- of - children, and he r' i' . . - - f . . , x j Iru- v x A"o xivx xtuspxixug, as -men wnose knew how to do nothing but farm. , . - , v, :-, ' j salaries were less than $400.00 other educational'--institutions f xnlTftnpr wniftnshiill fstrivA n.t. a.lT rirns 1 l- .-.. -- J jfoli , ' - -'.- . , - , . . - I wortn nye tnousand dollars, interests of Albe- pell correctly, marie North Carolina, ancl in every -Lhis is . oner of many ; mstanpes respect merit its appreciation: where this Viitutiohisinsisting :v,1'"r?. ,V- prActical -JfeamcKoii3ESi r-iA:-iixEiyiX AGENCY e' I : person should know " how '. to spell 11 ! rv i n t - ! '.t -i .-i;-v'r.- ft'-liJoimWjaiMUDaaker,. thergreatest correctlv in their own . iftnm.nift. i ' . . . : - correcuy ,in tneir It is-ndt j'essen of American'5. Merchants, s has said: owns his farm which is well stocked, and has given. his - children a. , liberal common school- education. He has succeded while some of . his neigh-1 bors who owned rtheir farms have "gone. behind!" - .z : pledged as -much r as $50.00, as mountain '- .. churches -pledged their " hundreds, as- women'. -who preside at sewing . litachines, . and byercook stoves ' for , a livelihood, make -, williner oi offerinsrs. untl the announcement was made' that $42&Q0.0.0 had' now. . pledged" tr paid.,: It may he said, in -passing, Ed m u n d t A exa ndeif r-ATw,;v..r;$" Booma,Ko. i'isi. - Federal Coarta'?5 Collecting Agency." . . D. T.I." Strin&fieldi Mahteo, N.G.i : Makes a" specialty ".of instigating titles, making.; abstracts andi con veyancing. : - 7j Vatches ; - j . w ----- . J Oiir stock of Watches and Jewelry iscpiiblet&J ia i Ladies -Alen's d . Chil i's Rings, all Styles .of j Chains,- I-ockets and CJiarms; Cult and .Col lar. Buttons;:.Studs, Pins, Gold Spec tacles; We call special attention to mfbeaulifuXlin Repairing a Specialty. -7i:" 1 . OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. Elizabeth GityJ North . Carolina; 'Sit'Li tt -i. x t . a. ri tnat the iJ'irst Baptist church of x-c - t. x xt. If- xoii'CA "uuo - wxixxuixxi j xie xxve,u at uouie, auu ms smora-u... , - , overflow Vith ads of business men waa in bis own vard and not in "Hia Ehzabetl1 City, expects , to . pay ,: i should.be able ;to- :spell' correctly. j It is told of forinerC Judge Eeid, of . the Snnrp.mA Cnnrf. nf ihia Rtofa' : . that " lie . spelled r - GtodTrvith I a small "g.'l':;;.V-." J--4 . 'r;V. DOUBtf DAILY MAIL In its firstnumbers theTARHEEX. well 'patrohized.1 . .p-nroiislv advocflt.d V h. ! rfni-ibTi s: i :? ' : - . $1300.00 of this amount. , i'urtherreports ' on education showed that as many as . a '. dozen academies had . . during ;.. the :; past year, been founded,- and under Baptist control, promise i to do A v . r i-r. trr"--.- mirrors in !- wnfen ; double daily maiL' : , The double tv:.i. PSffS me iiiceftatef " was received at New Tear with i an' reflected the .What thisnian has done others to day on the subject of educatiom steel axel, used very -of a. town. Some can do. : iet us do iV " Begin the No a Httl? I ttis is tracea ' 'J t C true however. .nan "tot-'riia-''tj.My-'trriia t li at . .. . i . irtiT-ri .xt -nr. rn.nno ta t . . aimAnn ivt v. l ... -j a t. y Vi-,"""xcoo ;uicx was ixixim uwxt vuruaxiu xivtixiMiie has1 more; influence 7 in attracting. Chicago'pacMug: house. Hef raised atienuon ,io? ana : Duiiaingr.up, a t wnat ne used and little more, wh&n or town-- thanr any Mother 1 he.come. to town to make a pur- agencyj;' - iieJ great merciiant is j chase he brought something" to xxgtiu . xreopie ga : wnere- mere is sell. ne; raised a uttle , ol every busineSS. No Power is: SO Strono; I thinly, and alwavshad snTnot.hin iv i,;.xi'j -5 x " ' L n tt . ' - f much needed work for ' our hnvitlc. cui bvr uuixx.ui : wwu a xiewpLH:r i seii. xx continues . to .prosper " f i rui 8. is economicafand T18 1116 ptistsof INorth . Fourlrevewable txrass ; bbx arhe newsParjers of a fown-ara fhriftv ' " " 1 Carolina were never so starred, asl lumber trucks,, 36m guag ajm, little, cheap. TTrtT.T.rWFT.T . ..... xiuu a ullib ui-Liuei niuiib 11 . I - -v. ... - J5egin theL. 4 . new resolutions and , lXTor!t To sell 60 acres of and nonored governor.: himRfilf a - . - v."-. . 1 1 jriEEX, and . tne idea of our fathers" as a relic of an n hTO;vi . x i I troducea -to tne - Convention aki:u annnn ,nr fnwn rinrMittv T?IJ 1.--XI. V - -r t! : ..-..,. 1 : .ww .;vu i .u4uv uuv u i moiuwuip t UttHl, ttllU' lUrn Willi I - . - , ' "i : . -v ' : . . I Will CAVXlixi.ftvi . xvx v.- ""KX' J .x ome aetenmrica, to paHy . ,! t of friends-expected to brightened face to th.'A'ot Jrth; Corolina's Educational Address P. a Box 228,1 srovernor. "- - -. trs. vj.ai. - TAnother -climax was j reached, when Stn.t.;1VTi' --.t-x.j.' ' m - . 4 . ., . . 1 .-"r x xicxx - a.xvx ixia xrjiexius re- economy ' anu' nivprsincauon nt - . r um-- vWj; v"w"xi . xree. -'-uexryery iimftri-tT----:,-.-ti.'T-v-- . , - - - ; f 'ciihr T products. A -. cy. eCmbfer ; Com, city this -paper. ' If they locate ' here and int'est 'their means every one is benefited,- then it follows that a good paper benefits not one,' but :alltxie&e6ple of thiC;com- '"ffV " ' W'" ": "HAVE? MADE A'.- Office ii Flora's ISfew BTgV - k j t V - C3or. Main and Water Streets. g J-L T T O T . 5 Office hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. . J J - " ' . - ' - , -7. '- : : r . : - ' ' T ' VrVrVrVrrVVyVVVVAAAAAV ,we double daily .; maill -. 1 mw .. vjjllu uixtuc iijij uliei iixxi tr 11 1 lit 1 jii- w 11 Mi.iinnu . 1 , nrrft vr j. mj-km i - vj - . . w - . . mm zm . .. 1 Thisfcmust cnfWeWnf :n-TifcTTinrT'- nVr h t ' - lii2. Baptist, -who was appropriately in- . n5 VR7in , "...mi- u inevitably follow. r,jTrJThe? nitiva- l-r-.---z- - - ' xJ.,,,! 4. 11. r " iiuui lunu. v J .. . - er t," 5" "r writer?' stated tha; himself and a irrevociblp' , ot, u r""" vuuYenuon have these common public " "necces-r u sitiesj, they V The next. por Sale! 5 feather beds in ex cellent ; condition apply at . this office. ' ''- " . , . ' rrceis exiected to, fate . action ' - ia ills ratter .aoncean'oulj'ir icon licfore ILe ai ijroacbiiig. sum-: mer mail will be. delivered . at th e 1 door of every feitizehbf'.; Elizabeth Cityy I EPIDEMIC AMONG HORSEsS s Beeui8 M oe.tio abatement 3 .Eastern Korth , haTe.::,. mumty. - V v Aad . iii ivieW 'of - this argument &Ssl''PPal for I the patronage , and- cooperation which Jwill :make "f it' siicb . tinW the r beat itorwit of Vm. -vr.xi. BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION. Rev: C. ;W."Duke Writes His, im pression of the Great Assembly. .. rconsideration. . -The report of ; secrejiafy Johnson, was indeed in spiringr When the "able "and es- leemeaoonnwiuie, one year of land attache df-apply ,to N. the most prominent pastorates, in the south, grave fears .were enter- For .Rent! -large .two-story house on' Main street three . acres A For Rent! rrt. I x - . . tained, as to ecui-inff .a com w . u.ne-01 ?ne .pretuest and most x session m tne new cen- 8UCcessor for --7 desirable suburban homes, J mile ry of the Baptist State Conven- ! ior tliig important work fco town. Good water and shade. tury tion of lorth. Carolina "was held The fhoce of Iivingtou Johnson City advantages of church - and was indeed a wise one. : $26000.00 iec. 4--8 : at-: th Pifef ni-id-1 church of Winston-lSalenK Win's- were raised, during the past - year ton---Salem enjoys the unique die- ,. ' - Continued on 3rd Page. schooh "Land attached if desired. Suitable for poultry or garden. ; : "Write or apply at once to, t - -, WiLTEE L. CogOOJf.-,:, Remember That. They Are Making-a Special Run on Air Tight Vood Stoves for Jan: 'IlTry For Vcuraelf, ;vr. v The quality of work the -Albemarle Steam Laundry is turning out now un-; der its new management;" We arenow convincing the peo ple all the time, and we want to con vince you, that you an .have. "your work done satisfactorily ; here or your Moneys Refunded. , r - E; SKINNER, Propr. " - " h&.PHONE. NO. USO : GodacaUed for and delivered promptly. 7 ' J I

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