4 t CORREBPONDE N6 Interesting News From The - Differ : ent Counties Throughout .The : ! - Albemarle; Section. v' MANN'S HARBOR. '1 Anna'it presants a'feeling : of ' sadr ness. But such people 'leave . esf amples of lives" Will'' and-. usefully spent and which. Bhould Inspire us to nobler living- '- - r : IVhile thorace nroblem is beinsr continuely agitated with so much j Sanderlin, of Johns" Hopkins Uni: versity, Baltimore." He is spending his holidays at hisj mother's home, but will soon return to resume his studies at the University. ' C... Ere the echoes - of the Yule tide bells had faded away the; wedding bell" rang. and'" the -old year witnessed the "union : of another happy couple before he bade ns a final farewell." , Mr; r Gid Ferebee and.'; Miss Minnie v- Forbes were married Tuesday night - lets man ana urv interest in me Cropsey Case Death of Uncle . ,V. Joe Guard brings - " -- " VSadnessl J Tab Hbwii John W. Mann Encounters a Wild Cat And Now Rivals "Uncle Dah" ' , One Box of Rock Fislu . i i Brings $150.. ;V ,v Conlspondenc:of the Tii ntre8t ifc 8 Mann's Harbor. Dec.-31. - . , . . Correspondence of the . W-hadith- pleasure 7?T' 'M"h N- ! ' i . r -r, . problem among themslvea - and if . - r-, -- bli the i correspondence from .East the 8gitatora , of e North wilj :' Lake, relatingth& danng.exper- - - - Hfn Fishing has ceased and the nete iences of Uncle Dan Basnight with . - uifB'h iini,- are S11 an4 drJ- dAhaving the bears. He is -z)-&hMtMtateotMjtytt hunter and we concede .to him all ' Wp&ted'j to the Spring season which, begins the trophies m nis line, mi we tllr wllite br3theren, and who are m a few wees. . vvnile tne. nsmng claim; the champion, in rwild-cat &(, r propertyW are train-" season has been poor one-gener hunting. ; r:, , ; Children Tto useful and ally, our people re norcomplam- . John TV. ManngeneraUy tnown honorable citizenship? .'Industrial F sin5? the catch-us was 0 TAlin" Wr1avm ia the indn who 1 ii-r-t.i3 i; i.r fairlverood." .' -- 'tv no v 7 v pursuits are iue uuu iur i-uie - cur ,r ; . . holds1 the championship - injthe Qre m & tne" SOonerhe learns , Our 'people " are' interested .no sport fof wildcat hunting in our it the better. , ;-' ; little In the Cropsey affairandj, it midst Some nights ago he heard -' r. ! ' !r' :' .1 . - - musfc be'ot as much interest to us . the bark of his doga- and knew by x BELCROSS. " " -' " ' 1 88 tte Pe0P of Elizabeth; City the peculiar bartotms pet canines . - . - t . ; --j-vvhjlowe.-depldrer.the. untimely that the varment; was Surely that ferocious brute,-for his, thoroughly trained -docs have . a ; certain -FOR, PLEASURE DRIVIIiG The most .stylish' -and handsome ri gs evei' -brought to -this citv areJ at ,r .... - ' - tJ '--. " - - - .... . j.:-- - ...v : r. your service here, s , CARRIAGES, with speedy, safe, reliable horses, -" and all appoint- . ' . ments " first-class. . ' Special ? attention to commercial - - . trade, U . . - . -ac c; stokes:'-: MATTHEWS ST; ' . - .Oldpapers forialeatthis office cheap.-; L ;j. - k nnrmrr ziern Rail Road Co. IN EFFECT SEFE 17th,-1901. : -, Train Service ; . IfORTHBOUSD: for each - annimal of - the forest nhildWn Made Hannv" Bv Christmas Ueath, we rejoice that the body th dr( ;2g 'rrJ Festivities-Estimable Lady Leaves lu been found. '-We wgerljat g.jgjg.s mbark ; CamdenMarriage BeUs Ringr r the news olthe cause of her death Sy J -nml tnrougn ine coiunuw oj. jyut Beihaveii. P DI P m ; Other Itpms "John Wesley dm not - nave time to slion his boots: so eager was he to Irespond to rthe-bark oi the dogsJ The annimal "was located near home, and the dogs ran him a short jdistarice when it -came to a Mr. Ml ' 13 40 p tr -. - 5 20"m Correspondence of the Tar - Heel. K A " ' - - AeEeiltS15,u,llufsimdSat- V"ipm 'v'r-r" - - , . . - - I . . t--.-:-: .,'-.- ,-. . " VI Connect at Norfolk with trams to and trora ,'BelcrOSSv Dec. 31 We Stand ready to forgive Jtlev. Virginia Bch and Cnrritnck Branch Vlr; - Mr.'JVIaywood Sykes, of Berkelyi Mr. JVIoyle for his recent' conduct . - - . hist if he will show , us satisfactorily vi viw,. hi. - - NEW .YEAR'S -QZ! it - o TO "OUR FRIENDS and PATRONS: t . --- ': 'A Happy and Prosperous New Year." 1 ; 1 Z", V? are jribved to show our - appreciation of your, good will and - fc v-0$ 'patronage by making' the following; " o zTJ e .... 4 , o o o O s NEW YEAR'S GIFT: " -V, 1 We -shall present to our customers : ' - - " ; y ; ; A: " ONE ENTIRE DAY-S SALE. , r ininy 'departmehtr Dry. Goods, "Clothing or Shoes; will re-;g , - ceive a. duplicate bill of their purchase " with the - date plainly g -marked there on: - ' v: -V.-r. ": . ' ' Save These Duplicate Bills. I ' ' - 'r; ' ' - S . I' SaturdayFietr 1st., at 12 o'clock ,noon, a committee - of our customers willthoose one of the 27 business days; of Jan--J . uary, and the money will be refunded . in full for all. bills bear-. ' : ing the date of the day. selected if presented at our. office on or before February 8th inclusive. .' ' V .No matter what, the amount is; whether one eent or one thousand dollars, you, will"get ytur money back'' if your pur- JJ -'chase'-was made-on the day, selected? " 1 ' ' - J - 5 . ' ' 'Last January, we made this same offer resulting in? many " of our customers receiving backtconslderable amounts for their- -purchase on the day selected by the committee.-r" I. Mr' Rememberlwedonot Dick but the: day: oh which7 ihe money 'is ta be refunded. ? This is a matter left entiiely to" the S - rnmmittfp nf rustnmers.-' ' - " " v-"w r -iJ Last years they putnumberscorresponding to tach of ,the 2 r .5 .27 business days jot January in a boxr thoroughly shook them - " . J l . uo and a little girl drew out a number '.The number represented o - )' " -'V. .the dav chosen bv the customers. -V?:' - ? - ' ?rT! 5 . ' We presume they may decide the day in the same manner : ' . ' 5-. this time. ' -- - ?r -- t - - Va., spent Christmas with friend Mr Wilson Sanderlin.. folk. Ya on RoanokeBincel, it seems that there was no negro . preacher da? WbS12M; i-t 1 vrrfll J . 3 TIT: 3 I ,T Tl T..J im.J 5 Cii ueavr juucuwu xucsuaj uuiouajr 'uu emit 1 .1 1 If- lfj .Vt ' a( omtk - M Mnn' MnninT) ISirtv Day. ix. iunu BUu --. T4.T wnnM bfl -married for Choww pver Undxng,; No 4 shot which onir aggrivated spent the ( Christmas holidays witn Tlli r aSSKShST the ilbrute, and it leaped' at the his friend, Mr. CharHeiTrafton, of rTm ---"r-; hunter with a. ferocity" that would J Belcarossc he Wood curdling ...to - ordinary , jBs8Katie Harris.a verv DODular men. BAPTIST: smr. COIIIITIOII. But "John Wesley; was not -"ffiadT ofrua clace has cone the man to be alraicu ne graDoea to jorfolk to gpen a, few. days a club,and then the contest started, -th friends. . '- - The first blow, stouckthe - brute Aime Mteh'urst has mored slightly on the endof the; nose, to ; Genterville wLere fiKe but the second blow from the . - . ,fcf. strong arm of our champion kiUed L, n .. for State Missions, mating $10,000 the , king 'of theses - forests. iThe ' u - 'parture,: and ? more than had ever before been dogs finished , the task and John ncceaB happiness: obtained Tor this purpose in a sin- Wesley returned, barefooted as he, . - t r, y- -' gle year,' " ' 1 had gone, to his Lome". the .proud ; Anennsas-tree awyers $42.60000 contributed in sin- Citv for Eoanoke' r. Island, oriental and flew btrne, aTiosday,- TliG lea.Ul bvVirOWninfir OI. U nCle N.C. . K.aad Atlantic Coast lone for Gold JOS Guard and Tom ; FarrOW,; Las nong lUver, Monday and Wednesdajv- , rv - - - . Steamers leave Belhavea daily, sxcept Sun- brought Universal SadneSS tOl these day, for. Washmgton, N C, , Tuesday Thw; . o : - .. , . U day and Saturday for Aurora, South Creek -DartS where' both men I Were Jwell and MakeleyviU v and: 5 b. m. Monday and. known and highly; esteemecLv Friday - fvr.- Swat Quarter, 0?racok6 aud Oriental. - f - Snowden, asenf,.' Ehzabeth thty, or to the ueaerai uiiee oi me in. cc es. , . to, Norfolk.V.-il-i'i, - - - , -M. K. KlKO, " , " H. C. HUBOISS. ' i Gen Manager, t-';- ;,Gen'l Ft & Pa.. s Again wishing you the'eompjimenfs of the season,-we re- r:;V':-':': ' i'' CTHE FAIR:0 1 I NEW YEAR'S GIFT! --2 . i Do WaritS 1. (QUI Jlli O nc M. f cta wilraf " rt Teeisr cnurcu -uu V". 1p nifrlrt. for a sinffla jwrav-uu " ""t- p'" ' , , . - io o r- c . Theannimal measured six Jeet r -institution, fzbuvu.uu lor otate - r , - f - - , - , f ir onH rhof .f W kind 1 ' ttt hointr nrt TPPltfltl OH q hV thfl infant htro I V1- it-- nwiw ,u tt iu.uuii uiv. im tuiu wi juji .v.tv. -1 you want. A 'most, desirable -building- lot-in. Euclid Heights on -easy payments. tPT, inrhPfi from nose to heels. We being no recitations by the Jnfaht m - - d innumerable other will probably mount :it and hav'fr Masses, iVr.- IL B. Overbeeour beevpient objects receiving due lat i r, iTWliiHnn at the . next " lair; Ptor, and Mr..B. Sanderlin, of tg indicate that the ' Baptists The1 fall season'for fishinsr is to" Baltimore"; were; asked-to make of Carolina are., not only, I IncMn f nfc ln hfl l7"nn-;nn'nn"!:;nnri . Tf. hM 'Wn' Dooron rttalts- V After the addresses financially but "that ' they i 4... OOCnn oSc nn " Tkoco 4 thJ but oursturdytlshemenbright ee;was are aiake the glorious oppo?tur 'i and hopeful for the JLwmAb eswhick the present "Lntury Kffil8? -ri, at: av x glad. . : - Ar,hm . - called home would be so pleasant it build on PftmnA sava he obtained $150-for I In -the afternoon averv nice I All the various object, the 'con- one box of rock fecently.This takes Christmas treats was. given to the sideration of which come : within oi -: tws convention, i in Selecting 3 - Buggy V Look to Gladlity as well as Price. : Cheap Buggies are tinsatisf actory, things. .: We are offer-: ing you thoroughly reliable buggies at low- , - ""-i' est possible prices Qualify;; Finish . J r and btyle Guaranteed. - ; . r r it thft honors Sniirlftv " SphonI rhiWren " , at the province , . ,r , i - . t--i.Lr. ri . - .1 i -sireceived due ' attention. ;Home wmcnf ne ni8 ueiaince;. Masaoes PFi. v - Missions, was eloquenUy presented, spring as ine tprmce oi uauieruivux Jot thse sounds.'" - - . ' Bears are num4rous -this- vear, tt-:i r is one of the sons of North Caro someiime recently eieht "were V 6 i , The Sunday.. School Boajd Messrs. Ocea Halsfea4, I!rank by the esteemed, .new i secretary, Hanburv - and Claud Berry of ev. JJ. iuconneu,. Ai., ,wno .killed at Stumpy point We dont understand why . Uncle Dan Bas friends at Sawyers Creek-! j ' .bargains;-Dfop.a postal or calKT; ; . eugLi d H bight s:go : - a : . :v ;BUzabeth Gity, N. G.' r't ; 7 Elizabeth City Buggy Co Pondexter St.;";;"; :VO;:'rEliiabeth CityTnC. i of the S. K C." was represented -by hope, give him an? invitation 'next v time. Death Sliss Bettie Burgesl, ofSMloh islBev.-B. W. Spilman, -whom the Old - Aorta otate ; nas v kivbu ior. buai ATioa-o, Ontlnw AoruipLaie m given was not in the hvmt eVl-& - 7 .7 ; workt and the" A. R P. & had Rev. our friend A. B. Hoopei-wiU at itne oii- Q F Flippo.-Di T?ne 'of - North r Carolina's fojmer pastor td.present ;You;Cani Sleepy flattSfyfiwwf si - "WheWoiTare conscious that your--2 '"..Vj-.. -j-a a S. "J--- ,Bomani ...... j.,.. , iiiniinniiinr- .Jnnin .w'-;.5T.t.-: . : .i,firry U4f "is ' FASTI AKF. Him the Reaper takes Uncle Joe nas just : returned home from A. T& em Baptist, -Theological Seminary. Guard and Aunt Anna Twiford VollefiF At iXaieign. t were present uy uw tWo Venerable Persons who, imss 'IilKeDozier, one of our 1 have Lived Exemplary;-- i Stost ""popular" young ladies,; is by many of its oldeat members as - . Lives. -'z r-i'-i". Visiting. her many' friends"-in Pas- one of the most inspiring "of their Corespondent of. .ita .to : Uetak : . t- ; hSTSSS . Mr. " George Sawyer and wife, church of Durham.' whose! destin- Our peaceful, hamlet is shrowdecl ni pJnimiOi. are - now- visitintr I eruished pastor Ke W.. C. Tyree, in gloom as a resultof; the .death herJ enda'at TVhite Oak HilL .v this year, preachedthemtoo-1 1 C?t4-a 3 tff JS ; ofUncle Joe Guard: and his son- ; " ' C: ,v ' ductory sermon. -": c : -irOr' VnrihLITld Viltb. in-law who were drowned 'in alle- , , - it-.. - . , I n vprv lnterestinff masquerade PHDRRPrv-pmn uUnmiUL'-J'UU Ui'r "V1- You wifl appreciate thefact that i can supply any part of, a to rn represenVthe best ixmPaniesrC . ' ck ont of the hundred sundries withoutanijoying de-r J,SURETY:BONDS A SPECIALTY. rq)air wbrk f charge a .reasonable - price. - .Tires, Pumps. Handle-bars, Dells, wrencnes; lanterns ana an sunanes ror sman prices,''' : 1- ' -rr - V7 : ;S - ' P. DeLON, Poindexter Street. JONES oVEEARING; General Insurance. C. TV. Duke. gator HiTer.Uec. Ibttu Tney.-naa - . ... , y - ' , -r . Ut ij&ttf in .'small biat PT Be- ? Sanderlin s NORTH J5AK0IINA, 1 j ij ixil- ' , i -i but ' on"a.ccount .-xf . the warm r loaded with net stakes, and the , , Pasquotank County. V W M lilIM 11U A..U.W TY XX 4' Aw HW-k W 1 . . ..rib . - . - . - 'r. - . . -boat,1 by means unknown, was . up- were soon obliged i doff- their Superior Court, llarch TermA1902 is everybody; knew Mr. ; Bl . C Pearson and ;wife, I . - - vs. j Uncle Joe, him. was near seventv ve'arsof age. fBaltiniorewho' -have -'been Emma .Jxrgisu. Hjcues Hollowell, j.-'it-' i...-'i'f.ut.. rr,. muu "nf. "vv. I ' " ' -Defendant.1 He had been a sailorrihroughout R."Gilbert, of R Cijkyj andJVlr;: ;' It appearing to .theQourt -that his eventful life, and was beloved M." Sawyer' of HastingsCorner the defendant is a non-residant of i:- -xi-i.- x.mJ -i. :-.: 1. - - t; wr- the State of North Carolina And af- which made him the devout Christ- much pleased' with ian manhat he was No ; man win ro iikely .to repeat it inis; generation nas commanaedtne l .nr;.n . a TjnWkoT ii, I . , 1 beinsr for a divorce from said de- 7C t T "rr 1 - b6en teacm .Bcnoom xasn f i d tMg CQt hft . Ail hna . na I4iiavH - lTi - tiro a -. . o I . . , ..... 1 - : - .; ' . si. . ., r ... - f - -T- uounty nas - returned . nome - ana brother of Capt -T. M-Guard" of Xpeet3 to open school at Oomde'n -.uUtlu uJt . t 5 . C..IL Vte .ifehher tlh3 uucj On the 18th ' of Dec.'-dath, re- whir h her ability merits. I moved from us the venerable A.nntl ; v - - r ;llr1r Cedar " Jerebee,' whd has been .'studying .medicine at Rich mond, where 'he expects to finish his course at'the close, of 'this, session, is home for the - holidays. -. : '-"'Choice Handkerchief Extracts ah elegant Vcut.tglass . bottlse; ' -V-.U111U.UU1J1UM1 OCLAr ZT ' - fiC: '- '- -r;V r . - Military-Brushes 3 ",;r"J",' ; v-"; ;Mirrofs, , - - . ; 'Lj M , -Perfumery Atomizers, Pipes btc. It lOWlCE W h d I e s ai I e : D r y Q 6 c d d , At Prices to Suit You? Standard Pharmacy, 3 Is 1- ; Poindexter St., Eliz.,City,.N. C. 1 rz:"T ; ? ' 1 " " "TT" - - -J I tof Inn rUlicpTirfl rantiot he found ' . ' u . .r s - . xulirk ;lioo won affainHii -iue,,ueitjiiutuii, tsaui i . -j . j , -. - -.. v . f . - - X Shoes and Rubber Boots. OIL CLOTHING : , arid i: " V 1 juris- Anna Twiford. :- She was one of the k oldest persons in. this section- and a fine character of noble woman hood. She" leaves seven r children, thirty grand children and about fifteen great-grandhildirenOThis we , think pf the death "of such 'people as Uucle' Joe" and" Aiint Another strange- face which . has not been seen here : for -the -past bix Christmases "is Mr?; George B.' diction for the same It is therefore ordered - decreed anl j. Ied by tLs cculs t'at I'lb lication be made in tLe T.va I newspaper published in Elizabeth City,, N. C. V for six successive weeks notifying the defendant to appear on the 2nd Monday in March, 1902. and answer or demur to the ; com plaint as she may be advised., -i : -' : It is further -ordered that publi cation of this, notice shall be : suf ficient notice to the "defendants ' - This 31st day of December, 1091. 6w'' J - Jenntngs, C. S. C.: " o 0 GEQ. IV1. SCOTT, O : i L - pi i L v.-, ' AlIMndsof, A - j A-- MADE and IIEPAIEED , L ' f. " tJL . At Short Notice, j - Stwrnboat and Saw Kli Work Speciality.' ! ' o o o o 2 o O ; l;YPHOIDrEVER.- ' . - .-,.:r- -' ,.-v; f..- . . v r ,.-. .. i t Z---' " J - - - ' Drink Beaufont Lithia water and save iloctor!s . bills. By bbl. j; 10c gallon. In f gallon lote'ljc per" gallon. -5 la. J?- z -t