Vol. 1. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, FRIDAY, JAN. 17, 1 902. ( ir. . 4 i No. 23 siiiiii - i .1 .';,-V'"" V.-' I fl i ''.'-.5 ! - : Will Connect Tith Suf folk and tlo West.; : EBilBEERS JEBiiFE8.1. About two Weeks Time ..Will Be Required By j. - the Engineers. It seems that ihc iflen : railrpad connecting this city with - Suffolk Va., is almostvassured. The - lead-: era iric the matter are working hard, and all- the people owning property along the proposed rotate are heartily in .favor of theprqjeot. All that is lacking at present is a : depot site at tins city and a water I ! front. On water front has. already ," been donated, but whether it will 1 i be suitable and can be accepted remains -vet to be seen. .: . - ... - ' :;-- n - r - - . ' - B ! i The road as proposed will strike . I Elizabeth City near Baxter's cold :storage plant and from there will m strike the river at . one of three 1! i'1' places, namely, at - Zimmerman's " wharf, at the Eiver View water front, or jelse at: Scott's marine railway. ' ' - ' ; ' Tho road will be known as the :. . . - i; '. -;..'; .-- 'ft. ' the Elizabeth City and - Western lint 111 '.. . -'.." :'.: . -'-:- 1 ,, Railroad. " ' Suffolk & Carolina, assures j the leaders that he will do all in j his power to help the project" along and see the road put- through and in operation. -' The project is back ed by the leading1 bau .crs-of Bal- . timore, $15,000 has; already been subscribed) and lands along j the route can be obtained at practical ly no 'cost jrhatever. " ; The ;' engineering of 'the work wvL bi begun on the - first day 'II v T ' ,'!'T ' of i"tebruaryHand the line will! be 'riii (by the middle of v th mjmth andi afc that time the tract route '-wiliibe known: and -will be announ- il' -. . " cediia the. Tar Heel. - . Xow just a ftv.r words as to j the advantages of- the eountry through which the road will run. .The new ro3i! will pais through the finefst c in and trucking" country north ol ewbern and by the new - road, ti vik can be gotten into 'norttiern malkets earlier by a considerable time than from the Newben-o cO'Jntrj'l'. Along the route arc r, last twenty million of feet of j the fineet pine timber in the state, as rll as 'forests of -cedar, oak, uni Itiit, gum and other wood Vetiimat-' ed roughly as another twenty millions of feet, and all- easy of access. - - v j , tThepeople along. this route are of course th homelike - people of the south. They are a iiturdyl but honest class and well' in a country that ;. is flowing - with : milk and honey. They subsist -en the be- , fore mentioaed -articles , together with hog and hominy,. possum and ' potatoes, bear "steak and , venison. Game of all kinds abounds in grat plenty. --.Bears ) roam , the swjtnips at will, and deer run with domestic cattle.' This section of" the , eoun try is to the state ,of North CarO' .. lina, what Goshen was'to the land of Egypt in olden days. ' This road will divide ' the i Eliz abeth City fish trade with the Nor ! folk and Southern Railroad, !if - it does not arbs'ord the greater i- part of the trade. .It jvill make Eliz " abeth th cora market of ! East Carolina, and the..ditributing point for "cornfishrand oysters sin all this great section. -;1- -; - Those --wha arey-far i 'sighted enough to look beyond the . con struction of this thoroughfare -can see plainly the benefits it will bring to Elizabeth 'City- inr 'the shajie of renewed and increased business. - .The , development of latest : resources and the influx of new industries audi' investment seeking capital into the promising field. ' Elizabeth City, has a grep,t f uturejand tile sooner a '"road is built to give tho industries of - the coast a more ? direct -shippingf i to tne markets of tne north and 'west, the sooner will come the dawn of) her-prosperity., TO HATTERAS. .-1 ' T. T - Boats Connecting- E. City and Hatteras. Will -Touch at Hoanokej Clark's, Avon, Buxton and Trent. At the last meeting of the -Eliz abeth City Chamber oV Conlmerce a committee consisting of Edmumd Alexander, il Ii. Winder and W. W. Mann, to look' into' $h question of the advisabilityV of establishing a steamboat line ' connecting this city with Hatteras, N. C. "The distance to be covered . is about ninety r miles andwills include Roanoke, i island.. Clark's, 5" Avon, Buxton and Trent. .,, The committee will make - a re port at the next meeting - of the Chamber of Commerce v '-'"i'r ' We understand that1 a party, considering the' establishment of such a line, has been negotiating for the purchase of , a boat, and have made up most of the stock. It is the pnrposs of the com mittee,, to provide ; a .fast boat ablo to cover not less ' than twelve miles an hour. Jhe' lina will furnish, a- fast transfer for fish and freight of any and all kinds as well as passengers and mail.. . . ; . This is another of - the much needed improvements which will take part in the- development of Elizabeth City's resources. - Swindell Kotsl Fc Sale. , . , .In another colunmwill be seen a notice to the effect that Swindell Hotel at Swan Quarter is for sale, this is- an exceptional good oppor-; tunity for some one. The hotel is tUe only one at the county seat of the most fertile, cpiutty in. Eastern North Carolina and - is on Swan Quarter Bay, jvhere there are inore wild fowl in season - than at any other point on . the sounds.' The health of the locality is not' sur passed and, faley equaled. . The locality promises to to - be important in the oyster industry.5 There are ; two or . mora ' packing houses . there '. already, : and - the natural faculties " make 'room for more. The Tab Hta regrets ' .that the health of Mr; W. B. Swindell will hot permit him 'to .conduct the hotel business longer. 'It is a fa vorite place for traveling "men and justly so, since np more pleasant people could b found than Mr. Swindell and charming ' wife who always provides - Veil for the ac commodation of their " guests. It is to be hoped that they .will continue- their residence at Swan Quarter.? :r. ' J . ' - For a first-class family - news paper subscribe to the senuVweeklyl Ta Hebl, $1.50. a year. IIP Discussion of Wireless Telegraphy. ; ;C -will hffecTthe gable No Mofe: Cables Will be Laid After Its Per fection. Tfie effect of wireless tslegraphy on the future of the submarine ca-. ble was developed to some extent by the House commitee on com merce, in connection with the hear ing on the proposed Pacific cable. ( The hearing' v?as largely at tended. ' - Yice President Ward of the Pacific Commercial Cable Company said he believed t the? company he represented would be able; to make excelusive traffic arfangements from points beyond the Philippines and connecting with China and 'Japan. Chairman Hepburn asked a series of -questions as to the effect of wire less telegraphy on the submarine, cable - Mr Ward replied-that the system presented a - serious ques tion. . He was not certain that the Pacific eable project would have been undertaken if the long dis tance experiments had occurred earlierr-Aa to the claim that wire- fiess signals had - bsen - conveyed 2,000 miles 'across : the Atlantic Mr. ; Ward said if the claims were . .. . - - , made good, they would deter people from laying ' any more cables... - s T President Scrymser, of the South and Central American Cable system, made an extended argument fav orable to goverment control of the Pacific cable, citing incidents of the"Spanish-Amexican war showing the., importance of govermentai conti-ol of the cable. ,Jf this dis patch had not been intercepted, Mr. Scrymser said, the battle of Santiago bay would not have been fought and the conduct of the war : 1 0 .-' f ...... .. -.-. might have been changed. Thomas E." Hughes, represeirting an Amer ican company which produces ca bles, stated-j that" as good cables could be made m the United States as' in any other part of the world, and he asked that .American labor and capital have the advantage, of doing this work." Chairman Hep burn asked if this American com pany was ! prepared to make a definite business proposition to the United States goyerment. Mr. Hughes "-replied : that such -a proposition would be submitted in due form within the next two days. J. W. Henry, "civil engineer for an American company- making cable,"8aid 1 the company . would furnish the "govermentai a Cable at 11,000 a rnile which" 'to- Hawaii would be about - $ 2,200,000. , or considerably 'below the cost of a foreign made cable.-, Th hearing will - be . continued next " Friday, when' ; ! goverment officials", will be' heard on the gov erment project - . . i - OFFICERS ELECTED. Chamber of Commerce Meets and v Elects the .Following Officers. A special nieeting of the Cham ber jof Commerce was held., yester day -afternoon, and. 'the following committees were elected: u ' ' Committee on the Roanoke Cele bration. H. T. Greenleaf, Chair man; J. B. Blades, . M. N. : Sawyer, W. L. Cohoon.-' . -- t Committee, on. Arbitration: Br. A.-MoMullan, Chairman; Geo'. . WardrJB. Blades. ' ' r ' jS!griculuri and Imigration": A. C. HathawayjCbaifman; M. ; 0. Saw rer, Wilson Hollo well. '-' CommittfcB on Industries - a id Business Enterprises: "F.'lM. Grico, Chairman j D. B." Bradford, yC. 1. Culpepper."" v - Committee on . Legislation: -1. W. Williams, Chairman; PvW. Mc MullanrR. W. Turner. ; . " " Committee on Harbor, ' Shippi-ug and Commerce: -Edmud Elextvix der; Chairma;. L. L. "Winder, Yf. W.Mann. ' -' -. Committee ton : "Transportation and v Insurance? , . L. -. , S. Chairman; Di sM. Jones, & W. Grice. - x ' - ' '. Committer 6n Streets, Parks and Public Road: W.:M. Baxter, Chairman; G. fel.' Scott, C. R Kra mer. - Committee Ion Banks .and"ur rency : W- Tt . Old," r Chairm M. R. Griffin, D. J. H. White.,: Committee, on Advertising: It. .J. Mitchell, -Chairman; J-H. liatii- away, ;Moses .WiSfeWii: j - i ICommittee n Reception and Ex position : E. R Lamb, Chairman ; T. G. Skinner, CV W. Melick. -. . Committee on r Information aud Statistics: RTV Jenkins, Chairm an ;! W: 11' Choon, R A. Dudley. j ' Committee;on Postal, J and Express 1 J. E Leary, Oh-.i-J man: WeathLrlv; S. a Hardiou. ... . .' ,.-.. . 5-' ! -" Committer n: Membership: - J. A.Kramer, Chairman; J.H.ArcJevi, T. C. Jones.; - . : - " Committee on Health and .. Sani tation: Dr. W. J. Lumsdem, Clia'r- mn-nr T)r. ,T. 'R... rtricro-s. - W. i rl ,. 00 -: . - . Glover. ; - - v Committee on Finance and tiri-.: ;. -anceS: J. B. B. Flora,' Chair. - ; A. 1m, Aydlett, N. G. Grandy. , No business of importance . o.lh'.-ri than the election of the above cuh-' mittees came before the nioetir,-M - . New Dry 69ds Sicre. 1 - - ;; Mr. Samuel Barclift, f at press-ut j with Mitchell's Bee Hive, will'openi a store in the, building, next- lol; Jones, Baper & - Co., - with a co:.i-!l plete line of dry goods and. bo-; 1 tion. Qui tLe, scoud floor :'A. Barclif t will have a compiler ; in charge of one. of the bsst Incl! tailors in: ?East Carolina -or Tir-i ginia. ' " Th building at present is beiiig. thoroughly repaired'and ; renoatcd in readiness for the new store. . -, Mr. liarciift exDects ,to be yule to open about the 15th ; of Feu- ruary. . , . . ' - - , ,7 . . , A Steamboat Line , Needed. ! Mr.' J. W.-' McWilliams,- Ocraj coke, was in ; the, . city .'thiB veek - He .is a jirominent merchant - of that, place; and " in speaking of the proposed : steamboat ; route from that point to" Elizabeth via Hatteras" and other points "on ? the banks, he said that the people on - the Coast were' heartily in jrympathy with the, project. "EUzabeth ' City is a good business point, . we can . buy goods cheaper 'hre than at other 'poin ts, and we would be glad to;, trade with your city if we had the trans portation facilities" said Mr. .Mo- Williams. He ) added There is a large trade from the banks - which goes ; to, Washington and Bern through' necessity.; and not through choice. . - if a steamboat Hne" was established, Elizabeth City would control all .the trp.de on the coast certainly; as' iar as Ocraeoke." T T 7 I' ll UL; To peat Imperial Yacht - at Hampton Roads; " THE EfciPERHfl'S PLAN. - Admiral Prince Henry Will" VbeTransferred to Im-V perial Yacht. : Berlin, ; Jan ; 16 -The latest rar niugement in connection ' with the isit of "Admiral Prince Henry of Prussia' to. the -United - States is that the Prince will meet the im perial yacht Hohenzollern at Ham ton Eoads and sail thence to New York ; : ; : - - Elaborate preparations are being ra ade i ot .social r entertainments on h 1 d ' the ' Hohenzollern. - By the Xiinperor's special orders a splen did silver service has been sent to Kibi, from the '"'royal 7 silver- treas ures in : the old Scholass. : His Majesty : peasonally inspected the treasures and selected the service s- - : ", .-.ji' , - . . . . y.' , ..- which ia to be used Con aboard tha Hohenzollern on special occasions; lror William's program-is that Vviace HeMy- shall reciprocate the Ne5 York d-Washington f "ties . with a grand banquet oa board th'- Hohenzollern, in- . . .... 1 ..-.-. - . -. . - .1 -. vitmg tne irresiaent, the memoers L.f .the Cabinet -and-rrthers. The curator of the silver-treasures goes U. the .United States on the Jlohenzallern to take care of the valuable1 wares. -: ; - : ZosJfers Photo Studio. I rZoeller's studio, on the corner ' -;.'J; Poindexter and Main streets, is ! quipped' with the best and most i up-to-date materials for the mak ing of fine photographs. A speci i.alty is made of fine pmtino v.xiL:, ; r, i tli a guarantee of .jermanency. I An excellent- line of carbons, j crayons and pastels is also turned out py JUr. Zioeller. - iiie rooms f.re well . located en tho second iloor, and consist -of reception room, studio, dressing room, deve loping and printing rooms, . to f,oMier with the finishing'' room, which is replete with everything npto-date in card stocks and .,: ac cessories. ' - ; ''.-..-'.:-; 7:"-- :: " ' " '. .-. :.! -' .-..--;. - - ' .. L ..- .' - Mr. Zioeller's studio is the . onTv, one iiv j this ; section having the single slant,, north light" and which is fitted with ground, glass, giving a softer and more ' uniform illumination and ' consequently a more perfect likeness of the sitter. You -will have no cause to re gret a sitting at Zoeller's. . The studio is also .; prepared to dc developing and finishing . for lmateurs, AN ELIZABETH CITYV INVENTOR. rings out an Improved Cultivator" - Patent uranted. -w Mr. M. L. Ball,' a mechanic of this city : has. invented an improved cultivator; that promises to be.i. a big success, i Mr. 1 Ball J has , been working on the model of the cul tivator for the past two years, and on the first day of August 1901, he. applied for a patent on his in vention, through the' agency of W. HE. Wills, a-patent lawyer, of Wash ington D. C. The Commissioner granted him a patent on. - the Oth of January. ' . -The cultivator is of the "variety of saddle cultivators, so 'arranged as.to work both sides of a. row at 1 , f jf one operation. ; ' His invention pro- vides, by means of set screws, for Maggie C -Cramer, Conwderations adjusting the implement to anyj$10.0f'. - 1,-,'. reasonable w ulth row, andalsoj a Jam l'Jta B. 31. White, et als, to adjustable ta tlirow ,in toward, :. or j Annie D. bimpson. ' Division. ' away from, the ,row, ' The - culti vator is the only one extant that is provided with both plow, shares and plow points. Mr. Ball is negotiating- with Mr. Aydlett as to the manufacturing of the - rmple ments in. 'this -city." " All the "agricultural men '-' who have examined the cnltiv - tor have tin,lft"4mr,ihnn:.'.1 tl . - 1. 1 Ij-t ! ..wj-ii. vbocu yciv laturauiv wii.it its' "value.1 - Mr. ' Ball ' has sold f . t already something, near . a hund- '-. - : ;i . --. ' . . . red and -eighty of the "cultivators to farmers, in and' about Elizabeth.: The cultivator should meet with the Success it deserves. ' " , Laugh and Grow Fat. , On .Monday night, January 20, 1902, at the " Academy of Music, "Ellwood",;- the great -Magicianj Illusionist, .- Cartoonist and ' Art Painter will be the attraction. -The Press opinion: , "The Great Won der of the 20th century." Little and big,- young" andold boys -and girls, young men and maidens,- old men and matrons, all will laugh and gruw fat under -the inspira-; , lion oi mis wizaru. jiaiwoou uraws funy faces from the audience.f Ell wood ' draws - with both hands simultaneously, - Ellwood -: draws marine scenes up-side-down, blind folded, Ellwood draws ? large audir fences. . . "Reserved seat diagram at Hathaway"s. .. Reserved seat t50c General admission- 35c Gallery 25c. Monday, June, 20th. Real Estate Transfers. ' -..-' -V . ', The f olowing are the transfers of real- estate in Pasquotank county since the first of January, 1902: Jan. 1st. Luther Coppersmith to Alphonso Coppersmith. Consider ation $250.00. . - .M. N. Sawyer and wife to Willis Perry. C'o'iisileration $250.00. 1 " ' - ' . . Jan 2nd. E. N.: Shannon, estate to Dr Palemon John Consider ation S200.00: i Palemon John to Mira T. Jen kins. . Consideration $800.00. : v ym Peter --'Granbarry' to . Zion H. Berry. Consideration $75.00 'Jan. 3rd Daniel W. White .to J. LJ'Oiite. ' Consideration $150.00. JVM. Bright and wife to, Joshua William.: Consideration $350.00. r J Jan. 4th. J. T. McCabe ands wife; to O. McMullan. Consider ation. $88.00. . '.V ; i. "-i"1; ?;.'.."--r'-'-'A "( ?'", c'r'"i-;' Simon Pritchard to Jane . Broc- kett. v Consideration1 $300.00. : : Simon Pritchard to M N. - Saw yer :., uonsiaeration ?xo.uu. V "William Summer, et als to M.' N. Sawyer Consideration $950.00. - - Jan.. 7th. AYillis N.-Gregory- and wife to C. W. Overman- Consider ation' $i 250. 00. " ' - , f : " .. f I ':-;..."- - .' '' '. " :' .. ." j - .'-., -.'Elizabeth Myers, et als to T, ;G. Skinner.-;; Consideration $50.00. :y i ..... -" '" .. ,-.!"- . . 1 '-.-... . -. ,-. .".V. Jan. 8th. G. W. . Ward, . tri .itee, to M. "X. Sawyer. Consideration $75.00.- - " ' G. V. Ward, trustee, . to. Phoebe Elliott.'- Consideration $300.00 ' -J. ' Q. A. Wood and "wife to Joseph J. -I Armstrong. . . Consideration $9l0.oa. 1 j :- " ; Jan." Oth. Moody. Gregory and wife to B.v Ji , Forbes. . Consider ation $100.00. P. W; McMullan . and wife to Mrs. J. W. Walkerr Consideration $450.00.- . - , -I B. P. Simpson", et als; to-BM White. Division, " . r. . , Jan. llth. A.-K Ejramer - to B. N. White, et als, to Paul F. White "Division. " " - ' , . John A, Cramer and wife to A. J and y. , P. , Davis. . Consider-: ation silo.uu. . ; - ' ''Jan. 1th. p. -R. Jackson and wife to Elisha Overton.' Consider ation ; $100.00. : ' i Jas. ; H-J Overton 5 ana wif to I'TM' 1 ' : - ' "- r-.S '. ' - Overton. Consideration r 1 rf - . ' X f r.tTaa. 14. J. Flora and wife to Jordan Pcl , Consideration $150. 00. - J. Heywood Sawyer to Isaac F. Leigh. Consideration $7S.0O, . ' The Improvement Company to 1l , ; T. -Winder.-' Consideration $120.00..- '-.". B- F. White aid wife Mrs.- C. : J. Lynch. Consideration $130.00. ; James J.' Gregory, trustee to C. JL. Whitehurst Consideration $1Q5.- ,a. - k ' . C. L. Whitehurst - and- wife to 3 ames G. Oregory, truate; Con sideration $135.00. ' Elizabeth City, N...C. Markets.- Official wholesale quotations as furnished by E T. Greenleaf Jr. Brqker & Distributing 'Agent ' CotUM. ijood middling, 8.5-18, . Middling,; . Low ladling. 7. 9-1C - - '-s,. ' Tn otton market today has been devoid of au pecial feature. The crop movement wbU slightly lighter thaa it has been running for mt two weeks ia not sufflently reduced T to empnasize the prediction of many opera tors, mat "We are to have a perpendicular drop iu receipts after February 1st." , ' :" l'n resistance to a decline exhibited by the mai-KeG Has been a surprise to many and may be assritmted in part to the improved trade in manaiactured goods both in this country and Greo Britain, as shown by the takings of Amican spinners and the trade returns in England. - , Southern spot-markets) show good busi ness a steady prices to 1-16 advance. Tmr crop estimate of Messrs. R. T. Wilson & Co.. at Hew York, to be issued on Monday will be 01 special interest at this time. This esti mate last season was only a quarter of a million leas than the actual crop, and the con sbrvaave character of this house is well known to cue trade. . , , " - - . HAVy GRAIN, & etc. , ' . Coru - arket quiet ; IT. 2 mixed corn . No. 2h -ltecorn J3c. . . , Hay JiTom store ; No. 1 timothy 18.50 Special -".;'! ' ' etson car lots. .-. i.. Oat jtfixedNo. 2 from store 62c i White No. 2, roin store. Special price on car lots. Fee ' rn hom'ny 1.55 " ' ' . ", . Milt ed. Bran from store per ton 30.00 "idlings irom store per ton 80.00 ; trta from store per ton ' . 80.00 Ric tad 5.1-2 No. 1 .3.8-34c Bice Bran . ' per Ton." ... - - - : -f PBODUCE - Pouary j live, " steady;' chickens, .old hens, lar o & f at 20c 25c J - Eggs (strong 20 to 22c per.doz. J Butt Oood Country, 20c lb. Couiwty Hams Firm ; Good. North Carolina toJus.i-2perlD.' Oniom t. 4.00 to 4-50 per bag. Potatow New sweets, Hayman at per bbl - r t-xtniuw at 1.25 Irish asc to 250 per bag ; Tomtouva None being received.- v Cabbages at 1.60 to 1.75 per bbl - ' . ', iJ FEUIT3. , Appit c 4.50 per bbl fine northern Lemoiw ' 1 8.50 to 3.75 per box. " . Cocaonift lOOtobagat 800toa50 s-v OranKa Florida, 3.00 per . box. Call, 33 nuaed'.TS - ' ' AimS. FISH 'AND OTSTEES. Oystein Selects . 1.00 medium 90" studs 80 per ga on No fish to quote.. .. HIDES.' ' ' Hid W Fltaf II, dry salt 9, dry damaged .8 7, green - salt j 5.1-3 greeO; 5.1-3 dry - caa , -.' " GE0CEEIES. '. ' -Flou -tjet Patent at 4.25. to 4.00 Straight a 4 0to4.25 - -Meal Bolted Meal, 100 t sack at 1J0 Un ... -i d Meal, 100 bbl to sack 145 , Chee e Flats, full cream at 11 to 12 Buii i-2alb8totub:a24to28c - ' '';Jsxr lib prints at 29- . - i . PB0VISI0KS. - : ;v ;" BuUt jBieat Market Higher; Western lieav beuies at 9,1-2 to 94 Western light weight -atV4to 9,7-8- " . ,. Pork -ates at 8,3-4 to 8,7-8 Picmp 'dib at 8,3-4 . . , HamForkKewatl7.00to.173- Mass'r rt 'Newat . Ham sugar cured at li to J , " t l5A4 to 11 SP b tfsa 4to - -roes at 104 tall -50 .b M d at 4,85 - TeUoW at ,I-2 I 'adai-So' J Saga - ranulatea i

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