; sir Thomas the void, naa announ ced his1 intention of trying again - - - unpaiieni f-or a crop. . ' ' &Uoy aocplantg biat ; m the tack vtrd and. digg them rtip thd xitt day, because he iinds ;' . thj haTen't grommp yet ia' like -i taany an :dtrtiaer we all hata ? -: ' mlGafre&t JLdvrtiaiiig. iynd what" would you think "f . 'r , f newspaper that printed j the game piece of news twice?' " I foFAmericVa; c$p if T pbJ f ojrtl Ise n ; orta to lift it nave cost ftixu .so., lar $O00,00(hf "Sir Tk6nias iff 'told aikrtsmau-and incidentally la good auvernser. auo iw jreruttpoi uy tnh'eV motKod by'fthich Ihe pduld gjpvia'ypraDle jrqrldwide pubf 1 J.Jt At .hAfiftVn coat. even if7 rieV y ccjuld gpt.it jtylL '. "f '1 I v II It 'J V' w 1 i M I i ' K.-,WM-'if T - JTfJK I I I f I - f I I siK 5- E t' . i .' . - . ." . ? . v. ,.r- . v..- j. ,-v. ...... T'T - -.-i. v, ' . . j-.-.. .. , . - ' .- . - 11 . mTmTmTmmr Mim WEEK. Skill -IB... ..- - .-. -'r, , - i . 'v ... lt.:1! I - . ' ' ' - - - ' ' - - - - - - . - . , , - - - i - rii--.-- !f.!R PI1FAF m.Ull)..t!iLUUl4 i tin i. m ' " - j 1 exports in the Citizens I (Committee Matter 11 1EL1BERS NOT AGREE. Hi Could, not Sicrn. Other V W W W aWBP svwwsw hot Sicrn His ib. iTaa Hkel: There bava bee n dite a jaumber ot inquirxea .maae (ii to why I did not sign the report the! committee as published. w kiye my reasons' "te ; the. ic, ; f I thought itnot advisable mm such a report' and asked (committee L to sign the- follow- they declined, and I erefore declined to sign the one bf had drawn up. I believed it for jthe best interest of us all, well aafor the general pubUc V i trt "Urn . fntn r TiAWRrkATtAr or in , "i;p r- r her controTeray, . as I could not ill ll ' " ' I M feel? I in any new tne suoauon at I at timle'any :? good it could ac- mplish. I hare had no desire go into this matter at all - but il now that in view of these in- liries I should publish the report drawn by myself. ; Respectfully, v a thft Citizens of Elizabeth Citv. . .71 ... : . . V" jVfe the committee appointed at W eeting held at the Academy of plusic on - Sunday , afternoon Dec 1 190li to investigate the cir- mstanlces surrounding., the dis pearance of one of , our people, as Nellie Cropsey on the night likov. iikoth, do hereby beg leave report to you, that we at once ganized, the day of our appoint- nt and begun a thorough and ireful examination of the whole iter jjt from t every stand point kit was suggested . to us by tne opie j ana otner eources 01 m- rmation. . , While we were not successful recovering- .the person of the p wi did everything that lay jour power to accompiisn 'tne arae; by means of divers, dredg- br the river bed, examination of IHT I . . uses,! etc, also with the assis- l ce of other , people who kindly led us. ' :. -':::-' have endeavored to dis- arge our duty in the matter to l e best of our ability, ana a per ijtal ' sacrifice of our business, find i feeling . now that as the Ii i l . . - -.- S U;i II ll t 111 - . . - i. .--- nlfiornevs who have the . matter in. jcjiiarge 1 have agreed. to let James icox Lved remain here, ; and have an examination, that our ,ty is at an end,- and that the ther investigation of the matter ts solely with the officials of this nty ana city,, ana tne proper cials of the law.- have received , from all nrces by subscription and other- be the sum of S245.00, and this urn was- spent occording to 'the solution passed at . the r meeting I ,1 .. . .. w ' the Academy of Music Deccem- r lstj to tne oest ' ox our judge P. nt ana to tne ena tnat tne ole matter could be cleared up. e nave . become liable; 130.45 f e than we have reeeived. , v rVVe also wish to say that of the 230.00 - subscribed and ; pledged the ibaeeting December, 1st. only about ,;$80 wastally paid-in, d that fortunately we raised the2 m off $160 at a meeting held at e Court' t House. whieh -lnriTAlv . . ' : t- o t I went to make up the Bum of $230.00 promised us. ,t w v, j Vye have given to the proper and therefore, we -clos our labors and adjourn and make this our nalxeport,l ' i t: - - . ' " i ' -". - . .,- t ' f' - ' ....... 1 ' . -- 1 .... ' . - . - - . ' '...''..''.'.-.v.'"1 - , T officials nil jmattexsand J norjna tion Ve hare beeiHable lo "edllect VUUviWe , hereby thank the .many citizens of this city and eounty for the, prompt manner in which they have aided us; and in ; goiig be fore as and gava vug : siieh ! inform Ration and suggestions as. lay in their power to give-. . aeiiermg mat" every person in this city and county has been diligent and active, in .helping to assist us in' endeavoring to -- ferret out the terrible shadow which has been casi upon? our city. ; All of which is respectfully submitted by - , , - - H. T. Gbeehlea ; , .'Chairman. Citizens Com. . ) of five -, p " fc i BerryGodfrey. V : ; ' Married, at the - home of the bride'a father, W. G. , Godfrey, on Tuesday, Mr. Zeb Berry and Mi&s Mary, Godfrey.. The ceremony was preformed by W. G. Ferebee, The bride is an- accomplished and popular youVgf lady 'and-the groom a very highly ; respected young man. xney will . reside at the groom s home near Belcross. Congratulations. 5 Wlfl Unload Cunb'erL As reported to the Tab Hkel in our Tuesdaysissur the ""schooner, Geo. . Bowden, ' -from Dawson creek ' wit$ lumber for Baltimore was sunk off Croatan last week. v The steamer A. B. Covington, with barge, left Thursday to unload the lumber and an effort "well be made to raise the vessel. x -... A Little Twisted." -J t 11 j i The following items may not be classed as new,yet'they are given as such by the exchanges frpm which they were clipped. Nathan Price, who was shot in the suburbs ' last' 3 Wednesday is1 out again. -; , j " -. - t . - - Thomas llernll'g -property-is xor sale, on - uuiutn street xon- sisting of : a 7 cottage n containing seven rooms and ,n acre- of land. The firm of Dencks & Co. want a good lively man to sell on com mission. ' .- - ; v A touching' incident vwaa noted at tha Norfolk & Southern - station yesterday when ' an aged couple bade each other, good-by. The old lady kissed her husband and he kissed her JEckr v A young lady .workingfor far mer Dean at Elton can wash and iron and milk several cowa day. Mrs. .Clara pDemond is' looking after: a good nurse for a child about tiirty fyears of ge and with good references ' , $376,000 to lit Resrci b IsterWa, ' Min. . Washington, J). lJ3,t Jan. 21.-r Minister Wu called upon Secretary Hay to-day, in: connection with the restoration to yie. Chinese, gov ferment of the z- value of the silver bullion, 7am6nting ; ,to .;$376,000, which wascaptured by the Ameri can marines 'at TienvTsin,? forming part of th ej salt .customs. , This money will be i paid to Minister Wu. .liUOllfiyiH Ai i paperv-; subscribe to the - '9emi weekly Ta priceit5Q r ' Devoted to the Industrial Development of Eastern North Carolina. ELIZABETH CITY, N, C. TU ESDAY, JAN. 21 , 1 902. -1 Cannot Visit All Cities .Which have Invited WILL '.UBflMH THE 27TH. 7;:W7i?-i J3t 4-1 H' ''Jt-r4". The Entertainment for the Prince Will be Thorough ly national. Washington. Jan 20. - The com mitter charged with the arrange ments for the reception and entertainment of Prince -Henry to day decided that it would be impossible to yield to the requests of many citizens to have jthe Prince visit them.-" It is likely that beside New York, Washington and Niagara Falls, the journey will include Chicago -only, of the large cities. It was also decided, owing the tide to have the launching occur on the original date, February 25. This will necessitate two trips on the part of jthe Prince between New York and Washington, 7 1 The Prince v will come to ''Washing ton from New York, arriving here on the morning of 24th. ' He -will be met at the station by a handsome millitary escort and conveyed to the German embassy. ne wiu nexviait me xresiaent at the White House and the Pres ident will return ; his i call at the German - embassy. Some - j time Monday evening the presidential party nd1 the jlPrince will leave L Washington for ? $$er .York and thev will see .the launching at 10:30 o'clock 'Tuesdav mornin&r. This plan involves a return to Wash ington of the entire party and it is likely that on1 the 26th the Prince will be entertained at dinner at the White House. Onthe 27th Jie is to ' be one oi v tne company present at ther capitol when Sec retary Hay delivers the McKinley memorial address to Congress. After a few: social 'exchanges, the Prince, in; charge of the , reception committee, will start on ; a short tour, winding up at New "York in time to sail on the Columbia, on if .. . ..... March 8, for iSermany. It is part of the plan to have the entertainment afforded the Prince thoroughly national in cha racter, and that - the. participants shall not be limited to any one rain of blood or race. One means of attaining this result will be to make the reception 'as for mal as possible so that it 7 will be drawn upon official lines, and there will be a. considerable appearance of the military element where fea sible. - VALUE OF ADVERTISING. Kothmg Except the Mint Can Make ;4 r .Money Without it : i Many advertisers are driven ou of the field because aelf constituted authoriiies have led them 'toexpec too much. The amount of rubbish which a- glib solicitor 7 can some times i induce: a business man to believe is imply amazing, He is assured in; the most solemn and emphatic- manner that a certain mvestmeub in certain . iacmumo will infallibly bring him -profitl Advertising is representedaaif i wereifbundedf on' i . principles as immutable as" those of geometry. The victiiiNyiefds to the tempter andvnnda-after, baa .af nt his Pi I money, that advertising is about as intricate and ' uncertain as other branches of business! Vexed and disappointed, he. .puts advertising down as a fraud and men connected with it as ignoramuses or swindlers. This conclnsion :js unfair, but it is human. ; There is a world of truth in the dictum, attributed to Gladstone, that nothing except th!e mint can make money without abvertising. About the value of it in general there is no more doubt than about the rising of the sun. v But the result of an untried plan can no more be predictd than the amount of cloud in the sky when the sun rises tomorow. National Advertiser. The Pay Envelope. Here me have a yellow envelope. It contains a weeks salary. ' . Today is Saturday night The man will make his salary ook siok ' 4, He will probably get - into ' an argument with; . the schooner company. Tomorrow he will . haver the headache and ' will lay it to i the altitude.; i-iSi ViiW J. D. Hathaway. . - JJ.iD. atbawat, on, JPoindeiter street has made a life study of ike businesBof fitting glasses. Mr.: Hathaway v has .. room . up stairs accessible directly from the store, nicely furnished jmd fitted upwith improved rappli'ances Vfqr testing-i7RP ?ertoirjdiaortrig defects" ol 'sTgnt. v Mr.-Matnaway does not treat -diseases ot the eve, ....... ,i , ; ..J .i , 1 t J, 1 r? but can diagnose and advise as . to whether a physician should be con sulted. . The cnarges'madT for ex amination and fitting glasses - are very much lower than :re com? monly charged .by eity opticians Mr. Hathaway has ' fitted ' over 400 persons with prescription glasses and of this number only. -i i jave been returned. - If after Mi,T Hathaway proscribes: lenses, they. fail to fit, he will examine again ree 6f vcharge. , -. ? j A Few Lies. Saturday afternoon about two o'clock? as the vast -; throngs, i of, , shoppers were picking their way between the oysters 'shells oii the corner of Water and Main streets, a horse named passed at a rapid pace ? He was hitched onto, one,of those 'chic' little 'runaboutswhich are-commonly used by the country people. "--When in5 front of the Tab Heel office he - stopped 7 to wait for a friend ' who naa- gone into a store.. 9ome one .looking on and noticing the tired7 ekpres-' sion on the horse's physiognomy, shouted to himv to, go away 'back and ait down. . The animal was pleased to do this, and after com fortably seating himself he. oast a grateful look at the one who naa proffered . the! ; suggestion, and wiped a tear from his eye (he only had one). :.a Later on be passed in his checks and received in return a through ticket over - the7 Styx with . transfer ; ' , for self 7 and baggage - from - the j harf, Jibe golden gate. An inquest finds that his demise t was1 caused by a severe hemorrhage 'ofthe JbYain, brought on", by ; pVeristudwi: other complications.;? - , - . A late, message received just as we go to press states, .that he did not croak as -...above, reported v-t was - suncientlyi'eBtored, ly a liberal application f of 'gad," to be taken to his home ' on , Equine i Avenue. ,,.,J. ft, U. A defense of the People of Camden Co. JUDGE LYflCH'S DEGREE. When Lynching Vill Cease -rSuggestionsrto Eliz abeth City Editors. Correspondence of the k. Hkix. : , Shiloh; N. C. Jan. 3. Messrs. P.JG Garrett and P. - H, Willams returned last ' Thursday from a trip to Norfolk, :Va.,-; Mr. C. W. 3(orris returned from NorfoISTaSt weelaf ter purchasing a drove of fifteen rborses., Likely he can find a quick sale for them, as many of the farmers of this sec tion have had the ; misfortuneto lose several horses in the' past few months.' .' Mr. Talmon Godfrey with' .his family, has removed ' to Belcross. where be is teaching at Sawyer's Creek Academy; Camden has lost one of its best citizens in the removal of .' Mr. ' C. F. Wright to-Elijs, City.. We un derstand; that Mr. Wright -will form a. partnership in the grocery k business with -Ifcu Wesley 7 Wil liams." - ' -v . ' v. , jvuss xieien rsawyer spent oatu-. rday nighi and; "Sunday with her friend Miss Marr Forbes at Mr. E. S. Tillett's, near Nash's ChapeL Miss Janie Brockett was the guest of Miss Annie Cox Saturday jaiid Sunday last. r.',Wm. S. " Forbes, who " has been for some time a sufferer with consumption, departed this life on tne seventh, at his home near Rid dle. We offer our sympathy to fthe bereaved family in the hour of their affliction. ' Mrs. Ella Cartwright is quite ill with pneumonia, complicated with "heart trouble. Her many friends are anxious for her speedy recov ery. - - :f Some of the newspapers of Eliza beth City seem : to express the Opinion that the people of Camden were the only, ones .. that talked "lynching,? when James Wilcox was held in custody, awaiting the report of the coroner's jury, in the Cropsey case; but if certain parties will not deny the locality of their habitant (and-we think they will not); and if our auditory percep tion did not mislead us on that occasion, we are safe w in saying that no resident of Camden utter ed threats more severe than some who reside in tne same . county. in which that heinous crime was per petrated. , . We, 7 wish "to remind the honorable editors of. such papers, that the people7 of Camden County are 7 conservative,' honest. and law abiding citizens; that the criminal docket of Camden is the Shortest, perhaps, in the first dis 1. ...... : . A f- 1 trict; that Camden can point with pride to the "many deeds of heroi ism accomplished by-her sbns, 7;of Revolutionary fame; that her citi zenV0m?'e :rec,ent '- times, have proven themselves the . peers, and even the superiors, in many- inst ances of '-their?; neighbors ; just across n the layer.; (fasquotanJLj It is true that Camden is guilty of jexeciidng a decree made by Judge 11, N. LyneE about tenyyears ago.-Lynch law is never justifiable. But when ever the crime of which Joe Barco was guilty, is committed : within our borders, there .will be, in" less than forty' eight hours, : juat one negro less in Camden County. The newspapers may say , lynching must cease the Legislatures , may say it must stop, and the chief magistrate of our commonwealth may say itehall'; cease,? but rem membeirthere' is but', one prevea- tative and that- is this: " whenever-r big, black, burjyx negro. ? brutes shall cease to . insult;: and abuse our mothers, our sisters : and our daughters, then lynching in North Carolina will forever- cease, and not until thensj - . . TClBGaaiETT, ' - fiiizabeth Citr, N. C. . " Ja;X9.' 1092. An Interesting Character. - We were paid a visit on Tuesday afternoon by Mr. T. W. Pritchard, of about two ' miles west of the city.7 Mr. . Pritchard is a man about fifty-three years old and has been totally blind -since childhood. He is very well 7 educated . for a countryman and one totally blind. Mr. Pritchard'a jaense of 7 toueh has been developed to 'a suprising degree. He makes baskets, tubs ahd chairs in addition to the farm work, in order to earn a livelihood. His chairs are all mfde from the best hickory, twhjch' he, himself, selects from the '.Woods and cuts. The chairs turned out7by him are very good and durable, - the seats being made of twisted and woven shucks. ,j H i'-- 1 - Mr. Prichard often comes to this city alone and can find his way un assisted to anyistore to" which he wishes to go. "v ' ' ' v ' r - Mr. Pritchard is much interested. in the Tab Heel's :' success, and is an intent -listener while members of his family read' therefrom. A sunny and happy tempera ment can make up for ; a good deal which is lacking in the 1 physical being. . J. B. Flora and Company.1 By a careful examination of the commercial laciiiUea . enjoyed: in . - - . this section of, the -state, we find that the above house is entitled, to a place in the front rank pf our re presentative mercantile ; concerns. Prom , the commencement . it has steadily increased its transactions, and 7 perhaps ; rs without insidious comparisons, is one of the - largest grocery houses in Eastern. North Carolina. . The buUding, 80 x180 has a central location in business centres of the City, with water frontage of about 135 feet, giving free access to the. boat trade. The stock contains everything included under the ' comprehensive term fancy and heavy staple groceries. Here we find the finest China!, and Japan teas, Java and Mocha coffees in the bean, roasted or ground; all kind East India .spices, imported and domestic sauces and pickles, all grades' granulated sugars. syrupt and molasses in can or bar rels at almostoany price, f . canned meats, best brands of family flour, excellent fresh butter, eggs, bacon, provisions; lard; meats;- fine tobac cos and. eigars -corn and oats, which a.re bought' in ; large quan tities enabling them to place "them at lowest figures. u - ; . - T , A: Car-load of WHITE ' SEED OATS Just reeeived at FLOKA'a CHEAP. ; , " I TWICE A WEEK -to No. 24 t : Patronize Home Industry. , - - 7 Elizabeth City Jan. 20 Ed. iTAB Hki.: The meKnk. of 'Elizabeth ' City z are conducting some excellent - stores. 77 We can -find everything we , need right in 7 uus ciiyrna at reasonable prices,, too. ;-We' cannot build un our Uttle city unless - thejmerchants, who have gone to the .trouble and - expense of providing us with con- vienent, modern stores,- stocked with everything we need, have the support of the buying people. We uuux we ra una m saying tnat at least one third of - the sroods- tui chased t by . our people in this locality are' bought from cata- ogues, 'principally of Chicasro mail-order house. jTliere , it not a merchant in this city, but who can save you money on articles bought in : Chicago or New York, after adding : on Jthe expense of - express, freight and postage. The goods purchased from - these "out side house by mail osder are very likely to be inferior in quality, whereas the reputable merchants of this city will serve your hon estly, t v I am not a merchant, neither have I anything to.- sell, but am rather a buyer; - I buy everything I use in this city from comparison l am certain that my goods cost me ess than the same goods would cost at other cities, after paying charges and give me much better satisfaction.'- I wish the citizens and shoppers would come to see the matter m this light ;We can not prosper as a mumcipahty when one third of all the money made is sent to distant cities. . It will sop the bfe-blood of the community in time. ; . V . . Devoted Citizen, Elizabeth City, , ; C. Markets. 7 7 . Official wholesale quotations as urnished by H. T. Greenleaf Jr. Broker & Distributing Agent v The cotton markrt today has Bh6nm m etemdj ndertcne. oonaeanent upon the firm donnr or Liverpool nd the falling off .in the wor rudble Bopplr of 8&,ooo bales compared into an -increase last year of 31,lo8 bales. . - New York and American markets were well maintained and valnes showed improving ten dency. - y - - - xne movement- of tne crop toaay was mora moderate, bat Btill in excess of last year, and of same day in 1899, : - . - xne estimates ror in e w urieans ana noasion reoeiots on Monday were quite fnlL but both markets report good spot business at fall price . AU the Southern markets show good demand existing, while Charleston, 8. O., was firm at 1-10 advance. . - . , HAf, GEADI, ECT. Corn Market quiet ; Ka. 2 mixed eorn So. 2 white corn 79o. - - ' Hay- From store ; Ifo. 1 timothy Special , pricea on car lots. Oats Mixed so. 2 from Btore 6&. White Ko. 2, , from store. Speeial price on car lots, s - Feed com hominy 1J5 -Mill Fel Bran from store per ton 90M : Middlings from store per ton 9 90.00 ' Shorts from store per ton 1 -. 8000 Bice Head 8.1-2 Jfo.1 8.340 Bice ra 18 00 per Ton. - ,. - - -f - ;- ' i V' COUSTBT PBODCCS. : Poultry Live steady; chiokeas, old hens, large fat2Cte and 25c Eggsi Strong to 23b per do. Butter' CkodCountry.80o lb. -Country Hams . Firm Oood North Carolina - ' at 12.1-8 per lb. " Onions, at 4J to 4J per bag. ; .- j ; . i Potatoes' New sweets,. Hayman at l.OO per bblYeUowatJ , . Irish 2.25 to 2J0 per bag ' ' Tomatoes - None being receiTod. t .) .. . -. Cabbages at 1 JO to 1.75 per bbl . r N " . KKUITS. ... v : Apples at 4,30 per Tabl fine northern Lemon 8.50 to 3.75 per box. Cocoanut 100 to bag at 8j00toaS ' . Oranges Florida, 8.00 . per box. CalL &25. : Budded 2.73 FBESH X1SH AKD OTSTEB8.V Oysters UelectsLOQ medhua stds per gallon No ash to quote. :q ' :' ' . --'7. . HIDES. " . Hides lry FUnt U,: dry Bait 9, dry damaged 6 to T, reea salt ; W-s green o.i-, 7 , OBOCEBIEa Flour Bst Patent at 423 to 4M Straight Veal Bolted Meal. 100 poumsto sack at UO T7n-Boltd Meal, HJOpouncls toaacx !.. : Chevss -Jflats, fuU cream a llja 12c , - Butter, Fxtra 60 fts to tUDS at M to a , Extra ltt print at 29. ; , , 7 ' f v1;-'"''- 'raovisioKS. Bulk Meat aiarket ' Hignerv Western heavy ' bellies at 9.1-2 to X W estem u w ! ; atturtto 9,7-8 o ,7-8 ' . st&4 - "ft- ' Kew at 17X0 to l? 1 Pork Plates PienioHamsj Ham Pork Kewi a VmPotv Nr i SaM sugar eured at J3 to H . .. v;,; ' Sboaldem S C 14 to S 7 " ' .- iv