C9RRE5PGN5EN81: Interesting News ent Counties Thi:orugh6iit Jhe. : Albemarle; Section. . I T 3 - y: MANTEO. - rjrespondence of the Tab ;Heel, . Aianteo, Jan. xo. i.yuz. MlBaesDora TilleCt ; knd " Nettie Caclirarth and Bleaars. Arthur "Dsrih ieia and Jacob Daniels, were the gAests of Miss .Sophia Tillett last oonaay. - iss 'TAllie; Tilleit, : isi viaitiiig friends and relatives at Manteo.; Mrr Bruce ; Ethridge and Mr George T.' W escott, visited friends at I Wanchese Sunday Mrs, Eachard Barclift of Eliza bethCStyl Is spending a few days with Mrs: Y. B. Ethridge. ' ; r ; Mr. Cephus Brinkley returned honae Tuesday, night from ? Elirai beath City where he purchased a pet' goat " " 11 "--"i -1 1 .The new street . lamps are , in stalled and are giving us light on a previously dark - subject They are a much needed improvement Captain M. W." Ethridge spent Saturday and Sunday with his. family at this place.' MANTEO. . Correspondence of the Tab Hxxiu , j , - Manteo, Jan. 18, 1901. Miss Allie Wescott one of our popular ' young - ladies, who has beei i for some time at Liuray, ' Va., is al ; home again to the delight xf her many friends. " 7 - - ' Col...W;-B. Bodman , holding a refeiee court here ' today, case' of Beyburn vs Sawyer. Among those - in (attendance are CoL John iW. Hinsdale, . of Raleigh, Messrs. Aydlett and Ward, , of Elizabeth Citytf and e number of A witnesses from different parts of the county - Aj meeting has been called j for three! o'clock ; this p. m. for the citizens to discuss with Mr. : Thos. A. jEdison Jtr a proposition to build and operate an electric jcar line from here to the Old Dominion "Wharf at Skyco. .r It is hoped that . the j plan will be carried into execution. Last week was the best one jyet for Oysters. Several-boats caught as many as 500 bushels. " J Mr. C. B.- Bliveri, "of 'Dufaht's Gland, is in town for a few days lir. W. W.' Housed of Philadel phia! has been here several days. He jias been to many points south on his pleasure yacht v . w, rf, J Interest in next summer's cele braiion continues to increase. There was a citizen's mass meeting held I here last week in which great interest' was manifested. A s committee of thirteen (repre- senUng the thirteen colonies)! was appointed to act in general way. The article by the Elizabeth City correspondent in the - Norfolk Lan Imark of : some days ' ago' in which Elizabeth City partially suggested as " a suitable place to holo i . the' ! celebration was I not received with relish. l Mrs. W. T. Kirk and Miss Tjovie "Ward, formerly of tHs ' place; but now of Belhaven, spent the holi day r here as the guest of - sister, Mrs O. J; Wescott j. Mjr.. W. J. Griffin went to Eliza beth City on business last week : Mrs.R S. Daniels and Miss Allie Wescott Jwere the guests of Mrsf VStaair Pugh, last Thurs- 7K - - J - Quite a number of people were in our town Wednesday attending the jtxial at of-,.J. E. Baburn vs. D..S. Siiwyer. : ' 1 4- POWER'S HILL. ; A Few Thoughts on the New Year- Society' Going and Coming. r Correspondence. of the ' ;TAa,iHEvi Poyner's Bali; Jan.8;ri)96. Another yenr has; passed, bring ing many changes in all of our liTes. To' some" it has' passed to From The Differi if .V quKJkly leaving fpndf memories that will nerveripasB Intal oblivion but will Jast untiLjthewhple world sleeps it's eternal sleep. To' ihose it brought joy, lovecand sunshine; with, iiot-a cloudfjto imar'iheir happiness," . while to' others-Ah1 whO'baii describe the pain, sorrow, sufferinff and the hearts it has broken? 1 Today there .are hearts bleeding, , wishing to forget the past;longingta leave foreverAthis wyxiu oi sin ana sorrow wny caut the joy, and -sorrow be more equally devided? Why must some have all-happiness and others all pain ? "Will i t always be thus ? Iet us ope not ; : Let . us " hope that this year;may. not be so deeply' shrouded in mysteries and crimes, but may be what thousands of; lips murmured to their friends and loved nes as the clock ceased striking the midnight hour a Very happy; Jfew Year. r - ,Our little :lown was t-ery quiet during Christmas.? Several of our young.; people spent the holidays with their-friends elsewhere. iMisa lura r Wpodhouse spent a week on the mainland. She attended ' the Christmas entertain mental thl ilO.O. P. Hall, -which she enjoyed and reports a 'decided success. JT-1 -K " '"'v-v -" ,- " Mrr Tom D.: Thompson, jLi$bki place aa theVe alsCt. t r Mrl SkKHarria- spent" Chrjsi mas oh; liie mainland. '- , "t'"f Miss Laura C. Wescot attended the Entertainment giveni.. by the Sunday school at Whales Head- Prom there she went -she went ' to I visit friends - at , Currituck - Inlet She had a very pleasant time. .' Captain J. Edmond - Woodhouse, of-Dam leck Life Saving Station, Va., was in our. town on the ; sev enth -and eighth, Capt Woodhouse was'formerljnumber one hi Poy ners Hill station.'--. He was held in; high steein by both keep" "and crew, j and every one who i knew him. ;We were sorry to loose such a! noble gentleman from' our midst but rejoiced in his gobdt fortiire. He has our best wishes for success. The Tab Heel is ' eagerly looked for by its readers here;:: It is one of our state's most interesting "and up to date papers. We congratu late Mr. Cohoonupon This; success and wish for him a happy- and prosperous New YearT' " ' CHAPEL HILL Professor, Lecture on -Liquid ir- New Assistant v Correspondence of -theTAsHssL. ; . . . Chapel Hill Jan. 15. 1902. ' , - , t - - Prof. Eugene C. Foster; of Phila delphia, deliTered hi lecture on liquid air in .Gerard Hall, to a large ana appreciaure auaience, ,! last week. This is the third of the series in the Btar lecture counseL The : marrelous properties : of liquid air were explained in a man ner both interesting and instruc tive, - and r- this : lecture's, manner of distributing the remains sof articles used in the ? experiment, added ' zeal to :-. the explanation. iFrom the time Professor Foster stepped upon the platform and drawing a supply of liquid, air, threw it' about the audience until he closed his talk, everyone 1 pres ent was-greatly interwted. We now hare an enrollment aggregating nearly 600. ; This at tendance, is unparalleli4 in the history of the University! I Many new students have been enrolled and : lectures are once more "under way. - Prof. XV Alphonso.? Smith, . of Louisiana State - University, has been elected as' assistant Prof, of English tb Dr; osK HrahW-t'H duties wilt begin at the' egining of .the next scholastic year.- This willi W'three Profs, land two assistants in thisimportant branch of study. Peopl oil all -.v t - t - 5$ - is -1 f discussing- matter, LISTEN! 4. - 3 i ; When you are in a Hurry You will appreciate the fact that I can supply any part of a bi de or any one of i the hundred sundries7 witnout annoying de-r lay. I do not charge anything for quick repair work, but fo, good repair work I charge a reasonable price. ; Tires, Purrips. Handle oars, bells, wrenches, lanterns and all sundries for small prices,- c, ,.-'. .- 5 'r3 ELIZABETH C!TYBmCK Manufacturers ot and -Whole- . sale and Retail Dealers in ' Pine Pressed Correspondence solicited from Contractors." hipmints nade hy Railor Water; 22 WE.DiiriiEan,Sec!y " and Treai. 1 lf: -. - CIS. Wafdrlanaer; Bllcaboth City C. The National' Bait, - - . , - f - No matter fhow small;, " Nav, matter, how large .the sum nay, be, The First National Bank will ve it careful attention. This message applies ta t mcn anal wom(:n" alikeV f flEFIRSTIATldllAL BlfiK: U, Ehb.City, ,r; North! Carolina -;-. Horses For Sale. - Two heavyfarnii or. draft horses for m: Sound and thoroughly acclSrnated: Apply or write ut onceAto Uhe office of.. TAR MiHEtL, over -- v. i . For a firsl-class Vfamilr news- paper,--;.1 subscribe ito thu Semi- Brick weekly Tat Uel, FniV $t$0 :?xlrisses .4 Tit V ? 'A -s -.- tlie One Good Turn of a Small and Vpu'have the finest light for the evening, of reading or social pleasure; Another turn and your rooms5 are darkifor the : night, xwith: no rodof v of burned wick, no apprenension of death from escaping-gas. Thafs the Electric Light? ELIZr CITY ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. P. .DELQN, Pomdexter Street. How'JPeopTe Lxse ! heir Money, ' - By concealing it . about tbeir person; by stowing Jl it away in mugs jugs and ! jars; pj sewing it up in ; 1 1 -; ,, skirits and ticks; by tuck- -r- ' in,g it under the" coucbes ' nd carpets, in cupboard V and" bureau 'drawers; ; s . Hiete lue-.aome X)I.the t" ways by . which people lose . tneir money, ?and sonietitnea their lives. How Teople Save-Their Money. - By depositing it in a good - reliable bank. Confident . that this bank fully meets . , the public's . need, jwe ,. tender its services td all 'i ' who believe in keeping X l on the safe side. ' Citizen's Bank, " ' CUZABCTM CUT, CV MONUMENTS Tombstones," Tablets' -' Iron Fencing, ' Posts . : and Galvanized Pipe --!. ;- for.. Cemetery JlLots, ; jcJ B. MASON MarblfrCp.", Lock Box No. 329. ; . 59 61 Pomdexter St. Elizabeth Gity,cN.C SwinMl:; Hotel, Swan Quarter, N. C, On the shores -'of Pamlico .Sound where abound "wild ; fowl 'of every viiHety;"most:iiiviting to eportsmen m '. 'ill-.- v u -j fof your ;money-don;t let it get away unlessyou aresureypu "are getting its worth t ,n turnv;fln ;Tolet Preparations, as in all our- regular goods, ' we set J thk "' ' fc-: r pace-others follow. The Prices quoted below arer riot "Special Prices for a --3 -short time onlyr but Regulkr j Guranteed - Pricek. LYoumay buy al these pnces today, next week and next 'wpnth:---la" a '-"-a r PASTE-THIS ; Cuticura Soap,. . . r.V. Packer's Tar Soap;. 19 0 ' y Pear's Scented Glycerine Soap,.?: :164c' ; - - j!--' J-111 1 Colgate's Tioris Soap -t ... 15c cake 42c box. .' ' - "Meaaen's. t . ; : Honey Soap. .;i2c ; 30cboxr Extract of JWitfth Cold Cream Soap,, 10c fc:; 'V .-White Clematis - . - j Soap, . ;. . r . -1 7c . Bar Rum . Soap.; -7c ST !;StrokOMSMp;?,V. ,$c SI; Gnuin Buttertcu&Soap,- y - J. -S Fish and When you buy here- you get the The natural freshness is"what'j;we strive to supply. lDresBed and de livered anywhere "in: the 'city. Phono 107. Dudley & Co., V '. 1oot dfiluii;St : ' ' TABLE and COOKINQ rrjv Blackberry. r .! Sherry, Port, V. -r'f- Catawba. Scuppernong, 25 CENTS A QUART. b. n; BRAY, ! Cor. - Poindactet and Mat- thews Sts. Business Notices. , H1VET0U TRIED ITYET? A TTOQderfal TCemedy for Coughs, ore : Tbroat, Soreness In the Chest or Lungs, and Incipient ixmsaiuptTon. rne dhsisoi iab i H EE li OOUGH SYBUP IS North - l arolina Jino Tar and is always reliable..; Bom ty au aeaiers, zoc t IaiJSeel fidlciio Co., l ,.--.. .-.--1 . w . ht i" ' :TT Bi 1: For- .a firBf-clas) family -news paper-subscribe to the semi-weekly sr euables us to make these low prices! ' Remember 1 JtiWe' Qjve jOne ;Dayi Sales; Ddhft Miss It: 3 VcouSl TAKE-G00Dr GfiRE LIST1UR FORIFUTURE 'flEFEREKCE. . . .22 ccake." Colate'a TontTi 25c box' ttm ,xr - T-e r - ; . ' "Blue Sear VaseUine.: : . . ? " 19c box. lavenderl SmleEng Salts . . t . ! . '":l9c box.!t'; Johann Maria Farini;Coloifl 13cbox?T i'1 ''Iorigr green Ibottlesv J. .n . V19c.bo Pr if. B. WinwmVSnaVrngrSoap. ; BiiyinfoE SellifTCfofCash!?- " ". 1. Lodkto;ai! Cheap Buggies.are unsatisfactory,things.JtiiWe.are offer- , m8 yu thoroughly reliable buggies at Iowt . v -; est possible prices., Quality; Fjhish . ; ' . , and Style Guaranteed. ; , ' . . , Elizabeth City Bti Pondexter St., -jj..- . 'U I.' i - . . . fflilcr- Wholeeale Shoes and r Rubber Boots. -OIL CLOTHING N i ft Jladesi ;Imnlier'eoSi8 Headquarters for the best I "v."..?? l:.vf... Partition, 1 ' tt ttSr' CfnA4nn - Siding, ir-f 3-:Ceiling $;50 and upA v rennsvivania 1 ' j-;. , . if - 'wIa 1 1;; , 1' ; - TTfufpl : ! . . 18c box. 17c box. :.17c box. 5 . . . 9c. bottle, ;. ... ,5c botUe.- 24c bottle. ;.39o bottle. . 7c cake. V rr - MaiL 3 ;r : Orders 2 Promptly; f Fiiled. '3 :- 1 r , In Selecting Your Elizabeth City, Tl. C. Dry Goods. and? -cheapest grades -oi, A- . Celling,, - Shingles. r Fi6on $9.00 and uor U ;; ;; " - .i.i avenue 'PROPRIEtOlt. v . XJLK I I li I'll 1, flUV Or JCtU.. .

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