v.. Y Y- ' ' f . ... 1 WHEN IN-RALEI6R Si V-' -5. -Y I,: IXtZABEtH CITY, L?il"I!if Irvprv fH"f .iqffi.TiCOMNA AVALTBR L. CO '4 IIMWdCription price. Ojfflca Four Llorrths, - 50c. v sure that through the . columns of tlus paper they may reach all of Eastern North Carolina:' IT . - . ' . 1 : ; ? V Th&pape giVes ebrrespbndehta as wide range as it thinks public policy, permits, but it is in no sense responsible for their . views. 5 The Jt c6lujnnso"fr,thlpape ojen for ' contributions of general i :r interests The. conunication must be ' accompanied by the writer's 0Sces ixl. BiiW Building Cor WJMM ' AH! ; TUESDAY; FEBRUARY 4, 1902, wouM that Ut were lose m death. vTk.oMh am km tt jem; --j .r 1.miM .that sod e loo UJ : ' ' , 4 Ad laagitUr )o( t Uara. ' i - - I ihl that jeoffe wtt Xoog as ag viAM-pfaatecrjaoy m palm ; - - 5 I uid that tfar were teag aa oigbt i iAaHl aM teaa; aa raia. i ; " i t liopa) j9tft.4oae aa fear . r And gladoaaa looc aa (loom; i I wooW that peace awrt kmc aa atrUa .Ab4 ta-Jqtf doom. - ;:'-..' 1 would tfcal loTe'were tone aa lima ij A klaaea toaaj aa toras-.-:.i t Sut,.h. cra jawna in the arouixll wmk .hii loooa aoora. s Taw Topioa, ' ' fce ; "wealth, "were .either mint- tor Choajiag;- -ilr-ii-P'ti.'' 1 """Think yen that 1 would tonf defaatet . KwMciac lor, rd laock at (at confmlnc Aad tread Bfe than, ttifwv path with aool - -alatav . 'S ' r '' ' Butal free; deKferj "mails f or Pasquotank, county now seems - an : assured success v JThrougli the efforts of the : Tab jHsel, petitions have been received fromNlwdandl Provide townships, nd prominent and pro- giwsive men are f circulating peti tions in! both Niiington and Salem. gjTliese petiUons together with, the maps of Re routes will be forward ed to Washington in a few 'days, after which an 7. inspector will be : sent down to examine the propos XOtt:4 , . ; Y : This is a most decided leap in Ythe7rejcnpl !progre8s. . But stecnge as it' may seem some ';' fos- sfls would not sign it because their - daddies didn't have - . the scheme. rOthers refused either through- Bel fishnesstig V Bural deKyerjr. tas come : to stay, nd well it is sovThere is no jrea :. son why the farmer should not have hkmai delirered at his gate every day, thus affording him the same jfi ilconyeMcsjas thecity man. This i idea ; of Traiung itill Saturday . , and ? thus : getting his ; mail only once a week a thing of the past ;lSi; T ueationalj valued of rural free deUvery is not to ; be under- ' rated. Thousands more of maga- zines, and other periodicals will be j read, and no longer .will : the man 'J in the country be' considered unin r.iomed. ,.-.- L The history of the system in the United Statfca has been to the! ef .. feet thatiheTvaiue"of lands along v rural free dftlirArv'mMa tito i rural itew uejtyerv routes nas' in creased from iiwa to five dollars an SAs soon as the Tab Heez. has suc x?d intBecuring, the routes in this , coun th: work. will be earried in- ISWi" audit vYwiji noi rest unul every, county in gjlwpjarle' jecn ; forms one rmeis'aei work of tree delivery 1 routes.- AKOTHEB VIEW OFTHE MATTER. Jbr etchange aptly says: ' ' i' j; Who sympathized with you gwheijqyitUe , girl-was sick? ""worv was i it Sears, Eoebuck & Co? Who car y j wed you last winter when you were 1)4 W fno money? Was it Montgomery, Ward & : Co., ween you. want to raise money for NORTH CABOLIN-A - .vr ii&rlav arid FriHav PUBLISHING COMPANY. : H OO N , Pres. t Y 75c. Main and "Water streets.- - ' GOMMBNT- the chui-ch or some needy person in town, do you write to the "Fair" store in Chicago or io your home merchant? How much does Siegel, Cooper Co., give toward keep ing, up the sidewalks of the town or paying the minister's salary? "When your loved one was buried, was it Marshall, Field, & Co., who sympathized with you and spoke the cheering word or was it your home paper?" -' It ia time now that we should be getting our city ready for the visitors to the Roanoke celebra tion. We need very en tensive street repairs such ' as new walk, new pavements, new curbing, etc., especially on parts of Main and Fearing streets. In many places the sidewalks nave settled so that during rainy weather, water stands in pools on the walks. In others the curbs have fallen away leav ing i the. paving bricks loose and falling out along the edges. Our streets should be given a thorough in good condition. The old sheds on Poindexter street should come down and saydon't forget the Poindexter ' street bridge. We. as a city are too progressive to allow these conditions to exist -What is the ' reason Eliz. City cannot support a T. M. C. A.? Many towns of not nearly the size and prosperity of Elizabeth City have T. M. C. A. rooms, well fitted with li- fary, gymnasium and bathrooms, and are a great benefit to the cities. A comfortable reading room stock ed with standard works and hav ing on the tables all the best peri odicals would be a great - educa tional help to the young men of this city, and sure be appreciated. A -properly outfitted gymnasium would not overtax-the town and the expense of keepiasf game in order would be very slight, while the, results need no discussion. It seems that enough members could be enrolled in a city of our size at f 5 per year, to make the organiza tion self supporting. Y Elizabeth City is making an eff ort to have the port 6f entry for the collection district of Albemarle removed from Edenton. J. M Meekins, representing the. Eliza beth City Chamber of Commerce is in Washington to present the mat ter. He was with Senator Pritch- ard, who introduced a hill for the removal of the port - from Edenton to Elizabeth City. George W.' Cobb, collector of the port, is also there. He was reappointed a short, while ago :. The above clipping we take from the Raleigh Post. With such men making an effort to se cure the custom house to Elizabeth City, we heed have no fear but -that we shall get it! ' : rfi- YWe might suggest that the Aca demy Of Music be' more comforta bly heated. With the temperature c1 as .it .was last night no swon- 4er that Crowds ura nnt m PERjOD THANj4M)S. yeisePs: New and , Progressive -?9tore. r Stock" Relief Unloading Sale! There will be nothing preserved. -' & fl j FverV.artir.i nf wiili o-nnrl .that jtis possible toJeli,. is to be converted , into .cash -A r. - price has beei attached to- the 1 goods to push 'the .sale' with -all swiftness possible: -Every - sensiWe. "economist that- has ' 1 half an eye to money savings will, want to . investigate the . choiceness and quality of ;the - - - goods ori sale in this great' . - to force down stock to prevent " handeling the goods another season. The purchasing pow er of mohev has never been so great as far as Clothing, Dry v Goods, Shoes and Millinery values are concerned - and dol lars are actually doing double y duty and over in every de partment of this BIG STORE. NOTHING IS TOO GOOD FoR OUR CUSTOMERS. The Great Sale Now Going on! J' - 'Y- WeisePs New and Proaressive -tore.- &W28lO& HAVE MADE: A . ... r . . -1 Big Reduction Remember H Are Making a Special I In on AiX 5toves f oi- Jam 1 90 ii 1 WON'T WEAR ANY The cart We take with our family washing will prevent1 t the-destruction of clothes which has become the com 1 plaint so often heard against i r:z STEAIVl l-AUNDRY VVORK. Why- are we careful?. We have to be; your patronage .and our life depends, upon j't.Y Call us up over phone and we lUend pun wagon and deliver promptly. - J a . X' ?V Y f ; Stock Relief Unloading Sale. . in Y -rftlMtfte What's Your Choice? :1 -. BEEF, y,:.X;y - ;-: MUTTON, f -:-":'-;:-PORKf in their variours cut?; all ricli, Jen uer aua-clean. We haven't rvet found the family we couldn't serv satisfactorily ; will you" try tis? C. C. PAPPENDICK, : Jst stall to rightll :j5hoh6:79,;ClT or MAN'S COLLAR. PRqFE8SI0NAL?CARDS. el.ll. WJ1ITE, D. Da So?? c 20 years practice, f. -t.- r ; DBISTISTRY fin-all its v branches. "Offices cor. Main and Poindexter sts.s -l-DR. C.R. RIDDICK,-K -vDentlst. . 7 nm . . ...11 - 1 1 i i A 1 n tA h nro'twicoti. fje nainleaB xtr action. Work. ruarateed.' Prices reasonable. ParU --above Ayaieva urns - TjrBrLEiGHi ; Attppriey at jbaw.' Practice n, :all j cowti-MJmce in, traaioru . ouuuiiig; juiiz.'ibj'i J4 offers his prof essionalBervice in all branches of I 'deNTESTRY? - rt -f Offiice over Citizens' -Bank." Eliza4 :;beth;City,N:c:t- yP. n. WILLI '" K Y TAtTOBXEY-AT-IjAW. y'-J ' Practice- in' State "and Federal Courts. Office over National Bank. I. M. MLEIilNS, : AtTOBE-AT-LaV. i Carolinian building, Elizabeth City, JN. (J w. Mcmullen, , Attorney At Law. - Practice".' in all courts. Brown building, Elizabeth City, N. C. Edmund Alexander, J ATTOElffeY-AT-LAW, : ! Elizabeth City, - - - - N. C. Academy of Music Buildings Rooms. No. 4 & 5. Practice in the State and Federal Courts. . Manager of ''The Carolina Collecting Agency D. m. Stringfield, J Attorney- -at- Law, iMantep N. G, MakoH a specialty of. instigating titles, - making ' abstracts and con veyancing. '-; '-' -f, ;:Y-. ' 5 - Attobxet-at-Law." - Practice in all courts. Offices in Academy of Music Building. Y ' VATTORlsET-AT-ljAW. ' 'J ' ; Practices in t Courts of . First Judicial District of N.- C. Collec tions a specialty. ' ' 'r:-:T.-.. ;'; E Lamb &4 J. A. :Long, ' ; ATTOEXEYS AND COtTSCTLOKS ; ; ' ; : y t y ' -: at- law. t- : Practices in the courts of first Ju dicial district and ' Supreme and Federal courts. V-s-ffe'H -4 i; - '-t'-fiDealers iii real estate of every "description." . ;' : j: -. . ? Office in Flora's New Bl'g., Cor. Main and Water Streets. Office hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. O I 11.1. - A $ IHb IfBESL . .ks care to keep good horses in .f K'WJft eoncuupa. -.ana our care is pven to tli bttrrrrf.Tr. rf tlin 1 e jiaTe porrha-id for oar stablou. . -hitll te able to -- Y D6 Yoii r YWprk y f.-:H!wnyi clai to do- what we- cnn to- 'put g wxt Quality the- outfit of S f; . " own sti abie atid to have you tafeo ad- Y- Tantag of what we have provided. -: 2 i Door's frnm Pmf OffirA ;l Notice?rriiavin' net prppeeds.; from sale ofel umber washed ashore on Cope ..Hatteras Beach and sold Dooember 1901," by D. - B.".3liles5- CpmmI$Sioerf r:of Wrecis January, 10th, 1902! -hf'; Dr.'S. W. Greopy, : v :- mom " ' - rrriTinT ni : . i 1 1 " - sSrlt- PLEASURE: DRIVING -The', most stylish - Vand feandsome rigs . " ever brought, to . - -' this , city are at 7' - .your service here.'" - 1 CARRrAGES; , - with speedy, safe, J reliable-- horses, " " I and all appoint- . - - " -" meats- first-classY -1 gpeqialatttiott.Ltat.mcosaiBeral trade. - - . A. C. STOKES.; ,. Y s MATTHEWS .ST., m -: ' rf ?.". in :.a. uranay Co. , Commission Merchants. Special Agents for Fertilizers and Cotton-Seed Meal- and Hulls. - ' - - I. - -: Dealers in No. 1 Hay; Corn, Oats und Hoiriiny. ' - s Buyers of Country Produce. Headauarters for ; j y Gorn, Rice, - - Meal, Hominy, y feed Staffs. Largest establishment- of its kind in Eastern North. Carolina. fresh ground Heal9Cprn : :;arid f clcidf BffMm ariyuantityYY Highest pricfesaid v" for- Cofe ton. : Cotton 'Seed 'Meal -.and Hulls for sale: "Orders by mail recye pfomptattention. - ' aiziiBETcimiitLiiiG I STENCIL GUTTERS, ; Rubber and Sf eel Stamps, Railroad, Hotel, Baggage and Brass Checks. Seals, Badges, Stencil and Stamp Inks, Pads, Daters, etc. 1 PtKENIX sioitnidSieociiMs, Job Printers : Cei. Nlvisoii and Church Stt. ' :-y - . : :.-.-.y $ this Climate is Hard . rill a niann nn d ntil pci' an TialnmAn4r is strictly high grade, both in ma . terial and workmanship, this moist . 2 atmosphere will tell on it. In this, ' 9 ..respect the.v -J$:. !.-.-,: -; ".iY- "T S O : ARTISTIC STIEFF e stands alone, in fact iVs "WEATHER f PROOF. If you question this, ask: s your mend wno owns aStieff-thafs oar ar(rumeat beside our written guarantee backs this up.: Y .. ' . " 9010 ON VERY EASY TERMS. Branch - Warerooms, 9 - : o e 2 s y 00 vjianuy ou - ;Noriplk;;;5-Vir THOS. H. CLARkr :2 Care of, Tar HehL office:? liea jbu buy -here you, get i the f Th6 natxir'ai freshness ia -nS strire to supply. Dressed andde- iivpred -"-anywhere .! ik . the - citr" :BiMi&rMASt Phdlrmfo 1 HOTELDORSETT y r : - and AMERIGftN PLAN THIRTYNEWLY FURNISHED ,;Vutf ROOMS AiajsroDEiiNir? W, L DORSETT, "-Proprietor. C 0 m m e n ca lfa h Fa r m e rs Binkuirding. OZTE BLOCKT'ROM THE P. O. UP-TO-DATE CAFE. Open AH Night. it Air Line. '!-.--.-,'i:BAiLwAr. "CAPITAL CITY ROUTE." SHORT i'LlNE TO 1RINCIP.L CITIES OF THE. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST; FLORIDA, CU BA, "-.TEXAS, CALIFORNIA , " AND MEXICO, BEACHING . THE Y CAPITALS OF SIX STATES. SSleeSect DEC. I, 1901. ijT. finwr; loir's 9a a. ni. ! -oi j). m. a. S):2o j.."m. 9:2; a. m. IjV. Suffolk Y 9:59 a.m. Eiv. "W-Jtic.'. 122pfm. Ii:a5ij.m. . .tup. m. . in. 3. p. in. ii. uv. Kiueigh " " ' A", mtuhxrs h&ftt Ar. hm tot ; 12:0 iAr. CStartotle !v:o rji . f. :;o ;;. -u. i Sv : m. :4u a. ui. i X) j . in.. .. i .i) a, in. 12:05 . m oi-jj a. m. o : j p. in liV. i)oiuv.il.:,5 1 Ar. Bavtfiuah Arl JactwonviU e Ar Tampa ?-j i :(J p. in. o xo 4. nr. Iiv Hamlet, N. O. 10 :3o p. m. 6 :i) '1 n. m. AT. AlieilH : Ar. Atlanta o:io a. in. 2:1s p. 111. . o :au a. m. . 4 :j j p.m. 5 :2u a. m, 7 :3u p. 111. S::iO a. 111. ;. in. 3 :. - u. ia. Ar Montgomery Ar MohitK - Ar New OrleiLns 1 .2 ) a. in. Ar CJi" tanooga Ar Na.-li.viUe at Mt-aiphis 1 0 d. Hi. 1 :tl lis. O-rsip. in. S:iua.in. : 1 &. xa. i :lo p. m. r. ... . .f - . : , : . 1. . TT . 1. all'tra.-ns f oiiPiiieliustj -i-, 20 laamtes bj eiectrj '- -.Tiirs Connections at Ja -ksonyiile aiiii and Fort o iii;o. Connections at ev-Orleans r'or ail ppinte in 1,'exasV Mesieo and. California. Ko. 32 ."" arrives at Portsmonth daily at 7.15 a, xo., ..4i- c-:--y . " 2Jo. 3S arrives' at PorUYontb. daily at 'j:2i p.- m. .. -, . r; ..- ;" Y v- J. W.3KOWN, Jr. .Pass'r Agt.M9 Main 84 Krfoik, Ta. JASl'M. BARS, First V-e-President and General Manager. It i. ..- R. BUNCU, GeneraTPassenger Agent. iilllll'i. '; IN EFFECT ibth, 1902. v, . Train Service. i 13 DailJ- Daily : exe't eic't Sun. Sun. STATIONS. axe' -eic't. i Hxaju.-Sun.' : .'- IM.M.YYYj: P.'M. A. M. 4-10 1H Lve.-Norfolk-' Arr 4-15 10-05 i Berkley June . , 4-24 : 1013 YYS Butt's Road ' 4.-10-22.- ntrfvil!R 4-20 11-00 4-15 10-55 3-58 Wo 3-51 10-33 3-44 10-30 3-39 -10-23 3-33 10-17 3-23 10-07 3-12 9-5ti - 4-39 10-30 Hit kory Gro. -'. 4-44 10-34 ;s St. Brides . 4t50 -10-40 ' . -Northwest- 4- 59 10-48' Moyo;k - ; 5- ( . 10-s Snowden . " ; 6- 16 11-04 i - Shawboro Y ' 5-21 11-03 r : Gaegorys ; . 6-2 11-14 Y - ,BeleroHS -6-29 11-19-w '-Camden: Y- -. 5-1511-36 Yl - Elia. Cfty il ; 6-01 11-53 '- i YPoBquotank .-. 345 2-59 9-49 9-43 9-37 9-34 9-25 9-01 9-(f4 902 8-53 8-4S 8-40 8-30 2-49 ; 2-40" 2 22 ' 2-20 ,. 2-19 2-10 .;-. 2-05- 6-OR ll-SS-t ' Okiseo . ' 56-04 r 11-56 i. "-ri -fehananoke H i6-lSlfl5f.CJ ' Winfall Y 6-22,;. 12-12 Y - tHertfbrd Y .6-40 u14-E!taviWrr:l-45 1-55 c -'-'V-. ' . v'. Ciirrituek YBraheli ; I)aiJ Fxc?l)t; 3&St:BuidavvYfn' . - arrive Jn.unaea-i'omt, 11 SJOjclock a. m. and 5 :;V . in. ' , - - . .. ' - :.; . Wijeavp junnsleiiiPouit;.-oa iwxftnd. 1 :30 '. ' .$"5ST ftf 11 m.rnncuVaf n &of u.Kn . . 1 'TYSteamer Comet Jeanes'Mtuiden : Point ar aw airEW Monday.- Wine8iay and Friday f r "CnrrifTitk"'Sonnd " iJanciincB.. and returning ' ...... A T". 1 T. . l ... . .... day and Sntufday, ; .V- -' yI StSijoatService. Bteaiiiers leave? Edenton 'daily exeept Sxui-davs,- 1?:45 p.' in.- for Plymotith," JamesvilU'. Wilhamston and Windsor " .-FVFiftftTra fT.ie1aTT;' ?Ttvi;.rl.: nA Co - urdayl2 :4a p.m.; for Chowan ' river landings ; and Faay;for3ciitiperiiHig E&ver.: . " - Steamers leave Elizabeth City - for Roanoke Island,-. Oriental v and New Berne,- Tuesdar , Thursdajr and Saturday; connw-t witE the A &I-.CvRVR.arid Atlantic Coast Line for Golds boro and Wilmington, and for Scupper nortRirer Monday and Wednesday . ' 1 da ,25 oaj an? Friday-.iorYSwai Quart er-, Ocracoke and For' further- information: anply to-If. H. Snowdenr: acunt, Eiizabeth City, or to the General Oiio ..: of , th N. ,&1S. -R. R. Co., Seaboard -end. haturnay. for Aurora,- South Crer; - r.Foot of ATain . St. "-Y" M. K. Kikg.y ' : " ' i H. O, HtrpoJKS. - y Y?r;?Y - . r::- , ' r5-' Y;Y.-SYil jY --Y': -' uen Jianaser,,; Ctea'l Ft & Pa. r :yCnG:;