-6 'f -4s 73.. - ,y?-, irz m .v l i 5 r 3 HA7TERAS. BT 5 O" ?I B'-Brk-'5" Bnk-'m '- i'- " : V 1 !QRRESPOiKBN0B; &?f-J 1 7 i " Cofres Hatteras, FeB,''3i .. i One of .the- most interesting event? wMcli,&nav4 IlSeeit-:cl '-; v;-- .""' ...,r- f j--?,.. upon to-: chronicle fof - some-time - 5 was-the' recent marriagei of ; Capt. - riiV i rw . V vedding was a quiet home affair with only the jriends and relatives of -he contracting parties .m! at i tracting - parties : tendance. " The '; ceremony, was performed by theKev.. L. E. Saw-r yer, at ' the home of the bride's .par ents,1t,jL tfer Jhe ceremony vithe young couple fwith af few .friends and relatives, went- to their town home, where a delightful weddmg suj)per was served.; Capt. Quidley is the master of the schooner, Lorena, running from Ilatteras to Elizabeth City.? He" has held thi3 position for years," and -is' ro-. , bably as well inown at Elizabeth .City as at Hatteras. He is a young man of .fine, business ability, aiida by his thrift and : Indus tryyihas' 1 built for himself one-f the iiidest liomes' at HatteraU'.V'HeT'.is nl' and obliging" in his business and has a host of friends wherever lie is Lnown. His bride ' is a youiig i lady 7 of exceptional- qualities,! :oi whom Hatteras feels justly proud. She has iived here aU liev-life :.and f her !kindly Idkp'osiliojXl !a7nlatbl& manner aid graceful charm of I , character have won for her a large circle of friends and admirers. "The young couple start out in 'life with all that - could ? be -desired 'to k make them haj)py, and their many friends join together ill " wishing -.that joy ftndthappiue$8 mily attend '. 3Ir. E, G. ' Vorth Superinteh- dent of the U.4 S." I'ish .Commission Jat "denton pent rth "lay ; at "Hatleraaf thiweeliAii WQiith; Avith a party of gbntlenien from Washington City, has-been 'spend ing a weelc or morfr at Capt" Hatter Won. al huntirig! tripi Thet. party Hhave had -spendid success, having f round plenty of . ganie, including several deer which' they will take home as trophies., of their , trip. llr. f Worth - expressed 'himself as Ibeing charmed with our locality. Messrs; Dozier &- Stormont, of Virginia Beach, who' are putting in a -large ; fishery bereft rlahded their .suppliestan4i.niaterial;i'thi4. week-. They have built a larg,, sub stantial h6use on the beach: near Hatf eras, and will put , in large potVSd-het in time for;, the.; run; of shad; which cornea next month; 'f kio is a ' new, departure . in our usujiig inuuswy, ana..- it. as -inej sincere wish of -all Piat ' they miay be abuhd anil sjiccesjBfiil in their undertaking. T- " C.. - -Tlev. S. B. "Jones-, of the M. 11 C'lir.rch South, has recently ,arriyed and entered upon liis-Avork as pastor of our church here. Mr. Jones has 'already made a decided ly favorable impi-ession i upon our people. ; lie is.' Mymtng:. manpf exceptional qualification, rand in i his work he is energetic;. andj;pef n serving4 " His s'ermbns- are fpl'eejiii; eloquent f and'impresiveiand'Or' p'ecple consider themselves -:Jortiii luito, - i y deed, in havin gw i?nch ,an interesting minister ; for the "years work.; ; itipJ-'r'it. The ; jnoject of the -Ebzabeth City Board of Irade'' with - 'refer-: t'nee to getting steamboat i service to Hatter ashasbe'Snoted with deep interest. -' Of all ..things ! Hatteras,-needs steam ' transporta- i tion tne most. " vv e. naye ail tne natural, advantages in r theTway of nne climate, uniimit' travel we ondence.ot the Ta Heil.;j.. Our people afe?;in general 6od anp. are bxtBji gettjtog:radj j. ne sioop "jjetender Uiasiust arrived in -dtir tqw. of shadboatsj - en -rout i for th io wer sodKerew,fhe: f Twi- ford Brothers will do : a; large gill . We are : expecting to be& pui ting in; our. nets - on'y the third day pfbruaryr: r lMx Henry Dillon v arid Joe Austin; -f of Manteo, with: their families are residents on the John ivHinton: Asherylf it : l. -The -W eyraouth- ice house has been converted into a dance hall and- the youngpeox)le are . having a large time. J ; ' " ; ' v -: ; ; f i BETHEL. Correspondence of the Tab Heei . -. BeOiei, N." a, ' Feb. 3. IZ-We regret to learn that ;Mrs. J-1JL Sutton is notamprovihg.b ? We' h ui a very interesting pray erniee ting SvtkdS. night 1 at the Baptist-Chj'cn,ytnduct Walter-Whiter;-;": :Mrtl;horl:Ti imH cVnew ; sidck i of dry goods as 'has alsoTflrJas.' Gailing '" ' ,;" - v , -f- :- .-.-... - . .. .-. -y " ;frMr' ji- Hasket Hof ? Columbia, spent Saturday land Sunday with his sister, Miss M. E. Blanhard, on Church street. - ..; ": ' s J Mrs. Jordan Ward, of Hertford 1 is yisiting induT;townr;this weeM Mr: Jas.. Hill, who lives near this place, is ill of pneumonia. , f STherelv. i afe - several cases' of mumps in to wm . , i. ; i .. Mr. T. Sv White, of Road Land ing was visiting Ins sister, Mrs. Lena, Sutton, on s , .Miss' ;Tjjii6e' ?WMte3 spent .Mbn- ,v i ; ; Mr.1; C.ar, one ' of our popular-young men , was visiting at Mr; Jas. Gatling, on Main streeiT ; ; We " are . glad ' to welcome Miss Ethel HiE horae- again after' mak - 'ing ati extended vvisit With her j kunt Mrs-vMaryModliny in Herti ford I county,i JSVjDVJil ? r fi ' - Miss ML . A; Sample and Miss Connnef .' Gatling spent Sunday afternoon, with Misa J enie-Curtis. - i SOUTH MILLS. ? f . it X Correspondence of the Tab HeelI j : -j-r: "MillsT Feb! 3.i The : -Steamer passed through Kej&j 4aturdayi She - was being towed, by oteamer V, W. Petitt and attracted a large crowed of people as the Neuse is the larg est steamer that can pass through the canaL ' " . - " " . The sale at the Residence of the late Josiah Johnson Tuesday was well attended and every thing brought its worth. y -Pipf. E, -JmZ Burgesa ha.s, closed the Public school at. this place and has opened, a private school which is largely attended. - : : -There is a lot of illness at T this completed his new house and -has moved in" to it. " z?: .': r:Mr?"HehrT theillage- from New. Xarid 'Town' Ship. ; ; v ' The work of : piling Turner's cut isinearing" completion.:S;t:M5 ; Mr,' lnprnSi- irregprj.-jin.ss (jourtney. Sawyer were .united ii marriage-lastl Wednesday n o IMte J., rlijSI' lMriAV.1 IlDdzier IS -4i ,2s? T -s; of vilfappeait in e -nex Of paper. m 1 ' " ' " ". J' ' Theyiketlt!! People who come here for their meals don't come because they have to. ; They like it So will you! JWef claim to malce the surroundings lL-that T: they should be", wliei'e" the bescclasf -of . people -congregate. Our menu certainly ;'aiiords you new pleasures in its . lines, -and our ..service;, is ;of the .thing for.thebusiness jnaiiviicnilsn't ; tinie to go home for dinner. ' . . 7 C v 'Yater.Street,' Opposite City Market. -rS" fir-Ji: z We want your. orders foiUca, i? Oil eiptlitiigr IN' We believe we can please ycu.and help you J ;'to;save;DOLLARS. JUST THE jRIGHT PRICE. , row Blades Lumber Co., Headquarters for the best Partition, Ceiling, Flooring, : "I Siding, . Shingles. Ceiling $.0 and up. Pennsy"lBliagto Klizabeth is-. : rsr. - W ,w -1 .Cheap; Buggies ire unsatisfactory. things.-: ;JWe are brTer IgihgU thofouFhlv .1 - - possiDie pnees. a- '- ii- '"2' One jGobd Turn of a Small and youhavethi finest Hight for .the evening of-; reading; or social pleasure; Another turn and your rooms" are dark for the night, with f no. . odor of burned wick; no "apprenensioii of. death from' . escaping gas. That's the Hectric Light ELIZ. CITY ELECTRIC LIGHT GO. -1- 4 1 and cheapest grades of . Flooring $9.00 and ud. City. - K. C. s3jff:B5.': yuauiy, rnii!n JUST ."- RIGHT, ? Orv or THE - . SORT. J S 5T TVi if - -v - -- " I 01 lour.mo.ney don t Iet.it PhlJollow shctimenlyutvRegu jp:Mayriext; cuticura boap, ...... . .V. , , - Pear's Scented Glycerine Soap, ; ... , 16 c ' " . t Colgate's VIoms Boap; v IMSo! cake 42c boxll a oneytpoaprv.:. .izct 3Uc box. Extract ofWitcn-Hazel;. Cold Cream Soap ..10c, 25c box.;:r tTi ;- b:" ,v: vi- ' f Whir, Clm,W - : , . ''Blue Sear Vasehne . Soap,. . . ;:. 'vl'f v'r Bay Rum Soap", . Genuine Buttermilk Soap .' ES Agents for New Idea ,3 J. 1. Paper. - -3 Patferrist MONUMENTS,. - -: ' -i Tombstones, Tablets, :'-': - Iron - Fencing, Posts ' :? if and Galvanized Pipe &v Cenretery Lots, . C. t B. MASON Marble Co., " Lock TJox Ko. - f 59 61 Poindexter St. Elizabeth Gity, N. 329. G. IN. CAROLINA, Vl e Superior PasguotenktCdv j i ilCouft VS..?; r Henhy Mtira, Bef dt. I x --.'S1: -- -NoticeV -'. - The defendant abc ve named will take' notice that an action : entitled as above has I been "commenced in the Superior Cburif :Paquofnk ebnntjN. JOl Said" action being f or the.uxppselbf dissolving the bond of 'matrimony now existing between f,hejplantiff and the defen-danl;-.' iK7-' ;?5 " F iSafd defendant wilf further: take notice that be is required-to apr pealienexii!CJ perio? court to b-s held, in Pasquo tank county NJ C.r, said court to be held: on! thesecond" ilondav in Mareh ;Hni thd fyeaf 1902at M,he cuiirtiiuj ENABL irsaid2coimtrN::a;r ere and theu answer .or de made by Rail Or Water and ithei- mUr'-tOth'o complaint in s.aid action, or the plaintiff . will applr to the cdurtforjthelfelief emandedwjn said complaint.; : , . -c " j it X&m, ' atty f or pML: : ..-.'. ' iliifi : get away iipless you are sure ; ; f: : . 22 dake, ; Colgate's .Tooth - Powders . - ; Talcum', . "Menhen's" " . . 7c " . lDc box ' Lavender Smelling Salts . 7c ; ; 19c box. JohanaJMaria " r 13c box. ' long green; bottles . . 19c boxV. J. B. .TVilliam's mm ;,No matter how small, I No matter . how large theinmrn ; ( first National Bank will j . give it careful attention. - This message applies to -4-- ' - rr -;. -'S'v 't 2 imiTITIONlLlMp : ElizCity, . ;; : North; Carolina, V ELIZABETH CITY BRICK COMPANY, ; ; . Manufacturers "ot and - Whole . sale ani detail Dealers in ; ;jGonrhdence -solicited . 'l ' Vi E. Dunstan , Sec'y : and Treas--;-:;U : C. J. Wardi Tlanageri Buy for Gash and siu u!i u w w n. i Brick ItflS A!fca LoadustReceived. Genuin vou are rettino- 'lLM Prices for a S bu t f, ; & J " . . 18c box. ' ..17c box.' ..17c box. . 9c bottle. -4f . . 5c bottle. ..24c bottle. ..39c bottle. Parina Cologne, Shaving Soap. . . 7c cake. - - Mail Orders Promptly! NORTH CAROLINA, Pasquotank County. Superior Court, March. Term, 1902. W. B. HoLnowEix, Plaintiff, , :'.-' . '; ' . VS. " "j Emma Virginia.' Miles Holloweix, p igfefevv :&lZ-y- Defeadant.";! ; It appearing to the . Coor that .'. the defendant is a non-residant of the State of North Carolina and af - ' ter due diligence cannot be found' -, in said State; that the plainjiif has a just and meritorious cause of ac--:.'..- tioh against the defendant, same being for a divorce front said de- ; , fendant and this ; court has juris-' '. . diction for. the same. v" . - ?. It is therefore ordered, decreed . and judged by the couts that pub---f lication be made in the Tab Heel a;, newspaper published iri? Elizabeth City,N. C, for six successive weeks j1.,' notifying the defendant to appear ; 6n the 2nd Monday in March, 1902."; -and answer or demur to the com pbxint as she may be advised. 1 ; , - -It is further ordered that, publi cation of .this notice, shall beJ suf ficient notice to the defendant. . ; This 31st day of December, 1091. 6w.- ,i W. H. JinrsiNGs, C. S. C. Sbecial AnnoqnccmDtl --' '".' y -o '- ':,' - ' riHFiriiRStmn I I ill. f UIIU HIIU Ii - ,;:r '-; PH1PPS ----- ATCHISON iTAILOpHATS. 0 - I II il n. mum SdlGENT 208 MIN ST, ; Academy of Music Buildings ; ; NORFOLK, VA. : J 1 1 i- Thev Are The BestAn6ther Car toaa V j ; the ; ' market, thus building up "s ;:t 1pn.es of trade . that-i, are iiX)vnii provjemeni w our mage, 14 pvt Poridexter St., EiiiaNth:t fty filCS to;f olldwSWritef or Pricesif C OLOytiK, lily::..' ould put our( natural idnte oii?: .li;116

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