H - 4" -fl -' "A Facts First. . . . . ... " ... , ,- t- .. - ' . - - Tar H S-t - ,r f In writing ? an advertisement;' first arrange" facts' in or mind, in the- order of their importance. If you will bo guided b this sini-. pie rulet even if the ad erfisement' which you may constr act there- J" .upon is no masterpiece, it will cer- " tainly never be, a poor fae. Prin-. ters' Ink."" ' ' ". j- ? SkTVICE A YEEK. Vol. 1. D With Captain Guard of Carolina. HENRY AND 61D SNORE. The Captain Remains on Shore to Avoid floise- Geo. Gets a Shad.r V Aboard Carolina, Feb. 10th 1902. The pleasantest sail I ever ; had was with genial" Capt Guard, imy self as Rear Admiral," H6nry 1 Ba- per, Commander j Gid Lamb in charge of supplies and "refresh ments, George and Walter making up the crew. . ; , - As "shades of night drewfnigh we cast anchor in Shallow Bay. Our two "Isimrdos banged .ftway butruo duck. George soon return ed v ith a fine white shad, which served us a delicious breakfast. Mining of .11th,- at daylight w.e weighed anchor, there was a ! thin sheet of, ice over the 1 ay, ropes frozen and ice on deck Freight "packed all oyer the ship J feet high giving us no chance to display our skill as first class, sailors before the mas. Wirid. is fair and gentle so we are soon in running order!, and steer lor ivitty i MawK liay out a iew miles away. Visited the! Jjife Saving Station, everything i per fectly clean, and courteous brew. Landed some stores, on the way out struck a sheet. Mr; Gid not ; feel mg wen was excusea Dy tne i com modore from duty, but Henry and I hedged her off, Captain ai ,the helm. ; . Wind being fair we soon made Manteo, weather getting colder. Carefully made our way up the bay and tied up to the wharf where we had a most excellent supper. ( Our Capt visited the Lodge I. 0. O. F. one of the best in N. C. At f nine we turned in, first calling the rolL All present but the Capt. who very wisely spent the night half, mile from- the boat as he could not hear Henry and Gid snobze.Thunder has to be close by you to make as much noise as they do when asleep. 12th, Snowed last night, thin coat of ice on bay. Rollcall and inspection, ail reported. Dr.-; pro- nouncea viia mucn improvea and able for duty, here I learn the ship and they sail for Hatteras. -; ' Everything looks cheerful at Manteo, all making preparations for the Fort Raleigh celebration. , iusmess good, and large prepara- " tions for early fishing Signs poin to -a heavy and -early run of fisK Mad; a trip over Virginia' Dare land. After doing up that, board ed the Maim' Carlos with Capt. Johnson for home. Cold day wind deac head, made harbor back o rqw us jfoint. ixougn sea and Adm ral not well- Sails' up and off agai t. 3 p. m.' wind all gone and a dead calm .above the light' house saw steamer which proved I to ; be the Pettit and is" commanded by the best of all! Captains, Cohoon who gave us a line; and stowed us to our Home Sweet Home. j. . .. . , J. F. E t Boarders Wanted I . . ' V, ' ...-: 1"." - , . -r . .. -..- . . . I - v- ?: -v '.4, - Will take four private . board ers; Good table and rooms ap ply at 56 Burgess St -f Feb. 25. 1 An Interesting Document Mr. N. S. - Burgess : jof Shiloh brought to the Tar Heel office a ew daysv since a most interesting document, being a morning report of Co. A of the 50th North Carolina regiment, xt was maae qui in tne trenches before Petersburg, on the 23rd day of March 1865, fourteen days before Lee surrendered or on the first day bf the : last campaign. t shows 44 privates and 13 officers both commissioned and f non-com missioned; many : ol'whom are now dead, a few only bein alive to-day. Thos. P. Sivells was; dap tain of ,the company; N... Biirgess wasorder- y sargeant and Mr. K. R. Bell, 2nd sargeant. We doubt if anv later documents of this kind arfl in Gxinlenp Tn case there are; we n'otdd like to 1 iear of such. Both Mr. SiveUs and Mr! Bell are worthy citizens of bur town to-day and hold a high a the people. . Birthday Supper. The birthdav suwer eiven bv Benjamin F. Salomosky to his friends on Friday evening of . . . - w . last week at Hills cale was a very enjoyable affair , indeed.- " Follow ing is the menu: Roast' - Turkey with Cranberry sance, Celery, " Roast Wild Goose with apple sauce, Cold ham, Stewe beef, .French' Fried potatoes', Chick en Salad, Dressing, Pickles, Wafers, Crackers, White bread," Cheese, Apples. Oranges. Bananas; Lemon jelly, Whipped cream, Cakes, Cof- fee, Cocoa. The following were present: Mr.KM.Tapp, with Miss Chari lotte Cartwright; Mr. J. Claud Perry with Miss Carrie Mae Cher- Mr. George Dewey; with Miss TlTiT, Tmo TU11 Mr .Tnl Sawvpr J with Miss LiUian Brothers and B. F SaWnnsW with M?s OHva Scarbourgh, of Berkley. Va. Mr. mil s ability to nandie an affair of this kind is unexcelled in Elizabeth City. WHALE'S HEAD. Correspondence of the Tab Heel. Whales Head Feb, 13 ijoid weatner continues witn us t""... " " & r , " rare sight, at present writing the thermometer registers 29 and the old Heads predict a . coia snap w close at hand. - Hon. S. M. Beasley, of Poplar Branch, N. C, made a business trip to our village last week. Mr. xJeasley is .a . genueman oi ois- trnguished character and always a welcome visitor. . Mr. Z. Harrell," formerly of Jidenton, j. u., ;Dut now oi n - --r n i ' t folk made us a call Thursday last. The truest of Capt and Mrs H. H. Gallop. . . - :-.' . Mr. -"Wm. Brumsey, Supt' of - the Light House shooting club of this place leaves for JNortoik to-day wnere ne wiu remain wme ume at- tending to important, ousiness. - . - . . . : The many friends of Mr. L A, Pool are glad to welcome ; him home again' after an absence of several weeks. ''- This nas been tne most prosper- ous season tne dues snoo ters oi this community nave -x experienced f in many years. Tilmon Leivark, the! canvass back king : is reported to have Jailed 3Ul at. one shot, the barrel of his crun snapped. Quite iortunate ior the canvas bacK iam- ily. This report is not confirmed, however, 'as the the "writer has not had a personal interview with Mr. LewaTk since the big hunt ' . Devoted to the Industrial Development of Eastern North Carolina. ELIZABETH CITY, N. a, TUESDAY FEB. 18, 1902. 11 Ul 3 C h e TS : U rge d 1 0 EX" press Their Views. METHODS OF INST And Those " Of 1 Dicipline I Should be Discussed by the Teachers. ! Bome little time ago, we sug gested an educational! column in I tinis paper, in wmcn matters oi in- terest pretaining to our schools " - - 1I rmgtit be discussed, ana so our teachers , and all ,in- terested in the training and in- struction of our children an oppor- tumty to express tneir opinion anu make suggestions. - It seems that good jwould come VL 1 w v w out of it, and all would be benefit- ; "i rr r U8. acmf K "euujr UJr . 1 - . i J jw . - ; X f other study and. compare notes, .1 . ...fi i n,i: :jh.'-i ll there are hardly two teachers any- where that have the same .ideas and methods of impar ,ing knowl- edge. Some confine themselves tol the text book alone,- requiring the pupil to commit to memory tn lesson, that being recited correctly, 1 J X . ' 11. vub.w w""bV' ineur W0!K 18 aone Wma "v ux. WxxM.Vuu jro P81-11 their own gS gog outsme wxe uuu. au tne tne miormauon at nana concerning the subject of the les 80n- Some insist on globe and map exercises, while others make a great J0"11. 01 g utners wnue i -l -riii.; in : i u tencuuig jtouuwu eugrapujr wuiuu alm08t nore Bbysical .Geography anu worJt conaiuerui niswry with every lesson. Perhaps there is a greater dif ference in opinion as to bow gram mar should be best taught, and we see the results sometimes among the children of the same district wta attend different schools. Mow mucn might be written on the training and education of teach ers ior particular worx. line seiect- , v, and ventilation of school rooms, and many other subjects, each one pi great importance to tne success- ful carrying out of school work. Then too it seems that the young men ana women in our scnoos might be interested "-.r1 "i and some ideas rrom tneir point oi view. i We know they navethem, and they joiten use pretty empnauc language in expressing them. No doubt they J i 1 ' : A -1 - : . Jor-icouia ao tis j teacners ,mucn: gooa add give us some -encouragement at time; but, how few teachers are willing to take anyp suggestions or advice from 'their- pupils. How majiyteachers ,are.there yhp . would be wiling to admit ,tneyiwere m error, ana as paraou oi ciass or i -it it i i single pupu, wnen tney nave aone wrong, ior wiener. re noi, miau- iKlfa nnil vpftv WT tlmt wa Tia-rol . e l 1 i. .1 . j met nave j attained to - perfection, - . . r - - t - We would ask the older ; and more advanced pupiia m our scnoois to l contribute something occasionally, tney can as .questions as to ,;tne solution -of difficult problems in Arithmetic and Algebia, and they . are free to . bring ; m any questions that puzzle them, if i we .cannot answer tnem we wui try and nnd some one who will. Teachers too, have difficult questions ,(we had them pretty often in our immature days) that they would Uke help on. Let them avail themselves of this column" and send in their questions, j Only the other day. Borne one asked us how we would explain the tides on the opposite side of the earth from the "moon to an advanced class in !Geograplryv How would you explain it. Now and then there ar bright children in schools who will not be conten$ unless they get right down to the Very bottom of things and woe' unto" the teacher who cannot nelp.tih&mand put tbem right for they are the ones to whom 0x6X618 middle ground, they L, u nj. t,-- we want to bear in mind the teach er is tne scnool, wnetner among the pines of Carosina or Uie elms t ux avi, wuuwiot m the log school Aouse or in the .J" TT - .-' i t A v . 1 I .UUi'0""J! -v aione , """' , J .r . IMPORTANT TEST , . ! By tne Fire Deptrtment at Blade's Mill. On Thursday 'afternoon an . im- p0rtAnt test was made by the fire department at themill :of; t-e Blades Lumber Company. The h in connection with r j . ..... - - T Norfolk and Southern Eailroad Company, a system of pipes laid about th Vards. with' fire , . . . . Th(. .ftr - 8UT)I)Hed bv the Dumi)inff station I - v of railroad in ca e of fire . f, - llfJ tW-5. nftf PTmirll at the m Us there , is. not enough force to run the teven plugs locat ed at the .j Ei test was to ascertain whether the engine could be connected with the last plug on - ; near.,the freiffht office and pump water in from the, river and thus helping the regular pump alon& make enough power! to run the seven plugs at tbe mill The only place that the ; depart ment t water case of -t frfi;ffht deooL which wouid Ute the laying of about 1200 feet of hose. By utilizing the iron pipe all this hose will be saved. ENGLAND SAVED US. I" '' British Prevented Powers Ousting United States From Orient. f A new feature in the conduct of tie pOWers in the Spanishlwar has become puoiic. iiingiand now claim8 the credit jof preventing the move to 0Vt United States from Orient. It is declared that on ater tte vattle of when it waa evident that 'the "Pi,iuiT.M possessoin the united istates meant a perma- nent foothold in the Orient aa at- I twnpt was made to secure the co fif KflrPnwfirR fnm jca to abandon the possession i . ' f ;th philhcpine archinelaffo. London i8 s-id to have been the cf the anti-American activity. The powera taking : the initiative M- n,,. TrtA ffa iTir,,,!! fee satisfied with securing the in- dependence af Cuba; and it is as- . d5 that British diplomats 'in I Enffland prevented tho tep. It is I " . out that , the presence . - ' ' . ot ierman warsnips at Manna. - . ,. i ,. x ............ ' the part of .Germany, that tne p0ers would agree to the pro p0sed interference. Mr. Gaston Crawford, who has been employed with i Pappen- dies s market : nas r accepted a lucrative position in the machine snop oi tne jretersourg iron jo., Petersburg Va. He left yesterday morning. . Mr. Crawford has many friends in Elizabeth City who will miss him exceedingly, SOUTH US Wiped Out by Disastr ous Fire. ; STARTED FROM UMP. i Section West of Canal To tally Destroyed -: by the Flames " : i ... South MiUs, N. C, Feb. 14. The gection this town lying on the wes tern siae 01 tne canai was com pletely wiped out by fir early this " - morning. ine nre was caused Dy tne. ex- plosion of a lamp, in the home of Wiley Taylor at" 4 o'clock this morning and was not under con trol till nearly nine o'clock. Among 4. other business places which were destroyed were : the following: i - ; ' " George . Beveridge's residence, Dr. J. H. Pool's drug store, Jacob's Block' exc?P Ua residence, Bigg's owxc', fitreet 8 Ccolored) t T ' store, Brad- store, Jones residences of liquor saloon. The P!1 Taylor' hn Taylor and a I J 1 T A - J 1 J -W ana. coioreu were destroyed. , The Episcopal clrarch and 'Bev eridge's large saw, and st mill with 200 bushels of com were burned, alio the cotton gin. Fifty bales of cotton were - badly dam aged.- ' , . . v. ; The total loss is estimated at $40,000. - Insurance in the neigh borhood of ; $10,000. 3 South Mills is well known as the Uretna ixreen for runaway couples " " aftQ Ultv me more popular. Many young folks eloped to South Mills and invariably were made man and wife. There is a hitch-ing-post on the outskirts of the place to vhich all horses would be hitched while the contracting parties sought a minister. This post came to be known as "Lovers' Post." It is adorned with many knife carvings of i the ; initials of those who were married.' . SN0WDEN. Correspondence of the Tab Heel. Snowden, N. C. Feb. 17. 1902. Un baturday last bnowden was visited by the heaviest snow storm of the reason iuiss r anme uarrets or ixorioif wb.o has been Vvisi ting1 Miss Laura t Willey has returned home. 7 j Miss; Nomie ?Ballance. of North West, and Mrs. Spenc&Aof South Norfolk spent few days fof last week with Mrs. W. ET,BalIance. of this place ; Mrs." Blanche Ferebee of Belcross knont Tuesdav at Snowden. shfl wa i -. : the m,st. of Mrs Wwood Snow. den. t ' i Mr. Joseph Bell - who is attend ing school in Elizabeth City spent Saturday ' and i ounday with ms mother Mrs. E. A.' Bell of this place.,; . '"Mr. P. L. "Northern took a trip to Norfolk Thursday. , Mr.'. M. Sno wden and 'son Basil spent, a - few days , in the - village Mast week. ' ' ; , ; J..., " For , a: first-class family news- paper subscribe to the semi-weekly Tab Heel, $1.50 year. r : " - ; - . L - ;; . WINFALL vxrresponaenc oi tne xak xlskl. . i iWinfall, Feb. 17- fliiss Hiioise JNixon leit :nursday I for Einsron, where she will attend school. : - m-: . : ; We regret very much to' have to announce the death of Mrs. K Soeiffht whb died very suddenly at her,Home Tuesday, A. lit . ;f ' " Mr. Ivey Hurdle one of our Win- fall boys has f accepted a position at Major and Loo mis' mill. Mrs. M. S. Bawlings - left Tues day for Newberne - to visit her daughter. Mrs. Ann Layden died Tuesday at ner nome near nere. ,Mr. Chas.BUven of Elizabeth City was in our litUe .town Thurs- il ftv nn linsinAsa -j,--. - mr. j .ueign nas purcnasea the entire stock of groceries of H. D. Pendleton and will continue the business at the same place. KNOTT'S JSLAND. Correspondence of the Tar Heel . Knott's Island, Feb. 17. 1902 Mrs. Lyda Beasley, the wife of Wm. Johnson Beasley was buried Sunday, she was a good woman and died in the full triumphs of the Christian faith. In. the death of this good sister the husband lost a loving companion, and the only child, a son, lost a darling mother.- " Beubin Waterfield has bought a I fin -'nnnfiTi-ff nr wa nrp rlft1 " D - O to know tnat ne is a very success- ul hunter, Possums, Coons, &c, if I you want to take care of your jack ets this cold weather, would advise you to keep out of this brother's way, if you do not, in such an hour as you think not, you will be cap tured. ' DEWEY DELIGHTED. Prince Henry Apologizes for Germany's rAnifnft al Unila . Washington, co. 1 . An im portant disclosure of the efforts' of i the Powers to proye which was the l AI ICilU VX liUO UXTOU K btt W3B 111 the Spanish War develops today through a letter which, it is xuiderr stood, has been- sent to Admiral Dewey from Prince Henry. The letter expresses the kindest re gards, and is considered as an apology from Germany to Admiral Dewey. The Prince admits that the Ger mans made errors at the blockade of Manila, and that Admiral Dewey was right in all things. Admiral Dewey is highly ; grati fied as the unpleasant relations of the state made - the situation em barrasing. He - is now at Palm Beach, Fla., He will send a rep resentative to New York. Mrs, Dewey's health prevents him from going personally. Dr. Gales Favors Postponement ut. X. if. uates ot Manteo: was in the city Saturday. Commenting on the proposed , celebration on Roanoke' Island . he advocated1 a posponement of the celebration un til 1903. "It is practically impos sible to" hold the celebration dur ing the approaching summer vWe could not, in this short time, make sufficient preparations to entertain the; great crowds which would necessarily visit us. " Next year would give : us ample -time and we would entertain any" size celebra- uon in a manner" becominsr four- selves, and Creditable to the State."' the doctor added. 1 " ' s " : No Bigger Mistake. I- '"""J a bigger misC: take made by any merchant tthehadreached' : a- point where he could do without ' advertismg. He may not te&UzQ - ibutwhemtbtops the more enter- prising merchant is gradually tak- ing his business from him.-ack sonyille (Fla.) Metropolis. TWICE A WEEK, No. 32 RODANTHE. xo jlhb XiDiroE uf The Tab Hfit Dear sir: -CanVou allow 8na m your valuable paper to a mem kber of the life Saving Service, one who has served for th naf tv-four 7 and for the last tw enty-two years as keeper and has had during that time the privUege I . . il y ... oi BaTing ine nves oi tne crews of some twenty-five vessels Mn wrecked on the coast of North Carolina from Cape Hatteras to Bodies Island. The 4f e savers have always en gaged in fishing to some extent, out never to interfere with th U, duties haTe made - considerable eitra money in this niannerl; Some person reported to the department that the life savers ?' . ... were neglecting their duties to further their own interests. The, members of the life saving service are paid $650 a year and keepers $900 and it seems to us that when fish are numerous nearby and the men can make a little extra I money i by taking them' it seems unjust to present them from fish ing. The service costs the govern i ment a million dollars a year and i saves to this country seven million annually. During the last five days fish have been very plentiful along the shore and from ten 'to fifteen whales have been in. sight at a time and no doubt we- could have landed several which would have brought us much sport and profit In justice we ask that Senator : Tilman of North Carolina introduce a mil allowing the life I ; i -1. J t IV. -- l 1. savers mj iisu unu tup uieir cutcn- es. M. B. L, Elizabeth City, N. C. Markets. Official wholesale quotations" as furnished by H. T. Greenleaf Jr. Broker & Distributing Agent COTTON. mA' LOW Middling IV,. HAT, GBAUT, ECT. Com Market quiet; From Store. N. 2 mixed corn. No. 2 white corn 78c. Hay From store; No. 1 timothy 18.60 Special Oats Mixed ho. 2 from store 62c. White No. 2, from, store. Special price on car lots. - Feed oorn hominy 1.55 . SiillFetjO. Bran from store per ton SMtt Middlings from store per. ton. 80.00 Shorts from store per ton 80.00 Rice Head 6.1-2 No. 1 3.3-4c Rice Bran 1&00 per Ton. ' T : 'I : COTOTBT PEODUCE. ' Ponltrys live, steady; chickens, old hens. large & fat 20c and 25c Eggs Weak 18 to 2oc per doi. Batter Good Country. 20c lb. Country Hams Firm; Good North Carolina at 12.1-2 per lb. ' , . Onions at 4.00 to iJSO per bag. Potatoes New sweets, Hayman at UW per . bbl Yellow at 125 : " Irish 35 to 2 JO per bag Tomatoes None being received. '-' , Cabbages at 10 to 1.75 per bbl FBUITS. - I Apples at 40per bbl toe northern Lemona a.50 to 3.75 per box. Cocoannt 100 to bag at 8.00 to 8.90 Oranges Florida, 8.00 per box. Call. 8.25 Budded 2.75 Bananas 75c to liflO. FBESH FISH AND OYSTKBS. Oysters Selects 1.20 medium iw stas wper . gallon No fish to qnote. " 'i' HIDES. Hides weak. Dry Flint 11, dry sa , ary damaged 5 to 7, green salt 6 green ; -6c dry calf 9c. . - . GBOCEBIES. ,;. Flour '-Best Patent at 4.25 to 180 Straight at4.00tol.2f Meal Bolted Meal, 100 pounsro saci TTn-Boltrtd Meal. lOOpounds to gaclc 1.4. Cheese Flats, full cream 11 to 12c lb., - Batter Fxtra 60 lbs to tubs at 24 to ax Extra lib prints at 29c. - . - PKOVISIONS. ' - Bulk Meat Market Higher ; w asry. xw.t bellies at 9,7-8 to lo Western light weignt T at lo to lol-i Pork Plates at 8,3-4 - - Picnic Hams at 8,3-4 v.Jt . Ham Piti New at 17.24 to 17.40 Mess Pork New at . ' . . Ham . sugar cured at 13 to 14 , . ahA a r .u to 9 Lard pore in tierces at iom to u lb ttns iHdoiniatedat4,85 TeHoWa U-2 urn J . : ( ' : I ! !

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