i I ll The old Baying', a drop of ink ? makes millions think, - has become -ajiutr," Well bonTn in done " ii Tarti'ftnlrTv , regarding tdvwtWng;;: Careful I? ! a g004 start and hat some- recogonized at being a fact; The ; only thing that remain for the .' ikZS1?. Point as a leaded advertiser to do is to so utilize' -, ,s Keeping uusin mind - and stain" the power of that drop of ; ink to give him the best result. - that .the compositor treati'VW , copy inteUigently, you eanaot faiV to get remits. SStoTOICE A WEEK. Devoted to the Industrial Development of Eastern North Carolina. aVlOE A WEEK Vol. l. ELIZABETH CITY, N.C, ERIDAY, FEB: 21, 1902. No. 33 -o- Proposed Memorial to Sir Walter Raleigh. LETTER FROM J. S. CURB Cleveland Kills 200 Ducks. :; Chas. Keidel, ,-: pf v Washington, secrerary of the TBack Bay Gun ning Club, at nvhichf ex-President Grover Cleveland is now a guest, returned to . Norfolk on his way home from the marshes Monday. He said that t the V Cleveland " party , killed 200 ducks and 30 geese Fri day and that Mr. Cleveland did more than his share of the slaugh ter The .weather is very, rough at i the club, ideal for duck shooting i and the : game is plentiful. ,Mr. great! To Roscoe W. Turner In '-Ik . . - : - A m mm mm I m - . - ' ' KOCrara lO UOntriDUtlOnSleveiana nas unproved a for (the Project DoxeS h116""56 be arrived there. For This Village. Census Bill Passed. Through the Ia4 Mr. Boscoe W. Turner, Elizabeth City, N. C. Washington, Feb. 17. After an courtesy of - Mr. I extended debate the Senate to-day Koscoei W. Turner tve are abl. "to passed the bill ' establishing a per- bublish the followinsr letter. S re- manent Census "Office. The discus- ceivedlfrom J. S. Carr -in regard tol sion related principally - to the col- he proposed Ealeigh MemoriaL ? lection.; and . publication by the Director of the Census of statistics representing the production of cot- My dear Sir: J ton. Mr. -Allison vigorously op- m tensely interested in the j posed the provision, but it was in- succesf of tiie movement to erect serted in the i bilL Several other in our ! Capital City, ?a suitable bills of importance on the calendar memorial to Sir Waited Baleigh, I were passed, amoncr them one ex- and feel that the movement is of tendiner the charters of national puch high character, and represents I banks. , Iyxwvw u mucu mat , Dlft-I,. WnwinatiftB oiiuuiiiig, mat it uugai io - inspire all Anglo-Saxons, especially North Carolinians, and stir their blood: .Baltimore,: X eb. -io. ;Tne ice blockade in Chesapeake Bay has lirtflWM;An. .i J completely 'stopped, navigation. fund ought to be as universal as :. leigbj : Tthron itboxes IFF" possible.. To this end, I seek yocr valuable influence and assistance, and feel warranted in "doing so,' b cause of bur personal relations, ai d further because of your known 1 yalty to ie very thing that is of pub ic nature, .41 . ; .. .. i ana tnat pertains to tne . best in- teres n Even the ocean steamers - are de layed, while powerful ice boats try to cut a path for them through fields of ice from one . to five feet thick. The ice is jammed , fifteen j to 'eighteen feet high against the Sandy Point light house and the Seven Foot Eiioll light, the latter in the center of the bay. m ' ' ' " f ------erf y ! --'.V; r.tr.wJ..V.'. ; . .. i : - :..-..; . . s t1. ;. . . v; '.'. sf .:;.!. : I -I -"-v.l . Itm. I Si 1 Storm. - - .-Mrs. E. S. Kramer. ; - ; It . becomes our sad duty to cnromole tne death of one of our city's best women. . Mrs. E. - S i Kramer, whose - death occured at her home on Main street'; on Tues- rihrtKftarnlina'e (ifl;.i i attack of pleurisy from which she luffered just one week.'. She. .'wasj in her - usual-: eood healtii - until i strickenVwitfi" thet maladyrl i -f. deceased was a .oaugnter. oi Jur. i and Mrs. Aaron iJuimer ,-and was j learn in Pennsylvania. f At the age of twenty she moved with her par ents to Camden : county and ! was married in 1884 to Mr. R S. - Kra mer, since wnicn tame ' sue nas re sided in Elizabeth City, Mother of deceased died in Camden county in 1870 and father in 1872. Mm state; va - r. 1 r , rom' Sixteen Inches at Charlotte to Four Inches in Northern Sec-' tion. The snow . which began falling about midnight Friday niffht coh- Mrs. Kramer was 50 years of age tinned falling rapidly till Saturday ana iot many years nas Deen one pi i evening reaching a depth of some- me leaoing memoers ana n earn- thing over six inches. This storm est worker in tne Metnoaist enurcn. t a,hik nrantiraVt tv bhe leaves one daughter. Miss of Nortn Carolina, but did not ex- Mane ; one brother, J. Jj.'l Fulnier tend f beyond her borders of Elizabeth City, and two sisters, by the passage of low bar-, mrs.- yv. jj. ijraig, onjiaren couniy, meter across the culf of Mexico Pennsylvania ana juts. o. d. j? owier, fr0m Texas to northern Florida. pf Philadelphia, JVa. ; while a cold wave nrevaUed in the The funeral services were held rrom tne nouse on . main street, - ye" heaviest snow fell in thai Friday afternoon in charge of Rev. g0uthern and western1 parts of the D. H." Tuttle, of the Methodist f n.. church with a short but impressive wtat over aixteen inches at Char sermon and her remains were laid hnft.. 'Jnit,- ii fiiA1 wv GEORGE WASHINGTON'S ry Twehiy- of North Carolina in other wmm, BIRTHDAY, wordsy to your patriotism. Central Committee, at Ea- in a- few days will send khout the . State collection hoping to stimulate contri- Mr. Flora Pleased With Florida. A letter from Mr. J. B. Flora who is sojourning in Florida, states that he is rapidly improving in health in that balmy climate. He i to rest in the family plot at the Episcopal cemetery. - Among those out of town, - who were present at , the funeral were Mrs. S. S. JPowler, of Philadelphia, Mr. " Lloyd Creecy, of - Newport News, and J. D. Blitz, of Norfolk, Va. V;-' " . ;. . In the death of Mrs. Kramer, 4 inches on northern border. No s snow fell south of the. state, and partically none north. Reports of the depth' of snow over the state ihave been received as follows: ! ; - . . j Asheville, 10 inches. Street car - traffic delayed several hours. First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen." Carnegie Institution. Washington, Febi 18, In ex- -l: .1 i: j plaining the purposes of the Car- HIIirRKKHN 1 1 1 1 1 IN I I M.M IMII1IV I1IHHHH1I I . v tic ns to this- most worihy object .fTl tv,ftt ld of flnwr ard that Institution, Dr. .Daniel C and lor the further urnose of In :i . . 3- .. I Gilham. resident of the board of I I IK m J t W-'.H. 1. . a.lfllllt.rv H.IN III llll II LT I Carolinian the -iv 3 .x trustees; has corrected some of the ma long a contri- xi. i- i v en; erroneous ideas now prevalent con- oi einog me central ijommiiiee 41 . giyirg every JNortn oppoiltunity' of butioh. I have taken the Flora closes his letter, main some weeks yet , He will re-1 yom- name and address, believing that m would be your pleasure to help the movement in your com- To Prevent Filipino Junta From Oper- - J ffii . , . .. . - - . munity. 1 am sure 1 snail not be " aiiny. disaibointed. Please do me the J Washington, Feb. 18.-Governor favorl and the Committee as well, Taft of the Philippines today . con- to see tne ooxes are aispiayea mitinuea nis aiscussion oi tne aues- eral impression has been that magnificent buildings would be erected in this, city for the uses of the institution, but Dr. Gilman states that such is not the plan of the board of trustees. It is the in tention to devote the entire income on the. $10,000,000 donated by Mr. the nost convenient and popular tion of tranquility in the aichipel- Carnegie, approximately ; $500,000, places in your community; keep a ago before the Senate Committee to scientific research, principally in persona "supervision over them, on the Philippines. He said that furthering original investigation by And ias often as you' think neces- the recent massacre of troops in those who have not the means or sary; take out contents and remit Samar had a startling effect upon money to carry on their work with- for8ime by check or postal note the ' army and created suspicion I out assistance. to Qur Treasurer, Mr. Joseph iG. and fear of treachery in other sec-1 " The only building to be used by BrowlL Raleiffh. N. C. , - .1 would tionsT The Governor did not think the institution. ! for some time at , . o .j - i thani you to kindly mention the j however, such apprehension f justi- least, will be the house at Fifteenth movchient from time to - time fied and said he felt as safe in Ma- and K streets this ; city, win.cn tne throiigh your local "press, or other- nila as in Washington. Civilians trustees have leased for headquarv wise, land when the movement, is seldom carry arms there. ters. crowned with success, as it will be, - Governor Taft passed, from: the . If . a! scientist, is stationed at my friends, and all fhe friends r of consideration of the question of Harvard, or any other university, the Jaovement, will rise up and tranquility to a discussion of the for that matter," said Dr. Gilman, "call! you blessed." s - v - ! treason and sedition laws... In this "and has reached a point 'in his Trusting that I may have your connection he said that while j Ma- particular branch whence he is un most i active co-operation, and nila is quiet and has been practi- able to proceed for Tack of funds, thanking you in advance, I beg to cally so ever since the American we will supply him with the money ruar Yours very truly, ; f J. S. Cars. THe Honor Roll occTmation. it is still used as a cen- necessary to tne continuance. JLhe ter of agencies for . the promotion city of Washington will -.be bene of insurrection. There was always fitted no more than any other sec there a party of irreconcilables. tion of the United ; States. Wash- ! Nothing had; he said, been done ington will be but the headquarters for the enactment of such laws un- of fhe institution. It will be a place til the establishment " of the civil where the board of 'trustees will government. , - It then became evi- meet.- and there - will be a perman dent that the Filipino junta was ent force stationed in the building Addie Swain. Bruce Davis, May preparing to locate in that city, at 15th and K streets for the trans- remain. Of Elizabeth City Public School. The lonor roll of the ' public school for the month ending Feb- 6th is as follows: r Ban! Lizz K Snrftli Snfi M? W Wvtin making that point the center for action of routine business 4rr i .i tV i -n . their propaganda. General Wright e Weeks, Glen Damds, Bessie frflfftA iiryrewr Jenjiings. Ronald Rolinson. Walton In. Uw on thi imhiAct and had dnn Our Job Benpury. so. : k r - plete. - department now com LETTERSPATEIIT. Granted to M. L. Ball, an Elizabeth City In venter. : I THE U. S. OF AMEBIC A. - j To all to whom these presents shall come ; ' ... , -., -. Whebeas,- Marshall L. Ball, of Elizabeth City, North Carolina, has presented to the Commi sioner . of patents a petition spraying for - the grant of letters patent for.: ah alleged new fand useful improve ment in Straddle-Row cultivators, and has complied with the various requirements of law in such - case made and provided and Whereas upon - due examination made, the said claimant is adjudged to be justly entitled to a patent under the law. . Now therefore these; letters pat ent are to grant unto the said Mar-1. shall D. Ball, his heirs and assigns for the term of seventeen years from the eighteenth day of .Febru? ary 1902, the exclusive right to make, use and vend the aid in vention in the United States and the territories thereof. ' r " , - In testimony .whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and: caused the seal of the Patent office to be affixed at the city of Washington this eighteenth- day of February in the year of bur Lord one, thousand nine hundred and two, and of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred "and twenty-sixth.- -. F. L. CAMPELLv A Good Entertainment. The play "Fabio Romani," which was the attraction at the Academy of Music on Monday night deserves more than the mere passing mention given in these columns in - bur last issue. - The company"brought their own scenery, which was used with good effect The costumes were very good indeed and the play well staged The audience j: was par ticularly well-pleased wiih the work of the actors taking, die parts of "Fabio," ."Nina! and thq rag pick er. The stereopticon fire dance was very1 good as were also the stereopticon views shown in a new and novel style. . . - Salisbury, snow reached denth 'i. . : our city loss one of the most earn- 0 ten inches. " " est Christian Workers.. One ..Who rJnarW.t nffiftlal wfiatlKii. Trnman ' was ever for. the right both with tififjW:tW annw TMLnhaA ' ' place will de th. of sixteen inches. ' Street I - .. '.5' ; cars went in early Friday night and were not running Saturday till v Real Estate Trrnsfers. . -I afte two o'clock. Sleighing parties ; Feb. 13. Joseph T. Spence and enjoyed the unusual experience. wofd andt work. Her long remain unfilled. wife to Joseph E. HarrelL ' Con sideration $6,000.00. Joseph T. Spence and wife: to Joseph E. HarrelL Consideration $800.00. Annie McCarter, Com'r to Joseph E. HarrelL Consideration $198.50. TO-NEGRO SCHOOL Fayette ville, show after falling : - twelve hours without any wind " measured ten inches on level. -Wibnington, only slight : traces ;- of snow Saturday evening.; . v- Newbern, snpw had reached -depth of four inches at 8 o'clock " Euclid Hights Co. to W. A. John- Saturday -morning, but rains took ' son. jonsiaerauoniou.uu. .; it aii on. . - Feb. 14. C. D. GaUop and wife -H. Raleigh, a depth of eleven inches to Irene Whitehurst J Considera-1 was - reached . accprqung to tne tion $300.00. ' - official weather bureau report : Wm. F. Small to George Cole. Street car line blocked several,. Consideration $61.00. : ,-. : Ihours" ' '! ' Feb. 17. W. M. Yost and wife , irKA -nroofT, onnditinna on Sat- : et als to Charles Field, considera- : a .ftftiiu; j. Mrs. Brick Left Nearly $1,000,000. Mrs. Julia . Brick, who died - at her home," iu, Brooklyn on February- 3, bequeathes' in her V.ill, which was filed" with Surrogate Church,, a great portion of her es- tion $75.00. M." N. Sawyer to Noah Cherry, consideration $350.00. ' 1 icable for rural free debvery mail; carriers all over the state to go out Feb. 18. Edgar 1 Shannon and ' .vrv nod sleihin&r was enioy- . ? wiie to EUzabeth : M. Johnson ea.by;a few lucky one of our consideration $80.00. - . -r ' ,.: oj G. W. Ward, trustee to J. Q. A. 7oufS peypA u . ! Wood, consideration $400.00. -r ;: ' I noon and to a late nour oaiuruay j night The jingle 01 tne beiis, tne , BELCR0SS. lariffhterof the ridersTand tate which is said to be worth near- Correspondence of the Tab Hxel. the falling flakes reminded ; one ', , . BelcrossJi'eb. 20 forcibly of the New England states, :, MissBettie SanderUn was "the wfere good sleighing is often en-5 guest'of Miss Bettie Burgess last joyed for weeks and months at; a ly $1,000,000, to charities in which she had been interested; for fifty years. " $ ; j- - f ' To the 'Joseph" K. Brick Agricul tural Industrial and Normal School in Edgecombe county,! N. C, the bulk of her. property goes. This school has been one of Mrs. -Brick's particular .cases.; It week time. I SEAlu Assist Sec Interior. A. L ALLEN, - , Com. of Patents. -: 1 Old papers for sale cheap at this office! - ' - 'S" i Miss Mary Gregoryis visiting 1 her brother Mr. Enoch Gregory 1 near Belcross. v ' -, . . Purchase of Danish West ladies. - ; ; -Washington, Feb. 17. To-day' .; in little 'more than three" hours' J;..-. was s Mrs.SiTahnon: Godfrey spent a Hmo tli a-: Senate disposed of the named in memory bi her husband, few days last week with her friend treaty with Denmark ceedingV to who .died a generation ago and is Mrs.' Noah Burgess Shiloh, N. 'C. for the education of negro boys and girls.' Mrs Brick started in by giving it eleven hundred acres of land and j several ; well equipped buildings.' I . r , Miss Lina Gilbert, of Camden, left Saturday to spend a few days with her cousinj Mrs. Harry Pear son in Baltimore, Md. ' Mr. Nickleson who was formerly the United States for a considera tion of $5,000,000 the islands of St Thomas, St. John and St Croix, composing the group of the An- ' tiUes known as the Danish - West 4 Indies, and lying just east of Porto RW and thus, so far as this coun- consummated ; d. consummated f a - 1.1 . t. . i T .1 1 vi w iwixww , Choice .Country-' Hams.. Would wgrP uperawr, . a across, which has been -nnoer i;va ha nut-. aii itn-na came Tuesday on a visit to see his Lt--noiiorftfinn since r. tne - aaminis 38,Flora& Co. . ; ' : friends. , tration of President Lincoln.

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