. " - ' ' 5 - - . - - T " r- x . - - - . . - i , - (J Swgc:;Ci ' y il W i V A vAS 'uj Uj 3 tfcW I Bring Yqlir? To This Off ice. ',Jl A )l VXZ&t&mF (IjAcl Wjgjgggd" H TJ JUUvVVUtlL - ;; - - - ' - - V -id j$ 'MJJj tfy rr - To This Office; uevoteoto tne industrial Develonment of rRflstem Mnrf h rflrniina ; . i-.ir, I a Vol. i; v. itf ; it-:.- i . ..;"";'.r 35 Comm issioncrs IrjRogl ular r.lonthly Sosll m sion f.londay. Citizens Petition " forIew Road Health Officsjer Re ports. ,i Eleven Prisoners In Jail-: Other Matters; - .,-1 i ; Eliz. aty,N. d, Haiei I,lMf The Board of County. Commiss-r ioners met today. Present, G. M. Scott; CH'm. T. E. PalmeriVJ.tIc. N. Morgan and F. D. Sherlock. v P The minutes of last meeting were re,d and. approved. . . , . -. OnmtiQECItS WilliS Lel l"aliowed t6eo!3le in : Pasquotank county without license, on acccunt of poverty and infirmity ;" ::;;- : l Ji::::'v On motion, is; ordered, That the f ollowing 1 namedVtersons be relieved of taxes aa follows; - -:' Davm SmithQ7irtofean $450 overvaluation;! JJlA !Uyeyman,L $73.91, tax on $9855 overvaluation, error in listing; John C: Ward, 75 cents, tax r on $100 overvaluation; J.SSK Godfrey $fpolxfpl9)l KelsoS Cooper, $2 poll tax for 19Q1 ; ljUther Owens,' S2.50, tax; in Nixon to Township, listed twice; Richard J BaVifj $2blla J'Ne wf H. Hancock, $2 poll tax lives in Newberne; Esau Johnson - $2 - poll tax, lives in Virginia; Mrs. C. F. White $3.00? tax on1$40Cfovervalu ationrpf Bolvent credits..- i ; . On motion,' It.is ordered, tThat W. KHalsteadverseer, ber al lowed" to purchase" 18 slabs, 16 feet loupr, 8 in) wide and-fJihlt thick1 to bridges on -eaxjTree Boad in Eli CiTojmsnip. . : Onioiron I?oli3ered,5jThat S. Bi Bartlett be allowed to use the .Countyroad machine on;liis prem ises, provided; he ifwill employ Mr7 John 'IV' M;d?jpb?J'and' will make gbdd brljpgaJan part of said machine? that.might break while he 'is using same;- f . A petitions sigh&djby number of eitizens of Providence Township, was presented to the Board, stating that the grade of the hew branch hi the NoikSmithel-n which crossing -the- road near Ward's .-brick kiln fwas to : steep at said crosses and?-asking that the board take steps to have the same remedied. 1 1 ' j Y $ On motion. It is ordered, ; That li. M. Scott, Uh m.) be appointea fi committee of one. , to look after- the matter. - ;'r., A letter cwas read to the -Board from the North Carolina Good Roads Association, asking that the county appropriate $J0r So ward a general fund for the Good- Roads Association f6r thejp?,P9f'B ! -JP , fraying the.small incidental ex penses in order; that said Assbcia- 1 tion may proceed f , with its work in a methodical and effective manner: On motionjt ia ordered, -That $10 beprbpriated for :i this pur pose. 1 ' " ' - - " 1 . On motion. It is ordered, That the Sheriff Jjallowe'd 3oJ pb?day each, for boarding prisoners until the countyishalliefit tftiedtilfc& 4 the price. Mordecai; White be aUo wed to pur-! chase enough -. slabs 'to Repair : the footway at NewbegunCreek bridge Dr. J. Eodi5co.y Health" UflScer, made the following report: j. Eliz. City N. C, March 3, 1902. Ti iHeiHbnliBpaM'bf rComVp in mates in the Countv.Home as fbl lowsr .'Whiie females 4: white males 7 - . Colored females II ; col ored males, 8. Eleven " prisoners inhr ja11tM6bbthf rfirood condition; S " A "lr It srood'imdition. ,, : --rf :.fc'4f-f , : j"T" tfespectfufei 'ig- ? .'fft--rfj.-ii . , , v:-;' The Company LTust Con- Health, Officer; t On motion, It isi ordered, - That DrIsAearli'stbiii for ivie wing' the remains of Harrison NixoQdeceased, be referred to a; 2i. Morgan as a committee' of one. A: ? petition was presented -to th( Board asking iLat a ! public j road belaidcout from the school house Sit the fork n pf Newbegun Creei road; and the Sand ; Hill road to the: corporation of Elifabeth Cityf Said road Hbegms at N E side of Newli aa"Ck-rba44Jj of Sand Hill road atchoolIioTzse, ruwuililnctt 83 4888 ieet to a stake within 30 feet of ft lead ditch, running thence parallel with lead ditch ' '72 1-2 w 1126 feet to - . . . x "r lead ditch which runs to Lamb's farm a course of n!9 14 e, running' thence vl 33 w 2200 feet to a slake 16 feet from a ditch at baclfof field, running thence nv 37 il&fyk 145 feet'to centejf jof ditch between the a-W. HoIlbMl heirs' land and - - . 4. . , j F. F. Cohoori "running1 thence n 37 1-2 w 1037 feet to A. C. Hathaj ways i land'running JiencejT ! w 1930 eetofibnRwd, thence n 7 1-2 w - 40 -feet to Heniy tJYPaonV landencJn 7 12w B8 feet- to - David Simpson s ,Jand, thence n 7 3-4 w 622 feet to Nixon Spellman's land, thence'a 7 3-4 w 643 feet to Euclid Heights property, thencbn324yfeet- to the Cownty road at Broom Factory. The above ta; bb a 30 foot road of which the above calls are to be thVrii&tikanb!. ;..'.:! Said petitionwas ordered to be filed in the'offibe of the clerk of the . ... ' , .:. -- .-.V".i " 1- ! Board Commissioners till their next re gular- mee ting" on' Monday, April 7th1902ahd saidClerk;was in structed by aid- Board to give notice according ; to Sec. .2038 of the Code of Nr C.,io the: owners of the land oyer which said road is tb pass that the allegations set forth in said petition -will be heard at Wmeetingof thrBoard-Aptil I7i L J11 "louon, is oruercu, mm N. p. Grandy, sheriff, be allowed till t&Hrsl Mbnanayl905J ft) settle county taxes for the year 1901. 1 Total: number of bills allowed $547.5pfQ "pM I Serebeingjiof artherbusiness .i the Board adjourned Jto meet again on Thudaymrchl 13, 1902at 10 a. m. for the; purpose of count ing the votes cast in the election to be held Tuesdav, March 11,190 in Nix6niln Towiiship ;foriSb Jjawff blrSo Stock Xiaw. ' . -' , T - GScbrTCh'ml J. C. SpiXE, Clerk.!: . Killed Wife and Self. 1 : Jacbbsyaged 25;-snotand; kUled hyj wife, aged 1$ today, and : then rttt:his ownhroat with a razor at iiynchburgS; tWenty ilea-from Iving side by side.-- The couple ill - fore the Board tton- ri!frkm 4 ... .i. n i si ir 'rX' 5: ft aw ubk :.ui nuau Within TvyelyMUpntha Other Provisions;; At, the. regular meeting qftKl Board of Town? Aldermen of ' Eliz- abeth "j ciiy,'bndyeyenin thie, city . franchise, to construe - and operate an. electric street railway within the corporative limits of the town was granted to the EEzabeth city Electric y.Railway and ;Power CQ.,r(incorporated) represented! by C M. Ferebee, attorney. ". ' " ' ; .: Sixty days ago- the said company presented to the Board its propch sitions, among ..which were t several looking io the paving and improv ing of thes streets occupied , by the rails of the mpany, together with an approved , bond of -,000 " con ditioned., to , the j performance - . of said - proposition. At r the same meeting r a ; ; propositioi was - also presented by G; W. Ward and signs, asking for the city franchise but omitting the proposition tb pave or ; otherwise improve . the streets occupied by the rails of his proposed road, and, also . omitting the tender of, any bond. - . Both propositions were referred to the street committee which re ported last evening, as, follows; A majority report was submitted by Ir. Pendlejon to the . effect that the franchise. ,be granted to the Elizabeth :City .Electric . Railway and ' Power Company provided that said company shall . construct one mile of ;rbad5ati least within 12 months from date and nle with the Board: a bond of approved security in the $iim of ,$3000 within r four mouths from date, the franchise to be in operatiou until the said bond is executed. The minority . . report was submitted-by ; M., N. Sawyer, and was adopted by a vote of 4. tb 3 and is as follows: . . .. . : "It is . hereby ordered by the Board ofAldermer. . that the C. M. Ferebe Company, frepvesented by C.;; M4sFerehee be , grantf d the franchise to construct and operate a street railway accordinig.io ihe propositions , submitted by?; him? Provided that said sCompany,? or the said Ferebee, will file with this Board a good and sufficient bond withcsufficiehtssecurityrwitK days from this" date conditioned that the said company I shall con struct one mile of said street Rail-T Way within ! 12 ?months-a fromthis date; and Unless said bond is-filed witbin sixty days,- this franchise shall-be null'and void, and the fil ing of said bond shall be a conj diiion precedent to the granting o f this" fitoc'sft; f'-VI-y -.It; is; i further - ordered by . the Board of Aldermen that unless the said Ferebee r shall s file the . said bond pas iaforosaid within sixty idays;i that pGvf WP Wane and ;his issignees shall be -granted all . the rights vnaentioned in v.:the propa sitions submitted by him to operate said street railway, " which - grant shall take .effect' withm "sixty days from this date subject to to ipro- MiriORlTY HEPOROTOE ..w- .:i:.-,ifj s uispatchedto Scene j ot Dis- - Horigr Koner. Marct 4. The re- feKon riKwanSi protinc is ia;ngrdiyign aiff already apparent a t ? ? kwe: Iin aid Nan King, theiewly ("opened r!r(teeatyJtortse;S 4U :iW&iizy J'Canton f vicerbyiasl dis patched trobpsrto the scene ; of the disturblinces and has -i stationed over 1,000' men" at K we -Lin and Nan'King fbr use in case of even tualities. -'The rebels are? believed t v be the fornier soldiers of Mar shal Su, who were disbanded on his pjroclamaUoiK5t?Theiif"lp i which has spread far. and wide, in cludes the overthrow;, jbf, the Man cjxu , dynasty, , the ) founding of ; a Chinese ; dynasty "ahd. helpjn g the oppressed and needy Chinese. , The French are said to be secretly sup porting the rebels. :. 4prince-was:grimyi Rode in Cab of Engine at Rate of Six 1 ft Y Miles an ; Hour. .s : , Cincinnati, Ohio. -Prince t Henry of Prussia traversed the : States of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Ohio in his special train speeding thorough Kentucky in; Tennessee. He saw a stretch of ty hriles of the Alle gheny Mountains from the cab of an engine, and most of.it was do wn; grade at a speed that thrilled. T&lwtrxirhadlosiy-two hams -at Portageby jeason" of a wreck' to the westward of that point, and when the special got a clear track again an attempt was made to win back some of the time : that had been lost. . !, At times the : swayingJ engine was running sixty , milef an hour, and when the Prince left the cab he was almost as grimy as the en gineer.' -rfi jv " 0 TRINITY COMMENCEMENT. Notable Speakers Engaged for the Occasion ; Durham, N. C, March 6. Special At the' approaching commencement of Tnnity College there, will be a list of 'distinguished speakers. The baccalaureate addresses-will be delivered by John F. Crowell. of Washington, former president of Trinity; Br. J..M. Buckley,; editor ' xiA. -vri'-Il t-I-?.- 'li; . i .t .' ' cate preaches the baccalurate ser mon. , Thie commencement literary aaaress wm do aenverea oy ur. n, V.Dykebf Prince tonlTniversity. Tbe commencement will begin and holbi through June J 'i'large iTiumber , of 'distinguished ; visitors are expected. Masacres in China. ; Victorria B. . C., - March, 5.- Report ypi two massacres-ipf r mis sionaries in China were received by the steameryEmpress 1 1 of India, which arrived from the Orient this e tening. ; In Kanus, .Father !,Van Mirhaeghef and : Bougaerts i?,were nrardere d by a band of Chinese including- soldiers i who .attacked their mission. The . first named priest was killed instantly by a sword thrust, but .thevlatter linger- ed for five days, suffering from terrible wounds... . The other massacre . took ) place 'r2 in Kang Shii Father Julien being attacked while he slept and CTuel ly tnurderei His body was. i muti- lated. both hands cut off. His two seiajats; f were soJdlled prThe yiceroy pas. Bent a, troop ro i hunt . . ; 1 is 1 u Cahnot Control Strikers Jand Their Mr athizersJ THE SITUATION SERiQUS. ' Martial Law? Llay be Pro claimed a Conferance Authorities; V V Norfolk; VaMarch 4 A ' mob of! five thousand ! strike " sympa thizers thronged the' streets of Norfolk today on which the mam line of the Norfolk Railway1 and JUignt uompany runs, and tne po lice were unable to cope with it f rpm hobn-until after $ dark," i when the i;cara-wfuejb 3 guardedlylie tachments of militia, had fun - with difficulty all day, ' were housed in the barns. T. : . ' !' , V M-i The mob had Jthings- its' own wa in the city. s In the country, where tne oarns are tne miutary was in control! of the, situation. !' ' . The cars are1 repeatedly derailed wagon loads oflrbcwere piled on the tracks and , free ' fights be- l ween s miuuiry guard aiivMg uie crowd occured during tne .; day at frequent intervals. . ? . " ' 'h :S In one of these a sergeant -nji bayonet into the arm pf " H; Har manson, a barber. MrsC Harman- son was standing beside her hus band at the time. Shb knocked the seargeant to the Aground with both fists and then discolored the face of Lieut. E. Ri Gale, who- was near her, with a well directed blow. Several soldiers were hit oy bricks and other" missiles - thrown through the :' windows of the cars. A number of arrests have .been made by the police and military. ' A conference was held by Mayor Beaman, Police Chief "Villines, CoL Higgins, commanding Ztbe ; 71st Virginia ) regiment, eight - com panies of which are in service, re lative to i placing , the. city under material law. ' V & r! Thejpolice force. of one hundred n men were on duty for forty-eight hours and is unabled to meet the emergency. It is possible that the four additional companies of tne regiment and a battery of artillery Will be called out in the morning to take charge of ..the city, . 4 1 - There -is ..no settlement . of . the strike in sight, both sides 'Standing pat to their first positions. :' ' Later DeYlopmentsThursgay. ; At an early; hb&this the strike is as far from being set tled as.it has been at any period of -its'existbncel ; ffi ?. -.v !" i Last night Mr.'Jdhnston issued, a letter to u-the , Central: . Labor Union committee in which he stat ed that he was willing, t'nis, but that the only condition with which the union men could come back tb workwere that they signed within the next twentyrfbur: hpurs,; work with the non-union men brought here from other . cities, and ; only such union men as the company desired would be re-emplbyed;" ' ' j The result of Jthe meeting y was that tbelcaf men positively refused to''bcept the conditions set? forth in Mr. Johnston's letter, that thej willnot.go back to work until "all the employees are ' taken in and that they , will not work with the ;fJt.i.J-4:: LYNCHtNH VXS FEAHED. CapLWlliamMeet8sDeath atf the ' Hands of Two Negroes. .v. r O www. .---i-----.:' owan Quarter, the' county seat 01 r .. . .. I Hyde, whicn has no telehone or t; , telegraphic ; . communication, was ;' ; - fii the scene of a foul murderSunday! -' ' . ' " sv eyening las t.'lie coiiid irather them from the 'cronef. ' . -V, ' ":..! Bf. N. M. Gibbs. are: That a' wnite' Sse& man yarned ?Henry Williams- from, Elizabeth City, who wasmata on Carters ,v oyster boat, anp, some. three negroes. hadi some truMble at Elizabeth tHtyentl; On Sunday they were all ashore at . the oyster factory at Swan Quarter ; The quarrel was Renewed Williami 5; and the negroes renioyed their coats , andrsome little ghtinVjopk place. This blew' over. Later the fuss was renewed. . The three negroes, Cliff ' Mullin, Zion Baker y nd Garland Spencer, and - Wilhams, removed their coats,; secured. clubi and; for a time trouble was rife. ; Acrain the &&ir 'J& j L' trouble was about to end, when one' ui iub uegruea stuu ue would ngnc ing him with the club.; Williams ; V . returned the blow with a club. - v The other two then joined inV.the" fight , One of ; them struck Wil -: liams with a club5 froni behfii'd and i !biocked lim'M The : club was about six feet long and weight ; . ed eleven pounds. This occurred . i between and 6?cck ; Su4day" TJi;.v ; af jternobn;:and ' at B o'clock Monday;: ' . ; morning Williams diei Baker and - V Mullin wert '; arrested'and put in " :. ' jail. Spender made his escape. "He '. isllcoal-blabk ' - "- five years old, 5 feet; 8 or 9 inches: .' highkl aniVweigha170prxuiidsj There is a femaJlwardr offered for -; .;,;, his capture. , At one time lvnchin ' Was feared but at last accounts all was quietli BrMS JonesJ was called to Williains, Irat he was unr aoie 10 save ms uie. xne was : crushed." Xi& ' I Anshingtoifa Graved Jr - 4-' v I ?Priiice3enityfrassiaj6ui neyedtolMounternon and placed Ir two wreaths; on the tomb of Wash?- t ; -: iugton. : He approached thegrave of the firstTresident vwitb'bared 5 ng Reverent m e ceremon -rj zed. 'the- holder? ot 4ia!dbzeh , . - - he asked cameras whastbolclaroimdlHo. re frain from photographing him. . ; ! , .Prince , ,r Henry ; walked 'Mthfe l3ll from there down over the slope of . r.-- the hill to the tomb. When the iron gate bf ithe tomb was H6pened ; he removed his cap and entered. Two t E large wreathes made at Washinton fx&)xe& i had been kent to e tomba: taking them upT lie formerly, set , ; them in place. A-oupj rbff over -' ; a httno!red men tJb&jtb in:4he ''".zc" apioVthbgTTe uncovered and .that with theirf silencef 'added " , : tolhe sptoffsjolemiuty;!. ; - Fifty feet dbwn the. slope . tha4" ;;r'v: ' falls away from the tomb . Prince ' ;. ; . Henry planted a linden tree. The ri tree had been set : ih' olace nrior ; the!inceJfilledlthe;e j around its roots. The Prince ' was ' v 1 ' taken to yx$ old Washington house where he spent a few; ; minutes in looking at the Washington relices and then departed for Washington. The lots owned by the Riverside Land Co. are all sold but1about30. PaVtiel desiring tojpurchasevwcrald b!wise to come ' Jbwar& iafcbheer Price of lots.$210, payable $10 per month. i.i Apply innM'i -' b 4 '. . .s f'y-: ';. f '1 1 ... .. ; 1 '..5 - - ::1 I - I r- Hi m f i r : -I. j: ; It-! ::fe g had been narried a year. 1 s;""y. ;-i ior me muraerers. s'scaos . Elizabeth City, N. C. :ir;T :':h 1 .- v-: On motion, It is - ordered, That ht

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