i V Bring Your Bring Your Job Work To This Office. 11. Job Work To This Office. Devoted to the Industrial Development of Eastern North Carolina. Vol. 1. . 38 P til I 1 I I. 4! 4U4 ELIZARRTH CITY N PDIRAV HAD 9ft inno I) I b -o- Sentenced to be Hang ed April 25th, i 1902. A . STILL HOLDS HIS NERVE. Hears His Doom Amid Lamp ' Lights Dim, and calmly Returns to His 0 ill. Case Will Be Appealed. The case in which Jas. Wilcox was tried for his life, for the mur der of Nellie Cropsey on the night of Nov. 20, 1901, closed Saturday night at 10:10 o'clock when the jury brought in a verdict of mur der in the first degree and the Judere sentenced him to hang ' on ( ; . . - April 25th between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock. ' j The Judge in charging the jury :jummed up the contention of both sides as follows: ; ;!. . :' . " : i THE STATE S CONVENTION. Taking the commonwealth's con tention first, Judge Jones said the State held Nell Cropsey was killed, that the prisoner at the bar did it; that he had the motive and oppor tunity; that the facts showed he did kill her; that she was stricken in the temple and thrown into the river. . He said the State held fur- ther the blow in the temple, the abscence of clotted blood in "the heart's venous side, the abscehe of water in the stomach and lungs in jdicated the deceased did not die by drowning; that for three years Jim and Nell had been companions by day and night; that he gave her Christmas and birthday presents; that they loved; that the affection had cooled on Nell's part; that Wilcox burned with resentment, became jealous and decided to kill his sweetheart before she should become the wife .of another; that he came the fatal night with mur der in his heart, was moody, ab sorbed and called Nell out to kill her. ." The State also held, he said, that Wilcox's indifference was not con sistent with innocence:; that there was unaccounted for time. He said i t was circumstantial evidence. THE DEFENSE S CLAIM. Judge Jones said the defence claimed that the evidence did not show that murder was done, that the fact and prisoner's conduct was consistent wijbh innocence; that their love was mutual; that lover's quarrels were' common; that was no motive for murder; that NeH's con duct was not indicative of real spruning; that her heart wajf burn ing with love one night aiid con sumed by hatred the next; tha&her exuberant spirit that night, the talk of suicide may have indicated her purpose to destroy herse lf . He said the defence admits the Opportunity for murder, but de hied the motive, and held that a responsible man would fnot have cUosen the father's yard, for inur der; that his clothes were not wet, that his conduet and appearance, when seen by Leonard Oweffe, be fore inidnight, were natural. The defence held, too, that Wilcox's conduct, and conversation 'with State's witnesses "were naturaL THE VERDICT. The town clock was chimming the hours of 10 when the jury en- tered the court room. They were seated. The Judge gave them a few words of instructions and the Prisoner arose to receive the ver dict Turning with military pre cision he looked the jury full in the eye. The nickering shadows of the oil lights gave the surround ings a ghastly appearance. The suspense was terrible. The clerk asked for the verdict, the jury re plied "Guilty." "In wha degree?" "First Degree." . The Judge pronounced the death sentence. The words "hang by the neck until dead dead" un nerved all save the prisoner. i Jim Wilcox betrayed not tremor of motion. a CECIL RHODES DEAD. Africa s Un-crowned King Passes Away. Cape Town, March 2(T. Cecil Rhodes; multi-millionair and em pire-builder, is dead. He died at 5:57 o'clock this afternoon (about 1:20 o'clock, (Washington time.) The end was peaceful. Cecil Rhodes was born in Eng land. When a boy his health was bad and he went to Africa ' for his lung trouble. There in subsequent years he amassed a vast fortune in diamonds and became known; the the world over a diamond King. He has been closely associated with the British policy in South Africa and was charged by some as being the ins tigator of the Boje war. He is the head of the great industrial enterprise in the Dark Continent and is building the great railroad which is destined to extend from one end of the conti nent to the other. He has been ill with heart disease for about two weeks and his condition was con sidered serious. Me owned mag nificent palaces in Africa. WORK OF A. MOB. Speedy Justice Given to a Negro in Washington. Woc,v.iTinrfnTi "M n Mnivh in. 11 aouiugvuu) -w i The body of James Walker, the wh nnicnnpd fh whnlfi family of Dr. David T. Tayloe, of the State Board of Medical Exam- iners, was found dangling from a limb of. a gum tree om the Green- ville road just outside of the town limits of Washington, N. C, early this morning. A man coming to town ran into the body, which hung over the effort will be made by the author walkinff tath. He hastened in to ties to capture the guilty person inform the I authorities. Coroner Tayloe was summoned and impan- elled a jury, who brought in a ver- diet that the negro came to his death by lynching at the hands oi unknown parties. The negro was ' about 19 years old. When some one attempted to use the wires to Williamston this morning they found that the tele- graph and telephone wires were both cut. The lynching party came from the 'Williamston di- reiating" to, condition of soil, di rection, and when- the body was mate etc., Tduring or subsequent found this, morning, it had not been to the planting season, the an long since the lynching took place swers to which will be of especial as the body was not then rigid. Rush Work on Baseball Grounds. Washington, N. C, , March 25 Rush work is being done on ' the baseball grounds here to prepare them for the Philadelphia National League team that will arrive here this week. They will have one of the best errounds in the State. There will be twentytwo men ex cluding the newspaper reporters of several papers in the North. 5e HE IS WAITING FOB A YOUNG LADY. WHERE IS SHE? Every one sending us a correct solution to the above puzzle accom- panied with $1.00, will receive ROBBED AND SLAIN. h j. Cobb Murdered and Thrown In- to Canal. Weldon, N. C, March 24. J. J. Cobb, a 'farmer who formerly lived near Weldon, but who has been at work at Roanoke Rapids for the past few months, was murdered by-unknown parties and his body thrown into the, canal where it was found yesterday morning. Mr. Cobb had been missing for a week, and it was thought at first that he had gone back to his farm. Investigation led to the belief that he had been foully dealth with. The canal was drawn off Sunday and his body was found v at the locks, near the electric powe- house. He had been murdered. Three pistol shots had been fired into his person. His arm was badly shattered and one ball took effect in the leg. There was an ugly wound upon the head, anrl this caused his death. His - skull was fractured. Coroner O'Brien was notified and held an inquest. The verdict of the jury was that J. J. Cobb came to ms death by violence at the 'hands of parties unknown Three arrests were made yester- day on suspicion, but there being no evidence against the accused persons they were released. Jivery or persons. ; Crop Report for April. Reports on the condition of the fth.veftr win with the , xl "i lCi'U1," - oi wmw Wu ftuu ,r fully stated; Besides the custom- arY expression of condition in the form Gf a percentage of a normal I vnn ; there are several questions value to the Department in all cases where the crop lias been in juriously affected. The remainder of the report is devoted to farm animals, their mor tality during the year, the diseases that have been unusually prevai ent among them, and their con- dition on April l. o these re ports is added an estimate of the number of breeding sows on farms, expressed as a- percentage of the number on April 1, 1901. the Tar Heel for one year. CHAMPION SKATER. Entertainment at the Rink Next Week For a few years past the skating rink has been the popular amuse ment in this city. Mr. D. R. Munden the manager of this attraction has been alive to the best interests of his patrons. To meet the demand for novelty it has become a diversion with him to all-ways have some treat in store for his guests. His latest and boldest move in this direction was to engage Prof. Albert Waltz of New York for the week beginning March 31, 1902. Prof. Waltz is not known here as his performances have beenlim-? ited to the larger cities. Suffice it to say he is considered the cham pion skater of th& world accom plishing over 100 original and sen sational tricks To lovers of the art, a rare treat is now in store. The capacity of the building will be packed beyond a doubt. Don't forget the hours 3:30 in the afternoon; 7:30 at night. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Ladie's skates free. HERTFORD. Hertford, N. C, March 27. Correspondence of the Tar Heel. One of the prettiest grand open ing displays were seen in this sec tion was shown at the millinery store of Mrs. G. T.-Hawkins in this city, under the management of Miss Lade White. The business has rapidly grown until to-day, it caters to the trade of four counties. This millinery display yesterday was an unusually: fine one. The lates affects of the season were shown, 'This line this season em braces a variety of pleasing and tasteful designs, new creations everyone. The spring session of the Super ior Court convened here Mondayf The docket was rather large con taining a number of divorce case that consumed no little time. Judge Jones spoke well for Hertford. He is credited with-saying that Hert ford is the nicest town he has ever visited in his travels all over . the Tar Heel state. Hertford does not boast its street railways, water works and electric lighting systems but when it comes to wealth, cul ture and refinement she has all others 'skinnedfto death." Saloons are a dead issue inHert- ford. They went "up the spout" a few years ago and the liquor sign is a relic of by gone days. There are a few who continue to howl "this will never be a town of any size unless saloons , are put back here."" The man who savs this is the very fellow who used to hang' around the "Bowery" waiting for some one to treat. We don't want a population of this kind, "what we want is men, "high minded men," and we can say with pride that our community is full of just such and Hertford is growing. EXPRESS OFFICE MOVED. Mr. Jno. D. Sykes Appointed Agent For This City. xne juwaueut y orancn oi me Southern Express Office is taking fTL -TIM.? 1 t?l 1 1 HI on new life, and evincing a spirit of progress and enterprise which is highly pleasing to its patrons. This is perhaps due mostly to r. ono. u. ojKes wno nas recently been 'rnv&n the ncrpiipv fnr this ritv. o o j j I Mr. Sykes is in everyway qualified lorme responsible position ana the residents of this city may ex- pect a competent service under his management. To the Tar Heel reporter Mr. Sykes said. "We will spare no pains to give the public the great est possible convenience and satis faction. We have leased a con-! venient office, only two doors from me citizens panK) ana we win ar- range it in a wodern manner, com bining both the telegraph and ex press offices. This is a desirable location and no doubt will meet with the approval of the public." VALUE OF TIME. Dr. Ivey Says Only Twenty Years Are Allotted for Work. Rev. Dr. T. N. Ivey preached in the Edenton Street Methodist Church last evening and he gave a strong sermon on life. Dr. Ivey said that if a man lived to be seventy years old his time would be thus divided up, the first 15 years in training passed in childhood, 23 years in sleep, 6 years eating, 6 years in recreation and only twenty years remains for work. Dr. Ivey says that the ma jority of people did not live seventy years, hence they did not even have. 20 years to accomplish their life. work. He then pointed out how short 20 years was to ful hll ijods purposes, ine mind is to be developed, character built, fellowmen benefitted and prepara tion made for the erreat hereafter all within this short time. Man has no time to throw away waste. Raleigh Times. or Proposed Steamboat Line. Mr. Edmund Alexander, with a party of capitalists, left this week for Hatteras where he goes in the interest of the - proposed steam- boat route between this city and that point. Mr. Alexander is man- infesting a spirit of" enterprise in this matter that is highly com- mentable and merits the full ap preciatioh of the people of this city. He is a good citizen, fully alive to matters of public interest and tne city wouiu oe me tne uet- ii. AA-i- i several of his kind. This proposed line from Hatteras, touching at intermediate -points, will do more to increase trade with this city, and develop the lo wer sound country, than any other project of equal expense. The promoters should be encour- aeed: Mr, Alexander assures us that he has matters pretty well in hand and that the line now seemsi an assured success. A New Railroad for Elizabeth City Seems Assured. PRESIDENT BOSLEY WRITES The Terminis a Desirable one. How the Road Will, Entebbe City. Right of Way Secured and Survey ors at Work. The Elizabeth City and Western r. now seems an assured sue- cess- The new road wiU come direct form Boslev. N. C. to this enfcering the city from the rear of Overman's Cemetery, through Euclia Heights and down t. . . . . jarK Ave., to a Domt on tne river front that haa been given to them bv the Riverside Land and Im- ptbvement Co. The site is one of mutual advantage. By the depots being located in the less populated section, building will be encourag ed at that point and the city 'will soon begin to spread out and as sume creditable proportions. There is a srood devth of water at the referred point nd good whar. wfain We are not giving Our readers a sensational story but undisputed ; iacts. We are sooner or later go ing to have this road. As to how soon depends upon the immediate action of the citizens. The following is an extract from a letter to Hon. T. G. Skinner from Pres. W. H. Bosley of the Suffolk and Carolina R. R. "While we are all decided that the extension should be made, at . the same time we must perfect our other arrangements before we be gin. We must receive the agree ment or contracts for our terminals at Elizabeth City in such shape as they can be enforced and used by us when the road is built to that point, and the rights of way over the line as surved by us. We must have all this before us in busines form and legal shape before we actually commence the constuct ion. Immediate action, while not pro- sitively necessary is advisable, and we suggest that the next meeting of the Chamber of Commerce . be largely attended and the matter given due consideration. The surveyors were in town this week and were evidently well pleased with the proposed terminus Mr. Skinner has met with goOd success in obtaining right of way for the road. In all cases the far- mers faring either given right or sld at a nominal ngrue. It is now up to us, Let us by all means act at once. To Visit Charleston. Capt. W. T, Old, commanding the Naval Brigade, and his .staff jeave here on April 5th, for t , ... m, the Charleston Exposition. The Brigade will go from here to Wil- mington, N. C, where they will take the yacht Hornet ior an ocean voyage to the Exposition City. ' ' Recently having electee Dr. . J. H. White as their Commander. The Naval Reserves have taken on new hfe. Dr. White is well fitted for the positic n ana is endeavoring, l with the uriaminous support of his company, to make thir divison the most efficient m the state. II ft: 'I V A 9 ill 1

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