H&Ii6rLowi Whichever style you prefer. Got both kinds, made on: the leathers. ' . We carry a bigger variety of shoes that most stores and our qualities are . ot the highest. ineres no toot or ordinary shape we can't fit. Economy is the key note to our prices. These figures are samples. Men's Oxfords, from $2.50 TO $5.00. e Men's Hih Shoes, from $1.00 TO $5.50. Ladies' Oxfords from 81.00 TO $3.50: Owcds Shoe Co., MAIN STREET. Horse Sense! Ought to teach horse owners that) horses work fetter, look better and last longer ; when properly cared for. Good care is what we give each horse Why hot let us board your horse? We will 'do it as ; cheap as you can feed him. T..-C." NHjGQY, . 2 doors irom Post Office. When in Elizabeth City, stop - at Keaton's Hotel.;( Under new management.' Thoroughly renovated. ; Good table, the best the market affords. 20 eents a Meal. Apples, ; . Oranges, : Bananas, . : Lemons, Gocoariuts, . 1 Cabbage, .Rutabagas,-' . Irish Potatoes Call on or write . A. B. SEELEY ; . -&S0N,' Phone 59. , SO-r-32 Main Street. -iiiimiimiin n .. I. i ' Wholesale or Retail.' I $75.00 Reward. Seventy-five dollars wiU be paid to an v one who will capture Garland Spence, a ne?ro ad MnIlandLpeDce with two other neeroea Sarter't BTr quarter, Js. C. oa Smulay, March 2nd -1902 TH Weigh- 10 POunSs, close bSlt witha l fall fat f aojT d think' closelyhav ) Ls or 22 years old and of a dark eineer cake Address all communications to . Sheriff of Hyde county, Fairfield, N. a Business Notices. HSVEYOU TRIED IT YET? A wonderful Remedy fn,inw.- in t& Prn,Ts: ana incipient vTarfieer Medicine Co., , Greensboro, N. C, U. S. A- 11 -ROUJSD'THE. iSO"LIND. Happennigs in the Goitntis of, the; Albemarle " Section. HARBINGER.' iraibmger, C, April 30. Correspondence of the 3:ab Heel. - Miss Georgia Harrison, a very prominent young lady of Manteo, is visiting' relatives - and-friends at this place. We are all glad to have ner in our inidst. Miss Olive Owens is home again; she has been living in Elizabeth City for the past few months. Any one would suppose ' from her ap pearance that Elizabeth City was a very healthy place. , Mrs. N. T. Aydlett is visiting relatives and friends at Kiddle, N. C. We hope she will have a pleasant time. Tho fishermen at this place are rapidly taking up their nets and returning home after a dull fishing season. Mr. C. C. Aydlett and his son Nathaniel, returned home from. the Metropolis of Eastern North Caro lina, Thursday, bringing with them a large farm horse, purchased of the noted liveryman, Mr. Charlie. Overman. Mr. D. L. Griggs is very ill at his home with pneumonia. We all wish his speedy recovery. MOYOCK.. Moyock, N C, April 30. Correspondence of the Tab Heel. Mr. M. C. Poyner who has been quite ill with pneumonia for some time, We are glad to say is much improved under the skillful treatment- of Dr. S. M. Mann. Miss Ida Lee, of Tulls, is quite ill. Rev. Wm. J. , Crowson, of Eliza beth City, spent some time in the village this week on business. Mrs. J. W. Whitehurst left Wed- V nesday to spend a few days with relatives at Shawboro. Nearly all the northern people that came to live on the Mercer farm a year or so ago have return ed to their former home in Ohio. Misses Ola Ferebee and Eva, Stevenson, of Shawboro, spent some here this week the guests of Misses Addie Wilson and Jenie Barnard. Mr. J. F. Gray is erecting a fine new residence here that will be a pride to the village. Mr. G. B. Culpepper is 'the contractor. The horse sickness still prevails over this way. . . Miss Pinkie Poyner has return ed Jionie after a very rleasant visit to Berklev. ,The public school will begin here at the Academy Monday 28th with Mrs. Charles Barnard, principal. Rev. C. W. Duke, of Elizabeth City, gave a lecture here last week for the benefit of the Baptist chuch. ,His' subject was the "Coinirsg Man" r.nd he handled the subject with ease and ability. his remarks were pointed, plain and forceful the lecture was much en joyed by those who heard it. He was accompanied by Rev. J. B. Ferebee, pastor of the church here. RODANTHE. Kodanthe, N. C, April 30. Correspondence of the' Tar Heel. Dear Sir: -I am well, pleased with your paper and am glad to get every issue for it gives all the home news. . If you have never visited Kodanthe I will try to give you some information of it. It is a narrow neck of land half mile wide,sbound on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west bv Pamplico sound. The length from New Inlet to Hatteras is forty miles so you see that - we are . shut "out from, the. outside world only by water and there is little transpor tation, only sail boats. The people! here are mostly fishermen and they j often charter, sailboats from $3 "to $5 ie'r day .or sell their fish,' oyster arid clams at - very ': lo wr prices, so you see that wo need a steam' boat lirie to run alonjr these banks from Rodantha to Hatteras so that the fishermen could ship their own fish, oysters, clams, fowls and produce.- We should have at least three mails a "week 'but wo think that we aro doing well to get two. We should have daily mails. The are .8 Life Saving Stations and G post offices, so you see that there is lots of official maiL" The need - for better mails im proved transportation- facilities is apparent .We long , for the ac quisition of both. , B. S. PUGH. BURGESS. Burgess, N. C, April 30. Correspondence to 'the Tar ' Heel. , Mr. Moses White, of Okisko, was in town Saturday, accompanied by his charming daughter and her iriend, Miss Madeline Brothers, a belle of Portsmouth. Mr. G. W. Gaither, of Hertford, was in town Saturday. Mr. T. C. Blanchard,of Hertford, was in town Saturdav. There is a growing sentiment in favor of good roads. -Farmers are increasing their acreage of corn this season. J. H. Parker a popular business man of our community is conduct ing a Sunday school at Wynnfort. He is up-to-date ami conducts his school with the most modern and rational methods. We are pained to chronicle the death of Mrs. Thomas Farmej. Her children, husb'and and inaDy friends mourn her loss. WINFALL. Winfall, N. C April 29. Correspondence of 'the Tar Heel. Mrs. Stilly, Mrs. Pendleton and Dr. Winslow spent Monday at Elizabeth City shopping. Mrs. Cornelia White, of Elizabeth City, sjent a few days here last week, visiting relatives. Miss Marj Davis returned Sat urday, after a short visit to rela- tives at Elizabeth City. Bev. W..C. Merritt and family formerly of this place, bat now of I Conway, N. G, after spending aj few days with friends, returned home last Thursday. air's. Moody Chappell went down to Hatteras last week to visit rel atives and friends. Hatteras was the home of her chiihood. Mrs. W. L. Jessuj) and Mrs. Sue Nixon spend Thursday at Elizabeth City shopping. ., , Mrs. John Jackson and children of Elizabeth City, arrived here Saturday, to make this place their home. Mr. Jackson has been cm ployed at Major and Loomis' mill for several months. COROLLA. Corolla, N. C, April 30. Correspondence of the Tar Heel. . Glad to say - the trees are fast showing their colors from the many warm spring days. Mrs. J. B. .O wens, of Kitty Hawk, is visiting her brother at this place, Mr. S. B. Sanderlin. Mr. Hollas Parker and two sons, of Ocracoke, xire in town. The Misses Maggie and . Nannie Simmons are visiting friends at Currituck Inlet. ; ' Mrs. H. M. Gallop and Miss Nina Harrison has returned from their visit to their parents at Jaxyisburg. Mr. Stark Harris and Mr. Charlie Forbes was the guest of Mr. Wal lace O'Neal Friday afternoon. , Mrs. W. J. Simmons ami Mrs. II. M. Galloi made a flying trip to Currituck Inlet recently. . fK Gard. the People or Gates County,- It is well known that, T hnvft fio. quently stated during the past six lnonths, that I would not be a can didate this year for re-election to the office I am now holding, if my candidacy would come in the way!- of any one else , who might be the choice of the people, ior would in anywise be inconsistent with party harmony. My .object has been, and is now, to ask in. , ;v manner that will promote the interest and welfare of the Democratic party. It appears to : me that ttid, ap proaching campaign will be one, in which individual drsire should be j sacrificed, for party success. -There has never beeii r time when , Deni ocratic; unity was more essential. Lt every man subordinate his de sirea and ambition to party fealty and success awaits us. 5 At the, solicitation of my; many friends, and yielding to what seems to be a popular demand. I how declare myself -a candidate be fore the Democratic: conventipn of Gates county for the office of Reg ister of Deeds. My record as a piablicofficial in Gates county is well known, and should the duties of the office again devolve upon me, it will, be my. earnest endeavor to render such service as f' will be acceptable to my people, i Respectfully, - LYCUEGU8 Hofleb. , Departure of Mr. T. J. Poyner. Poyners Hill, N. C, April 29. With deep' regf-et we announce the sad departure of our esteemed friends, those many of us have known since our earliest childhood, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Poyner and their sister Miss Mary Frances Poyner, managers of the Currituck Shoot ing Club house. Mr. Poyner and his two sisters, Frances and Eliza beth, took charge of what is now know as the old club-hous" February 1, 1873, Elizabeth re mained their until her death, November 9, 1875. During the year of 1877 occured the wreck of the passenger boat Huron, Mr. Poyner worked very faithfully re moving the bodies of the drowned and he provided a home for several of the officers. For these acts of kiudness the government awarded him a .very handsome gun, worth a hundred dollars. It is still in his possession and is kept as a sacred relic. It will, no doubt, je hand ed down from generation to gen eration. On January 31, 187$ the Metro polis was stranded near here. Several of the passengers were en- teitamea at the cwb-iiouse by Mr. Po.Ylier- ine club bui!.t a'nevV ancl agreat aeai larger nouse : during ;the year 1879 and they moved in j Novem ber 1879. September 17, 1885 Mr. Poyner married Miss Mary Yeula Wood- house, daughter of Col. James Woodhouse, wfio for mauy years was Representative of Currituck county and was a highly respected citizen until his death. January G, 1890, the death angels entered their :home'and tbok from them their little son Clinton near ly five years old. They .have re maining two sons, ! a youth of sixteen Thomas Milton and Lancelot a lad of thirteen.! - I Mr. Poyner lhas been Supt. of this club for twentv-iiine rears and was Supt. pf this District No. 7. (then No. G.) fcjr Axe years. . They have been faithful at their! post of duty a'nd their departure is sorely regretted by their many friends. Thev; have been with us in our affection's; they stood bv our death beds, sharing our troubles as only true friends can.. We .with heavy hearty assembled on. the wharf oh the "afternoon of Tuesday, April 22, to bid them adieu as they sailed for the home of Mrs, Poyner's childhood where they will spend a short time, then they will remove to their handsome residence theyhave recently, pur chased on Xork street, Norfolk, V a., where they expect to engage iii keeping a first class boarding bouse. We wish then all success possible and they have our sincere wishes for a- long and prosperous future. They ; wi!l always find a welcome in our home by the grand' old ocean we all have .letirned to j love so. well.- ' ; We hope we! will find' in their i successors the tlrue and noble! friends" we, have ISst. " ' Miss Laura Q. Wescott. THey Save Labor and Moneyi The c 9 HitiY ' FAC SIMILE OF THE CULTIVATOR. . No need to go up and down your-crop iour to six times when the above machine will do the same work withj better results and taktsonly one time to do it. y '''. We would like to have you come and examine this machine and place your orders early as they sell themselves and the demand is great lne cultivators adjustable toany"size row and throws the earth to- or irom tne plant. ' For further information; call or i Ready For You FISHERiVlEN!! Favorite size blocks of 200 back on you? Crystal Ice THE WALLACE SHOE CO., is now open for business, at the corner of Water and Fearing sts., asking the people for their patro nage. We guarantee satisfaction. We make an up-to-date shoe, at a very low price. We Repair, while vou wait. Put on Rubber Keels, etc. Call and see us. THE WALLACE SHOE CO., Cor. Water and Fearing sts., ' -F!ora' old stand, Eliz. City, N. C. 11 .Baugh's T; f a?!1. jrade fOlllil I n lM : - for 4 Crb5e : B . ' ; 8 ' Jig Call on i, . f . f ' I For Prices. y WAN J A" . pLIj Mg ; " to do your work quickly, promptly With good materials, and at reasonable prices. Telephone us (167) and that's exactly the kind of service you'll get with a ' giSrarnt.ee. i lie- KerieGtfriome... Ner homejs complete .without a bath room. No- bath roam is at its best without first-class plumbmg' a bath room in the best repair possible.- , ' V : . ' . : ' H F. - - B R OW Nt? N-- 2, Church St mm 3 m 5- 3 Shin ii; wniir nAW ruf H3 them for toii on hmkerasfa and rrftt thfs,: best prices, 'Gor- Solscited. Ifttil S8 ifflfflimniMnnm wmirii ' -.. ' - - v ator n write iii u Elizabeth City, N. G Have a Big. Stock of poundjs. Have we ever gone We -trunk not. and Coal Co., W. E1.; DUNSTAN, Manager. &3nrrinarc S5 will hnnrflfi Prompt returns made, p ICS s j ; ' ' . tiiinnitrttififniiiiniiiiiwidtiHiii -.-.-.. v - - i - 1 :. . ! . 7

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