I " h T if it- fvr; ft High or Low! Whichever style you prefer. Got both kinds, made on the latest lasts and of the newest leathers. We carry a bigger variety of shoes that most stores and our qualities are ot the highest. There's no foot of ordinary shape we can't fit. Economy is the key note to our prices. ' These figures are samples Men's Oxfords, from - $2.50 TO $5.00. Men's High Shoes, from " $1.00 TO $5.50. Ladies' Oxfords from $1.00 TO $3.50. Owens Shoe Co., '' , MAIN STEEET. O'NeaFs Hotel, ' Cor. Main and Poindexter sts., ' Eliz. City, N. C. ' Table set with best the? market affords. Rooms well furnished. rates; . ' ' " $1 per day, $3 per week, 20c meal. May 9-1 mo. ' New flarine Rail way and S h i oyarcf opened for all kinds of pew i and repair work A line ! of all kind of material on hand. Give me a trial, satisfaction guaranteed. John W. Williams, Prop., Elizabeth City, N, C. POOL! A, good game of pool is best played on a Best Table. On ly tile best tables used in C. R GRANDY'S Billiard and Pool Parlor. No. 38 Main St. : A . Cheap Piece of Property! Homeseekers are. es pecially invited to, visit Euclid Heights the coming residental : section of, Elizabeth CitJ - You will be pleased with the lay of the land, the wide-avenues, the convenient alleys, the fine ' soil, the - high land and the best of all for housekeepers, the best of) wa ter . for both washing and drinking. - ; We are selling this valu able properiy at low figures ami in the near future it ! will be the most prominent resi ' dential section of Elizabeth City. Don't fail to visit Euclid . Heights. Business Notices. H &V E YOU TRIED IT YET? A wonderful Remedy for Coughs, Pore Throat. Soreness in the Chest or Lungs, and incipient Consumption. The basis of TAR HEEL COUGH SYRUP is North Carolina Pine Tar and is always reliable. Sold by all dealers, 25c Manufactured by r vTai Heel Medicine Co., N Greensboro, N. C, U. S. A Happennigs in the Countis of the. Albemarle The Y. M. C. A. And the Churches BJ C. L. GKEtVES. Pastor Reidsville Baptist Church. Ina recent issue of the v Tab Heel, which is a welcome visitor to a former Pasquotank, lad wander ed off up here among the foot-hills, is' An editorial on the Young Men's Christian . Association. In that editorial the editor compares the Association with the churches, and says that he expects censure for the manner in which he does it. It is no part of the intention of this article to criticise the bright young editor, for the things he has to say are true in some instances. Mark the qualifying word, some. In the first place, as long as there is a Christianity there must be a church. The church has this ad vantage of air other organizations, fraternal and benevolent; it was founded by Jesus Christ and His - - 1 1 T 11 1. . 11 promise is, "tne gates 01 neii snau not prevail against it." i The primary object of the church is the saltation and spiritual train ing of souls. This it is to 'do by means of the preached word first of all, and -by any other means that may contribute directly to the greater power and efficacy of the Word. Therefore, it is no part of the scriptual plan of a church that it should furnish libraries of secular literature, reading rooms, baths and gymnaseums. It may do all this if its wealth is abundant, but the opinion now is that the so-called institutional church is about to prove a failure. The real object of the church is often lost sight of in multitude of things that minister to the purely physical or intellect ual part of man. The Young Men's Christian As sociation is not a church, for all essential purposes it is a christian club. As such it can provide its members with places of innocent amusement, and there other help ful pleasures so- dear to the hearts of young christians. It may also aid, in no Sense supplant, the church in soul winning and train ing. As a club it is a very desira ble substitute for the social club with its attendant evils of balls cards and wine. Now as to the worship of the church being- dry, it certainly is in some instances. Often the preacher is dull and tiresome, the singing is poor and the house of worship is gloomy and unattractive. 4 One present generation is however rap idly remedying, some of these de fects. m Tp some young people any thing except amusement is dull and dry. As a rule the young men who mid church worship dull are hot worth much to a Christian Associa tion. Our young people clamor unreasonably for amusement. The church is not an amusement organ ization, it is not its business to amuse; it has serious business to perform in a world of sin. Now the church ought to be interesting. There is a difference between being interesting and being amusing As a general rule I have found the regular worship of the church more interesting than that of the Christ ian Association". The blending of honorable age and hopeful youth, ,of grave, reverent men and noble, pious women, the occasional bright face of a child all worshipping to gether, is an inspiration of itself. How "thrilling are the spiritual songs, how uplifting the solemn voice of prayer,! how helpful the well thought' out discourse deliv ered from the warm heart of a true preacher. Ho w canihese things be dry to a true christian? That young people, are often neglected by the church is true; it is also sadly true that young peo ple are of ten v unresponsive to the best and most, judicious efforts of their elders for their training. The proper and logical attitude of a young, disciple is vthat of an eager Jearner, anxious to imbibe . divine truth.. Unfortunately many of them insist on behaving as spoiled child- Section. ' - ' , ren and continually find fault with the church f or not petting and coddling them more. , , That old people generally run a church regardless of the young people's; ideas, is not in many in stances true, either in a' denomina tion or local church. Young men are our denominational, leaders to as great an extent as is fair and safe. It is certainly true in ' the Baptist denomination's , and in tEe Orange Presbytery which is no.w in session in my town I have been struck by the number, of bright young men who take part" in the staid councils of grave Presbyter ianism. In our local churches the old hymns have in two many in stances beeia discarded to give place to something lively for the young folks and old fashioned deacons listen heroically to excru ciating solo$ believing that they are helping to hold the young peo ple, and the thirty minute sermon 1 has come to stay. The Association will be a good thing for Elizabeth City. Stick to it, and may God's , blessings be up on ii But make it an ally ior the churches. Allowing nothing to be said within its precincts contrary to the churches; for if they lan guish so will the Association. And remember this, there will be churhes in Elizabeth City long after its helpful and beneficent As sociation has followed others of its kind into disorganization, v May the day be distant. Shawboro. Shawboro N. C, May 7, 19 J2. Correspondence of the Tar- Heel. Mrs. K. it Summers of Norfolk who has been visiting her parents of this place has returned home, ' .Miss Bessie Morgan of this place is visiting her friend Miss Gertie Greenleaf of Elizabeth City. Mr. J. E. C. Bell has returned from Baleigh. Mrs. Mvers and her two daugh ters, of Boston, are visiting Mr. S E. Stevenson of this place. lur. l. M. eil ol tins, place is making good headway putting down his saw mill. He speaks of having a grist and cotton gin at ticked. -Dr. E. V. Baxter's little daugh ter of Norfolk is visiting at the home of her Aunt Mrs J. E. C. Bell of this place. The Ladies Aid Society has been organized at this place with quite a commenidable member ship. ; The farmers of this place have taken advantage of the beautiful weather and have been making good headway on their farms. HATTERAS. Hatteras May 7, 1902. Correspondence of the Tar Heel. JGast week was the most succes f ill week for fishing for the past year. The Blue fish were plenti fill in the ocean for. two days and large quantities were caught.' The best catch was made by H. B. .Aus tin Jr., who caught sixteen hun dred at one fishing in the ocan. After two days they filled the Inlet and Sound full and everybody did well. Mr. I. Bt Pool caught nine hundred out of one pound net. The schooner boats all left loaded Sunday morning for Elizabeth City. We hope before : many week to have a steamer to run here and a freight housp so every body can ship their own fish. 1 ..Mr: A. B. "Willis assistant keeper of Cape Lookout light house is at this . place ; to spend a few - days with his friends aud relatives. He will probably go to Elizabeth' City before he returns to his' work. Mr." N. O. 'Neal and son spent last Sunday with us Mr. Oneal is fishing at Ocracoke and has had fairly good success. MrL. B. Jones Jeft yesterday for Avon to . meet ' the . Presiding Elder, who will preach for us , this coming Sunday. - : - . Capt. G. M. Gaskins, left 'a few daysago forirginiat Beach. Mr. Gaskins is tired of boating and 'wants to engage in otheV business- We "are sorry 'to see him leave but wish" him the best of success. J Mr. Xiuke Brothers us teaching our public school at this place.!." Miss; Sue Ballance who has been visiting friends and relativesi in Elizabeth City has returned home. " !Mrs. W. H. Gaskih and Miss Gertie Midgett s have returned home after a pleasant-trip to ; yir- ginia Beach. i Miss Lucy Stowe has returned home" from a visit to Elizabeth City. GEN ROBERTS FOR CONGRESS. A Citizen of Gates County Favors the Old Veterans. Editor Tar Heel: I- trust you will give me sufficient ' space in your valuable paper to reply to a communication which' appeared in The Economist of the 4th" of April signed "Gates Sr."1 I send ths article to you because during the past few months I have ome to realize that ' the Tar Heil is the paper for the people of East ern North Carolina.; I appreciate the immensity of your circulation and feel that should you publish my letter it will be read. I am persuaded that whatever your - predilections may be ith reference to candidates j'for Congressional honors; you possess too much good sense and discretion to take any decided stand., editorially, in the matter, until j the convention is called and the" choice of the people is named, especially; when both of he i aspirants Ijare gentlemen of undisputed character and ability, and whose party fealty cannot be questioned, I am not satisfied; in my own judgment, who 'Gates Sr.v is, in fact, up to, this time, it has been impossible for anyone in Gates county to locate the gentlenian; but this I do know, that his jun kind, uncharitable and uncalled for letter does not reflect the sehti ment of the true manhood of Gates county. My opinion is, his vitrio lic squib was either: the outgrowth of a disordered mind, or a deep seated prejudice springing froni a constantly inflamed imagination. Me. Editor: -When the toxin of war sounded ins 1861, and the homes and fire-sides of our fathlers were invaded by an enemy that slew and spared not, W. P. Roberts, then a mere boy, was among the first to- draw his sword, and bare his bosom in defense of constitu tional liberty ; and during the fmr 3-ears of carnage that followed, he, without any previous military training, without special educa tional advantages, without wealth or political influence, made Ifor himself a record, absolutely, uon merit alone, which :has shed addit- r. ional luster upon the history ?i of state, and helped to make the name "Confederate Soldier," the vfery synonym of chivalry and of virtue. And yet, Mr. Editor, in the face of such unmistakable evidence of true worth and ability "Gates Sr." has stultified himself in stating that th "Distinguished Warrior of j! the Old Guard" cannot give us such legislation in Congress as we need, Again, as a representative off his eounty in the Constitutional Con yention of 1875, which convention. being composed of some of the wisest and best f men m the State, General ; Roberts at Once became a leader, in -that uisunguisnea 00 ay, ana it. is a memorable fact that it was largely due to his wise counsels and gooa juagment, tnat tne conven tion was so organized as to rescue the state from negro demonstration and Uepublican mis rule for twenty years, and yet "Gates Sr.," seems to imagine that the .'Distinguished Warrior of the Old Guards" hasn't sufficient ability to give his district Continued on page 3. mucj bave Loor ana money. ,r:T; he Gultivatof. FAC SIMILE OF THE CULTIVATOR. 1 No need to go up and down your crop four to six times when iW above machine will do the samework with better results and takes onlv31 one time u ao iz i .. - We would like to have you come your orders early as they sell themselves and the demand is great. The cultivator i adjustable to any size row and. throws the earth or from tlie plant. . . ; ' For further information call or THE 11 Ready Fo You FISHERMEN!! Favorite size blocks of 200 back on you? Crystal Ice THE WALLACE SHOE CO., is uow open for business, at the corner of Water and Fearinsr sts.. asking the people for their patro nage. We guarantee satisfaction. We make an up-to-date shoe at, a very low price. We Repair, while you wait. Put on Rubber ; Heels, .... etc. Call and see us.' V THE WALLACE. SHOE CO Cor. Water and Fearing sts., -Flora's old stand,--Eliz. City, N. C, YOU WANT A to do your work quickly, promptly with good materials, and at reasonable prices. Telephone' us ( 167) and thafs exactly the kind of service you'll get with a gurarntee. - - The Perfect No home is complete without a bath room. ; No bath room is at its best without first-class plumbing. . We'll put in a bath room in the best repair possible. ? M F. BROWN - No. , Church St tiling ;J. R. Pinner& Co., Ship us your, new cut Herrings. We will handle 1 them for you on brokerage and set the best I prices. Cor. Solicited. To All Wearers ' . . : ' -.'1.". . i. . We Vould say that we believe we can make, it. worth dol lars and cents to you when you buy your next pair to see our line. Men's Kangaroo, Box Balf, Vici and -Satin Galf, lace and congress styles. . . LadieSy DohOla lace and button shoes and Dongola and patent leather Oxfords and Sandals. Infants', Childf ens. Misses' and Boys Shoes All at prices we think will prove an actual v-. . and examine this machine and pkcp write . 1 b Elizabeth City, N. C. Have a Big Stock of 'pounds. Have We think not. we ever gone andXoal Co., W. E. DUriSTAN, Manager. Prompt returns made. W of cash saving to vou. ilC6o PLUMBER Fowler & Go.