II I 3 ( Unmatchable Values Invite Purchasers to our SHOE SALE. - Less than the " usual amount of money .will buy more' than the s us ual amount of foot-wear' goodness. There's a streak of luck for those who have shoe " needs : now. Low prices prevaib . Here are some figures v on men's, women's and children's oxfords. . Men's ; guaranteed pat kid from $3.50 to $5.00. : - . Ladies' oxfords from $1.00 to ' f Children's oxfords from 50c. to "$2.00. Call and examine our line. wens Shoe CoM MAIN STREET. O'Neal's - iotel, Cor. Main and Poindexter sts., Eliz City, N. C. Table set with best the market arTords.Rodms well furnished. i RATES! f $1 per day, $3 per .week, 20c meal. May 9-1 mo. New riarine Rail way and S h i py ard ? opened for all kinds of new and repair work. A line of all kind of material on i hand. , Grive me a trial, satisfaction s. guaranteed. John W. Williams, Prop.; Elizabeth City, N. C. POOL! A good game of pool is best v played on a .Best Table. Oh ' ly the- best tables used in C. R. GRANDY'S Billiard and Pool Parlor. No! 38 Main St. Cheap Piece of Property! Homeseekcrs are es pecially invited to visit Euclid Heights th6 coming residental section of-Elizabeth City, You will be pleased with the lay of ' the land, the wide avenues, the convenient alleys, the fine soil, the; high land 'and the best of all for housekeepers, the best of wa- ter for .both washing and drinking.: , . ' Ve are selling this valu - able propeity at low figures and "in the near future it ..will be the most prominent resi dential section of- Elizabeth V City. ' ' ' . - Don't fail to.visit Euclid Heights.. BusinesToticer HAVE TtlU TRIED IT YET? A wonderful Remedy for Coughs fore Throat, Soreness In the Chest or Lungs, and incipient PiSS-yJJ38613 of TAR HEE L COUGEreYRUP is North Carolina Pine Tar and is always reliable. Sold by all dealers, 25c. Manufactured by v ; 7 , vTai Heel MedlclrjCo., : j3 rAROUNDiTHBr-SOUND.- Happennigs in ihe jDountis s of the;AlbemarIe i V Section. MUM FORD. . ' JMumford, N CL, June 1. Correspondence of the Tab Heel. ' The Chowan' association held its annal meeting at Kamouth Giilead church Pasquotank ' county be crowds. " , ' A balloon ascention , "sA, night is contemplated. The balloon will be a tremendous . affair rm&de of hundreds of yards , of colored pa per, It is" really much" prettier than a canvas affair and then - if it should never come back who r ' J. t , cares. p ' , . -' - Prof. Sheep of the . Atlantic Collegiate institute has ' arranged to present the "Dees trick Skule," at the Academy of music -Tuesday night, "especially for the benefit of the Surf men. : - " Then we understand that numer ous midway attractions will be here. Lewis Lie war k, the ourri tuck giant will be here and then there are some other features we could mention. Peanuts and red lemonade ,? "Why yes. -: . . . s OLD TRAP. 1 Old Trap,'N. C, Jnne 2. Correspondence of the! Tab Heel. "We are having , extremely dry weather, around Old Trap. The Irish Potato crop no doubt is in jured by it. , ' Mr. B. F. Mercer still remains very feeble but we are pleased to hear he is slowly recovering. Mrs. Mary Cox a very aged lady who has been ill for some time is improving. The second quarterly meeting for Camden Circuit convened at Wesley's Chapel church. It was conducted by the pastor who upon each day preached a very able 'ser- jnon. lne business oi the church was attended to. Each church, on the charge was represented by; its supt. and stewards among whom were Mr. G. H. Riggs, Dr; Lister Rev Mr. Branley and many others were present. '. , HARBINGER. Harbinger, N. C, June & Correspondence of the Tab Heel. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cunyan O wens haye returned from a short trip to Elizabeth . City where .they have been visiting the parents of Mr. Owens. , ... 1 Miss Ola Blanga and Sir. Co lumbus Doxey were' united in the holy bonds of matrimony Sunday P. M. at the home of the bride. Rev. J. S. Henderson olSciating. Eld. A. J. Austin delivered a very good soi-mon last ' Sunday at the Elim Primitive Baptist church to a very appreciative audience. Irish potatoes, are fcBiD shijiped rapidly. Tlie first shipped were raised by Mr. John Combs and were shipped on the 18, of May. Messrs TLos. Litchfield and Mil C, were in our midst Friday they report- good crops' in. their section- CELVIDERE. v. .a : - Bel videre,' N. C. June 3. Correspondency of the TaiTHeel. MrBobt. Darden is out again after quite an attack of bronchitis! ' Miss Kittie Snipes, , of "North Hampton county,' is the guest of Mrs. K. H. Lamb. . - ; ' Miss Laura Hurdle,. wio has been teaching a .seven inonthschool in Pasquotank, is-home again. , MessrsY C.. N.! Griffin and Charlie Johnson,"" of Edenton, . recently spent a few ; days with friends . in Belvidere and vicinityj Mr. and Mrs. Bragg Perry, Miss Lra Perry xand Mr. J. QHurdle and several others . in this, communitvy atte1aded"lhVAssociatf6n atl Bey-?f mothf Gilead ; church tast week. They. were highly pleased with jthe people of upper Pasquotank. ':" ; s -Miss Annie -. Evans,' of. London, jngiana,,- wno nas long - oeen -a Missionary in India,is expected to "attend the approaching Quarterly meeting oi friends. f ;J V" ' - : -' Miss4 Emma ,"L'J White le'f t yester day for Guilford College," to attend the commencement,'- and will make an extenided visit with friends" and . , - - relatives in ' Greensboro and High The commencement .' of the' J Bel videre Academyon Friday, the 23rd was larsrely attended.'- . After the exercises in the. '.afternoon, the ladies gave a lawn :. party on the Academy grounds, which was great ly enjoyed by all present. -A grat ifying sum of moLey was; realized from the refreshments that" were sold and wilL be appropriated to the erection of a new Academy building. MANTE0. Manteo, N."C, June 2. Correspondfence of - the TabHeex. If building houses is indicative of a town's - growth, Manteo is growing fast. There are three new buildings going up, -and ad ditions being made' to seven more. Send the carpenters here if they want work. Mr. TV. S. McGinnis Asst., Supt. Railway maiL Service, of "Wash ington D. C, was here a few days ago. He inspected the ?postoffice at this place and of course found everything all righi He has gone down the sound to see what changes he can m'ake for the im provement of the mail service be tween-Skyco and Hatteras. : The eniiertainment at Manteo Academy on May 22, 23 and the one at Wanchese academy on May 29, 30, marks the close of the school, year on Boanoka Island, both were good and the. principals deserve a' great de'al of credit for the advance the pupils at both places have made. It is quite evi dent 4that we shall not have many voters shut off on Boanoke Island after 1908 on account of educa tion, even if we have woman suf frage then. . . . . The life saving men are out for the summer and Manteo is full of them. Capt M. -W. Etheridge keeper of Oregon Inlet station was talking to your correspondent to day, about the coming Surfmens Association meeting at E. City. He says there will be a drill to show the people how they bring men ashore in the breeches buoy etc. It will not be competitive as wo had been led to" believe. He says "let's have the next meeting at Manteo." So sa$r all o us. People of Manteo, let's get to work and bring it here. TVe are able to take care of them and why not do it. I M The following deeds of convey ance were made;, in' Dare county during the week ending May 30: . Pharaoh : Scarborough to Ml" C. williams, lot' on Hatteras. $10.00. Moses D. and Sarah A. Lane to Jno. A. Midgett, Jr., 1 acres on Boandke Island $187.50. ' , L. J. and Elnora F. PughJ to C, B. Taylor acre on Boanoke Is lagd, $10.00. , ' - - - A Card. , - I vish to thus express my thanks and appreciation for the honor the E. City Fire o., Ko. 1, has done me in the past as' well as present, and to express .to r- both the com pany and citizens in j general1 my gratitude for . " their kind - help in making; my leaderrhip of" this company a . financial as ;well as physical success. I ' ' . " , ; " , v . 7ery Pftj - j s A. C. Stokes, ' - r Foreman: 1. In, Memory. !; On the evening of ' May 27th, 1902, a messenger from the realms of everlasting light silently enter ed the home . of Mr ' and Mrs. TEomas Sutton, of . 'Bethel, C, and Ngently, took to his bosom their little daughter iena O.: Kella, age thirteen months, and upon pinions that never tire carried Jbr up to I",, j ever shining land and placed her in the arms of him who doeth all things, well. ,, ?"VVeep not parents she was' too pure and sweef to dwell hear,; just a; bud sent here for a short while; to: open '. in -'.Heavenl Our lossL is her gain! ,Goct alone can comfort, the broken hearts. Sleep on O- Kella and take thy rest ySj Tia hard to give the up but Qodtnows best And we here whom you are leaving , Can only hope to meet you in Heaven. '- - -. - " . . Auntie, Communication "Editob Tar Heel; I desire - to announce through the; columns "of your paper, "my candidaqy A or the office of Begister of Deeds in the county of Camden. It is not neces sary to enlarge on this announce ment fur ther. than, to ay that my political issue stands for itself. I have always voted-1 the Democratic ticket without shadow of turning," and belieVe in'its eternal principles' I respectfully solicit the support of the voters in the approaching pri mary election to be held in said county, on the ' last 'Saturday in August, next; and if nominated will use my. best endeavors to secure the election of the entire Demo cratic ticket. ! Bespectfully, Joseph A. Spencer, Jr. ,ln Memorium. Millard Garfield, eldest ' son- of Millard Fillmore and Mary E. Bal lancaof Hatteras N, .C, was born March 18, 1881 and died Feb 28, 1902.' In his infancy Millard was bap tised by Eev. E. D. Hooper being one of the 392 infants baptised by Uncle Hooper" , during his four years ministry on the "Banks". Owing to the absence of the pastor Bev. L. B. Jones the beau tiful; burial Service of the - Metho dist church were conducted by the writer.- Millard s was an excep tionally bright young man and was anxious to make his - career in life both useful and importamt. In his, early "teens" he "took up the the study of telegraphy in the weather bureau of this place and was preparing himself for the civil service.; ' He was thus looking forward with bright hopes to a happy and useful life, but soon he became a victim of that most dreadful dis ease, consumption from which he iieyer recovered. The blighting of his bright hopes the sudden fading and fail ing jof his youthful ambition the early changing and closing of his earthily caTeer foufad him at last as ! might have been expected, peateful, , quiet submissive and meek. To. him it was as a. beauti ful sunset on a summer's day. ' To know Millard was, but to love hijpi his ; humble ; daily walk his manly conversation, his sweet and gentleMisposition, his noble char acter all of these were the sterling qualities which won for him many friends upon the tablets of whose memories his name will '.long be cherished. , - . Besides a fond father and moth er, he leaves a younger ': brother, whom he dearly loved, and a host of relatives ' and friends, 1 a large number of whom followed his body on the evening- of March 1st, to its last resting -place in the family grave yard, where his ashes peace fully, sleep, awaiting the coming of the Lord in his beauty. His work is . done, his career is closed, but he still lives, and his combrdes would do well to emu late his character and follow in his foot prints. . ' ! ' .7 -" 1 ''V LTE Sawyer. ' "!No More Smallnox.; .,-S A special to the Tab; Hel from South Mills, Camden County, ; says that the -small poxvc'are .has abatecL ; .'No more cases haVe been reported since the,, death of. the j one negro. : 'A-iZoelleryDPortrait; ": fi-v";is a, modern idea far, different from those you see ia ' fi the family album.. You will notbe ashamed to buy " if you care to' call at the - studio corner Maiu anri ;.vi. Poindexter streets. 4; Tour own sense of sel&-respec' t' will compeirydu to have a, Zoeller picture in place . ' ; - of the; old one s ybur family nbwyHave. - J5TLarge Line of FRAMES, jhis labec 1 r ' zr:il)oUsQe Drapers I , ' . , .Guarantees Superiority" and Reliability " " ,'i."; "... You "are planning to gef a riew suit of clothes, of courc you are counting hpw many: Hollars you Will have to expend We fully appreciatemll conditions . and 'will meet you accor dingly. . Many. fine words will not describe a beautiful sunset you have to see it yourself It's. ;the esame with these suits. You must see them learn J;rie prices tb1 fully appreciate them. Blue Suits, the $110 kind I for . yourself justice, if v you -did; ' . j oerore ouying your ciotmng.- - ht - McCABE & GRICE'S, The Big Department Store,' .Corner Main arid Poindexter Sts. ELIZABETH CITY N. G. Speak for 'themselves." The prices' speak for you. We fill Vail rjrders of any description, so take advantage of our low prices during this season, including our line of Road Carts. Robes, Whips and Riding Saddjes.A.full line of single and Duble Surrey, Trap and' buggy harness in Russett. Celluloid Mountings and Black Leather. ' O w J. B. FLORA & CO., PhorietNo. ?& . V :. ; 1 Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co, Milwaukee, Wis. rf j :'- s- . ;-.- ce- ' - ". . ' ' Issues the best, most flexible, most equitable and most comprehensive policy erer issn any .company. J ..' ' , ' - ' - . f X- C- Intending insurers will beet serve their interests by securing a policy in the North Mutual TJffWTnHurance Company. - v ' - - f ' , For rates, Specimen Policies another information apply to - i JOHN "WISE KELLT, Special Agent. Comer Main ahd Poindexter Streets. On Garments ONE OF THE LATEST. I JNE CLOTH I N&. V MAKERS OfBj .. . The two button Double breast ed suits, in Black Thibbet and Blue Serges,i and - the 'celebrate;; ' Queen's ? mourning v cloth, about 30 of; these suits" the $12.0' and $13.0 kind glO.OO 'to close : this lot. - i ' ?We are displaying a full line of 1 mid-summer two piece suits m crashes, serges, striped flannels in all cuts and styles, - prices to ...suit ; the most conservative buyers. - Remember you would not do J not comer to head quarters Them good old BUGGIES " C ' ; 4'v.;Foot of Main bt II FRANK Mi DEXTER, Agent, ELIZABETH CITY. V A 'r

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