ill 'Twas a Warm Meeting Friday Night. CONGRESSMAN SMALL SPOKE.. -Building Will Not Go On . Matthews St. If Addi ction to Appropriation VCan be Secured. Mr. : UIIIQII WISIIIIWIIU' , W -w Staining an Additional - -' . - a a . - ! The Court House last Friday f presented the appearance of a land imnfl'. p.rnsn. ah hiiimiuiiubu. ex clusively in these columns' a meet ing of the Citizens and Chamber of $ Oonmierce would; be held and the jcjjiieti&n :of a suitable site for the public building -would be finally decided. f " ? i At 8 :30 o'clock the chairman ' 'called the meeting to order and Congressman Small, who was pres- ent, was. called upon for such re-marks as -he desired to make. r Small spoke for about thirty wmfuntes,-u as was expected he aid lDut Mtle concerning the pub lic building. Mr. Small spoke of the Coastwise Inland Waterway; of the mail service of Dare county ; of the Rural Free Delivery and al so consumed:a,few minutes in dis- the .development of this section, after which he approached the subject for which the meeting was .called. . Mr. Small was brief but to the point. ; He discussed the mat ter in, hand in a conservative man ner. He demonstrated, - thorough ly,., the . non-partisan position he was. assuming in the controversy. Said he, ??I have no suggestions to offer, . no criticisms to pass, or opinions to make. The matter is onewhich you alone are to decide If the bili as it now stands is not satisfactory I will be more than glad to use my influence in obtain ing any amendment upon which you may decide." . L . At the conclusion of his remarks Mr. Small said that he would be glad ito answer any question or questions ; relative to the matter under discussion. - Those favoring the Matthews St. site contended that, another delay in the construction might result in tne witnorawaf oi tne entire ap propriation. Mr. Small assured them that there was no danger of such being done. . It was then con concluded that the. patience of congress was already exausted and that'a request for an additional appropriation would be ignored In reply Mr. Small said, "It dosen't pay to be modest in making re quests of ..Congress, Money to them is like, so' much water and '. have found that tlie. man who de mands the most is the one who usually gets -the . hearing. If the present site is hpt satisfactory and jou wish an additional appropri a tion, large enough to. purchase i larger and more suitable site, I en tertain no fears whatever of not obtaining such'an-addition to the appropriation during the next ses sion of congress; s . . - ...i several-; warm, ae Dates among different factions then , followed Hon.E Fv Ay dlett was - recognized by the chair and he made' a speech thatf met with the hearty indorse ment; of every person present.,. Mr. Aydlett said in part: "There is no need of so much wrangling over this matter. We want to see the building in course of construc . tion, but at the same time we want the building to ;be a spurce o pride to the town: want the v bui cl ing erected where it , will be seen , -and appreciated. I have no per sonal interest, whatever, at hear when I say that theTMatthews St. 'site is no suitable location for such cntsite, I: dare say meets with the -disapproval ot any tsq tnliiijj itizenv A hundred thousand dol lar building on Main street is far more preferable than ..a huridred and twenty thousand dollar build ing on a; site at - the rear of which is located the county prison, on the left a negro music hall and the city stables and on the front the back yard of a private residence staring it in the face." . v Mr. Aydlett's ' speech expressed the sentiment. of eery one present and to the suprise of many even the dissenting , faction : agreed to lend their support to a motion to have the construction delayed until'Mr." Small could ask for an additional appropriation at the next session of Congress. It was unanimously agreed that if Mr. Small could obtain an ad ditional twenty thousand dollars for the purchase of a new site that a site on Main street, between Boad street and the water should be pur chased and building erected there on. If an addition to the appro priation could not be secured then the building was to be erected on the site now owned by the govern ment..' ,;;;-' 1 Elizabeth City, should congratu late itself upon the large appro priation awarded it for it's public building. Goldsboro, a few months ago, only received $45,- uuu.uu;. ijreensDoro, some years ago' received but $35,000.00 while Asheville's building cost the gov ernment but $40,000.00. Elizabeth City's public building will cost as much as all of the three buildings named above and yet there are some who would have it erected on a $4,000,00 site, The extreme idiotism of such is exasperating to people who are averse to hampering the progress of a community. Our, court house, the cost of which, do not exceed one third the amount of the government appro priation, was so much a source of pride to the city that the county jail was removed from it's vicinity, yet the very men who could not bear to see the court house and the . jail in juxtaposition have exerted every energy to have the most costly building erected in an arms length of the prison windows. fi! fllifl The Conquering Heroes Return. THE ADDRESS OF WELCOME. Our Gallant Fire Fsghte rs Ret u rn From the Tourna ment and the Welcome - Ve Gave Them. A Walking Advertisement. Visitors to Nag's Head Sunday were greeted with an unique ad vertisement Over on the Ocean side where many were disporting them selves in the surf was where the walking advertisement put in his work. Fred Bell a young man of this city was attired in a bathing suit on the back of which was em broidered in big flaming letters the words "Grandy sells 'em." Automobile and Horse. Mr. Vernon' Blades was doing "about face" with his automobile, on Main street. Monday morning. The equine attached to P. W. Steven and Op's, delivery wagon mistook the antics of the horseless for an attack. Not wishing to run up against a Jonah the horse va cated. The frightened animal craw fished over to McCabe & Grice and there he was halted. Slight damages to the auto; a frightened horse thats all. The New Road. In another column we call at tention to the - ad of the Euclid Heights Co. Some time ago they gave a drawing of lots that gave universal satisfaction; this time they are offering more unexcept ional opportunites to those desirous of obtaining desirable suburban lots. - -. Many are aware of the fabt that the Euclid Heights road, wliich will ... be one of the prettiest thoroughfares in Eastern North Carolina, will . enter this property and as it offers a saving . of three fourths of a mile, each way, to those availing themselves of its use all traffic from the lower section of the y county will come that way. This will bring the Euclid Heights property more prominently before the public , and the increase " of traffic through that section of the c',j will iTisure better attention, from the'authorities, to the streets in the fourth Ward. '- - Nearly five hundred men, women and children gathered at the Nor folk and Southern depot last Sat urday morning to greet the firemen upon their return from the tourna ment held in tlaleigh July 22, 23 and 24th. tThe members, of the Elizabeth City-Fire Co. No. 1, who remained in charge of the department dur ing the absence of the champions were tnere witn tne entire equip ment of the company; Inez, "tine pet" having arrived on the early freight. The colored hook and ladder company, in full dress uni form and other paraphernalia, in cluding their brass band of four teen pieces, a also present. At ll:36 the clanging of the lo comotive bell mingled with the cheer of the rubbering throng an nounced the return of our firemen. - The white uniforms of the old Albemarle were again conspicious among their friends. A ringing cheer from the multitude and a responsive cheer from the return-! ing heroes, mingled with the strains : of a patriotic air by the different brass'bands in attendance were but part of the din that for a moment prevailed. At the rear of the depot the boys espied Inez and another cheer arose. For a while pandemonium seemed loosed so great was the din. Tiring from their lusty cheers the boys gathered around the im promptu speakers stand rnd re ceived the heartfelt welcome and words of praise of Mayor Wilson. Mr. Wilson was brief but to the point. Concluding his remarks Prof. W. M. Hinton tokthe stand and in a ringing speech congratu lated our boys, upon their success and praised them for their noble work displayed in their many bat tles with the demon fire since their organization. Concluding he said: "Long live the brave firemen of the Old Albemarle. Long may j they live that they may not only protect our homes and property but visit every section of our state, upon the occasion of these tourna ments, and bring back more palms of victory." Prof. Hinton was frequently terrupted by applause from the as sembled firemen and their host of admirers. At the conclusion of Prof. Hin ton's address the firemen formed in parade. The line of march was down Poindexter street to Mat thews, dovn Mathews , to Water street, through Water street to Main, up Main street to Pool and thence through Pcjol to the engine house. Many who could not meet them at the train were lined up on each side of TMain street awaiting the procession. At exactly noon the glittering pageant swept into Main street. Mayor Wilson and Prof. Hinton headed the procession, fol lowed by the Albemarle band, next came Miss Inez Bell of Ports mouth for whom the pet engine was named. Miss Bell was seated in a "rubber tire" ancLbore a silken banner presented ;theompany by admiring friends. Inez "the pet" came next in the procession. Many were the admii ing glances she received. With her bright trappings glittering in the noon day sun she passed, and the heroes bove into view.- Hollow ing them came the relief . engine, hose reels and other equipments of the department followed by the (colored) Diamond Hook and Lad der Co. and its band. On every hand the firemen were greeted with the words of welcome and demonstrations of applause. They were. truly i the heroes of the day. Now's the Time to Invest ' r , - ' ' ' " 111- - - v.. . -11 i . fc , - , ' -- . ' Euclid Heights: Avail yourself of this grand opportunity before the, advance which is bound to come. 1 w t- . DonX Get Left. ; " ' , The great sale of lots in drawings offer great inducements to Home- seekers and investors with eithr large or small capital. ;V : y; The cheapest lot sold is worth the purchase price of $150. " Jklany are worth double the purchase price. One is . ; WOrth' nearly . . ' . - Nine times the purchase Price. this makes it a great money maker 'for. all who are fortunate enough v to secure lots in this drawing. .r , - . Consider the faqt that the Euclid Heights Boad is just opened up. It '', will carry ' . . ;."" " ' --l The Bulk of the People of Pasquotank County Thrpcigh this Ifine Property such an important thoroughfare with the vast numbers of peorle it will cause to .pass through Euclid Heights is bound to give prominence and make these lots very-yaluable. OPon't Pt it (Off ; - and get leftr Bring or send $10 dollars and secure; the best bargain you ever made . . ' . . - 5-v v ou Nay Mef 1 The Olousc and LM Wor For $fl SD)o You only pay $10 dollars cash and $10 dollars a month for 14 monihs Simply paying house rent for a few months secures a life time ome. Its such an easy way to make V : The Ofcest Bargain of our D-ife You are sure of your moneys worth with the brightest prospects of doubling your money many times DDon't Wait too Long ' '':f;'3;rt: Bring or send your first payment at your earliest opportunity. . Euclid 01 eights (Co L. &. BLADES, Pres. C. W. HOLLOWELL, Sec. 9 A. C. HATHAWAY, Treas. and Gen. Mr. N OR ft i Nos. 709, 713 E. Broad St., Richmond, Va. The Greatest Stock of Fine and Medium Fill II If F JUL : IL - t Iffy ft ; IN THE SOUTH Correspondence Solicited. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, The Leaders RICHMOND, V A EARLY FALL MILLINERY. . Just received : at Mrs. Hill's. A full line of Felt and Crash Outin Hats. Also a fine as sortment of the ; "Vacation Veil" so popular now. w. mi & Co., Watcs, St. The Little Gem Hotel, Opposite Hotel Arlington Now Under New Management. , - Good table; cool, comfortable rooms and guaranteed protection against mosquitoes and. chinches. Bates $1.00 per day, meals 20c. Special rates for week or month. J. A. WHITE, Prop. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Ca Milwaukee, Wis. $151,944,756,96. . "v. Issues the beet, most flealble, most equitable and moet oomprehensive policy ever fesaed by any company. , ..- . - ; . mirenauig insurers win Des serve tneir mtereete by securing a policy in the NortnwB Mutual Life Insurance Company. , : . For rates, Specimen Policies and other information apply to , FRANK U. DEXTER, Agent, . . ELIZABETH CITY, K. C JOHX WISE KELLY, Special Agent. r.- eats are up and out of raech of many. -AT Puliiicr vV VY B Hi IUIUI I 9 you will find many good substitutes in reach of alL . Assortment of Cereals either . of which will make : a good- wholesome breakfast. Cream of Wh6at, Grapenut, Crushed Oats, Wheat Flakes, Shreded Whole Wheat Biscuit, .Wheat Grits and others.- . FULMER & WHITEHURST have received a fresh assortment of Heinz's fine Preserves Jellies, Apple and Peach Butter. Call an sample them. ' The latest thing at Fulmer & Whitehurst's is WhoJe Canned Pineapple. 15c a Can. . ; Canned apples that are good, put up' from selected winter apples at lOo a 'can; try them. - , a- A box of Wiley's- fine chocolate' is always acceptable. Fulme Whitehuust receive1 fresh supply. every week. ' - - .r ; - Fiiltner & Whitehurst, Corner Main and Poindexter St v

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