TiaUUCIIIIIKw III Uiw VUUli UnMMAMmfvc in tho :nnnriae r rno n innmario O . HATTERAS. ; ;Hatteras, N. G, Sept. 21. ' Correspondence of the 3?ar Heel; Mr. Isfah "Willis and Miss Bertie Austin of ;this ; place, have for someTImeTbTetf seriously consider ing - the subjects of ..jmatrimony.. Miss iEertie's.paients were(?Jyery mucirt)pposeq and ecMt rwasf the only available lesor'tSo Hast Thursday evening lliss Ber tielef t hoMe'to go, lor church, she met Mr. Willis j5nl3er.way, Jie .W.,,a ,.;boat waiting at the "creek" -near r by;and they decided io'take" a "saiLv? They kept on to ,3eaufort Carteret Cpi wnere tney securea . ueeiiBo uu were married. 'They ' returned Sunday" - morning' a l' Ivery chappy couple:1-? , c xz3L & 4 , Miss Maggie; Eqper andjpljss Ttatft ratios, of Hvdtf County are the guests ofMiss ElizaAViUi.s. .J -s'cBritti6rOdrhfeasr2li'en slendintff eF eaaB withi keif sister "atvcracoKe -iras returned home,;mtiSH4hfrelignt3oer many., friends. .71 .TOiicictiisK Miss Emma Willi! of Planted M O.'iB Uhe?3guestv ofEt MissoiIriez -ir?L'.ci jitL'lcri -ditiiL AW'Viti;- liailUoUIUt) JTt3BlU.ti.LiCt CICUICU XlOiO which will bef ouitel3n au&tibn'to' 7't kiHiSX-.ti'to-j ia aissr msob- oar V 'MANN HARBOR l : r. Mann's1 Harbdr, 'Cv'Sep 2' Mr. Gk "W. Midgett has lef t jor; Durham; ri ."where T he entered the jLTiniiy ugnrocuoui. , . The epidemic-ol-mumps wjiich prevailed hereifpr.a'&nle has abat John "Wjesley Manilauiri champ ion hnnter says that gamelisiabuiif d&ftt thisTi asqn-i .:r;i rj atxoy ehi &arae7"bfells wifr s6imfirin Tfe.fee,wmcp .oThexanfiwlriskey3ight iifax county promiseB"io be interesting. While the replfiSffilnive declar ed for prohibition, iff will not be IrlM:aftm8auW the deMocraW heW wWfvforTtt Iiis'sL question di timW Sooher 6r l&tet wbiskey musTgoif "The crops are" wyod- pecialr the cf of"sweitaloes;r Wlth "taters ftTifl -nnsariTTi "how . ' L 1- -a. . - It . . i i ' i 1 i, i... 1- t ; cai we ue omer man nappyr Mr. J. T. Midgett,, recently : kill- ed rattlesnake : ywhich had ioiirteen rattles and. a, -button A0ai MUMFORD. : i o f Mumford, N;ia, SeplE16- CorreBpondencer pf ii the5 TarHeeL Messrs QeyelanlKalksljlC: BfigtfaI'scaf; ,&ieriAe, Billif Granger j ndf 'MisseEak J acison and Florene "Williams 0 ar6 attending ihe 'tity.00 cMr F. N Williams went to Berk ley last Saturday accompanied by his, ofister , Miss tBetti, ; .yiiiuims. $he rice crop is' damaelDadly boI-nights- ;-;-: ladies,, is visiting m Pur pommu- nity . ' .... - r ilto. iW. T. Staff prd is visiting heisister1Vtrs.iW.fyA; Berkley; ;Mrs. .Carven was former lyoof f i this places : hynr?. -azk -, lM. K'B::Granger set:; a 5 guhi; a IBUUt K H WDblUiUD HIS UOUSP. j'iiearatfie investigating ; found 1 ;ar beat v : had jrnet death in the trap. ':tVA'u. .Miss Alice Williams, one , of Hickory Ground s charmmg.youne v 3ume iftst . 4ayiirpni; timo? tiw VI -. wiiv niMwmui iw v".---; . V y- ,- V.-.- where he'went to purchase goads. Mr. W. D.: Messinger, formerly of Hhis felafce :mk now of BeeiUe ex. , is in our midst His many friends are glad to sjiakev hands, Mr. Messenger is engaged in the mill Correspondence Qf-ithe .Tar. :: HeeL ' Mr. G. W. Turner efeefe Thurs- lav 1 1 ac Misses Lessie-Barber and Ida its former greatness. fk' AJmftBmupslefk TueR she will attend school. Bev. B. S. Lassiter held services das ci ejsbsafTSO oviiGf . ItMxIS John IB8Bosl6fia3 is vaBiJig rjgvqj r q a &d w MSf iS4 1 Speigpi j fpenfes day in Elizabeth City on business. uite p number of our .people J ftin-court art Wod tnis weeK. . , t a-JtfT ?arr aasacceted a :position ascjLerk, witli ,1Y-'M' Edwards, owj :popijlar,( pecba large ''number-5 of our1 peoIe from hereJ arepedtinff td t dtteiid Bdbihs6nsv circus at (Mkateth City Thur6da.r 9 I'd-. fetii'aaa a .TtoJau As I have been asked several by announce to the pubnc of" J?as- quotanx uounxy. xnat i am & cancuaaie r ior re-npminauon :,ipr tiMontce 4 61 Treasurer ' of tnis vouniy, supieci uj ine acuon. 01 the , Democratic Primary - io - be heW. Monday, September 29th, 1;H noiiv. a-int TtElx? ,. rUi x.Ht. wmtj iXreasurer iTo-jfn sjfa r;.a A . ; & H ij lL '- '-io 5 d ' 0-u-i , f i j u i'xt :fij istt 'j a) CM Correspondence of F the Tar , Heel, - Mr. ThosJ Sutton isc having hia gin barn repaired Ahd swill soon be ginning-! cotton. mh-a-i-j d hz. Mr. W. B. Smith had ljis 'right hand cut 1 by."a sM1 Farmer's and 'at present ;hef is ettingai6nrg nic'ely.i i: ;i':c';:;!0 -tU l- --p"1 " .Mr. .Geo Smith, andrhis .qharm mg daughter,, jMiss(i Francis,, pf -Nprfolk County Yfi-. 0are yisitiri Mr J. li.r Gnmn and family v , r r , 1 Miss Lee Smith ;i spent z Monday with Miss Ethia Whiteal ; Ta-; v. Missliamef Hpbb svill4! has 'tetuinleoPfnbme1 ;aftePa pleasailt stay 'withnrjlistieir Mrs; StepeEliibt-1' ! It has been demonstratediliLat in wEere! maadapdfzed highways liaVe' increasea in vaiue as mucn as $m rcaW'sndufd ot borS albnby the" agricultural' classes," iut' is? a ailronglarieHiin ,The good foaolsrquestibn is gplr. tin" int6' 'politics: ' And i i t why shouldii itW Whatcgp6d are 'pdr ties if tneyare'nprto: lppk ; after the' mpst 'pressing needs "pf "the f.WI i, IIIIMIilUHH. "Mssrsv Cbarlie Humpl)lj3t ft aWr feriJnaMfflpJ Ellis-rleft Mondayfon BelvidereJ I DEATH OF, FACTORIES. And TheT?ea.sbn Why The Capitalist If-iKe-Korflroutherh Kail ixoaaiwouia :ntcirciej:.iner to wnana run a spiir A of-eir'tyacks ; down Eiverside'AYeriue brshQuldhl proposed Elizabeth City and JWefi ern -B; BT do!thls7 theiuture "grow th of EUzabetH jOitjr could no too' Hberably estiniated; ;1 To - ex- plain ourselves: - - - - , 4 ' r manul acturer in Belgcting site selects itwith -a viewoise- curing a waxer ironwi fnoaa clingfcjo are justly popu ar.This doorsf At, present ito larM'dour 4pejiW prepared of this kind arenot-Trvariable7-tmdt rat8rmcfcioght,-thcnming demand, swooped down ; upoiL the few at hanpL and are now thousands to'th'better. .oii-i .Utaaitf If -Iherr was a al ToUdf -BracM Jolt Biverside Avefifl& 1 A ;manur5tur exi could j&recjuihisiplantcaftd cjtoe watejr andirailrftad jright fclfoaDTd; but -ijuaintiQi leingtaXtheiadtesi'nftarj the raUroadidprnot r-pcQvMfiyWaeird : n i '?JT: A 3 witn waier iraiaryeu from the railroad just so long will the capitalist. pass- us, tejn look- ing for a smtcblelocation for his enterprise.. af!f6und; tEfe xjoSditibn as uabchre- 'given.' TH6 0hambebfdwc woiild dPfwelltaitake hold of, this r fThe abayemade, it sels, rf elt lust aJ few days ago when we learned that presenWveHererd selSctf :m nmtte. ru,,, :,,u:,,,, ;!)!(( m; ,., Chapel Hill, Nf,Q. BETTER R0ADS.yr fo-mM Wilson County Public' RoadThej I i iT;he:foUo winglintrestin a letter ; from' Wilson county ; indicates! the improved condition of public ?send timent well.as.ipublc rpafil jfin TiiiHt locaiiivvT , t- r l . - '-1 nonrSept l&ljB oaIi ; A few years agp the uwriter, a chairman pf board pf county, cpm missioners was confronted with the fact thai' jajti(3ge of the Superiorj ijourt ior tnis county naa sentenc ed abbuif twelve menr to -work bn thp -county rPads: r ' -That sort i of vork had? been"Htred rher6' befPtM and had 1 proven : a failure. The igar wpuldstejtprisoneTS "pja and, gtadually Ipse ttheiPj ?until J tbee3wa3,npting,.iefji.epiJ tJe, gjuard a few shpyels and &. pick pr jtwo! 'Wnai did the ' cnwrman 1 09? Bememb'ering that "Walce county had worked the convict system with success on its public roads, I ksicect tjie1 road supervisor 1 of rf tfeat ipwnshiprMrJjtfcMac some advice; and upon his sugestipn we secured a competeni 'man 1 to nianage the .; forc6 1 -and set -immediately tp work grading and widen ing 'tiie roads." v:!''-;.'-::i-S .;:'. h : ' To-da the i road ' : force i in this township' is commended' on' ail sides.. It not only helps the; coun ty but is pf great , service, f to the town as it furnishes. employment for the local, ctistpmers pf the may or whcTave ' homonej'jtd" pay for WO IXUUUiD bUCjr giyo UIO UU1VC1B of r the '-town. 'This3 township has probably twenty miles of 'widened and graded roads. - vAt first 'fiiere wm Mcgjabputo.e, wdt j pf roads, -but that: has ; all. passed ; and every one' ) recognizes thet $esir ability pf widejrpads. Ijjaayeibeen notified that we could not take land from a certain party to make wide and straight ' ' the " road. We pushed along ahd vhen we got "to that man land; : to have it go on he -move'd his fence himself in order togetustfirPngh hia place; . .cU 0" ! We-hope" soon tp seea thkQ'wprk' extended through the countv:' iariCE: crSamsol up., aisspivea pn . August $50' reward will Re paid, for ' th aresi; or apprenension 01 unarles Commaner. ,lsiah;. Johnson, Mac Harper, John'n" Ward and.'rW. E. Yoiinf(whitei)6r l6clr ofe tSe aboyeVi'escaped p ffpm ' 5 the-cp'unty iaU SeTL?lith l902j v . 1. 0 l. . - ... 1.: ;s ... Give Us 1 Now EOXAliOUlwhifeh. is iiaade 'irom; -thetliif st ; selected: MTch igan1 wheat hason hundreds of cOL;w;n-TQu trial -order. M jaitffiilLgiyejas A,triaLpjr 0-long and" greonr "tees "commend Our iellieg-belp -to make up--ft f qDL .ej?;iapnepromr UNIVER8ITYOFN0RTH CAROUNA. o-ti-i w Mam oil Liar an j iifCfairr::. - -Mln ternjbeginSoSeptembe 1902 - . ! Fpr .information address, . , i ativnuaux- sot . nicaa'oa a a) . 'iiuiaai :..,,.r Pr VENABLE. PresidenL; r j V jJill J 1 ia van, EtizabBthCity, TfrG. ! , Preparatory, and , , Graduating courses pf study,1 ifis-M i -1 Special dyantaesoin.Music andirr Business Departraenti. Faculty ox ! nine teachers. ;hn- rollmnt)pasf yeair 22J. ulow4 est ratst iluitiQii consiteux wjitb h,igh ; grade. .w.ork, i Board iat, moaeratairates.L Building Mnjaenlargedni thisi summer j in order to accomodate jncreas4; J XJ J 1 1 PQaiimowczjL ;T ..vifidovr .71 I . ( PallA term 1 opens'' 'September1 il 5,u4902; 3 Write torcatalogue.' iO .A iSx La SWEEP, 3Ty-3iriP. ; ' New Marine Rail- opened for all kinds of new ! ! iand repair wprk linel :; j i at of alt kindipf material i on 5 ! j or.hand. r Giye t ma a: trial, . . : ; , satisfactipn guaranteed;. . iohn; W.WiHiims;' Propiv Littleton, N. C. men ana opys ai a ceie Prated health resprt 25 'minutes, walk , "Panacea; Springs; minutes :ajk tp SbAws,Heahng Spring and ,5, minutes walk to J Edmundspn's Fountain of Health Sprihg ' ' J r raU ternt.begins f Aufifust , 25th. 190?.; Communicate with Principal Til Ml KAY Ochoieiloofnned lemon, LITTLETON HIGH SCHOriL In Buying DrugSj jf)verhay nbrrneyef.will deceiye ybu t I f 4 if jp 3 iA t - - iOO Many, in tnis ioi wprtn:100 and V2.60.: . Bettef See , them. It means twp new hats fpr the. price pf pne pr:a nice hat and a cpmfprtable balance,: in -pur pocket See Show -Window. r" ' powier Water Street, i . idcil mio msnoHEnm. -)dr i o oouPriyaie instruction in vocal, and . instru- ifio" . Buwti tuiu. murexiu- at tention to each pupiL ir Rppms inFlpra Bldg. or. Main And Water ., ,v,ro street s, ; . MISS ANNIE L. JOYNER, E. ity, n. C. - : : ;. Notice. :, I.? this ; day hereby give-notice thafc; J have disppsed pf the patent right fpr; the scientific - harness attachment ; and the . lightning Jpea planter and the scientific single trep and., hame buckle-fcr the connties. l of Currituck . Camden and Pasquotank to . Messrs gM. D Gregory and M. lu Davis. These devices, are. iindispensible; for the farmer.orQne using horses. : ; C G. Eixis. Mother 3 ! invention. " i ;5iWhether or not necessity ' is thfe ;''&6thBf pf invention, the Singer Machine is felt to be a '.necessity: in evWy. homr Lto-day. Its ; light, noiseless wheels o not F tire; nor db'iW'dirferent piarts require un usual attention. It is easy to buy, easy touse arid easy to eep in re- ! : V':,- . Jr i frvrri n .:.; .-.i.-. cr 91 Water! St., Eliz. City, N. C. Music set. Sinq Mlfq ; look put for ; purity. . Illness is "cured or prevented by . proper Striediciries, but are useless un less .-right -and rr they 'can't be tight ' unless made up from t Fresh, , Pure, Standard Drugs. The piiblic will fin'd us to assohd :and reliable as the ground under their -feet.- We -jn romaexter Mreet . oizaDetn uitv. N. P This - is lot Hot . --:": I mean business and will pay good pwuea Am scrapgrpi ' : Bones, Iron, and all kindsr of Junk. Bring what ; you - have. ..' Vr :" '4..-. 1 3 ;Eliz. City, 11. C. STFNnil. nilTTRRSV jHtft-- Rubber tad Steel Stamna. ' Railroad, Hotel, Baggage ana Brass Ui2ks. Seals. Badges, Stencil and Stamp raus, jaters, etc PHCENIX . Slump and srencu works. t - Job Printers Ce. Niv-sf n and Church St run 1 , ;;D-Sv Indeed and in truth, for we are ' . ' " making the ScsflSrick which calls for it. Better get your orders in for ours have got a repu- tion that makes them go. ELIZABETH CITY BRICK COMPANY, L. "W. Kormarii Vice Pres. W. K Dunstan, Sea & Treas. C. J. Ward,-Manager. Will satisfy te deanands. of tKe most fastidious. .; TKis guaratitee witK every pair refund-' ; SOLD BY Air Rope .... m i I Beauty V i ITOlFV i "Money " relunti-: I WwV weoKV trial if corset is not satis- I factory" j r LooH for--tKee Trade 1 MarKs-the in of qual- 1 ityon label of box and on g inside of corset. I Kalamazoo Corset Co. I v ; M AREKS I Kalamazoo, Michigan.! iQ ARC LI FT & W I LLEY.