t t ' r if - 3 Ve" -.-t-,ti-:,;'Ysi 7 i 11 - . .1 47f f 1 u-. VP-1" THE .TAB HEEL, FB3D A IV SEPTEMBER 26,. X9Q2 rr teemed omist Sherriff and j ailer. In one. place" the article read: '"this ?rerter Uars; to its support and'thd IN FAR AWAY PILIPPINES. can come to .but v one rcbnclusibn; I mittea arelniaking eyery undeavour m X Shei iff Gryi;WaxetL' Wroth ; a Jh bounty, North-CaroHna about -'six ijKlQ-lTL' ; t ContumperapysV Attack. ; ' .: Albemarle Fairdom. tijteix Mh glowing; headlines,; our es, r .OniNoyember .4, 5, ,6,; and 7th' ordfg pile 1 Q 4'OSe3 WJhOf . , coBtemporary:theEcou-U ; . "laltweek'attackedmhe T H ,. right was due& downi InRsnesa and 1 srosa neffliffnce 01 uiia. ; .xiieru wui uo pi9uuiu rau- .u'.-';'i?-"r--- uuijuuuuiueuce i ceu uuuu ,vu ui wgi wc au bcb; the officials." ' ' ing andVexhibits.1 4 The midway W have just had the pleasure n0ts in Elizabeth City; -.n,! oi -ui: ;v;,HfC;v arentlypposed f ebple.a of money an a 0! reporter eaUed upon wiU be larger- than ever before of looking over tl T-mffimffifito and tlatf wUoWwm comprise a ns pubUshed ? table six column,1 ei Tar Heel Shfiriff ftrandv view mentioned our cbntemraries grnd aggregatibrt! of : amusement pines Islands. stand. The sherriff , said: Tte nd instruction combined. .fellow" d any thing woraeVe bh'angeol; the J P subject. S Ji VCt " ;HbwI6wiiyerej tosbuy property ght page-daayi ; first opened upyJi QiQ&mrtfrti WHHiHSrn - ' lov, iuir luts x cilub jLvouxa avcuuq w.iieu ims Street W ! romeight tw' twielf 'for JotsbntBoad Streetp onei Jbaliinileifrom the court hous d'jEsighkfenndTedu.ftir t . v j is coins to :be a eroat tima and BuUer. a natlTe of eity ana ... v. ;;. jrpi0ni iM,Vmi thnir noa at lots on Main Street near ihfl mSUat'plinwl, i Saturday afternoon Shemff great vcrowdai-oomk Come for several jesra one; of itemost ed ttt a few hundred dollars, iowiitteWa fe lit . randy, Jailer tfunn and the ,re- :e crowu;. ne v ; 7TTT W -o.i UA Xii ..ow E Poindexterree iihacbui ' Butler, an t $200. dollars each year for twenty. ;y ears pastiYetrwhen tKes hcni .I1 American school teacher7 is' in the xne iapa o passb .. -.Ti t 1 ' A ti. tt ii Txjr. 1 lore ineir. very eyes, wonaenng 11 it was reaiy going w :eep,up auu. ioose wuiie wondering. eitOn JuV2 lL iBuUerefm , .... ... " , . j V w --r --xuesamr enonawuB pronwj navw eiuwu ior muse wuu are ppen ior-argument ana Sail tU iiiituiw i) ."u . I great mapniy 01 peopiepininjang .Tnai'iney'were'Teauy roo'sman tk DOiioo-Leav navei auowea tne eolden ottering yon P08ses Grandy porter again visited the jail and ' Mr. Grandy fully vindicated himb Nevpmers: self in the explanations;- f .irhich ; iAinMnaluablbdditi Sherrifl&randT said-i Prflrai X? "nA 7T difficulty of traTeUng ...and . .fle stream to flow byand have .bemoaned the: fact that they hawliad no 6pp9rt.unity. v iU'e are oEeri MIMmlm lera quarntinaMlwasu ,- 7 " . . J vuvJu jjjlx . u&v vu niu uaa aswu the prisoners access toy the r.com-1 a : prominent merchant dors in both the upper and lower j county for, many years A- 1 . 1 1 i. 1L. I - - . SSr fflri? S3i vT, "PT tellejo8;SanNarciso;Sn Marcelino eible not oounting the house ill .bring five times the priee in the near future, nesrro crot out ne left, an exit in n fha Pnitinann Vki-inTiv -of I J ' . . , . ? - i. . v . n . ..... , i thri nnWfir and lower Y comiToi: "uC ""UiS-v r5 Sii a.n:d JJellP' 1. "1 ;wr : "ProtButler nwuu mauo w uowoMwjf xwx mo i Qeai extensively . country pro- i , , ' v fr 1nTr thfi'tVriflnTifirk ?nKAfin nrvjteTrkk&'-fxr- those tOWIlS Now after doine this HhWe was A'ikff MA;a foiw . mg off. twenty -and- twenty-five per-- realized one cent profit: on their 1 impor- onlv one wav'for MrGunn to M.cit ; J:" " Uonsaday. Thereisnoquiiranfanentant feed them: he must have access, to I 4 c RllRWlNn TWF FARTH the corridors To do this lie would ' any of 4them except have to use the combihaon. As t&cSI iininn ,m The nation I never trustany one with the key ,yGreatrChairaes Being, Wrouahtd e F,mjT: J'!! .to the combination. I went eyerY r'" - ioc w presiaenxes-x'UDiio imnaiB w.w?,, truing and opened it forWm ..J-- inquiry, into the adya.ncment of lpU;on thoroughfares', 5then tlose away back, here's, no life, no'bne 'passesevery thing is duiet iri other words its dead. The its not prbmi&entl ''No 'rndiieV iff,vermiide"oTirSiica lets? (i ox j J ; , ; : - i4. nr-,TT?l . .. , , i iui uose uui .auvaiice ucuause and instructed him to close the 7 5 '"T ... . , ; -My friend, if jou' want to make money on. pUget?n,the front rank, get out on thetWi- ii i iud iiiKuuiui auu xuvii oaTDi i "Knr. nn t was r ms T.nm m innse i l iu- i: i .v.-j.a..,l.. i.t j t u, tai. ; : i- , aoors every eveninff. v - . . iiares wuero uiero h uit iucix yu u ' eeo mo-uuijv. vvutH-o y ,viuw3r,u4. iuquy uuibob ua,ssiui as a une ot 'Every door was securely lock-l ,-' w i vomsuixougu wiucu n pacu,f caveiiy,.-.youuneariinejnumoi?vooe8 you Bee.ipe muiiwue ItMjr ovei!j wung uaiuus, iue. passing ea ana tneir was only one way lor I fall-Jd tht . orwioa TOAT.A those 'who grasp at the propper time.-vB -alii ndr a whiqen ott ei . v " ' tnem to nave Deen openea-tnat , 0ifll "UJ :rnV TlZ-TT vJ ;-JowVthe.propper timtbrgrwp.piOBpeji see,; that jieir how many are- wav responsible for the affair urBas U1 Pj1' AUUB Burruumuag is. iuy natives passing irom one town using tnis inorougmare even peiore u s-nmsn. -xney er tne? wneeis oiprogress you abetter uatcn a Bpoe- iL w I m 4 - .1 I TJi - J ? 1 " -LJ..1.J. . TTT l 1 1 1 TT f . . , r.' i , . f - vUi-i. T -.m ,"vxtv -'ii xne.peatvjsouwnen ary.ia almost rtn ftnAthfif: ana suck your siaice in jciuciia,xieignis,naj.i h3A.oe3t.rt.. jo xMJi'Uim i &n y msiwrusMM 1D16 JL Claim IlOt TO KnOW1 ' TT" --: --o . ..-a. UUf Tl,a onflV fA fKn' WnW P.nd nn tK"aAiitlioMa ia iAtnmmiBiyiff Vii .onnnf VIottt ' tliat fft summer and fall sees great damage ran into a quarantine maintained lftnd waterBoute is ffbin! tb inake i! wonderful imprbvMet! inlspeljlaUos near the- - 1T V 1 J IT 1. 1T1 -W W , , 1 . . ROBINSON'S CIRCUS. : aone 1)11610 y moiuenng by the American teacners. : w nue river shore and tmsinesricjentre- YDUanQtmenythat th The usual jiamage ,is being done attending the ; normal school at tages and is going tor be valuable pTOrty.:fete ' ' Wa Uora In ah He Rinru YiA this season, as is shown by the Iba. the teachers became aroused You cant buy lots at the first sale oii other thoroughfares ;as Pennsylyania avenue, toad. w vi w in nil vi i vi j i vtvl uaj I ' - I responsible Main or Poindexter streets. butvou can buy on the thorouerhfares in Euclid Heierhts. These-re bargains.- 5; j xuuuniuK Buoiai ,j.au buucmou ut rt, T.nn ' r arming Huruau ui LXia Ui-1 ... - -. ;- j - 4. i - " " .j .- JhSrcusTdtrnfto Ue'' 8eM-d d.rmak48lkt,bayonenhVeig 0 and 10 per mo ' i - . TTZv Pilot:. M Jl nnn.rftTifTifl nr other -samtarv meas- ir. m a'onmWr.na i- . 15 Jfe h M- v -PA DeSToite the heaVV rains Which ri ran in Mia rtrnvinc.A. anil held ft .m.9rmllg - When the k.A.mB JnriTl? thA -last month I mnAMii --tvi-AnfiTio - lit TtrloiAh - fliov dazzling , resplendent and withall psmaj swamp forest fire still goes decided to offer their services to spectacular pageant swept through x. , . r.i :ir, . r. r- -- , r x. the streets otSionr, city hundreds , j v vi v j xt- i ii j ..ri? , , quench and mil 'probably burn inspectors, during the closing of followed in ltswake and thousands -. : V K . H kl, ... , . . . - unm tnecpmingoi snowco r monooL pne governQriavaiiea nim- lined the streets to see it y r it is ' , 1 y? U . 1 ' , , -it- , . many: acres ti ana even square 8eii oi tneir services, ana tney are Great crowds thronged the cir- b t- . js s , -yw W . . ;jv . .s tv ,1 I ' j . ti-iiT' i devastated by the fire, and only relief to the suffering towns. i jt : 't i j r scenes of desolation, dead trees "In many of the places the : - ""-- and seared vegetation - ""VD 1. 11 1 J.I J J gored conspicuoslj in the pro- - X, r'AIHU gramme of the4ay. Last night, , Jf If iJ C4 1 if H when the tent hands were loading bums mis mkth. .the circus iariuis ; preparatory to -It's a very-r peculiar- fire.. It moving to anotcer town, young burns down into the soil, which is folks were sUlliytalking circus, consumed like peat The fire They will talkoiit it to-day and leaves great cavities into the earth, to-morrow; butithen the Big Fair and its penetration is too great to is approachingojis now time to be affected by ordinary rains. .-, talk about that ' Vi-n fin n. ruin; ofnrmtfho smoke from the smouldering embers CARNIVAL COMING, show no cessation, but oozes out are left to native officials are panic-stricken and are anxious for assistance ; it :-: --... !' J, Art H M iS ii :3 W i? C $ i Is -e- Euclid (VhtC A; C. HATHAWAY, General Manager Meh.';Cin Have Carnival. and mingles with, the downpour." Street There are around Xake : Drum-- Business mond, particularly to the east, W. 8. Laytbn; the street carnival south and west. ;many; thousaiids promoter, was here last Friday and OI acres otiana ot the same char interviewed many .of our business acter as those reported burning men with a viewjto bringing his tne e is drained this dagger street carnival:, to; this city. He zone Wlli naturally be much en said that if the business men would larged, although the result will al pull to-gether he .would bring his so be the reclaimation to agri- entire outfit here the last week in culture of large acres of fertile October. - While here, he lookftd land. The fers in the Dismal about Him for a. suitable place . to swamp are usually accredited to erect the Mount '".Pelee disnlav. hunters who are careless about He sid to a TarHeel Eeporter, their xsamp firesY .c-Vhini: that he wouldprace it on Mac- ; Jta4 i'xlyrtc L" helhe (Goat Island). The Lay ton, ; Carnival company is the only carnival; company that puts on a volcanic ; eruption. Peo ple who saw thiardisplay in Nor folk a few weeks ago speak highly o ; r -, ' , u " The Norfolk papers say that 10 000 people lined the harbor; one night, to witness this pyrotecnical , marveL i j ' , ;A hustling boy with good edu cation. wanted for printing business, apply at this office at once. ,"" ; i" Vt from the -Americans. For example the preeidente of San NarcisO re quested Prof. Butler, in case he succeeded in gettihg toIba, to have an American teacher sent to hisiwli to belplijitt'fiht - the cholera. "Prof. Butlerf , spoke most ap- 'procffitinl jdfl the 'tery kind treat meni accorded' him "by i Capiiian Law, commanding at Subig, and his marines. The journey was most trying from the start; as the little native craft on which Prof. Butler, was obliged; to take, pas sage, had two deaths.,from cholera: in the -bay; and later , encountered typhoon, . weather. The overland trip, too, he reports as beset with a good many difficulties incident to the lack of traveling facilities. the ; rainy season, 'the confusion arising ; from the prevalence, "of cholera and the indisposition of the people to assist an American to. travel. i7! ':Ail( vm n: fiiiJ OEIGIN OF LAZE DKUMM0JJ1). The origin of Lake Drummond is uncertain and two theories v are advanced for it. . One is - that it was originally a much larger body of water and that the - rank vege tation along its shores has encroach ed on it and reduced it to its pre seni narrow iDonnas. Anotner theory isJ that the late -"section iwas at one ' time 'a Jgreat . expanse of reat land and that fire, caused by the Indians, -burned out! eeat hole. Into this flowed the "drain- age, of -the ; section forming Lake Drummond. ' ' " , ' . A Card. I hereby announce myself a endidate lor' county cTreaeuer of Pasquotank county subject to the action of the democratic conventi ons I took the temperance pledge twenty five years ago ; and I have hot .violated c that . pledge to ...this Dres8tl(lakin6r- - jVMiss Maggie tWyiiAmsVwilWre turntbtliis dtyon brr lef6re';'the twentieth of Sep. ; Her dressmaking parior win oe open over the JNorth Carolinian office on Main street 1Lo Be dt oeEdl fiiro gEIiiifeto K 4iob -if :.ii:f!w 'YttN . ' U ' LLOL 41 Z o i f VD ,1IJ n . i. . . " p n -"yiai1,,'!1:: 11 : j. r u! Larger! Brighter and MqrAttractions! Big display of Machinery, jUo-to-date m us uepanraenis. rnze catuei pnze pouitiy, prize sneep, prize' swine, wiia vve5i nows oijaii Kinas. Aii tne proaucts or tarm ana garaen. . ... ' Great Ladies; Department! Beautiful display of FlOweas and Plants. jAU kinds of bi ana animals., .-. .-. ;;. , is. ::y;:--- ' ! . : : , vcx- . II IIIIJ ll ll lirviKlll- anaiAONOji :;-. i ,' 111 I I rV.;l XX. ... i !! i i .-ii fi i i i . . v . Even; kinds. Best and largesHaii;held Ek)fi Raleigh ss'-;.i.--t- L. C. OAKLEY, Sec. Gi W.iBrd, Pres.