G O- If OTfV-Z. -rr .X Jit V - ,' Wages t& Atb AtfelY,nrfyel',v Vhl nn, T-T f A . acquiring themaanar. rliyo 'ahFAIi10U3l -t i . mo iimiH nasoni wnv i wnj nnnnsen to i : . SJk iRoosevelMlar -ij. Ides Muxt Footfc "H Anexic&a Labor .1 WhWW Mffl 5Ste'Mfriii7 I MnfflllfliW'WCnS. OF THE. SOUTH AHD"T STTQl SLJ UI?S vr.. w, " " w ?y.,. . ced jand.oon learn to dp aS; ythinff they. JI : I Oii 'A "KIT f HIXVVTnA "OTj A "ITTTt"l .V a- - WUIOiUDillL': . IA1 OlLil f .-UUlii Ufrwsl l 1 MM J '?f , . - .i'li; ft hilt 1 S tL' 'tai' rr - iilW .ai-'u ' 1 i l'--. atone unturned, no card tinplayed, no became familiar wltb tjie pld ikwi rict untakexw Becy Btor Mark! t-m.c5tt Ine Rait. wav- . : 1 uiudnu . JR. r J yiaTT. : frri-vj 4 l-tetH.. ?t will be toret rid of them la a proposl-. f 0) p0.i a s.ioif ou, til ho. 4J1 te&P ug to hla.ibreast thedelut '5J?WaSlni,'J Letter: 2 PA'Sffl8Vf wwsrrMWP-T'f , ert , re8Wffe,te4b ionTiMtr mu ever uevuieu iub uie :io j politics, th..ef rie( rapoetle and- vtffODhet of civil liberty, frhomaa Jeffer- eon, ;and ven-sthefet tbe. f9nJoan re- , $iredi acatU3UtdUclv' Xeiikina de scribes witl'rapOTe31orejrecentr Teddy "swungVround tbe drcle,H. a. sec- .n nf it at least, tra vuitins ciMirl . - r. T.i i .Trrrr ; -ton, S. VH wner ne jwa mofreaj .ovation several in iacir-wmcn xnrew VU4W uaivw out iner roregwng eng jenkins Jtotb fits of ecstasy and wnlch gesttona toi-ald him In Ills hand to hand alsoTirew Mfljcua AlonzoTntn 1 batUa VVllU Sualof imium. Tluiv-ttH it Tit of tlia Wu Both the galleries, "whoop up hoi dr.. cause a beaung or UJwmts. tt glamour Tersus perflxilzatioS joutui.u tu4 .k)! lutuwia .and an abundance ovjthe fnews tif i War. Tbe country wilO)ol4i fcQf vWle tnese ramous giaoiators wresue nnd some man like Senator Sooonerl jndianattPbsIbS lfc(Wfempf illinoia.'ayilwtth mhi rnWfitaeii fhaiW&rit, ifiAa 1 " i a - . notaing to lose by reason of the bitter- mess which the Eooeev-nanM" con gest itrliu. lawwa I"wtthla "th jQ; . OuhPq :for thecim bitiieriyvXeiia 'better off the Democrats and the coun 'try will be. So "on wlth the Aance? ;0f war, war 4MM to the Wlt,tl5ldWElM It is given out sow that our imperial t al., to the coronatloa of King Ed- thehfjown pockets aAdTpay their 6wi czDehBes. And it is After s21 It fieents thalf teri'li fcoch-ja tliirisr ksSi robusi ecahJ)BlSSent- to 'tlM couittry whiea .must be neeaea. -tio -doub!when .this idiotlo junket wna ar- rancfea it was thought ty those who ' irranlred It that the Amric3taxBavt. pbnofan .re Itould throw nigh- thrweiitfrbhlCc caps$ In air and gladly get out their weasel sMnAbjtBrntslx tnehere- J withal tb& fler;l'ft4.5to3 4T)lo6iimgHaio6rat9,n io&g tistilisyfitt Kd b U8eiilariguagje about the adnlniatra-.'-tinTi Hot fit to .he mtt in a model "Let- I ter Writer For .idfiafidwi loiaMG lag Schools." Soc Messrs. Beid ?t aL will ssijoy the luitiry f 'rodtinfe rtfiew ownftiUs No man in either brancli4 of congress will have the gall to rise in lite place anraove .tfaat?tfe' ;;peiisea Depaia iout bemeeeotisticaL I can fair- ay claim part of the? crki ae&tUlory tnis sa Ting to tne taxpayers, ror on an. l started tne nrst inquiry, on vthe Subject and said inter alia: So vote Re cent to p.w Pw to go.to Bnglandfjoaetothp coronation business iuiy u anu -are nt jglt ready,ijJnrn.o that un natnral .arid jrn-Arherfcah Jiabtt." a : Fori saying .that and a few more thin editot?dnr-4he - land jusgedrenmew Now they can Jump off. again. ; It is a ten tprjeaPDqeE. velt rlgrets that he ever appointed the embassyCnd would gladly bSrid of the Trtiole thing. fof1e m&&te$f$&m red -directly and4airieJyL itp JEpei - - m -of Senator Marcus A. Hanna as a BeLiiriiuvea. but to last our posterity to. the ppbucaoprpsidentlnl , rnnrtldnte;, tint vrJLi. j x- i uypoB uuiifl., ""trpstrilsni to unload them and thereby because! he possesses : the acvmetK tft tknVt them'Without being; a prophet or he inowi that the American peoVe"f8onorMrophet I make bold to predict tt; li .-i , ,nv. -cardwfor all it is , Worth Jm-f3WM trngjle1 with - 3oknel iBoosevelt ,for,i -the i&.&UttfaiiWA? -'". fifjf piiig rity. jegv fflil? It the : pla.4ntysiaen Ilooseelti1tb.'BAii teener - al Khn KKt YrAt nftfr bf trust.fPht American laborers to death deai : i n a ft iod At is anioctopnanxi jioTntsTa Ke,Any,is .vu for IU owPrbehoof jjuteantAnffi 4 ceis pi PthehaJdoSr . A mill . .ftWliiVKJ lu f w bitrarily increasing the pri ticleBf diet of crime necessity; to 77,- tAAA aLi - tmi I yw.vw people Dy xne-iouru 1a muiyijr bratat, It means that millions of peo- .- - - - Pie WM1 have to go without meat. If a trnstSo enormous in its operations and :o abeveboard in its robberies cannot thXottled, we had a wen quit; lab- .1 - " ' - - wnncr nhnnt -tmRtfl And nonress inaL f thje.huge irn)dem:mbinstfr T,J .jlv. . - , w- -; ""lAiniS rise in price Ot. PMjfrW LWeu; waae uy uuw as Mia wu i.w m obouy any good excepts the ftrusts.F arnMrs and stock raisers aret-tl4F Saioeis hv nno rwnnr: f nr.rhile the trustrbitrarily fixes the prTpjIjybelche a 1 iiiBiiM n a Aav a aa w uu eiiuui uicuww Wfti... 'Mifctarsni eat'VidVWf ilhe Phil- oiiraiy fixes the price for; t3 kock .contn rt-o.3nr coontrap to kotch 'em - n cwine." tf President Roosevelt will end M:toliW. tbiflttrusi and hinifii, .lt- kiAMi : -o uaiue xorever ana iorever; uui ioesn't do so, ? possessing the power, patriotic moviiiAiikrotog:"?i!S u w wruy ussanmn? mm h n tWrtu ?rtitoau3Eltli;tlie i8iaTHg;ifc neiewSflVoxtf ' -in' iflSwSo IIpIrieaim!Hbc The orcm 2.000J aie aoulta, f PBvs3 xim vpiera, pffixfreqaY mho the ftjssult of our fifdlngl tle PbpRpines of the fear that Chinese may come rnx mmnrj... . AAA areoeei theyrlmjigted that thtofywlntecliJ2xaiiimuk -m ? ?i nq i tbSi riiinIUVU3l i JUSJ 9 Ffi . 7S 5 i - i Mvu UV , , .. 1K. , , "f a U D 2 !i i W.Wa sum,ptChiaeM 4aborrs .i9:ri- eroi-oi'Uie- uiuiexitaTShaU t: tiro, SbrerTeTS were xo. suon mauiar iseeeeonaatLthei-JwuKl I liT qiWTXNcSPti JSFjnnqa .ana utose woo u&Ta oeen Dorn were smce ana thoee who may be born there hereafter. Being a member of the foreign affairs helped force rt into the bill, and indls lauca ci Ainexscan larjor tortne iFmnmj tradterfilia: JJ ft (1 s M ..M jWi lor mora than a Quarter of a eeatnn bn one of extreme difficulty, taxing to the ut- tbe tnougbt of the country to devise a so HavhlwJ?!peBde .i the Chlaese our laborers and at $ho same v time retain and increase our de witOs Chtnaw itbia he nultleaaMdtihe dagfers pf fslt oi?ttj ne oiirt of that t&ilfiad tA' tilth Unit of Ve6 KliB-iTx aalaf tne4 States, declaring that a ' Chinese o - Rico.- VGuam and otney Jslanos. 4a e- Baleful. Bftys, too tot mention. That decision of the supreme 'court sounded like a fire bell at n!iiL United bora, of Chinese parents In this country, subject ffo our;Jurlsdfcitk)riJ ,l?r a citizen; sebbiyrbythe''annxatijn,bf lHawalL jaklnlght. la' the wild nrrv of nnrxwHoxLLeW11. VS51 fin M 1 King i za. J -a-. l- t- ! r .11 1 si i i 9 Sowo p-pur; pupiaauf XTHt hsaarl 'draw wr- twourfaaaa nose all classes and conditions, ranging &U the rWsfrom- aayants and? merchant princes to;Cblneae cbolied, whd-are a-Utile above the, beasts -that perish. , , Ar'bHhcotr-'Propoanion. When we annexed the Sandwich Islands, -we todSfc twenty thotssanoGlxmese. When. Vft raelreB th. PttTltogtoea, we tooto4n a 1 umbet Of Chtit Variously staged before o ;oonmitee s frla 20Q. time, the ooogrees la confronted with the exceedingly difficult proposition of hold- tnour pewlr.aoguired provinces, ookmteaJ or finmuar-poseeagtopaj fwxucneTW.or TfnaitA etrer you nlease to call them end at the - OPe8 oyiasurm' jpotiaaauions-mLate w jou wnA nawiivArisi nr t n luut huiiih iiii w iih imit (tiivuiA to dnocnlnate them. own kj hand-prior to the SpajniahcrWar to suit our taste, mte tne Kmgnxyox a mancoa, we lures to tna, even to far Jgn I courage, the resolution, the wisdom auu. i that -flhoum vtne supreme court oi uw will decMe-ithat the citlaens or subjectsfof. Snainyresldent in the islands -weannexM. f becaina--wneis annexed Ipso facto ciUsens 01 -tne; unuea maies inepeuv eountry wm speeaiiy.nna a way. to umoaa themsely esot that . huge incubus, because ( mWAAA V.: fht ' in thAir snher i senses - .ub. vtuuBvw w 1 - r I ecaM u deliberately determine tso truth fa that It in hlffh time the la- bWrs-o tfaaountryrWa tJDDrtf awwiivm few3 v ay y a e Phillpptae Islands- then-. on 1 aalvation.v suppose tne supreme pwrfe? salvation.. Suppose the supreme eour tiA TTnited States decides that the stft ma LraieQDiaieB uowum u "vc I lects of Spain residing in the islands we I annexed beoame Ameican citizens hytnej V HT,TiAt7SS? irfTm; decid tffi.Snlm Kpowerlto-resfrlct tfia frTonioflo; lA.JJ Juii. .ra tJiWU i American viu.vix-mw ierlcari dti!en-Jnttfv linwa 1 I 'I Hnese'bf parr-6f febsSeneflt thiTbin is imfimWOtPP John Dalzell I ttii )a ntuum inhnr of fiurcnMi APd: the a .a awwhishb , i a fppine the better the laixHrai be oft. iJh k. Afr 1.. WM io . . , when all of us, especially, the laborers of I fift.tuiii win tn jronvof soul .exclaim. ffWho wui Qiyexf p:twtitidy f JthiCuft ! death r Should it be decided that tne Tree lrmines cannot . be restrained the yenow flood wUl pour In and utterly submerge witj it not nn v enAi4n tf. a nf mi i Mr, . . - - . - . . . . . . .. I , in. the Fhtuiptoe, testified thatl by tnir'rlHrf ateh 'IdWaflT tTr JZ.Jl uX that Wyf j(vtyTna;' 5rftSn JexpSrceaS I and TOi ftariaSt; Th only anawcrt eUcted. Chinese' "baa ure on 1 cents reason- both onstnutJonai charac- .fefliOTiSonsriaef imnnni iiiiiaajni -wian la. ijninAHfi in rnanTie I a sa. . s I . stantly CTrf!aa;flrfraa our tJotailatkJa muWpUSiarjrfo ihfedred'bf yars aiandi'"Sarsen kimlte8mieAtaliblcfii Ghinesacaa-'l r TlmJIdJm tbexadvan of ftoowtog ejV-wmvalivtliiiattes: itiunrfiriw 3??F.mi.mBI,V rtl otltjxe earth. Poana. r jnnaiterabiy oeed to anythm thbfi idep'rlyes them T .11. .1. f . o In a v-w manner reauee mar auuaraiw unoKivr i thit win towHhWW &Teais tSny- 1 t v On a celebrated occasion Daniel Web-i ked and wanton waste of the li .money, scandalous joDbery inal favorittemrMibugi ting up trans; vara, one of whicbr is still running, l 552!fflatS- oven ana qowu up-1 iffitntrtitlcnAilv-lfat the Xencrats wtte riglat and that the publicans . aV& tJ M frVA TTTAAVlvifTfAK I i-OSt prelaws a wng uruvw uu m vnicn xeii ue wxiuie um bw ukiwj t P J .,. . "IT'jI Trans; iixi aw a CjavWMT'T 1 - . r,.4 TrTl;r,a:-.-t efl by Ynmrn; . chased and Fat Qr pnor Has insttueen renominatea. 1 q3S?5KSSK, SiM4JfeSmgi9gg Ixllikuinuno I KCL;4m .faost-miMlo jpirued -ic h imrr na ravarwv aav - i - swia as lir - a ilu i MirjSiessor.Wie, jtt HanaOlph. i; Of Bt. U t rhinm rir.AAs v ' . . invtlgatious Wnave -uneartnea-war The-p!odem artjsta, "XMrlrSk Vi f-W1 ' na 8iawe' ,7I ft&aipelM ;bD haye mfft1T SSdcrU4ha o ' - " ' at this jate dar 1;1te .Wteyfare todayxo ssai tMsecre:bf ijM?1': - ' W?f4- :.ft j t5D5Mlir! adafift-Q-lifxtolrio jjj ifi ' ' coining out '',Ve wouldTiaV b 'fcorifanr winPr hAn oat-art haa the secret 36ree tdaya Dpnt.ryOU See rthat. 'N,o...i lartTA iimhr . rJanMfl , ffJSfealol! siiclilanas will do well kttOrVr' tTeade'wlmtever ThrtD( own a jsaas - --feude. aiiuuid Ihey elect the ne ouscthy. now have very -grgitj .fl- r ((SbxjSltT&S&el same individuals letjer.flve or ten vars old and yoTrwIil uM?.liMm MfWni;W shelfer, and olFTOohI ba$ petered out, Un- 1 lersutto auu . I fmTWisitinn. Tbjfse-aEG the men ' Who withmglfthand. , Individ- I naiM pr" PV,"V"W"V 1 wn -n w- n n v u raa hiiiiu a nrui iMiriwn i ijii thnM "aofMlTthPir Wvs " and there sot their ways," and there a I TTV It- "i- H V , I V : ' 14 'i. . ... ffti At: . ... a 1 9 i I 3 st --t -W MM .-f,. s ' AT S mm ww,-." -m , t- m m . m m , At yTU m..w . m XT a mw r mr m- r r r . k rrr - - .. v" .t . . , ,: . . j : - i - - - - - . . 1 HQ ?L emnaWE axKllealuJi)OixmiCoite SewflaB fHf8 - . x 'l JV Bnemeia turns out tne nnesarg most perfect steel the world pro- ywr .tss n-aWAWt aWaI - aeai. .eiewwi ' -.fi. -r --r muse uie oaxacens maue aw osea nw- t f .- o much about metals, as we are sup- of majl6fjartlfW41 4iaWals$aoi J thjnefirmetie oia ifrencn- paste, tue OLWniCn -ZZT ly prodHoed wty rTniqBteorithei rno&Sl . BrHfLMftl itWmda-Mn Wll-r b i tug ltWsozfeia13lftod; rrjarta o therwertdt add bsOtrbTi xaod OT i1???0?? TO ta . btilldmirs offc,f tnf Tart sri isiorra n on trivMnwvvi - - . . ?a7 9iaa?r saWtf5i ;&f .a. Mwn-AMfhitf'JiwMd rTcl.T f 7,ri IJl i' LIrzir.i iV mort4to rhnnaaN' ral rnrti4 i a. & - 'v v. . i Wrm4m i- faaaTT-iS iWgfWttfWl Onin nTMO BB w?re obmmooly jneed ;'vh '.T' .J."1 1 r-v rr tttt rTr- v - i 2aja WiasarrnaPBs come across fraa ished by the wonderful, rlchnei mmM ti?eo5wliich3' Aaj3ww'cuwrw'wi7jrifcfc i yowillflmra o--wgft T IfALa rf i Jill aQ-anr' Jtn"4XOCL2i.L i!9 aa ai 1 1 .1 iiirini ws - w im w - . va anytmng 'xnaxr couiu .at - air :compare nrffh' mWia nMTt tf ra ArimmiSTlaii rwmintf jrv 1 , ...... . . .j r.T . T ofVecfce. raanutectum:.: W those wnoi stHinoia tne ancientwcret irnara U cioselyi that dt will Jprobablyiidla I with tbsem and W added talong list v HVfhinm"wnlchJonr actors beat T ox inmgs m wmcn on us hollow. Exchanffe. durability la notlV flfrflA fAymtmTv i ?v i YixxM fieachaid huBraaoh; JWradSf? J iil Mf?? S f WftttrtTfiwtW oSOU lCirjgidon j 5? j ll-55arm.-lli45o.rn: a.Mvj. xu4Jxvxii. - L.v.. 1 Ar. -1 r": UUURjbiSO ih6nejja-4:A?Athens , . 6:13a.io. 8:60p.m.. , :TealsQ popular now. ,v ; ;Jl?jg2eWil &?SS?MJ Ml IWISII .1 1 !'rJ :Z i Ar V Ar Ann HE YOllTRIED tTYET? jAwonde hest 4r J&nmr ao tocirtent ypnsumptron. TheTasi8brTAit r. -' ? , ' - v HEEL! OOrjGHjl YJfeUB Is North Yyy Carolina Pme"Tkr ais always 1 ? - . . reiiaoie. eoiaDy aiiaeaiers,S6ci Y.-, , iTT.rrrj atmi fituTIT - " -.r-ZTrr Mr6- - .r-1 11 ljflfrrrBi?' Aai8av oac fj-.iS-jr -wslwiajil A A-X?1'' ., WaaJ?" Tr r'n flJPlymouth connecting with W. eP sL It AiUl-'Oi 1VtfcVf -Jt dii pCil '!: -r",-""T. -. , , . . .L.iayzor aurora, crauuTeea maueyyiue.;ana . . KttpbrtMi i - v r t . - : -ltOJS - o - .1 iiiwiiiawwii WIBWWKOSi U If. vl y nil , 1 Ll -J ' &'rzfi& llZ.mti5o Al - . - - vtrcrT. .uiuuw ci..fj;.uw 0);; tifu T ' BAKBR - 1 . Poindexter St . . Eliz., City, N. 0.1 ijKwisioii mjmte iuoura 1 ."w prm. , Henderson , , 2:10 p.m. 2:28 x. m, Soathern Plnea " ' 6:18D.,nu (Jia,m-- i ..V J J New Orleans nil So ' Memphis 1q : SloUol 8alM.'4fiim- gav Connections daily at Southern Pines, with. 0 277 (rams for Pinehnst, N. 0. 20 minutes b ortftflortdaEsst C6es- tobinCJubaV i" eaasiUU lorjairpoiiits ta exssV Mexfoo-and - eillf 6raia2i PnMA.PiAA Vv -v w.f Xf. Al o. arriyes as Portsmouth daily at 7.1 : & arriyes at Portsmouth dally aiiir 3W - vwns.9ns va. rv r, i J f a-t tT r-r-.cr-tf:r Mui nam. arrive at EdentSn 12 , nu and 6140 p. m. arrive at Belhayen 590 - i w , I - Ieave Bdenton dally (except. Sunday) 12:45 ffr'' Waiiamaikm? 'ana" lo a .JV Tuesday and Saturday for Chowan -Blef ' sad -tr.r-i . . , . - . . f-, LieaveUelHaten KHDO pm. ferWaahlisgien . Cf.O. &Q0-aJm. TaeeaayTautadayw and Tflatnrw. , Arn uuprmauon apply ww.a Jaeya -:. -CaeiOeneral Offloea ! NorfcIS i ' Norfolk Va7T- il i , i - n iianaeer, ia 1. i -Uetfl Fti&Pa; C .'.,-7- 1 .. .a, --r O Q SrT-'i, ti.,ris -I VA' " - v - aa;4 -VA,2i - -W- rVtV " "1"-. ' v - - i,,,w...i-W-i