ELIZABETH CltY, NORTH CAROLINA P 1 1 h 1 1 fi h n r I " F; v r v Pr i rl a v BY THE EIAST CABOIJNA PUBLISHING COMPANY. i ' OTnJonBTDrrTnv nornr t ONEfYEilt, 81.50 SIX MO TTHS, - - 75c. FOUR MONTHS - 50c. NO SUBSCRIPTION RECEIVED POR A SHORTER PERIOD THAN 4 M03. i - auveruiamg jrawa axe xiu.imxiu. uu appuuaLiU-U. - .uruuraubeea XO nave the largest circulation of any piper published t east of Raleigh, a , This paper glv. correipoaienki a; wfAs rvii it think pablio policy permits, but it Ia in rno sense re3p3iniblefor their view. .- TheaolacQas of this paper are alvvars odsiu for contribu -tions of general latereifc. : The communication mast be accompanied by the writer's name. . a IMMIGRATION NEEDED. There is no more serious ciues tion confronting the farmer than vi-hat of labor. The farmers of thas county are. having no little trouble to obtain labor even at much bet ter wages than ' formerly paid for farming operations.. Not a ew farmers have abandoned the farm and moved to town because of this difficulty. A remedy is needed - And that at once. . I ''. The farmers of the-Eastern Shore, of Virginia are meetiner the tror lem by organizing what they sljyle, The Truckers Immigration Bureau, 'which" has for its object the secur--ing of a desirable class of inimi- igrants as laborers. They are want ed to supplant the hordes of neg roes Who go north during the spring, leaving the farmers "i liole" for help at the time when is most needed.. , . I ' This movemnt is certainly wotthy of the emulation of our people. The Chamber of Commerce of ithis city should lend assistance,! as such a movement would, mean! an -increase in the prosperity .of the surrounding country. And noone -would profit more than the J busi -neas men of this city. 1 It would be a good thing! for r . . .. . . f, . the whole state if a good class 'of immigrants could : be induced to .locate here. Some of .-.the Jim imense and ; un wieldly farms that 'stand two-thirds in waste now, could be cut up, into reasonable tracts and cultivated' profitably by ihirfty men. There are acres of Hand in this section that in their present unfilled condition are fnot worth the taxes exac ted by the state, but which would jf eld handsomely with the proper fcreat- jment - I - I '" j,.r. " : r .. Th Tab Heel desires to defy 4 ?apoligize for the publication of ;,. ne ' article in last week's pafoer . reflecting on Mr. Fred B. Warren 01 VYasnmgton, N. C. I The editor of the Tab ffm. Ihas .always had the kindest feeling aor Mr. Warren and we make ihis apology in justice to him. Tiie article was published wf th--out our knowledge and did -not in any way express the views of the -editor of this payer, f of this month. . .The Tar Heel is . preparing to make great s improvements in the paper. - '"We now have a ' new mergenthaler type setting ma chine ordered, which the manu factures iave promised to have in stalled for us by the first day of March. The paper will then be enlarged to twelve pages and as soon as we can complete the neces sary arrangements 5 we will issue an afternoon edition. The Tar Heel has enjoyed a wonderful success during its brief career and we are under obligations to our patrons who have given us theit support We ; also want to thank our correspondents' who have aided so materially in making the paper what it is to day. V We promise our patrons that' in the future we. shall give them the bet weekly newspaper in North Colina. The subscription price 01 tne paper will not be increas 6d, but iiur readers will be given a paper half again as large as the Tar Heel is to-day. fare of North Carolina and the South at' heari. i He v will; probablv be appointed "to a position - as United States -Circuit Judge. The people of yorth.:, Qarolina, irre spective of party, have a kindly feeling for. him and wish him suc cess. , Our town is progressing rapidly, with the exception of some kind of conveyance for pedestrians dur ing rainy weather,! if we can not -""' . ' " j - , have curbstones and pavements we ought toTiave something even if we, have to resortj to ferry boats) in fact a good ride in the mire on ilain and Second street would be more preferable than the hop skip- and-jump you see ladies and gent lemen making in. vain to advoid the mud. You can look down the street and see people bouncing in all kinds of shapej and positions. .The above is from a Washings ton N. C, paper and we give it space inasmuch is "'misery loves company." The U I same article would apply to Elizabeth City. Wouldn't Have The Preacher , Because he Wore Whiskers. i On tne records; of Christ church, in this city, is the j discharge of a The; Sun, a weekly newspaper published at Rutherfordton Kv Mr. C. D. Wilkie has reached our exchange desk, It js neatly print- ea ana ably edited. Mr. Wilkie is a ; born journalist and ' the Thfi Tar Heel wishes ''him all kinds of success with his new venture. It is the neatest paper minted in the state not excepting any. minister for wearing a beard. In ye olden time people looked, upon a bearded man as : they did upon the youth who first parted his hair in the middle. Society would ostracise any one who at tempted cultivation of a moustache and a bearded layman was looked upon with contempt and disgust. Thus it was that when -lie wis ..II4V Grande Noble, an Episcopal minister of New York who, 66m6 to this city in 1843 to take charge of the pastorate of Christ church met with violent onnosif.inn . Elraetoeth City, ' now has i birth double daily mail and double ai ly express These are both vtery recent additions and are to be Im proved uponr The express coma ny is daily expecting the receipt of handsome wagon to be used fin connection with their' rapidly igrowing basiness in the city. . j MR. NEW BY HONORED. The Washington, D. C. Corrfi- epondent of the Morning Post says: "At a meeting of the secretavis to members of Congress Friday uigut i me JiiDOit house, for the purpose of perfecting a m nent organization. W. a - rr, pxciary xo representative SmaU, was seleoted as the member of the executive nmmii-nn. - . wvM.xiiiuco tu rtjpreseni North Carohna." Mr. Newby is a Hertofd boy who has many friends and admir ers here and elsewhere in the dis trict. Mr. Newby is the vonnafif secretary from this state and ia tn be congratulated for thn honor confered upon him by this selection. To forget the sin oi life - With its .bitterness and strife, i As,I watched the wizen face, ; t - Saw thev poverty she bore, ' . I could scarce suppress a groan,' - Though Her whining monotone Ever told about that Friend,, f . Who would greet her at the end, When the grave w6rns sought the flesh, . . When the spirit born afresh Sought the wicket of His door, To be with Him evermore., Tell me woman, then I queried, -MDsnlfind His Friendship too? -As she fa'ed me then I pondered, , -When before I had but wonder- ' - ed," ' s . . V -' f : , - : .... . . As the richness of her Glory, ; " .,When she called to : mind the story ' . i , Of he.tnan ; Vho suffered sorrow, That the cross -might lose it's horror. v ' . - 'So' she said, "the Way for you ' Is to let Him take you through! "When the waters and ; the flood, Leave you stranded and fore lorn, ' , r" Keep your eyes upon the tower; -Make it's beacon light your c t power, ' - It will guide you to the end, : ' . For the keeper' is your friend." Then her voice was soft and low, , As she added, "One thing more; When the yoke of Christ is worn, : Then the peace of Christ is born" And I knew there was no sorrow, 4 While her mind was staid on Him. " . . For her path was bound in ease Since He kept her soul in peace. Thus I learned there was was ' a, - glory In the-simple Bible story, ' x Which, alone, could turn the hours. As a crown of thorns to flowers ; As the way grows dark and dim, Fills the wifiA tri Vr.?J. tottering through the ' wretchS . . -. ii. . i 1 inrougniare, In thri stre.et called "Poor man's bend, ' . . - r - : . :, J ,.;On thelst day, of February, 190; I shall offer for sale at auction, . on mfarml known as the vOld Olark Perrv t)lace. later as I the Baxter ; Farm, the following: ' ' . " ' - Horses, Cattle, Hogs, EajntVagon,'Ridino; Ve hides and Farm Utensils. ( ' ,-..-T shall be at home between now and daw' qf salev People' can. do as well by seeing me' before day of sale, as I will sell privafely any of. the above. 4 X have verv fine horses on hand. 5 ' ' " - ' ; Elizabeth Citq, C. CA.11RA Via wnra a VkAoi.4 - . . " u w iutu. xiuuia was uuxiu. a handsome man, and Vould have Where the children foughtan ers grew upon his chin The Whe , 6 PauPers lived , ant i 'a- . L ... .died.- - v.. lauies 01 tne cnurch called a meet- T!-.OM t in ' " .' . - .... i - i j. ioi a wuiuan sincinor infir. and on Kif.inn 4-Y,. . 1 1 T t:i . " . . & o' -ww& mo ouui ii yi. the male' members, succeeded In A good bicycle shows its qualities whenever it is used. Those who ride fo Treasure, br for business, soon see the strong points of a f - GOOD WHEEL- From start to finish it well repays thecost.-! Every- day'suse convinces of the wisdom of the purchase, Qur line of Guns is unsurpassed in QUALlT;Y'and PRICE. Let us show you our line! If you don't want to buy a newog mV repair tie old one7e re pair Guns, Baby Carriages, Machines, fycycle, EtQ, cling- Who will keep hfer to th,e end. THE TAJR HEEL TO BE - IKPROVp! Jt gives us pleasure to announce to mr readers this week thai fwe iiaye secured the services of ilr. Harrv Porter Ui "i Va., on the editorial staff of the ' TarHeei Mr. Gf.uerrant is con- sidered one of the brightest young newspaper . men the South.. For r .several years he served on he --staff of the Danville Register and .later edited the Danville Daily "Free . Press. He has served as - correspondent for "all the leading ' metropolitan- daili and corneal io us laaglily recommended. - - I Ur. Ouerrant is a regular $on- Hributor to . several of the Hih S class magazines. : He is , the auf nor f the poem "Gladness in Sorrow," which we are printing inthisime. . lie will enter upon his duties OTith the Tar Heel about the i5th .THE NEW SENATOR. The Senatorial fight is eikJed. Honi Le S. Overman, of Kowan pounty, was nominated in the Democrafc'ev Caucus on the 2th ulto.,. af te sixty-one ballots ; had fceen' taken , ... ,! While th fight was hotly conUst ed the best of feeling prevailed to the end. Tie- unsuccessful candi dates, accepted- tbe situation 'wi joi ned in with the friends and sup porters of ,tfee- successful candi date in toongra-tulating themselves ,-upon the good? work that had given to North Carolina a solid Demo cratic delegation at Washington. ; ; Mr. ' Overman is- ao able man and a worthy successor to i.h f Tanee, wjth wben be was . so ing associated: :aa-r--ninTO-i-y-oiA--:-i' His father was- & native of Pasaio. tu county aiwtourpeoplfi natu rally feel, a deep-interest jo, his success, ne -will make a Worthy representative-and the people of JMOjrta, Uarolinft will ever have- just cause to. feel proud of him: ' The- people of North Carolina have the vgreatesfc respect and admwratioa for Senator Pritchard, our retb'vng ' rt presentative. . He has made aaithf uV representa'- mandhaaalwa the wel- Left a Pilgrim, meeking discharging Mr.i Noble wikhnnf Put her tormentors and foes: delay. The incident is still nn rA. 4 And .Ler .so,rrows and' her woes, corded ... r11. to a, Friend, ; v . uuw 010 ,mcunea to be skeptical are invited to com municate with Key. L. L. Williams. The incident was so ridiculous that we were inclined to doubt it .1 1 . s. - uurseives out Uolonel Creecy tells us thatit was applauded i days. Astern Carolinians were a cieu .euavr n people until - the close of the Mexican" war. TTy. dreds of tur forefathers marched! off to war and away from home and away from razors. Down in Texas beards flourished on - the faces of our soldiers and they wore them home. . ' Of course people obiected but. the boVB Werfl Inamaa or. !,.!. www uuu liUClx whims had, to be tolerated. Thus the returning heroes of the Mexi can war introduced the beard and moustache in the Albemarle section. Peter .1 . i She 2iei(ele Mdit," , Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! These Euclid Heights Lots at $150. pach Are Bargains, ; BargkinsE : , homeWerSve . vboughfeThr can be ' ber of people through this propel dv n, ft SSi 'lgh h$a tho vasfc monthserethecheaWof?heLlots w be few. Many of these lots are worthTJIi ?Uth? Peesen Pce. . . . , ----- rv ""j Awu,iu ouu. . t. , . ONLY A FEW LEFT. tale I GLADNESS IN SORROW. BY HAKRY POBTEB GTOBKANT. As I passed along the way, - Of a wretched dirty street, Where the paupers liveo? and died- wnere tne children fought .and cried: : . j There I heard a woman's wail And I paused tov hear th Of her sorrows and her woes Uf her tormentors and fo And I mused that! Nature's feet Passed, a work, so' incomplete. lhus the : woman's high pitched voice- ' Wafted o'fer the dirtv aferftt vAnd the meloncholy waiV -' ' J j-uai i thought was but the tale Of her sorrows and her woes,- - Of her to-rmertbrs and foes, Was a song of wonderoiw praise To the keeper bf her davs And: the rhythm that she beat ' Was of happiness co-mplete ' Though the sweat upon her brow Told the miserv nt iAf lit, j Where the chUdrei, . fought and VOU D BETTER HURRY I s fatvmSl ill 1 'FA ATT1 ft Mi j &zLt&M& " fia JLrM xB&Jt ibor cried. fWherd the died, paupers lived and Yet her song was 'of a friend, That would kpep her to tbe end, And J yearned to kno w him too', AS the woman seemed to- do; V for only $150 ft- the- poresfc. IV I'oiP USUallv- Tia-vai' T.'. IVA ' - - It's the chance of "a 1 i f a i m a rA Thi f 0l? ThouSand Two Hundred and -Fif fy Dollar nror and we ha,ve only a few left, you'd better hurry. : Y pfr wvS0fv Waiti Mr:Putoff saySaityand,Mr.-Putoff is waitbr" way ifi the worly to become prosperous. , , waiunr. v .finish "waiitihff wcjr money to spare, for , : , Don't follow the unsuccessful Be thriftv--whilA fhfl v You'll find Enclid Heights lots 'BoKinlr H Tu:in make a sta 7 They keep constantly, at wfrk : eafy farS?? eaCh ' "y a hoId" the' - daily occupation. earning money, for you while you- are ariesp op ' at' your' , .Bon W than vernmen nnlTrtlKA ii - , " HCKeSL SatS. Way . to , make rrnr, T.. . v Tvr wauie C8BH anillO nftr mnntl, " , r"V , "WW . ii;xjj XOUR 10 TO-DAY. t 7 9 ' 'x r THE REAL ESTATE MAH. EE " lb' ' ; -- K

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