HINTON MAKES A HIT. ' lie Seconds the Nomination- of Hon. Lee S. Overman in a Good . ; . - Speech.'.,1 !'.-' - 6 or townsman V: -Ml Hin ton who seconded the nomination, ,ol lee 8. Overman for the - Senate made , one . of the . most j? eloquent speeches Owe .have read fin many days: He showed , the fire arid patriotism ; of Eastern f Carolina, and hia laneuasre was pure,-' chaste .and rang; with a rhythem peculiarly his own, ' ' - . . - - . ' He has taken a prominent stand in Baleigh, ' and is proving Just what the Tar Heel predicted ( he would be, a, useful member of ,th ; law' making body. Pasquotank made no mistake in his election. Alert endf progressive, hei is care ful of the interests Of hfs people. Mr. Hinton said m part: 'Mr. President: I iosvce to ' second the nomination of Ho. Xee S. Overman, a gentleinan pre eminently fitted to represent the liberty-loving people df North Carolina in the great 'council of '.the nation. 1 . " c- "Possessed of a . string and vigorous , body,, a dignified - and . imposing carriage, suatity and and grace of manner' distinctively his own; ' a : splendid I intellect, broadened and strengthened and - burnished . and brightened by thorough culture, learned in the law, aeepiy. regain poiiucai ,or, wen Tersea m stacecraii, snuiui and powerful in deoate a ventaoie intellectual giant, a i brilliant orator,' whose eloquent thrills . '. and "moves Ho action, he make any ideal Senator. I ' would : 4ne erace, tne courtliness, tne '--polish and the diplomacy of i -Bansom and the hard rugged com xnon ) sense, -broad-mindedness ;versatiUty and ; iLcrruptibiHty of a Vance nappiiyTnet ano iiarmon : iously blend in him. ' ' 'f " ' " "As Paul ' knelt at the feet of Gamaliel, so he knelt atV the feet of the Great Tribune of the people. -: As the ripe scholarship' and - broad r ;learnirigofJ Gamaliel was trans- t .muted into-a power to uplift and bless mankind when thrown into the fires of a Pauline heixt and a Pauline brain; so the patriotism - and love "bf North Carolina that glowed in the bosom of Zebulon ; - B. Vance and the great I thoughts : , 6 T . bthar a riraH i H fx rria t. otti at r . .... . , . V i i . ;' , , , , , ; , ed and broadoned and merpertu- ; , s . f . - a tea ana given more magmncent , . . sweep ana power in tne? lire ; and character and work of J Lee S. Overinan. . ! . "Hard by the eastern fshores of North Carolina, .; where Old ooean ends up its eternal anthem" of praise to our. God his ancestors lived 4 and mated. "In the loved and weed and magnificent Piedmont section he first opened hi eyesjup- n th 'ftnvTmntiTicy Vofi0a ; a : WAAV ; . V V W Iff Ml M V J ItJ "v. VJL nature and caught the first glance I' of GodVglad sunshine. m w jr m: - m - ft ,.' Awnv " Wn hm "Urin; mountians of Western North Caro- Una, that glint and gleaih in this beautiful suulight pf heaven; a f.ir UnnonmY, tyiaMati IwifK to witchery of charms 'won his manly heart and they, united their des - tinies. . , I J ."In the metropolitan county 1 of v Wake, in the capital city of . the ;. State v. he spent the dats of his young 'manhood. So no particular ection can rightly - claim, him. ,' He is owned and loved by all true :JNortn Jaronn;ans and oy tne en- tire State. , "Elect himto the tJmted ; States Senate and the people will rejoice. Aye, irom mountain, nui? and dale; Jrom rocKy gorge, and sylvan glen and ocean cave; irom towiv cot- tage . and irom lordly mansion irom namiec town and! populous city a might shout will bise: 'Elect him and he wilf stand in the senatorial arena and tid e- liance to every oneT whoares to y. : strike at the liberties of Jhe people or auempi, w larmsn tne stainless escutcheon of the old flqrth State, "Elect fnm, and North Carolina- - God bless the dear old 'State-will . troll forth with ever Increasing - lustreburning and blazing like- a star of the first magnitude in the -bright galax of her, sister States," Henry W. Grady on The whiskey v, ' . - Traffic. '.- To-night it -enters an humble home to strike; the roses of: a wo- 's "cheek, and to-morrow it challeges ,, this .republic in the halls of Congress.. , . ;s - . k . To-day it? strikes a .crust from the lips of a starving childnd. to morrow levies ; tribute from the government itself ? - j -It defies the law when. it cannot coerce suffrage. - It is flexible to cajole, but merci less in victory. . -1 It is the mortal enemy of- peace and order, the despoiler of men terror of women . the cloud , that shadows the face of children, the demon that nas dug more graves and sent rnore souls 'unshrived .to judgment than all the pestilences that have wasted life since God sent the plagues to Egypt, and all the wars , since Joshua stood be yond Jericho. Zt comes to ruin, and it shall pront mainly by tne -rum 'Ot your sons and mine. ,v It comes to mislead human souls and to crush human hearts' under its rumbling wheels. . It comes to ' bring , gray-haired mothers down in shame and sor row to their graves. V It comes , to change the wife's - despair and her prida -nto hame It cocqes to still the laughter on the lips of little children, i - It comes to stifle all ihe music of the home and fill it with silence and desolation. ' , , ' . It comes to ruin your body and mind, to wreck your home, and it knows it must measure its prosperi ty by the swiftness and certainty with which it this wor(L CITY TO ISSUE BONDS. $10,000 in Bonds to Purchase : Rail- : roa Terminal Right of Way. ; We give below a copy of the bill which this week is presented to the general sembly. The object of the bill is to allow this City to issue bonds to the amount of 'ten J ' . . ' amount n is proposea to purcnase a . terminal for the Suffolk and , ;. a , Carolina Railroad. . - a ; It will be remembered that- this road agreed to come to this city if -L - i " , they were giVen a-nght-of-way and , , . i t m, . , . - , . , and a termmaL This terminal was purchased by Hon. T. G,- Skinner and it is now the duty of the city to reimburse him. The biH reads: 4fThe General Assembly" . of North Carolina do enact: i - ..... ;. .. . ' I Sec T "That the Board of Alderman of the Corporation of Elizabeth City is hereby authoriz ed to issue bonds in the name- of he Corporation ofElizabeth City i iu suca aeuomxuawons ana iorms as 11 m&y ermine xo an ainount f " - . Bi 1 not to exceed Ten Thousand Dol- iars,, payaDie ac sucn time and Place as the Boards of Aldermen may prescribe, provided, that the tune 01 paymeni 01 sucn oonds snau noi oe less ? man . turee nor more "teen years. l Sec. 2. 'That the said , bonds f shall bear interest 'at .Tio: greater J rate, than six per cent per,, annum. and the interest shall be payable annually, and sail bonds shall be in no ca9e be sold or hypothecat ed or otherwise disposed-of for less than their par value. Sec. 3. "That the said : bonds shall be si&rned bv thA Mwnr attested by the City Treasurer and sealed with the Corporation Seal of the City, and ; shall hve inter est coupons attached thereto In order to meet the payment of the said bonds at maturity and th & rminnna n fUv v.0nr due it "shall be the dutv.of the Board of Ald'ermen, and they are hereby empoweredHo levy and VjqI lect each year a.: sufficient W'cial tax upon the subjects of taxation which are now or may hereafter be embraced in' the subjects - of taxation under the Charter of : the said City and in the manner, and at the same time as other tixes are collected under said Charter provided that the taxe3 collected under this Act for payment of the said bonds' and interest poupons as aforesaid, shall be used for no rttlifir niirnose. and it shall be the duty of the said Treasurer as pj cotipons are paid off and Xtx up to cel the same and; report to tyie Board of-Aldermen the num ber and amounts of the cSupQiiis c) pahcelled. t ' ,t " , ' gee. 4." ."lhat the said Board of Alderman 1 shall not issue said bonds, 'nor any of them,- nor levy nor collect said taxes until they shall have, been authorized and empowered bo, to do by a majority of the qualified Voters of the i said City at an! election or elections : to be held at such time and place as said Board shall oppoint df which notice shall be given for twenty days in some newspaper, published in said City, and at such . election or elections those favoring the is sue of said bonds l?. and th : levy and collection of said taxes for the payment of said bpnds and cou pons shall vote "issue", and thos6 opposing it shall vote, "no issue." "The said Board may in its dis cretion order a new registration of voters; and a majority, of the votes so registered- shall authorize- and empower the said Board to issue bonds and levy the said taxes as aforesaid.! . - " . , , Sec. 5. "That the said Board i - v shall have -the power to call the election at ahy time upon giving the said notice, and the, rejection by the Voters shall not prevent a submission of the same proposition tythe vsaid voters at any other time that the said Board may ap point. . ! ' - . Sec. .0. "That the said ' bonds may bedtesuecj for the purpose 'of repairing and building, and im proving the new street along Tiber Creek and for the pajment of the terminal of the Suffolk and Caro lina Railway Company at .Pasquo tank river, and for such damages as -the said 1 corporation of jQliza- J6eth City may, have to pay for the right-of-way of said City, and for the purchase of said terminal for thesaid iRailawy Company, provid ed, that! 4he purchaser of said bonds shall not be required to .see to, the application of said purchase money: j . ' : Sec HThat the said Board of Aldermen shall have the right and control to do all proper things to carry into effect the' true intent of this Act. ! Sec. 8. "That this act shall be in force from and after its ratifica tion." ! - t ' Hon. Cyrus B. Watson. There is no other man in North Carolina today who has garnered to himself more of the affection, and confidence of the- masses' of the people of North Carolina than Hon. Cyrus B. "vtson. In the recent contest he increased their admira tion by the high plane upon which he conducted his campaign. Suc cess would have brought him poli tical honors, but it could not have added to the esteem in which he is held by the good.people of North Carolina: j The masses of the peo ple love a brave and honorable man whoj is not afraid to stand against monopoly and entrenched ill-gotten gain.. : It was because Mr. Watson is such a man that 5 he had such btrong "support ; j ;He bears upo n his body the scat s of three honorable wounds received while a pjivate in the Confederate armyt WTlthout reward hep has been as' brave a soldier" in', the .ar mies of I Democracy. : He ; is stron ger today in the hearts of the peo. hle than over and : will wield a greater i. influence in shaping v De- fmocratic policies for the 'good of his State, 1 which o wes ; him f more than it ' can evar pay .any man. May he Hye long to lead for true Democracy and the just rights of the people.; .Since Yance, no man in Western North Carolina has . so well illustrated the ; typical North Caroliifa , ledder. News and- Ob stryer. r ; - , v;'-. . t- : February vyeather. " " The 'following 'data, covering . a period of 16 years, have been com- plied from , the Wtter Bureau records at Tlnl fQ- the month of Febnm . - i v '.a or TiormaL, temperate, 43 -w- --? - . .... - . Jtm ' that oil 8U 0, wi th an ayerage of od degrees. The coldest month was tlmt of 1895, -f with an average! of &3 degrees. The highest tempera ture was 80 degrees : on February 25, 18o0t The lowest temperature wasl2 degrees below zero on Feb ruary ,14th, 1099. : Average date on which first f'killingfrost occurred in autumn, November 1st. V Aver age date on J which last "killing" frost occurred in spring, April 8th, Average precipitation for the month, 4.28 inches. Average num ber of Hays with .01 of an inch or more, xne greaiesr monmiy precipitation as 7.48 inches in 1899. : The last monthly "precipitation was 0.42 inches in 1898. . The greatest amount of precipitation recorded in any '24 c onsecutiye y hours was 2 95 inches on February 4th and 5th, 1896. ' The greatest amount , . . . V :. :.. . X . '. ....... r - ' . of snow-fall : recorded in any 24 consecutive' hours (records extend? ing to winter off 1387, -only) was 17.7 inches on - February ,11th to 13th, 1899. , " . - Average number of clear ,days 9; partly cloudy days,; 7; vcloudy days, 12. . y The prevailing winds have been from the southwest.., . The highest velocity-of the wind was 35 miles from the north on .February 21st, 1891; '.':. 'Help the Mail Carriers. There is no law, we believe, compelling the patrons along a rural route to' keep the roads open, but the postal dopartmentv certain ly expects it. . One paragiaph of their rural route regulations says: the)atrons are expected to meet the department half-way by afford ing carriers, every facility for .... the performance of -their duties, 'by keeping the roads clear after heavy s aow-f alls and using their influence to maintain the condition of the road in all weather up to the stan dard requirements of the depart ment. . , ' - ' i Tty&al i fre3 delivery routes and the telephone have placed the far mer far 4 in advance of that of his village, friend, and it seems as if there should scarcely be a rural route patron so unappreciative as to refuse 'aid of every possible character, to the carrier. The car rier's pay is meager, and it is a nite thing for th6 patrons to re member him in a substantial way from time to time. : V 'Oyster Supper." " . There will be an oyster supper in the quiet little . village of Ca naan on the night of Feb. 10th. Mr. M. R. White will tender the kindnesses of the evening, v and all will be fully rewarded by joining in the merry throng. This enter tainment will be for the - benefit of the school and it should be a suc cess. ' ' Hon. Locke Craig. The young Democracy of North Carolina have in HonLocke - Craig, of Buncombe, an able and, incor--ruptibly leader who is destained to play a leading part in the future political history ot the State. No man in the State did more .to se cure the adoption of -theTconstitu-" tional aniendment and to win .the glorious victories of 1898, 1900, and in 1902. In his magnificent eulogy of Mr. Craig, he eloquent Catawba Representative Mr? Self, didjn0tdraw too strong the picture of Mr. Craig8' matchless service to Democracy v in the real political battle ground of the State. ; Mr. Craig came' to Raleigh , with many friends and admirers. V He returns home with more friends and admirers who' hope to see him oc cupy the high place in the councils of his party towhich his ability and his destinguished public service entitles him. News and Observer. a - ,-r Notice, - i;.:. TPor Pale Lease or Bent fine shooting grounds 01 Atlantic Beach. Attractive factory sites, wharf sites at Burnsid.es Headquarters. Skyco o? Manteo. Hotel Eoanoke. Capital invited, v J". , , ' B. O. Evans, . Manteoi.K.O: Is a new scientific compoand mad front roots, herbs and b rks contalas neither opiates nor poiaons. It purifies the Mood and removes the causes of rheumatism and all blood diseases. Anyone san take RHEUflACIDB witlL abso lute safety. Does not injure ue uigesuve . ' , - - two' Jy FliORiHOS, S. C;, Anfir. 18, 1902. i Gentlemen :--I be gran .to suffer from rheumatism about three years ago, and : had It very bad in my limbs. At times . I could hardly walK ' . Was treated by a physician without benefit. More than a year ago, Mr. George Wilson, an engi neer On th Coast Line, living in Flor ence, told m that BHxuKAciDn cured him. I got a bottle and it bene fitted me. I took fire bottlesand am now as well as I ever was my lif el , I regard " BHKncixilBx " as a great medicine. I kribw of others it has. cured. t - '-Truly, ' - 7 . ' : ' s. rr1, burch. ; I ' Sold by: Druggists,-,. Will be sent - 1 -- A year of Satisfaction! This is what the year 1902 has been to both ourselves and our customers.. Thi reason of this was because we have. handled only the hesteats in the city and deliverpromptly r Want Your Meat Orders! Jf we:were not sa sure of satisfying you perfectly,: we couldn't-ask for your trade.. behave a cleani nMt hnn . snH .i hnHlA.5hnl vtf.. mod alaf RDof -Aaal- "' .Dt1' : MltAM ' ll1 Cflnnnn jiiui ovivci.. www, . t wmi9 , s v v 'vi suvlviii aim ausac. Can we serve you at least a trial order? ' . ' 'J rvO. G. Pappendtck, ; ' . 1 , ,1 st stall to right of city markets Oar:B all report a happy christrhis, and now we are ' ready ';to: buy : ; thdrjunk agaia. ; : Remember we buy all kinds of . , Old Brass Copper Iron, Rags,, Rubber Rope Bones and Rigging andj Wreckage of Vesels ; Highert Prices Paid for Same. ;1 , v - -'v-, .'" jPoindeiter Si, next to Bridge, R tityv TTTT 11 ir "fl TT. j OTIO , are sold at man ufdcturersV prices by the following reliable; merchants: IV. C; Glover, Eliz: City; ; W. R. SKannohhouse Hertford; H. G. Privott, dentdn; t. Pycock Pantego; A.;Sawyer & Co., Belcross; C. R. Vandecarr 4 Co.; M4oydc(, R. B. G; Cowper & Son, Gatesville. Ask For Baugh's Famous Almanac. Headquarters for the best' and 'cheapest grades "of Partition, Ceiling, ; .Flooring, . v Siding, .Shingles. Ceiling 6.00 and upr LBlades Lumber Coi V; r Pennsylvania Avenue, - -Elizabeth City,; v : Pictures Don't ran any risk to . lose your OLD pictures. Ilave them enlarged at home. Zoeller can please you. He has ha 16 years experience along this line. Also carries a large line of frames. '. : - - " Elizabeth orsn CURES. .DARLXFOTOS, 8. a; Aug.l9tht1902. Gentlemen i About two years ag-o I had a very severe attack of inflamma tory iheumatism. I suffered great pain and was confined to ray bed for fire weeks. During the time I was treated by two Physicians without permanent relief. -Capt? Harker, a conductor on the Atlantic Coast Line heard of my condition and 8nt me two bottles of "Bheumacidb." v I, began to take it and in a week I got up and walked on crutches. After taking three bottles of the remedy I got entirely well and went back to my business. I personally knew of a number of other bad cases that were cured by the use of your medicine, in this town and vicinity. It is all that you claim for it.' , t Truly, J..UISKliON. express paid on receipt of ioo. JJ OYS : 1 eramers - Flooring $9.b0 and ud - v NojrtKCarblina;:. -Enlarged! Photosrraoher. City, N. C. , : Lonibep Go