V THE TAR EELf -FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 6, 1903.- W M ? ' 4 S ' x? x$ ? Champ lark's Letter sgv Triumph of the Grand Old Man of Colorado A Missourian'a , Trust Remedy A . National Scandal . Sx$ .8xs Special "Washington Letter. 4xS I $x$ xj Sx$ nhr face and twist his Jugular. On dit N the J0ng : ago out "In the great his- lhat& Peter , Arlund' -aforesaid? of 4 the candal growing out. of tbe toric county of Pike, in .; the im perial state of Missouri, wnfere 1 now reside, 1 there lived . a man named Sidney -Shaw, "called "Sid" for short, who was :much of a wit and somewhat of a sport , One'night; being in St. Louis, he bucked the tiger in liis lair and lost every cent he had. Next morning about sun-up Sid, dead troke and chopf alien, ventured forth in quest of breakfast He. met a friend, who, noting his woebegone expression of countenance, said, ? "Sid, what on earth's the matter': ' in juguDnous accents Sid replied: "Oh, the deuce! I have been playing the fool and have nothing to show for it!" That is pre; cisely the condition of those Colorado Republicans, headed by ex-Senator Ed ward O. Walcott, who endeavored un successfully to rob. Henry M. Teller f a re-election to . the senate of the TJnitedStates. -Teller is an honor to the human race. boses to try her. own case, and let U3 hope that .the old saw which tells us - that a man who acts as his own, law-?? yer has a fool for a clientdoes not. ap ply to a woman similarly situated. Re becca has justice on her side, but she may not have - the court, as : federal courts are appointed by federal admin istrations and may lean toward the appointing ; power. All 'decent 'folks will wish Rebecca well. Made a Sensation,' , The" chief sensation in ofnclal circles Tecenttjf :ur Washington has been the' Holland AH the Danish army --. aforesaid was a soecta- cle," a sad spectacle, for men and an- persons : mixed up In this mklodorous Much geis. o colonel Mose nas ma revenge transaction are Republican will never be known,but this much is known that two out of three eminent by proxy. A Lfevel Headed M issouri an. ; Alf the big bore statesmen in the coudtry have been trying, or have been pretending .to try, to devise some plan to circumvent the trusts. The presi dent has suggested one remedy; 'At torney ' 'General Knox has suggested anotSier; nearly every senator: has sugr gested one of his own; ditto in the 'hou&. . It has all ended in suggestion and; smoke as was intended in most ': cases no" doubt While all these high andfmisrhtv functionaries have -been pestering their ' puissant and august heads in hatching schems and in keep ing up a deafening, racket as to what dreadfur things they were meditating against the trusts a plain, level head- ed lissouri farmer, Hon. M, R, K. Biggs, who is -one of. my, constituents He is .the one great historic personage andthe state senator from the senato- civen to the world by Colorado. He was ajlepublican so long as he could more to throttle the trusts than ail the "be and at the same time retain the ap- big ore statesmen in Washington. ; He nroval of his own mind and conscience, has introduced a bill Into the Missouri I When that could ho onger be done, he, with tears in his eyes and anguish in Lis heart, left the party to which he liad devoted the best years of his life. I As a Republican he had not only, heia, hut had honored, the positions of sena- ! tor and cabinet minister. That he changed his political affiliations -" be cause of the purest motives nobody Whose good opinion is , wortn naving has ever doubted. Nevertheless, the Republican press has pursued Jiim with ! a raccoi that disgraces it ana noi xieur ; Tj 2Si Teller. ; t t:- ' The Wolcott Kepublican.s or uoiora-. flo resorted to methods that would -" 4 senate appropriating money enough to star a state . binder twine .factory. Senator Biggs, who has investigated the 'twine subject thoroughly, declares that bis plan will save to the farmers froip 3 to 5-cents per pound on binder twif e, which means a - vast saving to Missouri farmers in- the aggregate. They will rise up -and call ' Senator Bigs blessed. If the; binder twine proec is successful an from the fig ures collated, by Senator Biggs it must be so-rthe same plan can be extended to other articles, and in this way, one by 6ne, the trusts will be starved out whih is perhaps the easiest and most Republicans who swore before the committee swore falsely, - and one of the two who swore falsely ; Is either a Republican congressman or a Repub lican ex-congressman. : Swearing as they did,' bothcould not be swearing to the . truth. : The Washington Star, a redhot Republican papjer, contains the following editorial: A NATIONAL SCANDAL. : Scandal ifiore disgusting has seldom be fore been caused by the conduct Of na tional legislation thair, that which; marks the bribery charges now being investigat ed bv the house committee on naval af fairs. ' Startling at the outset, the case has daily grown more nauseating until yesterday's session produced what it is hoped will prove to be the climax of the surprises. The testimony of Doblin re tracting that previously given by him in corroboration of - Representative jLessler not only shocks the public, but it puts tho whole case in a deplorable condition as re gards the chances of learning the truth. blm now stands without credence, ana inasmuch as he appears to have beenrtho medium of communication in the case, whatever may have been the circum stances of the acknowledged attempt to secure Mr.; Lessler's support of the torpedo-boat proposition, it may be extreme ly difficult to establish the exact facts. ana Pay Rent, To Yourself. it seems unreasonable to keep on paying rent an,d i get ng vno further; ahead' when you might be paying, lor; a home instead. . -We Can Help Yoii! - We have some nicejpieces of property Consult usthat costs nothing. The best bargains'in real estate are in and around Eliza beth Gity now. '.No. better, way to inyest your money. Prop erty is rapidly advancing. N. R. Parker, Real Estate. At! E. City. N. C STOP -AT promising as; the. Case is in its (present Gatewoods Cafe 164 Church condition, it demands the most- tnorougn Biisines .College Ton must have a Business Education in order to succeed in this busy day. Compete ncy is the key to" success. Take a -course at xhe PortsmouthSpusiness College and yon will suc ceed. Not One of their pupils have failed to hold their positions, and they are employed by the best firms in the three cities, and else- Experienced and High Grade instructors in English, Shorthand' and Typewriting.. Book keeping, Commercial Law, Spelling, Pennman ship etc. - - , . Terms low and pas alle monthly. write for catalogue and full particulars.. - .-,.; - . Portsmcnth Business College, Portsmouth, Va SEABOARD , 4Air Line Railwav : SHORT ;' LINE , TO .PElkciPjL . ' CITIES OF THE SOUTH AND southwest, florida, cu- ba, texas; California:; and mexico, ; reachino- THE CAPITALS STATES, i - I, OF; SIX SCHEDULE III. EFFECT Jan. Ilth, I COS Lt. Norfolk (via Terry) Ly. Portsmouth , Lv. Suffolk - ' 9:10 a.m; ' 954p. m 9:25 a. m. 9:45 p. m 9:57 a. m. 10.u8 a. m JLr. Lewiston. '1 lKX)p.tn.r Lv. Weldon Lv. Henderson Lv. Raleigh, -Ar. Southern PineB Ar. Hamlet . . At. Wilmington -Ar. Charlotte 11 :55 a. m. 12 :35 a. m ' 2:30p m. 3:i8 pym 4 KX) p nu 5 25 ac m. 6:80 pm. 7:30 a. m.' 7:50pm. 8:25 a. la ' ' - 12:30 p. m 11:59 p.m. 11:40 a. m Street. is (Linn's Old Place) Open day and night. . Here the attractive service best food tempting style. Just the place for t f DdflK those in a hurry. Zi have beefl a revelation of violence to expeditions vray'of getting rid of them. the toughest -ward meeting held in the Tenderloin district of the toughest city in the'world, yet Republicans claim to be the apostles of light, sweetness and Durity; hut in spite ot all their machi nations, in spite of Senator Marcus A. Eanna's brazen and impudent telegram foegging the Colorado Republicans to -elect a Republican senator when ne knew that a Democratic legislature LOiad been elected honestly and fairly, in pite of all the skulduddery to-which ;liis foes resorted, Teller and truth and ritrht and justice have triumphed. .The. Lgrand bid man who bravely stood by Ills people in their-darkest hour gets Another term in the . senate, and Ji.a- X.t -a j ; ward O. Wolcott, who aesertea xnem when their need was the sorest, is once more relegated to the rear. , Again Addiclcs. Senator Biggs is a great public benefactor.;- I am gad to be one of his con stituents; I am proud that he is one of minle. ' - '., ' . ; - Remarkable. ' ; , "tThat is bred in the bone will never confe out of the flesh" is an old saying worthy -of acceptance. "Early impres sions are never effaced" is another of the ame sort. "Very much depends on whose, ox is gored" is another ancient prof erb full of wisdom. All these wise dicta have been recalled to mind by 4 a vigorous "outbreak of "state rights" fever iii Massachusetts Mas sachusetts, which during the last half century has plumed herself mightily oh fteing par excellence the foe of the "heresy of " state rights'." She has lately done an act which if performed dof south in Dixie would have been investigation, and public opinion requires that all who may be proved guilty or any crime, whether perjury or attempted brib erv or subornation of perjury, be' fully punished. '' Good Sense Good Advice. The Other night at some sort of ne gro meeting in Washington a Virginia negro aroused his auditors to great en thusiasm and vociferous applause when in discussing the disfranchisement of negroes in the southern statese ad .vocated a resort to the sword and the torch in order to obtain sedressi' ;What c8 really ueeed was a ducking in the icy waters of the Potomac to reduce his temperature. Commenting on his incendiary harangue, the Washington Star, a stanch Republican organ, edito rially utters this good sense and gives the neeroes this good advice. The Star says: v - -1 , The sbeaker who at laat night's local mass meeting or negroes suggesiea inai nn,taiiiAmiiUiradln almost nverv- the colored race must resort to the Bword fv)l,rin,j.nT i, it true of hnttries which and torch to avenge their wrongs in th I mustiiave heavy wear over our baa roada. south if the present political oppression For; Monuments, Head- tl: SSie ctnnpc Tnmh Tnn tZZ2ZL 9 r- ' Lv Hamlet, .C. llron Fendes, Building Stones, ftk , Cemetery 'Curbing, . Granite and TTSan Marfele Posts, or anything, in the Ar Montgomery Cemetery or building line, wri te Neworieans or call on Elizabeth City Marble Works, 55 Poindexter St., Eliz. City, N. C Mali orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. We do the best work? for the least money. , ' Eliz. City Marble Works LUKE A COTTON, PROPRS. Poindexter St, Near the Bridge. Lv. Hamlet r 9:30 p.m. 8 :45 a. bi LyoMa Ar. Angosta 6:40 p m.' 4 :o&a, m, 8 :15 p m , 9:15TSTm7U0p m , 6.-00 p,m. 6:46 . m 90p.m. 8:50 a. mv 4:15 a. ua. 5:19 p. xn 6:15 a. m. 6:40 p. m 11:10 a.m. 13:20 a 105a.m.3:B0a m 1 4:liip. m 8:25 p a Ar Chattanooga . 1 KX) p. m. 1 X) a. m l- Ar Nashville 6:55 p. m . &40. m Ar Memphis 8:45 a, m. 4KX)p. m , Connections daily at Southern Pines, witb -. all trains for Pinehnst, N. O. 20 minutes to . electric cars. Connections at Jacksonville ana ' Tampa for all Florida East Coast points, Cnb , and Porto Rico. Connections at New Orlean for all points in Texas, Mexico and California s-v No. 82 arrives at Portsmouth daily at 7.10 -a. mi. - - No. 88 arrives a Portsmouth daily at 6.8 p. m. 1 v:.- .:,.': '- J. "W. BROWN, Jr. , - Pass'r Agt., lSJyMain St., NorfoUc. Va. tin JudgiMlll. i i I t CD. 9 TW O .1, O - ' IT IS QUALITY does not cease does his people more harm than can easily be repaired. Such in cendiarism of sentiment, even if uttered figuratively, appeals to the lowest pas sions of the race and stimulates the very impulses for free indulgence in which by individuals the colored people in .some parts of the south are today suffering; The race problem must oe solved in wis dom, hot in passion, by peaceful, not war like, means. It must be discussed in tem perate terms, not h violent hyperbole. Adjustment will come out of the present difficulties. Just as it has come in the past out of even; more serious problems, but it will come the slower for such sonl a federal msjpector of cattle, ror arise to denounce them. The anarchist is alleged cruelty in killing cattle suffer- an enemy to society; whatever his color, ineffrom the foot and mouth disease! but the negro anarchist who preaches tiTl ,7 . , -y. the doctrine of fire and blood is an enemy Of bourse Massachusetts was not oh- mnTa tn thft vrv eome in States Senator Anthony Higgms nas jeetSng to the killmg of the cattle, ror wnose name , he declaims. Last night's small portion of this one speech, to arouse mustjhave heavy ' OUR BUGGIES Indeed tiis Colorado election muddle xtenimnced as treason, or - at least as is not the only senatorial imbroglio in- misprision of treason, by all the super- vto Which Senator Hanna has recently loyal editors ithin the bailiwicj of Lpoked his nose only to get It mashed, the tnorth star and the aurbranoreis. e has undertaken to line up the two The old Bay State has had the nerve Republican fabtion in . Delaware' so arrest, convict and . fine Dr. Thomp- that they will elect Hon. - lias -aq- Ldicks from his faction and somebody- mo ' matter- who from the other fac tion, notwithstanding that ex-United aivnnd the tfisttn everv way. and the .t, ( tViot. nrAmiilrn them to wear. The best material goes in our buggies. They are made by experts and in every way give satisfaction. Come let us show you the large stock the largest in Eastern North Carolina ; but If you E C ZABETH I : : : BUGGY GO. poindexter street ELIZABETH CITY. N. C. IN EFFECT MAT. 26th, 1902. o Train Service. v NORTHBOUND ' ; Leave Elizabeth City daily (except Sunday) 9 :29 a. m. and 2 :40 p. m. arrive at Norfolk 11 . a. m. and 4 .-20 p. m. Leave Elizabeth City daily (except Sunday) 11 $6 a. m and 5 :45 p. m. arrive at Eden ton U -JO p. m, and 6 :40 p. m. arrive at Be 1 haven 6 3D ; Connects at N orf oik with Trains to and from ; Virginia Beach and Currituck Branch, Virgin . - la Beach Division. , V 'V STKAMBOAT-SEBVICB 1 Steamers leave Elizabeth City- for Boanoke - Island, Oriental and New Berne daily (except Sunday) connect with A. & N. C. B. B. and Atlantic oast Line for Qoldaboro, W liming-, ton, etc. . Xave Edenton 7 100 a. m. and 1 30 p. in. for ; Plymouth connecting with W. & P. B. B. for Washington, N. C. and Steamers for Windsor. Leave Edenton dally (except Sunday) 12:45 p. m. for Jamesville and Willlamston, . and Tuesday and Saturday for Chowan Kiver and" Monday and Friday for Scuppernong Biver. Leave Belhaven 10 .-00 p. m. for Washington, f . C. 5 Mb a. m.; Tuesday Thursday and Satur-' lav fnr Anrofa. flonth Creek. Maklewille: and : New flarine Rail- hsST4 ay for Always remember that yt is Capital and Surplus - that gives security to, the deposi tor. Capital and Surplus form - a fund standing between the depositor and any possible shrinkage in the securities held by the bank. - The Capital and Surplus of . this bank amounts to $75 000, a margin of safety - that assures absolute security to those who entrust their ihoney to us. Borrowers accorded every iaccom- modstionoonsistent with safety. I THF FIRST NlTinMI RINK 1 O llll-l lllUl mil luniik uiuiii II fi 17 r.iTY n. rr. o o reDeatedly made charges against Ad- the! federal government is paying for meeting was not of a nature, outside of a 1 " ... I I - - . j . .1 small nnrtlnn nf this nnn flnnech. to arouse . . . . . r m a.-. - inTin 1 1 1 1 .. a v. n inn riir n n u i ri ir twii i i w.wu i . . . . , . t . . .v tx uasaiuuaii: ureii v. hd .u. ;in the penitentiary ana vrnicu, li.viioif thre times as mucn as iney are wurm, speeches were all of a wisely con- ttrue, ought to land Iliggins in we stocks." But Mark is so , anxious to nave the Republicans' elected that he is willing to have the odoriferous Ad "dicks sit among the .conscript fathers. The anti-Addipks Republicans claim rthat the gas statesman . nas spent a L quarter of a million dollars in corrupt- ring the Republicans of Delaware ana that his supporters claim the senator- but! the federal doctor was fined for not administering anaesthetics that is whit we are led to believe from the nrpsts" disnatches at any rate And it I was in the town of Concord, where 'th embattled farmers" picked off the British regulars and where itaipn Waldo Emerson lived and moved and snouted philosophy, that this , late day assertion of state rights was made by shin for him because "he has paid for Massachusetts. : It will be remembered, hotfever, oy tnose wno nave pmu auj attntion to our early history that in the!- beginning Massachusetts .was much ereater stickler for state rights than was South Carolina and proposed moe amendments to the constitution of he United States at the time of its adoption. In the Concordcase she was merely giving evidence that she is re turhing to her first love. Henry Cabot Lodge must bestir himself. - PlJcky. Behecca J. Taylor, spinster and ex-lerk in the war department, has the courage of her convictions. Miss be an officer of the Danish army. In Taylor has insututea suit nguuiBL v. 'tdioSvov Tirtca t st "Tnis he Elmu Root to ascertain through Jndi- HUUIVIU .. UVU I j " . .. . .I ,,i. -personaUy assaulted Colonel Moses C. ciai decisions whetner tms is reaiiy me. Wetmore, tobacco magnate, the re- laik of thevfree" or a satrapy or des- nowned trust buster, and then he chal- pofism in which freedom of speech is lenged the aforesaid Moses to mortal not permitted. She was some tmie last combat; at least the-vaporous Arlund spring unceremov1101 "VT 171 alleged in the newspapers hat he did,, hef position in the war department for all because, as he claimeaTMose had criticising the administration, s policy insulted Mrs. Arlund in St. Louis at In the; Philippines SheWentiyaa-the- very moment when Mrs. A; was in bored under the delusion that .since the; it! "O "temporal O mores I" now are the mighty fallen! How would Sumner, Lincoln, Chase and the great men who founded the Republicanpar- ty regard the Hannas, "Gas" Addickses I and Wolcotts could; they return to arth? -Endeavoring to steal a sena- torship in Colorado, endeavoring to buy two senatorships in Delaware! Fine record, surely' ;Squeiched. Some time ago the attention of the readers of these letters was called to the astounding capers of one Peter Ar lund of Louisville, Ky .. who claims to servative character, calculated to allay the radicals sentiments stimulated by. the firebrand utterances, but unfortunately such, radicalism is made to color the whole occasion in the public view and creates an erroneous impression of ' the aims and purposes of the negro's safest! leaders. There is need of extreme care in the premises inasmuch as the least suggestion of race warfare is certain to' arouse deep prejudice and hot passion on the part of the negro's critics. , An Indefatigable Statesman - Hon. John Wesley Gaines of the Her mitage district in Tennessee evidently believes that a constant dropping will wear the hardest stone. He never lets up on tfije criminal coal barons who have brought so much suffering on the people, especially thepoor, this winter. He wal!6ps them perpetually, wats them at I the most unexpected times iand when they are least expecting it. No matter on what subject he spoke in the1 Roman senate, Catc always wound up his speech with, "Carthago delenda est" (Carthage must be; destroy ed). So, no matter what subject is be ing debated in the house, Brother Gaines manages to give the coal barons a whack. Wotith Carolina. Pasquotank Co. Superi or Court, March Term 1903. Francis Sumner Lane, Caveator, vs -A. R. Lane. Ethel V. Lane, . Edgar , G. Lane, J. C. Spence, Guardian Ad Litem ror nitnei v, jne uu. Edgar G. Lane, Pocahontas Lane, Mary V. Overton and husband Elisha Overton, John H. Lane, . Monroe K. Lane, uaivm Jane, Fannie N. Beid and husband Scott Reid, fropounaers. Th ilnfendants above named will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Pasquo tank eountyr-Nonn uaroima, same Dmg ior the purpose of setting aside and declaring nuU and void a certain-paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Whitmel T.ann. dAceasea. anu now m me omce 01 me Clerk Superior Court of Pasquotank county, North Carolina, and the said defendants will f P rther take notice una sney are requireu w otnaar at. tho next term of tne Sunenor court of Pasquotank county, 'North Carolina, to be vu 4-1.0 DonnnI Mnnrl n.7 in "March 1903. at ixcxu. uu vi-o uuw" - , ' I the Court house in said county, ana men ana there answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff will apply to the relief demanded in r Louisville, Ky. ; The woman m the case, as it turned out,' was not Mrs. A. It was pointed out '. at the time- that thai Arlund4 of the Danish army was the prize ass of the age for committing a penitentiary offense by, sending, a ; ' Helping Him Ovt. i ' The other day an omnibus was plung ine through London from Putney, to Liverpool street Just behind the driver sat a couple. The young woman knew nothing of London; the young man chaliengevto the FalstaSlanlWetmore l and i then publishing the. fact to the world. It was also pointed out to hint that if he was really, thirsting for gore he was domiciled in the most favorable spot on earth to find itin great gobs and that . he could not stand on his front doorstep In : Louisville and give one : warwhoop without arousing . the chevaliers and knights errant to a pitch of fury which would astonish. him. We were correct th3 latter point ing put, at any rate, for not long since, I Air. feier Ariunu uecouiuu; uusueuei- us and f'nawsty," a citizen of Louis ville sans ceremonie proceeded ; to black his eyes, mash his nose, pommel sedition laws passed in the administra tioK of old John Adams were repealed the denizens of this' country have had . and still have ,the right : to vag theft tnTtfflM d libitum. That is precisely wtiere Rebecca came to ;grier.isne Knew a uiue, .uuu talnedthat the Brompton oratory was St Paul's cathedra that St. George's hospital was Buckingham- palace, and collected a lot of curious misinf orma tion about the Hotel Cecil, which had changed places with the law courts The' driver fidgeted and nearly, lost his way. . As they came up -Ludgate hill the young woman caught sight of the ntntne.'nf Queen Anne. ' Now, who il that?" she demanded.' The young man esr to criticise anything the Republic ans do.. They have one syllogism by which they prove that they own 'this, country. It runs in , this wise; "The eafth belongs to the saints;' we are the saints; therefore the earth belongs to us" "And, being by . their own logic lords of all, they have a right to pun ish! anybody ; or everybody ' that calls, info Question the purity, wisdom, patri- otism and expeaiency 01 wuui mej- uu mnrt tn iiafover Wipnitsted. But the driver could con n ui if-f -i 'si , w.rr-M 1 1. iiitu v-w ua. it .- w - w . v w - -. ., . - ..r , Wihn niitPd hr.. In the crisis of tain himself no "longer. "Don't lose her affairs litigant. her counsel with- Jeart, guv'nor," he said over his shoul jtrew from the case and. left her alone, der; don't lose 'eart. Say It's Joan of niri kfihP nuit? Not. much! Bhe pro-, Arc."London ufiromwe.' way an opened for all kinds of new and repair work. A line of all kind of material on hand. Give me a trial, satisfaction guaranteed- rohn W. Williams, Prop., Elizabeth City, N, C. For further Information apply to W6. Eey Agent, or to the General offices Norfolk A Southern B. B. Co., Norfolk, Va. ' . . M. K. Kino, Gen Manager, H. C. HtTDGIHS. Gen'IFt. &Pa I Schedule in effect Jan. 1st 1903- RTTENTIOM said complaint. Boscok W. Ttonhb, Atty. lor caveator. W.' H. JmrsnsfoaS o. s. c. Notice! SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS. Tr Triton of a decree of the Superior Court ef Camden county, North Carolina, in the case Steamer Harbinger will leave N. & 8. depot .. Elilzabeth City, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 72 m. lor coinjocK on ner regular scnea- ule time, touching at Shiloh, Old .Trap, New- -bern's Landing, Jarvisburg, Barnett's Creek," Weaver's Mill, arriving atiCoinjock about 7 p. m. On return will leave Co in jock Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 3 a., m Barnett's CreeS 5 a. m Jarvisburg, 6 a.'m, ; Newbern'danding, 7 a. m-. Old Trap, 8 :39 a. , . .i if I m., Bmion, :su a. m., arriving nt uuaawui I have a large ; quantity of -g . rth Kiver iri. going and re- when necessary. BUILDERS. r,aep cVitrtrrlac hmri TttflnP I James' Pier and North River Pt( Kyyitoa oiuutiw, "4"v ",rw turning wh and at close figures. Pencino Post. The at f am nan ooriTiTiv. i tri.ii iiaruiiua. iai uixa uaoo i - . . - - . i . a i of Johnnie Riddick and others against battle J best JUniDer POStS at almOSt I Riddick and others, I will offer for sale at pub- ""FW r , . , .pjj5 ence mz& . ana at lOXU O ClOCK . m.,. line iuiiuwiuk uraununu landsand improvements in the Stafeend coun ty aforesaid: i , First tract bounded North by the lands of B. v Rnmhum and others : East bv the lands of J. Xi. Hinton and others : South- and West by the lands of the said B. F. Burnham and others, same containing su acres, more or less. - Second tract Dounaea jn onn dv tne lanus oi B. F. Burnham and others; East by the lands of S. rT Edney and others: South by the lands of the said B. F.. Barnham and others and West by the Main Road, same containing 142i acres, more or less. .... ; -- - - J. Hetwood Sawyer, -Dec. Slst, 1902. 7t Comm. of the Court. W. G. BANKS, Manager. good-heart. Tell me what you i want. H. A. Brickhouse, GUM NEGK, N. C. , Ilotice! Application will "be made to the General Assembly for a bill to submit to the Qualified voters of Elizabeth City for franchise for water works and to ratify present contract;. NORFOLK'S MODEL . . RESTAURANT-. Caters eipresslylol the patrorf- SEST HAEBLE " ' BEST WOBK A S jj hi ill" '"'"" " "' ' ' - ' Jai 9 it OLD H. T. Greenleaf. River r Front. acta of North Carolinians. It is their home when i a Norfolk. If your friend is from North Caro lina ten to one here is where .you will find him. " ' "'. " r-The meals are ' home like and prices moderate, A delightful jesort for . Sportsmen. Meets all Trains with , 'Buss. Eates $1.50 Per. Day. T. C. BISHOP, Prop. . Belhaven, N. U Son Mother who had we besi see about a monument r to 1 mark dear father's grave. 4 . " Mother Son why see the C. . B. -Mason Marble Co ; of course, you can get the iron fencing there too. In.f act son, they are in a position BLOUNT B. NOBLES, ,t " 395 Churoh-Bt. . T-X-. travagant'monument or maufcalexntL. So you me Mr. Mason aJ once.. ' C B. Mason Harble Co, . 59-61Poindexte St . . !. ELIZABETH CITY, NV 0. - : notice! Is hereby given, that application wfllbe made to the General Assembly of North Crrolina, session of 1903, to incorporate the Columbia and Fairfield Turnpike Company, v. - ; Dack O. Wewberry ' - ; for himself and other Incorporators. January 1st, 1903.- ; ' "