.'-:.- I ' r- "i I--fVv -i . - ' '-fv&SJgl '.-satsmhsiifsv-: .rim? t)i' .?. .r?:-v-K'. 5 J STERN Vol.2.: The Board of CoTntv" Commiao- ners met Monday. Present; G.1, M. . Scott. Chairman, T. E. h Palmer. W. J. F Spence, S. N. Morgan and w.'H.eid-ly ; ii t;p';!r The Minutes of -las :meeting were read and approved. . - . " On Motion, Ifc was ordered, That Wilson Babb be relieyed. of . the payment of Poll Tax for 1902 and a certificate of exemption be issued to him on account of physical disa bility.' W. E.' Cooper ; presented a petition to the.' Board for"ia new road in Mt. Hermon Township. On Motionjit wasordered, That said petition be laid oyer till next meeting. ". C --' ;s;.'. :v. G. D. Swain made application to the Board, for . License " fx - sell - spirituous, -vinous, or malt ! liquors in what is known as.: "The Ijeigh . Building" on Poindexter Street, formerly occupied by L. M. Barnes and Son. ' . "r . On Motion, It was ordered,' that a license be grahf&d to said Swain to sell spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, subjec.t ; to, 1 the actidn of ..the Board of CSty . Aldermen "and subject also to : the i same, restric- I tions heretofore, placed ou r saloons December 2, 1901. On Motion, It wasi ordered, That Alamore Overton in Salem Township be relieved of Poll Tax for 1902, ,he being- too young to pay said tax. f : On Motion, It was v ordered, that W. J. Alberfson, Executor, be re ; lieved of PoU Tax of J. W. Aibert ! son, deceased, for the year 1902. - On Motion, It was ordered, that W. E. Whitehurst, Overseer, and Jos. 3j. Godfrey, Overseer,' be al lowed to purchase lumber to re pair bridges on their respective . . roads. ' ;,-v - j On Motion, It was ordered, That J. A. Lowe Overseer," be allowed to purchase beart , timber, t consisting of slabs, blocks &c. v with which to repair the foot-bridge at Hall's Creek , Bridge in : Mount , Hermon Township. Dr. J. Wood, " Health Office made the following report: "Elizabeth City, N. C. Hon. Board County XJommissioners, . Gentleman: Inmates of .Horns ' in good ' health and Home in good condition. There ' are ' 32 inmates as follows: white males, .8; white females 4; colored females 10;; coif ored males 10, total, 32. " Jail in good onditibn. prisoners; 6: col- ored and 2 white. ; AU males. : ; : Respectfully,,. 4 . . J. E "Woof, Health OiricEE." li; On Motion; It was ordered,- That Nancy Mitchell be placed on Bene fit List at $2 per mo. ; E. J. Spence, Constable-Elect, v for . N'ewland Township, presented, his OfQcial Bond to the Board in the , sum of $500 with the United .States Fide lity and Guaranty Company of Bal to.Md, as surety i which Bond was read, accepted,.,,approved- and ordered. Lto. be. recorded f-in-the Official Bond Book for Puolin County. Said E. J. Spence was duly sworn and inducted into office by J, C. Spence, J. P., i r; ; i,--t-"' On Motion, It was ordered j that Wm. Thomas 'be relieved vperman-entlyfthe'-paymentfofi;PallTax on j account of . being, disabled of an arm. ' . ,v;."cx."prT i?. Messrs CHRobiflnrid-;T. GreenJeiiredJjeforeiJtie Board and presented a petition for ommistimemmeet -4 .: a Ferry to be laid out and estab lished from Elizabeth City in Pas qiiojtafik C6uhty across Pasquotank BiyerJo. Camden, County by way of Goai Island. ; , . : ' Said petition ' being;' the same bnW '? presented i to J tiiis Bbatd on June 6th,a8, and-reads as fol lows: . .- '" r- ' ' - To The Honorable Board of com missioners of Pasquotank County : . We, the uuderslgned cpeti don ers, show to your Honorable Board : (1) That it is necessary to have es tablished a ferry ' from "Eliiabeth City in Pasquotank County,, across Pasquotank Biver t" to , Camden County by the way of Goat Island oyer .the: lands of ChasJfHi Robin son one of your;petitiqners. (2JjTJhat j9ur; petitioners ask that ie, said . f err yj be . settled, - laid out established between the North linV' ofi William PaiUn's - shipyard and the :soutl( .line of Main Street in; Eikabeth 'City on the side of Pasquptank TJiver and thence a straight course) to what is known as Goat Island on the side of Pas quotank Eiyer in 3amden County (3) That the said ferry' is neces sary for the good and convenience of the public "' (4) That the said ferry will not be within two miles of any other ferry, and will cross only the lands of one of your petitio. ers, Chas. H. Robinson- r -v .-(5) That if it is necessary, your petitioners will secure a right pf wfy by private contract over the lands of any one it raay desiro to cossV . . ' (6) your petitioners respectfully showeth that the Board of County Commissioners of Camden county have granted to your)? petitioners the privilege of building and oper atingja Perry between the aforesaid points and have issued an order for the settling, laying : out and estab lishing the same-.- .. . . , .. j. ,. ,r (7) "STour petitioners respectfully show that they desire your y hono rable Board to settle, lay out and Establish X&e laid ferry, and yto allow them to build and operate flie same. ;"'"?il- T.: n& Tfi (8 Wei ask, i :; your, ; : Honorable Board to fix" the rate of charges for passing "oyer sid 'ferry and ask that tne same-be; -axed to not ex I Ceedten cents for? a .cart,;. buggy. carriage, or wagon going either way.-;;- :ytiU: " r(9) 'Y6uif petitioners further show your Honorable Board that if you will lay out And establish the said ferry for your petitioners and their fassigns, that "they purpose to build and operate a ferry, and place the same in good condition for the tra vel of the. public between the coun ties of Camden and Pasquotank. (10) Your petitioners , further show, that they desire, the privilege df assigning4hightsoi theferry andtth'pijvilegi granted toa,r- that they will open the books for subscription, to stock for the same and allow the same to r be taken by the public should they , so; desirev ill) "iYour ' petitioners . - f urther show that atVL&y.'iime. ipeithlnthe next.tenryears'iithajt they will sell ta the Counties .the said fcerry land b$ rod 'o the same ecbst ments put upon the same, , if the Devoted to the Industrial and r -.--.i.-.ii-'. . ;,';":! . - - : - --ELIZABETH CITY, said Counties will make, it a free ferry. Wherefore,' ' yoiiBj- - petitiCiners pray that an. order be made' set tling, laying out and establishing the said ferry as before mentioned. ' - Chas. HJ Robinson, '' j. RFloratr': . ' ,. ! . AV, J: Woodley, "'. iV,f. ' Dr. Q. McMullan, . ft G. WWardl H. T. Greenleaf, . r 1 if. W. Sharber, ' IsK Bradford; r ? ' ; , -John J-4. Sawyer, S . P. H.; Williams, . : On Motion, It..was ordered. That the above petition be granted. On Motion, the following toll rate was established: Three Cents for walkers ; i - ,;.-v. - . Ten Cents for horse back riders, buggies and all single vehicles; Fif tern Cents for all' double ve hides, such as carriages, wagons &c ; Total biUs,allqwed $511,90; 'There being no , further business the Board adjourned. COURT CALENDAR. March4' Term, 1903, Pasquotank ( , Cduaty Superior Court Monday, March 9 th :. State Poc ket, and 49 Morris , vs. Hollo well, 1.. Iiamb y. Hand, "Fearing vp." Story 21 Coliins r viVColliQe, 29 HolloweU. vs,, HoUo weU, Jfc Mil ler vs. Miller. t. , Tuesday, March 10th: ; State Docket, and 22 Etheridge vs. Hol loweU, 24 Moxey vs. Dod, 25 Moxey V3, Dbd, 48 Russell vs. Wood, 33 White vs. White. Wednesday. March 11th : 6 Hinton vs. Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co. 13 Taylor vs. Terry, 28 Love, Evans & Co. vs. N, & S. R. R. Co. 39 Lester vs. Hamberger, 5 E. City vs. P. John Et Als. Thursday, March 12th: 8 Davis ys. Sawyer, 46 , Parker ys. Wilcox, Admr.. 3 Hinton vs. Kemp. 4 Hinton vs. Burgess, 14 Hinton vs. M. R. F. Life Association, 1 '45 Hinton ' ys, Washington Life Ins. Co. ' 1 ' - Friday March 13 th: 9 Bank vs. Beebe, 11 Kramer vs. Beebe, 12 Winder1 Vs; Bant, 15 Riddick vs. Thonpson, . JT, Harris vs. , Tjbo mp-. son. Saturday -March T I4thL; 16 Co hoon vs, . Waters, 23 Francis ys. Wilcox, 55 Perry vs. E. City : I - . SECOND WEEK. 1 Monday, v March 16th j 51 Win der vs. Ins. Co.52 Winder vs. Ins. Co. 19 WoodleyV vs. N." & S. R. R. Co. 20 E. City. vs. Walker-26 Lamb ys. Jcsartiett. . Tuesday, March 17th: 27 White vs. Mprrisett; 30 Wilcox vs. Wilcox Admr, 31 Bundy vs. Edney.' . Wednesday, .' March' ' i 1 8th.' 34 Kramer. vs.!Ziegler & Wife, 47 Kra mer;ys. Zeigler 35 Hinton ys, Zeig lcr, 35 Hinton vs. Jones, . 36 Prit chard vs, Hinton, 53 Andrews vs. Cohoon. " ;' . ''Z. ' Thursday, ' March 19th: 37 Smithson vs.-Jennings, .38 v White vs. Terry, '40 Brownie tt vs. Leigh, 41 Fields vs, Brown, 50 Winder. vs. A. C. L. R. R: i " I i Friday,. ; March 20th'T.v. 5 -Hopkins vs. Whedbee. v-x.; a ; m'- A Card i Claiming the good will ., of the people of Elizabeth City and asking their support, I announce myself as candidate.fpr th positiort-of City jClerk, subject to" the Democratic ?6-2t R. E. Black. Educationkf :DeveloiihVent:'bf FrWNM . ... .- ... . . - N. - C, FRIDAY, MARCH 6th- 1903i PRES.JWOSEV0.TS LETTER TO HOWELL " "Washington, March:2. The full text of President Roosevelt's letter to Clark Howell,' editor of the At lanta Constitution, Regarding sou thern appointments,-an abstract of which: was 'publi'sea'th':m0rning was made public tody In begin ning his letter, which.-is dated Feb ruary 24i President Roosevelt says: ;My Dear Mr.vHowelI::; - u i "I have a. high opinion of the gentleman you mention, and if ( the opportiinity occurs I sHall be glad to ao, anvtninsr x can lor mm. "iNow, as to what, you sav .con cerning federal appointments in the scth. Frankly it seems to me that my appointments speak for .them selves and that my policy is self ex planatory. So far from feeling that they need the slightest apology .or justification, my position is that on the strength of wsat I ha ve done I Qaye,lIte nSft fP Qini -WP?WH of all good citizeif who wish. not only a high standf federal ser vice, but fairand equitable dealing to the south as well as to the north and a policy of consistent, justice and good will toward all men." ; . Further aloug the President says: 4l have scant sympathy With the mere doctrLQairewph tha . man of mere theoryJ who, face facta; but do you nptv thiuk that in the long run' it is- safer - for. every body if we act on the motto, "All men up,', rather than that ,pf som men down?' "In your own state . of Georgia you are competent to judge from your own experience. In the great bulk of cases il -have ' reappointed President MoKiuley s . appointees; The changes I have made,' such as that in the postmastership at Ath- ens and in the f survey orship at At lanta, . were, : as I think you will agree, changes for the better and not for the worse. It happans that in each of these offices I have ap pointed a white man to succeed a a colored man. "K you know . of any federal officeholder in Georgia of -, whom -this is not true, pray let me know at once: ,1 will welcome testimony from you or from any other repu table citizen which will tend to show that a given public officer is unworthy; and, most emphatically, '1 . , I'll 1 , . 1 ft '-. ss - ' .. . short will be the shift of anyone whose lack of worth is proven. Referring to "the fact that a large percentage of the incumbents of federal ' officers in Georgia are Dem ocrats. the president says: 5 ?,tBut they are supported by' me in every way as long ' as they continue to render good and' faithful service to the public! . ' : ' ... "1 have - good reason1 to' believe that my appointees in tbe different states mentioned1 and 'as the sum1 of ike parts' in the wfiolej -n0ces- sarily in the south -.t large repre sent ' not merely ; an improvement upon those whose places they took bu t upon the whole ' higher stah dard of federal service than has hitherto been attained in the! coin munities -in'qUe8tionl,'' -i 5-'f"J- i r . : A Brilliant Career "r The death1 olE jDrl Richard Gatlinfir femoves'the man who j; has been 'called lThe - ihpst famous NorthlCar'61ihian:tt;The world has rarely'proSuc'vn more J use- IU1 tU Ills leilUW luou. , jlmo uaiuc of Gatling will lite w history for ever. The great lespon that" the youHi St theand'and' especially. thoseN)f his native State may un bibe from his useful career is his , '. ; : - - f: J indomitable pHick and persistency. For years Dr. GatKn'f : struggled to gain recognition withi the guntthat bears his name, Repeatedly ;he met discouragement .from skeptical gov ernment officials and as repeatedly he came to the front again, "with a heart lor any fate' but determined V'"'-"-:'. 'tiif'i.. 'I'li , "-,'JJ. cosncceeq. a.na succeea ne aia. There is no better known imple- menot fwarfare,-today than the he Gatling gun. "Tt ip known and used in the most fetnote 'corners of the globe! and nothing has yet been found to compare with or supersede tr. rv ' !j.;f. ,u;jiv vii an; Tiienumerous: other important inventions of jDr. Gatling: laro; too well known to need mention here. His last invention illustrates aptly a' fultilim$nt of Scripture. It is an improved plow ' His 1 1 Was indeed a striking : example of an Unselfish career: his taleats were used,-16 betterment .pi his fellow men. He lived to a ripe, ;.old age -and could look back with complacency. upon:a task well- done-a satisfac tory rendering to the Giver of all good gifts, of the talents cdminit- tea to has - -iteeping : Jio w it v- can render so worthy an: acount- Charlotte News Floundered In The Supenintendant r Pritcha,rd , of the telephone office - here and colPred lineman niimud Jchnsdn, CAme "near being drowfted Saturday, on a .return trip jrom tamaeo, where they went to da repair work on a longdistance line. In crossing tue river the barge on. which , the horse and buggy were - being car ried across was caught in the gale and the hrse and buggy id -which sat the two men, was Bwepfr' into7 the water. After some dangerous floundering in the water both men and the horse and buggy .were res cued. Altogether the. men, had a narrow escape from death. City .Iraprpvements. The, finest jjnd eyer Jaid out for.re sidencein or near Elizabe th City is Euclid Heigh ts With all the natu raf advantages and improvements made on it in . the last three years, all combined does hot compare with this late improvement; that of ex tending Euclid Ave4 into Shannon SL Shannon streetls to undergo a complete change and will be much widei and it will extend4hrough the property of Dr. P. John's estate to Lawrence St, thus placing Jiiu clid Heights in direct line to 'EH?- abeth' City, and western R. R, De pot, on Lawrence street, Thus Euclid A. venue will begin on Law renbe street, and ' will be laid bu broad and straight without ang)e, extending far beyond Euclid Highte into the "country where it will in tersect ro'adfe' leading Kfr6m. Nikon ton;?We:eksville: and Sale'a. ,,!,,: u The opening of1 Eiiclid Ave. wil not'bhlyrj be1 of :,geat'd vantage" to Eucli'dHe'ights but'-? wilt" greatly enhance all property on: 'the' South of the City, as it' runs through the" center - of that section of totfn di rect to ; the he w31 Rail R6 ad' 'Depot -j AA Healthy ManV One of the most Profound freaks I that:1lias-lobnie'd 'up' before' us for1 several ye'ats,!c'6mes in'the'Form of Mr. Seth E Snowden of Salem, this County. In the course of . hfe'eonyer-. satip.n with, a nwa, man, Mr- Sno w den said tjhat in alljhiSjlifejhe.had, hevr bee iM enough to swallow medicine, nor had he .eyepaida 'Cent to. a Physician. The gentleman is iuoyt. 47iA!years'of age and makes njotWng ttaMugjp'alkifromibift' farm to Elizabeth City and back, adistence of 34 miles. . - . i1 -. -r - i.- ...;'v Kf u.. iUliiili'k- , Th following schedule of 4hejxi M, ,C? A. work, ; herOj twiUr.;be read with' interest: " There has been an attendance of :iir "iv- ''ii i i'..- i.i..:v.n--a-- ... 612 at the, Sunday, services jn.Octp- ber, 456 in November; 257, in l)e7 cember; 321 in January,-, and 485; in- FebruaryMaking J lai' total " of 213Ii:: The5 morning prayed service was not as we'll 'atteiioied ' als! it' should have been. Outol 24 ses sions the attendance1 was but G in total. This service is a very help ful one 'and "the' actrVe Members who-afe ieally endeaSroring to live up,., to the i standard lof christian manhood shouldi by all-means make ah effort itOibe present..: iiThose who do take part in the morning service find it a source i of Christian . ; . . , i ,tij - ----- strength and comfort for. .the dayt The classes in educational work are as 'followsftIn;J English :and Mathematics; 56 f sessions:1 lnBook keeping 57 sessions.'. In' stenogra phy 40 sessions, V t Only eleven scho lars are taking advantage of these most excellent and instructive ses sions, which have, been a source tof great pleasure .to : those , who have itended thenv c? .v-:H Cwo lectures and practical talks have been rendered during the period above mentioned. The gymnasium hasj perhaps; been the most -attractive, feature of the work, , and i . the reports ' from this spnr ce, show., a very marked in terest.v-The report follpws: -Those using, ,? gymnasium,, ior : month ; 01 October, 865; for November, ,672; for December, 1025: for January 900; for February, 690: ..Making a total attendance , of 4252; . within a dozen of twice . the : attendance at the Sunday services, " - The basket ball games have cer tainly dohe much to' promote gener al interest in the work. Seven games have5 been played with' an attendance of 408. These' ' games are spirited and full of life, and the ladles haver found them very inter esting. Six of the series of seven games have been played and to night will mark the seventh and last game. r The ; cup decision , will then be declired; though the dry goods men have , already been con ceded the championship. 'In the ; work ' among the . sick seventeen have beeu; Visited," and help .atforded when, it w3 neces- Ihe buuday meetings for boys whiUl' Was organized in January hav hid '' n attendance of 675 dur- Wng eleven sessions. ' This report is quite encouraging.! y'a-.. The attendance . at the reading rooms and game rooms is as fol lowf : October 2856f November 3564: December 3'510 January 2650 Febrsiiary 270Q: Making a total of 1528(, whieb is the largest atten dance noticed. - This shows a deci ded in teres; in th -Y, VL Q;'k. aHd the ro'oni attendance ' is J beyond a doulvtf'a ftioRt important factor. X:i'-' Th: s'ijip'werV tu &f tend spr'aVbaths have been another great feature, as tbe fllo vviuf report will" show: deUHr 16SS -Nniber v 693; December 439 ; -January ' " 540; February 285aking otalfof 2645 baths taken in the six months ?The r membership j report -j shows 153,actiye,xand 63, associa. mem bers; making i totals aembership - . .-.j. In connection with the report ;v,,.. . - , -.ii. .; 'i r. :i:.'iJ---;i-,gvgi-gr'.'- the Tar.;Heel' desirejs to! caU th& , ' general attention cf the public" to " ' -the Yi M. C.-rA. work: Beyond b . aouocic is tne greatest :?iacTOr;5ioT;-ip?;j;yKf4'. , good that can be established in any' ' cir. The equipment, btuldingnd ' excellant managementof the. -Y.rM.- k4 here under 'Mr. - KiteVsecira-'J taryship, is of ., the higheat -ordeK ;:,v Fortha young man .whodesire? ; i I v;. cultivate .ana raise himself upon , , . higher planoi manhopd. there is-. ' : . no other .manso . easily :,within,i ,, y- . ids grasp. ".The assbciation 'of ' ; Mtianv?4ehtlemen; the bp-, ' pprtunity fot 'feultivatin ihe refin- ing influence1 of ladies1 society the . : educational advahtages,"7and,lhe niaQyther1 comme'ndawe fealcur ;e)f presents'the M. Gl iu field as "a; substitute tfor-'the'' degradgf billiard room h wherein," so t many - boys for the, comradship;; ? and i i : ; lack of amusement t v home haye met theirdownf all iMff A nlembership contest will i sppaj be opened; beginning March 9, anc& closing April 9th, il 5 p. ' nv The v membership' has" been divided" into v eiectotianrrbi teams nand "Mr. D.r.W Burrows captian of the bther." These gentle- , .: 5 , .. meuwill appoint theirIeiutenanfa.. .;j ; V and a great fight fprf .m.embershipij' will be made At the, close pf - the. ,f contest the team ' bringing'in the. . ' ' greatest membership will be jgiveni". a banquet. The losing team is to .wear -:wMtet aprons -and.;. serve :U waiters; atthei.feast iO?.. the, victors. No one will be allowed . to join - these teams' afterVMarch,. 12th; though " every menfljer ' 'is : urged to offr hjs, services, on one - of the two sides. ,i.;':fi . Any young map, whdjs seeiipg: , to better himself morallySPcially-. or intelectually, should ' join' thai great Y; ,M. C. A- movement. t . " rJfWe-,Have'KnwK"M- -V Thelove of long agol ' r :. ; ... , . ' : Tis the happiness we know.- ' The touch , though pas . ; forever' - To soften .all life's hardest- hcurs . : The heart tones in x. the. gloaniing " " -heard. . 'r::i-x 'j-jt?iis ' ':r5g' To fill life's empty tuneless void. ' . . The long glance still forever seen; Thougb "yeara f:and "spaee now roll 1 ., : between! What . matter' space or time to" us- J -,: If we have known each other thus?" . S. L.K ALBFtfS iri Baltimore Sun .1 Big 0amaseSustaine(l. The Supreme- Court' las affirmed! ! the 'decision ,of the lower court Of ; Currituckcpujityr;;in;tbe Ambrbse if ; Lindsey ' case against the Norfolk.:'':'" and Southern , "jEail way. ' The? amount of judgement is .$9,000 'r1'--' The .suit of the John. ."UBpper3sJpift cbmpanj'vagaiasV, the ; Elizabeth 'y City. Lumber .Coj involving 10fti:, acres 01 lancvisno'v in cne.vamaeni Court. This vast area or. jant valued-at , thousand dollars" and is one of the ! mps impr tolandrasesley the Camden WiMtf fdoci:ei?fPru ' - V den and Pruden and W. M.'Bond, of Edentpn; Col. ,1 :$&&t&a$i of Washingtpn JisHayjdiSjawi yer and, jAmh City.willrapeaT kluiSti Mjsssrsj'iCIftrk and K F. Aydlett, of; EhathvpiJ City for the defendants, i" :V;j.-."'ic.W-.?' my- ' : 1 1 yum

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