Ml V.; is?-- UIbs Leah Hill has returned from Newberne. TT A . ' 7 'kEJJlX--i'i streetis otit : asrain; i lllr. W.N. Piruden," of ildenton, as inrie city this week! Urf W: J. Tate of 'itty : Hawk L -r.f. - .'- 'VM tri 4Ki m thin WflHIT. : ' I uy v -tj-. r., r .- BusseU , Griggs, 6f ;t Kitty Hawk visited Elizabeth2Citv ' v 8 'annis,! spent PWW . r --vfvj'v '" - 1 ; was in; the city this weefc;;; 4--r.-' '""B! Rni-no.a n 1 Si- Mr: Thos.' G. Skinner ofHertferd k the. city this week. rr . -.u-ri::, sax. -. snu.nLioy, juaenTOn s rosv jpaster was iu- the 'city - Tuesday. Mr.'I.M. Meekins. left Monday - for Washington .pn business. .;' llias Bulah . Ambrose is spend ing the week with Miss Mary -There will probably be another iCTUrsion to . Norfolk Tuesday - I zjiLi," -'U:-:.-'.r' . , i ... . . .; -.t ! ii-:'-! -r: - . ; I tffll' Blkes -Pavis. of Providence, -xownsnip naa.a paraieuo otrofe one day.last week.- ; ...... r! j. k. Abtxtt,rM. .M. JBurnham Mid J.H. Gatling of Camden were 3 muiuuiui Bwu. . s -:." x. I Mr. lYllHam Tolley and children Teturned Saturday from Ocracoke where they visited relatives Eev. Mr. Tattle of the First Methodist Chureh"" is visiting .' friends on the Eastern Shore Bev. TV- E. Hooutt, of South Mill, Ml Q paid the Tar keel office a visit this week. Mr. J. G. Duncan an Mr. D. B.. Squires of Biddle were here on business this week. r t -r'1s.l- tj. nn. for an extended visit to Edenton 1MI . UUUIN UBlUr 1. I f 1 li rN( IHV I andother points. r : At the Baptist Church Sunday might BeV. . Dr.' Porter of Newport News preached an excellent ser . Messers Milliam Bond, W, B, Eobinson, and W: "W. Pruden, ; lawyers, of Edenton, were in the city this week; " '- ;-"-- . Mr- Coscoe C. Mitchell, editor of The Carolinian, who has been Mr. Uaxter xiountree has ac- cepted a position in .Norfolk. Mr. Mr. C. C. Aydlett reports that three times as many potatoes are being - planted - this season - on I Prtwollo T,-J. 1U 1 Ai The steamer CamieT off Scotts one day . this week ireni to the bottom ii twenty five feet water, but was raised success fully by Capt F. M. Gordon who is an expert in this business, v Mn-O. F. Gilbert who has been to tthej TNorth 'purchasing hisl! spring stock has returned. It is J xee sxrve ?W BP. to advantage when me Bneives enow me iruits 01 tms YiMt- At tne Episcopal Church Sun- day - inorning -Mr. Louis Lanier rendered a solo, which added very much to the - musical feature of the service, f The sermon by the rector! i Bey. Mr. Williams was , al so Braeh 4 enjoyed, v S. V . Mr. S. G.' Sutton of the firm of S. G. Sntton and company. Harbin ger N. CL passed through this city a Tnesdf y of this week. He was accompanied by L. , D. Aydlett, en xoute to the Northen Cities to pur chase their springVfitock of goods. At the First Methodist Church Sunday, BeV; Mr.' :Tuttle ad minstered the communion at the xxrnin service MrZTuttie's dis TO51bimJ night werexnruuaUystrohg; his iiibTects teing parUcularly Adapted' io'the : afe4nesa , of .'tte.i occasion. The .-V-iU if-.;' suffering.,andc love .of o'ury Savior were phically and nuentiy pie- fere - A larfireattendence heard . ; Mr. Jno. C I'erry. is JNO tirree, on I the Jlural Free delivery route from Elizabetli Cityto JCutonSf cornf r; di6tance of :eleye miles. On Sre- lurning ne leaves we uiau xyuuc Butler road cdming in town by Foi . 1. . t ' V'ji . -M i. Road. 'The distance is 2d miles dale ar"e closed; Thus- Elizabeth City to get or come to Ch't.v '-fco cet their maiL TVi - Ia Wo Wfl f T -nint. T.sf Inner as the people are getting their boxes as fast as possible, Mr. Perry takes all tne mau along, out Drings uacK mortf than, half, The mail goes out from town at 12: i returns 6:30 P.' 15 . p. m and t Death I of Mr. Evans. :.-, . ' - - -- Mr. : W. A. s aris died at Har binger. N. CL Febuary 26 1 age . 63 years. He was a consistent . faithful and active .member of : the Meth- oaisi episcopal, onurcn. in nra uuhi- ueuH 'jreiawuuH, nuu tut n ituiuoi, an Ichildren. Hewaa.a brother to J; T l?.irann ?rr a wall Kt H !-f a-wVr- abjv kno wn inthia communitv - ( . Married Saturday, . At the' First -Methodist Church at 8:30 0clock Saturday night Miss - .. . .s . . .- Jessie m 15&kerl was united m marriage toMr. Luther F. Mann. rKev Dr. TutUe the Pastor of the church performed the ceremony. KNOTTS ISLAND. Correspondence of the Tar Heel. : Knotts Ieland, ST. C, Mar. 4. Mr. J. D. Litchfield, one of W. "W. Cason's fishermen at Virginia Beach has spent a pleasant winter if or recreation: and rest with his sister Postmaster Cooper's wife. He takes" his leave this week for . - Beach his former, home to resume his avocation again. He leaves many warm friends as well is relatives. p. A. Cooper, an aged and one of onr i promment citizen.- .re turned a few days ago from rVir- ginia Beach where he spent a' few iu recreation and rest. We are" very glad to know this ' good brother has improved. ' J. B. Jonea Asst., Postmaster at Wrinkle? nh ot1 Tiio unfa ond A .T day evening and spent a pleasant time together. on the Island took a fiying trip to Norfolk : we are informed, to 7 buy him a new horse. With him sue cess. xx. kj. v. vxuiiLBuuai. juiuwu . as the eye docteirhas also left our: Is land for a few days in search of I a fme horse. Good for , the doctor. WoodYjUe. Corresoondence of the Tar Heel, WoodvUle, N. a, Mar. 3. Spring flowers have begun to open! Mr. WilKam Cartwright the fam0T,s Pasauotank Coiintv. was in town on Monday. Mrs. Harry. Brown of Norfolk, and Mrs. Nomie Whedbeeof Eliza beth City, spent Friday last at . the (home of MissDorah Blanchard's Mr. Jno. Chalk of Hertford, and Miss Nellie Sample of Okisko made a flying trip to Woodville last week. Mrs. Robt. Stallings has been quite ill for the past week. - Mrs. Blauche Christy, the wife of t1iat eloquent minister ReV,; L. R. Christy of Georgia,; is visiting her parents Mr. & Mrs. J. C Wilson! Mrs. Christy is accompanied by hjer sweat little daughter' Mary B. - We. are glad to note that Master J. C Wilson is able to be up after a serious attack of pneumonia. ; . - CBeptagflUed his wguiar church fourth Sunday 'morning. He preached, a very ImprejsiTese'Sn to a large audience. . . fk:: - ft.-. ' Mr. W. A. Only was in Chapa noke Sunday. - ' . ffy f yDr. T. M. Kiddick has returned to his home in this village, f rdm a . 4t." week's visit to friends (in . , Court- land and Norf olk,3pgilJ We are glad to have the Dr. back again andixtp.vleara tthafc his visit was fraught with suchguine pie asure. Mrs. Eiddick,. who had been visit ing In Gates. Co., 1. Q. has return- The "Woodville people enjoy reading the Tar Heeli ;The major ity say it is one of the leading pa pers of the state' , - ; ' " K WINFALL - Correspondence of the Tar Heel. Mr. W. E.-, Evans of Elizabeth City, was in our town on . business one day last week. Ecv. Gt s-W! Starling pentl Tuesday 1 at Elizabet City on - - - - - LI. ness. ..: . , . . t Mr. James Biilups has now ac cepted1 a position ' at the Major and Loo mis saw mill near here. Miss Louisa Jajnes of Elizabeth fStv. ia the eruest of Mrs. K. T. T 9 - White on Main street Bev. B. S. Lassiter filled his regular appomttnent at the ChaDoel of the Good ; Sheherd Sunday evening. He will have services here eyery- Thursday even ing during Lent. ' ' ' " Mr. J. L. Farant of Norfolk, Va., ... ' T was iu our town on Dusmess Wednesday. Messrs. John Jackson and How ard Leary ma4e a . flying trip to Elizabeth City Friday, , on busi ness., - ; From the present prospects there willjae a large crop of potatoes raised in our section, tms year, as most all the farmers will plant a fewJ -,. r'-- " : .'."""'' : Mrs. Alphonso White and : Mrs Laden spent Thursday at Okisko, visiting, friends and relatives. 5 After ispending. a few days here with the iamuy 01, mx. u. u Pendleton Mrs. Hugh Winslow returned home Monday. Kev;.W. P. Stallihgs filled his regular " appointment at the school house Sunday, night. Mr. . H. - T.- Wilson a - popular young salesman of Norfolk, was in our town on business Monday, Among the, large number 0 well known business men that have visited' bur ; town r this week were Mr. J. H. Gatling, of Nor folk' Mr. R L. Banks and Mr Weatherly of Elizabeth City, and Mr. W. H. Harrell of Nor folti One of the most social events . 0: the season was a dance given by few of the young men of this place at the Residence Mr and Mrs. Edwards Tuesday Feb. 24th Those who attended were Misses Annie White, Delia Perry, Maude Turner, Pattie Hurdle, Liza White, Lena Barber and Pearl Biilups The gentlemen were' H. M Kirby, James Biilups, Will Jessup. Gaither Bright, R. B. Kirby and John Jackson. The music was beautifully rendered;- .by ; Mrs. Edwards. -.1 .1 -? ? A Card. I hereby announce - myself a candidate for the office of chief of police of . Elizabeth City, N. O, subject - to the decision' of the democratic party. . , , t."-v- .1 i--:' ' APCi Beij;. '' Mar. 4, 1903. , , . , 1 he Carolinians Policy. . The following 5 clipping 'from The Raleigh Post '.regarding Mr Mitchell, editor of The- Carolinian; is Worth reproducing. - .. ; . During the short days of winter bur i esteemed :. cohtemporaryTe' Elizabetli City . ed: weekly.: ',withc itheia ioUowiider "cplprs nailed ..- to? -its masl across: Ki! mi btt&l PHsEIWeiklf y the Caro- iinian Pshingwnpanlf xluh. .xj. v. iuncaii, TT T7 rt T . 1WciiHn)n4A t Hon.1. M. M3ekins, Vice JPrjgsi-; Since e'' shorter inter Hays Hon. EdscoeiConkling Mitchell Decame xne etiuor-in-cxiM? -vi Carolmianr published - as above kaid with Hon; E.; C resi-1 Haent."etc; ; F6r twbt or three issues ;all vyent as'-merrily asra marriage oeii..' c Finally, Hoil lloscoe " Conklirig Mitchell, .'aforesaid, , arose, to; r the occasion, and. feeling that it - was about, time-to unload . spme, things of Republican ihouseheld'i effects which,! liadbecome troublesome, besides the darkey; proceeded with his usual Vig6r to unload MrYTho. Kobsevelt as a candidate for futher 1 BepuDlican ' nomination, and substituted, the good-looking but wealthy maunfacturing. Sena tor, from the- Hoosier State,. Mr. Fairbanks) as the man to manifest Ldesfony;: Another "chapter "of this story -. - . '. . short and sweet, but it adorns this tale and the moral will come later. Hon. E. C. Duncan, "President," ej, is the bane-but 'dervilish sly" Collector of .Internal Revenue for the .Eastern district of North Carolina by the grace of President Theodore Rooseveli Hon L Mi Meekihs aforesaid is the versatile and not infrequently volatile postmalter of the : thiiving city which does much 'business on tne bantcs px jc asquotanJc, wnere frogs are prone to jump.-. There is a whole volumn an this little chapter, just recited, ; as the sequel -will show. Often in our early youth when our heart was inclined to commune with nature or avoid a more im pressive interview with the loved schoolmaster we would .meander down by the river-side and never failed to become interested in the terrapins we would see daily sun ning themselves on the right side of any log which might be anchor ed in the stream, hd the most in teresting. subject of study was the fluency with which every mothers son of them would slide, off the log and disappear from mortal. view as if they scented danger, or some thing or other. Every man of to day who was once a boy and had Occasion, whatever the cause, of visiting a pondor a stream -can re- Call the facility with which these otherwise awkward-moving crea tures could get off the log and go deep down out of sight The Hon. Roscoe Conkling Mitchell, aforesaid, with his" own strong arm ana little ; na tenet, , in his capacity as editor-in-chief, as aforesaid did then and there with malice aforethought and deep premeditation, and evidently with out the fear of the devil, proceed to say that North Carolina wanted no more of President Roosevelt for President, and that: even as th hart panteth for the' waterbroOks .. .. . ..,--. tf"-. .'m v so thejiearts of the white Repub licans of North . Carolina panteth for the fair banks - of Ihdiana. or words to that effect- Did we' saj that the tarrapinft slid off of the log? Well, we will defy any tarrapin unhung to 1 disappear from his sunny side as quickly or gracefully as did the name of Hon. F. C. Duncan Collec tor as aforesaid by the grace of Mr Theodore Roosevelt aforesaid, and of Hon. I. M. r Meekins postmastor aforesaid, also by the grace of Mr. Theodore Roosevelt aforesaid, fropa the masthead of "The Carolinian, published as aforesaid, Hon. R C Duncan, president, and Hon, Li M. Meekiris, 'V!cePresident, aforesaid! f' And now the Hon. Roscoe Conk hng Mitchell, aforesaid, like the boy who stood on the burning deck is monarch of all he surveys. - And he proposes tsuryey. W e couia ruminate fur ther Tipn the slidin qualities Qttarrapins and Republican., statesmen! upon the Unexpectedness of things a.ud the drop the con even2alOth6! doi- eetor ana tne postmaster dropped themselves. fftfnlhS of that "Ieadihsr- BeDUDlcan, fcrfraii of Moxih. Carolina.,V4 ?iK . cThe Concord mes says; "Jim Wilcox, againstwTioW4 there ' Vas busi--should be" put in right here. It is not one.BcmiiiJ uuuec oituouw?, was twice found guiltyZof inufder. Bishoo. who shot down his: victim. in his own home and did not , deny it, k was found . guilty, -of slaughter and sentenced to only five ,years v in the penitentiary. Haywood, killed the man he- had wronged on une streets in oroau daylight, will - plead Belf-defense, and will go free, no doubt, Till man, who murdered an unsuspect ing man without a word or sign of warning, jwiII go scot free, it seems to be generally conceded. :.ln r.the ace of such facts as these, where inithe name of heaven ;.his justice flowh? ' J . .. 1 ri--- RECORD OF THE PAST. No Stronger Evidence Can Be Produced. ; Look well to their record. What they have done many times in years gone by is the best - guarantee of uture results. Any one with a bad back, any reader suffering from 'urinary troubles, from ' any'kidney ills, will find in the following evi dence proof that relief and cure is near at. hand: ; Mr. G. M. Myers, the well-known shoemaker of , Winchester avenue and 14th. street, Ashland, Ky4 says "Doans Kidney PillaMre like true riends, the . longer yop know them the better they are appreciated. I can add nothing to the statement I first made in 1896 after I procur ed the remedy at the;' Vontura Drug Co., and took a course of the treatment, which cured me.' I was absolutely free from all backache for nearly three years, then I notic ed a slight ache, as the resnlt of a cold, in my back. A box of Doan,s Kidney Pills disposed of it. have recommended this remedy to many, and have never heard of one who did not endorse the claims made for it" For sale by all dealers Price, 50 cents. Foster-MilburnCa., Buffalo, N. Y., sole aeents for the TT: S Remember the name- Doan,s and take no substitute. Sold at . STANDARD PHARflACY. noa Norfolk's Greatest Store. Smart, faster : ; MiiBriKPffl Two- Special oneringstfor $ U Tailor-Made Suits f or $ 1 ol Blue and black all-wool cheviot suits. Very nobby fly-front jacket lined with heavy satin rlapels faced with peau de soie. Full 7 gore flare skirts percaline lined and velveteen bound. All seams tailor stitched.' Sizes 32 to 44. Made to sell for $14. We'll sell them this week for only. .... , 66.50 Walking Skirts," $5. Black, light gray, and navy Kersey yoke ' waist inverted pleats from waist to bottom. Regular J6.50 skirts-fchla week $5, ':. .;. ' News Summer Portiers, Curtains, least coestn 8 assortments. Summer Portiers. : f ' i A stipurb display of all the new color com- r binatlons suitable for doora, halls and wiadowai -$l, 1.25, 1.39, 1.50, L75,& 2.50 3, 3.69 and 5 the pair. Bobbinat Curtains. s Airy"Bobbinet purtainSj with. extra -deep ruffles. $2.50, -8; and 3T the pair. -. 3 Muslin Curtains. Buffled Musllo Curtains for bd-rooin and dining-room, 75c., 1, 1. Jo and lthe pair.-- - ' ' - - -Fire "Screens; ; -- ? Not the worthless, trashy kind, bat heavy,-. ' HoiiaoaK irames niiea witn tne oest quality silkoline. l,lq, 1.37i' 1.50', and -i J4 eaca. Jinan wnaos jjLa.-i.uiw w ! -m menes wjae plain colors and fancy stripes. 38c tne -VTT7,TTT 1h . . mm, . , GRi yaru. - . ,, .-- -. - J- . : v-.-r... v - .--;'y '.. - " - LOUIS ' 110- uaui Cor; Uain and Water Sts:, For an extr fine Loaf tive; .Roufror saleby vitm&-&C! " j . . -; No a better Blickwheat Flour made tHanVtrie ; Keytone--Brand, foriiaie by Pulmer & .fc1',5 - Try dtir Male Syrup, $1 .00 pergullont '- Our 20C and 2$c Coffee makes a good drink. : ; "f ; VHave you tried Malta: V 1 a; box of rhi very fine, 2c per box. - :krl: 1 JUST inas anothervvety boxes, 2jc per box - Mairi and Poindexter Street? AVatt, Better & Clay. we will sell: $4.50 Walking Skirts, $3.50, seamsr-8 rows ffltitchlnz arMdicl' --the'J . bottom. flffiHffi artstylesof the ; season. 3.00. $10 of Home parilgsf Fprniture Coverinffia BrniwetH Tin r Home furnishers find Watt;8 ever EW GRASS RUGS: plain colors ' and ' " fancy BtriDes. taimd edsreai fi-iVKrorl Mi..Hrr 18x-ins,i 50o. 2x54-insr 80c a6x72-ln --. - --:- ' - - - ternsfrtaged endS.,-16x34-iachf..58c-Tli Jnehi $2 50-4x7 feet, $4.5O--0xi2 Set$2(X furniture Linen. Vy 66-lnch best quality fancy sups auei me yard. S"or re corertng; clSit:eqach''ir! - . --I" 7-"" .O"' . -MtiXTP - , wiae magnincent patterns' ' --, new colorinsra,-: f57io..: .5flc, IV8:' LP?. 1.5U, 1 3.W,aod $75 Sie iwdisf '. . . - -,-., . .srf'JAt. i -;rx f-J.'f.-. tin is - ik h eneiBU S Elizabetli Cityfli -TT-T J J BreaHuHeBiSuSeri : ;.' iS. f? -S 'Norf olt's ftest; $tore. . l Tmi 11 :j ? ps.i'S 34c- cJ- J.0."S -r 5 :t 3s W m T. -iifV - $ 18 IailorTMade Suitsfor $15. : Strikingly . handsome suits of ' fine black ' cheviot. . Full blouse jacketspostallioix bact pleats - over- shoulder and. up-rand : down': front and back-potich slee ves--taff eta lined. : New drop skirt six. pleats down front-full' flare. Sizes 32to ; ; 42.; MadSUl them this week fni ss'SMrts. "TJ"- !-. 0o-Of -taf- ' -': $10, W.1& J J fpeau do sole and netl'at il0 l2.:l& -J'-'S t"7itTt er things for x the r home ready to supply theif. needs; Fabrikoid" Leather.--' ; - " imitation IAfhoi. m Best n - wiiiu. tar ir - von j i , Curtain Swisb 1 0. -" Tr blte jTartain.Swlss-dotB. -strlpea.t ftful de-". r3x; jirds,5.60i-, 3x3 MjwBr ,ana nau -"runners" -62 l'Sctbe 'NEwjsTAIR tH3iWBlnkai - .VS' iuoil u iiovlij od lllvr- .nHuiJdjo :..ovM:.6nVii?vf J fia ' ai-r ) -.''i i& in :M-i roll;

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