n : t i i ; i n I 5i V. 1, ft 2 V- ''V- V','.';;--:-;, . THE TAB HEEL, FRIDAY, MAY-22,' 1903. " -" - ' ' ' v ' .. , jAKVlfcUUKii. - - years' missionary wok among iuu Gre-1 rt. x VrJ Correspondence of The Tar Heel. - ; vassal river in uinui u MW " -J-VJ VA Jarvisburg, N. C., May, 19. v Miss Neyada ; Burton, of Coin : jock is visiting the Misses Wilsons. . Miss . Helen .Stevens . a" popular young lady of Shiloh was - the guest oi; Misv Maud -, .: week. 11 .' - '. , . " M !." s. ' : r. . ,. .. 'i . .!'.v.. ir ; . ...... Messrs. J. J. - Pierce, W. F. Barco and George He ttrick made a very pleasant visit here Thursday Uio - r L--v UKTr 5. 4- . 'it 1 J J nf tl 4 abuses that'tlie tativel j ....... . . . ; ; -rt- ta bo subjected to by tne oongo administration has attracted v some i attention in London, say that v htiPr" will furnish thjpiitiq HVliasFa rOtKSeaaiKpautobllij tfeaypand ; ,GaUo me wiflveryte?ad4i!PptsSanday Venirrg.Hfwas kiokedby alnule, on -the headrwhich' issupposebV-'fo ha'tnjuredlhis brain right much. His recovery is very uuuuuui. v37 Miss adre A. Wright iavisite Miss Harjya . v,. - regukr appointment Sunday morning at Mt Zion thcrvcongre-feation-was !verv large: ? -Tuss liTe1iC- -Munoten and Oscar Symons was the . guest of friends hereunday evening. ness trip toz-ElizabethsCJity recent- MissJ4e?sie B. Wright spent guest of her friend Miss Carrie Dowdy of Grandy. j.iaS svliD n9dssil3 io vasM i ii i . rt day night. . .ii0 V "-CAMDENr , Correspondence olhP'arSel. - Mr. and iKS? il. W. Valston near Shilbhfspetit Saturday n "m' H MMiss Maggie ispeutSauaTj-i ayt nig wtli Miss SeQo.U.- J llr.r -,ii'iinS' A. DM Seynaore -were tle-guesls of - Mr, dltff s.; Jr'lVt'-(3reekmore'6uiday. ill Congo Free State theBev. William I jeiicaneyH-HH :-1 GrjiadliU mfcorfiWj -A- eFann; ? fiRT HATHAWAY' yamat- TV -pi I . .'f ,- jt i. m . m4 a-4 : IeVaGommltJ He felialJaiicedtfimliBu an the real estate man. t h .morvideneeot IheelifiesmyfieTfurtas eems ta amuse paw. New lors JSyer 1. lev-. MrfMorrin reftfleboearlym aiusesthe-Society -for- tlqtect ion of Aborigines, ndon took;up the matter and Mr.MomSon f uii 4shd ftN.reporttoFoTOign-S Lansdowne. The report, according v-1 j. to Mr. Momsonwiu oe;tABuviUjj by parliament on May 20. "I come here-ta lay the matter before the. secretary ffof-tate;" -he: . said, "and I believe the ; action " of those in authority both here - and in England will result in better conditions in the Congo Free Btate J It is not a free ; state. ln Jjueoo, where I have been working, you can buy a woman for $10.1 have) not seen a maii sold, for -their services are too, valuable. They are practically forced to work, and this amounts to.' virtual rlavBrjv The conditiong'are notrf growing any better. TJie things that I have seen and the things that I know by investigation. 'are embodied in my report to, Lord Lansdowne, which I shall present to the state department here This report gives the result of trty personal inves tigation." 'B UTTH AK ETTH CCLOTHCS THAT"P LCA S ET" TMnfc of the iftdvailt&ges of a TAILOR- " .tyles. v . c m.. m -u v.. m. , m w- I r- - mi i i i i n i i sejjou. rj Iraetivel. , . THE POPULAR PRICE TAILOR OVER THE FAIR feTOSE If called upon lor an answer, I iViVi1 " Jn)nr 4Vi" 'VvSV rt "4Tia fif MriS I in tne case is iiiai we uu xiut auixi- crently dignify the iarm "We t do, h i nJJUntfyespehfalm;i lfrrksf-1 As look back at the various can. .Miss Minnie Steyens. spent iatur- 4ayp nbt pvry easantly wUh rj-iSIisj Maude.jytidge.tt 4 PPfeg i$ .Tweekj jKaEvCity, .visiting TelativeSi! ;uJ;!l--ui! JjT. - guest of Mrs. J. W. :Cieekmote "Wednesday evening ,ri 1 H ,Mr, N. ,W. Stevens was' ih E. City Saturday. .. ,, , 3u'jMissAnnie C?0x spent iasijiWek with: Jjfes.-EriBerry, n f .f-:o ; 0 !IMissek'Maimanti'rAnief Trafton werthe Pestsof jllevMfs; ftWrhSMdaiiernbdni Saotc; , Mr. WvoteyensaSj the. guests Mra.K,vW. Steyf nsjandiiai tw6 idarughtsr$, MisBBSiMc andj iMifi- vwere'thet oguesi. ol Eev L-Mrrahxi - Mrsv WirrghfciSundayl aftdrflooniiT Miss Lillie Dozier was the7 gflest VVJJ jJlfjLili -iLfJ-'- V'r Di.r - j ui xibx bislcx uxlto. (i. vv. jreeKmore 'last Sunday,-: 7 J '1 k&: , There will be an entertainment , at the court .hpuse .net . Wedne-.alierma rment; ?k'm Sargfjbson teacher of ; the priyate , school. . All are .invited to, attead. r ;r ... , ' (MrsIJennie Brpwniand daughteri (.Miss Liiziewere the ' guestsidf Mrs! .'Henry Brown? aturdayvsM I ji . ed iWhliT t h ol c L( i h axs .mod n-tuo Tell ot .Conditions r of ,Congo Free New Tdrkl M l9..Arfter.7 'hc The War Not Over. Columbus, May 20. The Hill Top Improvement Association, an organization in the vicinity of the Confederate Cemetery at Camp Chase, after a .toriny.j ses sion refused td participate in the annual services v : which are to be held next monflT at the cemetery in memory of the confederate dead. President W. B. Potts had planned for fKe association r to take part in the ceremonies but when the matter was brought be fore the association, it met with stormy opposition. A resolution was at once presented declaring the refusal of the association to participate in the exercises. Dr. Warner, a member of the asso ciation, declared that the war was not over. He said it never would be over until . the confederates recognized the 14th and 15th amendments to theconstitution President Potts ' tries 2'td'sIfeyerit the adoption; of this resolution. He said the confederate graveyard at Camp Chasaahe itkindin4henjoj?thftad-annually iaiM?ieno9ye8iiioQl5I aiaaiafited we do not give it the air and at- ijEOpherepfv respeatabiliiyl The whole business and outnt gives us 1 the' impresslou 6f drudgery "and' numuruuuiestL Customer I d like to see sometnmg nice'1 in' checks? 7 ' v " -iTailorr-So would.!. Chicago Amerl- farms that ! have seen the English farm I believe, has most impressed me. As ft boy, and growing up on it, I believe here it is that I would have been most apt to remain as a man? I " have seen hundreds of thousands of farms elsewhere that I. as 12-year-old lad, would have run away from' to escape such a life and-such a home. No man could love; nor could he tolerate, a thing he' could not respect. An outline; of -this English farm - may be helpfuL In the first place, every place is an "estate" the place's name is one of dignity. The approach to it is through a gate : u r -r: i-. -rj mi t: Mkf ter of Taste. A J rMU lit U?5I " - Have just riKfe fp At -:i latest . styles iuui i.yjLiy I i INDIES OUTINGHATS, and Childrenrsnnf-EH med and Untrimmed .-"S -.: HATS. nen piatn 4' and Water Sts. it i A Then' the bed should be comfortable an i THE WORLD'S CELEBRAT3EJ) BUTLiaSPJUlG 3ED this city had gained the ti lanks of ii me peopie 01, ine soutnern aead Weaterfiisald was one ' of thee who thought tEti civil Mr W o veM ' ':He had been laboring' r "indeif! Ifch'e' 1 impression to'lfej oeaeraes1 will iake sleep enjoyable. "";tj?gfi:,thit cy.p.ocii '. fort. f. Mde from the very besf3rpringJ coil ariQSitivly will not sag nor rusk We.. willbSlia wlfew"bur' factory over Gregory's Stablest"-1 StevttJ. iv- elqc y SSTV-t-- EUZBEFI Gin SPRING TOiftSfflffl post?, no matter now rude and rus tic. On the gale way posts is the estate's name. It may be or' need not be fanciful and high-sounding. The name soften is chosen to desig nate tome individuality -of the estate. The house always has a setting no matter- hbw humble the house. This setting consists! of a little path of walks and grass, . lit. B. Constant Don't yousfcnow thrubbry and trees, and not one consistency Is a jewel? - " ' of them, perhaps, from florist or Your v I ' -.ir...-i.:; m 4n onlarcrA nr r.nnv the best px.tesk Miss B. Wilder Of course, but Jew- nur6eryman. elry- is going out of fashion. Pittsburg Dispatch. Carry them to His work is Gome r M a i n a nd Polndexte rtreet; :.r,V,-,-.-- IILIIIIUIIIH '-!.' Tlae Jots ef Wealth. 0 A J. i ) - . r i j - 1 1 : l Orni ?i You respect the whole outfit t i . . . i piace ana owner Ntne moment you ' - Jj7jf J -j;i'!t5 see it The boy grows .uP with the Cleanliness is uoquness., same feelings you have for it. This is our motto, and we haTe 'everything -scrupulously, clean Every farm in orth Carolina is towei for every customer. Mugs and brushes- thoroughly- sterilized rtty (dignity means worthiness) Barber Comfort. .i'SW:"-'':-of just such settmgs as above. . & ftUow J0U to'sledp.' An ncut'. fac 'Len tou You may say that this is not :- . , "'J. v'n.c: : 4tKk"i-rTiry rii', ... ,; leave our cnairs auu uu tui w DMPi(uiauu lumi vYiii.vaiuoo juu iu vuu practical and that it is only- an - 0 s' ftu u3 -o appeal :ta,,ine imagffiailDW 15ut - 0 . T i. 'fornierlv withebee. - rthBonrentrypTrleavB- lmginati5ni " O'ffirfarthitfgfo'i HfevcAlid if ; your, boy js. about, to. leave the .old ' s. - c i farm andyou iwan t -hn - to settle-K- t wT i-m tfbl)trruWnbt"vayh Water StreetvE. "Clty,:N. C. golf rttfl- )4 ylfcjr .'ySan )ft JJiUOJf cap war and for the protection of mristiaS irJ n0- vuiuuueaaiuB dwmacn ana JLiiyer Ai AaiP tfcaib 5 keeps imahSl iP WSte 1 Bama?'doii ybii wisht you -was poldshimven ; though it bef I jO b . wCmsp3i ' ,chjr.ea-ypu;.Q0Ul4 ,haye a..;soUd god imagihation-becomes 'a -pacticat V r 25 MoUon "c-t 'vcn.Sitt ashtub.tastead .at. oi? ,lung:r- way : uorar, ,!.-Tl " ..feiflSfflV.- Snn Fffltiwspn TTVfiminpr -1 . - . m Tin tori i a r. a nPIivftrtr. - cropper. :; If the four or five - child-) f ' A 5 3TBnqtreyefy Jrifan' in" the country could only ibe- made by some means to. settle iii -th.e"eOuiitry in the place of xi going to town--then what - a greats ti future "the1 South-; would shavelIb SoutHern Cultivator.1' - A vaifQable fi IdcIc1 of Lots Ja2i8na NorfdrSouthern, De:.;.-?r: VAA". r - ror saje cheap ' . Tghtau4o.; if jvuwkit to 8:.up 'to ; ' : 'J; " v '; -afeW at"tnes"e at' Sd6b ;- f ,t ' V fJrv" ioei , eie aoout . aouonng your money, on , , ' . -tMtf pt6tertyithin three vears. its a; Woiri k. i 4 1 fullescriblibhall S 4-' : iv ilj Fannie My big sister Is coming-out -this evening: ': -' 1 -JV-'-' 'V ' jtfePat'a not'dingr ;Me.big,brudder s coming put tonight, too.; He was UP ?er sik'monfcNew York Times- 01 A Stain on Hl Name. GREGORY, - ,iJ. : G v Gregory? tfMatJ Dr. Celus G. Feretee ..who nas been . do ing . hospital wcrk at f'tb;e 'oMiDoniinion SosTMtalV a TiiWh J Lmond Ta. tor the" last VearV had Vi-tujxiji jfiHi -pal-vt;. t...u peeii appojiniepi nrst assistant suri geon for, tb.e (pKesapeake" and" Ohio! Hailroad. He spent pne ,day and .uiuit ,wiin iiis parents in iJamaenj coufjiy .ani-. left tor 'fentingtpnt We6t a.yjto take clmrge pY; tlieJ company's hpspitai; "at" that place1 where lie ifill soon make his ..home. Huntington is a hustling ; to wn ; V of twenty-five ' or, thirty inhabitant on the Ohio river and Dr, Perebee is' toTm'congratuTateol' or - securinfi such a nne position an ; hayjng, such, a 'nice T country to live in. ; H RH F F N I Ffi F- il R r i diiiii v nd vi lQ0: bus. jaA- jPAS at GLEAN, BOTJM7 'ri&e 'fto jJuT 4?ar eefpnly 3 fi.ou, cis.' a year. . r Stetrttirilil' V Cor., Fearing and Vate $fs. uranavctvQ ELIZ: CITl'.' J?. 'C. T rvr' ' We arie prepare' 'to - furnish V.". AwnihS'Of ny Class,"7 color 6r 'tl'?r kind'ohfshorfcfrraticPrieels and samples enfepnaa.ppHca- flatter: ierdhfe fhpnieipf0: "ihterjest -tbeyreberdfi : j - the .family -WeL ianak& ) Ihtertirife to h feuyei'- one wno Kavs tne niir. A, have plenty, of goodypropr,, 1 ... . . -.'i v;-r. : torn and Iifou ,t pnlv jthftGunwiiles, vVJ r': )ail;fei also the,Jetter;57 en, ft-cut in, the 5 KiFiS ,side of stem, andas;;been .newly puuiteu leay-coior " r: t . .... , :yeir;-fc V L. .JyR-rEc DfiosCo.-. r iSloilM S2Sa; CiOj' PINNEB ilKL .'4uP0!Nl)Crt"'r$TREt. any: ongxwbo .tillretUrn to us ? the ppfat belppging ti the iDuer, tGi. F. Derickson. which! i wenti f adrift in tne aiternoonot April I4tn, near fte MButffttf Mrihiylri :&3 rt hBoat-i: Half fettom? about ; wide; on bot- umcaaniu v,r.-ji. auiy to receive taxes, ai

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