.- ' -rt-;; - rr Devote to die Irihl EASTER iioro Vol. 2. ELIZABETH CITY yA.j.?RK)AYv;JULY t7tlv,Hl?Wy3-.-;:,:j-V .jf.-.;,. - "i 3 I G Inflames Fire Guts Lavanstein Place and Plays Haven therein mm- Occurred ; 0ir Damage is not yet Estimated Though . the store was Stocked With Furniture; and-Clothing, Hardr ware and Other r. Goods. : The ' Firm Were Insurred Partially; A very damaging fir occured in the Levenstein building on Poindexter stu'et Monday night : Jusc prior to 10 o'clock a stream : bf: smoke - was no tieMl pmiring from the crack above the docnv ay on the Mattehew's. street or. ter ance of the Globe, tiift name of the Lavensteih '. house? ! rrheuflding3-frks hea- ilyf stocked with ehlatts,' mat tress es and other articles of ' 'urniture stock ; which blazedickly, andere hard to distmguisn. ,xne usuai uruwu of spectators rushed' to the scene aud it looked "as though the; Globey was going to suffer seriously.; Tbfe ,s CspreadirapidJy :irs?pf -at he roof eaves and window sills, so I that it; was hard,' to ;d6termiheJfexactly the location WisiM0jM 1 '-.v.i. t; the denitind tor cotton' yarn ,Tias been very" gobaiYalino.st , equal to the out put.-- m tact as. the .mill stands there js on , hand v only, about two thousand The superintendent of the mill, Mr. .Gregory, r was interviewed ' by . a Tar Heel man oh Thursday, and seemed cheerful, despite the situation " whjch wjiii uuw U.1U1. a ue mms,- ne " saia, were In 'need of a general overhaul ing, any way,: aid had the supply bfeen all that was desired,at least two weeks delay inx operation; would ' have i bfeen forced on the' plant for the purplose oiacconiDnsmnE ; - mis p.nn vvirn n. i --vs.- PhiladelDhia, And a New! Orleans toni I S S iir t , & i4i a - I if Em mum ; ' tj ! Ll. - .fe'kjtf'Se" .K" rf;j ' - ;S S-' 1? - . i - - Hardware, ConceWWi llritv to Commence Business. ; A Stove andi Plumbing Com4 pany To Operate Here, fAlsoi ; J." cern cornering the cotton and placing Elizabeth' City !is "to hare aiothblg thatwnlriVaiaif Lueir own:.pnon;maien j tne i enterprise. , at ; 4s to he . a hardware entire world'of cotton felt the blow. establishment that will rival any other On hursday, : a week-fxom yester- concern, '(loirig ialik business in North daythe mill, which makesyarh here, -5 ; r - kv v?mm. -mm await tan ot - cs&zzzrA z rf ; the market in order thae.gdods jj ahd (JStee;jTheKi vvill admit of a 3 nrbfit, ' t)nd hundred I wo- f propose to- cVminehc business Mhout! j tiij!.J uwfi imnn I oeyiemuer isi. , inis concern nas ren- men and children, and. twenty-five men the entire building belonging, to felt this closing:, and were thrown! out n w. Overman and which is now' oc- lishments. To have a concern com posed of such, men ,as, the prpmoteris of to ahy enterprise. ; -'They1 :are promi nent among Elizabeth City's business men who hare made this city the-coin-mercial center and metropolis of !East rn(JNrthrol&tf.HThte mention -of the i names ptjDM. Jpnes G. m Scott. W- iEi Duhstan, - and a W, .Stevens, at once carries a confidence 6f ; suc cess. Messrs. A. M. Willey &rSoji are 'also preparing to open astoe rfor the sale or stoves and plumbing supplies; This firm will do business as ! the Elizabeth City Stove and Plumbing Lo. .ana hids -air to; add ta the citv's bgrowth. tQ a wonderful advantage. Oft-of bands. Fqr this reason f the ry; center of Eastern Carolina. r More thwo ;sUCh exklnntisies mAVia 1 HH,. : YiL than a d9zen traveling salesmen; swdlereadyoWitf r; J". put irom- nere eacn weeK. wow, this new merchants, the future is beginning elsewhere, the same conditionsbemg new firm proposes to ;pnt men on the LtQ assume the-bright aspect, The: Tar rin?xroTcii-r in oykt Tiro ' H 'V I road and build ud a hardware trade 'TTppI has ssr innr nroii'ntofl ' i ; -' - - -'''Mr.' GVegofy,s i tie-' iuperintQnldent, will distribute the work of repair now C. W, Overman and which is now'oc- bf " work v as a result Some of-?these cupied by C. W.JStevens & Co., as a faTn!a:ift' th;wv whflft nihrk re- furniture store. This building is. one -.- '"iv-'- O'jS x of the largest in the city, and work-! mained tawailt-the outcome. J Mills - . 0 J in other cities -are in the same fix,' and model the structure throughout. even, in Charlotte there is a dropping! This city has' long, been the gro- ' The alarm ; lysand Fire Department No. 1 jeadily; ' responded. : a nromnt response. Both companies were" nuiclB5 comnUehe tion andaJclapt au WtM: had their heads vtogether:Theuild iTigsuriy ladders and hose streams, until the ft rf wo tor m nlentious doSesV men to fight .the ir3 a prt that they succeeded in g: n euf,--VNwax-as extinguish the seat QMdk Smoke gave away ttraff.. .andrthe heat was very trying. of Jevidjiw df ' the late RobdrV JV Mitchell has just had completed a memory of her departed of of S I . I D At a p p n :R.i i n CaIaaI going, oh . in the. plant .so hat some l 'UUM? "UUI ' may1 get work, I 'l1 ....n.. ..... wl.v. .... . . i v., i im 1 1 hb .meal. y"j r iit: ; - . t -t.-if 1 w1ltn6toVny.atZ feiffOintogHhe ''""TSWrn'y'liyf rw f ti iIiibTTii iSSS d iknii Ised lar,r xiLt . t!r vr j .'" OI aicer xne ioiiowing man whether 4tJsttS most advisablelfiqkdilSe s eJ&Cw. Jnif SSposi- X Mv of fsbindfe and begin tdin' vLnci fki itcne 1 1 m o n u rn e nt. ther jhpst , magnificent specimehs 'thwo othODuWr Marble Work c;vas Fsa'4a4d!)thjJ i,Jrihi1ch Ae is as wielding and thegenef aTT gotf tt 'AhlcnM well as yarns e stood for the yarn manjffaiture ne is- uom'g-smjHKv-ograpprQcwG nm& 14- 71- l . di" alwsitmwesseauonol -withidhds Sim 5Mefiere cefurtoitjpfifp, devotion Ao Ji "Stic Th'i's ' WS3' dPUB. -The - millo-.hak o u'fmK. n riirsitv nf ilisgliess work,. s If we could have seVerar gflJr NortWf fGamlina...ihjei-drace nroblem "VrtTJ I . Jiiih f.,i n,l r.UIJji way to Diaze ary tnirrnc"TTn? "wiiimhw'j swhvh HoweveV the'boys' ' WoVweMwtira xllnl all iaiUhO(d)n,fnUs?: -v--w ' I V T ice cream flnlcco ihsti-ease m, price aj fthsiv. l-ii!i,a,uittpn rise this year. . --'-r-4ierf QTaSt J flilllltOttOn iaces amuuuieu iu i - -j retarding the -work' was ; concerned, - r j 'ao a -1 - j and after effort which reflected the Ugreatest edat ohthddparJnleB ' 'Lavenstein's buildihg . was prarcttcal-' ly saved, and .the3adjpining huildins and the : sk5 'Vnich Nvs 1 contained therein was! prevented from any t;e:i: ous damage. " . - : ';. - Just rhi rtet?Clobj s hfferei;a,the way of losses is almost 4mposihleit6 estimate now. There was a heavy 1 and Miss" Mary McMullan. : Among those 1 present were pisses lin of foods' Irf the 'stord hfehwas Uiattf eaiaJCocke,-s pt Ahevjlle, JJ, - X of the department variety, containing furniture, clothes, dry goods, glass and tin wareVof onany desciptfonis.;f The loss must reach up into; the thdusaiids, sls the water did great damage ,to the dry goods, but ' the ;iise M tuls;W3r of course saved .the!, pthr stcj f.or,ft sreat extent, and 'certainly, saved the biuldihg. : The. business was' partially insured; though' the loss as compared with the insurance is .impossible to as iiflrtain "Mist Vt.-' '.''''''''' : O U&. -anffte?n fwas5. d6lngraiM' and lucrative business, and hardly a storin the city enjoyed, a more hbej- ' h patron.orlinii SeQ stock Cannot be .the. paly i loss.siiice hi3 t riio ir. u st'be' held .tack, and hl cyis iuwe-s will of c0ur"e gpto.bf - ojth-sr ice's until theobe cp6nv!Thfe m are. ipa- conceded, that pwhen he shall have reel tabllshed; himseii ; ana siock, ub w m feasant relations with this renew his ' community, EmeTh-mymig-bargain extent hrough the delay i i 4 -tiri!i .rom .r liirif re yalae below it:-: cost. ?i 3 :t oeTa34Qbf?i)- b cost ft ' g ac tion of the Booker T, Washington oi to learn of the work of this negro,1 he is cH that atttSreat crop COMPLIMENTARY RECEPTION. Miss JBesSie Mae Hughes was the hostess ata 'delightful reception at her home on Pennsylvania Avenge on 'lmirsaay 5nigHi oi. s.uasi$cc v.yi'" jentary. tp her, guest, Miss Cocke, of Asneviue. mhb dbssic wcio .oop"u in receiving.; by Miss Gertie Foreman, '.".IHWII.IIII f 1 PROF. P. W. MOORE. Jordan, of Durham, Nash, of TaVboro, ,tJerni: Ger- Elizabeth ; Temple qf Colorado, ; J gan ,bf Norfolk, Mrf IcMullan, "The i inr.rjhpfl-as follows HUSBAND, itcteaifn?! ,f a soil ;, the , surrounding wprld "N country) can- boast pf.Ther is. hardly a" spot on the big : wide globe, where ! ' W nature ;nas so mRer.ai?y. enaoweas ner surtace as, in me .first uisuict .ui North Carolina.- - , , ;v. ' !; ' ' t -- n ct "K Tri ATh nvhnw m art t o q 1r tr the 'agricultural line,' 'and " the; ; next wonaer .may De even more, oif a prises than- .we have yet had.V. - i Zv m society: Mar Stage in edento Wednesday, JpJyi the - 8th, .was a happy day-in jEdentpn fpr morphea; rts than .one. . ; On that day, at higtt noon, in?.S.PauVs; churchr EtstSar- ren? ancinMiss Jttutn ryvor,;m oeauu ful dVacxxmplislddaughterof -Mr, S. G. :Worth,BhiComnflssibnerer;e; made one. ReVi; Dr; R: BDrane ecr tor of the parrish,,. officiating , iri the impressive ritual I of: the Episcopal Churchl r The audience in atttendance. was - large ,uiusf ecu, auvi. r wuai oium; tory.- . Relatives aid firfendtedvin cordiaf blessings'J.C krrT ' Mr.' "VVarren' is' 'an assistant mainager of the Norfolk " & Southern ' Railroad, khd'Ms:-E iliighly respected citizeh -ot Edehtbh of- distinguished ; lineage nd confections!4. '- ?,-&JtZR-t. 'fi 1 The bridal attendants were Messrsr .Warren", Winfield Worth, Henry Worth , J6hn and Mary 'McMullan, Ii. X Worth' and-Hoeg . Kisses; India. Baunigartner, Lizzie Bateman, banie Jones. $ The flower -girls twere t'eneie AX ter therlMi Mwt Itf. :) Si MlSoadjifprjan-extendefl bridal trip.. ' ;f"3coD fvGw : .-a I. THi ElEAWEeP SALE rtjiailt Wits uj,ai;mcu, n viuvn ISSTOcg ji or- attractive " being round ins squarj wUk polished, and 'roifcfeh rSk 31irmrSs.l3rBll4jmM9tPT1 I-frT rSt foot MmeferftW4aydH Ih'e mist prominent private moniimentS liin0HAcltsttb.nJbcs t 1 ii H N ,Srr - At j i.'rJh. Hdtdl 1ntlA'.calAc7oVk s":. irf?t .thai iwvkixra&m?? adaveteffc- iiiuthe city,notmpto-yea lo dit feihie PffiSahuatS5 supply I the "demsiinlrDitJ ' ' , m a i w;i miiiSWWI&aSJFfervent TjiOho(hi hasjjf familS ttiisein largg .iarAnM n .J. ai. :fl.W rMi fore It is of fhe.Ndrman Gothica(lesiafaLOa .oA36Heli'tO,lock, the dooianiT- T auu uuiic m ueauwMiiiine graijranite. Height ,11 feet G inches, whV 1,- gggft-egijftqijtjhiae and this city, and few -places hav :er d " ofhown'such ansaie. Prices wereway would soon be settled.' Prof. Moore is the acae of politeness, and his re anoft to white men is an example to trude ForfemanIda Pldra, Gussie Kra- hig race'" - - mrr TTitta Avdlet.t. Marv Robinson, Ev- These words coming from a stran- eyln Xydlett, Kiaa DericKsop. ew9 "?SET, ffrSTOKB isheert Ada MaicK Mias Worth. Cam-f fi3B33fiB lie Hinringnaus, mary xiiiuiii5iia.uo,ij.a.ijr many irienas or roti Moore; Grice, Elsie Baxter, Mary .ood,. Mary this, city. vTt is often that.it is,said , ' y-, iAikiw iA Trt .Tifillri- llhTmr.' save Culpepper, theii tnriageK Vaxneiiiie - The work 3'orio byX5tli5er .? of the finest variety, and the reputation of this' firm ; has exteh4ed so far that a cable address has . bfeen' added to the ibuinessepartmenjtj. in order jthat for eign ateriarused; in high tji3.de con struction may , be forwarded, j The to-, ken of 'respect to one of the most Val ued citizens 1 of f his 1 comjnunjty fs 'in deed & yorthy and : deserved lone, and though the stone may :omiheinorize the deceased to the coining gener eation his lif e and ..wojrks tave left marks' upon the '.memories of j the men hi which and women who knew marble cannot describe orp'ernetuate tn A in is . - . . ... v - rhis own "country." xms. nowever. Burgess, Gimme v wnixe, aa messrs. , of prof. Mpore, wh? ' ha 1- Garr jyiaaes unver urjiuei ji . jaui- ways impressed ms nome peopia- yvjiii manRos;peForati .Weetley Fore Mriflned' manners and. manlly bekx . stt 'i1j TinX,rf x srrV 1 ms consouQaiion means a gicai liott Howe, Howland Fearing; Leigh dea to Elizabeth city.;;. IV means that il-Ernildnei3hnnghalis,i Bluker m''iaWh Citv will be the center of Ehringhaus, iioyqi aneep, wBiasy nam- education oi tne .-.-coigrs jrape j.uitlxisj ney T, MOIdJLOgan uia, TagK isax- large territory east 01 xvaieign. xma ter'' Melvi'n' Tillett, Walter j JSawyer, fact viewed from a commercial stand HarVy Greenleaf, Ned Etftridke, Joe point means a great deal to the mer- nionda nnH t Ha R-Thhe cafirreODen. 'rnet rtr'&h-nif. r Ererette -Thompson, iieo. chants oi tnis cuy. wnn 11s increase - -,'....'. - -A?ur cttsswalter' Wobd.; CamW.Melick, itf anVopriation sfthe EliaaTfeth Citr menga qr meu Oscar Ne.Vbdld. and WtatefVormal Scfifol, wfflf be ftelarg. thizing mm? iWTmm-pS. - S I . dd ;ari generally iiprov, . ah Jas an ZIFFrrlr ll creditable totrnT-face for Wh It i IRVIWura 'DBWnUi tvrna Aiiiia 'taTdtiiir". TiTine vhacKachle." rheu- woihstov sed- conducted. f fc'dTTO K M f LL 'C LO SES. n . ;The option, ijiiir which supplies the 5 prijductfor tnee of the cloth spind ;aes, iSr.noWjCloged.in Elizabeth City, as. 3 ai tesulVof to&pt&glzQ i t.e market price of the raw; goods' "Heretofore fmt in-tho nrine renal &dculi.ft dia- . Miss Goldie Kramer while out driv- betes and aiidneytroublesi includ- ing yesterday afternoon suffered a se- H-ViBd'-'BHght'Diseaft Mrs- G. TJ. Dj Pritchard 1 1Va" vlgetabld 'compound an act di- was in the buggy with .Miss Kramer at reotw on he -weaKenea- tissues ana j tne time, anu me vemuie in wmuu mejr mL& fvfessBS Idf the kidney iandsuri- satcblllded with ' a passing carriage. nary- organs. Sold at 50 cents ax box by 1 STAN DARD- -PHARMACY, W. W. GRIGGS, Elizabeth City, NVC and DR. JV U'tl'STER; SbUtM IVfirie Ni-Cv - throwing Miss Kramer out and. break ing, her, arm. She was taken to the home of her- uncle, Mr. Ed. Kramer, whera- slia jcYfidmdjea ." ! t i i TWO EARLY GROWTHS.) i i iLii i-i fu ?:.i i j Hi;! i ? : -Th ifsfrel, is now in. possession of ; two j very- rare specimens of crop culturer. which it akes pleasure in an- nounipgjas each of , these growths of nature . speak .better , than;- words of the Section in which they were planted Mrs.irene wnitenurst sena jus; ?a nice large. box of .strawberries which represent a second crop. The berries -wete," planted last August, and matured at the-usual period.; It was then sup posed that the crop had concluded its osvn. an V Jr. s.J. bltyVdl pvertising ha ml a reliable me erywhe; .wKfch seption KflinhAi-nfi i7ATYiTTiftrr.fi; Pav - . lhamberof v GomniercePay my: t- rr-A" rr- The Steamefi Guie wiU'Ply on the lu bi tin., uuuw vvtt r ; beth- Ci1ySahdj9pTTh unamDer - wants - iurmucK ras. edJ ituie'Eactory Need-; The. : Chamber ' of - Commerce . met Tuesda night inregulaf session; with ; thei chauv IthbughthQvwpath , , v warm nd a number of .members out of the xitye attendance' wa remark-.- ably ilarge.. ; The . session was ;iate in ;v . commencingivprk, d': it - must, have beehid'erethe :caihnciaMe'd'th0' meeg tpHpTde ' ; H5;TireeiUj?, :'jo being present, Mr.. Hi ;1F:3 Greenleaf iiSrrw to ; ser,ve ihthckpacit' wnffch he did. ; ; rTalssasj deselection ; ; Qftnwm0m(raia ame,f Mr.- WuifZoeUea.jpfeseiitedand the ; since theeanSgml Blal3l1giiofiltam ' ''..r t'tMetprdjejfeed arm above the City Park,. in the'bay: dWfeitet -.wh-aVL J)f Eliz- . abeth City," being one . of the points. . e?ffibti6'ft talSQrjitrdiusdedJa. request - 3Pint. in urr&icl cbe, . tagtf d V this : cfltym ra-:bje iEl4c lohocation Messrs. . were ap afStMsstjia-nt! t-afri&fHf 'J rfji Pep,. j wopaiey andfjTunis,-; a com-; i-iM?. EWflletJ mdveShal igit.pf tebe?appomte4Tto look -af&ar the.r stabhment .-.of 5 a fumi- 'St AiftTifaeM ff erywhe na, in, Mark: there was only one papdilfttsed m .this avertisirig,and that w&s "The THeei, Wd'tMs'sale was th?'gre;at est sale ever recorded in the history of Eiziabethf City ..atLWIhat lis .ras. advertised; ;aClean .Sweep-Sale, x It swept the ; counter of, goods Vh,iai Vere serviceable, but5" a bit .-DVercaryied.- ..;It cleaned 'the snelves of new goods; and old 'goods at he same ridiculously low prices. Men came , in to buy. a" dozen four cent .handkerchiesf, and left with a ney SUll Oi Cliques, ana'iuai.uwi sold for standard prices were really on sale,-at egs than x;ost price. This was as represeftetd ind no fakeXadies had an opportunity ' to get bargainsiH'-at pfices. never heard-of before, and as tie ladies? ire f expats on! "What is i a Bargain," it may be well said that the buyers were numerous and lucre ex changed fhahds 'hile empty shelves are, showing '.the . effect. It is likely that a erood opening has beeen made in Mitchell's Bee Hive, for new goods, 4 and a ' Northern trip, - will later brmg in a large supply of new stock. -' As' an ad veVtisihg expertj Mr. Rchold . knows JUS OllSiness. ;.a.vir4 VJivei jru.ucn,j. lis certainly'at the head of a bfg concern, and The Tar Heel feels as though it Wanted to hold 'a jubilee over ; the -af fair, congratulatory of the biggest sale event yet Known !Ui;TfaetbfylTMs.! JmStSdn -iaS i can ied. MiMif iHy'md ?rk kramer. Tid-J. 'Q. A. Wodcf weret.ellds(ii. fnv t3omtnittee:nten;;to sec"urflithe' outlook 56r fsuchf influstru' ; There wa "no5 other -.ib.tteinefes to' be laivn'Sedj torand"rthe uhalviber -a(! jparn ed. ' v -. -. . ? fnrft'age for this year, but tdthe ladyfiPH J B&.auKar jigM wife ithff surprise the Vines bloomed the second mimeand onih Fourth of; July,- the y ate strawberries for dinner.The Heer'rfeceiveja a box f of these Jerries, whiSk are of jthet sharpless variety. They are beauties.! : Mr. Thomas Crank, i a .well-known fish dealer of this city, ate sweet potatoes- for ! Fourth of July dinner, an- j -' . . l I ' ..... i other - freak , in the vegetable line, which calls forth our wonder. The po tato .were was of r the JJayman vlariety, and e of the' lasttypef ever seen (hereTtusvfs,jljhe irltest weet pota to ever known here, but proves, tor.the dreW - Miss ffertrude- and - Masters Paul and Vincent were visitors to The Tar Heel office, last night Mr. Pugh a& once aJJanjdenj hoy, and hisibls- tory in the metropolis is the pit repeat ed: story of the popr bpy . whofmade his'millionawy fromhome ??aild friftnda. In his visit herei Mr.fPTlkh says - that Elizabeth - City i has . made the most- rapid progress of ahy "city he has eve first left her? changes have been ? marvellous Lt. Camden, after f which the rwill g "to Nag' Head tand pther points Hhtamec ing. His1 wife is a lady of refiiiement and culture, and his bright children-are a, iTE,SUFOUlCpRiOlrlNA R. R. I The," Suffolk' .&;.Carolina -'railroad is now. within seventeen miles of Eliza-; beth City. ' Seventeen milestone hun- ' area j and eight teet is the; exact mea surement,: At the present: rate there are more than two ; hundred -or more' hands working ; on ; 'the road f bed and! track.' The, road bed is-"in- itself prac tically. .completed, though '"snjall grad ing work is' goingon.''..'The;-track is being placed in position: at the rate of three miles per week. At this rate the , seventeen miles. fill he covered in six- : weens ,or oy August 30th. .The total: track from Trotville; in. Gates County, where the.branch intersects ' the main -road is 24, and .7,' miles. The .bridge : acrpss the, Perquimans river, has been entirely finished, ""and .the pile, driver- ' will be liioyed to Little' River, where, . th,eyor In Pasquotank-county will be taken. up; and - pushed to a sfinf sh. H.There' has "been some ' smalL ; delav- bwing tothe swainp-'land : conditions .. ifmJiJt he long before the new road ill ' ' 1 a" r - J.j i ..-'A i t. . v . w wrt-auy? ana4 tne jaep9t here be- dpened'ta Ahe traveling public. V , ADELIGHTFUL"' keceptjon. Ohe of the. most 'delightful events of ! the ;sasonr wa the I reception given pnWednsdylbyf Miss' Mae Ward at her beautiful home -pn'Church street, ! in'hpnor-of herfguest,: Miss Mary Pru- den; orfidenton":"- : U u?y.JSr Vautifully decorat- " .monQwers ? and? , potted plants, and V pteseated b'Wantif nl scen;Miss Worth. ! ' Wltefrr recjeivjhs ""by Miss. Margarette , HoirpweU,' and ; Miss Kath- zv;-,i .si ferine i.Engle.T 'AW if ft "i'V - .' . i if T.i r . 1 . -J - J l .-.- - v -;e.HV " :

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