1 A Mr. Advci . . ' Of the r Tar Heel exceeds that' of all Mother Elizabeth City Papers combined. -, " , - v J,- - .t ... ' It lVcircu: 'ion. you wani Our Subscriptic-. J00L3 open i Touir Inspection. - Devoted to the Educational and Industrial Interests of Eastern North Carolina. N NORTH : GARQLI NA'S ; tEADI NG N EWSPAPERV VOL III. ?Ti -rC aT7;fl;; C.- $ ATU D AV S EPTEffl ER5,HfS03I H r0 ! i t s $ 9 e Here. the representatiyes ofethe great American Wh is I' v i iicuiuuci vviiii luartUit winoivtv, tut luyt- i wuu scuo a i-auw iiu icsaicit Lisc iciciilCi Willi SCiIs lL UyCiLiI the small f&hss of water thiat follows the whiskey. andthiigaFtli 1 Where are YOU? ' v f-Yj --f - ; . " . , ' ; 1 m. fv f....v-.. i L . 1 -i - v - r .v i'-;.' . . ; , t t' . - - v ' .- . - ' . . . .' s : V THIS CARTOON NEEDS NO EDITORIAL, IT NEEDS NOT A LINE ' WRITTEN WITH IT. , v . ' . BUT WE WRITE TO URGE OUR MILLIONS OF READERS WHO I ARE FORUTNATELY FREE FROM ANY PERSONAL, INTEREST IN THE PROCESSION TO THINK ABOUT, THIS PICTURE, TO 1 PLACE IT BEFORE THE EYES OF THOSE WHO HAVE TAKEN UP THEIR POSITION IN THE REAR RANKS OF THIS. WHISKEY KtUIMbNt. $ s :-. AS AN7 OCEAN LINER?" - c"' ' VT, BELONGS TO THE GREATEST OF WALL STREET BROKERS AND ' BANKERS SO-AND-SO." . - , ' TRAVERS LOOKED AT THE DIFFERENT YACHTS, ASKED f yJ 'ABOUT THEM, AND ALWAYS GOT THE SAME ANSWER. AT LAST, WITH HIS USUAL 'STUTTfcK, HE A5K50: TO THE MANUFACTURER, THE WHOLESALER AND JKE RE ter Vrtll DrtlNT THIS OUT TO AN OLD MAIM WHO IS "LETTINh i-''S i vM-"WHERE AREJTHE CUSTOMERS' YACHTS?" TAILER HE CONTRIBUTES ALL HIS MONEY, ALL HIS CHANCES OF - " I;," ft . ' ruo rt--ijt- ui - itiuVLf, o k. u.r nigrLbl nnu inc. W.i- FARE OF HIS FAM I LY. ; . y IF YOU MUST BE IN THIS PROCESSION OP WHISKFY'IC VOII - 4 ARE ABLE TO RIDE IN THIS PROCESSON iN;THE A UTOJl O BJ LES rjMfl J'.'M - THE CARRIAGE OR THP F51IGRV. :WE"t HAVP NftTH I NR Vn 8atf..k,'i?.fi)'?J iPECT AND THEiWELWlPa 9 ..iinitumi trv llti f t Lll(l -TETI I T LI ATT lltM n Mill I IAII O TDAUBO'eiunniTF STnRV ABOUT THE YACHTS AT NEWPORT! I'' -Si .. SAFLING INJO THE HARBOR AT NEWPORT, HE SAWMA.MY; BEAUTIFUL YACHTS AT ANCHOR ON THE SUNNY WATER. . . "WHOSE BOAT. 1S THAT?'' "IT BELONGS TO SO-AND-SO, THE GREAT WALL STREET s BRO- -- , y "WHOSE YACHT , IS THAT-BIG ONE OVER :THERiS?w:At5r "Ij; BELONGS TO i"SO-AND-SO, ANOTHER GREAT. WALL:4TreTS,. BROKER." :':ily;:fyy " " ' "AND WHOSE IS -THAT BIG " STEAM YACHT, ALMOST AS LARGE THERE WERE NO CUSTOMERS' YACHTS TO BE SEEN. THE MAN WHO MANUFACTURERS WHISKEY HAS ; HIS FAST AUTOMOBILE, HIS VARIOUS BIG FINANCIAL INTERESTS, HIS YAuMT AND. HlgTllNb tlUUdH. v THE WHOLESALE WHISKEY DEALER , HAS KIS FLNE CARR!r ARE. AND ENJOYS LIFE. . " THE PROSPEROUS RETAILER OF WHISKEY DRIVES HIS FAST TROTTING HORSE AND ENJOYS THE RACES. ' CONSUMER?, (.WHERE- IS. HIS FAST : TRQTTNG HORSE? WHERE ft .STANCES. LEAVE THE PROCESSION , OF YOUR ARE HIS CARRIAGES? HE HAS .NONE OF THESE THI f D6N'T BE DRIVEN OUT AT THE FAR END OF if! NviS. Ht tSUYt iMtlVI l-UK I HtU I MLKS.. - - . . . THAT IS A-MATTER ,OE.;YOUR.CON . llrlr-' " . BUT IF YOUR iACE.mTHE: WHISKEY PROC THE MEN ON FOOT IN JHE. ' GREAT '. HORDE AT : THE' REARWE?! r---- HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY. . ." l.V- . 'iiV: ''SSfl L C IT THEi FARTHER YOU WILL DROP TOWARD THE E.ND:WMlW fifiONPR OR . LATER YOU WI L l U AVF TO ' fiFT :'OIIT :OPtlT- rr?X clrlr :.r i r S IS BETTER TO GET OUT, BY AN EFFORT OF.THelLLANAN fefeSiM r T - ! - "S .- ' ' 4.H V UR- OWNFREEWILtitPwSV r - ! ' it. ' rST 'f';-- - THE 1SSLTE .DRAWN. i To do less is not to do their dutyftij Stater,, let them. .The sooner, we as Christians.' rrom une tna 01 .ne ?iaie,i mc; ; iuB BOiuuu.iouc,io,a 1 fdr6$ ihall order,? Raleigh,' N.C., jTulr15, by; J. Uiti-Saioa-?Iiestte?f vy'W saloon, destroys ::more":weau;a. ai: 'inxj- North Carolina f causes - more- lme.iiiaa -.T.auu candidats, vr. Bailey, Chairniaa of the - Central Committee of the elate positi arm. mere declaration is Hot enough:-- We now ned. figMerS nottalkers only And wfiois not with us is against us ' j kiiowl if the better. - If the moral; f4r6e$Uhali rule, let them; and the . The saloon must have boys, or it must close ur shon. Cannot voii -fur- . . . . i. . i v r-. . i.ii i . uv. i.i.v. . . . ii. i r - . fc. . i t. i z . f . i j a ci,na . o -RiHal large enougn ana grave enougn:-:iq. r. - . uiu?wue: .it is a .preai- lactur uu overshadow ewirvataeELissue. i ne.i.,fttUl,,s "1,, uo A'iv' m c-alrtrtT' -vrtoTiri-tTo -rrtrtra--tircSrilfh ' " it-c- ;""Wrt-' Vnr' 5STnfrrTr!c;p ' Tin' frni'P I hri'f R from enrh p-fiiprfttinn frr raw Neve&yet' sripust close .out,-..and. the: pubim . reves peoe oi North ColinAhalJLxeiuses A - , "4tti- -" v ..--,,. K?3SSi; Tj, vote for such amaojfctoe, of every nnpn2S th saloonV; iWl ,Vf must contbut -a boyfceepjupi posMHo the saloon. . ' -fsovernment difficult. . Thereiore, , as if j rom fiRa,njtt,.oi .tne ai;;o.;iae supply. vv.in.pu neipj h. ..... ... loci, 1 -Tt mo tKfl nnno.ionPALJtiiri liolrt MttW ; tirt 'Iflill sf.Wt.iW&lra r-i i-rrf1'trvir .Tralses directly, the- question t,;.ngtttijEitrttsK3iJA-jqaen,itti ooKac.f Little good will ft-do" is f men 'shall come 'up vhen3Crir?all been -Won and offer to lead, us; and asj God sttall help us, less good '"--s&iU it do them. -' ,, ? '.'r ' That' any one "should think. Mhat1 these propositions are extreme, v-ls evidence how far we have fallen in North Carolina. . ,lt ( should not: be TieppssaTV fn mal-o cnfh ' nrnnnsitinTIS' It should have always been taken for for th raceme jt ;" er .lamiiy-xias. aa to 'givemore t men vthan is , ghare.W Ar . -youvco seffishj deith andsrrongj lahoraiJissUe'' witK?Cri3H fiOY:'jatle;-l keptthi'. saTodn ?opett; , to sixty thoussn?prr;?mpre?m ' ri-- Tri4-:: ts o1 - A r kftlfi sfi " S ti d-i coWteXITjEd UD bovs. ana then -' doin Jioth- -thrMtn-nrts of wnmfin .aTid' rirls.. Their p supply ?--Th 3 - bfo-od crles to.pojd,Tati? cry. ;js- i,Wef can; "therefore, tompTornis0 - pmM'n heardy .tnUe;.;h(eedg,v. aafta-ay icsCJ iongerf wilnot holdite:0s He demand -anu. supply Keep up con3cidh$e. - v Deliver j us. f: frDmn,weaK - hsuauty and qnme touo.w rumv 1 ier.' H-ell .as bad men.r.; - :. v- . GirlS as. . welij afi ' boys aare wanted. j . The tAnti-Saloon League hasfcoiiie-' Nq iamily ot. chAdren is safe. tiVAi ftflff :V;i A Costly Factory. - : ' We not onjyl give . our boys- and bacX.,4iiders.,'n'q- plea or pretense fwill we svalloTriDur" consciences and four convictfeirisiS SWe tviIU da every , candidate, . from, coroner tand constable Senator- true 'and the host of candidates, now training I i and sheriff' to Governor and ) to enforce ' the ; law - and improve the nld on -this .ouestidn. I To I menTJts has Kood.prmciples: It wiu compromise- v.with; t"h 'saloon. 'V" And mand that the. men that , shall rep resent' them shall, put them , and the r.est of ; thp-wnHd iii 'ito doubt" what- "Ori which side, Bezonian ,. . . , i-;w-nnn1e V5f-"NOT'"ColMare2ldttlS . antea tnat. i;nrisuan, .people ui..yr - - - "V r,-- Tint cnnA T.AAn Vq cAo CKlllUU-, UCUiailu-v .s.- -V wt, ,Vif S oi t ie saloon, or , whflr jare dallying Tath the saloon, orwho are'eomprom isng with tne saloon, or t who are afraid of the Balcon. Christian peo yle are opposed to the .saloon; -they are not . afraid of ' jtio6n?thex X'- Speak: orf die!" : " . ' ,'1 - - - i " If to speafe will .wreck- thft: party." let tirtecPardes tliatreatrtlia merci :-tsns'habteille UM the&erjfhee bave neither 'rft Boreascoa I to loon: had .better , pass, and . the.soor ?r the bettef.-.r We "are willing to ;"d - the issue". :' If the saloons tan Vi not 'entrust them, to bad men. It alms to bring forward here in North Carp-' lina. gojod. men, 'strong men,. true men. Let '.no ' one ? misunderstand. It . be- HAVE YOU A BOY TO .SPARER 'Ca-tf fiyoneliaMe. to.pay a 'poll tas ybtel utnlesTS,"he has' p'aiy hfs'":jpplL;tas a.matr who dared 4o do, jwght, with for .the ye'a'r ?i90' orTjor before " ithe one? stroke of his pen? set.th.e slaves free,; although wise men; said - it-could Which -4 Vong3 to itself J - ft rib no party. It is hot a-party intoxicants fori the S It Is here 'to redeem ;,po .olitic verywhere.' . It is, therefore, a move- ent that any morally: disposed ' citi- z-; a can "Join ' and heartily sapport. y 7e pake Jhr4ssxr6adwe:stateauf crnUtkti Weleagainst.'the lo,H than. ';Str;aajttsl' every'pne haJ? is-J- fvot . Eafnae "thet saloon? How atand; J'.'OU? -) A.".'. Ori iich sid Besjonlan, f J7 akor 'die !'" :y girls," but pay the :- bills. : The' great tvars of he wo including the andour civil wi twelve J)illibn (dollars. The cost of d; from 1852 to 1877. Franco-German war r, cost a fraction over . Hew .was it 'abojit slavery before 18C1? VQood men then "Said y. e cciuldi :" not afford to buy the slaves aad vset" them "freeJ. What did we do? We paid 'fat least four times the value of every' slave, and added to the jirice the ; lives of .one. -pillion white? mei cripple'd onecmillion ;mprje Jianj it i-iu somlikfe he civil war2iit:: TH r.. v - hz-yy; .-iViy E LAW O N VOTING. Illegal, Voting - Punishable . by. S'rx Months' Imprisonment and "-"''Heavy Fine. : first day bfiay of this' year " S6eiStConsitution,r Articls'Vl:.; ; tit pays to do fighi - afc- any.- cost? "Before4 (any person) he:4hail 'be H6wbften'do-we need anvobtIes-Hhtrtleta'yb on dr?bef ore -he' first i day of Ivfay ,bf Are you a father? If.. nptjsamea- UThe -real issue is between God and the year in;?hich he proposes to vote, reckoning will come. . ? It -becomes Christian men to Iget out" from binder this :curse. V ; A DRUNKARD'S WILL. Ina . TeW' . York.- hotel . thother billion dollars, the United Stttea alone was 'fifteen or 25 than all. the wirs of he world. t The Honor State? wastes tooret a&nejr all the ciined gold t'untryi . ; ; ' r ' - The- Results are just as certain to be visite l upci both? nations" God .exists: iame period in per cent.; more Ind- individuals us that day;, a" young .man- made his will "and then committed suicide. Here Is" the will: , ' x v ' , "1 Ueava to society a Tuined char acter. I" leave to my ' father i. and mother as' muchtoisrysfn:- their feeble- state they can bear. I leave to my.. brothers and' sisters the mem' ij; v!....n-.v..,j-....v..." , - - - - ' ! This amendment I was ratified by the 'people "of th State intthe.. fall of lSoir, by1 a majority -of over 50,6. - y . - See Acts of903,fptef:S,p of page 291Any .;prs6nTeitltieai'to: vote - for members;" of "Ehe" General As sembly sh'atf -?hae theright?; to vote at such election.'v' s :is 4roni thd Wafts act ' y'yy y. i r-- i i47 ".What- are the rjauaHficatioiis t forJa twelve ;mbnthsw;fiaedfnbt 10(t normorethln4 $50 y This law 'was ; also enas'ib lheil:--: Legislaturevof :1$6S? '4 f yy X ' 'h . . bard.- -frork," and to do .sowlckealy be-f : ' : - y -cause somebody elsa..hasr-fioBe; scv v V - ey4k!cori ,v?: PaSi streswhere - faerunkardsauprfuia v beggars;crfenlxuanm-ffteal r-'- fort sobeKanddhdslrus ' i'&Qfttf(lB '. .. V- -conru4y Wfii wiiadi "Cotyomnfl ssicrsftt5::I:;;-: ' shairimas?-iauml3et entsainfulaiseasis ; quarrels, riots- and: murders; 'sbrrow :., ing. ivek and ;ill-treatod- dhildfen 'Vj ' -'' -." liquors are.. warranted to ro&-rwne of 7 ; voter who cap joje,for,a member of Jif e. and health-.mahy.bf reason, n.: rcr th jGkme maKe tatners : tiendSi. wives widows. traffic in the TJnitedt ott of my: misspent life.v I leave .tc I tutlon. .;.;V-v,W::v-.v-.. -r,.-- -each yeartmyxife ft trpten neart,;iandtd.my : .WhOjasvute Legilstatire:iien- and sUvfeKlh f chSrfe Islnch1afeieter-wc See Acts of . 190f, Chapter 89 pag3 247, Section ,13r. ''That no person. previous year, on or before the - Srst shall be., entitled to vote unless . -he shall' have paid his poU lax for be daypfiayof the year; ins which he offers to vote, ; as prescribed under Article Section 1, tf the .Constl- enaItv fa Votinn Ulnallv. s eAet;.. unapter:;5,;jsecuon Ina.way, it fra"good Mil. ;tt ought NSr'vAny person who shall illegally to reach' a good many, men' whq know j vote: at ; any ..election, "shall be. gniltxj tuejr .are iuuis aun.,vcu wuuiu rauier t vi au-uuouiuus wuuc anu ue liuy-.ci- drift than pull np.. .I'-"-' ; -V ':: i ora not le3 tt'n j-ii rr 'core V m (and I am. willing In this to bo - by. as I am domg),I w1 cause rr.ea; ana : women ;os5.break their narrl; -- vowsoungrwomenWito'glosa.U -fpriceless i puritylndl smart yoiizx men to;;.become:afers'S Wecrrl' gamblers, skeptics aad "lewd f-"..- of Oie baser sort.: Haying -' f n;W&eyfi(a; 3fti.fur''i . i on; ; dtunkarf ci? ;i tj f ;fndaeighDt'i" gain3Teryremai-; 3 f filntnbiPabUei fcchoc:' c t ' ' ';" 2 Trl -1 v-on-tms issuis. . r" j: t.i

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