! ask fob oua price On printing of every knd, especially Pamphlets, Booklets, Catalogues, Re portv Briefs oVfolclersIJ"' We'carfdo ' - ENTERTAINMENTS r-C.And other enterprises get a free wrii: HEEL when we do'th; -i ztic r.aPrcsrarr.-, rk in .the city, at - cheaper thanv any printer In this sec Hon. ;A-i- -.r:sf"f, -i7 -y&Xvltt&frtt.ttiz'& 'AWSiifaw Reason Fearing Street. Devoted to the Educational knd Industrial Interests of Eastern North Carolina. 21 M 1- FER N fi N O RTH ARQ y N'A'S! LeKd I iStGlXN 7T V T 4 if 1IM VOL. III. ELIZABETH CITYi n; :C FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2319031 pi U0. 35 i -'if 4r r ' ' xtZ ; : : w : : ; : ; , ; : j : -. -., , . ; . M - , -'-i f .i i - V v - ! - - - rrTT-i 7 -" ..- - . : .' 1 - 'vsh, -i . ...... ...... . : .. . . l . , .. rr r . , w . . : r i i M T1 EWSRApEF Federal Court Convened in This City MbndayL1o FEW CASES Oil DOCKET. flegrb Sentenced, a nd His Whit Friendi Petition! theJudge;fbr Him: Federal Court convened, in tWs city Monday with his honor,' Judge Thos. R. . . Purnell, ; ot Raleigh, presiding! There . was a very "light docket J and only one case was submitted ; to. vthe -Jury.-'-';!i!j Among the cases on! ; the docket were: : U.: S. V vs; ,ll H. Griffin, of Martin county on an .indictment "for .removing and concealing ! spirits ; The defendant could .not be found and the :ase: was Kxmtixm&dmlM'-, U. S. vs. R. EL .Sampleof Washing ton county, indictment for fraudulent use of the mails.- The,case wa3 con tinued because of imprisonment of the -defendant "in the penitentiary.-' " U. S. vs. C. H. and F. A. Tucker and B. F. ; Yarboro, indictment ." lor ?' con spiracy to defraud the government. Case compromised with the tJ. S. Com missioner of Internal Revenue An other c&se J against r these defendants was for concealing spirit andhichjAs she stepped fim the throne, shel TJ. S. vs. Wiley G. Taylor an indict ment for ; forging '. name to pension -check nol prosed. ,. There, were three other, cases against this defendant, to two of which he pled rguUty, " The case which was-of ? the most interest was the one against , Taylor, for retain iag I pension,! moneyKThis flwas jjthe ase submitted', to they Jary.! He ,wai found guilty and -seatenced; fo - tWQ :years at hard labor in the penitentiary -and also required to pay , a fine, of . 4100.' The' Judgment was subsequently changed to a fine of $200 and all costs. Taylorris 'a colored barber;' at' South Mills."; He is held in very high esteem .and respected . by -;the white people of .Tiiiiwhand; it was 1 through their" la- i luence that he escaped . the ' peniten-4 : tiaryl' Petitions ,, were circulated . In -this city and contained the signatures , of many of the best citizens. There were -four presentments made to the grand Jury, and true bills , were found in each case. One reason why the docket is;sOigmaltatJthis;plsce jis that many cases in the ' district are sent to Raleigh".. , ,f this is true, the ' proper authorities .should see to it thaf; the? Elizabeth -X3ity-federal court gets all '-the"T3Us1hess c tdyhich-It 15 entitled. . i The officers of the Corart are: . 'osflEeluderdif Harry jSMnne CTDistriet! Atiorney? O scar : J. f ? Spearef Assistant -District Attorney; H. C. Dockery,iU. S. Mar shall; B. F. Spence, Deputy Marshall; Samuel M. Alexander, Deputy Clerk T. P.oxad-W.Ci Brooks, Bailiffs. The following is a list of the jurors who were in attendance ?g7yey Jas. .6wu$CaM:' den county; Roert E. Black,' Elizabeth City; A. J. "Ward, Edenton;' W. J. Saw yer, Elizabeth' City;jD;G. Bosd,'Bden ton; A; J. unntpns, : Windsor, Bertie county; D.W.! filtheridgej ManteO, Dare county; P. H. Bell, Edenton; Anderson ' White, Eva,,' Perquimans county; - ;C. HJ jarvisV'GumKecfcTyrreri county ; Wr5;SmiiluVj Edenion fjohtiv SawyerEljmbethtyfiEP Hatteras' '''e.connty igeniyl Price, ;WeeKsiriePasquotan county ; , W. E'banlel, ftsiMartin county; I "i'-i C.? nimand.erjr Elikabetti f City; C. G7 Etheridge, Camden.. C-hH. J Thomas jParsowtWeeksvillft'Pasqu tank . colpmajfJ;MKskey Dardens,'' Martin county risaaC 'Jac1 son;: PTymSshlngton W. Jenkins MeiolaHTrd?jtx ty; -iGa5tawit county; A. oliBll, Eure, Gates county; James . H. Bazemore, - Lewiston, Bertie county; Seaton Basnight,' '" Scupper nong, Washington county: J.'P. Mi i chellSomet$t tt'MfyiiB S. Shipp, ;Eiizabeth itjz Jamel Quid ley, : Avonj ?are ttitTT l"Ben jaiain Brickhous.e;' Newberryj JTytrell coun;. J. C. Wilson,;-Woodviller! Perquimans county J'M.Wiiiianis, Burgess, sPer ' Deth Cityi' Adamffieil, EliiahethtyV . E. d. Wlitslow,Winfanr Perquimans county; Josiah -"Nicholson, Belvidere, Perquimans county ;X.C-. Duncan Rid dle,, Camden5 eemvtrrrJL. StafrordTi -RediUasquo1u G. white, Nixonton, Pasquotank coun ty; Samuel Witters: Elfzatoeth, dry: John county ; JfE. Burgess, Old Trap, Cam den county ; 'CS. M. ' West, Elizabeth City; ,W. 9. Abbott, j South' Millg, Canv den . county JosiarSmith, iWinfall, 5 T H E CORpN ATtO N "B A LL,; v & ; jV?;The Corpnatioall which wa ' postponed Ironii the fl6tW on account " of the inclement weather at that time, " was held TTn the "AcadenTT - of Mwrto wt j rioav i Bisbti ciuhr r - since f was , mr there leehfherCaheasio uoauty ana inspiration.; it was. Indeed a fitting climax to theOdd Fellows' great Carnival, which lasted from the 5th to the. 10th,; but; was seriously in terfered with by the-storm, much'tq the regret; of the whole community ' The crowd at the coronation Would uave oeen mucn larger could it have been held during Carnival week,: but as It was, most all the available space at ,the Academy ; of Music , was well filled. The hall .was tastefully decc rated ; with the colors of the order, rit reminded one. of. other scenes when, to the strains of. orchestra music pre ceded by the-little flower girls, Fannie Walker, Elizabeth Derickson and Mat tie Bell; the.-crown-bearer, Master Vaughan ' Griffin;; and. ;lier Tmaids of honor,; Misses. Eva Pamnvand Mae Woodi; both .gowned n. white , Parish mulle over - liberty. ' satin - with, pearls arid. ; diambnds-pthb queen Miss 5 Clin nie Whitegowried ln White! chlfEon overVwhietaffetsL wiUj pearls id dJa mwdsajrched?tpie celve the crown. , On reaching;; the thronej shas metp)yMrW55A vv ortn who, in a few well, chosen , and happy remarks, in which he said he was there to pay homage to the earth's fairest ' fiowerto woman ; and; that while Spain' may boast , of her dark eyed; lassies and France'of her court ious and "gallant sons, .but - in com parison" of the highest type of woman hood ; which'. mortal can attain, he would stake against the entire" world the daughter of the Old . North State. He then, in the name of Odd. Fellow ship and her host of admiring friends, crowned Tier Queen of the Carnival. was joined by her escort, . Mr. : Wey land Hayes, and with the other danc; ing - couples '- forming, h they led: the grand . march which', opened the ger man. " The couplers dingere,s!7 Miss Clinnie" White,' with . Mr.. Wey- land Hayes; Miss EvaTPaUuvfiSMm Geo., R. .Little; Miss Maef Woodrfwith Mr." Geo. -1TI. A Pendleton ? Miss MoTHa HSha. of ShawboroT ' WithMrT Geo. Scott; Miss Pat Morgan, of .Shawboro, with Mr Selby Harney, Miss Margaret BkllowelUf ; JBSid A- Worth; Miss Mary Weeks, of Weeksville, with Mr.' H. T. Greenleaf, Jr.y.MIssTAnnie'BousheUrofrCamden, with Mr.mgateB Howard with'Mr1 Sidney SterensonT Miss 't Grace' "fioward, - with;.,Mr: Joe Greenleaf; Miss Gertie Greenleaf,' with Mr. sWHsonHoUoweill MissS liouise Greenleaf, srtthMrWUliany rGriffin; Miss : NaniiielBurgess, ..with Mr." Geo. R. Fearing ; Miss Kate Engle, with Mr. C.. . Wi : Melick; . Miss Ida Flora, with Mr, B4 Howland , Fearing ; Mis a Lamy Willey, with Mr. Marvin Sawyer; Mrs. M. ,R. Griffin, ,with; MK M. R., Griffin.- The german was led by Mr. Geo." R. iMetwMMiss EvaiKIiPwas chaperoned by Mrs. Leary, , Mrs. Dr. Wood, Mrs. J. H. Burgess, Mrs. Chas, Bell and ;Mrs. Baxter. i After ,the german1 ele were serygq ai. ma uonie .01 isaiaa nui- " : - . a j t . jr . t . i- gessrMiss Greenleaf, Miss Woo and Miss Flora. J" -. J 1 ' -- WH ITE-TOMS NUPTIALS. Invitations Are - Out announcing the ' Marriage of Two. Popular ?Y6ungj V.- ; . ' . ,- ... - ,.. -nCK , ( "Invitations are" but JEo the marriage of Miss! Matties Walker Toms,', tfie ac complished, daughter of Mr Z. Tome, of Hertford- to Mr. Thomas S. .White, a prominent ybungS business ynan of thattowxi. y3oihv4iss Toms and ? Mrl White' Ixe-popularlyknowntinXElfza- ibetft : City arid 'throiignout the State. Miv; White is ani Elizabeth; Cityf boy The invitation 'teads: , , vi .- Cife 4 l ,"Mr. Zach Toms . . . n r 1 c t u 1 r u rii i. wiiiii ' , . presence at the 1 marriage of his 5 ..f-.---. srU,i '.v-uj- daughter-; v-'v- 1 rt J-.;' :r?i;M'arfie'Walkef,p;;i Mr. Thomas Skinner White ; onJthej morning or ; WeanesciaT ine fourth of November, " at Mr residence : at Hertford. Mortn '" CarbUna.'' Bfitlsh WirttBter - to China Absents t;ftWft4iKromV a - Receptiw as gave hef first reception or the season to the diplomatic corps at the summer palace touay BUTf Brish-ntlner,' deciinedjjov,fttten ny .pich ' f uncUon so long as the (edJ- tors and. pwec4,wroyfcwtL newspaper ',Siipao,V at ShfJigaVwhd are accused of f sediuoji: arejj ept prisonshe Ixildlng that, the throne has'afled- to',pate.,.inbtnin o-iHnnosition of the. caseJ.;JIe also declined ..because of .jthe recent bloody murder :by " order .of thedo ager.empresjs Jot ,Schen ''Ch?;the:,patf ribiandl'refor ': .' The minister's,1 action is . applauded by all foreigners "outside the lega tions. -His course is consistent with the action by him In thecase Of the murderlof 3nissariec3ven Chou; when the"! throne declined to punish He Believes That 5 the ideUset-of Gasoline' .Boats Will' Revolutionize the Spund. Section, S. G. ' Worth, Superintendent of the;. U. S. .Fisheries station at "Edenton" eq. yesterday and renewed his sub scription.; tq the Tar HeeL L'Mr.fWortti brought the'steainer Petrel from Beau-' fort" through'; the" sounds, last ! week - to undergo repairs at an Elizabeth City shipyard.-: fThe. steamer Petrel has just completed a";summer' engagement at Beaufort in making collections for the tJ.; fisheries' Biological ..labbratory, situated jinB . f Superindendent wbrs anserithtP slasti9;aoaiei of tie idubonjBor ciety, although not yet a member. He thinks .tat the. membership yill. in crease jariddrawlintb itsra?ikV)i large a healthy sentiment . in. favor of -better protection for. the water; fowl; and other wild animals' nowso abundant in the. eastern v counties." He; thinks that any byer-restrictive " features . contained' in the new protective law, some of which are now. being criticized, will be modi fied ;as more gunners of trie best. type bexme-riiem1)efs bfthe; society; . .Nine flocks, of wild geese were seen while c'passingi; 13irbughr CbrefSbund. The fiockscohsisted' of i five., to eight birds 5each, and apeparedto l)emade up of the two .parent "birds, and their summer hatcL r. He finds Core Island a marvel. : in; the. fisheries line varied, abundantland remunerative. Z -. Mr. - Worth;: thinks that . the small power boats,' gasolineV etc.; now. much in use, comprise one of the most jef- the lower sound' country and "adding to its wealth and "comfort. ; .. What is your opinion as to'the prob able 'result of the - wide use " of the gasoline-boats in the lower. sounds?'' asked ; the .Tar Heel repbiier. . wide use of the'g)ljhoats will revolutionize the eastern counties Thejrf areioWi regttlarly plying - the lOwer tspunds. gathering up thefresh fish as fast as ' caught. As soon : as taken on board the fish are put down oh ice.-. The launches, then convey, the catch , to" the" packing houses ' of the dealers!! This method saves the7 fisher- I nfen'all lOssof time'in "marketing their Catch andtfibviatteitT saiung, wnicn involves' Time care aaa expense. W More fish, are" sold on: Tee and they are in the best possible con dition for' consumption. - The gasoline boats .ar.a "also carrying mail and pas sengers and'iaref bringing . ; all water points in closer contact They require no more crew than sailboats and only have 'to. wait , on" the weather in'; time of storms. NO OTHER TO COMPARE; WITH IT. 'r$; orouf advertisers speaks for itself and for wiich; we are ! verj- gf atfulls Mr: WaJtejCtohbori. '; Dea slfa Please discontinue my ad vertisement': Warited.-Four clerks." Really, 1 didn't know" there were, so many peoplb who s wanted a situatibri. The Tar Heel-Is certainly read. . I had mre; thanbrty- letterstQ say noth ing of the personal applications, in" response to that advertisement. I con gratulate 'you loS theobd paper ybu are 'publishing. IvThere's : nov other In this section to compare with it. tv. ' - '. Yours truly,, ACH IEVING SUCCESS. this is . ';: the Story of the Firrn Of j Rucker & ;Sfceely. Thffirrifvbf jRucke'f: &' .Sheely will hereaftf rha ;ye- sometbjrig .to say; tb the1 Tar Hbel readers ee Aiwebk-I Tbeir advert'sement is found in tnhcr col umn. iThis firm, which Is practically a new one, has achiev i a-remarkable success in. ie , short U: they have beerilhere; ' ' Their; s)xre, 'which : is -at Weisei's old stand, Is indeedioie of the prettiestirinecityy Theidecprations arid ajrarigemerit f the fine stock tes- tify to the taste ana LUP-to-aateness oif pottttnej managemBHc ana-jrito. ?M Ruck'eiv ther maimger is thorr ough Virginia gentleman. His experi ence ;iajfngtrrg9omc several years; both" on 'the road, as a la "niariets and the advantages of buying. . ,His experience as traveling salesman, gave hm nriy eriables him to cater jtthe best tiste lit anything H& T1 The; iTaff Hlespecial ' pleasure its readers... , - : . r - KEUUM pbrif(iW.Ii?-yK&U Shilohimt 5 now vbf; Belhaf etiwas '; a Tfettbr IhitfCweekVK The Bob to;8peaks iniouncertain, ternis of. BeihaVen and its good people. r;He; says the; town is alive' and progressing "at a rapid - rsite. Thefbyster- packing; hu?cs ;ayfe Just 'staedp0brie.!rife .two carloads "of, Bohemiacd i'trrj ved there tbi tweeftpfrom ltlfeoW 5 The Tar Hcl notes twitbi pea .succes ln,hi3;,,new-'4ioi?-.e, and Jn, turn ICTosf ,hbrf t!f pcohim'ef U3 hiri ! to the ,.-,; '. .... . j v J . r -.-.-.rwraHi. j ucon Mains. '1 . Bishop Isaac W. Joyce, D. D., ; i We prpsent to our readers this the Atlantic Mission Conference of .the a - i i at. i " t- rti. ix - is in session ap tae; ireari atreei yuui uu,.. xiisuup Joyce neeus no, cominen-. "datlou at bur. hands. His world-wide' reputation as. an evangelistic Bishop, his power fi an expounder of the "Faith pnee delivered to the Saints,"! his bloquences; an orator have all contributed toward riiakinghlm fagreat Tpreachei iri ;w'orld-wideMetho3ism. f . . ;" " '" V ' Thb'Confererice sessions begin, each morning at 8:30 o'clock, with Peh ' ticostiai' services; -conducted by Rev. Dr.' E. S.' Dunham, of Ohio, one; of the -.leading evangelists of theMethodistChurchSThese last5 onef hour), and be followed by the usual business sessions of such 6ccasiohs.: . CbV . . iXVU UT; .UU T Q . xuw.wwk..uMX'. f .VVO, V. t ... .. - m -duct similar services' each afternoon' at 4 o'clockx. There will also be preach ing "every evening , at 7: 45 by visiting" ministers. ?sjr ?k:i - . Bisnoi Joyce ,f will preach ' Sunday morning ; At 11 o'clock? and ! ordain the class f inlnistersi. PR0FiHlr4TON? REPLIES. ;v:o; Urcertain -jLanguage HerDe Iast1 7w a paper In ;this city pub lisel ajUstardly letter reflecting; on Pqf.,cM i chools ;ot 1 this vuntyyTlbv coward cain2re&norideplum lpf I'JTaxIPayof and it is In ; this . respect that the letter is cowardly. .The . man wd fires from ambush is dangerous. If i'fTax Payor" desired to attack Frt Hinton he should , have done so over his own signature: vfTax Payor's" iet ter.follows: ' " " " Af" 'Will you please allow me Space to. your paper to ..ask the County Board of Education a few questions? " I think .the public bas.the ightft -knpwjQ; the officers of a' Board who prefer to do their work ; by a cbinmittee' behind closed doors ' deserve public condem nation. ;;. '-risE? -c? ' '? "It is the genral: complaint of those interested in the public schools ; that the superintendant, W M Jlinton,- can noti be found , to 1 sign,- avpucher , or 1 transact any business pertaining, to the duties Jof ;his office Jand ;i isfurther talked that the Board, of Education ad vance his salary with the distinct, un derstanding that he . was to give his entire time to the work. i- :. . , ; - ! "Now, Mr. Chainnah""(for .it was ybu who put Mr. Hintoriln office and it was through you - that his salary was raised) .why ' is - it that Pasquotank County; Isipayingthe:iexpensesti of a man;, to.iraveL all :oveT f.the State and organize Anti-Saloon -Leagues instead of; staying at home and .attending to the.businepi for which he draws, his pay? I am a temperance man myself and coted for 'prohibition; xl Jhe. last, election, but ! Tail to see. how any man having !ariy claim jtb fair dealing,; ca!h afford to-draw his pay frpmtiie County and . spend his .time , away doing other work,; and drawing, other pay, at rth4 same time. tionesty wouia xiemana- a resignation of one jplace or the other. .'MrjMBaeisc iie Board of. Education, and it weff known that'Jhe ls the; ing power of tfiarB6ar$faBd he'has "always economical, management of jail 4 public attelbtirustod 'public -"can't understand' 'his acttofl--i& ;8:matterr ndwi(d5 glad .tojinow bis views" on Cbe subject before passing :fligmo&tf rt; la: hoped dthat these good '' men "-will - set, 'themselves right before the. Tubii as' the'piiblic hasra i(Ul VV WUiaUU IU10 Ul VUViUr -- -7, 'I'AX-pAYORi i ill ; it !ixi v' k ? -1 ' v Oct. 19th. 1903. t Mr."Bditor.'f X Sr j17 t fLast eethrouglL the.oolunijis of! y:paj!a'rViclou8 and unwarranted .attack was., made yupbri : therbardqoT Education and myself, ; The party mak ing it ' signs ft himself ''Tax ' Payer't .Kindly allow a few words .in reply.; The Board f has met "repeatedly- 'even4jme8r4irice the:ilst.:0fiJJuly always at the Court llouse arid nevei. 'behind closed Idborsj lAUi its acts J tiave.; fceen fbpeh to public nd tb "the critical inspection of "Tax Payer."1 V." 1 7 . haYelbeenresent-; at s-all these meetings," save one. . Is it not a little singular "that-Tax; Paye failed to Eg3 ne?" ' -7 '; - ' - f vfr' j K? k -1 ..".if..... gj. .... -' .- it --r;i His. LU - D, of Minneapolis, Minn. . ' week a cut of the PresIdihgOfficer vof . - Methodist Episcopal Church, which t ". t- -r ; i j ' - '. There -was no distinct uriderstarid- ing tnat 1 snouia give my. entire time to -l;he work. ItrWaar; anid rs,t under- atoodt' however,, that j am to giyei my llmeitDjjeowhije, thejscpol.pf the ' County .aire in operation.. ' This I propose to da Definite ? arrangement were made for .this Jongi' long ago 'S "Tax Payer" need have ho mOre fright- 'Jx.lLi. z rtcvexf his gteoussbul itti .The County schools will not open un til NoveriibrT Sfiecity '"school had nogbeelijruniiingal monUtj Hence there could- be no teachers' vouchers and certainly few of ' any' kind.1 i :' Conse quently v'qeneadomplajFntV.wasvlnFi possible. .'i-'tV "Tax Payer," in' hiseagerness - to pour oUt his deadly venom; used this reckless , language: 'Whyl is 4t " that V A. 1 . A. AT- ' r-asquuutnK jouniy is payings ine ex- tate to Iifeagues ?'!.. Now: this i Is; a base f aise hood,. a foulr infamous slander. ' Noth ing:, but.,-, green-eyed envypersohal spleen" and ,-inate , cuss.edness could bring, fortK: such' a' vile "and dirty pro geny.''. . -X:"-''-. y' "Tax PayerV . prates of "honesty" and,"fair deaimgY blooded -assassin ' he 4'strikes ;j iri the dark,...hoping to escape the just odium, of lilsdastardiy-deed -"But who is ''Tax Payer''? , Is he the paid mouthpiece Of the bar-rooms? ?Is he "a fellow who has lost a job? Is he a candidate for my position Is he one whose political aspirations navel uaiaguaueui ur , wuibu bliii, is iiu-i pretended friend, clothing? J "1 a wolf in. sheep's 1 cannot say -positively. Tnis one thing, however, I dp know: '. If he'eon tinues' to skulk 'and allows s6me. inno cent person, to. rest under; suspicion; he is a co war a ponroon wnnoui a single 1 vesiige mannooa, nonesiy or nunur, vUnmask "thyself,"; thou champTon J of. fffonestj' anda jr ' deal i nj? ;; Or t ftlsl hereafter herd ; with! Vi ie' Snakes and skulking jdefamers ( Fifteen fbf the best JaY my life fiayb teen glven publid ' schopr Interests 0 lir f snalriis: late date toirijurefi tiierii. Sooner - would 1 serene 4s;alsuTri3nxerleirs secure,: lieve, in the confidence of the ble of old iquotank Countyr; W 5h rib.'- I ' rather -erijoy tMsUng'a'lskunkoutybr mud ytpfjk InWtt.Tam oneTjeisfe niiiJM-&fA , v.. . j.t - . - . !';'VAM '' ARDISON R ES1GN. ?JS s-siry m-ji-'.wf: .ni ,iw JBiir. o.; o. naruison uas resiguuu as secretary "and treasurer o Chk -Iumber ' Company, j'andv he Is waiting for a' riieetlrig of tne'i)blrdof directors that : his successor, may be elected,- ; Mr: jHardisori.; has. seryeral .offers, some l whlch j areljajudli; bity.'andit is proDable tlt in' severing the "pre sent position hie wiirnot leave the city. After seven; years'residence here Mr. Hardison and h!a estimable 'wife have erideayed tnemselye's to a Jarge num ber of pur citizens and any intiination of their' departure' from Elizabeth City woulds occasion gsieral ' rsret mm redouble Cjny i effbrtstifl efrrhehalf The barking of snarling ;curs; "do not much disturb NS. . ; vc'' He Will Engage ; inlthejjewelry Busi- ,3Sfcn.Tii,i8 City.' g MrJA'W.-j Kight'has tenflfered ; his resignation' as"f4''j-etary of the M. v.. A,': wvfsr4ii 5t aiui 431 iy,' 10 cajie enecc December is. ;'. --ui iv -i-ifa p ;feThe boacf; irecto feiatlOnftii!weeki totsider the election ti a successOT'to.-Mrkight. The ' St ite-i Secretary -is 'on- Ihe scene and every effort wilt be made to secure a good man . to take, up the work,j;so welilopiucitedfc Mr EyaTis; the "assistant secretary- of the Y. M. C. A.'w'ork.in N6rfolk;has been elected to the positiony'but he has1 not m 1 yetj tenerMi;hisacceplmceiI JHe fieldovbrjHf ;is .highlyspleasgdwith the association work, .and theity.; -It is hoped tnaf this gentlenian will ac- cspt. as he is thoroughly; qualified to VnilJ, VU Uie; WU1JW c ; V; . ' 'v: tt;?lribtlee; but ; will ; erijter business as the ' senior pember ; of a1aWmichdr b launched; In the s.name of Kight' ik Bright, : Mr..-Heriry; Bright, for many years with L.k Selig, will . be the ! other mbmber anUtteyT :Propose7j:oridu9t a jewelry, business that will he second tp,,hoie .in the city, They leave, to morrow for ,. New ' York to purphase goods. Ther;new ftrarrwill occupy a store in the new'Rbbirisori' building, next to .the Savings Bank. .' ' " Mr. Kight does-- ribt 3 enter business because of. a s lack of- interest in i the Y.-M. C.. A; work fori he says .he: shall always be' interested in f the work 'at ready so Well-established, but he, says that after serving the work for. .'seven years he should '': enter ;the business world :for:Mmselfc;iM3-J;:J ! jMr. Kight came to this "city1 on ;the 15th day. of.' August, 1902,piaetlcally a stranger;; and. after a residence of a; little more -than? : a .year he Is . one of the most popular and vfees known men in the city.V) Few i men could, have In gratiated, themselves ;with "these peo ple as MT4 jxignt, nas aone; tie wiu, De welcomed -to, the. "commercial'; circles with .the-.samei .good will .that he'; was welcomed to the : great work' which he has Served so ;fallhilyy The new firm has eyeryi; reason; to 1 succeecLMr. Brtghtjsan expert.yorfo man,WBOse - Teputatton,, as. ;.a , watch maker-and jeweler; extends over many -counties Eastern "i prth;palina He has iheenswithr,Seygmany years, and,,. In 1 faciit has ..been . Mr. Bright's experience and service that. nas. been largely- responsible; for the success which' Mr.' Selig has; achieved in , the usiHesiThbTar Heel welcomes the new firm CJ -il.f-J:!; - A SUCCESSFUL ENTERPRISE. AVtfiTRrVie , the EHzabeth CityStove . - ing Company.iP P,unlb! located at 13 and 15 Water street, re cently-opened up by our- townsmen, Messrs. -A. M, Willey & Son. We were, fipfrjby.-'' th peasant xAnd; ni?nari ager, Mr. John T. Hbward, who has had an jexrience jofj twenty-five years iM'Vaterlngo'"the ' wants of the people ; ofj Norfolk, Va., in, the" stove line. . 'T6';see 4he'i magnitude. of their,res:-I tablishment one would have to visit theiitof es, f as it would be, iiippsx.lbie to. dottheni justice irithese cbicmns: We were shown throughout . tho- buijd ine' from office to manuf afturinc " de- partmetTethey) are fliJr;eqtilp-T ped to hariale' everything ?c8rilirijr"to 0e,m;,with the greaesXdJatchTy ar4-prepal'eAO'aneralttnMng; plumbing hot water W- PrMfc mg,' galvanized' iron com liceworti ropm : is 'thatwiild da credit to a city twice the s'ze of ours '. -Our attention was especially- attract- edotfinlilpla u as they would show ia '. t)'athr6em various lines of handsome, steel rac for. large" dwellings and ' m others to snif the Vqquirfemeritsl RES! : I - Vln pur, rambles abotit. the jcityt we fdroripefirilS ftnef eblishmell t ftfiek tel6abffto;f fiamdkS fajrStjfus im. ir. iva I ika.'xl. Sail ej uranu. imtsaiHi lute fUiocs er ,oi lalf ; to! fiadt-fts vwayii ayinto GikiM homes of our:citi2enS, ori. accornt of Its -andfatttiveapD liatinV r-4ualftiessiialcoy Its great h sumption-Mof 'fuel I andi smalt fscost c pf , The .EiizabethrCity, Stove- rxPurb ing: (Company hS;beooe. oa account ? of ' the volume-of business they ''have-'thus f ar BeOTred;' arid daily) addteg? oft-idylar .stocktPafeT' ' area deteirolned ' to, kep ablreaatsgfeboesa d'eavor ' to c keep f everything In" tbeii1 several lines to meet the -wants of thetr customers. ; A; special feature of the business iwiilje to carry a ;large'llne of stove' -repairs. ; j They j guarantee ;tp furnish repafaaron 'hort"' notice . for MARkETS; : Messrs. Beverage Sawyer, cotton, in seed, worth $3.43"to f 3.5ft per ; Iiurea pouis, Com, COc. buslel mm u Away; Ripe inncir5- 1 f M IfativetpfTriewBdirkrr-naci rl Residedlin this pity ; l !Thirty ydaril fs MhTtTWhitcdmb died- at feist" . residence. In. this cityti Tuesday mom- ing, October 20th. f ; . - . J -This 'simple announcement chronv-. iciesv 'the ' passing ' of ! one of our best ; citizens;!.-a noble , hearted ' iman, : who bpwted 'w,ith the weight bf -three scora ' arid 'Heji yearsieached . the end of hia - .1 . ' Bi.'1jrtiaia'aiid!!tetf fasleep llk& 'wLiV'::: littieibhiid z Ji WiifM z expected.He;:!liad5beenS iri-falHng''1 Lheal jfor' a. year .r more,, and for se-L eral .months, had ,been( jconfined to his: roon2y, Dijriflg the ; past ten. days hisi. ; death was daily expected.- " : ' " v Much of the time during his' sick- . f-;-ness,;Mr.' Whittebmb atfffered intensely,"''', yet f tri ; It isSLl there twasinotlhe sound! ; .' . ' ; of 'a munnur nor wo'ib;. f, thatescaped ;liis ;iips4';,.!Fe men haYa suffered imoreS patiently" than- he; did. " As the end drew. hear he had his eyea fixed upon his heavenly home. r Deatk had no horrors for-blmi He even kmg- ,rr- : ed fordeath as a) release frorii the pain that he endured here.y - - . Theophelus ; Tracy Whitcomb ! was ' bornjNtHard-coun NTl '9Sk$Mm Uary 19th, 1835; He liad lived ln'thfaT . , kfaf6&vtoT& tlrtyjaiC during; whktftiriielhe Swailderitified ;witk.. eteimterest 'tiahiAs1 to; the "pub- tit. wfelfare? At one time"1 h was mayor: ' ,-.- of this city. - fOJways'lftirithe'isid . - ' I standing io tiebest iritdrbsts" of the 4 . town; he ttvis pideed "aaluabie.cltf-- -sen, and ithe'bbmiriunity:has sustained ieiBipisfiXht-i fHe was a.' . - conMsteit!er: Methodist 1 Grchndii'aumr: was. cnairman oi.tne Dparo or trustees ; j fi; Ch Church was organized . a. year ago e" ' ' transferred: Is : membership -to'tbt phhroh' and : was elected 'to the sajpef;.'-';';-;-nositipn on the of ficiaf jjbard.-; Hejwas ' . a-member.- of , the order of Red ;Menv .. - an Odd Fellow -. and a Mason. '" ;ij;Tie fijinera was ,conduc1te(f.f rbm 'City Road Church Wednesday 'afternoon, " -4 dcloctlLeS astbiv ReyRi-Hi; WIIUs,: ; v helig aistedsjby'iRei 3H neia was snown oy tne large attend- incf aflh funeral. The church was filled toUtsitmost 'capaeity'jnae three ; orders to which he belonged attended -the . services,; and j at the grave each netf ormed b ftheit funeral I qffltesfin- 'an ' J impressiveimariner. iThe pall-bearers j n vi v i ; 4ioei Of v 11. AVU LIlJLUSVlly v X f JDw Wilson, .W. E. transtan, E. F.' Lambv ' J. Q.' A Wood, s J. W. Martin and G. DtteriSjl I" if -' The bereaved widow, who waited on. her husband so; long and so faithfully. has' tlie sympathy ' of the entire .com- munity In this her hour, of sorrov. . . ;i:? f il;;. INCREASED OVER 50 PER CENT. Business ' ; the Express' - Company : Nearly Doubled in Two Years. ' : ..' a pretty fair ; barometer , pf ' a city's M $mfflMil th&cbnneation " the .Tar Heel notes with pleasure the" rapidly ; SfreinifijAln ( Wem)i Express . Company, -under the agency ot Mr?ai mSyMi; in! lUi eil0f0M Sometime since.' Superintendent; it re-:! quested the agents to prepare a bust; r pie receipts ' for the month of . September, 1903. as . ' same month : of the year 1902. Hr. Sykes report showed an increase of iiber, 19C3, of theairiount same ? month ia 1902.. rJ The; increase . was about t E per t (tand ? apeaks .loudlyof ilr.j SjeiMriagemtt V ' s i ' The money order; bnstness: ihas 1 cTeased more rthan xthree-fold Inc Mr. Sykes assumed the agency, ixk-Jas-uary; j.9C2 Thonvenience ot ex press money orders is becoming to be appiiatede teffIresfifisli5 dpysterai -Ur:; Sykelf s'eri?2voTi;te better retes,T and' 1U that "event a large ' buster IS nbg win .'deefrbm that 'cbaceV .. JThe texprtess -office , is located1 next'--dotfrtf thefTa?' iHeel - and we take-' preasnre. jhi saying; that It la conducted: I- J in aj most acceptable" manner to the : -pa4ronsf; They strict business methods.- !'' of : Mr. Sykes cannot f but find appw -: elation ?jwlth the public; who holds Mr.-. "I Sykes' in high; esteem. ' Indeed, the i office V shows marked inrrovementa ' . oyer the' office. ccncLrctd hsre two-C yefJ"S'Er.ce,i and; thess'. Improvements'' are duetto eT;rt3 cf tie r "ta'iglvas-.: the; public' every ccnrcr'racc pssslll: v -; ; - 1

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