-mm- :M ox ir- 1 ;tO :(jhttee xijws tee t 1 mrrrtri Vi n A rr 70 - It T f ' rrr . Kf HE DATE ox, THE LABEL : Of'1 TliJS.. PAPER ' snows WUEX YOVR:SUPCRi riON - " E.X FIRES. ' . ' . 7'" . - h OTHER PAPERS FAim TO - . . V T'i (f' ' -i KPRINVrYdUXMUtiTREAD-yTH ': V: :" 7X7 .vjr- - J" , -4 Devoted to the Educational of Eastern iorth Carrolin: :mmmmmmmm:&mU2.inEin city,- u c.; fridavgay icnooy -: - - ; -- -. - - - - . -.- mm 1 flfflwsiaaMisiiiiMSsioi It r Is : Thurman; Tells How He If- Escaped Itef WlLMiNGTON.-ATi.AN. KslPMtl'ipasta: AND ' MEM1- I I ! The one hundred and'second, an-. r PHIS.-DISCUSSES HIS CRIME, I i Vnua!; session of the CtoW Baptist Adjournment at one o'clock,f6r;din; : BUT ADMITS . NOTHING; ; ; : L . ..t'-io'.Tnav' .i, 11 when .the Corinth,; -people : dmon ;r ;,r-- V . - o'clock' a. m. witn'the'Corlntn Baptist f5!;:jl5chhf It" was .a r great' ,inetins;:Jromt:tlie stratedr their, .ability great , crowd1 ats f ee,4 tables - were ; quickly ; filled with. . choice' ds;: prepared ' hy the ; hds ; of f the Corinth pebpie and; the! tables'were ai mbst Cas ulcMy; 'unloaded; byhungry 4 . The rgreiai crbVd . was " fed to " their enUre7satisf action; ; and 'after ' dlnnen an IhbuT. was spent in keligh.Uui social intercourse, whenv the'ksscciatira was reassembled , J The" V association " feassembled t at "2 D;clockSM - : . souls of every man : and, woman, , - A Dand discnssed bv'Hf. S : (Vnteh 1 v,hy the ; M6defator;iycu vjtewbf the jrjelng Skme t6? edii :Pffi$first;$iinu ; U a great crowd of delegates -aaid Tisit ry -r;" .ors Cwere on" the ' charch : ground; - and ' ' , they continued to 1 arrive until "aoon. 'l ' K. . The session began ; with. Uie preach ' : ing of 'the' introductory! :; sermon by; ffi:SCllfer&djBaptist sermon! of : great power .and held the iSlfrapt attention of the great audience, v. . :s. i ThA roll rate jmitrs schools were then1 taken up and -dis- bf churches were jcalled and - , r ;the delegates were enrblld . ' : - M lllSTh C firs tusineis'JIbf clatojieia wsfiBPiljB); a Ua vis, of S Aftjcn?bf;officersrfor Belhaven; Mr; Farthing, missionary - ; Lycurgus Hofler Moderator; 'A.-F. i . -! . 3ountree, Vice' Moderator; ' James" G. - ' "Gregory, derkLl r - ing clerk; and J M.; Forehand, treas . ' order of ' business,1: which was subm! t- ted to "the association and accepted. .rfinance committee. (r' r ;iV V-5,VTie:first of the many- questions ;5instead aep !: ; v iebo Rev. : IJlvihgstone Johnson io:oipo witV' i I Nrt"-. .Va-ZMa 9.-"My m, i? . . I ;nave oeen to ;is onoiK and; lei? there the mbirh'mg . after f Dolseii wasmurdered:' 'iJ'!: -t j-v-'Ti wul. neither -deny or admit that Ij committed the crime.Vlt .is .time' enough" to talk, about that when! am On trial, r in,. Hyde.fe and : H. H.. Mashburn, of rf-. ' i : fir - " 1 j j.', E -"I. .' - (-. J"; " "-5 .1 ."A'.hackman' drove me -td thejdepot the -day I Jeft Norfolk and -1 took a Norfolk and juthern train 'for Eden tbn; North 'Carolina, -"v ; r - ' .rLEQ 1 C. 1 THURMAN, ' ;.V -..tV ershur-would-not' admit. his guilt,' i uuuugn ne, ma -not tieny it. He has tever denied, that 'his name is-T-hur-man, and was signing his Tiame -Thur-man in Vancouver when 4 arrested for forgery. 'T s " s : ;T Visited Several Cities.' V x. . v- Thurman says ' 1 "that ' after leaving Norfolk over the Norfolk & Southern, having beerf-driven to the old Virginia Beach station by ahackman, , where he igpt a shave before his departure; hVweht to 'Edentoi North' Carolina; thnce to Wilmington,': iater to "Atlanta, Jacksonville,1; New . 6rleans,;iklemphis Calgary; Alberta,5 and brought '.up 1 in Vancouver. , ' . : g$ "HeJ; remaiited.in British Columbia for, some tinwv returning toiMemph43, where hV-spent' several months. - Doubi ling' back, he went ta Vancouver once more,: 'where ' W ai .whn' arrested charged wjth forgery, which proved his undoing,- gfVlng, the Norfolk au thorities a hold on-him.' ; '..'VT;1 C 7 ' , Suicide Story, Was Fake.' i; ' -'Th'estoryDetective -Powers' said. that Thurman; asked, for"-a - drug ' in me ;ely 'Attended ;SWrn and "haggard-,, from a" seven pideV. Is- a" fake"! Nothing, of , the kind daysi journey of nearly four thousand J S.appWd, There .were no instances milesVlLeo C: Thurman," the allegedvfr the trip." -The 'prisoner-was docile murderer of F P. , polsen, who has throughout; Stops were made at Seat- yanoouverwith which, to "commit sui- been "hounded from the AGantJato-tbe jae, StXouis arid Chicago Where the Pacific ' .arrived yesterday jx evening j r,vo,.6fficers" and ihelr' prisoner ' took oyer the C. & O. Railway In the custo- -needed' rest: :On the train as well as uyJof Officer- Stevenson 1 ana Detec-" the, -hotels, 1 one" of the officers' slept ttve jPowers. " 1 r -i " ' with - Thurman , with one ' handcuff on The , officers called, a' cabt at : the hls Jiand and one on the prisoner, and wharf and hustling their: prisoner fn- shackles , corresponding ; The- other : Home ssibns1 were discussed by side drove quickly to the police' sta: officer, lbdged in the upper berth with Rev;"H. Mashburn,-ef; WU1U i e enecxstne party.; - ; :v -qcjmmoneaUh's; Attorney Tilton 'poerfulpeech of more Uiah' thir-l1,61 :11 ot the . Norfolk city Th,nnMl;oo t Na, -;No We talked with Thurman saidtlast night that arrangements , for Thurman will begin today. hardly probable the case will' be severaT days, i :.inurman is i aiKHiive. . ,, - - - rrtv '., T, ,! TIAlCwk l-.v .:-. i W ' ,. p.-.-' v;v,:.,- . - . " small crowd watched 5set qmcK ana .certain renei j.-r , .. Gorman, J.J. White and J, jsavyer,- ,3- made ln ; desslminating temper- ancei sentiments has been .wonderfully ..; N urer. ' J. , W. 'Rose, S. F. ristowei an.iy -qIIq vorjj: at hQme in'our native land, I 6 en route from; the dock to ?heihe trial of , , V N. B. : Jones, were ? appointed - by, .the m0re donations from i t.hA Bantist and. newspaper men were Jarred t ia moderato"r;acbrMttee v ' Agun for . .Temperance was. taken up, and dis cus TfcvW., W. Griggs, ine of "'the' city's i prominent physicians - and residents,' died at .his home in" Church street on Sunday night "at a little after. 12 o'clock at ter an Illness of 1 about .four weeks, aged'ears.''"- - J . - Besides3"a.widpw Dr. Griggs is sur- vived .hy one son, Dr; J. B. Griggs; and onedaughten Mrs,1 R. T, fWliitehurs bVija' of thiscityi; and one'broth-jr; Jack Griggs, of Currituck county, "and one sister, who resides 1 nthe westii' ' Dr Griggs was - born ".inUPrJncess" fnne county, "Va'. y The earlier part of lis life was spent In Currituck1 county. h Severalsyears ago he ' moved to this iity, where.he ha practiced hte- pra-' Session ever since, and'jwas the senior: oartner of Griggs & Sons Drug Com- " He was a Confederate soldier. He identified .himself with the ' , South's cause at the first" intimatlou' of ' war and served ' throughout , Xnf, conflict. Dr. Griggs was a-prominent Mason. -The funeral services ;were held at Christ Episcopal church , of which he was a member, on Tuesday afternoon at: 4 o'clock, by the rector,- Rev;l Clau dius F. Smith.1 Services at the grave were conducted by the -Masonic fra ternity, ,. representatives of which from Camden and' Currituckountles were In attendance. -v"'V ' ' 1t-'VUSSe .-III' .iIXUlCill.-JUL . Uit3UVl,lil y. gOTblei pg;3SlSreal!di aai.".?. i-Wn.wffiii -ir-UAlVs-. rai ViolTa Tln E" -5S' SfV:'',: 4-Ue' roil ut uiui tuc n yu.ii.vvji. ' 'pledges "were takoMtaiste On! "the order. ,of . business the COrrf " ; v . phanage : was ( called , for discussion. " v ,The report was made by Rev. J. O. . - , - . Alderman and was, discussed by ArphJ .-- -;; taldphnso2i.'V - : ' S ..: uOn..roU,.caU pf, churches seven 1 -. . - . nunajea aouars was ieugcu mjiws d," : y ppcuf tke V r : ' ' TTtionVthe prW 3fiB F. Aydlett, of Elizaheth' City that -1 - the association assume half of .the cost;bf supporting vsrxty-six orphsioia . '' . at the prphanage beginning with May, 1908, was tabled upon motion to be , '.; i .'taken up for discussion some. time on ' . s :-i TJpon motion of the association the ' ' i-remainder of Jthe debt, of $80O2pa-the " I t , - Chowan ; Baptist Female ; Institute -be l paid by- :the association; ; pid T. B. .; ;: "B6ushall , E. r.J.., Freman ,and Charles ; Bateman were appointed a committee "to apportion the amount among 1 the ; churches of. the association. r- :lf The report -;ofl; Baptist ' Periodicals SSS lllllftwas discussed rWow;;.;J- f!'lill:F"armerriiAr V7ood and: P. S.C. Davis, v Association -then- adjourned after the ; hospitality committee had perfected assignment -of guests" ;to their homesr to meet again Wednesday v? morning at ; 9:30 1 ' -' : great this; year, and the Baptist hosts vew- with a great deal of satisfaction the 'real progress : made against; the drink evil ' Jn theland, for. which the womanhoodof SNorxCarplina are. to be eyerv thaifltedgSC rThe' i prbjjbsitibn ' submitted rhy- Mri A-tl! - -BWcJl M ydletivgtBed o assume one hair 01 the expense or CaTingl ?"sixty-slr as sociationvwpuld fresumetiie potter halfof'lucostA taWedoii vmotibn Tuesday evening, was takeSi up. Upon motion,' after ! some discussion ;t the proposition was - referred through .the delegates back to the churches of the associauon ior , tneir approval. ; xuo matter will be reported . at the next association ;tvi!& Among tne miscellaneous Drougnt up Sor discussion . towards the close of the evening's, session, the question of ; an associational school came up. The committee : was ' not ' ready to re port; ; and'r upon thia tekuest of Dr. Overby the committee ".was continued onf or another year and will report at the next "association: v The commlttJa on " time - and place for . holding the next association: reported that theyas sociation jwould meet(on Tuesday af ter the first :Monday.iln May next year with the iaptist church at Columbia. Thetassiationf adjrned jguntil 930 1 o'clock Thursday -morning, s. ; 1 B:The!liassoclation:it;:Teasse wlthbated i breath for a glimpse ' of &om - Dr.: ; Shoop's Magic j CMntment tne mucn taikea 01 man. ,t it ,wasjut ac t,r.fuu. awa iur xriiesj fleeting sight,- for no time wasUost -In ' d Its action UVpositly'e ,and certain; Thurman was-talkative to thei'ofn- c'nes .disappear; like magic by Its use. cers " throughout the . trip. ' : He ' d!s- arge . nickel-capped u glass - jars . 50 cussed the crime with Detective Pow- rcenis: bqia oy ail dealers. : etAeross the SouM MrvCohobritb 1 1 Visit the City it-' -1 r A, ET Cohoonfc who'-has been for -a-'' v . number of 'years- located' in the" far s ) -away west engaged, ln the forestry de-; . TT partment of the United Stales govern- V ; ment, has again been' tendered hy ,'the - !, ' v ! ' - r government the appointment to take t charge q the government forest lands l in the" Philippine Islands: Tnis is resjponsible position since "the timber v.' - products,.are' the most valuable assets ; of the'tTnited States government' tn cue- rnnippinp lsianas, ana nmzaoetn . ; ;,, - rv City; feels apardonablWpride ' inthls one, of 'ler many sons who has reap- - ' ,rf' ' - ed" renown-abroad, a ; "OrT. V-."- ' 1 ? ' If -. Mr.,.-Cohoon ' - accept- 'the " ; -i ' '-,' appointment. , which' ' he 'nowv A "'Vi " . ' ; has ' under - advisement he will Vis- a- ' - -" - the- Philippines -from the -Atlantic ' coast MR. LEIGH SHEEP'S SPECIAL SALE .K ; 1 ' - - WATCH FOR THE' BEE , HIVE'S A& NEXT' WEEK. It, will r be to -the " interest of the many readers - of the Tar- Heel to watch for the Bee Hive's big ad. in next , week's jlur , teei;i wmch 4 will v oe a'. revelation - of " wonderful"" vargains at sthis popular "department- store, -1 Mr, Gilbert,. the, popular proprietofi; and easily one ; of " thl f oremost mer- chants of Eastern' North Carolina has demonstrated,, the' fact beyond "the shadow" of ' k""doubtniIsJea6irthat his store Is a leader 1 'r f ' " ' Bargain 'aften1 bargains have , been offered at the, Bee Hive this season until the ; shop : going v publicnjis wan dering what will f be" next 1 offered. Watch for thead'and' see"- r i .1 - mm be Lorigfest 'Bridge i rill the World m ' Is oleted - ..Wednesday .was thegreat . vday of ,' lie f association. ; The great Crowd of : 1 V VMsitors began, to; pour In: early lhthe KSl!CWrnln iSSljEhc4ir . ,V - school , house ; n the opposite side of - i the road :was filled and ;:'the4 yards - ": - - were-thronged. , v ? T' r ; 4 It .Was iinueea - S1 tiu w fhad come, f rom far and near, to; be in attendance upon; this association The f SSI'-associatlon reassembled r'a; .9.30. SSiVcikaa; m!l?!ejtime i'litSlSvices In the grove and MlS3lnHh::sco PpifPllTrtfl: ' ' -1 ' - J' " Institute Was ; presehted 'and " discus. iidby Thursday morning ; at 9 :30 s O'clock, with a'-large crowd in attendance. Vaousttersf Itmportace 'were tali enp and' dlsctie; TJ ' f: i ' , , , The , speerh which pervaded: the whole-association was' on of progres' t The work for the ! comng year was laid but on a broader basis, ; and the Baptist , hosts ' of ' this section expect to accomplish' greater : thmgs. ' ; ' ; , I? Tie? association adipurned , the 102d annual cession at noon with : singing of ' C!od 'BeWith You- Until We Meet : Aro' ''ho :"henerHction.' ; :?r 'i n Last Monday the Norfolk and South', ern' Railway, began the constructionof the bridge across the Albemarle Sound from Edenton,4 to Makey's rFerry.' The mammoth pile driver has been, at" work air the week driving the huge pilings upon which the ; bridge will rest ; and for many, a month to come she will continue lo .ply her workVThe bridge will be when completed the longest bridge' in the J world being, not less than eight miles long.It .will cost more; than two million . dollars, and when completed, will be one of the finest structures of Its kind in all - were .. called . and pledges : were ; taken ' - which amounted to snearly '.'fourteen - '-V 'ipealed "for funds'to . erect a Baptist iHiiiif rue JULSt TheS;Harbnal: containing tiiei evidence, ;the speefches of ?tiie f cbpliibrl rpsecutiohf and defense; th Judge's , charge 4 and ;the . veMictlalHcoco and : are off ered for lalef sr 'l)bk?Pboid have been offered for sale, long ago but a" delay, ln Its preparation was Lcaused , by a: loss of some of the sub ject matter. .The hooK Is complete In every way - and" furnishes Interestingr reading; matter. - Price 25 cents. Ap- piy at l ar nee omue,' the country. It will be used' by, tneri . , , TY Xif ' a rauroaoij XvT ' take tneir x tv f Norfolk and Southern . as bridge, over which they will take their trains, , instead of transporting.- them on' a ferry.' . - '.'(Cj The bridge is ' expected to be com pleted "within a -year from this l'ate .No 'doubt the' building of this bridge from" an ' industrial standpoint l will mean much' for this v immediate local ity.-.- Many a towering pine arid oak .will be" drawn from uf jforest to help SHERIFF.; REIDSETV -, 4 , - ; TLED TAXES IN FULL, Atv the meeting of the. board : of commissioners last Monday; v the fin ance report was received and examli- ed. Sheriff Reidhad settled .in-full for all his taxes for,, the , year 1906. This prompt' settlement is the result of Sheriff Reid's tactfulness coupled with his hustling qualities; and ; such qualities makes vhim ' a first cla.ss sher- TEMPERANCE LECTURE . ; t : SUNDAY AFTERNOON. The'attention;bf the Tat Heel read ers -Is directed, to Mr. Leigh Sheep's May Stimulating Sale and' in which-.i V - -;"-" numerous bargains arexnumerated.-' - ; -The publicwili; dp ,well tb" attend f - : , the special sale of this - popular ' mer. " - ,-T cantile . establishment, - t? J- - ' -'i .- Mr. Sheep the proprietor is-one -'.V" pf our mbst popular young merchants," - ; ; -. who has built for him a most erivia-'V ' -"' - -v bletrade.'. , 1 .t t .-,'s- ; x 1" - v V ' . ' .,'is.' -vr-. ;:.H' . ' Pain-' caused ?hy boils, burns;. cuts, ' ,',. ' scalds and skin, diseases is- promptly C- "Vf ;( relievedby DeWltt's CarboUzed Witch , - - - ft . . - " JL " S 1 - '!5 V jazsi-aivo-dUood fOT. piles:- -sold 1 by "t" - AydlettVdrug store. .7;.; , THE PEA "MARKET. I , ,' Quotations from New ; York tol ' iTxcooi . : v puuetuj urus. ; se UO..' lOCdl . -; J commission merchants of : Elizabeth Cltyqubted peas at '$3.00 -per-bushel basket; and $4.00per .half barrel bask-, - : , ' r et oni the 'New-York? matket'on last - Thursday. ;-'-.v; w , The peas' were, of an Inferior lirrade " l .There - will' be ra mammoth temper rial chufch next Sunday afternoon atibng. rgely -pops.: ..when-peas; are 3 o'clock.' - - J ,' ' 1 wc win nciy -cuiuiuaau gooa ( ; Mn C. W: Melick will read aselec- ?ces the northern market . . ,y tion on 'the temperance subject. . , " ' j -e:- - " ? I r ; Jgef Leigh will, deliver an, ad-; SEAUTIFUL- HOMEL WEDDING; dress 6n -temperance. - -Judge Leigh , v - . . , 13 well known In the city : and all who attend are assured of an oratorical treat There win be congregatiohal singing., . - , ' . The exercises .will , begin promptly at v 3 o'clock and will last only one hour; ; , y " The public is cordially, invited and the friends' of temperance especially are urged to be " present, at these meetings. k .s ' ' " v ; AS L E E P B ESIDE T RACK . : ' .. a .-: - Greensboro, jN. s3.V May ; 6. Lonnle flagman, who was run over by niimbe' A 40 on the track iereJoaturaay.. morn ing, having Us ,f 6roiOTtff JdfiEra iainlngbther Jtojursdled al'the' hos pital here this evening.i ' He was sup posed to have been sitting ' too f near the : track waiting' for -the 'train due here at 4 a. m." and ; had gone to sleep. He was found "two hours later uncon scious, and never reepvoered . suffi ciently to relate" . the cause of -the dis; astern (- ' Mr." George Scott of 'Norfolk,-spent Sunday witn nis parents, von ' JNortn Road-streets f . mm AiiEl gini Watph A IIrniltdD Waf oh A Hbward Watch; None Better .WeSellAlirheDe- pendable Ki nd. y'- EIGHT&BRIGHT The Reliable 'Jewelers - v; 1 k V YOUNG BRIDEGROOM " DIES FROM SCALD. 'Suffolk, VajMay 6 As tiie result of . burns from . hot .water and steam; Benjamin" F.' Cross, recently of Suf folk, Hell at; 5 e o'clockl this af ternoon at Folksstone,.' forty miles from Wil mington, N.v C, :? He . was ' an ' engineer; aged tvjnty years. The f1 deceased leaves a bride - mf . three weeks; bsldes a father sister and two brothers, all of Suffolk. rt ' ' . M RS. SP1VEY DEAD. - Mrs, Jessie 'gpiyeyv. tof 'Gliden, .N, C.; died.iast Tuesday, at her home at Gliden aged SJ years. ' . . - : w She Is gurvlvecl by a jliusband land two children besides a host of flend,' who mourn" their loss. is : One ot. the prettiest home weddings to.be consummated , this, season was solemnized last Tuesday. night at the" home of - the bride's - parents, - Cap. and Mrs. Gard on Factory , avenue 4 " Elizabeth City In which Miss! mieVf- ' ; Mae Gaxdvbbcame the bride of "Mr. , ,1 V Sam' Hughes.: , 4 t '. ;Vk .';t ' r The parlors were beautifully deco- " '-J,' . rated in ferns and flowers f or the. , y happy 'event J "where in the presence -V-of a number of admiring friends, thQ 1 ' youngs couple,, before an'-Improvised . ' ..v " 1 : N altar, plighted their trbtif, Eer.-7oha. ' - -V- -F, Vines,', pastor of thfi First Baptist -church was the ' celebrant ' ' ; - y i " " ' ' " Miss Maggie Hughes 'aadMr.-'Jerry, y s ;' , ' Hughes, were the attendants and Hiss " -' J'v" , Belle Gard, sister, of; the bride was - V; : " :' mala of honor. . After. the ceremons , " an, elegant supper was, senredat ;the f ' Vpt! home ,of the groom's ''parents - to a1;, p.r4 - . number of frieiids; :;'l - 7- j' '.-c . iuear.' neei-- exienas r nappiest , . congratulations - to Mr Hughes ?upoa v. his success In. winning : so faira:-;' uiuw, ,. ana i west wisnes . 10 potn tor prosperity vanthappiness ailown life's 5 voyage. ;v j H ; i,;-" . ; " 1 r I. O. O. F; 1 Excursion , to Jamestown Exposition, May 17th. ..Tickets ($15)' are - ' - v cnvsaie at seng-s ana lugm aua angnvs until the 13th, lor Odd Fei- . : . '"families. , -After this -date to anyone desiring to go. Tickets are"lim-- now, lows ited 'to 200 -Train leaves at 8.3p a. m. returning leaves' Exposition ground "at rlO s o'clock p.A m, , This .will be .through trains going and, coming ifepm- SvOt-';- - -V:7'v7v' y;,..77:7 V y r;,:rt: -77'- ; -Wi: --7'7 . 7.'v1 '-' . v , .y - K, . J.-