V - -s- 3. -V - V--s ' -V ' - - ' - 7 MV Robert WaittSays: North Carol 1 rcscvos .Ssoca Gito. -qc .;tes70a-'to- ir-"0 onef v If li 1 J- A 1 ' - ....... ! Three -for cunne bacco for. the market: -scared, air cured Sand ways are used- by farmers , -vioDaccuf gruwuis."v -mshed-iitu; .afiodt' " and " OreDannST tneir tO-, mOIlC. I CIUU,. C4UH v-o aau vaAWiJ , aie OL, jmyA tne exposition :The old and ctieap way is caueu mrj " curedt;the later :discovery,: and im- proved way is caiieu uuc cui cu. r ; ; . In flue curing the tobacco is taken ; ? fromlthe fields and racked1 in barris." : especially: built ;to retain . heaf i and - there subjected to a continuous high . .temperature, produced by the "direct ,Z 'heat - of flame, heated; flues; ;.whichr: : bHnp-s out in : the tobacco- inat . - o- . . . QfimTilarinor taste land: aroma thaf'Y pounds of tobacco chewed; "to L the -e: -rt roastinff develops ih tgreen :;;Jpopulatibnin;states where; Schnapps :i .i:'z-.fKfrrr''fe cnlH tban there are -in r... ; I np siiiiiimi uiuLcaaca tivu " tc -th tobacco and coffee the cheer-.; -.those states where Schnapps, has; not : inff and stimulating quality .that pop-v : yet been qfferedfo the trade.' ultrizes their use! -v? : :": : r r A ioc. plugof: Schnapps is more y ? The qualiiy. of tobacco depends economical than aniuch Jarger-ioc. '.much on the curing process and the- V plug of cheap, tobacco ' Sold at 50 c. . land of soil that produces -it, as ex- :,per pound in 5c. cuts. - Strictly. xo pert tests prove that this flue cured and 15 cent plugs : V : :- i: -V ' ; : B.--.J.-EEYNOLDS '-.TOBACCO COMPANY, INSTON-SALEM, N. ;C. TRYl N G COTTON" CH OPPE R. .Such . Machine tsy Badly Wherr Labor Demands $1 to Lean" on the T "Handles. Needed a Day A cotton chopper of ahome patent ; , is , now beings gjyen ia trial . test at jr Warsaw ani it 4s proving -a success. Mr. J. ' At: Powell put the -machine to . ' work on Saturday and he informed us that -it did good vork. 4 ' Many cotton . chopping - machines ; have been got4 ten . up - by inventive "minds, but they r have always - been 5 found":- wantjng t, when the time came in May for farm. ers; to "chop to a -stand." Such a . . machine is badly needed these days, , for it is a waste of money to grow .cotton and pay labor . $1 . per day to lean on hoe handles with 'one foot on the knee. ; ' ' . the . knee. Kenansville News. -' f tXPOSITl .Migmjr .Tiosi.i of Southern Heroes to Corned Down From Richm6nd 'Three Sperial -Trains , to Bring VlL itors. " Norfolk, Juhe 13, 1907. Confederate' soldiers," Sons of Veter cms and -Daughters 'Of the Confedera-y will morch down upon "the Exposition " to.tay. This mighty tost of heroes ot the Lost . Cause-will come to Nor. GI SOLDIERS folk from Richmond, the reunion city? v Three; special . trains, - three spenial " v -.boats andx the I regular - trains , will - bring them to the "Exposition. -- . -" The announcement ; of the-coming of the hosts of grey was. made-known .: yes'terday. by . Will -F. Thomas of .the . Exposition Exccuf sion Bureau, , who v ' .returned t'o-,:Nor&.lk from Richmond, Vv wherelhe made : arrangements for th coming of the'veterans. ' H:--. . There were.. almost 100,000 visitor" if ;in Richmond during the .reunidn, saiu ,-3Ir. Thomas anti thousands . of i these -. called :.t the information -bureau, - ;whicJ!xwas . opened -byVIx.: Thomas ajfd his assistants durini that period' Jfhis -boreaau, he said, "was run night and day. y .t . - ' -aayi trom -a ; pomt ; ot attenaancce, ands of -visitors who will come, from v Rishmond- and " the . thousandss, v who ) already- exceed 'those of the 13th bf May, .which, up; o -the present time, - were the second largest since the op T-ening day itself-V ' -,-lrS ' 1 1 . There were approximately 10,000 "people -at- ,the " .grounds ' yesterday. . More - people passed - in - vthe gates; C from- appearances' than : on any other i- ? day of, the Exposition, ." that : was inot "a ..special occasion.- Many" of .the vis. ; Itors yesterday came from Richmond', hundredT ; ild veterans mingling ' with4T- - ' As. - r : -- "v v Terrv' 1W select ed f, Cifiw for his. trip ;iii '"swt r" "be North vPo!o"on -Ti?1y fldiern an dJ sealers of, .. - I -1 -v .. . :. 4 ... . .. . , ; ., .... j : namelysun sweeteninsf flue cured. " any other ;-and has a iuicy, full v - qweeteninp- -than-tODaCCO CTOWIl ML-U"1- complete, except. An Electric Sign. , -"y :- --'. " . v-1' . . . ? i v . - ia the,- star , that will - guide your busi ness ' into : prosperous places- .To pa r aphrase the poet fcitch your busines s to. an - electrlc star and " watcli it grow. - 1 , ' - r .Don't .wait until your competitor has taken away" your trade by pro gressive methods, but be " th : first m an c in ' thjz fieM. X Start Jhf 7 pace o nd. you will.be the -winner. - v-r . ' 'C l V - - Elizabeth City Electriciight . Power - ; ' i'hone The Up To Date come Let- us reason tqgether, You prepared to dresa your said head comingiy. The association hats, the Jamestown v Espositior hats, s we are making thorn and send ing .them to the people who " live there- and" by those who go from hore why"-not -let - ns make yours. HOLMES & 1 I , .1 II I 11 1 ... ' .'- Are You Going to f The Exposition -" :. - ; - " , . - ------ ...--- . ' f " , ' ' , . - . If you go, you will need hotel acc omodations. i Good Accommodations, ; too, better than you will likely get in the crowded; city of Norfolk. :The JAItQLINA HOTELr offers unpafallelled " advantages try guest in the way of fhome comforts at the most reasonable latest : r AIL people passing through thec ity enroute ta the -Exposition, : if they desire comfort and convenience, at reasonable rates, will stop at'Tfhe CAROLINA HOTEL, (formerly the Arlington), : Water. Street;; Elizabeth City. " " " - " " v If you find :yourself crowded, for ; hotel 1 accommodations Ivt Norfolk i-Why not make CAROLINA ' HOTEL, EHzabeth City, N.. C. , your headquar t ters, go to - the; Exposition in the moming ani return" to . Elizabeth City at night The distance from Elizabeth. City to the Jamestown Exposition is , an hour and . a half run. -The rail roads .will , give reduced ratesr . The CAROLINA HOTEL; will give you a ;rate tf one -dollar per day (supper, , roomand breakfast.) - ' " , t ' . - -' Cllll v 'k - . -- . ' ' "Formerly 'the Elizabeth City, N. C. mt Is represented in our gathering of Spring and Summer MiUineryiat.moderate eo'st'ii - js. -EUREKA MILLINER YCoiVlAi r-Sdle agents for "Dr. Blair's Celbbrated-Cucumber Specialties;: rpurely-ves:etableT for the complexion.: - - . ..... ... : it -;. 'V '? " k than tobacco : grown section of the United States j : wholesome,, sumuianne "tobacco taste .that: satisfies ; tobacco nunger; -xiiai t vyiiy uicwcis prefer Schnapps, because :SchnappsT cheers more than any 'other chewing; tobacco," and that's why: chfewers -;of; Schnapps pass tne gooa tning aiong f --ohe chewer makes Mother chewers, J until the- fact is : established ttiat there are;;inofe ; chewers .and more Company No. 80. i Milliners are in need of- head dress. . We are and more" than that to do it ba- Q Company. 11 Arlington. ' -r J. y. fitolkey Prop Robert -Waltt, one of the,n. gineirs. or the Scofield . Constr action Cj(5mpanyr 'Vho - are constructing' the government pier- at: the Jamestown Exposition,',spentSunday'in'the cty ! ,nd ;in in speaking' of the- exposition, I declared- that great progress is : being , j made toward , lts r .- completion, that t will not tee the " mid itself 'is. fQfr n-'Jesarj finishing touches arid ; he f eels"!might.y proud of tne : voidi Norm.; State's:" Jine showing, which Jls oiie. of the" hest-r , t i E -TO, , ;C ..:. I CADETS tENROUTE THE EXPOSITION. Pride of Army of Uncle Sam to Go IntoCamp--Making iTrlplDown on -United:State.TriansportSumner. ' Norfolk June 13. 1907? transport Sumner this . mornlat;,-. the Wtst' Point ' Cadets, . the best dnllc-.l , jni?itary body in the warld,- will -arl rive aiane juxposiuon togoanto a week's encampment; j The .natty WJ"? Pfjiiters, .560 strong, "ar due to "arrive at 11 o'clock. The Sumner viirjad thO'cadets'vat'herTPlnei'Beaclinvharf and - from' thece -Uncle Sami?:-. future av jc r o "cers" wii inarch" hr a body to :hv-?,ound3'.V-z' 7; ' lJjecadet3 wilt r tin er ,tv.t camj ju si in lthQ.e4. of tl1?- b.v ui1 Harj t a v-i up ; pavillior TheV- ;il bite :n der - command of Lieut ICol.u Robert Howze-of the Sixth Cavalry. '' , . Announcement was r imade ; v by Lieutenant-j Cootes, ' ; military , secrf taryTor ,'the Exposition,- that " the : V; .1 "cadets will larrive Sunday, June-9. The Annopolis cadets A while - no ad! vices' -have .been received as tor the exact day they- will reach the JExpq sition, will be here to take part ' in the G eorgia Day .ceremonies as' an escort to President Roosevelt WithV, P I., -Maryland AgricuL tural and the Chester Military Acad emy cadets " already here, the arrival hi the West ; Pointtrs, the ;Annapoli and M. 1, "young warriors'; will make the -number bf cadets at the Exposition upwards of .1,700. . - The youthful soldiers - played an im" portant part in the entertainment: of the thousands of visitors at : the , Ex position yesterday. From early x in the afternoon until, almost, dark bat. fallon afterl battalian marched J back, ward and forward across Lee Parade' end 'for more than an , hour exutwi the most difficult commands in Butt's manuel witbr th ; precision " of a regu lar army corps. s.', .:.,' - An' hour? later the cadets - gave . a dress parade," vLich was hlgh1' com plimented by even- theiarmy- officios, who. watched their . movements . r.v:r,v .Before the Pennsylvania bov.5; had cuit the, field the corps-: .Vn.n" th Maryland: -Agri JaUir'aL college; outev; ed the:field for. battalion drlil and at. tracted. much attention. : Later . In the afternoon more tha:) 400 cadets from the . Virginia. "'VoJy. technic v Institute ' tave " a. battalion drill and ; were - applaudtd ' by . ? IJiree thousand spectators, 'who - "gkthered around. the great field. -- --- - '- . This is one' ofthe v finest", drilled commands , oi - cadets in , the country, and while their first dress parade wil not occur until to-day, their evolution8, yesterday were decidely . military. r Thfi ,V. P. T. p.fldftt,s will ffivA"o hat 1 ! talion drill v this forhing at '9:30 O'clock and the Pennsylvania cadets will; execute extended order jdrill and Butt's -manuel ' at 4 cclock- this Lternoon. ' - - . . MAN IN AN AUTO. Isn't Foraker , somewhat be hind r the times.- intalking about the man onshorseback?,r. v- ; The man in-the; automobile is "the man- of - the shour.-- Philadelphia Inquirer. THE RSZOR J: 'QRlNpiNQfcS, 7 C HAVING COMFORT r S NOVRj6RiTROUBtES;-P.OSS s These razors aro tempered as hard as - fiint by our exclusive O m. secret process of "electricity. OYou can ohtainojie on" SQ days trial h .rom your dealer without obligation to purchase.-" - t, SoM by' D. M. .tt-.T:--X,.TI&..S-- ... .... JO- .- Paint-Buyi vMade-afe.v WTiite Lead and Linseed; Oil need no arguinent,nar "advertismgta 'maintain them selvel as.. the. best i ahd most economic al paint yet known to manThe difficulty has -been for thebuyer to bef-j. i always sure of-the purity " of the white lead and"il. -' - We 'Jiave registered he trade mark of the Dutch Boy painter " to be the- final "proof of qualHy, , gen- uineness and : purity to paint iuyers every where.Thb trade mark appear on every keg of T - ! 1 -Pure White Lead 3 made ;: by the Old Dutch Process, .SEND FOR BOOK "A alk on' Paint," glve .valuable informal , tion on the paint subject. : . Free u jon request. JOHN T' LEWIS & BROS. Ca ' 23s S-. Front St Philadelphia, Pa. "T- For. Sale by all " Dealers. ' : OLD MAN TRIES TJICIDE IN QELL'. Cut- Down Just in Time- to Save H i Ule-Now In Jai!, - Richmond, June" 13, 1907.r ell,: aged 55 who, tried to emmit sui cide i at . the second ; police - statin . last night. ...He had been boarding on 5th street : ond . eorly yesterday evening, he was taken to the City Alfshouse by 'seveVol' otherboarders who claim, ed thot he was continually making a disturbance. , Powell was : finally tote en to the ;" station; house and placed. in a cellj:- 1 :r ;if After being locked' up he portially undressed.' hung some of his?- cloth, in fsont of the grated bars to preven1 a view of the interior of the cell from the orridor ; and then- tried tor hang himself ' with ' a- leather 'belt that , he Mix I wore.- - . - -- ; ; It so hoppened, . however; ' that the poMce had: ahotherinsoner . to - ploce in the ; cell ond they happenejd along ond opened the - door o few: minutes of ter Bowell had suspneded" himself from the" ceilfng. The- man was still alive ond - aafterr. being iut down "he was revived.- - v EKJOYMENT OF . PARKS. t Parks are desirable and . nec essary ad j uncts to any, city. They add materially" to municipal ad ornment, tending to break- up that solid mass of wall and mas onrj which "shut us in to a more or: less - bleak .", perspective f and keep tlie country out.' They sub stitute instead an : open breathing space and contribute to -the plea sure 01 tne people oy presenting to their view evidences of horti; cultural; art, supplemented by spacious grass ; plots, which are vigorously - kept in r their -virgin, greenness. " Baltimore .Ameri can. 11 . LISTEN TO THEGRATTATES. - r - ' -If the people will only be pa tient and wait there are" any number "of young graduates who will make speeches during the coming month stating just what is the matter with tfie gov ernment and things generally, and setting forth, the correct .remedy and the. way to apply it. f -Buffalo .Commercial. OPr PERFECTION r ;Fones GoMoativ ngAW se OPIUMANa WrtlSKEY lJiA"BIT& ' treated at home' without pain.--Book of particulars .sent - frjujb. - Address 1 ;V,--B.: M:woiJLET;c6;r-:c-' H BoxT-387, Atlanta; jGa., Officel04 -N " 'Tr - T: Prier ''street. "-f-'.-"v i-rr. left off your, treatment four monthrf ago.: Have .-no-desire i for' an -ppiate- Youn treatment is all it claims-: rV;L."Jri- i;Lbulsa'X OaBey " fy r " r Snow "iHake Arizii ' ' -Over four years-, ago you cured me.i of." morphine -babit. vr' ;-.-.ft-V"-'"""V- '-.;- Macon, , ; have -i never ;drank-whiskey since Marchc22 1892 when'-I "Vegun'n- your: treatments V do not'erave 'any whls-' hbj w wis vac j . t. - " . I --t'z B.-D.- Wilson.1 , t Direct' 'Tex; t: r 1 have ' usd your remedy both 'for' -the' Liquor and Opium habits -xind " it- has' been a 'success; I prefer it oall-,-other; Vemediess. 'J - 'V:.- -vT,-v , -B; .C,Ndrment,M.D- . ' k . Dorlington, S.C.1 i; .Write to Dr.'.WOOLLEY' Box 387.. y - - v Atlanta. - Gas'- A :t is the Bame-erood. old-fashioned -: . medicine that has saved , the lives of little children fot the : vv'.' Jast 60 years." 1 is amedicine - made to cure. It has never ' been, known to f aiu - If your -" . child is sick get a bottle of ; FREY'S VERKIFUGE ' A flilE TOIIIC FOR CHILDREI! Do cot take a substitute.. If - ? IF - vt,.. your druggfist does not keep ? , stamps Baltimore, Md,: and a bottle will be mailed you.' ' Yesat Brandy ' and water are supplied at the expense of the : government rto rweryinember of the' "Belgian 'Parliament who makes , a Jong speech. - . Crimsoiibeak Ir .shouldisa that was aiding and abetting" a prime ! Ypnker Statesman -" -I EDUCATION BY POST. ; There's a lot of folly abont this matter, of postal -rdards, but its good is more than compensating. The picture postal is' an educarT tor not to be considjered lightly,1 It is often a', work of art,, and' this, added .to .its authenticity, improves". the receivers taste as well - as his geography. Cleve land Leader.:. : NOTICE" OF ADMINISTRATION, , ' Wavino ..nitilflck1-Jr'" qo i o rlmiTiiotrofTM. - Jl : U.MXA AJt UM m I III I I I IH V IfcfcVt : of the ; late "M.- A, Brooks, $ h'erehy " give notice to all persons indebted to ' his estate to come forward: and rjaake immediate settlement and ;; those hold ing claims against the same to pre- ' sent them for ; payment within twelve ' ' months from the date Df this notice, or . it will be pleaded in ' bar of their u. recovery. - r - ' ' J. C. BROOKS, ' "ceased. - . , - April 15th 107. - April 19 t." - NORTH CAROLINA Camden County; To T. B. Godfrey? entry taker for , Camden county: , , The undersigned EL Y. Burgess, of Camden county, North Carolina; en ters and lays claim to the following described , piece . or parcel of land In Shiloh towiiship, .Camden county, state nonu Ajaroiuia me 6uae ueuus vacant; and unappropriated . land, i and . " -subject to entry, visC: ' - " V" Beginning at -the Great. Creek 1 foo . way on Great CreeV running' dok. v said ,footway .to the Jamea Bray psS v ent, Dmoing saia patent on tne wK,. to "north ; river, ' binding nsafd river 'f tne nortn ana east toureat-uiv bind the said Great Creek -to the" X Te station,"" with the lexclusion - of l V- Tfo. 164 in the office of entry tlJ ' of f Camden - county, - containing by c-: t timation 400 acres , more "or 1mks.- ' " ' (Signed) --B.-T.- BTJBGESS TS Entered; this 9th day of May! 1907. . T.:B, GODFREY Entry Taker, w 4x . : A contemporary says r J-It,' isy easier for ' a camel - to go . through " the eye of & ;needle than for a"'- man , to" become" President of the Unitd . State's - unless .hp hna. a. - good wifeV Nevertheless, : Mr."l Clefeland-performed iie; feat in ; xoott. r-urisioi neraia-uouner.. - - We.didn,tsay,ithat.We saidf;-: "It; is harder - fora camel ta ga; through the eye v . f -rAdle,". etc and; we -tick to,iw; - J ? - J