SCHEDULE LeROY-r STEAMBOAT : - . . COMPANY. Schedule of- Steamers Tourist and Gulde- In Effect Monday, rv Aug : "Steamer. Tourist will Cleave -"her dock : affoot -of , Fearing street at 12 now nek: noon Mondays and ' Thursday" for Columbia, and pslnt3,on Scuppep nong river. Returning, the . steame v Tourist will -leave Columbia at seven " a.; m Tuesdays and: Fridsi for Eliz- abeth City, Norfolk' and all points on North River and, A. C. canal, leaving Elizabeth; City for points north .at3 - p. m. - xuejyaay anuxnuaj's.i njucav- ing Norfolk at 4 p. m. Wednesdays OTirf-r f3atnri1ars -frT all TV! 71 to ... 'The steamer Guide will cleave " her dock at : Elizabeth City?' N:x C. on Mondays and Thursdays at' 3; o'clock " a. m:, South Hills N. C, 7 o'clock a. 'm.for Norfolk, Va. ' - v - Returning V the steamer - Guide will leave Norfolk Tuesdays annd Friday" at 9 a. m. - " J ' - . -i. H." LeROY, Manager. : Vat-Carolina Inlandn 3. S. Company, NORFOLK. & SOUTHERN RY. CO. f .... s. x . Schedule. March 25r 1907. , . Norfolk and Pamlico Division I " ' Northbound. "- ' -. - Leave Elizabeth ; City daily except ' Sunday; 8:50 a. m., 12.30 and 3:25 p. m. Sunday only. 8: 45 a. m. and 6.45 T. m. ' ! '. - Arrive Norfolk , daily except Sun day 10:35 a. m., 2:00 and 5:10 p. m. . Sunday only," 10 : 30 a. m. ;iand 8 : 30 p m. s ' . - .. ' - .- Qonnect -vitli trains to yirginla Beach and Cape Henry. Trains to Currituck Brahh 9.40' a. m. and 4:10 p. 'm. ' . . " Southbound.- ; " s Leave Elizabeth City daily except SJaaday 10:20 a. m., 1:25 and 6: SO p. m. Sunday only 10; 34 a. m. and 7:34 p. m " ' ' Arrive Edenton 11:25 a. m., 2:2? p. m. and 7.50 p. m. Sunday only 11:40 a. m. and 8:40 p. m. Arrive Belhaven ' 5.15 p. m.; v Ply mouth 4:30 p. m.; Washington 5:45 p. m- -r ' Suffolk Division.. Leave Suffolk: 5 : 30 p. m, 7 : 00 a. in. ' Arrive Suffolk 7.00 p. m.; 9:25 a. m. . Arrive ElizaLetJi City 11:00 a. nv " Leave Elizabeth XJity 2:50 p. m 'Arrive Edenton 8:30 p.m. Leave Edenton 6 :15 a. "m. " :r , Steamboat Servioe. - y . Leave Belhaven daily except Sun day 6:00 p. m. for Oriental,- New Berne, Morehead City, . Kinston and Goldsboro. NJ Cf. " Leave New Berne daily except Sat ardav 6:00 t. m. ' Leave Edenton daily except Sun-; day 2:30 p. m; for Scuppernong Biver. Leave Elizabeth : City daily except Sunday. 1.45 p. m. for Roanoke tsland. : Leave Belhaven Tuesday," Thursday and' Saturday 5:00 a. m. for Aurora, South Creek, Makleyville vandT Wash ington, N. C. " -. " : H. C. HUDGINS, ' : '-.'-v - Genl. Frt. & Pass. Agt. M.: W. .MAGUIRE v r- General Superintendent. Chesapeake iJr&t STEAMERS VTLANTA AND AUGUSTA - BEST ROUTE" TO : BALTIMORE AND ALL POINTS NORTH-EAST AND WEST, , ' 1 . . - y . Lv Norfolk (Jackson streetl. .6:00 p . Lv Old Point Comfort . . 7:00 Ar -Balto. Pier 19 Light .St. .7.00 ffifc " B. & O. R. R. P. R. P. , Lv Baltimore . 7r55 am .8:06anj --" .?. ,. .... r - :. :. Ar Philadelphia .10: 15 am 10;10anr At New York i .12:35 pm 12:43 pm : Steamer " leave daily except ' Sunday ForJstaterooms and any information call City Ticket Office, 95 Granby St. mm . mwmr I M . m .. . rm- under, Monticeiio Jtiotei, xsorioiK, va. .- - -- v Phone 112 or write " BT. LAMB, STANTON CURTIS. :. . Gen. Agent- " - : Pas. Agt EASTERN CAROLINA TRAN8POR- TATION COMPANY. . ' Schedule in effect May; 1t, 190f.r " Steamer John Small leaves Biia- 4 ;abethity, Norfolk and Southern' R: " tii. 'Wharf, daily; except Sundays" at 1:50 p. m. for Nag's Head and Man- ' teo. : j i - RetornlngleaTeaManteotjat a. m., for EUeabejk. Clty.f. v". ' f . Regular connection at Manteo with , bat for ; Et Lake, . Hattwww ;and inter Eawk. - " ; Tt frtir "!frBiatioa aply jr. L.. Cteirett fttEltertttk.TOn TTr J Grtiia. "Maateo," "N GtnlrJ In Memorlan ofW.'S.;Dunton. Died May 24, 1906. One year ago to-day our Saviour Sent . an ' angeL f rom his throne," . ' And 'took my dear brother To a beautiful heavenly home. One year he'; has lived with - Jesus,; Hls dear head' upon-His .breast, God knew best and . sweetly; called "--"him v -- "w " ' - Home; to-heaven with .Him- to rest Yes, you1 suffered, oh, how bitter ' To recall the awful doom,' r - That has wrenched you -from ' our ' presence, ' - J" r,- . From your loved ones and . your home. v ' ' . ' J . - -r . "-.", - ' - . , -c i , Yes, you Ieftyour loving inoUier; - Wifer'and "s'ister kin" and truer Keep your nobble spirit with' them, Until- they : reach, -your home with :, ; God. - : t 1 - . . One year .has' passed, but ptUl we . miss .him, j . . -Friends may ' think the wound has " healed, , But little they know of the eorrov, " That lies within our hearts - con- cealed. - ' : - v.- . -j,' - " ........ Farewell brother, eo Bad to say fare- well -, . - With one we loved o dear He haa left ug with sorrowing hekrti Arid we are still weeping here, r 1 " - Sister. BKINNERSVILIiE NEWS. .June "11, 1907. It is very hard to get a stand of cotton through this section: Some yf the people have plowed up three times djid yet haven-1 a good) stand. If ''the , weather continues bad the crop will be very short at - this place. Every thing iss advancing in price so we hope cbtton will do the same and stay so. - - Mrs.'C. W. Snell and Miss .El la Legett of Mackey's Ferry was in this vicinity last Sunday ev ening visiting Mrs. K. Elliott. . Mr. and Mrs. P. Eh Bell of this place was the gutst of Mr. and Mr. W. J. Harris on Sunday last. - ' . - ' Mr. Percy Everett of Mackey's Ferry, was 'in this,place last Sat urday and Sunday ftsiting his brother, Mr. Clinton Everett. --Miss Hilda 'Walker, formerly of Elizabbeth Oity is at this place visiting. Mta Marr Elliott MsZh ? mTT Phelps of this VtetaHy',8tawI!2L - ' ..I. -i -r ir: m.cs- ci t-.- " - visixea jvir. uuu .jure..' x. o. owum i on Sunday; last. , . Mr. and -Mrs. E. .R.Sprmll of Sound was 'the guest of Mr. and Mrs." C. V. White last Sunday. i Thie fruit crop Kere fill be very snort mis year. , .: ' - ' ". .. L' Capfain -Wi W. Midgett ' and sotii Kelvin, was in port Wednes day On le scEooner .'Alonzo with! the ' family, of . Captain Jesse Ward of Mbnt'eo' "on Woard. i .; Captain Ward anu family are moving from .Monleo to Norfolk'; ROM 1 FAST, SI ,00. PRIVATE . AniLY Bath Rooms In The House W.BiShaferV 1 05 Lee St. MffnlLr 7"o lUriUlIV, V A Mr. Job "Williams f Xev ,jud wasTimong - the visitors- in the city .this week. '."..'- After AU,Tk5Are A oul Eyes: Not Aline '- -- and It's your lookout to i - gi ve . them v proper cart ' v ; BUT " . my -Optical System was - -derised 'io heln Ijon get the proper care. v , - Any Lense Duplicated. ' ' Classes Fitted, - v -: D R. X , D. . H AT H AWAY, rj GREGORY.: - : :. - REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF - I ;June:ll, 19j7.- i- w .- -Mr M. Wr-Eerebee of this place Tl?e Merchants -andarmers' Bank, spent Sunday in Korfolt. - W t1 Columbia; Jn the: State of North Messrs. v Fred Upton, J. J. Hughes and Geo. Garret made a flying, trip to our-;vilIag .Sun- .-Miss 'Clara ;"N"wf nn nf t?i;,c.t, ing S.' I"is visiting Iippa rrmain Miss -Annie Newton of this rAno ;Mr.VJ.-0. Thompson of Eliza- betht City-was visiting our vicinity last .Wedne-sdavv Mr. and Mrs. C. A." "Cregory spent Sunday; in. Mill Dam. . .;Mrs;.G. -C. Dowdy ancl. O, C i Boswoodr jr.. tnade a llviu-r , to Elizabeth CitykThursdaV .riight on. business :of importance. v Miss 'Addie Wright of -Indian-? town spent Friday- 'with ' her friend, Mrs.,. ,M. FT Gray. of this place.; ; ; Mr. J. E., C: Sell, jr. oT Shwi boro, tj., was the guest ;oMhe Misses.. Jewton Sunday- night. - - MrrJ. H. Boswood of this made a flying trip to; Elizabeth City, on important .business. " Mr. G. H. Ferebee made .a hv ifig irip io . Shawborb "-Monday td attend to business matters. ' Mr. E. N. Belanga v passed through our village Slondav soli city orders forfessrs. J. H. Le Eoy,C. r Mr. S. K. Hough of lprfolkV ing orders for, the Southern Dis tributing Co." - 1 Miss"' Annie and Clara Newton 5 spent Monday at the Exposition. Mrs. Ji. Mansfield and sonN Richard, went to Currituck Shore Saturday to attend, the bedside of her father .Mr. " Caleb . Sears, who is reported very ill:' Mr. -G.. C. Bosward; jr., . and Miss Annie -Basward f attended divine services f at Saawyer's Creek Sunday" morning. " ' Mr. .and Mrs. J. H. Bosward were the guests 6f Mr. and Mrs. Jep McHorney oi Shawboro Sun day evening. - Miss. Hattie jSpence. of this place visited .relatives and friend3 in Elizabeth City- last week. . ;. ' - Mr. Wiley Gregory returned to his j home Thursday afternoon after spending some time in Nor- folK. Mr. C. G: Seasr is home with family now. , Mr. M. F. Seary was the rst one "to make a shipment of po tatoes from this place. Miss - Annie Bosward spent Monday- s, afternoon NEW HOPE NEWS. June 10r 1907. ' j The continued cold- weather has caused the cotton to die so badly that at present the pros pects for even an ordinary crop are very poor. : r . Mr. H. C. Newby, received ' a painful injury last 'week; by hav ing a nail stuck in his foot. Mr. Newby suffered a great deal for a few days but we are glad to know that he is much beter at present. T Miss Eva Newby left here last Friday "to visi t Miss Glenna Walker at Tulls. Miss Nita- Banks ' is spending this week at the home " of her brother, Mr. John Webb of Ja cocks. " Mr. -Barden ' Davidson of Nor folk and Miss Pearl Billips of Windfall pent a delightful rday in New Hope last Thursday vis iting .Mrs. Mary -Davidson. - Corn meal is .' selling at -a dol lar a bushel in New Hope at pres ent. ' .' The funeral of Mrs. John True Mood ivas held in ; New Hope church last .Friday . afternoon. Mrs. Trueblood died last Wed nesday evening very suddenly, af ter being sick: only a few . hours. She was about seventy years-old, and leaves a husband and' two sods ani several grandchildren to raourn her loss. Last "Wednesday, the angel", of rnth visits the home -, of ': Mr; ri . Mrs. Clingman Sawyer - and too their onlv; child, a little girl a f h op four years. We' offer --"f benr-tfelt sympathy to ' the o-noovpri p.rents. . ' ',at "Rbnp- "Ranks- spent last sfnpy-jn- Windfall. T-. Tim frearorv of Hertford ws v visitinsr . A friends in- New m MrV; C. P. Banks are imyX nnrrv. An the addition "f " f'Ti'n boy j-' to : their 'Vr rn vr f hwv that MlS Has your - stomach gone out of .bus iness? r If so you; can reach the top-: ndtch of physica and mental, power bby. using"! Hollister's Rock. Mountain Tea;. 35 cents, Tea Or Tablets. , Carolinaytthe close of .business May 18th, 71907: . t ; - ' - --T r RESOURCES. ' ' : : Loans' and discounts.., .'.$34,810.03 Qyerdrafts - secured and un, trecurd... . . .. .cteh - 1;1B2.67 Banking ; Houses, $2,530.03';-, ture r; Fixture if 'V" 5U85.09-3,715,12 Furniture Dlie from Banks and Bank-- 1,431.82 Gold coin:.- r u :: vi??r, 1?'09 ver : coin, ' including all" J mmor oidj currency. National - bank v notes ; - and other U. S. notes. . . . 5,30i0 : T Total . J ; ' . . . $46,716.54 I , 1.IABILITIES. J" 7 Capital stock". . . . - v. . . ?10,600.00 Surplus ifund : . . . i : -v . .r. .-. y" 384:49 TJndiTided , prpfits, less cur- rent expenses and takes - 4 : TJ3!ld - ' . . r - 85109 "Notes, and , l)ills -redis- , : - . counted . . . . . . : . 5,000.00 deposits subject to check;., 30,440.63 'Cashiers checks outstand- , v " 40.33 - ---- ; ; Total .. V . ?46,716.54 State , of North ! Carolina, County ' of Tyrrell, ass: ' " : 1,-R. H. Spruill, -Oaahier of. ttte abore-named bank, do Bolemnly wa that th aboTe"' statement is .true to the best of my knovrJedg and belief. R. H. PRUILL, . : , I .-"" Cashier. Subscribd and sworn -; -.-before - me this SOth' day of May; 1907, : . woodLey, ., ' j Notary Public.', Comet Attest: 'S ' " ' . - qHAS. BATEMAN, r . "MARK" MAJETTE,, , : . wr B. COOPER, Directors. tffay 30th, 1907. . ' WANTED. A girl - about fifteen years old that Is quick, actiT and handy with needle, to make -bandeauxs, Jine hats, &c. - One who has had some experience selling .preferred. Apply in person to Morgan &0., MilliAers1, Main and .Water Streets. - - 2t , I -J-.-.: . . . . -: - . An Aged Lady Passes Away On Sunday . morning, May? 26, just before ' the clock chimed the hour of five," the Angel of Death entered the rome of -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mansfield, and taking from them their beloved mother. Mrs. MarV Humphries aged 74 years, J weeks and .5 days. - . - She had been' lingering for some time; but' her death came as a surprise to relatives and friends. She had been a nnember of the. SShady Grove Kaptist church for- a number of years She leaves . tb ree " ohi 1 djren. two sons and one laughter : Mi. Richard Mansfield of Gregory. N. C. Mr. Gedrge , Mansfield of Berk ley. Va Mrs. 'George Fulford of Atlantic Vity, Va., twenty grand" children ; and . . four rreat-grand- children to mourn, her los;-s. On Monday she wua follov.-pd fiy n host of friends to Turn tnok Shore, her old home, anr laid to rest in the family bury mar --plots there to remain until th hist trumpet shall pound on 11k? Tlfr sureetion , moni. Weep not for Iipl' rear '-hurts -n. - Her troubles here Mr "- She's waiting. for you o wh Where nartinrr is no more- - She "paid the debt we all mrotf- pay Her sorrows are no moreu ; - Asleep in Jesus until we t. t)n the .briffM celesti chores, fe;.Want'-YOur:Irade? Tro NEW STYLES. 'i And we promise you- the very best 'A you getone' of' our hats, they ' are new and up-tCHfllate. . : We ' : still -J maintain : the reputations of t ha'ving the: lowest V priceV r MILLINERY 4 In the city. We invite you to our , store, .and will 'consider' your a '- response . to this' invitation , a f avor. florgan & MW Sts Wanted -Highest Cash Price, Paid. No Commissions Charged -.o : . s" : Quick Returns In connection - with bur busi ness at the City market, we have a boat, which sells to. the ship J Lll JSJ - J "L ": -iruue uunug- lue hiauosiiiuu. endoffer & - Co., - Inc., Norf 61k: LVa. : Southern- Distributing Co.. Nbrf oik, Va.;-. Norfolk, National Bank. . - BRICKHOUSE PRODUCE CO.; - - City -Market, V ' ";':, ; Norfolk, Va. NORTH" CAROLINA, . CAMDEN COUNTY. TO; T. B. . GODFREY, ENTRY TAKER FOR- CAMDEN ; COUNTY.- . - , : '? v Ohe undersigned, B. (. Jones ct Camden : County, r North Carolina, en ters and lays claim "to he" following described piece or parcl of "land . in South Mills Township,. Camden Coun. ty, State of North Carolina, the same being vacant . and ' unappropriated and subject to entry, viz : ' - - Beginning at marked black) Gum on SarahMinsell's -back line; thence down said ; MinselP . line to , T. M. Waller's line, thence down said wAl ler's : line to Currituck line; thence doira Chirituck line ; to New 'Swamp roadr ; thence down , sail MinseH's line to first station Conta'ning by estimation 00 aces,1 mora or. leg. ' (Signed) B. C. JONES. Entered this 1st day of Juno -1907. . v - T. B, GODFREY, ; f Je7,4t- " Entry Talter. Men Capable of Earning $1,000 TO $3,000 A YEAR TRAVELING SALESMAN, CLERK, MERCHANT. NO MATTER WHAT .YOUR -BUSINESS L A complete reorganization-; of the producing department of The i Mutual Life . Insurance Company New .York in this section affords a chance for a few good men; a few vacancies dn the agency force remain open, for memn of character and abil ity; you can find out by writing whether it will be worth while for you to make a change; no previous experience is necessary. A course of - professnal instruc tion given free, ' ' " THE MUTUAL 1 NSURANCE COM ' PANY OF NEW YORK, or ' - -v KARRIS R. WILLCOXf Mnager, . ' Charlotte, N. C. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of Andrew Winborne, deceased, late of Pasquotante county, N C, this is to notify': all persons hsaring claims a gainst the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned, on or before- the. first day of June, 1908, or- this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. AH persons in debted to said estate will .please make immediate payment: ' Ths 20th day of May, 197. jajSes winborne, ' ' Administrator. How to liv on 15 cents a day. The mind as well as the body is "benefit ted - by -economy . in eating. There's no health giver like a diet of Hollis- ter's Rock Mountain Tea. In ; aH startling way it keeps you ; going. - 35 cents, Tea or O ablets. ' Standard Pharmacy. . ' " ". : I " ' Mr. Ed Mitchell of, Old Tiop was here this week n 'tie?s , service. And assure you when : ' NORFOLK MARKET8.'; ? - i Norfo1i7juii0 vl9p7. ; - The prices are strictly wholesale ' (not job lots) and represent ; prlse3 obtained on actual sales' yesterday. ----- - PEANUTS. J ; ' .. Quiets " - f : '.T'""'.''- Fancy .V . " l. 5 : Strictly prime -. ; A -Prime . -. C - Machine picked - . . . . 4 " , VM, Bunch .:;5 - I r,. Low; grades . V. f rZ". 4" Spanish peannts , . . . i .1.2$8?rr 'J B,"B. peaa".. OO-r-": -GRAIN,- HAY, ETC. r X. " CORN White, 70c.: C : ' ; -CORN Cracked, ; 68c., .; ; COUNTRY PRODUCE." " 1 r um 1111 t w v ii4 . rw rrt m iirvij kA " f 'T. w keys,; live, -per.,. pound,.;; 1516Ho Dressed turkeys, 15 18c. - : -. EGGS 15 16c " '" 1 BUTTER Country ' butter, 15c. DRESSED HOGS C ;r . truck, .v'; SWEET POTATOES-rPer barrel.. - UA.tn5Aijr.Ej jsqw, per Darre ' $z.zo -to $a.ou.. . ' -, , - Dry1 flint, per pound, 20c. . Dry-salt, per:pound, 18cl'- ' Dry damaged, per pound, "89c. : Green hides lOo. - Green salt hides, per , pound,! 11 11 14C. . ; ;"; ; ' ; v ; . Tallow, per pound4c. - " CFraESlIghtly hlghBr; j Jaya 32c; Laguayra, 15S-4c; choice Rl04 13 He; prime, Rio, "12 14c. f fair Rio, 1114c. - . " . - ' .. i.l . .... v-: -r v r ..: -,. . t . '; '' rc ' ';'- -- - per pound; ' creamery, extra, pgr povnd, 28e.; creamery, firsts, pe pound, 6c; 59-pound " case, 1-pbuflJt Cblocks), 27c ; : " . , ' - t : CATTLE. MARKET ; Market active - ' : Southwest ; Virginia ; Bteers; r-. pm r pound, 34c. ;": Southwest' VirginlU iimi i mt-w . tuip Tiii Ti n r- n n w. 9: nnrr - wet Virginia cow, per pound', 2j 3c7; r North Carolina ; and -Vlrginfe . streets, pe rpound, 2'3c; .-NaQt Carolina and Virginia cow pji pound, 23c.; .medium and tt$ cattle, per pound, l2c v SHEEP Per pound, . 34c. . - MILCH CALVES Prime perpcrunfl 56c.; yearlingsper pound,' S4c. SPRING : LAKBj Per pound. &6c .HOGS-Live; 6c. per pound.. PROVISIONS. . BULK MEATS C. R. sides, ltM4c. per pound belles, znedium, lfr S4e. 'BUTTS None, A. ' '. I HAMS -iSugarr ' cured, t .uncovered v per'pount, 15c;" s ; S. C. Shouldfers 9 14c. per pound, HEAVY, J3 ACKS 8 7-8c. per pound, , PORK PLATES 9c. per potrnd. " HAM PORK $18.00. MESS PORK-n8.10. TRUCK MARKET. -New York, Jnne 6. Potatoes Firm ; now perbbl., 3.09a6.50 : old, 1.50a2.5Qt ' Cabbasre -Steadv : lr'Jl .5f ' . . w . . - per crate. - r STEAMERS. , " - "CUJLUMBA77 and "AU!STA, "The' Popnlar Ronte."- -for -Baltimore, New Yor&; Phila delphia and nlf point Nortl East an West ' v r - " N . .. North Etound Daily I&cept Sun ' - . day.- , . -Leave Norfolk 6:00 m: . : i" ijcuvu vxurymi vjoaaiorx i :uu p, . m. - - ... .'. Arrive Baltimore TKM) a. m. . ; (Royal Blue Line.) : Leave Baltimore 7 :55 a. m. - f Arrive Philadelnhia lO?1fi'n.Tn - Ar. New.Yory (Liberty. St. 12 ; 35 Noon1. ' . Ar. New York (WV23rrst.)' 12f-; ; 45 Noon. rT; - - - "... t (p..r,r.) Lv. Baltimore TtSS-a. m.- . - Ar. New York (Cort&.Besh Sts.)'. 1:13 p. m. . v h i vi ii u , . w i A vli J Jy 1:15 p. in. ' v- - . . Steamers leave Norfolk from Company's l?ier, foot of Fayett ' . ' CI Tl f t- .TolrctAkfl - C2 4-r ; . -: ;T -..." - Southbound Daily, Except, Sun ' Leavo "Rflltimnrp fi-JMV n m-. . ' Ar. . uia romi uomtort . o;uu . a- Arrive Norfolk, 7:15 a. m.'--v Steamers L;?.ToVnr.ltimore' from Piers 18 and 19 Light .Street; - - foot of Lee Street. - V ' Meals 75c. Table de hotel. .W" For -further, informatiori . and : i-e;r auon aaoress : v Jii.-T. LAHLB.. W. W. CROXTOK - - ' ' fc5-J . NORFOLK; -VA'V. ' Miss Millie Mann of Fairl5ell visited Mrs. W. H. tSeuucUe'lbiff - " Standard Pharmacy - week. . - r, . , - 4 i - y -