. . -"" "-7-77" .v .... .ui. i " -' .-j . HEWS HOTES . I - .-. . r - m WK. rAKi. tK , Winston-Sal em N-- C,TPreeIaiid Tliarpe, a xnember; of itnr excellent family waft conricted :ia- Wilkes' Su perior Court today- of secret f assault with intent W Wll his,, sweetheart; Miss Bell, a school ; teacher, who re fused to marry html '? u Tharpe put. up a plearof . Insanity, and if a new trial is not granted 4 the case win go to the ' Supreme- Court; Miss Bell was shot' twice by Thaipe and her recoTery as" regarded.-as nti&culous. - . .?SI1"DRAD?AD r,t ' RiADITHisrLIVE "AND" r - - : ?.?NJBUY; AIjpCoW. UNTIL YOU HAVE siEN r the jenniMgs plow ; I' Mount Airy, X." CHarvey Nester, charged with the-kHUng of William Johnson at the. mri of Johnonnd Miller, ln Surry . County on PeTbruary 9th 1909, was brought -back from Ten nessee to Mount; Airy by Sheriff Hay nes last Friday. v c Spartanburg,. S, C Angered by her husband who reroodstrated rwfthiier because - she ; whipped her daughter, Mrs . Pra Jk Shuiej, of Mlorertooiay seized a pfstol1 and Jshbther husband in the heart died" 2 almost ' - ifr atantly. There na been ill feeling "be tween "theiifple'foVBxnneii ' Dnrhama; N. ;.C. Thia uftefnopn there was an expWslon in the storage hou"?e of ih f hoaiis.'WhitP cbmpaiiy, wholesale rocarr merchants. Jn which four, men were" hurt and he fire department -was cabled a3 a mafr ter of precaution Norje ot the men were seriously hurtr but they all had a nao'w escape. . New TTork,-Reientles3 warfare will be waged against the "Black , Hand1 societies by the police of tis cIty "iSPd .it Is hoped other cities as a re. suit oof the murder of Lieutenant Joseph Petrosnll, the nofed aetecfive (Of New York, In Palermo. i:" you have seen it you will -buy it. Nothing about it to break. No set. screws, no .tinscrew.ng Vchkn'ge'lt. Th; shares are set just rightthe new ones we are makfng are, the. finest In the" market. : - Prices Right J SOLD ON TIME WHEN PROPER SECURITY ISxGIVEN. WRITE OR PRICES. ; - r. : Alsd own .the Ball. Cultivator patents, and have a" few for sale Cheap, T ' r: FISH DEALERS . : . - 'flAPn'' : T MILES JENNINGS REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKES OF PLOWS. Polndexter and Pearl "Streets." ; 1 - P. O. Box 183. THE NEGRO'S HEART. CANDIDATE CARDS Miss Elsie Selden 1 Baxter has re turned from an extended visit to Norfolk and Old Point Comfort, where she has enjoyed the social life and matty'brUltont'toekiui given daring the ome-cOiolng fleet -week," a number of which she was the guest of honor.' The "rgln Pilot makes the? following not id Its social columns: Mjrs. Frank S. Hope, who has been entertaining a house pary at Witiomghby Beach for, - two weeks, returned home Saturday; Among the party were Miss-. Mary Hope, Miss Elsie Baxter, of Elizabeth City and Miss Marjory ' Bartlett of Annapolis, Md. The. members of this party were guests of honor at many functions opj the fleet ships during their Ptay at the beach.4 ' ;- JF THE OLD MAN CATCHES YOU. (Monroe Enquirer,-: :; An Ohi preacher, wantlnS t S1 up a little notoriety turned loose pn his congregation a few days ajjo,' a lot of ind-work about klsslhg. ; Said the Ohio preacher: Kissing is worse I built up my lands -with good hous-f es, two-room, three-room and four- room houses, painted ;them. all and built abarn at every settlement for the protection of the . mules . and wagons set out fruit trees, " peach frees, fig trees, etc. at every settle- ment tninking that I might build up a reliable and a permanent tenantry, but I have found out that the dearest thin??.to- a negro's-heart ig absolute Unrestraint, absolute freedom to do as he pleases, work when he gets ready,: quit when k pleases ride up &nd down the roaa, go to church on Sunday with a bottle pf liquor in one pocket and a pistol in another. This Is heir imaia thought and only ambl. tion and when ty are restricted In any of these pleasures, no matter how good the house, no matter how good the clothes you furnish them, how much;rations, how good the land, they will break away from any re striction and rent. a place where they can do as they please, live on half rations and in rags, and be better sat. isfied than to have discipline, al though it be just and fair and en able them tP live on the fat of the land. ; .. .. . This is my - estimate of the negro, having dealt .with him Intimately for thirty years. He is the jmost destruc-. tve, the most wasteful creature tnat lives, at the same time he is good natured and accommodating; but I believe that he has deterriorated more ks d farm laborer In he last few years than at any time in his his tory, -Jt has gone to the point where the negro tenant lays down all kinds of 'work as soon as he sets a boy big enough to plow, really he don hare to be big enough to plow. If he can reach the tP tte - PlQw handles, not big enought : to put the gear on the mule, they start him out, and then tne renter himself becomes a loafer. ! When White men came t me tentland I thought Itbest to have a good .understanding to start ? with.' I asked ihejfk how xnuch labor v they ropoed to hire. They said they did - . FOR CHIEF OF . POLICE. -T n I hereby announce myself a can didate for Chief of Police. Subject to the .Democratic Primary.. I promise the public faithful and efficient ser vice. , J. B, THOMAS. M-12 t- - v FOR CHIEF OF POLICE. I. hereby annunce that t am candidate for Chief of Police. Sub ject to the Democratic Primary. R. C. GREGORY. t1- FOR CHIEF OF POLICE. I hereby announce myself as a can. didate for Chief of Police. Subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. A. C. BELL. M-12 it Our ' Fishermen readers are '.urged ----- ' " z to consult this - column v in making their consignments of fish only . re- liable dealers are admitted to - this column. I: Pultan' Market, New York Successor to LAN PH EAR & HAFF - WHOLESALE COMMISSION i it: S N. C. SHAD A SPECIALTY. V S.B. Miller &Co WHOLESALE COMMISSION ..FISH DEALERS., FULTON MARKET NEW YORK. Special attention given the sale of N. Shad. Sten cils and Stationery on applica tion. NO AGENTS. A Beautiful Line of New Spring Models comprising Smart Tailored Waists of Pure Irish Linen, Exclusive'; Value at - - - $1.25; Exclusive designs in Dressy Linen Waists, handsomely; : trimmed at - - , - - 75c td$1.25i; : Tailored Waists of fine .white Madras at .90c & $1.00;: : Serviceable House Waist of Chambray Percale and V Madras at 4 - : r v50e to $L00"- Only a limited quantity see them early before yourfc 3 size is sold. - . - - -r?v. ... FOR CITY TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of City Tax Collector for the corporation of Eliz abeth. City, N. " C, Subject to the Democratic Primary. Respctfully. - R. Tt WHITE HURST. M-12 it. - , I : A floe TAmAttf to 4 sso- ra 1 y v u 1 111 111 1 II.LIIILIII. B I III IT. f II FRESH FISH "Wholesale Dealers and ship- FULTON PISH MARKETtN.Y Particular attention paid to White Shad. We employ no. agents and pay no commissions. If your stencil is out of or der write and we will send you tnother. FOR TAX COLLECTOR I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of City Tax Collector for the Corporation of Elizabeth City, subject to the Dem ocratic Primary. H. T. GREEN LEAF, Jr. P-26-tf. than drinking. it surely , parson, n6 propose t hire an, they had u xae 01a man catches yoa at t FOR CLER TREASURER. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for Clerk Treasurer. Sub ject 'to the action of the Democratic Primary. W. BEN GOODWIN. M-12 tf. FOR SALE , - THE YACHT GENEVA labor of their own. families,, and: ail they wanted was an opportunity. 41-feet oyer all. 9 feet beam; They wanted to work. I had been geb- buflt In 1906 by the Mathews Boat 1 j mahagany finish, and fully equipped, a Puilt as a show boat and must be New York. Leaving a n of bit ter com-t that because of his asejgj neCTOes and iayinjr negroes tojCo; .Lozier 20. H.. P., engine; fine ne na3 Deen the vlctrm of ostracism f t decided by employers and had been nnable l, ive these whlfe people to get work for two years ttchane:-in addition to cultivating the De appreciated wippf a macmnist took-hia-owniiie hft. that: waa-a.lTeadv onen: mv un- For , particulars as to. price, termB, hy shooting toaay. Rapp had a wife der8fanainff uh them was that I had etc. Apply till March 24, 1909 to daQ "ve cnuaren. ; . UJ lOO acres of. land on the place which I proposed to hare cleared and would Established 1862 R. A. GOLDEN Commission Merchant. 1 resh Fish, Terrapin, Game, Oysters, etc N. C. SHAD A SPECIALTY Wholesale Warehouse: 11fh Street Wharf. WASHINGTON, D. C. GEO. R. FEARING . c P. U DAVIS ALBEMARLE HAY & GRAIN . . , ; ; -dealers v..-V : ; ' JMIAYp AN ID) OAJB GARDEN AND FIELD SEED OF ALL KIT! DS CHICKENS, EGGS AND COUNTY PRODUCE A SPECIALTY 304 MATTHEWS ST., ELIZ. CITY, N. C. Pjione 224. Albany Ga. Desperately wounded gye them e vse'ot It two years free in an automobile accident : tent ile ot rent They: readily agred 'to ' tfthe from here, andvalniblmdedbyit: olood streaming from two long, , deep! the plow. Such a proposition would wouDd in her scalp Mrs; J Don-j bave' rarallzed a crdwd of negro la- alson of Blakelv. Ga.. rushed her hus-1 aiAw. .lilthoneH theV miarht have band seriously InJtuwd -to this cltT agreed to dd It it would hayebeen lor medical treatment late this after j almost., impossible t set it done. To ftoon, after lifting the car from :his j my astonishment , these white men unconscious torm and repainngeinavfi gotten fifty acres or tn . iana mechanism o the ? machlnef fpttU f Imostreads; for "the ' plow and will make te trip. r : - -' take in the entire 100-acre tract this I year. One of them has actually LOUIS SELIG Lone even ingsw hen much read in e is done, 6 1 when a porti on of tne day s work is done by artificial I lgnt, 18 when the e y e s a r e s e v e r ely taxed. There are all kinds of Insur ance Policies, at all kinds of rates. There are rrany good Companies. - If ?you!have Policy in a good Company HANG ON TO IT, and buy another in the RELIANCE LIFE If you.have note at all, get one in the RELIANCE LIFE AT ONCE. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS ROSES, CARNATIONS AND VI0LET8, a specialty. WEDDING BOUQUETS AND FLORIAL OFFERINGS ARRANG ED IN BEST STYLE AT 8HORT NOTICE. SUMMER FLOW ERING BULBS, BEDDING PLANTS, ROSE BUSHES, AND EVERYTHING IN THE FLORIST LINE AT " J. L. O'OlWiNN & GO. RALEIGH, N. C. PHONE 141 Newport NejVa.TOile" ademjit ipusht a ;grlndstone, something that ins to ttSrvifp'. sOn')e je&'njWt.': in" tny cause ne refusedhome with her i;?Anh'eff 'inipo'rtant ityn&p?: Mrs. Agnes FranWin ,a; .ba)ni "Widow gmgie one orthee men has asied me of a sea captain,; dropped( dead in a a(janee Wra a. dollar, ;atid " every j if YdWtVVtK e easiy or pool room in HamnOTiV Va. : ' : A o r,' win have the audacity 1 " " smart, or ache, mfM i tostep r ?to hlsvMdUd Mdlt or show asifwf!ing wiLVirtfeM MhZrfl: MapivsawLJj J i. hJiL? ri n its time they receive attentiott. s.,rr.--i(;j-i.iwffl-:,;-pn;.i -w"t I Serious results may follow con- last nignt killed her two hoys,-age 6 Uchristmas one." d matter how deep Uj - - - and 7 years. "While they were in ;hed i In ,det ne may be. I hare made up my v Helpful glasses won't strain asieep sne cut tneir tiiroats jiUHaFja purse nere. aee ineiNuw. r. rne iamer wasworK.ift prpscRIPTIONS mines. The only reason sheTesori -eopie to do it. My idea is now OCJL,8TS . PRESCRIPTIONS the act is that she could -not brins flRiftr(fl the nekro'with wWte Tcien .i. ' ii:" .1 j as " possible. Southern Huraiist. : y L L. E. OLD, Gen'l Agent. No. 12 Polndexter Street - ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. farmer)-Tbis FOB BENT 2 NEW; 7 BOOM City Boarder (to 'seems pretty poor. Parmer The pastur4 here ain't what it owrht fo b. . . . i 4 - - i wsiances;on city Boarder Aii t - sw lots I -i fl'll'r modern xonTOniences, " rent MPr.j.D.ea GAR LOAD ARRIVALS. ABOUT APRI L 1 8T tt it One Car Snow Drift Hogless Lard, - 24000 Lbs 99 Burkhardt's & Other Pure Lardt - 24000 Xbs " Rio Coffee ; - - . v - 185Bair8 Two Cars Perfection Flour, The Leader, '- 400 BblaT We buy in quantities for cash is the solution of biir being as low, oi lower oh Heavy and Fancy Groceries than our competitors. We respectfully solicit yonr mail orders. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. 8END IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOB' THE. !TAi:IHlIEEIL -j . . O PTO M ETR18T. -r-" W . If N a H-16hindthe:igr& We call .especial attention to the h? joint at each intersection stay with main bars, - This is the essentia', of erery rood wire fence. Unless the stav a hinee joint the fence cannot receive pressure-iroui cotact right itself. ' " - - - - , made, with a hinge-Joint, Jby which- the maximum of elasticity' is ; iace wqea" ?'bars can tecnrM anrl hi fnri if nrrmirlv tftrhrt. remains in nla. iikIpS ta niteiy. -With the hinge joint, no aniountof strain on ettect tae connecooa os stay ana w -;:4- v. a ' ii - i; V. t t f f mnielnftaeitleldJB 7 fr-- -"- : j7. Ellzabsth; CityVSti;

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