v-teesoesoooeeodoccoceoooooo 000000CO0C30COOCCOQqOC3OOOCOOCCQOO0OOOCOOOOC3OCCO c GRAND SPRING OPENING OF ', 1-EE V' WILL TAKE PLAGE Tuesday and 'Wednesday, March 23 and 24th. AT THIS OPENING WE. WILL DISPLAY NOT ONLY THE LARGEST LINE OF MERCHANDISE THAT HAS EVER BEEN 8 . . . -nr wpnu HPIIfrcT 6TVI BO ' ' ' ' ,? ' v ' - - SHOWN IN inc.U.lii BUI int ytni-ncnwi - . . , - WE I . RfcSAIBE r T Y I Two hundred" Ladles Suits will - Made. - ' rr.-- y- ' .., . . .... 150 Ladies' ready tos wear and prench Pattern Hats. Our Silk Department abounds in all" the new things that' are being shown In New York and Parli. - More XreBS VjOOaS aaa niui 'UWU5 mm au uio oivy ca iu - Mic City combined. Musical ' concerts both morning and evening. : wih at this Opening display the largest line of MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING, SHOES AND FURNISHTNGS that" has ever been ' our p3er&Ve to- put on sate;. ' ' . . :v; ELIZABETH CITY'S BUSY ooccoccooooooocooooscooccocoocoooccoccco Published Every Friday by E. A. WOMBLE, Subscription Pries FRDAY, THE SHIFTLESS NEGRO. I In this, issue we are publishing an I article from the Southern Ruralist on "The Heart of the Negro' It is worth reading and what it says should command the attention of both 'white and colored. 3 Farm conditions are rapidly chang ing ia-the South. The. farmer in i section has realized the necessity for more work and better work on the farms. They realize that if the South ern farmer is to hold his agricultural jrestige he must get down on a bus iness basis. He realizes that he has already dallied too1ong with shiftless ignorant and irresponsible labor. Thia condition in a large measure has been due to negro tenants who have given no attention to upbuilding their farms or improving their methods And the case or laborers has been , about the same. They have been poor helpers and have as a whole done nothing to uplift farm conditions. Ne gro farm labor as a rule instead of 'improving has been degenerating and the situation has reached such a point that farmers and land owners have reached the conclusion that the shiftless negro must be ' eliminated. The Southern farmer from now on is going to insist on better labor and better methods. It "is essential. "With such a determination we are" to wit ness a greater era in Southern farm prosperity and agriculture will get on a levelwith other sections. Now there are exceptions in the , pases of negroes! There are num bers who are cultivating good farms, have made money ; bought their own farms and conduct themselves proper. 3y. It is time that this shiftless class should wake up and imitale their industrious brother, for if they do not they a going to be cro vd?d out. Many of this .shiftless- clis-i have 4lread- flocked to the citv iu ' the 1i t" f " V lig a "vnr ossy. . H U ' th.9r, :.s no easy p'.-s for the .sirifi ':? '.:?io or the srs-ftes? white loan for that matter. Attend the Spring Opening of Me Cabe and Grice and get some of the splendid bargains whih will be offered. III 1?1 The finest, most tasteful and II J HI 1 ::- wholesome biscuit, cake and pas? II III L'ra9nl try are made -with Royal Bak- III wjVo2!P ing Powder, and riot otherwise. I II III Royal is. the only Baking Powder III 555jf : Royal Crajpe Creimi of Tartar be shown In Lingerie and Tailor BE ANB STORE. MARCH 19, 1909. STUMPY POINT NOT5S. Stumpy Point, March 16, Mr. Ed. Midgett returned home from Manteo Sunday afternoon where he had been on business. Mr. R. L. Davis returned from Wan chese .Monday where he Kad been on a short visit to his people. Mr. Melton Hooper took a party out sailing on his launch Sunday evening, it being a lovely evening and the trip was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Katie Twifrrd of Hyde county is visiting her husband's people at this place. We are very sorry to hear of the illness of Master Leslie Wise. We hope hirn a speedy recovery. Mr. and MJrs. L. Wise returned from Weeksville Monday, where they have been the guest of Mrs. Wise's par ents. We are sorry to hear oftheOlness of Ma-. F. J. Hooper. We hope to see him out soon. The fishermen are not catching many Shad as yet but are honing to catch more in the near future. Messrs B. B. Payne and Nelson Payne of Roadmouth was in our midst Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lauson was in tow. HERLFORD NEWS Herlford March 16. Mrs. M. L. Dail left this morning "for Hertford, here she went to be by the bedside of her son, Mr. N. J.- Dail. Miss Carrie J. Wooten. went. to Hertford Saturday morning on bus. iness. We were glad to welcome so' e any visitors at our Sunday school last Sunday. Some of our boys and girls attend ed the Basket Supper, at Piney Grove School house Wednesday even ing. ,? Miss Carrie J. Wooten nad a Box Supper at her school last Saturday evening for the benefit of a Library for the school. She raised $11.01 Mr. H. R. Sutton of Winfall spent Saturday and Sunday with his father Mrs. Ida Glangan spent last Sunday night in Hertford. Miss Lina White and Ruth Fleet- Handsome Souvenirs for all the ladies that attend, the Opening. As has been our custom we will s place on sale thousands of. things, in; DRESS GOODS, 8UIT8, RIBBONS, NECKWEAR,' ' HOSIERY, ; TOWELS, HANDKERCHIEFS, TABLE CLOTH, SHEETING8, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, 200 PARSQLS AT -HALF VALUE. NO TIONS ETC. FAR BELOW VALUED .EVERYBODY INVITED TO ATTEND. REMEMBERTHE DATE. - TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23irf ANp 24tK NO ONE ;URGD'TO..rBUY;- : . Vv"-"" - ' ' ' One thousand; souvenirs o b gkAway to the ladies. Music both mornganfvening. " '.v? , V .'. V, 'AM AGENTS FOR BUTTERICKV wood and Mr. X White were , the guests of Miss Dollie Fl ana gen last Sunday. Mrs. B. S. Nonman, Mrs. W. Ma dre and Mr. Eli Elliott of Hertford were the guests of Mrs. S. P. Thaeh Tuesday. KILL WOULD-BE SLAYER ' A merciless murderer is Appendi citis wh man? victims But Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it by pre- vention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appen dicitis, curing Constipation, Bilious ness, Chills, Malaria, Headache and Indigestion. 25c at STANDARD PHARMACY. McCabe anj Grice will have telr Grand Spring Opening on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 23 and 24th. All invited. NEAR DEATH IN BIG POND. .It 'as a thrilling experkncr t Mrs. Ida Soper to face death "For years a severe lung troublo gavj me intense suffering" she. writ-v Mand several times nearly caused; my death All remedies failed and doctors said I was incurable. Then Dr. King's New Discovery brought quick relief and a cure so permanent iat I have not been troubled in twelve yeara." Mrs. Soper lives in Big Pond, Pa. It works wonders in Coughs an Colds, Sore Lungs, Hemorrhages, LaGripi;. Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough and all Bronchial affecfions. 50c and $1.00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by STANDARD PHARMACY. Be sure and attend the big Open ing of MclCabe and Grice next Tues. day and Wednesday, March 23 and 24 Mercantile Bank. N. 4. Poindexter Street, now open for business, will . be conducted upon, conservative trin ciples, along progressive lines with people or banks or corporations hav Ing business with -this city of sec tion. Robt. S. Fearing cashier, G. M. Scott, President. 3 per cent interest paid on time, de posits. THE LURID GLOWj OF DOOM was seen h the red face, hands and body of the little son of H. Ml AdamB, of 'Henrietta, Pa. His awful plight from eczema had, for five years defled all remedies and baffled te best doctors who said th poisoned blood had affected his lungs and nothing could save him. "But" writes his mother, "seVen bottles of Electric Bitters completely cured him." For Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Sores and all Blood Disorders and Rheumatism Electric Bitters is su by j " - 1 preme. Only 50c fcroarameed . PAINT REDY FOR USE L. . & M . Pure Paint semi-mixed is sold for $1.65 per gallon- Linseed oil is sold from the barrel for 60 cents a gallon. Buy 4 gallons L. & M. Pure Paint and mix with It 3 gallons lin seed oil, and you tnen malte 7 gallons of paint at a cost ofonly $1.20 per gallon- Done in 2 minutes. D. M. JONES CO, L. & .M. Paint "Agents. If you want o see the newesVand most stylish showings of te season attend. McCabe nd Gricey Big Spring Opening, Tuesday and Wed nesday March 23 and 24th. 'Montauk' XJream served at Brown's 8 METROPOLITAN -PATTERNS WANTED 100 to 200 Bushels Yam or Hayman Sweet Potatoes 100 to 200 Bushels Black Peas 100 to 200 Bushels Soja Beans N.G. (Qrandy 6 Co. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION ADVICE AGAINST THE USE OF HARSH PURGATIVES AND PHYSICS. A doctor's first question when eon sulked by a patient is, "are your bowels regular?" He kn6ws that ninty-eight per cent of illness is at tended with inactive bowels and tor pid liver. Tliis' condition poisons the system with noxious gases and waste matter which naturally accumlates and which must be removed through the bowels before health can be re. . stored. Salts, ordinary pills and cathartics may be -truly likened to dynamite. Through their harsh, irritating ac , tn they force a passage through the causing pain and damage to the del icate intestinal structure which weakens the whole system, and at best only produces temporary relief. The repeated use of such treatments cause chronic irritation of the stom ach and bowels, hardens their tissues; deadens their nerves, stiffens teir muscles and generally brings about an injurious habit which sometimes has fatal results. We have "a positive pleasant and safe remedy for constipation and bowel disorders in general. We are so eertain of its great curafive value that we promise to return the pur chaser's money in every case when it fails to produce entire satisfaction. This remedy is called Rexall Order lies. We urge you to try" them our entire risk. Rexall Orderlies are very pleasant to take, they ac quietly and have soothing, strengthening, healing in- .i , i They do not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatulence excessive loose ness; diarrhoea or other annoying effect, and ty may e taken at any time without any inconvenience. Rexall Orderlies overcjome the drug ging habit and cure constipation and all similar ailments, whether acute or chronic. They are especially good, for children, week persons or old folks. Price 36 tablets, 25c and 12 tablets, 10c. The Standard Pharmacy Sole Agents. , See bur handsome silks at " the Spring Opening next Tuesday and PUOOOC90O0000 Wednesday. Mc Cabe and Grics. A I MYERS MARC n SIX YEARS' OF CONTINUED SUCCESS FG ftUCXE AND SHEELEY'S STORE. "WE'RE-8IX TIMES ONE TODAY" AND LIKE EVERY ONE ELSE WE ARE PROUD 0 IT ilX YEARS AGO THIS BUSINESS STARTED WTH -A- DETERMINATION TO SELL GOOD MERCHANDISE AT A CLOSE MARGIN OF PROFIT ANQ REDUCE. THE COST TO THE CUSTOMER. WE HAVE BENT 'EVERY EFFORT IN THAT DIRECTION OUR STEADILY GROW ING PATRONAGE GIVES EVIDENCE OF THE CORRECTNESS OF OUR MARKSMANSHIP. SIX YEARS IS A-VERY LITTLE- WHILE FOR A STORE TO ATTAIN SUCH A POSITION INT PUBLIC FAV OR AS WE ENJOY, AND WE SHOW OUR APPRECIATION BY THE VALUES WE GIVE. THIS ANNIVERSARY SALE IN ELIZA BETH CITY'S BIGGEST MERCHANDISE EVENT, AND WE ARE PREPARED IN EVERY WAY FOR TREMENDIOUS BUSINEjas. THERE WILL BE EXTRA DELIVERIES, AND A DOUBLE CORPS OF SALESPEOPLE AWAIT YOUR ORDERS. YOU WILL FIND EVERY DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH REMARKABLE VALUES; MERCHANDISE THAT WE HAVE CAREFULLY SELECTED AND THAT WE ARE PROUD TO OFFER. WE REALIZE THAT WE HAVE OUR REPUTATION AT STAKE WHEN SELECTING GOODS FOR OUR ANNIVERSARY SALES, ANDBELIEVE. THIS TIME WE MERIT YOUR PATRON AG Ev SEPARATE THIS SALE FROM OTHERS SO CALLED ANNIVERSARY SALES, THIS STORE IS THE BIRTHPLACE OF ANNIVERSARY SALES . IN ELIZABETH CITY. Sal e opens Thursday Morning, March 25 8:30 sharp RUCKER & SHEELY Elizabeth City's Best Store Boys Oxfords in tan & patent leathers - $2.50 values' Saturday and Monday GOHbDREN'S SOJBTS SPECIAL FOR 561.QO . special for f 25c SATURDAY a We will place on sale Saturday and Monday a nice line of children's suits 8 to 15 years, one, two and three of a kind, below cost, divided in two lots. Lot 1 Suits which have been selling for t -l QA $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Saturday and Monday P 1 7U Lot 2" Suits which have been selling for C50 A K $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Saturday and Monday. Sp' These suits are medium wright, suitable for noir and early spring. CdrnexMain & Poindexter FIELD Am GARDEN SEED Full Line Nice Fresh Stock General FEED AMD GK AD N Store Full Line of Nice Timothy Hay on hand. . T.P. N ASKI No-19 W, atet Street DID NOT GET THE WHISKEY HERE THE CHILD WAS BROUGHT HERE i TO BE TREATED BY DR: MC- MULLAN, AFTER THE WHISKEY HAD BE EN DR U N K E LSE W H E R E , . " - . . 5-or the want of correct inform 4 909 Boys B ulJ Dogr caps56c values Saturday and Monday Streets, Elizabeth City, N. C. tion the Tar Heel said' in an occount I of a small child's drinking whisk?. jthat the child got it out of a bujau draw. This suggested to the readers that I the child obtained the whiskey at the HSlizabeth Hotel. This was not bo, as the child had got hold" of the whiskey and drank it jDefore it came tQ this city. The child ; was brought to .this city for Dr, Mc- jMullan to treat It for alcoholism j rrnjg correction is -made out of con- Isideration ' of Mr. Stoiley, the pro. prietor of the hotel. UB h Pharmacy. No'e better.