A . y - C3OOOC0CSCpC00CO0COOO0O0OO00COOOO THE FUTURE OF' CATTLE 1M. PROVEMENT-v , If the beef cattle . - breeders " of America have nt ..wholy ceased ulo think, they will - soWl.confronta few startling facts", ad' govern vtheni pehes accordingly.- "f-' . Meritorious cate oCall tie- breeds arc bringing low f prices at salea Some have been sacrificed joit: t&e bargain counter. -Trade9 Jji - general is at a low ebb. . Many holders -of pedigree beet cate, who ; made - ' : a vrell intentioaea. Start in tlie-industry when prices were on a' much jhfgher level, are discouraged. Some of them are throwing over their -stcKat much sacrifice. Incaluiable . damage has ben doje the' ntire: moYeanejit which makes for beef cattle Improve men!; in tnis ' ?. -r"-; Causes are plain, Aseyere and wide spread drouth, tne disastrous, effect of which few people appreciate to its full measure, is' the chief cause. The long-continued high price of corn and other grains cpntributes a ma. tenal factor; the panic with its con- sepuent slackening of the wheels of commerce and lessening rof consump tive capacity, nd. the fall in price of market cattle following .the indusrial paralysis, all contributed elements which have affected 'ujjfa"vorably the business of the pedigree cattle breeder. A lightening of the ballast of the ship ha& resulted. We have pleaded with breeders jigainst need less scniflce, but at such times all appeals fall on uull ears. But even the blindest muset see a great light in tne facts and figures now available. A iniishty nation, sud denly stayed In its onrushing upbuild ing that was watched by tne world Tith wonder, has incontestably be gun again to gather impulse. Like a huge grayhound of the sea, which strikes its iron prow, against a rock, and with reversedSnS11168 reels un der the shock, but is quickly pulled off unscathed and trembles again un der the forward movement, so, indus trial America has survived the shock of its financial, distress and bounds forward to material develop, meat, interrupted but. Jat destroyed by the panic. This means a maxi mum consumption by an imperial people whose standard of living is the highest in the world. Jieat i& the fundamental basis of lis daily ra tions. . - - The law of supply and demand is seldom suspended, never abrogated. -Demand is beginninff ifs march to ward the maximum. What of -supply ? The figures of the market place show1 that during the oast ten months ) there has been a shortage of nearly 1.000,000 cattle at the large markets of primary receipts. If demand - bad been ormai only the imagination could have set limit t tne Pr10 bef. Liquidation has proceeded for more than two years from rajjge and farm, until we stand face to face with a shortage ef such vast volume as to occasion seemingly wild predictions of future prices of beef. Stock yards trade does not hesitate to talk 9 cent caftle and 10.cent cattle during he next six months. The -firstTiamed figure was nearly reached this" year and would undoubtedly, have been touohed but for the restricted con sumption .Breeders' Gazette . : cost of raising he -females The females will matuVe'before fall and wilt begin Hoay at 'a time When e wtt nens areln the "midstof.the moult, The; jncubator, solves' tW prob lem othatching as it can be started up af'any .Beason of the year " February-; and March are 'the two best" months .for hatching "and chicks hatchedf during ? those months -will in variably, be the ones that' produce a profit;. ' -. ? ." t s e. Start ,upthe incubator now : and see how easy, it is to raise' the early hatched-chicks ad next fall you Will find that the early pullets will lay the first eggs. r l - LIFE IN THE HQG BUSINESS. The public salea thisTyeaf lave had more life to them- and m.ore real business than has been the case for several, years; j while the prices have aof been high, they are on a cash basis and the cash hag accompanied the bidsIt ias enabled more people in the business to square up their bills, to meet their ordinary expense than has ben the case j in three or four years. This hag been more sat isfactory where the actual . cash was paid for the animals, as every man knew where he was at, and what he could depend upon. High prices and notes , may look well on paper, but they were nt practical nor profitable. When you lift the price the hog up out of the reach of the farmer you are inviting trouble on your hands. The office and purpose of a breede is to improve the hog, for the feeder and farmer, then if he does this and puts the -price out of the reach of the farmer, it brings about a condl. tion of affairs that is underslable ?s well as unprofitable. . The sales this winter have been the means of cleaning up and straigh tening, out and getting- men on to a cash basis that is most satisfactory all around. Therer is every encourage ment for the breeders t xlf PMSi;nt time, as the pri3 are likelv to bo reasonable andj remain on 'a cash bas is, as It satisfies nit cor.etned. ?aer:" irt them dry an"d then, clip the limbs up as high - as -.he disease ex tends. Apply overl' the diseased parts of , the limbs every ; morning some of the -following :Lysol, iuncer boil ed and cooled water; 2 quarts Bvery night bathe the.limbs In a; solution of baking soda,, two tablespoonful -and water 1" quart. - - ' DRY COUGH JN J HORSE. Question -I have a horse nine years old.-He has a cough like distem per. It seems to be a; dry .cough, mostly at nsht, . Reply Lay dust in grain and hay by sprinkling with water before feed ing. Always water before and nt im mediately after feeding. Do not feed too heavily. Give less hayr Fluid ex tract of stramonium, 1 ounce; glycer ine, "4 ounces; tincture, 16 ounces Put one tablespoonfui; in ground feed night and morning. THE HATT1E CREEF. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION; . Having v qualified ' as administrator of thte late William" Brlte, I bere. by give notice to all persons in debted to his estate' to .come for. ward and. make' immediate settlement" and those holdi ng claims . agaifist the same to "present them for payment within., twelve months from the date of this notice, or it will beL pleaded in bar of chelr recovery. I). EL WILLIAMS,, Aonunistrator of William H. Brite, deceased ""' ;- -February eth. 1909.. r : T F-12-M19 NORTH CAROLINA U , CURRITUCK? C0UfNTY.: as Township and bounded p folktwa - BeglnjainVat a' atake at J3aveFul- cher's line running a " Emth-east,V course to the ocean,' theace alon the : C ocean to;S:Lr-posherd:1heenci X along -S. ' L2 . Doshens Hn a- Korth-T " west course . to a stake : - WO .Tyards , North-west of ttetelegraph v Mne, thence" a Northneast courira paiel with the telegraph-line, to ; Frank Stowea - line, - thence same 'course '-'j- along said Stowes line to the ' sta- 111 Ul 1U1K OL OOUIJI- deed bears date, March 23rd, 1907, and Is registered in the ofllce of the To ;R.- B. FloraiEntry Taker-, for Currituck County N. X., F. Bonneyl enters ; and lays lairn "as by-law pro: vides to the following vacant- marsh land situated-in; Fruitville Township, Currituck County,-N." C,jJoundedas follows -vii. On" the" North by Wishes Hammock, : on the E. by, Abes Island Cove, on the ; South by Abes Island on the West j by -Wishes Hommbch Creek,- containing eighty acres- more t, Jlne taence south-east eouree" about 150 yards" to South-east corner of station line, thence a North-east -" course along? the East side at - the" . station line, parallel . with the Ocean to the . North-east corner of station " line, "hence . Northwestwardly course along the station Hn6, "and Stowe line -to "a ioaki stump, thence a , North east xourse to 4he Sound, thet place r of beginning. - ... - Excepting the Gaskins, and Wain,, wrighl, land. Containing by estima tion two hundred acres, ; more or less. Entered this the 15thl day of FebJ rniary, 1909. . t A. V. EVANS, IT-, t . : ' -'-:.-;-'r1'" v ' Entry Taker. Feb-26 lf-19 or- less, actual number acres"-6 -be ascertained by, survey. . This Feb. 22nd, 1909. " - F. 80NNEY. . Recorded Feb. 22nd l909r J " ' R E., FLORA . Jz Entry Taker M- 5:4t. i NOTICE! Sale of Valuable : Property. - By virtue of a mortgage deed ex ecuted to me by ., Hugh Cale and wife, for certain (purposes therein mentioned which said mortgage ernRy. Daily between Manteo and Eliza beth City. Leaves Elizabeth City daily at 1:30 o'clock P. M. for Maneto. Leaves Manteo daily at 5 o'clock a. m. for Elizabeth City, Connects at Manteo with boats for Mann's- Harbor, Mashoes and East Lake W. J. GRIFFIN,. General Manager. Eastern Carolina Transportation Co. THE FARMER'S WIFE. Fitzgerald, Wolcott & ers. Kerr, Receiv- effect - January 10 Schedule in Leaves Elizabeth City daily cept Sunday. ex North Bound . 8outh Bound. 9:00 A. iA.., Local 108 A. M. loca 3:20 p. m, express 1:20 p. m. express 4:30 p. m. local . 7:15 p. m., loca WHAT TO FEED. Why it it that invention, which has lent a willing hand to make the work of outdoor farming easier, has been so little utilized in relieving tne farmer's family of household drudg ery? The back-breaking work of bind ing grain by hand has been a distant memory since the self-binder has done the task automatically. Does the farmer reflect, that the- work at the wash-tub is quite as hard for the tired housewife as the field work used to be for him? Wky is it that only, about one farmer's wife in ten has a modern washing machine? Does It often ' occur to our men readers that no work about the house is more puttering than the care of and endless chain of milk pans which miPi. b instatlv eliminated if a o-t 1.x cream separator were used instead? Why is it that only about one farm home in fifty has a separator? Another task which, oh the average farm, us ually falls, to the woman is the care of r fowls and the raising of poultry. This work would be twenty times as easy; If the wife or mother were not compelled to : fuss with a NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY, . SUPERIOR COURT. BEFORE CLERK. William Mardre, Pta'fl .vs. Simpson Parker, Defnt. Simpson Parker, the . defendent above namea will take notice that he is required and commanded tP ap pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at Perquimans County afore said, at his office in said county, on Thursday the 15th day of April, 1909 at 11 o'clock. A. M., then and there to show cause, if any he has, why execution should nt be 'ifcSued upon that certain judgement fr $23.41 with interest as therein stated "ob tained, in the above entitled cause, iby Wm. Mardre Plaintiff against the said Defendant, on the 14th day of March 1898 and duly docketed in the Superior Court of said County upon that said day, in judgement Docketted No. 1, Page 283. And let the said- Defendant t notice further that if he fails to appear and show cause as herein commanded, the Plaintiff motion for leave to issue execution upon said judgement will be allowed. ' CHAS. JOHNSON. A poultry keeper who has made a success of poultry tells us that 90 per cent, of the food he gives his fowls is whole oats. He says that he gives other grtiin occasionally as a change, but that the regular daily iet is composed Of whole oats, scattered in the straw, so that tbe fowls will have, to scratch. He sows oats in the fail and at in tervals in the spring, so that the fowls will have green food,, and when convenient he allows the oats to head out so that the hens? may gather the srain in the field. ;. He says there "Is no other, graia that produces as many eggs and be enthusiastically says that tte V heh keep more vigorous on a diet of oats than on any other ration. Oats' are easily raised and every farmer should sive our friends's .system a trial. : HATCH THE CHICKS EARLY. dozen rcranky fold hens, but were given an incubator and broder outfit, all of which can be bought now at almost nominal prices, and it is safe to say that they will pay for themselves and much- more in a single season. . We admire the farmer's enterprise and we are glad that modern inven tion has made his life one to le en yried. but we are"thinking af of farmer's wife, that brave, patient. industrious saint whom we all love, but to whom we do not give the prop er degree of diligent care until too often it is to late. Let us introduce a - little more comfort and nappiness in the home. ' - ' FARM PRESS. Early hatched chicks are valwaya the best, and tney give less trouble than those hatched later in the sea son. Thev are . not troubled J with mites or gapes, and they grow rapid ly. The males, at two months .old. ill sell at. from lx to eight dollars A dozen and nwr. than pay for the VETERINARY QUESTIONS. I SKIN PARASITE. r Question I would like to . know what will cure myr mules of some kind Of itch or Insect they are f troubled with.-It is in their feet, extends only np t their knees. They ..are continual ly stamping and biting their feet and legs? My lot and stalls are dry and-1 keep good bedding for them. ' J Repry-This Is very , probably a skin parasitic-possibly, a., mite or mange - parasite penetratinS the . skin or it may be plant parasite; Wash the limbs thoroughly .with soap, and NOTICE Sale of Valuable Property. By virtue of an order made by W. H. Jennings, Clerk of the Superior Court of Pasquotank County on the 23rd day of February, 1909, in the cause of Florence G. Hughes et al. plaintiffs, vs. Wm. Cartwright et als., defendants, I shall sell to the high est bidder on -the terms herein af: ter mentioned at. the Court House door in Pasquotank pDounty, on Sat urday, March 27th 1909 at 12 oclock M., the following real estate, viz: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and) being In Elizabeth' City, Pasquotank County and more, partic ularly described as follows, to-wit: Lying on the Southwest corer of Shepard street and Euclid Avenue (Formerly called Shannon street) fronting about J3 feet on South side of Shepard Street and running back along Etfcilid avenue about 170 feet being bounded on the North by Shep ard St, o the East by Euclid avenue on the South by the lands of iWlson Barco and on the West by the lands of F. F. Cohoon, being the same land conveyed to Frances Rhodes and husband, Samttel Rhodes, during their natural lives and after their deaths l to the children of Frances Rhodes, by W. W Kennedy, as will appear by reference to deed duly recorded in Book P. P., page 190, office of the Register of Deeds of Pasquotank County. Terms of sale; One half cash one- fourth in six months from . date of confirmation of sale ana the bal ance in twelve months , from date of confirmation of sale, defered - pay. ments to bear interest at the . rate of six per cent per annum, the purchas er to have -the riglit; to anticipate deferred payments and' pay all" cash should he bo desire. ' ' This February 24th" 1909, C. E; THOMPSON " . - ' Commissioner. SUNDAY ONLY. 8:55 a. m., local 10.33 a. m., local 6:15 p. m.-local 7:03 p. m. local SUFFOLK DIVISION, Arrive 12:20 p. m. Depart 3 :30 p m. North bound express train No. 1 leaving Elizabeth City dairy except Sunday at 1:20 p. m., makes connec tions for all points south of Mackeys Ferry; viz-Raleigh, Goldsboro, Green vill, Washington, New Berne, Kins ton, Plymouth, Belhaven, Wilson &c North bound express . train No. . leaving Elizabeth City daily except Sunday at 3:20 p. m., arrives I at Norfolk ..4 :45 valt maxing connec tion for Washington, D. C, Balti- more; Philadelphia and New Yo,I Train No. 5 North bound local leave Ellzageth City Maily except Sunday at 4:30 p. m., arriving at Norfolk 1:10 p. m., connecting with Old Dominion steamship Co., for New York and Richmond, leaving Norfolk at 7:00 p. m. For further information apply to Station Agent. Notice Above schedules publ'uhed Only as pnfbrmatSon, and are not guaranteed. H. C. HTJDGINS, General Pass'r AgenL THOMAS FITZGERALD, . General Manager. Register of Deeds of Pasquotahkr County, In Book 32, jage 568. I shall on Saturday, Marh. 2(th, 1909 at 12 o'clock m,, offer for sale at the Court House door in said Cunnty, at Public Auction, for " cash, the property . conveyed to me in saidj mortgage deed, to-wit: Situated in the town of Elizabeth City, N. C, pn. the west sjde of Road street and bounded on the west by, the lands of - Martha " J. Bass, on the south by the lands oc cupied by Courtney Morris and on the north by the lands occupied by Jerry Martin. Said lot fronting on Road Street fifty feet and extend- ing same lot purchased by Hugh Cale from W. Wl. Mann and wife, by. Deed dated October 8th 1904. and duly registered 3n Deed Book No. 28, page "49, Register of Deeds onlce of Pasquotank County, N. C. This the 13th day of February, 1909. PHOEBE JONES, Mortgagee. By J. C. Brooks, Atty." Feb 17 M.17 FOR SALE A nice large brood - mare. For further information ap ply to E. V. DAVENPORT. M-12tf. r; V : ' ' 'X " Mercantile BanK Elizabeth City N. C, nw open for business. Write us, or come to see us and be assur ed of our attentive consideration. No. 4 N. Poindexter Street. ; State of North Carolina 1 i ; Entry No. 53 Dare County. Notice is hereby given that Geor gia A. Gaskins, Claiment, produced a!nd filed in the office of the under signed Entry Taker for Dare Coun ty, a paper writing, signed by her self, or agent. That she lays claim and enters a certain parcel or tract of land, - vacant, unappropriated and subject to entry, situated in. Hatter. TO BE IH EVENING DRE8S makes a fine pho to, but all photos that are taken t our studio are good. We haye the reputation of -giving- "a ' Very, natural pose to oiir sitter, and as our finishing and mounting - are perfect, there, no " doubt at att about resultf FULL1 LENGTH - pictures in wed dmg Aarray are joneol our spec alities. Also group pictures; Children - taken pains With. Prices very moderate. STUDIO 114 1-3 POINDEXTER STREET. Chas. C. Benton Jas. A. Goodfellow B & G PAINTING CO PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Phone 200 308 Matthews St. InlertFoird! NOTICEl I have moved my -office from the First National Bank bulldinsj to rooms 7 and 8 over the Bee Hive. THOS. J. MARKHAM Attorney-at-l aw Jan 1 tf. Plant Wood's Seeds Tor The 1 GET YOURSELF A GREGORY FLOW AND CULTIVATOR -COMBINED AND DON'S CRY H IGH PRIC E LABOR. THESE . PLOWS 1 ARE -BEING MANUFACTURED. EVERY DAY AND THE OUTPUT INCREASED ESPECIALLY THIS YEAR IN ORDER. TO SUPPLY THE DE MAND. SEND IN YOUR ORDER IN TIME, SO YOU WON'T BE DJSAP. POINTED. THE PRICE IS IN THE REACH O EVERY FARMEfc" GET THE PLOW AND SAVE THE COS T OF WORKING- THIS. CROP. PLOWS SOLD ON TIME WHEN PROPER r GIVEN. ALL THE TIME NECESSARY WILL -Q1VEN YOp;1c5: PAY FOR IT. ' - ' : 1 i , IM-54L v-w- " - Garden 6 Far Thirty years in business, with a steadily increasing trade every year until we have to-day-one of the largest businesses in seeds in this country is . the best of evidence as to Wre Superior Quality of Wood's Seeds. We are hadquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes; Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and aJl-Fajmi VCTW DID SECUREiY IS GREGORY, PLO W $27 00 r , GREGORY PLOW AND CULTIVATOR COMBlNEpWTH THE NECESSARY ATTACHMENTS TO WORK ANY CROP RAiSED IN THIS SECTION, $35.00. TERMS: N ET TEN DAYS; F.OR tTlMfe IT COSTS A LITTLE MORE ' flWif OTilf J Wood's Descriptive Catalog the most useful and valuable of I. Garden and Farm seed Catalogs ; mailed free on request.- r - T.:u.r;ooD.fi sons, Seedsmen, f3ehmond, Va.? 0) nio i.Ei.yili Hertford, N. C. LAUNDRY We want your Laundry Work ; we ask you to let us hive because we have the facilities and experience that.enabl$. us to do the best work-wqrkthat will be every respect. - Agents wanted all over the State. ALBEMARLE STEAM - New Southern building. Cor. -Maiaand Road Sts. LAUNDRY LARRY? ENNIS SKINNERS Prop. f -r -T. ! tr - " 7-" in.? 5 t j 4 1 1 c :- 'X' r .1 'v "i !.' 9 it I . t i:- ( f (3. f 4, - t- It 'X- I,! :t -'4: tt- 4- V hi " -1 in if it 1- : : Li---.- --1 s-t 1 r

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