r u 1 - - -f " ' , , 4 Sfc. 57 w t it, - J" ) ' 'A AS v VXi-O J Xi " ' ' THE GREATEST LlflOG ADUERTiS- OSTERL1NQ v. III I III I f I J I 1 11 v" II II I ' I lill .1-1 II II. I Tremendous ovation to Busier Brown and ,Tige in St. Louis Colise um. Audience of 19,000 in the largest assemly Hall West of New York. Great triumph for the Brown Shoe Company of St. Louis A sea of blue ribbon! of resplend ent red! lit by the glory of gold and uui iuluULU ill THE TltllTED STATES 1 jpl( with or, approach to the-glorious pres ence i witnessed in the Coliseum on May 15th. It , will stand for a decade as the record breaking crowd of St. Louis and the record breaking crowd oi nistoijy for popular voluntary, juvenile assembly." And a better be haved crowd the Coliseum never had. V flnsln f whUp! tho f,mnn 4 v 1 wu.cunvu auuum - , - nave been demerited for misconduqt gleam of myriad bright eyes! the in comparison. Republican Natlonal mus1C of thelaughtero funnumbered conventions sink in contrast to the music or unnumoered cnuoren!- indignity of a. Kilkpnnv rat fiht. T,fl shouts of glee amid the thunder of the refined elegance of extreme whis applause of twice ten thousand de- perlng culture iigmea lumsi ana you nave . haVA hflA tWo n . t in a sentence the picture and , the poetry of the greatest Jiving adver-j tisement tnis country ever say! On Saturday afternoon, May 15th long before the hour - of 3 o'clock" the carrying capacityof the St Louis street car service was taxed to its uttermost by the coming of the thous ands of children and escorts to make sure of good front seats at the big gest show on earth and all to see one little boy and one dog. -Tige! Imagine an audience twice greater than ever beheld the hippodrome- thrice the size of any attendance ever recorded at Barnum and Bailey's or grand opera anywhere just to see and hear Buster Brown, watch Tige and pledge themselves with hands aloft and hearts crossed, never, never to buy any, hoe but Suster Brown Blue Ribon Shoes .for Boys and Girls! , I k T A naira faoia) TJnctoT m ft minute! 1 The same old, dear old; game old Buster . And the same old old dear, old Tige! They boyth turned their backs on the audience, they laughted at the orchestra, they poked fun at the dignitaries on the stage, they winked at the boxes ' thronged with the elite of society of St. Louis and puMed oft their stunts to the queen's taste without batting an eyelash. Only Buster took exception to Tigo's attitude with' his tail front to the crowd, kept turning him around again and gam and insist in-g that St Louis boys and girls much .preferred his fore quarters to his hind quarters. Then Tige would turn around again. But Buster! You should have seen Buster! In all his glory! O'er all the ills of life victorious Radiant! Scintillating! Every inch the kind of American kids, and every, kid ofj.the 20.000 with him o the liroi'. Heart and soul. I . First came th-3 music by :hs Brown Shoe Company's own Moberi Factory Band, and every member of it from conductor, - jlowji ic piccolo a shoe maker to the manor Jborn and In the life and sweep of rendering joyous airs, quite up to Sousa at' his best! J Then came Buster himself and Tige, under the joint and gracious chaperonage of B'IS't's wn mamma, 3ust a little bit anxious maybe, but sure of Buster! You could see' that in the quiet confidence of her. air and yet such a Jiuge, tremendou3, un expected throng, and such spontane ous applause for her wee-"bit laddie! So sure, perhaps just the tiniest flitting trickle of a tear; let some other mother say! You want to know what Buster did, of course, but first let's go up above the stage and look upon the great as semblythere on the right in balcony sections 7 and 8 are 2,000 boys and girls who have taken their seats by chance first come first served, ' mak ing (an almost perfect kaleidocope of colors! But in the Sections 9 and 10 boys! Sjolid with boys, happy faced with dimpled, shining cheek ild with applause and every eye of the whole lot fixed on their old pal, Kindergarten instruction in how to hehave. The big policeman down the aisles and around the stage and the gijeat doors of the entrance had nothing to do. Noone hurt or trampl ed -upon, not a child fell, not a boy pushed, not a little girl grew petu -lant. It was a case of on with Buster and all went merry -asamarriagebell and al went merry as a marriage bell., Buster's cowboy stunt was the real! thing. The dry air of Texas was never breathed by jk more gallant son of the plains, and Buster carried off with all the dash and spirit of the West itself. His portrayal of the soldier was so perfect a grizzled veteran in the box hemarked: Why, that chap muse be a West Pointer at the age of nine I never saw a better pair of shoulders jstep on t aarpehdeaaol ETAOIETA on the straighter back, cr a truer step on the parade grouat'. in my life! But the YankeeVDJodie Boy and 10 up in the balcony! They that's what caujhl thoae Section 9 knew! Their kin.i of fellow a feather in his cap and called him Macaroni, and Tige his speckled pony. ALL NEXT WEEK. JUNE 14 1909. i5 vt-ip.v'.-v.v f - .. . r.-v .!? i - 3 " -I E. KIRK-ADAMS AND COMPANY, FEATURE ACT WITH THE BIG COUNTY CIRCUS. OSTERLING SHOW ALL NEXT WEEK FOR RENT. Two fine cottage residences; six rooms each and other necessary buildings and bordering the city lim its, on the South. With graded school privileges. Good water, large grove, fine place for poultry. Apply at TAB HEEL office. FOR SALE. Next upon the elaborate program FOR SALEA nice iarge i ouster Brown. Now take a quick look 'way round the broad sweep of the balcony See tie solid mass of living rainbow com mingled under the glow of lights and streams of sunshine and above them dl the blaze of Old Glory, .flags apdJ hunting and the glittering signs of the great industrial house under e auspices the performance was whos prepared for the occasion was the Highland Fling the wild air of the; pibroch and the gladsome tune of Bonnie Dundee, and for the first time for an .hour one "auld auld lady' in Box 6 (or was it 8?) exclaimed aloud before -she knew it Ah! the braw laddie. Lesse me on thee laddie. Cupid of course true to the suscep tible' instincts of the sex caught the girls even down to the' three-year-olds! One little darling of a child all alone, standing away out in front yof the stage, twenty feet from the audience, no one near her, oblivious to all but Buster, poised upon one foot, a bare knee dimpled forward. It required' the departure of Buster, the disappearance, of Tige, the shout' of 20,000 boys . and -girls, the play of the orchestra and the frantic clutch of three mammas 1q bring her to. j And hers was one lone case; ten thousand others just the same! Then Buster came on as the-"Eng lish Dude"' A Beau Brummel for your life! Admiral Creighton-all ovei'.agam as sure as you live. No better British er in all His Majesty's dominions than "me Lud' Buster Brown. And then the sailor, aye, aye sir, a true salt of the briny deep, beyond question.. Buteters rendition of this character brought to mind the words of the old son, so perfect was it Oh! I'm the cook and the captain bold And the bosm tight and the midship mite! And the cr6w of the captain's gig! At the conclusion when the music had died away and the house rose for deDarture. every section moved i Tvith military precision. No struggle no crowding and outside hundreds and hundreds of cars for the home going. Thoroughly capable, good bus iness management could scarcely have a higher tribute of recognition than the fact of the orderliness of the coming of these hosts of children, their x;omort and their pleasure throughout the performance, and the quiet, unimpatient manner of their departure. But above all, the real credit is due to the Public School system of St. Louis and its excellent curriculum of conduct as well as of stifdy; there could scarcely be a . more trying test than the perfect marching order main tained at the Coliseum, and ' on a scale unparalleled in the management ofschool children, - either iii " this country or abroad. We regard the showing as a most significant com brood mare. For further information ap ply to E. V. DAVENPORT. M-12tf. ' . FOR SALE WING & SON. UP- . right piano; large si to; 5 pedals; good condition. Will sell for $140 casn. Cash new $387. Leaving town. Address Box No. 222, Eliza beth City, N C. FOR SALE FOR SEVENTY-FIVE dollars cash. I will sell to quick buyer, two (2) Yorkshire brood sows, one (1) boar, two years old, and six pigs, three months old, nedifireed stock. Both sows will farrow In about three months. Ap. ply to J. W. Weaver, Nlcanor, N. WE REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF Horner RSilitafty 18511909. J. C. HORNER, Principal; Oxford, North Carolina, Classical, Scientific and English. Courses. Prepare' for college, uni versity or the government academies; Military training develops . prompt obedience and manly carriage, Academy 58 year-old, with experienced teachers. Cadets dine ,with the principal and ladies of his family, secur ing the culture of home life. Cultivates, Modern buildings, perfect sanita tion, wholesome fare, no crowding. Best moral, mental, physical andft so cial training helpful environment, in social atmosphere of Teiined , . chris tian people. The town noted for over a century, as an educational center. several salesmen of high-class se curities or men who can handle a high-class propositions, and will make exceedingly "liberal contracts with proper persons in the Eliz abeth City territory. $100 to $300 per month and advancement ljqr men who show ability.. Write W. E. Dunean State Fiscal Agent for WANTED BOY AT THE riff HEEL North Carolina. United Wireless Telegraph Co., Wilmington. N. C. office 12 .years of a . FOR SALE A GOOD ALL ROUND family hrse.' Ladjy and children drive him every day.' Extra price - ' . stylish saddle horse, heajthy and sound. Apply to Tar Heel pffic lt,- t5J "J V - COULD. NOT BE BETTER. ,Nd one has ever made a . salve olnt ment, lotion or balm to compare with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores. Scalds. Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes. Cold Sores. Chapped Hands its su preme; Infallible for Piles. Only 25c at the Standard Pharmacy, r- , , 3N NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY K. WOLCOTT HDGH M. KERR, RECEIVERS. BDMECT WIFE TO THE' Great Atlantic Ocean Resorts I 5- FOR SALE-50 SHARES OF THE capital stock of the Dixie. Fire In surance Company of Greensboro, will be offered for Bale at the court house door in Elizabeth City at 51 o'clock a. m., on Saturday, June 19. CITIZENS BANK of ' Elizabeth City. FOR SALE- ONE SECOND HAND top buggy,; one tray with har ness : little used and in good con- dition. Apply at this office. FOR SALE CASH OR TERMS TWO choice lots bounded by Hunter, Mor gan and Grove streets. Five fine lots Dawson Lane 50 by 175 feet each. Reasonable offers entertained. Apply Geo. W. Davis, 27 West 98th Street, New York MORGUE AD err AND- BEAUFflfl V aade possible and the full credit for 'Mch should go not only to the en terprise, but the big-heartedness and frank, good-natuTed appreciation of the love of children and the loyalty" f the little neODle -wh hn-iro -mnrlft uster Brown and established V the" mentary upon -the hig'i efficiency of St. Louis teachels and to their Con stant and unselfish demotion to th success of Buster Brown Blue Ribbon fcaoes for Boys and Girls. t is not too much to say that no vent political, social, (conventional -or pvon ua ; icugious nas ever brought r o vyo. Attractive Low Round Trip Fares FOR SEASON 1909 N FROM- IF YOU HAVEySOME SPARE TIME we" will: pay you a salary of 15 cents an hour, also extra commis sion. More than a million people use our goods. We also want men and women agents everywhere. Ex perience unnecessary. McLean, Black and Company, 1 1365 Beverly ' street, Boston Mass. j FARES To Morehead City, N. C, and Return Five-Day Season Tickets Week-End Tickets Sold-Daily Tickets Sold Daily, Ex.Surtday Sold Sat. Ex. Sunday Ximited Limited Five Days Following, Including Tuesday Date of Sale Limited Oct. 31, '09 charges under' them. tuost serviceable sh-v r children's wear, and the way they fehouted i.heir allegiance in chorus to' "Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoes' showed plainly enough that they had caught the point and meant busin'ess. There'll be tens of thousands of well-shod little feet as a result more tickled youngsters more proud pa pas and mammas more gratified dealers , with more . money in their bank accounts because of these lat est "Buster Brown pledges." It was a gala day! A great occas- ion, a matter of congratulation and the' greatest living advertisement not only for shoes but for any other PAMLICO DIVISION. Pinetown, N. C, $4.20 Plymouth, N. C, 5.05 Mackey's Ferry, N. C. Creswell'N. Colombia, N. C, Roper N. C Pantego, N. C., Belhaven, N. C NORFOLK DIVISION. Edenton N. C, , Hertford, N. C. EJizabeth City, N. C, i 5.50 6.15 6.60 5.65 6.50 6.75 5.90 6.10 7.20 $3.90 4.60 - 5.00 5.65 6.05 5.15 6.05 6.20 5.40 5.90 6.40 $345 4.20 4.55 5.15 5.55. 4.70 5.55 5.70 4.95 5.40 6.05 To Beaufort, N. C, and Return ' Five-Day Season Tickets Week-End Tickets Sold Daily Tickets Sold Daily Ex. Sunday Sold Sat. Ex. Sunday Limited Limited Limited Five Days Following Oct. 31, '09 Including Tuesday Date of Sale $4.40 5,25 5.70 6; 35 6.80 5.85 6.80 . 6.95. 6.10 6f60 7.40 $4.10 4.80 5.20 5.85 6.25 5.35 6.25 6.40 5.60 6.10 6.60 $3.65 4.40 4.J5 5.35 5.75 5.90, 6.15 5.60 6.25 The educational value of the event article under the sun, that this coun is,' of course, the teaching of the try has ever beheld! r one roof anything to compare imyoifance of knowing the best and S . Louis Newspaper. FARES FOR CHILDREN FIVE (5) YEARS OF AGE AND UNDER TWELVE (12) HALF Of ABOVE FARES ' ' ' Season and Five.Day Tickets on Sale May 15, 1909, to and including September 3C, 1909. Week-End Tick ets on Sale May 15, 1909 to and including Sept 25,. 1909. , t . NO STOPOVERS IN EITHER DIRECTION WILL BE ALLOWED. BATHING. SAILING AND FISHING THROUGH EXPRESS TRAINS. June 1st. 1909." The Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City N. C., will be Open for the Season H. C. HUDGINS, General Passenger Afnt, : Norfolk, Virginia. .1 it, v ( 'J n 7 4 J 'S V 1 3, r , V'"..;;!,.iiw-. 1 fi V si -

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