TV' 1 , O r- - I 4, THE SUMMER SCHOOE OPENS WILL BE GREATLY INCREASED ATTENDANCE AT THE STATE UNIVERSITY. . iWetfce of-thelr own business or pre the conscience of the land, you who .w thito'be'thV best are the brains, the heart of the land 1CBO.IUU CUVt government " under which . they can Chapel. Hill, N. C. June 8. Regis tration in the University Summer School for Teachers will begin to morrow and regular class work.wi! begin promptly at 8.45 on next Mon day morning. The school will con tinue for a term of six weeks, clos ing on Saturday. July 17. The Director of the Summer School. Prof. N. W- Walker, says that the present indications point to a neatly increased attendance over that of any previous year. In fact, over tiwce as many teachers have al ready indicated theirr Intention of at- plys their own" particular trade most; profitable. Nor would they ever think of making any sacrifice for principel patriotism. Never remeny bers self but concecrates its energy to the welfare of the State and Na tion. Never was there a better time than th present to write on the- sub ject of patriotism as patriotism is liking to a great extent from our Mo-heat offir-lals tn the lowest. You have probably read the story of the Arabian fisherman who, while play ing his vocation drew up a. copper vessel sealed with the great seal of Solomon and with the nama of God. Eager to secure the supposed treasure, he1 broke open the casket and instantly an imprisoned genius rose before his astonished gaze. It seems to us that fate . fish ing in revenerce the good in men and in politics and that they will have no:l ing to do with the p?ii. or the you who, serve God and worship hira in the churches and the homes, too often the voice of the people is the voice of the -devil and not even a whisper' of God is heard v How can God write on the slate tnat you never helped to make? Howcan God speak in the primaries that you , never at- tend? How .can his voice be heard in .the election of Godlessand self- seeking men. Neither Civil reform nor any other reform will ever be brought about. With more party COUNTY COM- MlSSiONERS EXECUTION SALE. Currituck, N. C, June 7, 19&9 The Board of County Commissioners met according to its adjournment T. L. Jarvis, chairman'; J. W. Sanderlin and W. H. White present, and the following proceeding had: Benefits allowed as follows, viz: Abner 'Bunch 4.00; W. C Beale 5.00; Chad. Hayiman 5.UU; Fran machinery when you talk Civil Ser vice reform men laugh at -you and Rojgers 6.00; James Beasley and son asK you, now n x piu - iCW1Ui Mitijda Wne - 2.50; James tho i ,ivii . isp.rvir.R. Hiveii wuen u is incorporated in! platforms an eulogiz- Sawyer isted son 3M' Pegsy ed in discourses it is not intended Cosan 1.50 ; , Spencer Old 2.00; Mary. seriousl. To the victors belong the Lindsev 1.50: Nancy Perry 4.00; spoils, but there is one thing that Godfrey Tripp 3.00; Miahala Water is ment.senousiy. ana i weu field 10.00; Fannie Wicker 5.00; iiai im fAvN'Tv Vq tMtnra hAlnn ov'th a I uycu. jj w o I t o rn. t -rtror snoils in such campaigns the public. " man that is not clean. It the religious yes, ydu Vho do the tax paying and field 1.5r Chloe Cowen 2.50; Betsy men of the land did this many a the Voting are always; beaten the Robinson 2.00; Lydia Ackiss 8.00; tending the school as ever attended nave that now pattens at the pnb-J only victors, being the office holders Emly Acklin 5.00; Joshia Baxter 4.00 Spruel Addia 5.00; By virtdelof lans execution issued to me by-W; H J Jennings -Clerk Su perior Court of Pasquotank. ont-the first-day -pts June .i909ia an .action entitled 'wlT. iGrlgglpiaintifll vsl J. Tj. ThrrierV Defendant Icommand ing me to sell the lands hereinafter described for the satisfaction of a judgement rendered in the said ac tion, I shall, on the third day of July, 1909, at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door in said county expose for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following rea estate, to wit: . That certain town lot known and designated as Lot No. 15 on the plot of lots of the Riverside Land Co. recorded in Book 26 at page 236 in the office of the Register of Deeds of the said Pasquotank County. This June 1st, 1909. CHAS. RBID, Sheriff Pasquotank County, June 4 25 it. any previous one. This greatly in creased attendance may be largely attributed to two things: the recog nition of the high character of the work done by the school; and the introduction of a course in elemen tary school methods. The. high shool teachers of the State are just beginning to realize that the in struction given in the Summer School is of the same high character as that of the regular term; andt hat onlv the serious minded student finds a welcome here. Heretofore the courses of study offered were In tended to meet the needs of high school teachers alone. Although the school Is still primarily for high school teachers, yetsthe introduction of a course in elementary school methods has attracted a large num ber of elementary teachers PATRIOTISM (By Chas. E. Amsley.) .NOTJ,CEOFADMI.NtSTRANTlCN Having qualified , as administrator Of the late Clinton S Pritchar t hereby give notice to ail persons In debted to his estate to come forward and make Immediate settlement and those holding claims against the sameto present them or payment within twelve months from the date of this notice or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. DAVID J. PRITCHARD Administraator of Clinton s. ard, deceased. May 3rd 1909. M 7 J 11. Pritch- NOTICE To the intenseley selfish person the virtue which we call patriotism is Impossible, for true patriotism con siders the weal of the many as more to be sought than ie gratification of the few. A sorid person for this rea son cannot understand it and con siders it a mere dream of enthusiast or a convenient subject for the aspir ant after political honors and enolu- ments to descant upon to "the multi tude. Such persons regard their na tive land only as a convenient field for the acquisition of wealth or the ic expense would become a mere ani your spoils as well as those of Ned Barnard 3.00- Sarah starveling in a garrett If you want the other party go to fatten them. clean DOlitics. you can have it by civil Service reform is possible, but putting upclean men and standing It must .begin in the homes. The Cot30n W saIUe Jennette by them. Patriotism should be a mother who teaches her son his duty Amy "Dozier 2.00; Adlin Frost 2.50; form of conscience, with you as to bis country, who trains him when Grandy J3ell 5.00; Jim WbJjf;e-hurst scrumplous of political as of personai be prayers at her knee to offer a 3.00; Polly Twiddy 3.00. dishonor. When an unworthy person petition for it and who points out to is elected to office he not only looks him what citizenship implies is as upon his election as an endorsement much a patriot asx those women of of his fitness for the office but as his sparta who so willingly gave their character as a man. If you object to sons for the honor and glory of his he can turn with a smile point-1 Lacedaemon. We have been in your ing .to his majority and will say "is schools and Been teachers pat the the voice of the people, the voice of beads of little lads and say some day God what a cutting humbug this is, BUCn may be presidents of the United go into low greggery or wnat is states, but we have seldom seen called a barrel shop and you will see lads trained for the position thorough men there whose sole aim in life ly. imbue your children with a sense seems to be to sit on barrels, chew of the importance of politics, show tobacco and spit into a square box them that there is no necessity that filled with saw dust about ten feet they should be low and vile, give distant the occupation by them exalted Ideas of the responsi- drinking harsh whiskey that to an bilities of citizenship, teach them that ordinary throat would seem like if religion does not make them bet- swallowing a circular saw and draw-Iter citizens as well as better men ing It up again. They all have piplo- they are only half christians, it Is mas of the rum sljop and they are! true the church ought not to or- well dre I .mean to the nose) every I ganize parties. Its mission is to make two and four years men vote for the the material from which good patriots man who will treat them and he I are produced, turns around and tells you that the! NOTICE! Sale of Valuable Property. voice of the people Is the voice of God. It is not the voice of God un less you make it so. You, who are ELECTS NEW PRESIDENT. Do you read the TAR HEEL? YES. At a recent meeting of the Kramer Bros. Co., of this city, Mr, J. A. Kramer was elected president of the company to succeed Mr. C. E. Kram er, resigned. NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY t Harry K. Wollcott and Hugh M. Keer, Receivers. INAUGURATION OF PULLMAN SLEEPING CAR SERVICE v Between Greensboro, N. C, Morehead City and Beaufort, N. C. In Connection with Southern Railway AND V Parlor Car Service Between Goldsboro, Morehead City arid Beaufort, N. C. TO TICKET AGENTS, CONDUCTORS AND THE PUBLIC: This is to advise that commenc-ing TUESDAY JUNE 1st, 1909 Sleeping Car Service will be inaugurated between Greensboro, N. C. Morehead City and Beaufort. N. C. on the following scheduled Sunday Only 12.45 a m 2.50 a m 4.30 a m 6.30 a m 7.00 a m 8.00 a m 9.20 a m 10.50 a m 11.15 a m Daily, Ex. Sun. Daiy Ex Sun. 12.45 a m Lv Greensboro (So. Ry. Ar 6.00 a m m v uurnam (So. Ky.) Ar 3.19 a 4.30 a m Lv Raleigh (So. Ry) Ar 11.59 p 6.30 a m Ar Go.ldsboro (So. fRy) : Lv 9.45 p 7.00 a m Lv Goldsboro (N. & S. Ry) Ar 9.30 p 8.00 a m Ar Kinston (N. & S. Ry.) Lv 8.30 p 9.15 a m Ar New Bern (N. & S. Ry) Lv 7.15 p 11.00 a m Ar Morehead City (N. & S Ry Lv 5.37 p m m m m m m m 11.25 a m Ar Beaufort (N. & S. Ry) Lv 5.15 p m Sunday Only 6.00 a m 3.19 a m 11.59 p m 9.45 p m 9.15 p m 8.15 p m 7.00 p m 5.35 p m 5.115 p m West Bound Wilmington, N. C." Section Goldsboro, N. C. Sections 2 and 3 Beaufort. N. C. Sections 4 and 5 Morehead City, N. C. Drawing Room and Sections 9 and 10 Raleigh. N. C Balance of Space. ASSIGNMENT OF SPACE East Bound Charlotte, N. Co- Sections 1 and 2. Salisbury. N C. Section 3 Greensboro, N. C. Balance of Space. - PARLOR CAR SERVICE Commencing TUESDAY JUNE 1st 1909, Parlor Car "Vance" will be operated between Tiead City and Beaufort, N. C. on the following schedule: Sunday Only 3.35 p m '4.35 p m 5.50 p m 7.20 p m 7.40 p m Daily, Ex. Sun 4.50 p m Lv.... 5.50 p m Lv...4 7.18 p m Lv 8.47 p 9.10 p Daily Ex. Sun. Goldsboro Ar 11.45 a m Kinston Ar 10.43 a m New Bern Ar 9.20 a m m Ar-. Morehead City .Lv 7.47 m Ar a m Goldsboro. fore Sunday Only 11.40 a m 10.38 a m 9.20 am 7.45 a m 7.25 a m Beaufort Lv 7.25 a m Bates for seats in Parlor Car will be as follows, which is in addition to regular first-class fare Itor Distance of Seventy-five (75) miles and under, Twenty-five cents For Distance of over Seventy-five miles, Fifty (50) cents. ( Tickets should be purchased from train conductor. OPENING OF THE ATLANTIC HOTEL Morehead City, N. C. The "Atlantic Hotel" Morehead City, N. C. will be opened tor the season June 1st 1969. Agents and Representatives will please give the above all possible publicity. ISSUED MAY 24TH, 1909 ' EFFECTIVE JUNE 1st 1909. H. C. HUDGINS, General Passenger. Agent Norfolk. Virgina. County orders allowed as follows: Mrs. C. M. Falker taking care of Jack Spence 1 month 7.00; Edwards and Brouehton bill stationery and Justice Dockets for county 6.75; R. B. Flora bill filed see audit book 27.54; Thomas McHorney for coffin furnished Louisa Gree 5.00 ; James Bowden 2.24 rebate on pole tax; W. H. "White one day on Board and mil age 3.90; L. T. Jarvis one day reg ular day on Board and milage and two special days 10.30; J. W. San derlin one regular day on Board and milage and two special days 10.10; Emerson Sears, jailor Board prisoner 17.50; G. W. Williams . Treas. 5 days services to Board 15..00; J. J. Gregory Jtfdge of election 2.00; R. L. Griggs rebate on Aaron Old poll and property 3.25; A. M. Simmons to professional services to Board 37.50; J. T. Hampton 2.00 Judge of election. The Board of Com. levied the following: tax upon each one hundred dollars worth of real and personal property in said County. First State 21c Second: Pension tax i. ..04c Third. School 18c And a special for support of public schools 5c, under section 4112 of Resisal Fourth: County Tax 23 2-3c The Board livied on every taxable poll iD said County for Pensions ..12c For Support of the poor 38c For public Schools $1.50 The board also levied on every taxable poll in said county a spec ial tax for the support of public schools under Revisal of 4112 as amended 15 cents. Iu pursuance to chapter 346 of the public laws of 1909, the Board of Commissioners levied a special tax upon every one hundred dollars worth of the real and personal prop erty in said County. The Board also levied a special tax for District public schools in Moy ock Township; Popular Branch Atlan tic and Fruitville Townships for each one hundred Jollars worth of real and personal property of 30c and 90c on each poll in Moyock; Popular Branch, Atlantic and Fruitville Townships. The Board also levies the same tax under schedule B and C of the Revenue act 1909 as the State in all cases where it is entitled to do so. Ordered that Nathan Frank be al lowed to peddle six months without license from this date. Ordered that a committee be ap pointed to inspect Payners Bridge and report the first Monday in JuHy. At an election held in Fruitville Town ship, For special tax on May the 11th 1909, The following votes were cast: For Special Tax 86; against 64, there being a majority of the qualified voters for a special tax, said tax was levied by the Board of Commissioners At an election held in Crawford Township on May 11th the following votes for a special tax were cast, 42; against 61. There not being majdrity of the qualified voters of said Town ship cast for a special tax. No tax was levied. It was moved and carried to adjourn to meet Friday, the 11, 1903. to settle with the treasurer and to transact other business now before the Board. This is to notify whomsoever it may concern that application will be to the Governor of North Carolina to pardon Thomas H. Hunter of Gates County, convicted in the Superior Court thereof in 1906, of burning a store house, and sentenced to the State's prison for a term of eight years. JONES AND BAILEY, Attorneys of applicant. Raleigh, N. C., June 4 11 NOTICE -United State Marshal's Sale In the District Court of the United States, j For the Eastern District of North Carolina. Maurice Waud, Eng,. and Chas. G. Lawson, Pilot. VB. ' Yacht "Ignita", her tackle, apparel, Furniture and machinery. Putsuant to a writ of vendition exponas issued by the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina In the above entitled cause, I shall on Sat urday, the 19th day of June, 1909 at 12 o'clock M. sell to the hlgEest bid der, for cash, the yacht "Ignita", her tackle, apparel, furniture and ma chinery Place of sale Elizabeth City Dated this 2nd. day of June, 1909 CLAUDINS DOCKERY, TJ. S. Marshall. J. W. WILCOX, Bleputy TJ. S. Marshall. Jun 411 18 4 By virtue of' a Deed of Trust execut ed to me by A. L. Hawkins, A. A. Dudley and G. W. Grandy, trustees for Pasquotank Planet Odd Fellows, lodge No. 6738 for certain purposes therein mentioned which said Deed of Trust bears date March 29th 1907 and is registered in the Register's office cf Pasquotank County, in book No. 31, page 20. I shall on SATURDAY, JUNE 12TH, 1909 ofEer for sale at the Court house door in said County, at public auction, for cash, the property conveyed to me in said Deed of Trust. Being lot No. 8 in Plat of J. C. Perry, recorded in the Registers offloe InPasquotank county in book No. 30. page 405. Commencing on Harney street, at an alley, then5e Southward ly along Harnef street 28 feet; thence Eastwardly 75 feet; thence North wardly about 84 feet to the alley; thence Westwardly along the alley to Harney street, place of beginning, W. S. OVERMAN, Trustee. This May 6th. 1909. NOTICE. By virtue of a order of the Superior Court made .in the case of D. R. Kramer vs P C Cohoon et als the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale at the Court House door, in Elizabeth City, N. C, at 12 o'clock M, on the 21st day of June 1909 the fol. lowing described real estate. That certain lot situated In the Corporation of Elizabeth City on the West side of Martin street, bounded on the North by J. P. Kramer on the East by Martin street, on the South by W. N. Gregory and on the West by the Corporation of Elizabeth City. Being a part of the same prop erty formerly owned by. A. K. Kram er Terms of sale casi. This May 21st, 1909. J C. B. Ehringhaus, Commissioner. M 28June 18 NORTH CAROLINA, DARE COUNTRY, SUPERIOR COURT, Before the Clerk. R. C Evans et als. ru'. VS. W. B. Bearing, Adm'r of R. W. Smith, deceased et als. .--.-.-nTi1 To Robert Calhoon and Maud Smith: You will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above, has been com menced in the Superior Court of Dare County N. C, for the purpose of partitioning certain land belonging to R. C. Evans, S. A. Griffin T. S. Meekins and to the heirs of R. W. Smith deceased, known as the Cem etery lands, among the tenants in common thereof in which it appears that Robert Calhoon and Maud Smith are necessary parties and that they are non-residents of North Car olina and cannot after due diligence be found therein; thiB is to notify the said ' Robert Calhoon and Maud Smith to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Dare County at Manteo, N. C, on tne 15 day of July 1909 at 10 o'clock a. m. and answer the petition herein filed. And let the, said parties take notice that in default of their making ap pearance as required above the re lief prayed in said petition will be granted. This May 13th 1909. S. E. MIDGETT, Clerk Superior Court, Dare Coun ty North Carolina. , M 21 June 11 4t. NOTICE! Dr. J. B. Griggs of this city spent this week In Louisville, Kentucky, EVERY OLD THING MADE NEW. R. B. FLORA, Clerk of the Board. An old hair with a small can of L & M Home Finish Varnish Stain. Any old furniture with a small can of L. & M. Home Finish Varnish A kitchen floor, porch floor, with a small can of the L & M Heme Finish Floor jPaint. Old 'kitchen chairs, benches, any old small thing wtih a pound or two of the L & M Home Finish Domestic Paint. A carriage, a buggy, with about a doikrs worth f L & M Home Finish Carriage Var nish Paint. Porch furniture, lawn swings, Iron railings with a small can of L & M Home Finish PorcM Enamel Paint In all colors. An old leaky roof made tight, with a can of Eclipse Roof and Bridge Paint. All old things made new with these lit. tie cans of L & M Home Finish Paints. Cost is trifling. Be sorb to get them from D. M. JONES CO By virtue of a deed of trust exe. cuted to the undersigned by W. H. White and wife, which said deed of trust is dated May 13th 1908 and reg istered in the records of Pasquotank County in Book 32, page 65, I shall offer for sale at the Court House door in said County on the 19th day of June 1909 at 12 o'clock M. for cash the following described property con veyed in said deed of trust: That certain house and lot situated on Ehringhaus street in Elizabeth City N. C, bounded, as follows: Commencing at the North-east cor ner of Ehringhaus and Dyer streets and running thence Eastwardly along Ehringhaus street, 64 feet to Dashiel lot, thene Northwardly along the Das hiel lot to Jennings ljne thence Westwardly along the line of W. M. Jennings to Dyer street, thence Southwardly along Dyer street to the place of beginning. Being the home place of W. H. White. This May 18th, 1909. B. F. AYBLBTT, Trustee. M-2l J-ll

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