G. W.-STEVENS G, Wholesale Dealers in HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES Of All Kind Provisions a Specialty. C. W.-STEVENS GO., ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. FARM NOTES OF WHAT EVERY BABY KNOWS. That he jsn't responsible for being here That lie hates company . 4 That bis mother Is aweak-minded individual who gives in on every oc casion and the slightest provocation. That his father is a strange being vbo has no other place in the scheme of things than to be rough and awkward. That colic apparently is no re specter of persons. That germless milk trial. is a great That waking up in the dead of night, and again i at an unearthly hour of the morning gives that var iety, of life which is said to constitute its chief charm. That the process called snuggling is no joke. That all doctors are fakirs. That the average .park consists of one policeman, almost entirely sur rounded by trees. That to eat, drink and be noisy is the chief end of all mankind. Farm Life. COMMON DISEASES OF CHICK- ENS, WITH SIMPLE REMEDIES ROUP. The roup, as it is generally desig nated, is probably the most widely prevalent disease common to our chickens; certainly the most fatal; both to the life of tbe fowls and to the profits of the flock. "While it is not deemed necessary to give any thing resembling a scientific analysis oi the disease or to attempt a differ entiation of the forms in which it its breath during the progress of the disease is thoroughly impregnated with the germs, hence the necessity from another point of view of isola tion. w Remedy. Too frequently is it the habit of owners of chickens to kill at once all birds deemed suffering from roup, as the disease is by many regarded as incurable. The truth of the matter' is that it is a disease, yielding in any but the most advanced stages, jextremely rapidly to a simple treatment. If one visits the house twice a week after the uiras inave roosted, removes any 1 found with the impeded breath, or other symptoms of the disease, pens them to themselves, and twice a day administers a teaspoon of the follow ing mixture, roup will never develop in a flock. Take two tablespoons of lard and melt it;, add one tablespoon of ordi nary coal-oil. Give the fowl one tea spoonful twice a day. Grease head with the mixture, if swelling has commenced. Keep the fowl isolated, and by watching the flock carefully, removing those attacked, the disease will be eradicated. At the same time give the flock perfreably in their water the powder known as Vene tian Red. I place a teaspoonful in each bucket of water. It serves as an admirable tonic, and apparently aids in preventing contagion through the water supply. I have had chick ens recover even in the most advano ed stages of the disease ' when treat ed as above, one case, when the bird could not stand. As a rule, if swell ing has not appeared one dose will suffice; if tbe head is swollen keep the bird confined) .until the swell-1 ing disappears. HORACE CAM PBELL. In Southern Planter. secure all the benefits through this means. possible THE INSECT CROP COSTLY The Bereau of Entomology esti mates that the United States suffers an annual edpnomic loss from in jurious insects of about $700,000,000. This estimate includes the damage done to agricultural crops, to orchard and horicultural crops, to orchard stock, to stored productions, to for ests and forest productions and to other property, but it does not in clude the economic loss to communi ties and to the nation through the lessening of productive capacity, of the population through the preval ence of disease that are carried by insects. Such diseases may be listed as malaria, jtyphoid; yellow fever, etc TUBERCULOSIS NOTES morality of the Indians from tuber culosis is undoubtedly far higher than that of either the whites or the negroes, although it is believed by careful investigators that the disease was entirely absene before the advent of the whites in America. The tuberculosis is no respecter of persons is evidenced by the recent death of the two boy princes of Mon tenegro from that disease, which they contracted from a maid in their nursery. The number of deaths during the four years of the Civil War was 205, 070. During the past four years 800,000 death have resulted from tuberculosis alone in the United States. rREFLECTION OF A BACHELOR MECHANICAL FARMING. The mechanical end of farming is attracting more attention every year, so that courses of mechanical engi neering are being taught by a great idany correspondence schools through out the country. Some of our best shows itself, as the majority of the j agricultural colleges also are develop ing a department along engineering lines. Complicated farm machinery re quires skilled labor to keep it in or der and get the best results. Time was when farming knowledge con- aecurate treatment and to give a sisted of how to use a plow, harrow simple, efficacious remedy. and an axe. It was necessary to Symptoms The disease commences I know how to grind the axe to keep cases classified as roup are not roup proper any more than a cold in a person is pneumonia or bronchitis, it is yet a sufficiently term to meet the requirements which are so to de scribe the trouble as to permit of Consumption among Japanese labors is increasing to such a degree that the figures are becoming a source- of anxiety to Japanese merchants and officials. A large percentag3 of lab orers who are sent back- to Japan by the JftTanese charity association are ccnsumieive. It is cla;mc-l by the Japanese newspapers commenting on this n-ftler, that through the lack of hospital accommodations in thy Jap aDeso 'labor camps tubereu'-osis in creases at an alarming n'e. They Mgest that a, new syst in be em ployed in dealing with che sick in these c-mps, as the Japnaeso we quite ignorant of even tha most sim ple lckUh safeguards. A woman's idea of a good figure is the way, her clothes fit her. Semitery I VvTT ' Tl D t FMnrarani 5) You may respect a man for the enemies he makes but you never envy him. A man gets so excited hunting for a political job that he forgets it is not patriotism. Remember! am I prepared tt dfe all kinds of plumbing, steam and gas fitting also special attention toisewer connections. Thoroughly equipped shop. ( Only skillful workmen employed. Prices reasonable. Personal at tention to all orders. Next to saying you are jealous, a girl would rather have you tell her she inspires you to noble things. 'here are in the United States 222 Sanatoria, 222 Dispensaries and 290 Associations for the treatment or prevention of tuberculosis, while there are 600,000 cases of this disease in the country. It is estimated by the United States Conservation Com mission that this country loses an nually $1000,000,000 from preventable tuberculosis . as a cold in the head, best detected by visiting the house after the chick ens have rooted then the labored, wheezy breathing of the fowl will it sharp. At harvest time some self made mechanic in the neighborhood usually was called upon to set a new finger into a cradle or hang a scythe For the past three years a persis tent crusade has been waged against consumption amongst post office em ployees in France. Under these ef forts ' the number of cases has dim inished 50 per cent, having been in 19D6 1,048 cases; in 1907 808 cases, and last year the number fell to 505. The particular fun a woman gets out of writing a letter is forgetting to put in the thing she wrote for, so she can write canother. From New York Press. W. P Knowles POINTED PARAGRAPHS. From Chicago News. .... A man is not necessarily hot head ed because he wears a stovepipe hat. If we all had our own way otherj people would quickly get out of it Mirror backs in show windows are one kind of advertisements to at tract women . locate it. This impeded breathing! so it would pull from point to heel, will continue, without affecting the 'but beyond this mechanical ability habits of the bird for some days. was not considered seriousfy in the Rut the profession of farming Is a different proposition now. Gasoline engines, harvesters, gang plows, twelve foot seeders and scores of dif ferent kinds of farm implements have brought the principle of mech anics in farming up to scientific re quirements. "With improved ma chinery it is possible for one to do the work of half a dozen, but he must have a cultivated set of brains in order to make things run smoothly There are fortunes to be made in farming by employing up-to-date meth ods in the right way. Brains were never so necessary on the farm as now. Farm Press . when the head commences to swell! making of a farmer and the throat to become clogged with mucous. At that stage the di sease is characteristic the swollen eyes, covered with the yellow patch es, the fevered condition of the bird, its drooping appearance caused by the blindness, are symptoms impos sible to overlook. "Without treatment death ensues in at lest ninety per cent, of the cases in those recover ing sequelae result that render the cird unprofitable. In the case of tur keys it has been my experience that it is almost impossible to raise poults matched from eggs of hen which had the roup, while I have never had a chicken in which the disease has been allowed to run its course re sume laying. Any cold attacking a chicken is most apt to develop nto the roup with characteristics similar to those noted, and no case should he allowed to linger unattended to, Sources and Causes The primary case is identical with that giving rise to colds in people drafts damp leather, crowded quarters, and as a cold in a chicken is so apt to de- veiop mto the roup or distemper, we SJlould watch for the initial patient lne disease is both contagious and lnqectious., Dne jdiseased! bird will Pidly impregnate the entire flock. Ttls is done chiefly through the drinking water. The bird is fevered and until blindness ensues, consumes abnormal quantities of water. At Qh Tisit to the water it scatters e germs both in the water and around the vessel. uue& nut perspire, uut .The municipal authorities of Ber lin have decided to introduce another feature in the municipal administra tion of tuberculosis. Heretofore mun icipal efforts has been confined to the maintenance of one or two homes for curable consumptives, but it is rec ognized that, as useful ,as this is. it alone cannot cope with this dis ease. They have resolved, therefore, to devote more attention to preven tive measures. Even a man of sand should have enough. sense to build his house up on a rock. Everybody wants something for fied with what they get that way. Geo. M. Scott, Prest. Jno. Q. A. Wood, vice- Prest. R. S. Fearing, Cashier MERCANTILE BANK Elizabeth City N. C. Capital 30,000 We wantyourbankiiig business and to obtain the same, will offer you every facility and consideration consistent withi sound banking prrinciples. DIRECTORS W. J. Woodley, J. A Rucker, A. L. Aydlett, Dr J. H. White, C. W. Stevens, T. W. Willlame, H. H. Lavvensptein, Jno. Q. A. Wood, Geo. M. Scott. And it sometimes happens that af ter a man has made his mask he re quires a wife who makes him toe it. Read The Tar S He el Many a man's boasted bravery has gone lame when his wife suggested that he visit the kitchen and fire the cook. In England, in addition to pther efforts to combat tuberculosis, a uni que project is being placed on foot, to put into commission a sailing ship sanatorium for persons suffering with tuberculosis . Many a woman says her prayers because the minister says she should and does- other .things because he says she hould not. WOMEN WHO ARE ENVIED. THE FARM PHILOSOPHER. 4 If we are honest we do not preach what we practice; we are too con scientious . That consumption can be per manently cured is demonstrated by some figures published by Dr. A. Van Bneden of Belgium, who says that 75.8 per cent of the patients treated in the Bourgoumont Sanatorium in 1903 4 have continued, four years after treatment, to improve and are in a condition to return to their regu lar occupations. Let the merchants advertise The farmer fertilize, The preacher spiritualize .And the lawyer talk o'lies.1 Dr. Shannon of Edinburg recently stated that out of the 1009 city child ren under three years of age examin ed by him, 647 had tuberculosis in some form. , Those attractive women who are lovely in face, form and temper are the envy of many, who might be like hem. A weak, sicky woman will be nervous and irritable. Constipation or"? Kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. For all such, Electric Bitters work wonders. They regulate Stomache, Liver and Kid neys, purify the blosji; give strong nerves, bright eyes. pure breath, smooth, velvety skin. lovely com plexion. Many charming women owe their health and beauty to them. 50c at Standard Pharmacy, Mark Twain says, "If you don't butt in you don't get in. tftrov vs off the major portion of its excerta in the form of vapor, ' Neow is a good time tew set daown an rite out a set uv good resolu tions an reeforms fer each one uv yeour nabors. Sign the following; then live up to it: I believe in the gospel of work; I believe that the only hap piness comes from genuine hard work; honestly directed for the pur- twisp of hMiefitiner someone other X" o other 'than myself; I shall henceforth Dr. Wllford T. Grenfel, the famous Labrador explorer and social worker says that in the interest of the cam paign agains tuberculosis, he has in duced most of the natives to weave the motto, "Don't Spit" in their rugs, instead of other homely sayings which were formerly used. 60000060004 Superb Service TO BALTIMORE VIA CHESA PEAKE STEAMSHIP LINE (New Bay Line.) "COLUMBIA" and "AUGUSTA" Diningrooms on Saloon Decks. Elegant Table D'Hote Dinner 75 cents Club Breakfast 25 to 60 cents. Polite Attention and the very best service 4n every way. WE SOLICIT CRITICHHVI OF OUR SERVICE. Leae Norfolk (Foot ot Jackson Street) daily (except Sunday) 6.00 p. m. Arrive Baltimore 7:00 a. m., connecting with rail Uses lor Philadelphia, New York, and all points East and West. For aU information and reservations address E. T. LAMB, G. A., CHA8. L. HOPKINS, T. P. A. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. Owing to their studious habits and their lack of proper physical exer cise Chinese students bote in this country and in their native lanoH are especially liable to tuberculosis. According to a report of the United States census, it is stated thai the M a lull Mind ibo Bars We call especial attention to the bie ioint at each intersection of stay with main bars. ,1111s ta ujc cHiuvt tfti jr iaaa nuc icimjc. unless me Stay has a hinee feint the femce cannot receive oressure from cnntrt nd right itself. Is made with a hinge joint, by which the maximum of elasticity is secured and the fence if properly stretched, remains in place indefi nitely. With the hinge joint, no amount of strain on the bars can encci ue connection ox nay ana ear - ELIZABETH CITY BUGGY CO.

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