mJmmm y mm MID-SUiMMER SALE OF Fabrics For Summer Clothes c 1C w it WE ARE MING ABOUT QURSaVES frfcri THE ORE AT 7? i 3 Fine sheersilk arid cbttoritNire ;lfor . Empire andPrincess Gownsr25cts alue at I5ctsjthejyard. Linen finish Suitings l6 to 15cts thejyard. Dress Lawn Specials jlO and 12 1-2 cts. yard. Invesbg ate Fw gsaxaeaaaeaaggBgsggBBg-MBMM-wp ' i Elizabeth City, N.C. t The business man's best ref erence showing as it does by p CI the deposits and monthly bal- .. ance - the- condition t his, busi ness. Be up-to-date open an a- ooniit now-r-evea if U mnst necessarily be a -small one We good business to have a good banker. w v r ' ( S TRUST CO. W y TOLD, Pres C. W. GRICE, Vioe-PreB L. B. OLD, Sec. Treas. CULPEPPERi GRIFEIW. OLD & GRIOEGD.. Q OOEIIERAUillSURAUCE, ISURETYToIIDS AND REALI ESTATE n i 'ELIZABETH IM. PHOriE.'NO. NO. 12:P0INDEXTER ST. C. C. COBB, JA3. B. McCAW COBB BROS. & CO So State Phone 430 So Boll Phono 440 BANKERS AND BROKERS. Members of New York and Norfo li Cotton Elxcchange. Correspondent 8 of Chicago Board of Trade and New Tori COTTON. 8TO CKS BOND GRAIN . - PROVISIONS. Special attention given to Teleg raplnic and Phone orders. Execution of all orders reported promptly. A ny information desired regaraisf markets will be gladly furnished at any, time. , ARCADE BUILDING (Opposite P. O. Building.) NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. IS YOUR PROPERTY safe; It is not unlesfe.it is ampiy protected with lnsnr ance. No ona can tell when it wiC go up in smoke If not fully insured see us. Delay Is dangerous. WE WRITE IT RIGHT. ?21 Maint street. LITTLE SAWYER The Tar Heel is not given to horn blowing,-It never plows its own and it does not blow the horn of any in dividual; The Tar Heel is not prosti tuted to the service of one individual Jo "vent his spleen on knother! No, sir, not it we know it The" Tar Heel does what it thinks is right, not what you think '(everytime) hence the Tar Heel has enemies, lots of them too, who would like to see 'her bust" The enemies of the Tar Heel take occaion often to vent their spleen upon the Tar Heel because the Tar ieeL-wiu not vent their uleen on somebody else, r These enemies too, propound' questions to the Tar Heel. Here, is what :a: fellow . wanted to know of the editor of the Tar Heel a few days ago. "Does the Tar Heel stand for Anything?" . Well, well, does the Tar Heel stand for anything?" Let's see about that. ;; ' .. ; .-. : See here, Let's ask you a question. Money is the best test, isnt it? A fellow will barter principle for money, soner than for anything else. Say, did you know it, it is pretty tight times now. It's about all a fel low can do to make both ends meet, And we have to hustle seven days in the week about 18 hours to the day to do that Its the disposition of the average person to seek an easy place. We are along with the "average." Say. do you know that if the Tar Heel would sacrifice one of its prin ciples, it could lie down in "Green Pastures'' in . a . land "of milk and Honey .Do you know Sir, that the whole force from owner of the plant to office boy could lay in the shade tUg not .weather, live sumptuously Upon the best and electric fans to cool them. The rising of the sun or the going down thereof, would never trouble us. It is a fact, now listen. We picked up a paper publish in a town -not more than a thousand miles from this 'TDTirg' in looking over its advertising column, we found that it carried 18 or 20 columns of whiskey advertisements (in fact pret ty nearly everything was a whiskey ad) That paper gets pretty good prices for this stuff too. Do you know that the Tar Heel can carry and could haye been carry ing for the past six months everyone of these ads and even more at a great deal better price? Now lets .figure a little. 20 columns of whiskey ads, 20 inches each, 400 inches at 25 cents per inch, makes $100 per weefcj or $400 per month;" Now could we hot fare sumptuously upon this? Wouldn't have to wear out a ; pair of shoe soles every two weeks tramping the streets chasing after closed fisted merchants who "Cuss us because we Will not do their advertiseing foccas sionally) for 10 cents per inch. In't this a tempation? No. we are not afraid to do it either. We would not lose 100 sub. scribers out of "our list if we car ried $400 worth of whiskey ads per month. It's principle, principle, downright principle nothing else. We are against whiskey and we fight itat a cost Of $4,800. Hie, there you fanatics, ultra fanatics and hypocrites who keeps a little in the house for siekness nearly all temperance six days in the week; or y , tmmM ft? YAjL'teoh i J: k w mm i jbc i I 2 ? it.i S 3 ! h I' tec i I, tt$&$ tit&!t f Still continues, never have J? such v thcongsaof jljSeopte efeiii V1UYTVU V4. 4?lUi W 111 l-lJL4aUWl,U fy xz. City, gathering iijb theb3tQusl JMcllXlO LCF UC 111U 47C11C C11U X r7 c Last but not least every man's suit, eery boy's suit, everv oair oants. in fact every piece of cloth.- will be sold at unheard of prices. MAM ll'.l IIIH1IX . M 1 1 I rL I lillinilL'll' i : k a -mBh-M. jF V $3,25 - xkmgBSgy- - 36 pair Men's Tan Ox fords the .famous French Shriner 'and ; Urner .make value 45-00 aSt( In this sale for 119 pair the Celebrated Heywood Men's Tan Shoes our $4.00 grade in this sale for 150 pair the Celebrated Impaip make Tan Shoes and Oxfords, etc., at andX below cost. McGABE ; X IElizabefli City's JBjusy SfoFe Ask for Butterick's Patterns, S7 )7 1 izens. No one dares to malign beau- & Jet. st te- J6 l& ll 1 T 1 Y X - .V- . CARDS' dr. .iifteooim Office in Florals "lajyaa' ? Cor. Bialn;ad BrjBta, - ' ' .... .... -' -v.---. i ;" DR. M. M. HARRW, Dntitt Office in Robinson Buffdlng, Honrs 8, to 12 and 2 to 6. J. H. WHrTE.. D. D. 8. , Twenty flvo years in DENTISTRY. In all Its braaches. Office over McCabe & Grice's Store. Cor. Main and Potodexter streets. WISE. DEALERS if. Onr Fishermen raadera are uraed tobohsult ihie column In making iheH'cot(srmentt of flsh, only re- f(alrs are admitted to this Goininission Merchant " JFresh Fish, ' Terrapin, Game Oysters j etc. i ; N. c. skAlilKMtlrY tiful, lovely Betsey. No one dares to thrust at her prosperity without . our resenting it. It is our theme, to harp upon her beauty, her loveliness and her purity. We can never say too much for our beautiful city. Here we have pitched our tents and among Betsey's good people we expect to live and tlie. ,; ' Not one inch of space "has, ever been withheld to serve her; Every, public enterprise, anything that would add to the wealth or glory of , the city- has v always been boosted toM the limit and if the enterprise failed it was no fault of the Tar Heel, but on account of some traitorous citizen, whose heart has never feU the throb of patriotism and has never felt any thing but the clasp on a pocket book gouging him" in the side as he hug it closer to him. The Tar Heel has repeatedly turn ed down liberal advertising contracts and overtures from . Merchants Asso ciations and organizations in larger larger towns to boost, these towns to the disadvantage of Elizabeth City Those propositions are reposing in a long unbroken sleep in the bottom of ders a jug Saturday night and gets jotfr wate basket, while we boost so drunk on Sunday that you can not Elizabeth City and preach the gospel go to church. . :of patronizing home industry. We What Does the Tar Heel Stand For? have seen five hundred dollars take What do you think it stands for?: wings and fly away from us this year The Tar Heel Stands for Harmony. because we would not boost the "City Frorn this date on, mycustomers willf ind my ofnee open from 7:00 a. m. until 6:00 p. m. each day, where they can obtain electrical supplies. WE SELL r.i BRILLIANT TUNGSTEN LAMPS DECREASE YOUR LiQHTIN G " ... .. ...... . .... .. . BILL 60 PERCENT OR INCREASEYOUR ILLUfllNA- TION 300PER CENT With No Addition to Present Cost of lighting. C. G. Pritchard Wharf. vj"-:...'":"-. -Vi r -,. : rV o; WASHINGTON IJ;.- You smile at our pretentiousness Sift it down bud and see - if we are right. WJho labors for harmony, and, preaches the pospel of harmony in thjs oid town? The files of the old Tar Heel are open for your inspec tion. We challenge you to show one utterance in the Tar Heel that suggests anything that would disrupt harmony, if there was any of that stuff in this town. Harmony, harmony, (has ever been and will ever be the gospel that the old Tar Heel arill preach. The Tar Heel stands for brotherly love fSnd a. united citizenship. Here ve stand alone again, and we are afraid that we will be without mulch com pany for many years to come. The Xar Heel has preached early and lateen, geasqn jand out of seasop for an united citizen founded on brother ly, love and patriotic pride; but our enemies hare circumvented us and :fcaYe brpnghtallpur to naught t The Tar Heel stands for Betsey's prosperity and the welfare of her cit- of Kilmick" some fifty miles away. The home merchants haven't ap preciated it $200 worth. We have boosted him, he has raked in the shekels and he has begrudgingly paid us the least possible sun of mouey for the least possible advertiseing space and he will advertise no more until the time arrives when he sure that he will get $10,060 for every $100 of advertising. O 508 FEARING STREET. 5oococeoccoooccccoccpococooocooooooo ELIZABETH CITY, N C. xccccccccccosoo to a store in a certain city. The local merchant put down his best figures, but he missed the mail order nous 3 by $1.29. The Tar Heel purchased the article of the home merchant at the loss of $1.29. This Is practician what you preach, ain't it? How about 'r tain people in this town, who own about half of the town. It's said: that Thus the world wags in this neck they make a trip to the other ed of of the woods, verily, it tries the the N & S. R. R. abont once a .!ek "sole" of a newspaperman and makes or a little ofener to buy their tobacco him lose his religion and cuss But or that other fellow who still the Tar Heel does not stand for owns half of the town, who; stands anything. " Yea verily. How about it? around a green grocere stand about The Tar Heel preaches the' gos. (an hour in the.morng to-hny a doz pel "patronize home industries." Let en ears of roasting ' corn, . shucks mail order houses alone, Thats our every, ear in the stock to see if its text in every sermon, and we practice filled out, swears that the corn Is no it . too. good, ruins the merchants trade on Some time ago the Tar Heel was 6rn and finally does not bi?y a grain, contemplating the purchase of a cer- when the- corn is selling for 10 cents tain article, ( The Tar Heeloonsultelljjerdp.zen ears. a mail order catalogue to get wise ast The Tar Heel doesn't do any of Lord Uiat ' we are - not , Hl?e ' , other TheTavHee .standsl -ready at all times to boosts every churctl-socUble, every candystew or junk. sate'fthat la run'1, in . connection : wltK - or guilder th name qtf$fyxepL.X city.; JEiylskreiltf svire to the 'extrem'e? end of the . earth and patronize- it with pur last nickel. But if you want a : program printed or a dodger or something of the kind, be" charitable, (?) Take it to the other fellow, who can advertise you. Let him have what little profit there Is In you scheme. That Is "reciprosity" to the price, got thefigures v and hied these things. No, sir. We thank ' the ; macy A Night Rider's Raid. The worst night riders are calomel, croton oil or aloes pills. They raid your bed to rob you of rest. Not so with Dr., King's New I UU Pills. They always cleanse the system, curing Colds, Headache,. Constipation, Malaria, 25 cents at Standard Phaf .1. t. i i 1 1 1 - ' ". -la i r i 't IS i t v.: 'IS i 5