r , ;-t 1 .,11 : V .' NOTICE! V - - V, Singer flic Stodard to Whidi AH Otters Are Compared 9 Have ybti ever wondered why it is that 7 dealers in other makes of sewing ma chines take pains to emphasize their claim that their particular machine is "just as good as" the Singer ? I Or why it is that more than 2,000,000 women buy Singers every year more than all other makes combined ? J Or why Singer sales have spread all over the world, into every civilized country? IJ The Singer has so long represented the highest degree of excellence that it is to day everywhere recognized as the stand ard of perfedion the envy of every competitor the pride of every owner; CJ It is easy to own a Singer, Ask in any Singer store-r-theyW everywhere. Sold Singer Sewing Machine Company 102 P01NDEXTER STREET PREVENTION OF TUBERGLOSIS AS AN INVESTMENT The frateraal and benefit organi zations with a membership of nearly 3,'000,0ii0 aid three international labor -unions with, a membership of over 100,000 have joined the ranks of the fighters against consumption within the last year, according to a state ment issued today by the National Association for the Study and Preven tion of Tuberculosis. A year ago only one fraternal or ganization the Royal League, and one labor union, the International Typo graphical Union, maintained institu tions for the treatment of ,their tub. erculous members. Since January 1st. 1909, the following fraternal and "benefit organizations have taken up the consideration of tuberculosis, an I in. most instances have decided to rect institutions: Brotherhood of American yeomen,, Order of Eagles, Improved Order of Red Men, Modern "Woodmen of America, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Workmen's Circle, Knights of Columbus, and For esters or America. The international labor unions which have joined the fight against tuberculosis are the In. ternational Photo-Engravers Union , of North America, the Internatioaal Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union, and the International Boot and i Shoe Workers Union. The Modern "Woodmen and the Knights of 'Pythias have already opened sanatoria for their members who have tuberculosis at Colorado Springs, and East Las Vegas, New Mexico. The WbrKmen's Circle is about to erect a similar institution at Liberty, N. Y. The Royal League has maintained a sanatoriutaa at Black Mountain, N. C. for three years. The other fraternal organizations men. tioned have either appointed commis sions to conider the advisability of erecting tuberculosis sanatoria, or are contemplating such action. The first sanatorium to be erected for the (benefit of the laboring men was built bv the International Typo. .graphical Union in connection with its home at Colorado Springs. The International Printing Pressmen and Asistants Union have recently decid-i d to erect a similar sanatorium, and steps are now being taken to open' such an institution. The International Photo-Engravers Union, while not ' conducting a sanatorium of its own, pays for the treatment of its tuber culous members in institutions in various parts of the country . The In. ternational Boot and Shoe Workers Union are recommending to their members that they ally themseslves with the various organizations united in the fight against tuberculosis. All of these fraternal organizations, and labor, unions are also carrying on campaigns of education among their members. In this way over 3,t)00,00J men and women are receiving instruct tions through lectures, through official pa-prs, and' by literature expressly oly br prepared showing 'the dangers - and methods of prevention of tuberculosis It is a campaign of prevention of which will bring to these various fra. ternal and benefit organizations mil lions of dollars in the saving of lives and the cutting down of payments for sickness and death resulting from tuberculosis. . The recent Nationa Fraternal Congress estimated that 50 per cent of the death losses from tuberculosis could be saved by the various fraternal organizations of tht country. The National Association for the Stuidy and Prevention of Tuberculosis has rendered all assistance possible to these various movements among the labor men and fraternal organ zations, and stands ready to co-oper- ate as far as possible with any society of this character. A LOVE SET. Thera is courting And there's courting, But 1 think the rarest sort Is to court the girl You're courting On the level tennis court. Thero you're serving And while serving You call out the score. Love all Then she smiles and says She's ready, And a kiss goes with the ball. V There is winning, And there's winning, But 1 know it's not the same When you know you Have 'her beaten, And Love one, you score the game. You Play harder And she loses, But I think she does not care For she loves to see Youwinning When she knows you're playing fair. Thomas J. Hogan. SHYLICK'S CASE REVERSED. Girl Wants $1,000 A Pound For Lost Avoirdupois. Pittsburg, How huch should the jilted maid in an unsuccessful love affair receive for every pound of flesh she loses after her sweetheart marries another girl? This i the question which will be put to the jury tomorrow in the case of Miss paella Lowstetter against Prof. Earl W. Reed, principal of the Sheridan public schools, to recover $25,000 damages for alleged breach of promise to- marry. . Miss Lowstetter contends that since the alleged jilting she is 25 pounds lighter than when she con. sidered herself betrothed to Professor Reed. She asks 25,000, 'or f 1,000 for every 16 ounces lost through mental anguisft . Friends of the Professor assert she nas not lost this much weight, and the point will be brought ' to the notice of the jury by the defense. Baltimore Sum. - t - 4 By TiTtue of a deed of trust execut - ed 'to; me by William) Overton: and wife, on The 21st day. of October, 1899, . which is) duly recorded in the office of the Register 'of Deeds of Pasquotank County, in book 20, page 674, Ifshall sell for cash at the court house- door, In Elizabeth , City, N, C, on the 1st day of November, at twelve o'clock Mi, Jthat- certain piece or parcel of land bounded! on the South by the lands of'D. W. Davenport, on the West by Big Flat ty Creek, on the North by. the lands Of D. S. Gregory, heirs, and on the East by the lands of J. S. Wilcox, containing 35 acres more or less, be ing the same land described in said deed! of tint. B. "P. AYDLETT, Trustee. Oct 181522. NOTICE! Execution Sale. . By virtue of an execution issued to me by W. H. Jennings, Clerk of the Superior Court, of Pasquotank County on the 13th day of June 1909, in ' an action entitled W. I Cohoon vs Malinda Felton, comi- manding me to sell the lands' here inafter described for the satisfaction of a judgement . rendered in said ac tion, I shall on Monday, November 1st., 1909, at 12f o'clock M., at-the Court House door in Elizabeth City, expose to sale, at public auction, to Jthe Shighest 'bidder, for cash, the Hollowing described real estate, to. wit: A certain town lot situated on Ball street, in the town of Elizabeth City, and boundled on the East by Ball street, ton the South by the lands of Louisa James, on the West by the lands of W. T. Love, and on the North by the lands of Jos. C. Collins, and being the same lot whica the said Malinda Felton heired of her father, Joseph Collins, deceased. This September 25th, 1909. CHAS. REID, Sheriff. Oct 8152229. NOTICE! Notice is nereby given that G. H. Fereebee and Bailey Hales of Fere bee and Hales, doing business - at Gregory, N. C , has this day dis solved co-parjtenership. j Hales as. suming full ownership, he is to pay all old debts due by the said firm and collect all accounts owing said firm, this is done by mutual consent of both parties. October 11th 1909. G. H. FEREBEE, BAILEY HALES. Oct 8152229. NOTICE! Sale of Valuable Property. By virtue of a Deed of Trust ex. ecuted to me by W. W. Linton for certain purposes therein mentidnel. whicn said Deed of Trust bears dat? December 10th 1909, and is duly r- corded in the office of Register of Deeds for Camden County in Book No. 5, at page 38, I shall proceed on Monday, November 15th., 1909 to of fer for sale at public auction, for cash, at W. T. Stafford's store in South Mills, Camden County, N. C.,' the property conveyed to me as Trustee, in said Deed of Trust, to wit: That certain tract of land lying and being in Camden County, and more particularly described-land de fined as follows: Adjoining the lands of B. J. Overman, F. F. Saw yer, P. H. Gregory and otheifs land. This October 9th, 1909. R. L. HINTON, Trustee Oct 8152229. Very Low Excursion Rates The Norfolk and Southern Railway will sell very low round trip excursion tickets from principal points on its line to Pittsburg, Pa., and return, ac count Centennial Celebration. Inter national Christian Society. Churches of Christ in America, on October 9th 10th, 14th, and 15th, limited to return leaving Pittsburg up to and including but not later than mid night of Octo ber 25th For further particulars apply to Norfolk and Southern Ticket Agents, or address, H. C. Hudgins, G .P A., NORTH CAROLINA, - . CURRITUCK COUNTY. : In.the Superior Court, Spring 'Term 1910 A. Barnett 1 1, W. vs: NOTICE Lizzie Barnett , - , r . AThe defendant above named will take notice; that an action entitled as above has been commenced by the plaintiff against the defendant in the Superior Court of Currituck Coun ty, to secure an absolute ; ' divorce from the defendant, and the said de fendant will further take notice tha sne is required to, appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Cusr. rituck, to be held on the 1st Mon day before the 1st Monday in March 1910 to-wit: Th4 28th day of February 19 10 at the Court House in said County, at Currituck, North Carolin and answer, or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action, or- the plaintiff will' apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his complaint This the 21st day of September 1905., - E. W. ANSELL, Clerk Superior Court, Currituck County, N. C. Oct 181522 - NOTICE r Sale of Valuable Property. By virtue of a Deed of Trust ex ecuted to me by Henderson Freeman and wife, for certain purposes there in mentioned which said Deed of Trust bears date May 20th 1907 and is registered in the office of the Reg. ister of DeedJs of Pasquotank County, in book 31 page 114, I shall on Sat urday, October 30th 1909 at 12 j o'clock M offer for sale at the court house door in said County, at Public auction, for cash, the property con veyed to me in said Deed of Trust, to. wit: 1. One town lot situated on the South side of York Street and bound ed North by said "York street, East by lot No. 52, South by lot No. 49: and West by lot No. 40, said lot be ing known and designated as lot No. 49 on plat duly recorded in the Register of Deeds Office of said County in Deed Book No. 16, page 487, same being the lots conveyed to 'Henderson Freeman by N. M, Sawyer and wife, Deeds for which are recorded in Register of Deed's Office in said County in Dood Book 17 and 23, pages 603 and 233. September 27th 1909. J. C. Brooks, Trustee Oct 18 15 --22. NORTH CAROLINA CURRITUCK COUNTY. E;ur No. 1844. To R. E. Flora Entiy Taker for Currituck County, North Carolina. Tne undersigned J. C. Gahop of Currituck County, and Stae of North Carolina, enteres and lays claim to the following described skoal waters i.i front of said J. C Gallop's prop erty the same lying anti being in Popular Branch Township, said Covuty and State, same being vacant and shoal waters deed subject to. entry vte: Beginning at the South line of J. C. Gallop running a Southeast course to deep water; tbence a Westerly course to J. C. Gallop's land; thence with said Gallop Innd a Southerly course to the first sta tion, Containing 2 acres more or less actual number acres to be ascer tained by survey. J. C. GALLOP, Registred September 18, 1909. R. E. FLORA, Entry Taker Oct 181522. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECU TION. NORTH CAROLINA, PASQUOTANK ' COUNTY, In the Superior Court. Dr. L Fearing, Plaintiff, VS. Lifther Pritchard, Defendant. Execution Sale. By virtue of an execution directed to the under signed from tue Super, ior Court of Pas-id-iianK "County, u the above entitled action, 1 w:ll, on Monday, November 1st., 1909, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door of said County, ell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said ex ecution, all the right", title nd in terest which the said Luther Pnteh ard, the Dedendant, has in the fbl. lowing described real estate, to wit: That certain tract or parcel of land situated in Providence Township, Pasquotank County, and bounded as follows: Bounded on the Noith and f East by the" " lands ' of John " Griffin ; m tne souin ana w est uy pe ; jauuo of. . 'C.V Hudson, Containing four acres more or ess. ThiaQth .day of : September 1909. CHAS. REID. ' Sheriff of Pasquotank C9unty Oct 181522.;' ; v NOTICE! By virtue of a Deed of Trust ee cutedl to me orithe 31st day of July 19iJi8, for certain purposes 'therein mentioned and recorded in book 5, page 392, in the .office of Register of Deeds of Camden County. I will offer for sale at th i court tiouste door in said County at 10 o'clock a. m., 'on Monday Nov. 1, 1909, . the nroDerty conveyed to. me in ' said Deed, of Trust, described at follows Deed of Trust from the'Shiloh Brick and Lumber Company, vto M R. Griffin, Trustee, . dated the aist day of July, 1908, for the amount of $500.'00, interest payable semi-an. nually, secured by a conveyance cf the following property, to wit: 1ST TRACT Bounded on the West. by the lands of W. J. Dean and wife, and the landjs of Geo". Nixon, on the South by the Pasquo tank river; on the East by the sec ond tract herein conveyed and on the North by the land known as the 'Goose Nck. Tract' containing 30 acres, more or less, and being a part of the land conveyed to. said Ratledge arid Storer by W. J. Co. well and wife by deed dated May 13th, 1807, recorded on paa 80 in Book 5, office of Register of Deeds of Camden County. 2ND., TRACT Commencing in the center of the swamp at W. P. Sawyer's land (being the first tract herein cbnvayed) A. S. Barco's land, W. J. Dean's land and C. E. Lloyed's land, where each piece cor. ners, and running a westerly course and binding the said C. E. Lloyed's land to an old dftcn; thence the same course down tine said ditch and binding the said TLloyed's land to the head! of the slough; thence a straight course down the said slough and binding the said Upyd's land to the river; thence a Southerly course and binding the said river to Thos Barco's land in the swamp; tnence a Northerly and Easterly course down the center of the swamp and binding the said Barco's land to W. P. Sawyer's - land ; thence the same course and binding the said Sawyer's land to tne first station, containing 70 acres, more or less, being the other tract of land conveyed to said Ratledge and Storer by the Deed hereinafter mentioned. PERSONAL PROPERTY All the machinery, appliances and equipment of the J-iil Sbili'i Brick and Lumber Company, including all engines, boiletp, building ancl fix tures, together with all the manufac tured . product belonging to the said company now on the property afore said or on said property at the matur ity of the debt herein secured. This September 30, 1909. M. R. GRIFFIN., Trustee. Oct 1 815 22 Mortgage Sale Valuable Land, Near Bay Post Office, Tynrell County, North Carolina. NOTICE To satisfy a' certain mortgage made by C. W. Hill to S. S. Wood ley the same registered in the Of fice of Register of Deeds Tyrrell County, North Carolina, in book 53, page 77. I will sell at the Court House door, in Tyrrell County, N. C, to the highest bidder for cash, at 1 o'clock M. November 1st, 1909, all that certain tract of land situated in Tyrrell County, N. C, Scupper nong Townsnlp and known as the McCleese Farm. The same being about one mile from Woodley' sta- vuu, iwu iuiies ti una simmons .uana. j Ing on the Scuppernong river, and one mile from Albemarle Sound. Bounded as follows, viz. On the South by the lands of Hat tie J. Phelps, on the .North by the public road leading from Columbia to Plymouth, on the east by the lan-ls of J. C. Meekins Sr., Known as the Hassell Farm, and on the West by H. J. Phelps and ' others, containing about five hundred a,cres. There is quite a nice lot of pine timber on jthe said Jtract besides other timber the sameis well locat ed in a good neighborhood, healthy, well drained; fairly good buildings, The same is seven miles from Col. ttmbia and five miles from Cresswell, lands naturally fertile. This the 16th day of September 1909. T. H. Woddley, and H. H. Phelps, Executors of Sf S. Wtoodley's will, Oct 18 1522. STATE OF NORTH -CAROLINA dare County, Notice is hereby given that R. Tuttle, claiment produced r,r.a nled in the office of the unders'ane.i .. -. ; . " - ami- try Taker for Dare County, a nana. writing, signed by himself. That lays claim and enters a certain par eel or tract of landi, vacan-, unan. proviated and subject to entry Sit. uated in vNags Head Township and at what is Known as Nags Head, and bounded as follows viz: Beginning at the shore of Roanoke Sound at Northerly boundary lino of my lot rufnning twelve hundred (l:00) feet, S, 67o W. thence S, 23 o, E. the width of my lot, tnence "North 67o B. twelve hundred (1200) feet to the shore to the beginning, being in Roa noke sound and for all the land under watef within area above described for wharf purposes. Containing by estimation eight (8) acres, more or, less. Entered tnis 3rd day of September 1909. A. V. EVANS, Entry Taker. Oct. 181522 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY. ; - . Entry No. 59 Notice is hereby given that F. M. Bond, claiment, produced' and filed in the office of the undersigned' Entry Taker for Dare ' County, a paper writing, signed by himself. That be lays claim, and enters a certain par cel or tract of land, vacant unappre- priated and subject to entry, situated in Nags Head Township, and at what is known as Nags Head, and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a post on Chowan ate in the line of Sallie J. Leary, running along said avenue S, 23o E, seventy five (75) feet to the line of R. p. Tuttle, thence S, 67o W. 690 feet to the sound shore, thence same course twelve hundred feet to the channel thnce N. 23o W. seventy-five) feet, thence N, 670 S, twelve hundred (1200) feet to the shore, thence N, 670o E, six hundred, and ninety (690) feet to beginning, being on and in Roanoke Sound and adjoining lands of Sallie J. Leary, and R. F. Tuttla and for the land under the water within area above described for wharf purposes. Containing by estimation ten (13) acres more or less. Entered this t&e 23rd day of September 1909. A. V. EVANS, Entry Taker. Oct 181522. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DARE COUNTY. Entry No. 58 Notice is hereby given that Sallie J. Leary, claiment, produced aai filed in the office of the undersigned Entry Taker for Dare County, a paper writing, signed by herself, That she lays claim and enters a certaia parcel or tract of land, vacant, ua appropriated and subject to entry, situated in Nags Head Township, ahi at what is known as Nags Head, and bounded as follows viz: Beginning at a post on Chowan ave in the line of W. J. Griffin, running along said ave S. 23o E, Seventy-flve (75) feet to a post, thence S, 67o W, 690 feet to the soun'di shore, thence same course twelve nundred (1200) feet to the channel, thence N, 23o W, Seventy-five (75) feet, thence N, 67o E, twlve hundred (1200) feet to the shore, thence N, 67o E, Six hundred and ninty (690) feet to tne beginning, being on and in Roanoke Sound, and adQoining lands of W. J. Griffin, and F. M. Bond, and for all the land lying ; trader the water within area above de scribed for wharf purposes. Containing by estimation 10 acres more or less. Entered this the 23rd, day of September 1909 . A. V: EVANS, Entry Taker. Oct. 181522 THE HATT1E CREEF. Daily between Manteo and Eliza beth City. Leaves Elizabeth City daily at 1:10 o'clock P. M. for Manteo.. Leaves Manteo daily at 5 -o'clock a. m. for Elizabeth City. Connects at Manteo with boats for Mann's Harbor, Mashoes and East Lake W. J. GRIFFIN, ? General Manager. Eastern Carolina Transportation Co.

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