minDITIIPV bUPMUUn Norfolk & nnmillOfVinilCDD UUIllHllUUlUIILIlU 5 mi mmu r n m i Proceeding of the Board of Com missioners of Curritcuk County, Feb. 7th 1910. The Board of Commission ers met according to adjournment, T. L. Jarvis, chairman -and J. W, San- derlin present and the following pro ceedingi had: Benefits allowed viz: Abner Bunch 4.00; Chas. Hayman. B.'&P; W. 3 Seals 5.00; Frank Rodgers 6.00; Jas. Beasley and son 5.00; Matild Tayne 2.50; Jno. Sawyer, afflicted son 3.00; Peggy Coson 3.00; Godfrey Tripp 3.00; Mary Ldndsey 4.00; Dor- cos Dough 3.00; Nancy Perry 4.00; Mahola Waterfleld 20.00; Fannie Wicker 5: 00; Eaizabeth Beasley 2.50; Lndicy Waterfleld a. 50; XJhloe Chole Cowell 2.50; Betsy Robinson 2.00; Lydin Acklin Emly Ack lin 5.00"V Joshua Baxter 4.00; Ned Barnard 3.00; Grandy Bell 5.00; Sarah Spruell 2.00; Zelpha Harrison 7.50; Adelia Coton 2.00; Jack Spence 7.00; Adelia Coton 2.00; Ad line Frost 2.50; Polly Twiddy 3.00; Edward O'Neal 5.00 Leni Johnson 2.0O; Spencer Old 2.00; County Orders issued viz: Dr. H. M. Shaw 25.00 for three months serving as health officer, ending February 1st 1910; T. J. Jarvis, jailor 17.50 for 35 days' board for Bill Miller, Josephus Baum; 1.31 for 175 See copy for public road. T. L. Jarvis 7.30 for Regular day, on Board and milage and one special day. J. W. anderlin 7.10 for one regular day on Board and milage and 1 special day: R. E. Flora 24.58 fior bill filed, see audit Book for items. Gf W. Williams 14.00 for bill filed, see Audit Book for items. Upon a petition being filed with the Board of Commissioners for the laying out and establishing a public road in Moyjock Township, it was ordered by said Bqard that a notice be posted at the Court House door of the said petition by the clerk of the Board. Sheriff J. E. Barnard asked for an extension of time to collect and settle the taxes for 1909 until the first Monday in May 1910. After hearing his statement, ,the Board ordered that he be given un. til the first Monday in May 1910 toJ settle said tax in full. There being no other business the Board adjourned to meet March 7th 191. R. E. FIXRA,- Clerk of the Board. COMMUNICATION Editor Tar Heel: My Dear Sir: May I, through your column speak a .word to my fellows in Christ, of whatever name in Elizabeth City, and adjacent parts? . . The Laymen's Missionary move ment has come so conspicuously to the fore in recent days and the theme is stirring men's hearts and arousing so much interest that I venture this suggestion to our public: "That we begin as soon as possible to hold meetings to study the movement and put ourselves in touch with the men who are leading in it. At least seventy-five of the larger cities in this country will hold conventions whem The Conversion of the Woria in this r Hntioi.nHtti') ia tVio eiiMor for His- cussion. Many of these conventions have been held and thousands of our mdst earnest and successful busin ess men have figured at these gather ings and spoken for the cause. My suggestion is that the means of our various churches form them selves into chapters to study tihe subject and within the next two or three months thiB to have a - mass meeting or have a chapter together and at such time to invite some of the great missionaries of the world to address us. , The desire to catch the spirit that is so characteristic of t8is world wide movement. We want the facts in the case and Model A67 is a new one. SCHEDULE OF PASSENGER TRAIN of South ern Ry. Harry Woldott and Hugh M. Kerr, Receivers. Direct through train service be. tween all points in Eastern North j Carolina, and via Norfolk to all east- era cities. Schedule in effect September 1st, TRAINS LEAVE ELIZABETH CITY 8:65 A MT, Daily for Wort oik and in termediate stations. 3:00 P. M., Daily except Sunday, ex. press for Norfolk and intermedi ate stations Parlor Car Service. :25 P M. Daily except Sunaay to. Norfolk and intermediate sta. tions. ; 6.10 A. M,- Sunday only, for Norfolk and intermediate stations. a: 15 P M., Daily except Sunday for 1 Jl. t 3.41a1U a mm 4 intermediate Stauoas Conaecw at Suffolk with all lines lor tne Souta and West. I0t23 A. M. Daily for JEdenton anu intennedlate stations. jk.05 P. M., Dally except Sunday, ex. press, (Parlor car service to JQd enton) for Hertford, ISdenton, Washington, FarmvUle, Green. ville, Wilson, Raleigh and inter- mediate stations, aiso for New Bern. Morehead City, Beaufort and intermediate stations. Con. necta at Mackey's Ferry for Bel- haven and Columbia Branches. Connects at New Bern for Kins. ton, Golds boro and intermediate Stations, aiso ior uneu or 7:63 P. M.. Daily for Hertford. Eden- rm anA intBrmoriinto Stations w. ww I For further particulars, consult Norfolk and Southern Railway Folder or apply to F. JL. Garrett, Ticket Agent, Elizabeth City, N. C. H. C, HUDG1NS, Q P A W W CRQX TON A G P A E T. Lamb, Q M., Norfolk, Va. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 effective Mon day, January 24th 1910, will be op erated on the following schedule. Daily Ex Daily Ex Sunday . Sunday P. M. P. M. 12:15 Lv Norfolk, Va .Ar 3:40 1:45 Lv. E. City, N. C. Ar. 2:20 2:18 Lv. Hertford N. C. Ar. 1:39 2:40 Ar. Edenton, N. C.Lv. 1M5 5.00 Lv. Edenton, N. C. Ar. 12:55 3:30 Ar.Ndackey'B Ferry, Lv. 12.26 to know what they are worth to us. Mr.- Editor, have read more or less on this subject, but believe you will agree with me, that we should have and do something definite on the matter. The men of my church will. I hope form their organization and 'begin roading the splendid books to be had for the purpose. With greetings to all brethern in Christ and a lively hope for better knowledge of each other and that cause so dear to us all. I remain, Your sincerely CLAUDINS P. SMITH. Stubborn as Moles are liver and bowels sometimes; seem to halk without cause. Trtien there's trouble- Losses of Appetite Indigestion, Nervousness, Desponden cy, Heahache. But such troubles fly before Dr. Kings New Life Pills, the world's best Stomach and Liver remedy. So easy 25c at The Stand ard Drug Co. Wood's Early Ohio are being planted in increasing quantities each year by the largest and most successful market-growers. This variety makes uniform ly large sized potatoes, of excellent shipping, market and table quali ties, and is proving to be one of the most profitable and reliable of early-cropping potatoes. We are headquarters for the best Maine-grown $66(1 Second Crop n Northern-grown r0tat06S WAAff aoth Annual Seed Book gives lull descriptions and ' Seed Potatoes information, witn tne nignesi, tes timonials from successful growers as to the superiority of Wood's Seed Potatoes. Write for prices and Wood's Seed Book, which will be mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, J 1 I 1 THE TWO OLD CONFEDERATES IN OLD TIMES DOWN SOUTH rku n,veuiug ui wiu iUutuyU Stories and Songs by Mr. Polk Miller and Col. Tom Rnnkpr and Mr. Miller's Tugmo xgxwo- HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY Admission 35 and 50 cents Seats for Sale at Selig's from 10th to 16th. Notice of Administration Having qualified as Executors of the ,ate JnQ L Hintoni we hereby indebted to nis estate to come iorwaia aui make immediate settlement and . . . . . . . 1 those holding claims against the same to present them for payment within twelve months from the dat3 of this notice or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery . Feb. 3rd, 1910. C. L. HINTON. R. L. HINTON. Executors . North Carolina, Pasquotank County, In Superior Court, Before the Clerk John 8. Morris, C. W. Hollowell and N. Q. Grandy, Plaintiffs VS Jerry Cartwright, Charity Pool and Husband, Chas. Pool, Lydia Banks, Azuriah Banks, John D. Banks, Dollie Banks, Henry Banks, John Fere bee and wife, Florence Ferebee, Robrt Tay lor, Mary Taylor, Bertha Rld dick and husband, Jobie Rld dlck, Addle Banks and husband Moses Banks, Creecy Copeland and husband, Hezklah Cope land, Charlie Brockett, Dallas Brockett, James Brockett, Dan iel Brockett, Plaintiffs. The Defendants, Lydia Banks, Henry Banks, Robert Taylor and Jobie Riddick will take notice that a special proceedings entitled as above has been commenced in the Suprior court of Pasquotank County to sll for partition certain real es tate belonging to the plaintiffs and defendants as tenants in common; and the said Defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the clerk of th Superior Court of Pasquotank County, on the 28th day of February 1910 and aaswer or demur to the pe tition in said proceedings or the re lief therein demanded will be grant ed. This January 27 1910. W. H. JENNINGS Clrk Superior Court Pasquotank Co. Notice of Administration . Having qualified as administrator of the late Henry C. Boyd, I give notice to all persons maeDtea ro nis estaie reference is hereby made to two to come forward and make immediate deeds wnich are recorded in deed settlement and those holding,, claims Book p p pages 595 and 6, Cam. against the same to present them for den County records, payment within twelve months from THEREFORE, Let the heirs of the the date of this notice, or it will be sald Daniel Spellman or any person pleaded in bar of their recovery. j or persons firm or corporation claim C. C. MEADS j tng under, through, or by them take Elizabeth City, N. C, Dec 27, 1909. j notiCe that the timX for redemption of the said ';ands will expire on, the Miss Lizzie Bray has returned, from a visit to Powells Point. r Messrs. J. B. Flora, C. W. Grice, F. M. Grice and Jet Davis have spent this week on a hunting trip at Nags Head. T. P. Nash has spent several days in Richmond this week, Msiting his brother. a r n .J. W. Fisher of Currituck was here n avi 11 famous Ouartete of Old FEBRUARY 16TH PROFESSIONAL CARDS OR. S. W. GREGORY. DENTIST. Office in Flora's new building, Cor. Main and Water Sts. DR. M. M. HARRIS, . Dentist. Office In Robinson BnCding, Hours 8 to 12 and 2 to 6. J. H. WHrTE. D. D. 8. Twenty five years In DENTISTRY Cn all its branches. Office over McCabe & Grice's Store. Cor. Main and Poindexter streets. THE HATTIE CREEF. Daily between Man too and Eliza beth City. Leaves Elizabeth City daily at 1:10 o'clock P. M. for Man too. .. Leaves Manteo daily at 5 o'clock a. m. for Elizabeth City. Connects at Manteo with boats for Mann's Harbor, Mashoes and East Lake W. J. GRIFFIN. General Manager. Eastern Carolina Transportatioa Co. NOTICS Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of May 1919, the undersigned purchased at a Sheriffs sale in. Cam den County, N. C. said sale being held for the collection of the taxes on the property sold for the year 1907 Nine-tenths of the following describe ed tract of land listed in the name of Daniel Spellman's heirs, situated In Shiloh Township Camden County, N. C. and bounded and described as follows: Bounded by the lands of B. F. Mer cer on the East and South; by the lands of Jos. Barnard's heirs on the West: and hv the lands of E. L. Forbes on the North and containing Q lMCr ( por deScrllttion o said laad 3rd day of May 1910 tfctf unless j redemption f the land, made with- j in said time and upon the conditions provided by law, the undeVsigned will apply to W. L. Forbes, ex-sheriff of Camden County for a deed for said lands. y This 18th day of January 1910. T. B. GODFREY . , ' N. G. BURGESS ; Camden, Nf C. PEANUTS tF you want THE HIGHEST price for YOUR PEANUTS , SHIP TO The Holland & Lee Co. Storage and Commssion. Peanuts a Specialty. SUFFOLK is the Largest Peanuts Town in the world Liberal advances made on Peanuts either , for Prompt Sales or StorageCharge guarenteed to be as low as any reputable firm. It will pay you to write for charges, quo tations, etc., before shipping. We respectfully solicit your shipment for which we will give carefull ana personal attention. Write The, Holland 3c Lee Co. in i C. C. COBB, COBB BROS. & CO So. State Phone 438 So Bell Phone 448 BANKERS AND BROKERS. Members of New York and Norfo IT - Correspondence ofriqgo. Staek Kcrnhange. COTTON. STOCKS BONO GRAIN . PROVISIONS, Special attention given to Telegraphic and Phone orders. ExecutSoa of all orders reported promptly. Any Information desired rearoia markets will be gladly furnished at any time. j ARCADE BUILDING (Opposite P. (A Building.) VORFOLK ,'vm ' ?' " We want to thank our cus tomers for their liberal patrons age during the past year, which was the best in our history, and we solicit a continuance of the it same, BANK ROYAL SAVINGS LW ZZHm lin. 3hx Jht An Vts An Wn It . 1 j Is made of heavy, hard, stiff steel wire, the strongest and best possible to produce for fencing purposes. It is fully guaranteed as to workman ship and efficiency and la all and me re than represented. Royal Fence is not an experiment, but thoroughly te sted article, already bearing an envi able reputation and holding -at strong position as the choice of thousands of the best fence users in the world. r, Sharber G White Hardware Go. Elizabeth City, N. C. Just Received 1 a car loan of Main grawn Irish Potato Seed. The car consists of IrishCobblers, White Bliss, Red Bliss and Holton Early Rose. . One car Farming Implements Consisting of Disc Cultivators Disc Harrows r Section Harrows Acme Harrows Stalk Cuttetsi , Sunny South Com and Cotton Planters, Black Hawk Com Planters. Vork Weeders -and oher. Come in and inspect our stock. We h&ve a big show room on second story o& our new building whicji we are now occupying especially to show our farming implements. JENNETTE BROS CO South Water St. READ THE SUFFOLK, VA. 3 " :-r:t JAS. B. McCAW - i. - r Cotton Bx " v. Board of Trade and New Yot & TRUST CO. DSPINE FENCE Elizabeth City, N. C n if TAR HEEL its f Ax H ' 1 .PTJ -SJCSP - k this week on business. Jan 27 -41, mm 1 . - i'i -v W1" . -.y.j h Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Q

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