fioee' 0 ids 5? th foU rrel. "t of fiv t of five. Horses must record less ts best thre- P of the win- 55. DO, second; SHARP ie saddle. them to he driven ex a pleasant June 30th.T rtes received. declare race- allowed. -F PRICE, icky number Y. ,N.C r ia. Ex- l Spend tore Re- inse and is, Fish- :oad ty Nor address lAGPA'r t. F. I. n 17, 1906 , in, Boston, id eighteen for kidney ie best rem' Id wish you bf Bloodine N FRANK il Agent. -13 20 2T lof undigested ible, gentle, ell as on tne i, indigestion, RUP i a day. They give you less results in beef, pork, work, or eggs, whenthey are not in perfect health. Tatee a little interest in your own pocket book and doctor them up with Black-Draught Stock anil Poultry Medicine It will pay you to do this. It has paid thousands of other successful farmers and stock and poultry raisers. This famous remedy is not a food, but a genuine, scientific med icine prepared from medicinal herbs and roots, a "ug on the liver, kid neys, bowels and digestive organs. Sold by all druggists, price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. per cam Write for valuable book : "Success with Stock and Poultry. ' ' Sent free for a postal. Address Black-Draught Stock Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn. WAR VET E NOT ALLOWED TO ASSIST IN ROSEVELT RECEPTION, SAYS GENERA LOUD. , New York veterans of the Civil CIVIL RUNS DENIED REPRESENTATION War were denied representation attention is apparent when we recall the reception to former President Roosevelt by the committee in charge according to the statement made to- light by Gen. George B. Loud, the chairman of the memorial committee of the forty-seven local posts at the regular monthly meeting of the New York posts. Many persons have asked me re cently,'' he said, "why the Grand Army was not included among the organization in the splendid tribute to Colonel Roosevelt. Now that the incident is closed, I can sanswer. The reason was that we were ig noredyes, refused representation on the committee, although this was re requested . When the stamach fails to perform its functions, the bowels become de ranged, the liver and the kidneys con gested causing . numerous disease. The stomach and liver must be re stored to a healthy condition and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets can be depended upon to "do it. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by All Dealers. EVER 'WATCHFUL A Little Care Will Save Many Eliz abeth City Readers Future 'Trouble Watch the kidney secretions. See that they have the amber hue of health; The discharge not excessive or infrequent; Contain no 'brick-dust like' sedi ment. Doan-s Kidnev Pills will do this to yoci. They watch the kidneys and cure toem when they're sick. 3niuel Jarvis, 224 E. Fearing St. Elk zabeth City, N. C. says: 'I suf- fered a great deal from backache, ac- cnipanied by a sereness and lame ness across my kidneys. I could hard y 'itoop or lift and at uch times jarP pains darted through my loins he kidney secretions were irregular m pPssage, obliging me to arise sev eral times during the night. After Using Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at the Standard Pharmacy, the back ache an,i pains disappeared and I have tin u . . uaci any recurrence since I will- recommend Dtoan"s Pills. Kidney For cents sale by all dealers. Prhe t0 ''-M!tom Co., Buffalo, New or, sole agents for the 'TJattefi states. , : ; meirber the tak" no ether. dame Doan a it Representative J. Hampton Moore of Pennsylvania, and president of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Associa tion has been an . enthusiastic V ad vo- cate of improving the rivers and har bors of the United States ever since he was a reporter on the Philadelphia Public Ledger years ago. Since he came, to Congress he has taken a com manding position in the movement for a comprehensive waterway policy on the part of the government and the formation of the Atlantic Deeper Waterway Association is due largely to his persistency and enthusiasm for the construction of an inside pasage from Boston to Beaufort. North Car olina, and thence on tp the Florida Keys using the canals, bays and the ounds between Boston and Beaufort thereby shortening the distance some six hundred miles between the points namsd and at the same time avoiding the penis of Hatteras. At the last session Of Congress Mr. Moore en deavored 'to secure the authorization for an initation to the International Navigation Congress to meet in the United States but failed in securing such authorization. This session Mr Moore has had better luck the Rivers and Harbors bill carrying an appro priation for $50,000 for this purpose. Commenting on the provision the hust ling member from the Philadelphia district said: "The coming to the United States of the Permanent International As sociation of Navigation Congresses will mean much for waterway devel opment in this country. It is well known that we are far behind Euro pean countries in inland waterway development. The picked engineers and experts of all nations attend these conferences in the old countries and this will be the first conference of the kind to be held in the United states. The significance of such a con that up to 1907 the United States, with its vast area, had spent only about $550,000000 on all its waterways and harbors, while France alone, sines 18 had pent more than $700- 000,00.' Mr. Moore expressed the earnest hope that the next international con ference held in this country would devote itself amongst other things, to a discussion of the limitation of artificial harbor depths. He had just been before the Committee on For eign Affairg advocating a joint res olution recently offered by him dir ecting the Secretary of State to con fer with the maritime nations of the world as to the ddvisabilty of reach ing an international agreement upon this question. "It is highly important," he7 said, "that the nations should come to some Tnderstandfcng as o the depth to which they propose to dredge har bors for the accommodation of a very few big ships. New York alone on the Atlantic cosat is prepared to re ceive vessels of the Mauretania and Lusitania type. Are we to continue appropriating millions of dollars every year to attain for other harbors the artificial depth we are giving New York, or are we to agree all along the coast upon the concentration of international trade and commerce at one points What one port has another will strive for, and an equal distri bution of trade seem to be a fair prop osition. This same problem confronts British ports like Liverpool and South ha"mpton. The latter has the advan tage over Liverpool and any further dredging, if the contruction of freak veselg is to be involved, would operate to put Liverpool out of business. 'But apart from the question of dis tributing trade, is the vert import ant one of the wasting of public money. Every nation is affected, but the United States by reaon of its' area will undoubtedly be the largest sufferer, because, if foreign ship owners build vessel of extraodinary draft, the various ports of the United State must be deepened to accommo date them whether they do or do not appear at those ports. A FEW SHORT WEEKS Mr. J. s. Bartell, Edjwardsville, til. writes: "A few months ago my kidneys become congested. I had severe backace and pains across the kidneys and hips." Foley Kidney Pills promptly cured my backache and cor rected the action of my kidneys. This was brought about after my using them for mly a few short weeks and I can cheerfully recommend them. Brown's Pharmacy. But can it be a shadowy road. Whereon both Youth and Genius strode? ; Can it be dark, since Shakespeare trod Its unknown length, to meet our God; Since Shelley, with his valiant youth Fareforth to learn the final Truth; Since Milton in his blindness went With wisdom and a high content And Angelo lit with white flame v -The pathway when God called his name ; And Dante, seeking Beatrice, Marched fearlessly )doWn the deer abyss! Where Homer went, and Socrates, Browning and Keats and such as i these. Lincoln and Sappho with her song That echoes still for the vast throng Nero and strong Napoleon And calm, courageous Washington. Great Alexander, Plutarch names That swept the world with deathless flames I need not fear that I shall fall When the ord God's great Voice shall call : For I shall find the roadway bright When I go forth some quiet night; Bright since Christv too dared to go! Charles Hanson Towne, in The Bookman. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR A woman will hardly ever talk scan dal unless she has a tongue. A man can talk himself into be lieving all the things he can't any body else. Nearly every girl would want to elope if she could have a big church wedding, too. If a man goes out and mows the lawn once a year he acts as if he did if all the time. No matter how little a man got out of a college education, his son can manage to get less. New York Press THE SAFE WAY Impresario Mr. Westchester "fell in iove with that beautiful soprano Tenor I thought he hated women. Impresario He does; it was voice that charmed him. Tenor And did he marry her? Impresario--No, he had some rec ords made of her songs and then bought a phonograph. Town Topic. THE LIMIT (A Massachusetts Judge has sought to enjoin a woman from talking A judge can do a lot of things that other people can't Wh3n railroads want to lower rates a judge can say: You shan't! When the kindly philanthropic trusts would batter prices down. vThe judge, enshrined upon his bench denies them with a frown, But all the judges in the land have not the power tp balk The oldest earthly privilege a wo man's right to talk. Old Daniel was a mighty judge; ha handed down a writ Against a bunch of lions fierce, and therefore was not bit, ' when Jeffreys sat upon the bench his sentences were short, Consisting of. "You hang my man! No mercy in this court! ' But Daniel would have been devoured and Jeffreys swiftly hung, If either had attempted to enjoin a woman's tongue. So, Mr. Massachusetts Judge, remem ber King Canute, Who found that turning back the tide was quite a vain pursuit; Remember old Mahomet who discern ed his chance was slim, Of forcing any mountain to get up and come to him, A judge is great and powerful 1 as any 'neathi the sun, But in this world there are some things that simply can't be done. James Montague. it 38 x 88 feet in the Modern Steam Heated NEW KRAMER BUILDING ON MAIN STREET Can be divided into two rooms One of the best locations in this city for any line of business . Would fit stored to meet oc6u pant's requirements in the way of shelving, etc Storage room oh third floor in connection, reached by freight elevator. Also several suites of offices on the second floor, with heat and water, all modern conveniences For terms, etc., apply to KRAMER BROS & CO. g Office on Martin St., Eliza- j beth City, N. C. A PUBLIC BENEFIT Elizabeth City People Greatly Inter ested in the Generous Offer of The Standard Drug Company. The people have already demon strated that they would rather trust a man who is naturally honest than one who is honest only because he had ta be. The Standard Drug Company have a firmly established reputation for square dealing and sterling honesty. When they told the people that Rex- all Remedies are the uprest and most dependable medicines that it is pos sible for modern science to produce and that they would tell the public what each one of these 300 or more remedies contaBned, and that they sold Rexall Remedies on their person al guarantee that they would give entire satisfaction or they would not cost the user a single cent, they were believed. Ever since this announcement the Standard Drug Company has been largely patronized by people buying Rexall Remedies, all of which proves that htis sore has the confidence of the people and that honesty is the best policy . There is no 'cure-all' among the Rexall Remedies. There are different and separate medicines, each one de vised for a certain human ailment or a class of ailments closel allied. For instance Rexall Dyspepsia Tab lets are recvommended for the posi tive relief Of stomach .irritation, In digestion, flatulency and dyspepsia. They are rich in- Bimuth-Subnitrate, Pepsin, and Carminativves. They are prepared by special process which perfect and enhance the great med heriedial value of these well known med icinal agents, This remedy sells for 25 cents,; 50 cents and $1.00 per pack age. Every one suffering from stom ach disorder should try Rexall Dys ppsia Tablets, inasmuch as they cost nothing if they do not satisfy. Remember, The Standard Drug Co. is the only store in Elizabeth City where these remedies may be obtained and every one in need of medicine is urged to investigate and take advan tage or tne rrank and generous man ner in which they are sold. YOUR AUTOMOBILE LICENSE Automobile owners are being noti fled by the Secretary of State that they must renew their Wtomobile Ii censes by June 30th at a cost of one dollars, or that unless renewed by that time the riumber will be can celled, and a new number will have to be obtained at a cost of five dollars. ORIGIN OF HOBSON'3 CHOICE "It is a case of Hobson's choice is a phrase that it used Ly many peo ple without knowing exactly what it means, says a writer in the Strand Magazine, as a matter of fact, this adage has been handed dowii to us from the 17th century and had its origin in the eccentricities of one To bias Hobsoh. This , worthy was a car rier of Cambridge, who died in the year 1830. In addition to his ordinary business he kept a stable and let out horses to the students at the univer sity. He made it an unalterable rule, however, that each animal , should have an equal period of worit and' rest and would never let one out of its turn1. Consequently, instead of being! allowed to select the steed they most fancied, his customers had to take the one that stood next to the door. If did not meet with the'- approval Established in 1894. The aim of Mm u-KmI MOTTO: j)M8ib?etr,1CtknUnder po8itiTely Christian influences at the lowest Theschool was established by the Methodist Church, not to make money, but to furnish TSX eivn thorough taXiri in tody. mind. andht it amS cost. The object has been fo fully carried out that as a RESULT J f, t-iay. withlte faculty of 82, its boarding patronage of 300, and its luui, building and grounds, worth $146,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA. $150 pays all charges for the year, inclnding the table board, robm. lights, steam niedical attention, physical culture, and tuition in aH subjects except music and elocution. Apply for catalogue and application blank to REV. JAMES CANNON, JR.. M. A.. Principal. Blackstone, Va. BINGHAM SC HOOL 1793 1910 to bB MFW T uVceS.Ii?ao COLLE8E and f or LIFE, and have been trained to be MEK at THE BINGHAM SCHOOL. Ideally located on Ashevil le Plateau- Orgamiatiqjn MILITARY for di.cipline, control and carriage. BorsMDelled lr SCnK0t rriived-. V i C i O U S boy sent home ,oon a Covered. Hazing excluded by pledge of honor. Limited to 130. Rates reasonable. Address COL. R. BINGHAM, Supt., R. F. D., Box 53, ASHEVIUE, N. C. MEREDITH COLLEGE " Among the foremost Colleges for women in the South. Course in Liberal Arts covering nine depart- ments, and including elective courses in Education and Bible, which count fdr the A. B. degree school of music, including Piano, Pipe Organ, Violin and Voice Culture. School of Art, including Decoration, Designing and Oil Painting. School of Elocu tion. Academy which prepares students for college courses. Physical Cui- , ture under a trained director. Cost of literary course per year, including physician, nurse and ordinary medicines (every item save books and laun dry) $210.00; jn the club $50 to $55 les. Next session begins Sept. 14,1910 Address: PRESIDENT R. T. V ANN, Raleigh, N. C. June 10 July 15 . " ' v ELON COLLEGE (Co-educational) Delightfully situated in the hill country. Unsurpassed in Health fulness, Pure water, Modern in equipment, Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Baths, Sewerage. With all the advantages of the city life and none of its disadvantages. An ideal institution f Or the education of young men and young women, with twenty years of successful history behind it. A high grade institution, whose graduates are admitted to the graduate departments of all the great universities without examination. Maintains also Music, Art, Elocution, Bus iness, and Preparatory Department. Four courses leading to de grees. Special Normal Courses for Teachers, approved and endorse testate Superintendent Joyner. Terms moderated, from $112.10 to $187.00 per session of ten months, For catalogue or other information address EMMETT L. MOFFITT, President, or W. A. HARPER, Dean. ELON COLLEGE, N. C. they had to do without a ride. Hence the proverbial expression. Hobson's choice' used to signify a choice with out an alternative. NAPOLEON'S GRIT was of the unconquerable, never-say- die kind, the kind that you need most when you have a bad cold, cough or lung-disease . Suppose traches, cough syrups, cod liver oil or doctors have all failed, don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. , King' New Discovery. Sat isfaction ts guaranteed when used for any throat or lung trouble. It has saved thousands of hopeless sufferers. It masters stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, la grippe, croup; asthma; hay fever and whoop ing cough and is the most safe and certain remedy for all bronchial af fections, 50c; $1.00. Trial bottle free at the Standard Drug Co. STILL WE GROW! WHY? BECAUSE '" , t This is a strong, careful, safe and successful institution. It Is a growing, active, up-to-date shank in every particular. Your account will be appreciated by the bank and your interests will always be carefully considered. Our officers are experienced bankers Our directors are all well known, well-to-do business men, they are directors who DIRECT. If you are not a customer of this bank, let this be your Invitation to become one. CITIZENS BANK OF ELIZABETH CITY. Superb Service TOJ BALTIMORE PEAKE STEAMSHIP LINE (New Bay Line) "COLUMBIA" and "AUGUSTA" Dining room on Saloon Deck. Elegant Table DHote Dinner 75 cents Club Breakfast 25 to 60 cents. Polite Attention and the very best service in every way. WE SOLICIT CRITICISM OF OUR SER VICE. Leaves Norfolk (Foot of Jackson Street) daily (except Sun day) 6:15 p. m. Arrive Baltimore 7:0 a. m. connecting with rail lines for Philadelphia, New York, and ail points East and WestiFor all information and reservations address. C. I. CHANDLER, G. A.,-F. R. McMILLIN, T. P. A. NORFOLKJVTRGINIA. T i n. i The North Carolina State No mal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North'CarOlina. Four regular Course leading to De grees. Special Courses for Teach ers. Fall Session begins Septem ber 14, 1910. Those desiring to en ter should apply as early as pos sible. For catalogue and other information address. JULIUS I, FOUST, President, Greensboro, NN. C OXFORD SEMINARY Founded 1850 Oxford, N. C. BOARD AND GENERAL TUITION FOR ANNUAL TERM $164.00. Apply for Illustrated Catolgue. F. P HOBGOOD June-10 Aug. 10 -rsKEifPT-nr-- ----- VIA GHESA "'All '43 "T1 V .1 r I i'lH I mm H 1 l ajf1' IB

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