m 'ANAL r WING ECTED II MUM rFIC. apply lilding, In, Secy I, f ves- U feet ;anal. sideut. ION rator of Iby give to his ike im- I holding present reive notice, 5f their rd, De- ; rust ex- n et ais Zion therein ) Trust is reg- legister ity in Tednes Eer for in said r cash, in said ring and , bound est cor- lot and ne Cul- ie Rail- Ithe rail- FcUy par ies feet thence hper St., the lot Irch for stee. Iperty - kst exe- W. H. ivis, for cpressed, lars date sglsfered 3f Deeds Jook 34, Ithe 8th. c, A. M. luse door kioh, for to me lich prop- : A cer situated Ina, Pas- town oi as fol bide of on the Irmerly de- llot be- Robert luth by srest by Wilson Ing 50 Id run- to. lines ley- FARMNOTES OF INTEREST - i . i POULTRY NOTES I Do not attennDDt to use j. ...... - V MSS ' . I wfMium suung, as the charcoal ft con Bantam. For the Children tains is very annoying to the hen aS while to some the no J "s w tne nen and - ---- T.t -w Wlli use u half as freelv a may, seem to he of but little impor- she otherwise would. Do not danJf tance yet thev will as a rrile natr well nnnn v A . . aepena -7- -x- uoi lu taKe care nf the. hoir Veen nA 4-V. ! , iu K x .... Wire OI 1116 XU1 vuw. uu mere is uuuuug pesis ii tney have gotten a ood that will have better, influence oyer start and have filled the cracks the average boy or tend to kkeep him crevices of your poultry housffrn nt home urirt , -. wunry nouse from 7 " " - ww w oowom and covered th hen - V v .7 uur wcu inAy will breed and increase afford to buv the nnrahrL etnnV fact0 t u "xv'1ttBe p wvv, mcm me nens can smother some common ones although I should them out. It will be vour rfX be temnted to strain a t, t r auty tllen - - "" v" aciuoeu xne roosts and house have the good ones, thus training the Dusting the hens with JL eye of the boy to detect the good strong lice powders will clean thmn noints from the Kori x;. .l . 111 cxean them r -j uuj ue "ui usnt at the tav.i- c...x. CTOWll he Will rr,o, Ti. OOUlliem ated a taste for handling some of is v tue jarger iowis, and from the ex- Thi is tho t i "uie ui year when the penence gained with the bantams he method of curin, rL J ! wm oe aDie.to make a success of ujr UBO 01 rhem from the start, it needs no ar,J 18 mSt valuable- We are receiv- ment of mine to convince you that it m many reluests for thedetai Is of is a hundred timps hotfa. t our methnH a- , w cutuuiaser , ""vi ou smaiy repeat the children to stay at home where theu 1 I you know what kind of company they Kill the ho' whfln have than to allow them to run wild reJ JZ" th are Nothing will come nearer accomplish- profle to feed Tent In mg this than ownership of pets of Kill them irrespete If Z th some kind. In the hantam besides WeceknJl in W' serving this purpose you have the twt. JT eured benefit of the "IZll ermoneter at 84 u u you have never had Let carcasses hand one niM 'dt any experience with the : . u oae night. Cut "O lv j uai from a few little old bantam heni THOSE PIES OF, BOYHOOD How delicious were the niQ nf hood. No pies now ever taste a0 good, what's changed?, the pies? No. Its you. You've lost the strong healthy otumacn, tne vigorous liver, the a LIj I . . "vw itioneys ' tne men nr hrvwi boyhood. Your digestion fMlr UUU you blame thel food. WhatJs neeiteH? ww wuing up by Electric Bit- ters 01 an organs of disrestion. tom ach; liver, kidneys: bowels trv them mi " 1 ue-v 11 restore your bovhnod oe. ... auu appreciation of fonvi fairly saturate your body with new ueairn, strength and vis-or t oianaara Ufrug Co s 1 GARDEN NOTES as they are commonly termed. There are twenty varieties of bantams. Seventeen of them are called orna mental bantams and include such as Sebrights, White and Black Rose Comb and the more common Cochin and Brahma bantams. The game, ban tarns include one for each variety of the large or standard games. Of the whole lit, the Cochin Bantam is un doubtedly, the 'most profitable for a boy to handle. They are hady ami consequently easy to raise. They arei quiet and. tame so that the. r, dificult to handle. They lay -jperhaps the largest egg, according to their weight, of any fowl we have. In fact a dozen Cochin Bantam eggs are not to be laughed at for bulk. The Black Breasted Red Game Bantam Is the most aristoratic of the ham tribe and there is more money chang ed hands fOT ihem yeap country and Europe than there is for all the rest of the bantam class put Paid for a single cock or hen. But they are quite hard to raise, and it is for that vry reason. They are epr ana anhred so much to Secure fine standard points that it has weened their vitality to a consider able extent. Not so with the Coefe- iney seem to cairy their vitalty with them at times and conditions, and are always ready for squire mel from the boy's hud iJxc vue DOllIlri nf k . w. Jiir iJvnn- pound of meat. Break ice into pieces - irum one t three pounds in wweight Use a large packing box or build a bin in end of smoke house. Pack and ice in alternate layers with k'r-y- m 111 . W,C1 Diankets or heavy ana leave till ice is all melted """. nimai heat will Qn Ke " - Ul "Ul or meat. Salt and smoke in tne usual way. In nrincinie thio . the same as the Drocess nsea k 1 " fcJ, LU pacKing houses whose success x uue sxmpiy to the chillins of he meat. to THE OUST BATH We are constantly asked, how niinf ac i i nonage against worms? There is a widespread but ground less prejudice against-the use of noi- SOn. This is founder? w iguwi cuiue 01 the method of growth of xthe cabbage plant. The head grows from the inside. Therefore, poison appplied to the out side leavess never Reaches the oufslde Part of the plant, Paris gneen sprayed or snrinfrie on the plants when they are wet with ew as perfect protection against worms and all eating insects. One-half ounce of Paris irreen mi. ed with one pound of cheap flour and sprinkled on through a piece of gunny sacjc is simply and effective. Of course refuse leaves must not he ferf to stock unless washed free of the poison. I am keeping the side shoots ninr-h ed from my tomato plants, which are miW setting fruit. There is a six- foot stake by each plant, and the single stem will be tied un to this Last year in my old garden there was a niseon flv onMnbn muv. . , . - w j v-v.uacu ivuu cnicKen wire. I kept no pigeons, and used the fly for tomatoes trained up on the Wire. I had plants there thirteen feet bigh, and" had to get the .tomatoes from a stepiadder, and thev We tin But I always look out for failure nf uie early plants in late summer and nave now a lot of plants from seed sown in the open ground, which I will plant out after some early crop is off so that if the early ones fail, I will have plants to succeed them, and keep up the, supply of tomatoes' till frost comes again. i SCHEDULE OF PASSENGER TRAIN of - Norfolk &South- ern R. R, Co, While the bush lima beans are hardy and early, thev can not take 1 tne place of the climbing ones in nro- duction. I grow some of botfi, the bush ones for earliness and the ciimb ing ones for main cron. Then the large lima are not productive, in the South, while the small lima, or Sieva is productive and to my taste, better for eating than the large lima. These too, I grow on the chicken wire net ting. PROF. MATHEWS Norfolk and Southern Railroad Sum mer schedule change Pulman Sleep- trains between Norfolk and Raleigh effective Sunday June 5th. No. I: Daily Night Express; leave Elizabeth City H:48 pm., leave Edenton l;05 am; ar rive Washington 3:15 am. ar rive Greenville 4:17 am ar- ve wuson 5:41 am; arrive Raleigh, Union Station 7:55 am. Connects at Wilson with A. C. L. R. R., North and South. Connectss at Raleigh with Southern Ry., for Dur ham, Chapel Hill and Greens boro. Connects at Raleigh with R & s. P. Ry. for Fay etteville . NO. 3:' DailV. evoent Qnnvl0,r Elizabeth City 6:48 pm: ar rives Edenton 7:55 pm. xno. 0, uany, leave Elizabeth City 11:33 am; leave Edenton 12:50 pm; for Washington, uoidsboro, Beaufort and in termediate stations. Connects at Washington, daily except feunday, for Greenville, Wil son and! Raleigh. Connects at Mackeys Ferry, daily ex cept Sunday, for Columbia and Belbaven. COBB BR05. & CO So. State Phone 438 So Bell Phr.nA Air BANKERS AND BROKERS. Member, of New York and Norlo Cotton Bxcchanga sftJTT' 01 CWa3 Board ot Trode ye T rt C0TT0N- 1 TCC'8 '' RAM GRAIN BONOS . Special attention grven to Telegraphic and m j tLrder8 r6POrted Ptly. Any information deW 1 market, wffl be gladly furnished at any time. rauMi ARCADE BUILDING (opposite P. O. Building.) No. No special crop is today recching so much of what may be called a.i. vertising attendon as the pecan. mere are hundreds of nen1rt .v-w, "IVi"6 ij iciiaoie mtormation. We wuuia De glad if snmo ueanng pecan orchard, covering five consecutive years. All trees in the orchard should be included and the credit side should present only commercial sales actually made-of nuti alone. Tbe housewife is often heard to re mark that he wonders why the chickens always select her fine mel low flower bed to do their Woiii n. Why don't the rxT T e s,aa 11 some onA would Th- n V 1 7 S the fleIds?'ise b an actual book account with he truth Of the matt 4o v, ..... , .uul Wltn flower b I. ,h. ' , I '"".COnSeCUtlre sETAIBTAOINO approach to dust of anything within tbeir reach. The hens are about to overrun with lice and mites and na ture tells her that she must fill her feathers with something of a dust mature that will smother them out. There is nothing that is cheap that is n as efficient as good fine road dust It should be duet, pure dust, and not sand the kind that gets up and dusts everything in reach when the wagons roll over it. That is the kind your hens need for the purpose. When the roads become thoroughly dry and dustry and in the middle of the day at that, take your wagon or wheel oar row and shovel and lay in a sup P!y. Xot only for immediate use, for they are needing it badly at this time out lay up a winter's supply against the time when the roads are in such a condition that it can nnt ho a Store it in dry barrels placed under shelter and up from the ground so that the moisture can not pass up in to it and destroy its unsfulness by makmg it damp. In fixing it for use, Put it into roomy boxes about 20 mches square and 10 inches high. Fill' them about half full of the dust. Place upon the floor in your chicken house or other shelter. If they can nt be placed upon a floor, raise them lightly off the ground so the air m,ay pass under the boi to prevent dampness. Good dust boxes kept lm SuPPed will be half the battle Jon against these ever-present pests. About a quart of fine sifted wood ashes effl f t0 each b0x wm ease its eancy in smothering them out WOMEN ARE INTERESTED IN ES- TABLJSH1NG LOWER DEATH No RATE AMONG THEIR SEX It has recently been discovered that many women who believe thev are suffering with diseases peculiar to their sex have nothing else but kid ney trouble or the results of kidne mm oiaaaer ureases. Thousands of women suffer from kidney trouble and never know it. When the kid neys are not in a healthy condition, mey orten cause the other organs to Decome diseased, and you become nervous, irritable and often desnon- dem When in ill health you mav suffer witn bearing down feelings, backache rma loss of ambition. Many thous ands of nervous, irritable and broken down women have restored their health and strength with Bloodine Blood and Kidney Tablets, they make sick kidneys well. Free sample and booklet will be sent by the Bloodine Corporation. Boston, Mass. Enclose stamp to pay postage. Jul J 171522 No. 2: Daily, leave Edenton 1:00 p m. leave Elizabeth City 2:10 pm; arrive Norfolk 3:55 pm. No. 4: Daily, except Sunday, leave Edenton 7:55 am, leave Eliz abeth City 9:05 am. arrive Norfolk 10:50 am. in u . 0 . JJailv. nifirht PYnrocc 10 Edenton 3:50 am: leave E City 4:55 aim arrive Norfolk 6:45 am. 100: Daily except Sundayy, motor car, leave Edenton 7:00 am; arrive Suffolk 9:30 am. 124 Tues; Thrs; Sat. leave Eden ton 2:25 pm; arrive Suffolk 7:05 pm. I Ml ROYAL FENCE to M. tata S" 016 Str0nsest aad "' PO-U not an w 7T Hoya! Penc t. .h, ... '""su.y restea article, already bearine n .wo aiji tin- wonu. S!?Lbw white Hardware Go '3 Elizabeth! City, N.fC. No. 120 Mon; Wed; Fri: leave Eliz abeth City at 3:15 pm; arrive Suffolk 7:05 om. For complete information andv any iicket Agent, or address H. C. HUDGINS, G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. 'IS LIFE WORTH SAVING?' Mrs. Mollie McRaney, Prentiss. Miss writes that she had a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble, and that tour bottles of Foley's Kidney Rem edy cured her sound and well. closes ner letter by saying: "I heart ily recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of kidney disease saved my life. Brown's Pharmacy What will the weather be? At this season this question is one of the most constant and important on most farms. It is repeated at almst everyy breakfast table. Singularly enougg, that is the place where the simplest, most reasonable most reliable answer to the question can be obtained- Every cup of coffee used is an al most infallible barometer or weath er forecaster. Here is the fact: Dropp your sugar into your hot coffee suddenly and immediately stir. Bubbles will in stantly rise to the surface. StoD stir ring and these bubbles will float on the surface. If they gather in the center of the cup the weather will probably remain or become, fair dur ing the day. If they gradually float to the rim of the cup the weather will change to rain. At first this seems improbable, but just y it a few times. It comes a near being correct a 'the average official forecast, and" rt: Is at hand when most needed. , There is really scientific reason involved. Bubbles of air are extreme ly sensitive to atmosphere pressure; tne center of the cup is hotter than the outer edge, : V ! v Try it! Southern Ruralist. Norfolk 8 Southern Railroad NIGHT EXPRESS Pullman Sleeping Car Service (Electric Lights rau, raueign, in. u. and Norfolk, Va. Beginning June 5th. The Onlv local S-lppninor rar lino ikwrv- r i . - o uci yv ecu xval- eigh and Norfolk, via Wilson, Farmville, Greenville bu ttsmiigioii witnout cnange. eSIs schedule NIGHT EXPRESS 3:20 p. m. 5;25 p. m. 4:35 p. m. 5:10 p. m. 9K)0 p. m. 11:10 p. m. 7:00 p: m. 7:30 p. m. 8:45 p. m. 10:10 p. m. 12:30 a, m. 1:35 a. m. 6:45" a. m. Lv Greensboro, Southern Ry Lv Durham, Southern Ry Lv.. Henderson, Sal. Ry Lv Fayetteville, R. & S. Ry Lv Raleigh, Union Sta Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. .Ar. 12:10 p. m. 9:50 p. m. 1:28 p. m. 11:00 a. m. Lv Wilson, ... Lv. -Wilminerton. via Wi!srn 7:55 a. m. 5:41 a. m. 9;35 a. m. 9:16 a. m. 8:07 a. m. 6:40 a. m. Ar T -r iNew Bern, via JGoldsboro A. Lv Kinston, via Goldsboro Ar. Lv Goldsboro via Wilson. Ar. Lv Greensville Iv Washington Ar,. Norfolk, Park Ave Close connection made at "Norfrit With linno AZ : .1 7 - .1 w. ii mica uivnglllg, For complete information, or reservation of sleeping car space apply to agents at principal points or H. C HUDGINS, G. P. A. W. W. CRQXTQN, A. G. P. A Norfolk, Va. Sanitary Plumbing Remember I all kinds of Dlumhitw 6m tittmgf also special attention to sewer connections. Thoroughly equipped shop. Only skillful workmen employed Prices reasonable. Pprnoi tention to all orders. W. P, Knowles From this date on, my custometdirfirld my pffice open 7:00 a. m. until 6:00 p. m. each day, wherelthey can obtain electrical supplies. WE SELL BRILLIANT TUNGSTEN LAMPS DECREASE YOUR LIGHTING BILL 60 PER CENT OR INCREASE YOURILLUMINA TION 300 PER CENT With NoJAddition to Present Cost of Lighting. ClG. Pritchard IS YOUR PROPERTY safe; .Ar. Ar. .Lv. 4:18 a. m. 3:35 a. m. 10:00 p. m. Olt isinot unless it is amply protected with insur anceNo one can tell when it will go up in smoke If not fuUy insured see us. Delay is dangerous 4 WE WRlTEflT RIGHT. ' mm i rim -J M m . . ' 11 I Mm I 41 1