I I ; I if IK": II I Bp H kI HRlf:-: Bp: Bn: - '!';".! BDf ' mm , i NOTICE Sale of Valuable Pfoperfy By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by Hugh Cale & wife, Mary F. Cale, on July 14, 1908 afljj recorded fin Pasquo tank County N. C. in Book No. 32, page 152, I will, on Monday, August 29, 1910 at 12 o'clock M. offer for sale at the court house at public auction for cash all those two certain town lots sit uate in the town of Elizabeth City, State and County afore said, and more particularly de scribed as follows: 1st. t One Icjt known as the Maty Cale is situated on the East side of Road street and being the same lot John S. Mor ris purchased of G. M. Scott, sAias.ifl!; page 555, Kegister of Deeds of fice, Pasquotank County, N. C, adjoining the lands of Bjeuben Madrin, May Vaughan and others. 2nd. Lot Also another lot sit uate just East and back of said Mary Cale lot and bounded on the North by the Fannie Cale lot, East by the Mary Vaughan lot., South by the Reuben Mad rin lot and West by the Mary Cale lot, commencing seventy six (76) feet back East from Road Street, running thence Eastwardly along the Reuben Madrin lot and Cale lot seventy one (71) feet to the May Vaug han lot, thence Northwardly along said Vaughan lot to the lot of Fannie Cale ninety-one (91) feet, thence. Westwardly seventy-one (71) feet up the Cale line to Mary Vaughan's other lot and thence Southwardly ninety one (91) feet to place of begin ning. Both of the above described lots being the identical property pur- NQTICE. f. VALUABLE &EAJL ESTATE Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust executed to the undersign ed fey Henry Bowe and wife,Lena Bo we, lor certain purposes uwae in expressed, and wfeieh d Seed of trust bears date of the 11th day of March 1909 and is registered in Book 34, plage 17ft in lie office of the Register of Deeds for Pas quotank County. I shall, on Sat urday the 20th day of August 1910 at 12 o'clock, M., offer for sale to the highest bidder at pub lic auction for cash at the court house door in said County, all of the right, title and interest of the said Henry Bowe and wife, Lena Bowe, in and to the proper- tv conveyed in the said deed pi trustee, see Deed Book No. 17-ftrust anfl wnich property is de- scribed a follows: Situated in Mt. Hermon Town ship,, Pasquotank County, North Carolina and bounded as follows On the north by the lands of Car ey Brown ; on the east by the land of John Taylor; on the west by Richard Bartlett; on the south by George Tuttle and being the same tract or parcel of land which Mary Eliza Overton (grandmoth er of the said Henry Bowe) ac quired from her father, Theophu lus Overton, by deed duly of re cord in the office of the Register of Deeds for Pasquotank County the said tract containing twenty five acres, more or less. W. A. Britton,Trustee Per Attorney. This 19th day of July, 1910. J 22 A 12. Pasquotank Gouity, Elizabeth City dwn&ip: D. M. Jones, 1. SALE NOTICE. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a mortgage deed executed to the undersigned by chased by the said Hugh Cale William H. Morris and wife, Su- from J. Hevwood Sawyer bv deedi8111 A- mom8 Ior certain pur dated April 11, 1904 which said deed is recorded in register's of fice of said County in Deed Book No. 27, page 338.' This the 27th dav of July 1910. ERNEST L. SAWYER, Trustee July 29 Aug. 5-12-19-26. NORTH CAROLINA PASQUOTA2JX COUNTY, In the-erior Court, Before the Clerk. J. R. Pinner, trading as Royal Cigar Company, vs John Blradshaw, trading as Bradshaw and Companny. The defendant above named will take notice that the plain tiff in the above entitled cause has filed an affidavit and petition in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Pasquotank County, asking for the revisal of a certain 'judgment duly docket ed in the office of the Clerk of the said Court, and which judg ment is numbered 706, page 189 as recorded in judgment docket C; and the defendant will fur- A 1 I i mmr iner xaxe nonce mat he is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Pasquotank County, on Tues day, August 30th, 1910 at 10 o'clock a. mi at the court house in said County, in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, and show cause, if any he has, why exe cution should not issue on the said judgment and for the amount still unpaid. W. H. JENNINGS, Clerk of the Superior Court July 29 Aug. 5-12-19. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STAES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA, AT ELIZABETH CITY. In De Libel, Gasoline Boat, "Mary By virtue of a decree entered in Ihe above entitled cause on the 18th day of July 1910 bv H. G. Connor, Judge of said court, l snail proceed to sell, on the 20th day of August 1910, the gas- vv. "iuij j 11 Cl IttCKIC apparel and furniture, to the highest bidder for cash, from her mm . 7 flee, at the foot of Fearing St., in the town of Elizabeth Citv, N. C. J' This 27th day of July 1910. July 29 Aug. 5-12-19 SCHEDULE OF RURAL CARRIERS AT ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. The following new schedule in effect July 6th. 1910. Carriers No. 1, 3 & 5 Leave E. City 12:15 p. m. Return 6:30 p. m. Carrier No. 2 Leaves Weeksville at 8 a. m., Return 4 p. m. carrier No. 4 Leave Stafford 3 Retttn 7:45 p. m. Carrier No. ft Leave Stafford m- Return 7:15 p. m. A. Morris, for certain poses therein expressed and which said mortgage deed, bears date of January 4th, 1909 and is register ed in Book 32, on page 468. in the office of the Begister of Deeds for Pasquotank County I shall on Saturday the 20th day of August 1910 at 12 o'clock, M., offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in said County the property conveyed in said mor tgagc deed, and which property is described as follows: Situated in Nixon ton Township Pasquotank County, Forth Caro lina and more particularly describ ed cs follows: Being the tract of land convey ed to the aforesaid W. H. Morris by Jesse Hughes and wife, Hattie by deed dated January 16th, 1904 and bounded as follows: Begin ning at a certain bridge which crosses the land of the said Hugh es and lies south of the road which leads to the line of the saidHughes and lies south of the road which leads from Mxonton to Symons Creek, and running thence north to the line of the said Hughes; tueiiue easterly to the lands of Jesse Shannon : th 7 xJ DVUUI wardly to a point where the afore said ditch crosses the east side of said Hughes' land; and thence westwardly to the first station containing two (2) acres more or less. Marg?et W. Cohoon Mortgagee wu- f. , Per Attorney. This 19th day of July im J COMMISSIONERS SALE ereas. by virtue of an order of the Superior Cnnrt f t n1nLCTV' ade W- H. Jen UpIer? .saiJ Court on the w or JUiy I9i0, ;ind whi.-h order commands the sal. fo7par ssswf:- iands rnfw Therefore, I, valtep 'L Cohon commissioner, appointed by the said order, shaii on Tues- sat ' I v cIock M off for at the court house door in pa the following described tract or parcel of land, viz whatl 0n MiddIe Street. in what is known as 'Johnstown" or the old Elizabeth Citv Pair grounds, recorded in Book lA Page 132 of the land records of sano?? is the thTta d ZJllCh WZ conveyed to a thony Banks by E F tune Llfd,fe' dated June 25th. 1894 nnA vs. C. W; Harrisoii;- Notice of Summons and Warrant, of Attachment: v The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitl e as above was issued against said defendant on the 11th day ol July 1910 by T. B. Wilson, a Jus tice of the Peace of Pasquotanfc County, N. C, for the sum of -fl .93 and interest upon said amount from January 1st 405, due safe plaintiff for money which the ue fendant owes the plaintiff upon a contract, which summons is re turnable before said justice at his office in Elizabeth City, N. C. on the 15th day of August 1910 : The said defendant will further take notice that a warrant of attach ment was issued by said justice on the 11th day of July 1010 against the property of said de fendant which warrant is returna ble before said justice at the time and place named for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the com plaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. This July 12th, 1910. T. B. Wilson, Justice of the Peace. Roscoe W. Turner, Plffs Atty. t NOTICE. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a certain deed of trust executed to the undersign ed by W. H. Davis and wife,Vir dnia B. Davis, for certain pur- poses tnerein express!, which said deed of trust Dears date of 4th day of March 1910, and is registered in Book 34 Page 49, I shall, on Saturday.the 20th day of August,. 1910 at 12 o'clock, M., offer for sate to the highest bidder at public auction. for cash, at the court house door in said County, the property cob veyed in said deed of trust, and which property is described as follows : Situated on the north side of White Street and bounded on the north by the property of former ly belonging to Dr. P. John, de ceased; on the east by a lot be longing to the heirs of Bobt. Dav is, deceased; on the south by White Street and on the west by property belonging to Wilson Wal ker, the said lot fronting 50 ft., on White Street and running back between parallel lines a dis tance of 15(T feet. W. A. Britton. Trustee. Per Attorney. This 19tfi day of July 1910. J 22 A 12. I NORTH CAROLINA CURRITUCK COUNTY, Each Machine is carefully adjusted, ready for use and furnish with illustrated instruction book, ten years warranty by factory, and full set of accessories and attachments as follows; 1 doz. needles, 3 extra bobbins, oil can filled, 1 quilter, 1 combination screw driver, 1 gauge, ruffler, tucker, 4 hemmers (different widths) binder, braider , braider foot, shirring plates and thread cutter. These Sewing Machines are surpassed by none in simplicity and durability of construction and easy running qualities, and adapted to every range of sewing from the lighest muslins to the heaviest? doth. In order to introduce these sewing machines and place them in the homes of all who want a good reliable low price machine. We have de cided to put on sale "The Fowler Sewing Machine No 26, 5 drawers drophead cabinet, dark golden oak, varnish finish, strait front table. Pivot bearing stand at the very low price of. $15.00 each for cash FOWLER & CO. Water & Poind exterSts. Elizabeth City, N. C NOTICE . SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Alberta Flora. Plaintiff Earnest Flora, Defendant. By virtue of a deed of trust exe cuted to me by Mary V. Overton and huband, Elisha Overton for certain purposes therein mentioned wnich said deed of trust bears date Feb ruary 10th 1904 and is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pasquotank County, in Book 27, page 268. J shall on Monday, August 8th 1910 at 12 M. offer for sale at the court house door in said County at public auction for cash, the property conveyed to me in said deed of trust decribed as follows: That certain house and lot situat ed on the corner of Culpepper and Lane Streets, in the town of Eliza beth City, N. C, fronting 53 feet on Culpepper street and running hack 140 feet, bounded on the North by Lane street by, lands of N. R. Par ker; South by land of Alexina Lane; EASTERN CAROLINA TRANSOR- WOMEN ARB INTERESTED) IN ES TATION COMPANY On and after Wednesday June 15th 1910, boats of this line will operate on the following schedules, daily ex cept Sunday: Leave Elizabeth City for Manteo. via Nags Head (Griffin F. O.) 12:45 P. M. Leave Manteo for Elizabeth City, via Nags Head, (Griffin P. O. 5:00 A. M. Leave Manteo for East Lake and in termediate points, 5:00 A. M. Leave East Lake tor Manteo, and in termediate points 11:10 A. M. For and desired information apply to W. H. Hinton, Agt., Elizabeth City or to the undersigned, W. J. GRIFFIN, Gen. Manager, Manteo, N. C. lot on Lane street in said town fronting 33 feet on Lane street and running hack 103 feet; bounded North by Lane Street, described as follows: . Tt appearing to the Court that 4.1, j 3 . . , inci, ouuiu uy inuu ui ah "7 T nua uu gnd. Tract That certain uuc juMngeuue, mu not oe found in the State, ahd that the plain tiff has a good aid meritori ous cause of action against the de fendant of which thi$ Court has jurisdiction ( and thatithe plain tiff is sneing for dissolution of the bonds of matrimojay between the plaintiff and defidant, It is therefore ordered bv the l01lTT TnOT nnhlinntin. 1 a 1 Fvu, oe maue to Speed street N. 81 E. 85 feet to in 'uk successive wep vv t ikt a NORTH CAROLINA, PASQUOTANK COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. W. H. WBATHERLY, TRADING AS WEATHERLY AND TWTDDY VS J. S. NEAL Notice of Sale Under Execution By virtue of an execution directed TABLISHING LOWER DEATH RATE AMONG THEIR SEX It has recently been discovered that many women who believe tliey are suffering with diseases peculiar to their sex have nothing else but kid ney trouble or the results of kidney and bladder diseases. Thousands of women suffer from kidney trouble and never know it. When the kid neys are not in a healthy condition, they, often cause the other organs to become diseased, and you becoiie nervous, irritable and often despon dent. When in ill health you may suffer with bearing down feelings, backache and loss of ambition. Many thous ands of nervous, irritable and broken down women have restored their health and strength with Bloodine Blood ahd Kidney Tablets, they make sick kidneys well . Free-sample and booklet will be sent by the Blooiinft Corporation. Boston, Mass. Enclose stamp to pay postage Julj 3715-22 Beginning at the Northwest corner t0 the undersigned from the Superior NORTH CAROLINA of M. A. Broks' land and running along said Brooks' land South 90 de grees East 242 feet; thence along the line of said M. A. Brooks 78 West 85 feet to the Layden lot N. 249 feet also tw a T'.auu wmI r ui mat was nnn JT. ? W- Albertson r., - Omnnssioners This July' 26th IdiO July 2d Aug 542-10 t, in tbe Tar Heel, a newppaper puto lishecl in Elizabeth City, for four successive weeks notifvihff the defendant to appear it the next regular term of the j Superior Court to be holden fot the Ooim ty of Cnrrituelr oh tEe last 'HoH- day in September 19l) at which time and .place to show cause if any iie has, why thf plaintiff should not recover judgment dis solving the bonds of matrimony Detween the plaintiff hhd defen dant and for such othr and fur ther relief as she maylbe entitled and that the defendant be noti fied that if h fails plaintiff will apply for the relief aemanded m her complaint. , rIt is further ordered that pub lication o-f this order l as set out above shall b .sp'fficienjt notice to the defendnrit. i W. ANSELL, - i 'lerK snoenor Oonrf. July 29Aug. 5-12-19. the place of beginning. Containing 1-2 acre more or lesB. R. W. TURNER. Trustee. July 6 -15 22 29 AUCTIOK SALE Court of Pasquotank County in the! above entitled action, I will, on Mon- CURRITUCK COUNTY day the 1st. day of August 191d. ; at 12 o'oclock M.. at the court house door of said County sell to the high- To r: E. Flora Entry Taker for est bidder for cash to satisfy said Currituck County, N. C, the under- the right, title and 51gnea' ' aawyer Vk the said J. S. Neal tuck Ortftity, N. C, Enters and lays Am iofonriant i$o0 a v, claim to tie following ciescno.u senhed real estate, to-wit: execution, all Interest which Valuable Goods By authority vested in me by order U. S. District Court, I shall sell at public auction, for cash, on Monday., August 8th., 1910 all the stock of goods of every description, store fixtures, linoleum, soda fountain, drugs drugs and every other article of general property in the store for merly conducted by B. W. Brown of Elizabeth City, N. C, Sale be gins at 11 o'clock a. m., from the store. July 22nd. 1910. - ROSCOE W. TURNER, Trustee. , x July 29-Aug 5 , That certain tract or parced of lani commencing on the street which leads from "White and Griffin's Mtil, and running to the Gaskins Burnt Bridge, 90 feet from the southwarl corner of a lot formerly occup?ed b; Jesse Brown, and running thence down the said street southwardly a distance of 85 feet to a well; thence running westwardly about 150 feet to the projected street; thence along same northwardly and parallel with the first named street a distance f 85 feet; thence eastwardly to the place of beginning and confcvnlng one-third of an acre, more or less, and being the same lot which Wiiliam Neal, deceased ; purchased of C: D. Too:, trustee by need dated Juiy : nn This 22nd day of June, 1910. " ' CH4S. im:Z, Sheriff. July 8152229. piece or parcel of land in Crawford Township, Currituck County, N. C The same being vacant and unaparo priated land and subject to entry viz. Bounded as follows: Beginning at a point known as the Wilson Walker Dunghill in Back Woo?! and binding the lands of J C. Walker and the East to the lands of A. W. Willey, on the North. Thence West binding the lands of said Anne Willey to the East line of said A. M. Willey. Thencp South binding the lands of said A. M. 'u' ley to J. C. Walkers' line. Thence East binding the land of said J- c Walker to the first station or place of beginning, containing about thirty seven (37) acres, actual number acre? to be ascertained by survey . Registered June 18th. 1910. , HENRY H. SAWYER, , R, E. FLORY, Entry Taker Jifly 1--81527 hay eni mm by COU1 tioi houl subi othj sh pai and! to ticaj mcei but whil acki and Legil whil lican witl era II mi proi for stroil Sen- whei Sens of n best Mr. TT J vol nomi me. pie tell opoi the d SOOJ get and of da the wens teles Kori His his gave and the send when ed thg Pose( TheNI omel to pel tain stead Cale J)Ti ari tion wer P.v. Hj estate! bank. me p amen( ea to has fenitfc wag montl Parem "mad on ihe years forts that Chai Tami and hoi clean$e and s!(