ir 1 IIIImh'' 50 Per Cent Better 1 have used less than one bottle of Cardui," writes Mrs. GertrudeWard, of Rushvffle, Neb., "and am feeling fifty per cent better than when I began taking it "Before taking Cardui, I had suffered with female trouble, for eight years. My greatest trouble was irregu larity. I also suffered with severe pains, every month, but now I am greatly improved and will recommend Car dui to all my suffering friends." J 48 AIMI1C VlfKlli 9 The rare medicinal herbs of Cardui are imported by the manufacturers direct from Europe and are not to be found in any other medicine. . : These ingredients are what give Cardui its superiority, as a female medicine and tonie, over any other medicine. For over 50 years Cardui has been the favorite wom an's medicine. The ladies like it, because it is so easy to take, so gentle, so safe, so reliable in its results, ana they have faith in its curative tonic powers, because of the thousands of other ladies it has helped. Try it today. WHfc to: taSk Advisory pq. lor Special Instructions, and 64-page x CANDIDATE CARDS NOTICE. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Register of Deeds of Pasquotank County subject to the Democratic primar FRANK M. NEWBY, NOTICE To the Democratic Voters of Pas quotank County, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for Clerk of Snnerior Gour-t of Pas quotank County, subject to the action of the Democratic Prim aries. G. R. LITTLE, T THE DEMOCRAT VOTERS OF PASQUOTANK COUNTY. I hereby announce myself a van diaate for Register of Deeds sub ject to the democratic primary. I belong to "no rfii tfactidn, but t the plain common people to whom I appeal to for my support by their vote and influence. Tours try, JOSHUA W. MTJNDEN NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA. CURRITUCK COUNTY, Alberta Flora, Plaintiff Earnest Flora, Defendant. It anoeanng to tbe Cotirt that he defendant is a non resident of the State of North Carolina and after due dilligence, can not be found in the State, and that the plaintiff has a good and meritori ous cause of action against the de fendant of which 4this Court has jurisdiction, and that the plain tiff is sueing for dissolution of the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and defendant, It is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made in he successive weeETAOETA in the Tar Heel, a newspaper pub lished in Elizabeth City, tor four successive weeks notifying the defendant to appear at the,next regular term of the Superior Court to be holden for the Comi ty of Currituck on the last Kofi day in September 1910 at which time and place to show cause it any he has, why the plaintiff should not recover judgment dis solving the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and defen dant and for such other and fur ther relief as she may be entitled and that the defendant be noti fied that if h fails to appear, the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in her complaint. It is further ordered that pub lication o-f this order as set out above shall be sufficient notice to the defendant. E. W. ANSELL, Clerk Superior Court. July 29 Aug. 5-12-19. Model A67 is a new one. ROYAL FENCE if.. err' ... Is made of heavy, bar, stiff steel wire, the strongest and best possible to produce for fencing purposes. It is fully guaranteed as to workman ship and efficiency and ts all and more than -epresented. Royal Fence is not an experiment, out thoroughly tested article already hearing an envi. able reputation and holding a strong position as the choice of thousands of the best fence users in the world. 8 White Han Elizabeth City, N. C. NOTICE. NOTICE. T the Democratic Voters of Pasquotank .ipinty jNf. C. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for Treasurer of Pasquotank County, subjeet to the action of the Dem ocratic Primaries. W. F. PBITCHARD, (Lame Frank) I To the Democratic voters of Ias quatank County, N. G. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for reelection to the office of Trial Justice fir-the County of Pasquo tank, subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. ERNEST Zu SAWYER. NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, tion all the right, title and' interest which the said Norfolk and Southern Railway Company, the defendant, has in the following described real estate to-wii: 1. That certain .parcel or tract of lad situated in Elizabeth City, N. C. and bounded on the North by Knobbs Creek, on the'Bast by Pas quotank River, on the South by Bur gess street and on the West by Pen nsylvania Avenue, saving and ex cepting however 50 feet on each side of the main line of track of said company running over saii land. 2. That certain parcel or tract of land situated in Elizabeth City, N. C. and bounded on the North by Ti ber Creek Canal, the lands of 6. W. Cardwell and others, pn the East by Pasquotank River; on the South by the lands of Commander and Son. and others, and Laurence street and on the West by Euclid Aveaue. This July 28th, 1510. CHAS REID Sheriff. July 29 Aug 5-12-19 NOTICE. To the Democratic voters of Pas quotank County, N. C. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for Sheriff of Pasquotank County subject to the Democratie Primaries. O. S. IVES. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust executed to the undersign ed bv W. H. Davis and wifeYir ginia B. Davis, for certauu pur-J poser tkerain expressed, anu which said deed of trust Dears date of 41 day of Marck 1910, and is resistered in Book 34 Page 49, I shall, on Saturday,the 20th day f August, 1910 at iz o'clock. M., offer for sale to the hisrhest bidder at nublic auction. for cash, at the court house door in said Cotmty, the property con veyed in said deed of trmst, and which nronertv is described as follows : Situated on the north side of White Street and bounded on the north by the property of former lv beloncinsr to Dr. F. John, de ceased; on the east by a lot be longing to the heirs of Kobt. Dav is, deceased; on the south by I herebv announce myself a candi-f White Street and on the west bv ( v ' - date for re-nomination lor the office nroDertv beloneinsr to Wilson Wal To the Democratic Voters of Pas quotank County. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-nomination for the office of Commissioner of Pas quotank County from Newland Town shit), subiect to the action of. tne XJemoeratfs Primary. Respectfully, W. P. WILLIAMS, Aug I to Sept 2. NOTICE Sanitary Plumbing Remember I am prepared to do all kinds oi plumbing, steam and gas fitting also special attention to sewer connections. Thoroughly -equipped shop. Only skillful workmen'employed Prices reasonable. Personal at tention to all orders. W. P. Knowles ron Stomach TteowBte and)!fli?AXP SALB OF VALUABLE PERTY. PRO of Commissioner of Pasquotank Co., from Mount Hennon Township, sub ject to tbe action of tne Democratic Primary. Respectfully, - ELIHXJ ONLET Aug 5 to Sept 2 FOR SHERIFF. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF PASQUOTANK COUNTY, N. C. Te the Democratic Voters of Pas quotank County. I hereby annonnce myself a can didate for the office f Sheriff of Pasquotank County snbject to the action of the Democratic pri maries. C. C. PARKER. ker, the said lot fronting 50 ft., on White Street and running back between parallel lines a dis tance of 150 feet. W. A. Britton, Trnstee. iPer Attorney. This 19th day of Jnly 191& ' J 22 A 12. Bv virtne of a Deed of Trust executed to me by M. J. Jackson for certain nnmoses therein men tioned, which said Deed oi xrusx bears date, Angnst 1st 1907 and is resistered in the Register's Of fice of Pasauotank County m . , , Book m. 31 pages 238, l saau pro need on Saturday August 2th, 1910 to offer for. cale at uouri House door in said county, at puD lie auction for cash, the property as conveyed to me as Trustee : Be ing one house and lot situated on the east side of Cotter street aid known as nart of lot No. 93 in the Plat of M. K Sawyer. Recorded in Book No. 16, Page 487, Kegis- ters Office of said county. July 18th, 1910. G. E. Thompson, Trustee. July 22-29-A 5-12, NOTICE OF SALE. AUCTION SALE Yaluahl& sGoods By authority vested in me by -J TT ? de- :- -fc- JM l " TP NOTICE Having been elected to teach shorthand and book-keping by the trustees of the Graded School of Elizabeth City I give notice I will orgaDize classes at the opening of the school on the 19th day of Sep tember 1910. I would like to com munitate with all who desire to enter either of these classes. MISS BYRD KRAMER, July 29 Sept 16. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination for re-election r.-4. t, 1hnntv f Pnsniio- order U. S. District Court, tank. Subject to the action of the shall sell at public auction, for t, PrimriM. cah, on Monday, August 8th., T tt TOTwxmsjna '1910 all the stock of goods " of Ano-fi 12-1-26 Sent 2 ' evei7 description store fixtures, NOTlOe NOTICE To thA Tpmiror-Kr vrtfrst of Pasquotank County, N. C, I here by announce myself a candidate fr the nomination for Sheriff for the County of Pasquotank. Sub ject xo xne action of the Democrat ic Primaries. CHARLES C. PAPPENDICK. To the Democratic voters of Pas quotank County. I hereby announce myself a candidate for representative in tfte next General Assembly of Norta Carolina, subject fc the action of the Democratic Primaries. M. C STANLEY, NOTICE Notice i herfibv riven that I have sold my entire interest in the bus iness conducted at CressweHi N. C under the firm name of Tarkenton & Norman to J. B. Tarkenton who vill collect all accounts and other evi dences of debt due the flrrm and all contracted as Tarkenton and Nor man should be presented to him for payment. Dated at Cresswellj N. C July 29th 1910. W. E. NORMAN, Aug. 6 12 -IS 2$ linoleum, soda fountain, drugs drucs and every other article of general property in the store for merly conducted by B. W. Brown of Elizabeth City, N. C, Sale be gins at 11 o'clock a. m., from the store. Julv 22nd. 1910. ROSCOE W- TURNER, Trustee. July 29-Aug 5 NORTH CAROLINA PASQUOTANK COUNTY J. P. Talbott, Norfolk & Southern Railway Co. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE By vistue of an execution directed t the undersigned from the Super ior Court of Currituck County in the above entitled cause, I will, on Mon day September 5th. 1910 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in Pasquotank County, in Elizabeth City, N, C. sell to the highest bid tier for cash te satisfy said exerp- There will be sold by the under-! ad sif thAir ware house at Shiloh wharf in Camden Gounty, N. C, on August 13th, 1910 at 12 o'clock a car load Of agricultural lime. Terms of sale Cash, to the high est bidder. Hinton & Harrel, per Atty. J 22 A 12 EASTERN CAROLINA TRANSPOR TATION COMPANY On and after Wednesday June 15th 1910, boats of this line wfll operate on the following schedules, daily ex cept Sunday: Leave Elizabeth City, for Manteo, via Nags Head (Griffin P. O.) 12:45 P. M. Leave Manteo for EBzabeth 64ty, via Nags Head, (Griffin P. O. 500 A. At . From this date on, my customers will find S my off ice open 7:00 a, m uatil 6 :0 m -eaeji day, wherethey can obtain electrical supplies. iWE SELL BRILLIANT TUNGSTEN LAMPS r DECREASE YQUR LIGHTING BILL 60 PERCENT OR INCREASE YOUR ILLUMINA TION 300 PER CENT With Nof Addition to Present Cost of Lighting. C. G. Pritchard 598 Fearing"Street. Elizabeth City, N. C. YOUR PROPERTY SAFE? It isinot unless it is amply protected witli insa ance.No one can tell when it will go np in smoke If not fully insured see us. Delay is dangerous.! WE WHITEST RIGHT. LITTLE & SAW1 52i;Main Street. Physicians Advise T oaro "Vro-nrk fn-n TlsJSt T.flVft and 1-T) t,Q4o cvoa a -m the use of a eood laxative, to keep the bowels open and prevent me poisons oi nnaigeswo utiA lunula uufUWi V vu I - - , , - j. , , . , . food from eettinginto your system. Leave Bast Lake or Manteo, and in- t nroduct of science is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentle, termediate points 11:10 A. M. reliable and of a pleasant, aromatic taste. Velvo acts, on the liver, as well as on the cv. i acia ,-T,fnTTnoinTi annivUnnsrh and hriwels. and fsof the ereatest uossible efficacv in constipation, indigestion, . . . ... KiKnucMM tec headache, feverishness. coic .flatulence, etc. Trv VF 1 to W. R. Hmton, Agt., EHzaDetn uaj ' , . . or to the undersigned, W. 3. GRIFFIN, Gen. Manager, Manteo, N. G. '-i ''i.a.J 1 F0LEYS KIDKEYPIILS , - fen Back ache Kidneys and Bladder - mm lAVATIUL I I VII lhahiivl 1 m m m w I imm -"mm . spa 7m -