1 li i T VS5--&A ww lf at once. The journalism of DCIHlPrn AR -Minr HEEL s I rooto xrS vL iff"' Peas i II A. yBfflSBIHBMiBBBBv-. f WNf grossest railleries and fair discussion I fJlLIX I UllTLv III A TCTWfifcJ have gone on unchecked. One can I I UUIU VV I ll II I I il VIII 1 1 -J i g not help sympathizing with the decent I yOC if mi I WW Iff W J . j 'I Mm for Peo I ,J2 I Nflff fW4 WlTII 0 .Vi...;-,...a'. 5de file everywhere to refuse to lonir at LUuC II U II I II Lit Ulfll I II K a UUf JE -ri .. t r- .4 Te-- Jw m Liui umuiunu SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ONE YEAR.,:. SUBSCRIPTION PRICESIX. MONT HS ... UBSCmPTlON PRICE THREE MONTHS :r. 50c i 25c 2' s 3T 1 There is only one story that never ;grows old, that Is the love story .Bach time it is new ant sweeter than be fore. Try it a few times for your own The man tha snaps and snarls ant b&rks and bites sever makes peace. He may however succeed in giving bis community hydrophobia for evi dently the poison is in him. "Beware' of such men their disease is fata. A lie continually repeated comes no nearer the truth 4than- when it was first told. Telling false, things over and over will not change their color only to make them lacker. So stop the old false things that come from your life and begin a new false step or statement or utterance. Some Dark r TOnffs There are things blacker than night some of them have been at work in this lty for some time past. Some of the men that have been promoting these dark things think that they can brow beat individuals and a com munity into silence and passiveness. These same men think that a few threats that they can keep back many things that might come out against them. This paper does not care to ever speak about individuals except in the best terms, it had much rather not be forced to do it but a community cannot be allowed to suf fer for the sake of a small ring that seeks to ruin. In the center of that ring is the red fire of a mad man, and he is usiHg every tool of the devil that he can secure to strike at men newspapers the thing would self at once. The journalism of New York city has been dragged to ths lowest depth of degradation. The grossest railleries and fair discussion have gone on unchecked. One can not help sympathizing with the decent newspapers. . y ft is iatedV tim lor de&a ! peo ple everywhere to refuse to look at such rotteness. The voice of the best minds to day is against such corrup tion and it must go or it will ruin. People are apt- to fall or rise to" th level of the matter which they read, if'" the matter is corrupt, the charac ter win soon be corrupt, if the mat ter is high and pure the character will tend to go upward. Be careful never to let foul printed matter enter your home to poison the minds of people. And if you care for your community and nation do all that you can to put such things down. Why don't some of the infidel cri- f with whom he ls mad- To try to un ,c f th THhio mfli aermIne "e character of men or of tics of the Bible make a better one? It is a bad thing to take the crust from a child unless they can give him a better piece of bread. It Is worse for the Infidel to thrust at the Bible and the Church unless he would give something better in their places. The lies of hate grow out of date and make men sick. Change is the thing that keeps up consciousness and even the mud turtle at times wants a breath of pure air. Then rise to the surface of a manly life and think on and tell the things that are true. It will make all life sweet er and better if you only do this. a man is blacker than night in its devilishness, but o try to disrupt churches to satisfy a personal Bpleen can be no other work than that of a demon. You may put it down as true hereafter that unless this hellishness is stopped that there will be some real light turned on this dark ring. The Tar Heel building may bum but other papers will run and the truth shall be told. Would you make your town better then lift up your brother, never pull him down. If you are mad whistle, don't curse. If some one has done you wrong hope that he wont do so a"ain. When wrong yourself be man enough to quit it Love your etown, jour people and right but more than all these love God and things will go better. Moral Leaders In any town whether they be preach ere or teachers or business men the moral leaders should rise up and put down the disrupting factors in its midst. The moral leader who ever be may be or what ever is his calling in lite that is not striking at the greatest evils in a communit is sure a poor if not a careless leader. If it is the Near Beer Joints it is the moral leaders duty to strike them. If it is the dissipation of manhood because df bawdy institutions they should hit that evil with all their In Honor of Mrs. J. B. Griggs. The Tuesday evening Club enter tained on Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Dan Morgan in Main street, complimentary to Mrs. J B. Griggs on" the eve of her departure for her new home in Iowa. Mrs.Griggs is a charter member of the club and by her charming personality has en deared herself to each member. The home was beautifully decorated for the occasion and the evening was a delightful one though a thread of sad ness ran through the whole. Miss Sophy Martin the senior member pre sented te Mrs. Griggs in the name of the club a lovely set of gold pray er book markers, the presentation was a gem, a few beautiful words touch ing expressed, Mrs. Griggs emotion prevented a very audiable reply. f- ter the game of bridge beautifully ap pointed refreshments were served. Mrs. Griggs aeparture is deeply re gretted by a wide circle of friends. She will be greatly missed in church work as well as in the social life. Since the announcement of her de parture she has received many social attentions. when you allow any of vow stock or pottifry to remain sick a day. They give you less results in beef, pork, work, or eggs, when they are not in perfect health. Take a little interest in your own pocket book ana doctor them up wifir Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine It will pay you to do this. It has paid thousands of other successful farmers and stock and poultry raisers. This" famous remedy is not a food, but a genuine, scientific med icine prepare from medicinal herbs and roots, ac v on the liver, kid neys, bowels and digestive organs. ooi oy a.i drugg;sts, price 25 per can, Virginia StateFair cents, 50 cents and $ -jiVri.te for valuable book ' Saceeae with Stock and Poultry. ' Sent free postal. Address Black-draught Stock Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn the Standard Pharmack, the backache and pains disappeared and I have not had any recurrence since. I willinsrlv recommend Doans Kidney PHls. For sale by all dealers. PrJ?e 0 cents . Foer 3M'!bum Co.. Buffalo, New xorx, oje agents lor the Tn red States. Kernel! tier the .lare Doan -take u i fbei . Baptist Home Mission Convention Winston-Salem, N. C. Tickets sold uct. 3rd, to Oct. 8th Limited until Oct. 14th. (Certificate Plan. Charlotte, N. C. Grand Session Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, Tickets sold Oct. 8th, 13th, Lfmited until Oct. Mth, Certificate Plan. Trains via. Norfolk Southern Rail road direct through Raleigh. Cincinnati; Ohio, General ABsemr bly of the Episcopal ChHrch, tickets sold Oct. 3rd. to 6th, also Oct. 10th 1 1 S J. j. . . 'I nixjiLwa to return until Oct. 30th, trams via. Norfolk Southern through Norfolk. Chattanooga, Tenn., National Lea gue of Postmasters, tickets sold Oct.. 10th and lith, limited to return Oct. i7tn. Trains via. Norfolk Southern Railroad direct through Raleigh. "Ev A 11. . . IU1 lurcner particulars apply to any Norfolk Southern ticket agent, or address, D. V. Conn. S P A, Ral eigh, or W. W. Croxton, G P A,' Nor foffi, Va. DARING'S NEW DISCOVERY Will Surely Stop That Cough. Locke Craig, who has recently, through his friends announced anew his candidacy for the Democratic nom ihation for Governor two years hence is scheduled to speak at Statesville, Oct. 14, Elmwood Oct. 15, Winston Salem Oct. 17, Greenville, Oct. 19, Washington Oct. 20, Plymouth Oct. 21. Columbia Oct. 22, Edenton Oct. 24, Hertford, Oct. 25, Elizabeth City Oct. 26, Camden Oct. 27, Currituck Oct. 28. - A Generous and Charitable Wish. I wish all might know of the bene fit I received from your Folevs Kid ney Remedy, says I. N. Regan, Farm-' er, Mo., His kidneys and bladder gave j uim bo mucn pain, misery and annoy ance, he could not work, nor sleep.He says Foleys Kidney Remedy complete ly cured him. fliss Helen Stone will resume her music classes on Sept. 19 th and will be dad tn confer with ap plicants at any time. We want several hun. dred bushels of Black Blaek-EyeClay Whipped will and other peas, also stock peas or soja bean? when they are ready. State about how manv YOU have tO offer when you can shin - j V v.. up. irver we will write grivincr you hiorh pet . putc ai me time. N.G.GRANDV & CO Elizabeth City, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS OH. S. W. GREGORY. DENTIST. Offlce in Flora's new buflding Cor. Main and Water Sts. A. M. M. HARRIS, Dentist Office in New Kramer Building. Hours 8 to 12 and 2 to 6 J. H. WHITE. D. D. t. Twenty five years in DENTISTRY. In all Ita branches Office ovbt McCahe & Grice'g Store Cor. Main and Poindexter streets Elizabeth City is the natural moral, "light. If it be lies, sJander and bick intellectual, industrial and commcf . erin&s because of enmity it is no 1eea cial center of this section of North!3 duty for them to strike it. It is ' A Little Care Will Save Many Eliza Carolina. Any force that strikes at t not the part of a moral leader to beth City Readers Future Trouble euner ot tnese tnings is a menace to widk at evnstnat are ruining in EVER Mm FREE TRANSPORTATION Littl r.ara Will ew M.. cii. ' this section and especially to this City and her people. The moral con dition of a town goes far to govern all its other conditions then any in fluence, factor force or person that would degrade the moral condition is their effects both upon material things aid spiritual life, because it is more pleasant and maybe easier to shun it. Great evils do not die a natural death, it is righteous lives active against tnem that must nut theril vyuuiu uegiaue me moral conaition is . as"usL mem tnat must put tnenl 3n proportion to its power a nuisance. ' down- The only battle of manhood I that is worth the name is that of Watch the kidney secretions See that they have the amber hue of health: . The discharges not excessive or in frequent. Contain no brick dust like sedi ment. Doans Kidney Pills will do this for yoy. .a It is good people, good schools and 1 Mt,,Bs dwn evil, in our midst is! They watch the kidneys and cure good churches that make a town j an evil blacker than night, and it is them when theyre sick, worth living in more than anything ' irae for every moral force to thrust j Samuel Jarvis, 224 E. Fearing St else. We have all three, good people, J itslf a8msl It. The forces are arous- Elizabeth City N. C. says: I suffered good schools and good churches, but d s never before, men are think- a great deal from backache, accom some influences would make the peo- in 8,3 nave nt for months and panied by a soreness and lameness pie mad each witb the other, disrupt tte greatest evil of this town is be-J across my kidneys. I could hardly the schools and the churches and inS branded by all who think as the . stoop or lift and at tsuch times sharp cause ruin to run in its wake. A 1 moSt. malicious thing that has . ever ; r ains darted through my loins. Tho clean citizenship, good business prin- j been known in the htetory of this com ; kidney secretions were irregular in cipies and high patriotism will al- munity. '" . ' isage. obliging me to arise sever al times during the night. After us ing Doans Kidney Pills, procured at ways put down bad influences and disrupting forces and build up those things that make for the good of a community. Foul Journalism Truth from some centers of mali cious falsehoods would indeed be as unnatural as the flashing of light ning from a clear sky. It is natural for a pole cat in madness and fright to throw off his foul smell to make men sick and just so is it the na ture of some jnen to throw off foul things from their corrupt lives. But it does seem that they might try to rise a little above the low level of t - i sucn animais and try -to clean up themselves and live above such stink ing pasiBions. Citizens, stop, look, listen for there is danger rh the corruption that is being poured out on this community. Is; it Knobbs Creek water that is poi Boning this town? Or is it the breeze from the Pasquotank that would sink your men and your town in ruin? ffe is not personal enemity more than anything else that is damaging this City? Property has lost value, 'men have lost work and conditions are not good for general prosperity. The cause is not hard to find and neither will it he hard to remedy when the men come together and stand firm against personal spleen working it self ut in Stech a wav as tn ininvn Foul, corrupt and debased journa lism is one of the great curses Of this age. More sections than those of the large cities are infected by this evil, it is coming to be a real social malady. It ever flows from dis torted imaginations, foul minds and rotten hearts that seek to create sen sations by attacking men of reputa tion and character. Such journalismis without character and therofore. can have no regard for truth and it "must therefore by virture of. its very na ture live on lies, scandal, slander and debasing sensations of its own creation. In a late expression from Mayor Gaynor of New York is found the thought of men every where who are thinking of the well being of the nation and her communities in re gard to foul journalism. When he says: "Such journalism is, of course absolute defiance of the criminal law and it did enter my mind to publicly call on the grand juries and the disr trict attorney to protect me from it, hut I was weak and feared people would say I was thin skinned. But the time is at hand when these jour nalistic scoundrels have got to stop wmm TVkWiY 1 n il d in Is better than the richest Jersey but ter for frying; the equal ol olive oil for salads and dressings, and as a shortening, surpasses anything known for that pu pose. It is refined to a degree of absolute purity by a process only known to and used in Wesson Snowdrift Oil. It is purely vegetable, odorless, taste less, and unapproached for healthlul ness. It is used by the leading caterers throughout the country, and is sold by the best dealers everywhere. Call for Wesson Snowdrift Oil and beware of all suggested substitutes. Nothing dse can possibly equal its results. FROM BARNETTS CREEK VIA LEROY LINE. FROM HERTFORD, MOYOCK AND BECKFORD VIA N. & S. R. R. AND FROM SOUTH MILLS TO ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Including ail the intermediate folnts from those stations The fol1rtwiny tnprJiainc in i?i;r.uu i . . , . . & -v.vuuuhj xxi. uiauciii vjiiy nave arranged to rpimhnr SSSund trip fares to Flizth moreee ume t0 Elizabe City and buy $20.00 worth or more ot these merchants The amount can be divided between all of thpm or thc Ptnt a! TeStre- If you bu worth iot morlof any oS o? al the stores interested you get your fare paid. Gallop & Toxey Shoe Co. Eureka Millinery Co. Mitchells Dept. Store, Q. F. Gilbert, Prop. Owens Shoe Co. Standard Pharmacy. McCabe & Grice. The Hub. Louis Selig. Coca Cola Bot. Works, W. C. D&awson, Sec. & Teeas. R- E. Quinn Furniture Co. E. s. Chesson Co. " , ( M. Leigh Sheep Co. J- Elizabeth City Buggy -o. ' -P. W. Melick Co. Mrs. M. Hill. The City Drug Store. Miss S. A. Perry. Rtjeker .& Sheeley. .Holmes & Co. Sharber & White Hardware Co. H. H. Lavenstein. Miss L. P. Gilbert & Co. D. M. Jones. Morgan & Morrisette. The Elizabeth Hotel. 511 Matthews St. J. W. Stokley, Proi, or get out. and I am ready now to do my Bhare to that end. They are i , V . , I J w mBl C11U. 1 TnP whAIn iwitnU n . ... . . . . . vuxxiiuuxty. r or i8 not tnat aosomteiy without souls If decent the one danger In this City? people would 1-efuse to look at such Made fry SOOTIEIN SEcE New York New Orleans Chicago V FREE expens are greater. Hjgjdc 1 particulars Ehzabeth Clt N. C. and he wiU send you one with full MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION OF ELIZABETH CITY, N. C.