4 1 v.- 0B8, J AS. B. McCAA I COBB BROS. & GO So. State Phone 438 '-So Bell Phcne 44( BROKERS. ; , ; Member of New York aid Norfo "4 Cotton Eicchange. 1 CorresDondvnv.tt u Chicai't Board of Trade and Xeto York Stunk Fwhange. COTTON. GRAIN PROVISIONS. 4T0 CKS BONOS ftpecial attention given to Telegraphic and Ptaoue orders, of ail orders reported promptly. Any Information desired markets will be gladly furnished at any time 101 Plume Street NORFOLK, I A , renarn, NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY". oaxuut ''.-. KTMiN 1 4 ersaSK228 ROYAL FENCE Is made of heavy, hard, stiff steel wlra, the strongest and best posslbl . to produce for fencing purposes. It 1b fully guaranteed as to workman ship and efficiency and Is all and more than represented. Royal Fence I not an experiment, but thoroughly tested article, already bearing an enyl. able reputation and holding a strong position as the choice of tnousand of the best fence users In the world. . ' . . -... ' S barber SWhite Hardware Go Eli7fcclh Gijly, N. C. s: Hi a 1 By virtue of a Deed of Trust ex ecuted to. me 'by Willie Cabarrucfor .telJurjiQefitliereln mentioned which said Deed of Trust bears date October 15, 1908, and Is registered In the office of the Rglster of Deeds of .Pasquotank County, North Carolina in Boojk 32, page 308, I shall on Sat urday, January 28, 1911, it 12 o'clock M., offer for sale at the Court House door In said County, at Public Auc tion, for Cash, the property conveyed to me In said Deed of Trust, to-wlt: All that certain parcel of land sit uated In the State and County afore said, and1 described as follows1: Bounded East by the lands belonging to Cornelius McMorlne and the heirs of John L. Sawyer, deceased, North by Body Road, Wet by a lot be longing to Walter Whitehurst (for merly the Taylor Johnson lot) and South by lands belonging to the heirs of John I Sawyer, deceased, same being tht lands conveyed to N. R. Parker and. J. C. Brooks by Ernest L. Sawyer, Trustee, the deed for which is duly recorded In the Register of Deeds Office for Pasquo tank County, N. C. In Deed Book No. 32, page 297 and by the ' said N. R. Parker and J. C. Brooks conveyed to the said Willie Cabarrus the deed flor which Is duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Pastquotank County, N. C. This December 27th, 1910. ERNEST L. SAWYER, Trustee. D 30 Jan 7-14-21. r omitting tlir.'1. tit i ilt-iimnm Jmrrie tin? long-ileslrt-d rntn. 'not in';- p coy refreshing, but also showing it 1 of Divine favor, it fell on the evil or on the good, to make both batter. rl NOTICE ' hll - .v I vTITT77 m ill testament; MMCl w, 5: BIBLE'STODIES MAY WELL BE REMEMBERED Notice of Foreclosure Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee, by Nelson Cox and wife By virtue of a deed of trust exe cuted to the undesigned, i I. W. Turner and yvife.-on the llth day of JuneKll)0S, to secure Jtosa L. Jackson, in tlieum of Twelve Hun dred Dollars, I shall offer for sale at th Court House Door in Eliza beth City, N. C. om tho 28th day of January, 11)11, at 12 o'clock M .. that certain house- andlot situated in Elizabeth City, described as fol lows: Commencing at the North Kai-t Corner o. lot of Providence Wilson on the South side of Bland or Wal ker Lane, and running thence East 6(3 feet, thence South to tho line' of Temar McPht'ison, thence West CG feot to Providence Wilson's line, .r xi t 1 f uiruve i'xoriu 10 piaue 01 oeginning, eJ of ther Covenant- OnA Tl.ot nnrfoin i.iu,.n n niv. I with the Lord iind J h engfugement to eel of land hituated ou tin West K've tiiem blessings ., . ,.r . 1 '.t . I of adversities, accord Hide of Harney street in the town of ! ing to their obedl- PH-ynhoth Pit,- fr,.ti,, rt I 1, ' ence- BTlvIng at " ' t...... thanalBt-pIOIIiah rail. street 200 feet and extending back 100 feft, containing two housea sub divided into four building lots Noh 1 1)2-3 4-5 on the. plot of M, If. Saw yer, which is recorded in Book 13, page 281 office of the Register of Deeds of Pasquotank CbuntyN. C Terms of Sale: Cash. E. F.-. A YDLETT, December 27th 1910 Trustee, jan. G-13-20-27 GOD THE PRAYER-AN 8 WE RING I Kinga 18:1-40 February ' "C'AoKie yuw tiny whan y tcill tent." Joshua H:1S. CHE word of the Lord camo to Elijah In the third year Instructing him to manifest himself to King Ahab, with a view to the termination of the drouth. This mny have been tho third yeur of the Prophet's sojourn at Zare phath, or It nay huve been the third year after Elijah's announcement to Ahab. The Wind of Israel may already have been ' extierleiicii'iQ n nix-months' drouth, when Elijah aiinount od to thinking thst no rain f gnlaji Roosevelt Uro. ti Km avumIiuI until K m a m fl m ' ant, would announce It or bring it In any event we have the assurance that the entire period of drouth was three and a half years. I.uke 4:26; James 5:17. When the time was fulfilled1 God directed. Elijah to present himself to King Ahab, because the time had coma when God waa willing to relieve the : Conuneutlns; upon a'-statement of the' Buffalo Commercial that It has) learned positively that the battleship j "Maine was not blown up by a Span- Ish torpedo, but by the explosion of ) oe of Its owjajjniniiinltlon maga I .ines, the Houston-Watchman saysT" ff It had been surely known that drouth when a ' suf ficiency of punish ment bad come upon the Israelites for their iniquities when at least some of them bad been called to their senses, remlnd- II'MIPII III, Ml) I w . I "Art Ihou he thai t rouble IH laraelt' you, fppntt jhe htx2Stcent , meal in Elizabeth , Cityserved in ah up-to-date ''' style' with yipur choice of an assorted menu M L vTuwi li U V- , EUROPEAN HOTEL 111 POINDEXTER ST. .' IS THE PLACE FOR YOU TO GO We also have a place for you to sleep Mary Qox, and which instrument bears date December 17th, 1909, sod is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Paaquotan k County, ijibookNo. 33 page, 497,. there having been default in the pay ment of . the notes acquired by the said deed-of trust, I, the undersign ed trustee shall on Monday Feb 6th 1911 at the hour of 12 Mr&t the court bonse door in said county, Sell to, the highest bidder for oash, the prop erty conveyed in the said deedrof- trust an which property is describ" .certain tract or parcel of land u , , , .". , v .. T.' ,. oe venty five acres of the farm situated in Nixonton Townships , ' , T . r. ... . . . .known as the IsaaoMeees farm, lv- ing and being in South Mills town t,hi). in said county and state, and MM" "1,'lfllTfWMTIrl BUY THE Bridgeport b 01 uThe Motor That Motes' That's ni - nri Motor fiftiJ ror - . 'W?;-y : if .YOU NOTICE .North Carolina, - Camden Coflnty. ' Whereas, at a sdeof real estate for the uon-pajnientof taxes, made at the court house door in Camden County; on the second day of May 1910, by C. (. Etheridge, sheriff of said county, I purchased at said sale the following described real estate which was listed in the name of W. E. Bawyer, in South Mills township of said county, which sale was made by reason, of the rion-payrnont of Pasquotatk County and bounded ! on the north by the lands of W. J Lumsden, on the west by the land of W. J. Lumaden on the south by the lands of of the Harrell heirs On the east by the land of W. J Lumsden and containing fifty acres more or less, and being ' the same lands which were devised to the said Mary Cox by the will of her father, Jacob Morris. Also another tract of three acres more or less which was conveyed to the said Jacob Morris by T.' J.- Murden Sheriff by deed registered jn book No'. 5, of the reckords in .the" office of the Register of Deeds for Pas quotank County. January . 5th, 1911. WALTER Lk CAIIOON :-- Trustee. Jan. G 13-20-27. A BRIDGEPORT and you have: got the best : : . : If no BRlDGEPORTS sold in your J section, write for Agency, . : FOWLER & CO. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. ' Old Soldier Tortured. . "For years I suffered unspeakable torture from indigestion, constipa tion and liver trouble," wrote A.K. Smith, a war veteran at Erie, Pa., but Dr. King's New Life Pills fixed me all right. They're simply great." Try them for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Only Hoc at Th Standard Pharmacy. bounded as follows; On the North by the lands of W. R. Simmons, on the East by the Hintons lauds, on the South and West by the Ilintbns land and the main road leading from Camden court bouse to South Mills. Now therefore,, in compliance with section 2903 of the Revisal o 1905, I hereby give notice to alt persons, firms or corporations hold ing a mortgage or deed of trust on the said landf.that unless redemp tion is made as provided ly law be fore the second day of May 1D1 1, 1 Shall; apply to C. U. Etheridge sheriff of Camden county, for a deed for the said seventy ''live' acres of W. Ill A 1IALSTEAD, Purchaser : - FOR THE STOMACH (he Maine was destroyed by an In ternal explosion Fcbrtiary 13, ,1898, war would ' not have been declared nguinst Spain, Culm would not have been free, Porto Itieo and the PhlH- . pines would not belong to the United States, the American Navy would not be the second In power In the world, the intrnatlonol influence of the Unlted States would still be .. would not have been president, Imperialism would not have been an issue, the move' ment ' for legality and honesty la corporations would not have , been inaugurated, the $500,000,000 expend ed on the Phlllplnes would have been saved', the American battleships . would not have made a Voyage around the world, and American dl- plomacy would not have saved the Chinese Empire from dismember niont. If all these things have more cause than ever to "Remember th' Maine." " - " '"" ; : The Watchman, while reading his tory, apparently, by Its superflcials, 1 .. . 1. 1 T . n 1 . 1 ' ...... K frt. ed for the Itnvul flu. 'rouoicin luraeir ami wiiiib iuiviiik uiuiu iu, sikjis . pcrlntendcnt, or Prime Minister, Obndlah. in thinking that the end furthered He was a godly man and, ot course, dig- ,, ' . , ,, , .. . tressed by the Idolatrous course of the by tho blowing up the "Maine" King and the Queon. if he was not suf- would not have been reached in flciently couraffoous to protest openly, Ire IO v. t,t' i . was, nevertheless. couraReous. for. In a othei wayB hart that not happened, time when tho servants of Jehovah were falls to illiake itself very clear BS to being persecuted to death by Queen Jeze- whlch of thn sennen'pfia nf thn war bel, Obadiah hid one hundred of them and wmcn ' e sequences or tne War supplied them with the necessities of Ufa against Rpaln it puts on the side of evidently at the risk of his all When national assets and which on the -Obadiah mot Elijah and was told to tell the King that Elijah was there to see side of national liabilities. In other ' him. Obadiah feared to do so. He de- words lt fallg to ote wh,cn hav -clared that himself and others had earrtiod the entire country over most been blessings and Which nave been carefully to find Elijah' and found him' cures.- If the "Maine" had not in . not. He realized that the Lord had hid- , ' ' ' ' , den him. lie protested that if now he properly been sent to the harbor or would declare thnt Elijah was ready to Havana and kept there against the ee the King, the probabilities were that, , , .... . 1 . -', by the time the King would set there, warning of a United. States official the spirit or power of tb Lord would , in Cuba,, it woujflnot have' been ,. somehow, carry Elijah away. Then the . , ' T. ,t tiri w '-iAjvm King, infuriated, would caulfc, Obadihs n up. If lt had not been hlown death; but Elijah reassured him. i we' would hot have had. that pre- When the Klna met Elijah hhi first word v r.' naHr man ' was. "Art thou he that troubieth israeir- text for an unholy war, cosUng many. This is the worldly custom. The fearless thousands of lives and In the end minister who tells the Truth and relates .... nitr Thn neoola of the Divine prophecy respecting the re- blllions,.Of dollars. .iJM people ot wards of evil-doing is hold accountable, the United States would not na?e as though he had caused the trouble. But t.i j! -Elijah was not intimidated. He prompUy been f0rced to become a party to , answered, I have not troubled Israel, but .politico-financial rottenness which have ftt&SStf$ Ught about the unholy war. W Lord and followed Baal. X&ee year be- would not have been loaded '. with' ASSSSS:-'- Phlliplne- Islands. We would nilment of his wor&, and the vn.of not have been driven Into th build hunger had I humbi him. He rtxuthVjng Gf a Ereat navy,' Involving hun lous that the Wfth, should be 3 acted' . " .... . . .A. and respondefto the demands of-' mf drelrtiS of millions In cost ana uu it hundred and fifty pro!-- mnrlt n -nr:iritltpnance. W would Cot have been setting the world an el iimnie of a war-HM nation. The in i.. i in.,div,rnlJLp'1 Rtatps. throueh the development ot commercial Interests,. . would i have been equally as great as through the development of Its power for war, for Europe hasbeen : more afraid of the dominion of the world'. .com merce by the peaceful arts of trade . than by our armio and .navies; and it had so happened that we had had no destruction of. the "Maine,", anl therefore, no Roosevelt for President we would have bad the enforcement of laws and the development of le gality and honesty In corporation management without the wreck and We of Idolatrous Dualism should meet at Mt. Carmel and that thither all the people of Israel, represented by their chief men, should also assemble, i The design, evi dently, was a contest between Elijah, the representative of God. and these murder ous priests of Baal, proteKes of Jezebel. . "Choose Ye This Day" This gathering: of the priesns and of the prophets rei;uire.l time, but was finally accomplished When the meeting con vened Elijah declared .thut it was time to have a testing and showing as to' who' really was God, Jehovah or Baal. The test was torbe that two altars were to be built and two bullocks were to be sacri ficed. The Baalltes were to provide the bullocks themselves and to make choice 6f the one for their own altar.:. Whichever God would answer by fire and accept the offering, would be acknowledged as the .'only- true God. . To them came the first opportunity. They had the noontime opportunity, when the fierce heat of the sun seemed almost warm enough to. set fire to the fat of the the said lands. " ThisVthe 9th., day' of Jan. lOll. . - '' 'jVj I,' "rrnF A Strange' Story Argile, Mich. Mrs. Wm. H. Carson in a letter from Argyie, says I was almost wild with pain in my head and other severe pains from womanly troubles. After nsing Cardui, I obtained great relief. Further use f Cardui raised me from my bed of agony. Cardui saved my life when nothing else would help me." Whether serious ly sick or simply ailing, take Cardui the - woman's tonic. It relieves pnin, Miniates irregularities, builds weak, nervous women back to health ask your druggists aboutit, Here's an Offer You Should Not Over- look- ' ' Rexall I-Jj'spepsla Tablets remedy one element," the absence of which In the gastric Juices causes indigestion and dyspepsia. They aid the stomac to digest .food and to quickly convert it into rich red blood and material necessary for overcoming natural body waste Carry a package of Rexall Dys pepsia Tabletsa In your vest pocket, or beep them In your room. Take one after each heavy meal and lndl gestion will not' bother you. - We know what Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are and what they will do. We guarantee thm to relieve Indigestion and dyspepsia. If they fall we will refund your money. Three sizes: 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at The Rexall Store The Standard Pharmacy, .. . . . . ; FOIEY'S 0RIN0IAXAI1V"E roe Stomach Tsowaca and ComstimtiomnI sun had gone down, no one could claim a spontaneous combustion. Then Elijah prayed calmly, earnestly,- reverently and the Divine answer came a tire from heav en consuming the sacrifice and licking up the water In the trough of the altar. Then the people recognized the differ ence. They fell on their faces and said. Jehovah is The God! A great lesson had bet n learned. . A lesson for us Is that the masses of Christendom are deceived today, as were the masses of Israel then. And when, by and by, God shall open tliclr eyes of un derstanding through the agency of -Messiah's Kingdom,'' every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. The knowl- hllllnrk ThAV nlhn VOil thoi fchrlAkaA (K.u cut themselves with knives, entreating rulii 'wrueht bv the "big stick." that Baal would answer by fire and prove i i.Mn anvnl from the himself the mighty god. Hour after hour would'then have been savej irom ine this 'proceeded until evening, when they development thoroughout the coun mYhVty?ed't0 iVe VCr and admlt thelr try of class hated and of' the bitter Then came Elijah's turn. lie command- ness which now prevails, the future ed that-water be brought and that the . which lfl beyond man's power to altar which he was to use should be thor- or wn,ca "e"' " nf oughly flooded with water. No. one must. Discern. The business lnteresu oi have room to say that there was a secret rt ' ntrv would have been prosper smoulder of Are beneath. And. since the tne COUUlry ; eons to a greater extent man iuey have been.. Men would " have "been better employed, and the country as a whole would have been Infinitely blessed, instead of having had to bear the burden of tlie curses which have come upon ' it all apparently harking" back to the destruction of the "Maine," sent on its mission as a. part of a campalgnj'esultlng; In the inauguration oi an unholy war with oil lis fearful curaA nf death, billions. edge of the Lord will fill the whole earth. , . , Complying with" the Lord's direction, of money,wasted, the burdens oi tax through Elijah, the Israelites slew all the ation added to the people and the ln- prophets of Iloal. We are not to under- , . , ,., .i,. in;s stand thU to represent the Divine com- increased cost of llvmg ana tne in roand to us today to creased, cost of production or every- DUt faln ttArharl I ' ' to death. Wa are to remember, as before suggested, that Israel was. a special nation with which God dealt In-- special manner, and that nisiy of thelr doings, under Divine direction, were typical of higher things to be accom plished In God's King. &.e, dom. Ultimately, aft . er tuli opportunity. fir from krone con- "veJ7 "' , ?c"er HiwfM thm mtafiHt wntui am- ner will he destroyed. All we wicked will God destroy." Thi "'" oi mow priesis or uaai roreanai- i . t i 3. ilnR owed the destructioirin the Second Death e" sure-l, cure ior uurij wgunun, L o . wnrk Iniquity; but. those . LrdLses, boila, SOrosnt'subdueS in 'Hast priests thenwelves did not suffer the Sec-" ' . " J He rs- ond Death. Like all the- remainder of flammation. It kills nam. It SOif thee b. Adam's race, their resurrection from the 1 1. t 1. .6 work evil dead was provided for at Calvary, and tB ua ea:s. jnves ou ski they, as welt as all . others, must be i;on. nicer a or Dlles T he moet crying brought to a knowledge of the Truth and "u"" "l'9 vt ,t te caus)nK mor. to an opportunity of reconciliation to Standard Phrma"T. ' every kind. Der- thing ty reason of these taxes. Surely we indeed have cause to "Remember, the Maine," and to remember, lt In connection wth one of the dark blots upon Amercan. civilization. . ,"7..--. ...'.,.---'- Death in Roaring Fire may hot result from the work ot firebugs', but often Bevere burns are caused tbat male a quick need for The BuckTen'a Arnica Salve, the quick- .er sin. v:.i

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